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Updated Dec 05
Updated Dec 05

Meet your Posher, Victoria

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Victoria. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Nike, Miss Me and 80%20. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) I am open to all offers in my closet!!!! I am open to trades as well..
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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c2victory Your order was shipped today.
Oct 30Reply
nancyruth30 I appreciate you accepting my offer thank you for your purchase will be mailed out tomorrow morning😊
Oct 31Reply
ppamprrd Welcome to Poshmark. I hope that you are having as wonderful of a time as I am 😉
Nov 01Reply
avanikkole2016 @ppamprrd I am having a great time I went thru my closet and have lots to list will be doing that in a few days so we will see thank u so much for ur welcome
Nov 01Reply
ppamprrd @avanikkole2016 I have a mentor listing in my closet with selling tips and if you have questions 😙
Nov 01Reply
avanikkole2016 @ppamprrd thank u I welcome any help
Nov 01Reply
moda_colibri I just wanted to say thanks for your interest in the vintage coat. Someone snapped it up before I could report back to you. Best of luck with shopping and selling on Poshmark and hopefully you will find something else you like.
Nov 02Reply
abravenewworld Hi Victoria! I had your order scheduled for the mailman to pick up this morning, along with two other Posh orders. Apparently, he dropped yours on his way from the porch to the truck, because my husband found it in our yard this evening. It will go out first thing Monday morning. So sorry!
Nov 05Reply
avanikkole2016 @kit1983 I have an order that I just got today so it has to go out Monday too lol
Nov 05Reply
michellekepler Hello!!! Welcome to Posh 💋
Nov 05Reply
avanikkole2016 @michellekepler thank you do u do trading
Nov 05Reply
michellekepler @avanikkole2016 I do not trade because I sell for family and friends so the items are not mine to trade. I do accept most offers though!!!
Nov 05Reply
avanikkole2016 @michellekepler I know what u mean I do the same for family and friends
Nov 05Reply
alizornes1 Hello. I bought the LV duffle for $120. I was wondering if you had shipped it yet?
Nov 08Reply
avanikkole2016 @alizornes1 no I have not it's not what I thought I figured u would not want it
Nov 08Reply
alizornes1 @avanikkole2016 i have paid $126 for it? How can I get my money back?
Nov 08Reply
avanikkole2016 @alizornes1 when u click on the item u can request ur money back I am truly sorry if I would have known it was not real I would not have posted it I had all the things I had looked at the only things I have are coach purses I do apologize
Nov 08Reply
alizornes1 @avanikkole2016 The item is unavailable.
Nov 08Reply
avanikkole2016 @alizornes1 no it is packed and ready to come to u i just didn't think u would want it
Nov 08Reply
alizornes1 @avanikkole2016 Okay thanks. So how can I get a refund if the item isnt there? Im new to Poshmark. I dont understand.
Nov 08Reply
avanikkole2016 @alizornes1 look back on the item where u purshed it and u should be able to request ur money back there
Nov 08Reply
alizornes1 @avanikkole2016 It wont let me. It doesnt have that option.
Nov 08Reply
alizornes1 @avanikkole2016 it’s not giving me an option.
Nov 08Reply
alizornes1 @avanikkole2016 just text me pictures of the bag please. 304-942-5155
Nov 08Reply
heatherneal @avanikkole2016 hi hun I really can't go lower than 90 cause the purse and wallet are brand new no marks or anything I never even used the wallet I hope you can understand thanks so much for the interest
Nov 22Reply
caligiuri1969 Hi Victoria, the socks are priced at $13 & I noted 2/$24 in the title. Sorry for any confusion. This is the first time this issue came up. Take care. 💕💕
Nov 27Reply
avanikkole2016 @caligiuri1969 I am sorry I went back and looked at it I had cancer and chemo so i get confused at times I am adding things to my closet soon great Christmas gifts already wrapped
Nov 28Reply
caligiuri1969 @avanikkole2016 I’ll take a look at your store. Nice time of year to give to others. I’ll light a candle for you. Be well! ☮️☯️
Nov 28Reply
avanikkole2016 @caligiuri1969 it's funny u say that cause I make homemade products like candles
Nov 28Reply
caligiuri1969 @avanikkole2016 pls tag me with your candles. I use them for my reiki practice. ☮️
Nov 28Reply
avanikkole2016 @caligiuri1969 i sure will i can make any scent u want too
Nov 28Reply
caligiuri1969 @avanikkole2016 lavender for the healing elements. How nice! Hope you’re feeling okay today.
