Meet your Posher, Vanessa
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Hi! I'm Vanessa. I'm currently doing spring cleaning in the fall. Just moved into a new home so I'm ready to get rid of the old and looking forward to the new! Need space so my loss is hopefully someone's gain!

30 others
like this

i recently moved so i am doing a spring cleaning in October. Be on the look out for many authentic name brand items at extremely reasonable prices!! I am willing to negotiate!
Oct 19Reply

Vanessa you still have the tiffany for sale?
Dec 08Reply

@mauricolor yea, it's still avail.
Dec 08Reply

Hi Vanessa I sent you a question on an item that I want do you still have it for sell ? :)
Dec 08Reply

@rodney1222 yes, the burberry watch is still for sale.
Dec 08Reply

Thank you for your like, feel free to make an offer!
Jan 27Reply

Thanks for sharing!!! I so appreciate your kindness!!!
Jan 31Reply

Thank you for sharing my coach bag listing!!
Feb 10Reply

@papparodcee anytime!
Feb 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Feb 24Reply

@callie5510 ty!!!!!
Feb 24Reply

Welcome to Posh! I am always happy to answer questions. A great place for information is @official_forum. Sharing = followers = sales. If you have time join a share group. You share other people's closet and they share yours. That will keep you in the feed more often. Happy Poshing!
Feb 26Reply

P.S. Love your closet!
Feb 26Reply

@skeeterposh ty!!!
Feb 26Reply

Hi Vanessa! I've had a great time browsing, liking and sharing your closet! Wonderful closet! Will be back for some of likes 😊💜🌷🎀
Mar 01Reply

@cattyo TY!!!! Please do and as you saw i do accept offers and also bundle items. Keep checking my closet as i am adding new and used items almost daily... :)
Mar 01Reply

Omg im from Piscataway!!!!! Grrw up there and then we moved to indy when i was 12! Gimme your emsil addy... Ill send u a message.
Mar 17Reply

Mine is
Mar 17Reply

Mar 18Reply

Thank You for sharing 😃
Mar 23Reply

Hi! Yes,material is stretchy it's polyester jersey.
Apr 28Reply

@bunya ty!!!
Apr 28Reply

Hello Vanessa & fellow Jersey Girl! Your closet is fantastic.. So many goodies 🍬🍭🍫. THANK Y💟U for your SHARES 💞! We are almost to FRIDAY... Just keep P💟SHING just keep P💟SHING! 🐠🐟🐡
(ˆ‿ˆԅ) Yesenia
Jul 28Reply

@ginger_nj ty!!!!! Yes tgif!!!!
Jul 28Reply

Thanks for the share 🌺
Nov 03Reply

Thank you for your purchase. I will tag you once I ship your item tomorrow since I am at work now and I won't be home until later.❤️
Dec 05Reply

@trishtam thx np!
Dec 06Reply

Cute closet! 😘 Please come check out mine for
cute clothes @ affordable prices! Some NWT! 😍 Happy Poshing!!!! 💁🏼🌻❤️
Nov 17Reply

Hello fellow Poshmark queen! 👸 When you get the time take a peek at my closet, I think you’d like it. 🌼 I have reasonable prices on ladies clothing, shoes, bags and accessories. You can also save if you bundle. Thank you Vanessa! 💕🍉
Mar 29Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 26Reply

@spreadlove Hi Melissa. Thanks so much!
Apr 26Reply

Hi let me know if your interested in the offer I gave you for the pink jansport backpack.
Apr 26Reply

@jedam021 hi not at the moment but ty.
Apr 26Reply

Thank you for following my closet. I'm honored.
As a new follower, you're entitled to receive an automatic 15% discount on your 1st purchase, No Haggling Necessary!
Simply message me with the code #NEWFOLLOWER and I'll reduce the price of one item you wish to purchase. I'll be sure to share from your closet too. Happy Poshing!!
May 04Reply

Thank you for sharing my post.
May 21Reply

@chaniesroom you're welcome!!! 🌻🌻
May 21Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jun 26Reply

@sayyestojewelry ty will do!!!
Jun 27Reply

Congrats on being featured as a star posher today 🌺💜Jan
Jul 11Reply

Hey Vanessa thanks so much for all the reposts! You have a beautiful closet
Jul 24Reply

@olgascomforts ty! You're welcome!
Jul 24Reply

@vanessag0228 💄💄💄 Hope you had a Super Day 💄💋💄
Oct 08Reply

Hey! Nice Fam☕️💕. Im new to the Poshmark World. I’m reaching out to you because your an ambassador. If you can, could you check out my closet and make any suggestions? Thanks so much! 🙂
Oct 13Reply

