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Updated Jan 20
Updated Jan 20

Meet your Posher, Vinobaby Vintage

Meet the Posher



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Hi there! Welcome to Vinobaby Vintage. After years in upscale retail management, I've gone into business on my own. Every item I list is a special piece I've fallen in love with that is just looking for a perfect new closet to call home. Buying and selling pre-loved clothing is beneficial to our planet..and our pocketbooks. #recycle Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. Cheers! :)
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loridatl Hi Kerry...LOVE your closet. Can I be nosey and ask you what ap you are using for your photos? They are great!
Jan 13Reply
vinobaby @loridatl Hi Lori. Thanks for checking out my closet. No fancy apps here. (Wish there was one--it would save SO much time!) I use a mix of my Nikons to take pics then MS Office and PicMonkey to edit. That's it. Cheers and thanks again for dropping by!
Jan 13Reply
loridatl @vinobaby Thanks for your response...I'll check out picmonkey. For me it is finding the right tools that are easy...and can't seem to find the right mix...thanks anyway and have a great weekend!
Jan 13Reply
mikiewicz Your closet is so cute! Thanks for the shares!!!
Jan 14Reply
chicgeek1701 Awesome closet! Thank you for the shares! Happy POSHing!
Jan 16Reply
tantan11 Awesome closet!!!❤️❤️❤️
Feb 03Reply
vinobaby @tantan11 Thanks! Yours is pretty cute, too :)
Feb 03Reply
poshinprincipal Hi there! Just wanted to tell you I love the design and easy flow in your closet....looks great! 😃
Feb 14Reply
lbirkholz4 You have an awesome closet! Happy Poshing :)
Mar 15Reply
_delicate_thorn Love your closet. Do you have an Instagram for it? Mine is under the same name.
Apr 03Reply
vinobaby @_delicate_thorn thanks--your closet is gorgeous as well! Don't have a Posh related instagram yet but I found yours. Thanks for dropping by!
Apr 03Reply
everydaydogmom Hi! Your closet is gorgeous! Nice to “meet” you! 💕
Apr 06Reply
fireflydenver I just checked out your closet. You have amazing listings in some really unique items and I love you where are you photograph them they’re beautiful
Apr 20Reply
_taylorlove_ @vinobaby gorgeous closet! Love your style!
Jun 05Reply
thebeachblossom @vinobaby Your closet is gorgeous 💕💕💕Beautiful items, perfectly photographed, and well organized!
Jun 24Reply
heatherpj love your closet! <3
Jul 20Reply
aperfectbuy Thank you for following me. If you see something in my closet you like click the   and "like" ❤ the item and/or bundle it to receive private offers and sales.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions with either buying or selling. Happy Poshing 😊🌻🌻
Aug 19Reply
lynda721 @vinobaby Nice Closet! 👏🏻
Aug 26Reply
vintageaffairla Omgoodness!! What a Gorgeous Closet!!!
Sep 13Reply
hairxtraordinar I absolutely love your closet!!! I especially love how you color coordinated everything. I see that you’re in business for yourself now. Kudos on that leap😊Do you have a brick and mortar store or are you strictly on Poshmark? I’m a semi-retired hairstylist and I love fashion. I’m trying to reinvent myself. I’d love to learn how you’ve made selling clothes work for you. Any tips would be much appreciated. You’ve obviously got your stuff together. 😍
Sep 14Reply
reclaimingmytme Love your closet! Nice variety of sizes and styles. Particularly like the arrangement by color! Nice job! 🌈🦄🌺👀🛍💐💅🏻💜
Oct 30Reply
tangotoes FABULOUS CLOSET!😍 Can’t afford everything I liked but really enjoyed looking ❤️
Dec 02Reply
goodtreasures Hi. Thanks for following my closet. I really like your pictures and see that you have curated a very nice collection of items. Maybe you might be interested in joining my favorite share group tomorrow for some vintage sharing fun? It’s called @vibes4vintage Follow and watch for the post later tonight or in the morning.
Dec 02Reply
jenandchase Gorgeous closet!! Thanks for the share & best with selling your beautiful glam dresses for holiday outings. You have so many pretty ones!
Dec 08Reply
sptposh Your dresses are simply stunning!!! 😍😍😍😍
Dec 09Reply
gamjalistyles AWESOME closet! BEAUTIFUL clothing!
Jan 17Reply
cheryldye Nice to meet you hope you check out my closet
Feb 21Reply
hodaya Hi there, plz check out some of my new cool and unique listings. 💝much love