Nov 28Reply
avanikkole2016 @caligiuri1969 I have lavender and chamomile and I can make goats milk lotions and body butter the same
Nov 29Reply
avanikkole2016 I have listed the basket will put others on later can get any scent u want
Nov 29Reply
avanikkole2016 @caligiuri1969 I have listed the basket I can custom make ur like we talked about I have smaller and LG ones available this one is a med that I listed
Nov 29Reply
ligiatracy Hi there, thanks for your interest and the offers! Unfortunately with the 20% that Posh takes out, I can't go any lower than my last counter. I hope you understand, I would be losing money on the item. Thanks again for your interest and happy Poshing!
Nov 29Reply
ashopingfool Hello I see you like Several Items in my Closet 💃👍 I Love ❤️to do Bundles & I Love ❤️To Make Deals Happy Holidays Stephanie 💃
Dec 05Reply
avanikkole2016 @ashopingfool hello yes I do I have to go back and check them out not sure they will fit
Dec 05Reply
ashopingfool Thanks So Much 💃👍
Dec 05Reply
cmmonsini Hey girl I was able to cancel both of those 2 sales for you so you can save on shipping. I made a new listing for you. Please comment under it when you can and lmk if there is anything else you'd like to add or not. Ttys. 😙
Dec 10Reply
keishabglover Hello. You purchased the Miss me jeans from me and I had a car accident and failed to ship them because I was badly injured. I would like to still ship them to you if you are interested.
Dec 14Reply
keishabglover I put them back on there. If you wanna do the offer of $20 I'll accept it and get them in the mail Tomorrow!
Dec 14Reply
avanikkole2016 @keishabglover it was never cancelled they took the money out but I never cancelled them
Dec 14Reply
keishabglover That's so crazy, I just looked at the order status and it says it's cancelled. I am sorry I am new at all of this... what should I do?
Dec 14Reply
keishabglover Whatever I need to do to make it right let me know!
Dec 14Reply
avanikkole2016 @keishabglover honey I am not sure I don't have anymore money til the 23rd now
Dec 14Reply
lillybean09 Hey girl!!! Thanks for the purchase!!! Right now is the time to buy. I am currently packing things to head to the post office. So buy away 😊
Dec 22Reply
nikis_nacs @avanikkole2016 Thank you for the purchase! Will be shipped out first thing tomorrow. Have a great day 😊😊
Dec 27Reply
avanikkole2016 @caligiuri1969 I make all natural lotions sugar scrubs oils bath bombs and foot balm which I am in the process of getting patented
Dec 27Reply
carol6964 I’m sorry I can’t go any lower for the lipstick, I just paid 13.00 for it. Thank you for your offer
Dec 28Reply
nikis_nacs @avanikkole2016 just picked up, tracking should update shortly. Have a wonderful day 😁
Dec 28Reply
lillybean09 I shipped your chocolate gold palette on 12/23. You should be receiving soon if not already. Idk what’s going on with usps
Dec 28Reply
avanikkole2016 @lillybean09 k thank u it's probably just cause of the holidays
Dec 28Reply
lillybean09 @avanikkole2016 it says pending usps scan. I’ll look into it
Dec 28Reply
lillybean09 @avanikkole2016 I checked the tracking # and it says a label was created but was never scanned. I am positive I shipped the item. I have a few items of my own I’m not using. I can list those in replacement or if you see something else you like. Or just a refund. Please email me and let me know. So sorry 😐 idk what happened. My email is Thanks
Dec 29Reply
avanikkole2016 @lillybean09 I will email u in a bit driving right now
Dec 29Reply
lillybean09 @avanikkole2016 no worries. I picked up another gold palette and will ship tomorrow. Sorry about the delay. I’ve never had this happen. But your palette is ok it’s way !!!
