Meet your Posher, Veta
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Hello and thank you for stopping by. I've been a member of the Poshmark family since 2016 and its been great. I am a TOP RATED SELLER, FAST SHIPPER, and now can proudly add POSH AMBASSADOR to this list of titles I've earned. My listings are sourced from a variety of places - my closet, my home, estate sales, thrift stores, retail arbitrage and antique stores. Each article of clothing is either steamed or laundered and in some cases dry cleaned. All are carefully inspected and flaws are noted. Hope you'll visit often.

41 others
like this

Hello, welcome! 😀
Mar 22Reply

@vintagenchic thank you
Mar 22Reply

@veta_marie see my closet i have bags maybe u like it:)
Aug 12Reply

Hi, what kind of pricing could you give on the Neiman Marcus tote and Mary Francis purse together?
Oct 07Reply

@mfionathreads I would let them go for $70.00. $10 for the Neiman and 60 for the Mary Francis
Oct 08Reply

Could you please bundle for me? Thanks
Oct 08Reply

@mfionathreads Yes. But I'm off to a meeting this morning and will be unavailable for several hours. I'll get back with you this evening.
Oct 08Reply

Of course. Please list as "not for sale" until we connect? Thanks. I had an experience where I bundleD AND SOMEONE ELSE PURchased!!
Oct 08Reply

@mfionathreads Will do
Oct 08Reply

@mfionathreads Hello again. Had to make sure I understood "bundling". What I will do is apply an 18% discount for bundling For TODAY ONLY. This will give give you the 2 bags for $69.70 + shipping.
Oct 08Reply

Good afternoon, just returning to my computer. This morning I purchased two new Mary Francis from a major retailer for under $45 each. Thank you so much for answering my questions and the special pricing, much appreciated
Oct 08Reply

@mfionathreads Well done.
Oct 08Reply

Love your closet!
Oct 28Reply

- Thank you for visiting my closet and for liking my Madewell boycords. Love your closet too. Happy Friday!!! 😁
Aug 18Reply

Your closet is cute 😍 and therefore dangerous for my bank account 😋
Aug 22Reply

@swanonair LOL. That's sweet.
Aug 22Reply

Thanks for the like 😊I am open to offers@gemstone14kt
Sep 27Reply

Nice meeting you at Posh party today! 🤗
Mar 23Reply

@toopoorforcoutu Thank you. It was so nice meeting you too. Thanks for all the shares
Mar 23Reply

Hi Veta
Thank you for the Shares❣️
Apr 30Reply

Thank you so much for the shares. 🌷😎
Jun 15Reply

@tlcfashion101 You're welcome
Jun 15Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Sep 04Reply

Hi 👋🏻 thank you for stopping by and visiting my closet 👜👚if you found any items that you like please feel free to make me an offer 😀💥😀
Sep 05Reply

I received the lauren conrad blouse and scarf, along with your lovely note. Few posters are as honest and kind.I adore the top. Thank you so much for sending it.
Sep 14Reply

@radistef2 Thank you very much. I really try to deliver the best quality items I can. I don't know if it's possible but can you post your comments as a love note in my closet. I think it would help a potential buyer have confidence in anything they buy from me.
Sep 14Reply

@veta_marie It won't let me post as a love note, but I liked and shared your profile.
Sep 14Reply

@radistef2 Thank you.
Sep 14Reply

Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Mar 07Reply

Hello just checked out your it!! It was really nice meeting you at the Posh Party Live event. Have a great day😍
Jul 21Reply

@1staluckey Hi how are you. I'm so glad we all met. Have you been working on your shares? Thanks for the shares and checking out my closet.
Jul 22Reply

@veta_marie Yes I have added 1K followers😊 I have received alot more shares since Posh Party. So happy we all met!!
Jul 22Reply

Thank you for the shares 🥰
Aug 12Reply

@shauntealb You're welcome. Hope it helps with lots of sales for you.
Aug 12Reply

Thank you for all the shares💕💕💕
Aug 17Reply

Hey! Thanks for the offer! Once everything is good on your end I will ship out 🖤😊👊🏻
Aug 25Reply

@brad1313 Omg! When I didn't receive a counter or decline of my offer I thought you were just going to let it expire so I pulled my funds. Ever since PM discovered a security breach I do that when my funds reach a certain minimum. Didn't realize I needed to update my credit info. So happy accepted my offer. Can't wait to get it.
Aug 25Reply

@veta_marie not a problem at all 🖤. Sorry it took so long to accept my dog is not doing well so I have been focusing on him a lot right now 🖤. It’s an absolutely beautiful piece you are going to love!
Aug 25Reply

@veta_marie thanks for purchasing the beautiful piece 🖤. I will ship out as soon as possible for you to start enjoying!!! 🖤😊🖤😊
Aug 25Reply