Hi Vanessa I marked down the shoes you had your eye on. Just letting you know my love! ❤️
Dec 04Reply

@calvinchalupa ty so much! Keep me posted.n
Dec 04Reply

Hi there, there’s a Lady @tappytee that was wanting The Jewelry Box, Also. You may list & Re-Posh it to her if you like. Thanks🎉🎆🎊
Jan 05Reply

Hi Vanessa, I don’t know if you got my message, about another Lady interested in The Jewelry Box. Look at above ⬆️message Thanks luv
Jan 08Reply

Hi, Vanessa ! I hope you love the dress and I’m sorry about the packaging delivering that way. It must have gotten fumbled around a lot during delivery. I really appreciate the advice though! Much success in your Poshing ❤️
May 02Reply

Would you consider meeting in the middle on your offer? I can ship first thing tomorrow morning!! 🙂
Oct 09Reply

@sassyashley3 hi i just sent another offer.
Oct 09Reply

@vanessag0228 Still waiting for a response on those shoes....
Oct 11Reply

@gerberia i cancelled bc husband didnt send in timely fashion. I just recently had a baby so i have not had the time to keep up with selling my items like i used to. My apologies. After looking at the shoes i noticed that there is a mark on the front of one shoe as shown in pic #3. If u still want them, i would have to create new post and you would hv to re purchase.
Oct 11Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Dec 10Reply

@ehughes88 ty so much!!!!
Jan 10Reply

Vanessa, It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 19Reply

Vanessa, It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 19Reply

Apr 22Reply

🌺🌺Hi! I stopped by your Closet and browsed around. You have a beautiful Closet.🌺 I like to share other people's closets and would so appreciate the love.
🌺🌺 Have a wonderful Poshing Time.🌺🌺
Apr 29Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠! Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Apr 30Reply

@lillievonstoop1 ty! same to you!!! 🌷🌷🌷
May 01Reply

Vanessa hi and thank you for the follow, you are sooooooo pretty, the smile looks great on ya so keep wearing it, wishing you the very best in everything, please stay safe ma'am, Bill
May 07Reply

I’m not selling the boots anymore. They were taken down from my account and my account got suspended for 24 hours because of r conversation. Sorry it’s not a risk I’m will to take because my page is my job right now. I’m pretty upset they did that because my products r 100% Authentic, so I will be getting a hold of the girl I bought them from😡 That’s the reason I only like to sell my things. So be careful what u buy on here.
May 15Reply

@tylercrystal07 oh man!!!! yes, u hv to be careful... pls keep me posted if anything.
May 15Reply

@vanessag0228 hi vanessa! good eye! i see you noticed my stella mccartney pants. i just lowered the price on them yesterday and candidly, i’m surprised they haven’t gone yet! i wanted to let you know i’m getting ready to list a NWT pair of puma PWRshape capris now black size M, and a NWT pair of Pink Rose full length moto-style yoga pants in charcoal gray, size L - both really nice. also two NWOT sports bras.
May 25Reply

@vanessag0228 . if you’re interested in the stella’s, i can do a little something for you on them, just put them in a bundle to let me know!
May 25Reply

@msjrafferty hi there! tag me in the gray size large and sports bras u are listing. i may be interested in bundle. ❤
May 25Reply

@vanessag0228 will do, darlin’. it may be tomorrow before i have them up, i’m just shooting them now. but you’ll be the first to know!
thanks so much and enjoy the rest of your day!
May 25Reply

@msjrafferty ty!!!!
May 25Reply

@vanessag0228 hey girl! i got those listings up if you want to have a peek! they’re at the top of my closet under New Arrivals 😊
one thing i want to mention is i’d referred to a pair of yoga pants, they are actually supersoft leggings. great for curling up on the couch, but if you were looking for something to really do yoga - not so much.
just being honest.
i will say the puma capris are the BOMB.
see what you think, i have to run to the post office! hope your day is awesome!
May 26Reply

@vanessag0228 YAY! I’m so glad you got the stella tights! i’m just getting ready to pack outgoing stuff for today, so i will ship
today! 😊😊😊😊
May 27Reply

@msjrafferty thx so much! I look fwd to receiving.
May 27Reply

@vanessag0228 hey there vanessa! i have some bad news and some good news for you. 😕
the bad news is i think i made a big mistake on those yoga tights. the tag was missing from them and i was told they were a L but on further reflection & research i’m thinking they are not. they just looked so small when i packed them up. they may not be right for you.
May 29Reply