Dec 29Reply
avanikkole2016 @lillybean09 ok sweetie no worries
Dec 29Reply
kennapparel thank u so much for purchasing from my closet! I have ur order packed and rdy to go. I will ship asap :)
Dec 31Reply
avanikkole2016 @kennapparel k thank u so much
Dec 31Reply
nikis_nacs @avanikkole2016 So glad that you are happy with your purchase. Please let me know if I can help you out in the future. Happy Poshing!
Jan 02Reply
ortega0693 Did you receive too faced bronzer yet?
Jan 08Reply
avanikkole2016 @ortega0693 so sorry for the late delay in answering u no I haven received it as of yet can u go back and see what's going on with it please and let me know
Jan 08Reply
ortega0693 It went out for delivery yesterday am at 8:20
Jan 08Reply
avanikkole2016 @ortega0693 it will probably be here today or tomorrow hun I will let u know
Jan 08Reply
preciious24 Thank you for your purchase! I hope you love your new item!!
Jan 08Reply
ortega0693 Did it arrive?
Jan 10Reply
avanikkole2016 @ortega0693 no it has not hun
Jan 10Reply
ortega0693 Says it was delivered morning of the 5th
Jan 10Reply
avanikkole2016 @ortega0693 I went thru mine and I don't even see it I accept them as the come so I am not sure why this is not showing up I will keep looking sweetie I am so sorry
Jan 10Reply
avanikkole2016 @ortega0693 if it didn't go out til day before yesterday it couldn't have been delivered on the 5th cause it didn't go out til the 8th I will keep looking hun we will get this resolved k I am a very honest person and I won't stop til I do I am really sorry
Jan 10Reply
schelenoftroy Hi Victoria! Thanks for your "like!" I started Posh this past fall & find there's much to learn to score&create great deals! As a veteran Posher, I'm sure you already know about bundles. I just learned to share "likes" to dressing rooms to make it easy to submit a "bundle" offer & score a private discount (&save on shipping since there's no additional fee for packages up to 5lbs)! I'm trying this "new" tool in the hopes of creating a win-win! Posh on!💕
Jan 25Reply
tk33 Ugh, I’m Sorry I am trying to figure out how Posh works. I accidentally hit Decline on your last offer on the Butterfly MissMe. If you still want them please send me the offer again. Took me forever how to message you back. Again Sorry for the mistake. tk33
Feb 06Reply
avanikkole2016 @tk33 I will have to do it when I get home k I am away from home with my mom in the hospital
Feb 06Reply
1loveslvs Thanks for the likes if you like to make an offer 🎈
Feb 11Reply
luvluckylou Thank you for your purchase will get it out tomorrow morning for you 😍Have a nice Sunday 🌼🌻😎💛
Feb 11Reply
luvluckylou Thank you for the 5 stars and really nice comments 😍I really appreciate it ❤Have a beautiful day 🌹🌸💖😎
Feb 15Reply
avanikkole2016 @luvluckylou u have a beautiful God blessed day as well☺
Feb 15Reply
luvluckylou @avanikkole2016 Thank you 😍🌸❤
Feb 15Reply
tnt4569 Hello Victoria 😊. Please be careful dealing with @mcscar. She is a scammer/thief!! She has scammed several people including myself. Please be careful dealing with her. ♥️
Feb 19Reply
tnt4569 @avanikkole2016 You are very welcome Victoria! Have a great day 💕
Feb 19Reply
catladyfaye I’m sorry the dress you purchased did not fit, but respectfully I feel your rating was a bit unfair as I did post the measurements of the dress. I try to be very honest about the items I sell and of course rely on my rating to help assure others they can trust my postings
Mar 01Reply
avanikkole2016 @catladyfaye I was only stating that it was small and fit more like a 10
Mar 01Reply
avanikkole2016 @catladyfaye I don't know how to correct the rating or I would
Mar 01Reply
avanikkole2016 @catladyfaye the dress was also pink in color and not red I made offer cause I was wanting a red dress for a marine ball
Mar 01Reply
catladyfaye @avanikkole2016 unfortunately color is somewhat subjective and in the eye of the beholder. You can edit your rating by going to the order page under my purchases, select the particular order and then select edit rating . Thanks for being open to discussion
Mar 01Reply
avanikkole2016 @catladyfaye u are very welcome
Mar 01Reply
avanikkole2016 @catladyfaye I edited ur rating thank u for being respectful in talking with me I would buy from u again
Mar 01Reply
catladyfaye @avanikkole2016 And thank you for being open to the discussion. Your an asset to the Poshmark community
Mar 01Reply
avanikkole2016 @catladyfaye ur welcome honey as are u
Mar 01Reply
meggy998 Sooo happy about your purchase love! 💕 I want to let you now that I’m currently taking cancer treatment away from home but I will be able to ship your item early next week! After the weekend! If you don’t wish to wait I completely understand! Just let me know 💕🎉⭐️Happy Poshing⭐️🎉💕
Mar 02Reply
avanikkole2016 @meggy998 honey I went thru cancer and chemo I completely understand how ghat is u mail it when u can I am going to ky to help my mom out she is sick right now so I won't be back home til the 17th anyway I will be praying for u God Bless u sweetheart
Mar 02Reply
meggy998 @avanikkole2016 thank you so so much 🙏🏼 I️t means so much to me! I will let you know when I ship!