I went to Home Depot and got a good size box for your beautiful item. I wrapped it with a lot of bubble wrap and paper for a safe trip to you 🖤😊👊🏻. It will go out tomorrow 🖤
Aug 26Reply

@brad1313 ANTICIPATION!!!. I can hardly wait. The only downside to this is that now I'll have to clean my entire kitchen to show it off. 😄😄😄
Aug 26Reply

@veta_marie haha love it 😍, it’s a good motivation to keep the kitchen on point 🖤🖤🖤 It will be a beautiful addition.
Aug 26Reply

@brad1313 💗💖💗💖
Aug 26Reply

@veta_marie Ty for the like & checking out our CLOSET
We have just begun seperating our large 7in1 closet into 2 closets
This closet will begin to have all our Plus & Mens to make it easier to search & w/ Poshmark's permission of course we will slowly be migrating until complete
Rock Revival
Miss Me
Rock & Republic
L.A. Idol
Big 🌟
All reg sizes moving to denimjunkies
Thanks So Much
Your New PFF
All items going to #2 are on sale
denimmunkies until moved
Aug 28Reply

@veta_marie we accepted the return of the coach poppy as she found a different bag she liked feel free to send sis an offer @denimjunkies
Aug 28Reply

I love your closet!!
Sep 05Reply

Stopped by to share and say 'Hi"
Oct 08Reply

Hi! I ordered the St. John silk blouse accidentally. I am new to Poshmark and don’t know how to appropriately cancel the order. Please help! Thank you kindly!
Nov 15Reply

@liliaeve19 No worries. Please reach out to Posh to receive instructions on how to cancel your order.
Nov 15Reply

Thank you again
Nov 16Reply

@liliaeve19 Just checking to see if you've heard back from Poshmark re: the cancellation?
Nov 16Reply

Not as of yet. I sent two messages to support. I’ll let you know when I do! Thank you!
Nov 16Reply

@liliaeve19 Good morning. Just received the cancellation notice from Poshmark. All is right with the world again. 😄 Hope you'll visit my closet again and see something you'd like to have in yours. Happy Holidays
Nov 17Reply

Veta🌿🌹🌿 Thanks so much for your shares with a note here’s a few right back at u 🌿🌹🌿 With Posh 🥰 Susan
Nov 20Reply

@shop_abouts You're welcome. Hope you make plenty of sales today
Nov 20Reply

Thank you for sharing my items. Have a wonderful day 😊
Nov 26Reply

Happy New Year Veta. Wishing you and your family a safe, happy, healthy and blessed year. Thanks so much for all of your shares. You rock! Linda
Jan 01Reply

Hello Happy New Year!! Hope we see other again at the 2020 Poshmark Live Party 🎉🎉
Jan 05Reply

Thanks for the like on the little black bag, but unfortunately it has been sold. Thanks for your interest😎😎😎
Jan 29Reply

I ❤️ your closet!!! Thx for the posh love!
Feb 25Reply

@getndressed You're so very welcome. I think you're closet is pretty awesome too.
Feb 25Reply

Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
Mar 17Reply

Thanks for all of the shares!
Mar 18Reply

@wildfire The item has already been mailed out. I don't see how I can cancel this order. I suggest you notify Poshmark ASAP. I will be notifying them immediately.
Mar 23Reply

Hi! Thanks for all the shares! 😍 Now to make a sale!! 💵
Apr 03Reply

Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing!
Apr 25Reply

Hi Veta, thx for the Shares! You've got a Great Closet full of goodies! Stay Safe, Mary
May 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! I am willing to help you in this beautiful way. Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know it there’s my closet anything that’s catches your eye. I offer super cool deals and I am open to offers 👍. Happy poshing... regards.
May 09Reply

Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
May 13Reply

Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it and find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine!
May 20Reply

Thank you so much for the shares! ☺️🌸💕
May 31Reply

hello im rebecca9927 and yoday is generous Fridsy. clothing is 50% off. please bundle and your goodies are on their way thank you Rebecca
Jun 12Reply

@rebecca9927 Rebecca I don't know where this trend started with resellers promoting their closets on other resellers closets but this is something that is frowned upon by PM and by a growing number of resellers like myself. For the most part we find annoying. I'm happy to share your items whenever possible and absolutely wish you much success but I respectfully ask you please stop doing this. Thank you for your consideration.
Jun 12Reply

im so sorry i don't even realize i was on the wrong page. im sorry i really dont understand. im new. can you further tell me what mistake i made. i thought i was on a customers page or a future customer.. thanks rebecca9927
Jun 12Reply