@msjrafferty hi, uh oh... so what is the good news? lol
May 29Reply

@vanessag0228 the good news is i have sourced a few more pairs. if the ones i sent don’t work, i can send you a pair of dark blue zebra strip capris (almost look black), or 7/8 length black, or full length orange/mint green which i think are adorable. all stellas. all L. i can send pics if you want.
i hope i’m wrong, but i don’t think i am, and i’m prepared to fix it, just wanted you to know up front. and i apologize in advance.
May 29Reply

@vanessag0228 let’s wait til the package gets there and see what we’ve got. we’ll take it from there. this has been bugging me for two days, and i just wanted you to know that i don’t mess up often, but when i mess up, i fix it! 😊
May 29Reply

@msjrafferty no worries! I appreciate you being up front. We will figure it out. thx! :)
May 29Reply

@vanessag0228 my friend, vanessa. 😊
you are truly one class act. i want to thank you for the way you handled my mistake with your recent purchase. when i mess up (not often LOL), i will do and have done whatever it takes to fix it; i hope that came across! but you found a way to handle it with grace & style...AND make me look good in the process! i have much admiration for you, thank you!
Jun 04Reply

ps i shoulda realized you were a joisey italian broad like me - we’re da best! 😄😄😄
(i’m from boonton)
Jun 04Reply

@msjrafferty oh no worries!! ppl make mistakes and other ppl just dont get it. my daughter loved them. 🤗
Jun 04Reply

@msjrafferty 🤣🤣🤣 one of the best complimentes ever!
Jun 04Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow. I am having a Bundle Sale. All NWT items are 2/$65 and non-NWT items are 2/$12. Have a great day!
Jun 14Reply

Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 20Reply

Jul 01Reply

Hi there love ur closet
Jul 03Reply

Hi Vanessa! I finally found you lol. Take a look at my Valentino’s here and let me know if you have any questions ☺️
Jul 03Reply

@sam0ura ❤
Jul 03Reply

@vanessag0228 ❤️
Jul 03Reply

Hi Vanessa! Thank you so much for your rating. 🙏 Please do come back and buy from my closet again. It’s a pleasure doing business with Poshers like you! 👍😀
Sep 10Reply

Hello hope all is well i will have the Burberry tote bag in my closet real soon have a good night :)
Apr 08Reply

@looksgoods hi i am not sure what u are referring to.
Apr 08Reply

Hello and good m0rning I am referring tot the Burberry purse reversible black/tan that you were liked on or around march/29th I have one if that is still interest :) The Poshmarkseller is Jamenicareyes Thanks :)
Apr 08Reply

@looksgoods oh yes! pls tag me in the post ty.
Apr 08Reply

@vanessag0228 Hi! I'm so very sorry but i was just told there were issues with authentication and they canceled the sale. i can assure you I've never had issues with authentication on poshmark or any site so i am totally dumbfounded =(. it doesn't look like there's anything i can do and i was hoping you could enjoy it. it's a gorgeous and authentic bag but i really appreciate your interest. take care!!
May 18Reply

@redmoonphoto oh no!!! where did u buy it from?
May 18Reply

@vanessag0228 My ex-boyfriend bought it for me. i was with him when he got it from Nordstrom. again so sorry!! i was really hoping you'd give it a nice new home and i'd have some diaper money. booooooooo. anyhow, take good care and thanks again.
May 18Reply

@redmoonphoto this stinks... i am super bummed. i was sssoooo excited. ty for letting me know...
May 18Reply

@vanessag0228 i know. I'm bummed for both of us. selling my ex's gifts was the perfect way to make diaper money! I'll have to take it to another site. hope you find something else you love! =)
May 18Reply

Thank you for the 5 Star Rating!!! I hope you enjoy it and will continue to shop my closet for more beautiful “new to you” finds! And thank you for your patience as it went thru the Posh Authentication process!!
Jan 11Reply

@suzannehenry1 sure will! thx again!
Jan 11Reply

@suzannehenry1 cant believe i missed out on your dsvid yurman stuff. ☹
Jan 11Reply

@vanessag0228 more to come soon! I have a ridiculous collection that I need to thin again! I’ll send you a note when I add. Also, tons of Michele Leather Bands I need to list. Stay tuned!
Jan 11Reply

@suzannehenry1 woohoo!!!
Jan 11Reply

@vanessag0228 hope you’re doing well and enjoying your Michele Watch! You mentioned you were a DY fan - wanted to let you know I recently listed a David Yurman 18kt Gold/Black Barrel Ring S6. Had it a little over a year but simply don’t wear it. Hope you’ll take a look!!
Mar 08Reply

@suzannehenry1 ty!!
Mar 08Reply

Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime.
I have something for everyone!
Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often.
Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
May 13Reply

@tutuwig ty! same to you!
Jul 23Reply
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