Mar 02Reply
avanikkole2016 @meggy998 k sweetie u just get better k
Mar 02Reply
meggy998 I’ve shipped your item!! Thanks so much again love 💕🎉
Mar 05Reply
meggy998 Out for delivery!! I hope you do enjoy your new makeup! 💄🎉💕
Mar 07Reply
avanikkole2016 @meggy998 thank u honey I am at a funeral my uncle pasted away with cancer
Mar 07Reply
meggy998 @avanikkole2016 I️ am soo terribly sorry. Just said a blessing over you, your family, & your uncle 💕 God Bless his soul and I wish you the best!
Mar 07Reply
mwood99 Thank you so much for your purchase ! It will go out tomorrow- Tuesday morning. I hadn’t checked my emails early enough today to get it out this morning 😀
Mar 26Reply
bigmomma55 Thank you for your purchase, I hope you enjoy.
Apr 05Reply
avanikkole2016 @bigmomma55 I love them already
Apr 05Reply
jakesheart Hiii! I am glad to see your taking advantage of today, & nice choices! I was on your wall looking at your bathing suits 👙 & I fig I’d send you those & ALSO, you should def def def sign up to my fairy 🧚🏻‍♀️ game!!! Your closet is too cute! I can feature it & you’ll gain TONS of followers 🎉! I also need to pick a few things for summer! 😊🤗🦋!! I’ll see if you already signed up &, you will 💝 it! Brb hun! Ps it’s really easy & def should let everyone see your items !! Xoxo 💋
Apr 22Reply
idbeads @jakesheart @avanikkole2016 I love this particular Fairy 🧚‍♀️ Game (see above message) and those beautiful boots! Wow!!!! Increase shares/followers = sales😍😍😍 can’t hurt to try it out. It took me weeks to decide to play. Wish I’d played sooner.
Apr 22Reply
avanikkole2016 @idbeads how do i play I have more stuff to add I have just had my granddaughter all week she's 1 and I haven't gotten much done of any thing lol
Apr 23Reply
idbeads @avanikkole2016 I’ll tag you now. It’s on @jakesheart wall. Hold on and I’ll tag you.
Apr 23Reply
avanikkole2016 @jakesheart ok I shared it with my followers but I am not understanding exactly what else to do honey I had chemo and I get confused I would also have the hearts and stuff but I am doing this from my phone and it's not letting me
Apr 23Reply
jakesheart @avanikkole2016 I will explain it all for you. I’m sorry to hear that, very. I hope things will get better for you. That’s touchy for me. I’m going to pick up my brother right now & when I get back ( round trip/ 1 hr 15 mins) it’s not hard but everyone, everyone***gets confused I assure you! So, let me explain it ,instead! ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 23Reply
jakesheart @avanikkole2016 you just write “who’s your fairy to sign up “ then your in ! On the day your picked you will get tons of shares & followers, & you follow back & share what you can. Shares, followers all equal sales to come your way!!!!