@rebecca9927 You're not on the wrong page and I am certainly not a Poshmark administrator. I'm a reseller just like you who's frustrated by other resellers thinking it's okay to promote their closet on my account. If you have not already done so, I recommend you follow some of the Poshmark fb pages. There is a wealth of information and resources available there. And btw being on Poshmark since December of 2016 hardly qualifies you as new.
Jun 12Reply

thx for your reply. I just started selling a couple of month. My account was active but all I did was by some curtains. I still do not know what I did was wrong and how to correct it. As I stated earlier, I am sorry, forgive me yes I will send out a email to the support team to assist me and thanks for your assistance. rebecca
Jun 12Reply

@rebecca9927 There's really nothing to correct, you're not in trouble. Thanks for letting me know that you just recently started listing items for sale.
Jun 12Reply

Thank you so much for sharing our closet! We will return the favor! Happy Poshing
Jun 21Reply

Hi Veta, I'm Cora just wanted to say Hi and wish you and yours a Awesome TGIF. You have a great closet 😊
Jun 26Reply

Hi Veta! Thanks for following my closet !😊
Jun 26Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 🥂🍾🌹
Jun 26Reply

Hi Veta, thank you for following us!👍
We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋
I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈
Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2020!
Be kind & have a blessed day!
Jun 26Reply

Hi Veta, many thanks for all your shares. Nice closet! Stay safe! Dorie 😊 😊
Jun 26Reply

Hi , I’m Debbie . I shared a few things hinge in your closet. I accidentally hit the purse. 🌷🌷🌷
Jun 28Reply

Thanks for sharing!💞
Aug 18Reply

Thank you for the shares!
Aug 21Reply

Thanks for the shares. Much appreciated😀🙏
Sep 10Reply

@peridot08 You're welcome. Are you an August baby?
Sep 10Reply

@veta_marie Absolutely! A true Leo😀👍
Sep 10Reply

@peridot08 Same here. Virgo and green is one if my favorite colors. And as you and I already know all the best people were born in August. 🥰🥰🥰
Sep 10Reply

@veta_marie 😍😍
Sep 10Reply

Oh my goodness, you are too sweet! Thank you so much, it’s beautiful 😭💕
Sep 21Reply

@karmiyaj You're very welcome and I'm glad you like it.
Sep 21Reply

Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Oct 03Reply

I just received your card thank you so much. You absolutely didn’t have to do that. Thank you very much ur kindness and consideration are wonderful especially during times like these. Be well thank you!!!
Nov 03Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 06Reply

Hi Veta! Thanks for sharing my A.P.C. Top!
Mar 03Reply

🤩! Thanks so much for all your support, hopefully all those shares will yeild a 💰
Aug 06Reply

@supernotman13 Hope it works out for both of us
Aug 06Reply

😁😁 Thank you, I appreciate someone who shares!! Positive energy and lots of smiles right back to you. 😁😁 I hope you have the best day Veta!
Aug 23Reply

Thanks for the shares, Veta. I’ll try to reciprocate.
Sep 08Reply

@laisaacs0131 You're welcome.
Sep 08Reply

I liked your pattern because i want to remember your closet name for my sister.. your old patterns are awesome. dont make offer🌞🌞🌞🌞
Sep 23Reply

@marymmboutique Thank you.
Sep 23Reply

Hi @veta_marie Veta, Thank You for Your Shares!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Apr 02Reply

Veta thank you for sharing so many of my listings I grbut my listings I greatly appreciate it. It seems like you shed my entire closet lol. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend...Dorothy 💜
Apr 02Reply

@chic360bin You're very welcome. Happy Easter and sending you best wishes for lots of sales this weekend.
Apr 02Reply

@dorothy_wirth You're very welcome. Hoping lots of sales come your way this weekend. Happy Easter.
Apr 02Reply

@veta_marie Thank You, Happy Easter to You as well.💓
Apr 02Reply

@veta_marie Best wishes for a happy Easter. Also hoping you get many sales. Be well...Dorothy 💜
Apr 02Reply

Hi! I’m Jaime. New to Poshmark. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself and say hi! I list a variety of items and plan on buying from fellow poshers as well! I always send a 💝FREE GIFT💝 with every order. 💫Stay Dreamy💫 and always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! xo 💜 Jaime
May 27Reply

Hi my friend:
Thank you for follow me, like or share my closet. Hope you are enjoy Poshmark. Remember always, Just find in your closet items new or never used and pre-owned items in good conditions, take a picture, post in your closet at Poshmark and begin gain extra $ in fun way and make friends. Good luck and many blessings! 😉🙏❤️🙏😉
Dec 12Reply

@veta_marie Hello! Could you consider checking out my closet? Feel free to send me an offer on anything! Accepting reasonable offers!
Jan 22Reply
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