Apr 23Reply
jakesheart @avanikkole2016 there’s only one more part & I can explain that to you the day your chosen to be the fairy (featured closet chosen) of the day! 💕🧚🏻‍♀️💕💝.
Apr 23Reply
avanikkole2016 @jakesheart k thank u I shared and commented who's ur fairy but after that confused lol talk to u soon
Apr 23Reply
jakesheart @avanikkole2016 oh you commented! Yay your good sorry I’m driving lol!!! What day is good for you to play?
Apr 23Reply
avanikkole2016 @jakesheart Wed I have a doctor appt tomorrow and Tuesday than k u again so much I will get those other items put on for my closet too by then I am hopping.. I make candles melts all natural lotion self tanners and a lot other stuff too
Apr 23Reply
avanikkole2016 @jakesheart hey sweetie I will not be able to do that tomorrow the doctor ordered tests on me and I am not sure when I will get out they said it's an all day thing can we do it Friday instead
Apr 24Reply
sleon382 Hi I'm Sheldon if you get a chance rummage through my closet and see if you like something there
Apr 25Reply
dlpv Thank you for following my closet.  I'm honored.  * NEW FOLLOWERS GET A CLOSET DISCOUNT! *  I'm detoxing my closet.  As a new follower, you're entitled to receive an automatic 15% discount on your 1st purchase, No Haggling Necessary! Message me with the code #NEWFOLLOWER and I'll reduce the price.  I'll be sure to share from your closet too.  Happy Poshing!!
Apr 25Reply
suzalbertson @avanikkole2016 Hey! Someone who lives "close" to me!! Yay! I'm in Columbus (IN, not OH). We have a mutual PFF and I thought I'd say HI! By the way, I'm Suzanne, but most people call me Suz*. 😉. Nice to meet ya! Happy poshing!
Apr 25Reply
avanikkole2016 @suzalbertson hello happy to meet u happy poshing it's nice to have someone close to me too...♡♡♡
Apr 25Reply
crystalco Thanks for visiting my closet! I appreciate it very much!
May 06Reply
avanikkole2016 @crystalco Thank you for visiting mine
May 06Reply
tapshe Thanks for shopping my closet! I noticed you punt a pair of white sandals in a bundle, were you interested in purchasing them?
May 07Reply
ctherese79 Thank you so much for your purchase! I will be shipping it out Saturday morning 😄💖
May 12Reply
avanikkole2016 @cdelgado79 u are very welcome sweetie
May 12Reply
avanikkole2016 @violadawn how do I do that
Aug 13Reply
norasark67 Hi Victoria and thank you for your purchase!
Aug 24Reply
avanikkole2016 @janelleprice06 that's fine I noticed when I click on them they say not for sale so u may have to take that off did u put a vacation hold on ur closet for being away if so u will have go change that first
Aug 27Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Aug 27Reply
adp1633 Well hello my fellow Hoosier! 😊 happy Poshing!
Sep 07Reply
avanikkole2016 @adp1633 thank u happy posing as well
Sep 09Reply
deepikab Hi there! I am Deepika. Please check out my closet for some pretty Indian outfits like Anarkalis, Sarees, kurtas and jewelry. Feel free to ask any questions and Happy Poshing! :) cheers!
Apr 20Reply
denimmunkies @avanikkole2016 👗👠💋Hey ty so much for checking out our trendy 7n1 closet! We never turn any fair offer away (Fair to my poshers & our kiddo's) Miss Me Rock Revival's ALL SIZE'S American Eagle Torrid Abercrombie & Fitch Maurices 7FAM Hudsons Big Star Lane Bryant Size 00-Plus Size 28W We offer only the best NWT/NWOT/ lightly worn Pro Laundered Jewelery & Swim/Fixed Price 28$ Clearance/Final Markdown Combine ship Same Day Ship Special 🎁 Incl
Jul 08Reply
ashtyn_2584 Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. I have a fun thing I like to do, which is for all my followers, if you choose 2+ items to purchase together, I offer a 15% discount. I also add plenty of other discounts, ranging from price reductions to shipping reductions, regardless of the number of items purchased. So feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing!
Oct 06Reply

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Last Active: Jan 20 2022

Muncie, IN
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Last Active: Jan 20 2022

Muncie, IN
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