Mar 06Reply
vtgkeepitgoincc I LOVE your closet!!!
Mar 12Reply
gullprint I LOVE your stuff!☀
Apr 02Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day!
Apr 22Reply
designer_up sending much posh love and loads of happy thoughts your way
May 27Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 04Reply
tschlitt Hey! You should come check out my closet! I just added a ton of items I think you would love !! I am having a total closet clear out so I am accepting most offers!! I can also provide next (if not SAME DAY) shipping!! Make sure to follow me so you can see it first I still have a TON of items to list. XOXO. Happy Poshing!!
Jun 08Reply
wholesale_posh Thank you for being on Poshmark with me. It would be lonly here if it was just me. lol Just kidding. Wishing you a wonderful day. Check out my closet if you get a chance I would love to posh with you sometime>
Jun 22Reply
d_lemire 🙋‍♀️hi Kerry! I just LOVE your closet, especially the Sue Wong dresses. I have a wedding next weekend and I’m wondering how fast you Could get a dress in the mail if I order. Thanks for the measurements..... I have to check out my dresses lying flat. For this ivory/ gold dress, is there any stretch?? I’m usually a 2 or a 4, Calvin Klein is a perfect example, I wear a 4. Can you compare this designer? It would be shipping to Michigan, and I would need it by the 9th.
Jul 01Reply
vinobaby @d_lemire Hi Denise! Thanks for checking out my closet. I ♥ Sue Wong as well, as you can tell. I'm guessing the ivory/gold you mention is the "champagne" (tan with champagne sequin), right? I compared it to the only size 4 CK dress I have now (Scuba animal print) and it does measure the same although the CK fabric has stretch and the SW does not. The silver SW measures the same in hips/waist, and 1" smaller in bust b/c it has darting to give bust room that doesn't stretch to lay flat.
Jul 01Reply
vinobaby @d_lemire At this time, I can still ship today. I can ship tomorrow if ordered no later than 10 a.m. EST. Posh usually gives 2-day shipping but occasionally 3-day & the 4th is a holiday. The 9th is a week away, so I don't think that would be an issue. Please let me know if you have any more questions. Cheers!
Jul 01Reply
d_lemire @vinobaby 🙋‍♀️ I want to thank you for your time and offers on the dresses I wear contacts that I am. Very kind of you, and you are obviously an awesome Posher! I found something locally, so I won’t be buying the dress now, but I will be following you!!! 😍👏👏🌺
Jul 02Reply
hodaya Hi dear, plz check out my page, for some cool pieces. And a free stunning bracelet (details on top of my pg). Thank you 🌻
Jul 05Reply
designer_up have an amazing day
Jul 07Reply
designer_up hope you had a great weekend and wishing you and amazing week ahead
Jul 07Reply
grammytata2012 Hi, Nice to meet you. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :)
Jul 25Reply
m_rayner Heyy! This is nottt spam, alright?! lol -- I like to help out sellers, so I've made my whole closet of 600 listings 5 for $50 (($10 each in a bundle of 5, even if the single listed price is over $50 alone!)) Create a bundle of 5 items, or just "like" the 5 items and I can create the bundle, plus send the $50 offer!! To keep or to re-sell the items in your own closet is up to you!! I also do not mind if you re-use the pictures I have if you choose to re-sell the item(s) in your closet!! :0)
Aug 01Reply
designer_up Have a Poshing Day
Aug 12Reply
footcandy2019 Without question one of the most organized closets I’ve ever poshed. Love the color grouping makes shopping so easy.
Sep 07Reply
designer_up love the weekend on posh
Nov 02Reply
style_heaven love the pics in the closet
Nov 06Reply
mochahontas88 Your closet is a GOLD MINE! The preceding words in all caps don't even do it justice. Wow!! 😍
Nov 17Reply
vinobaby @mochahontas88 Thanks for the compliment and thanks for dropping by my closet. And if you are interested in a bundle for any of the items you liked, please let me know. Cheers 💫
Nov 17Reply
designer_up Have a great morning
Dec 06Reply
julieddazzles I love your closet!! I’ve been a buyer for awhile. Your closet has inspired me to possibly become a seller. -How do you get such nice photos? -What dress form do you have, where did you get it? -How do you get the brand name in the photo? *Thanks for your time. ~Julie
Dec 11Reply
vinobaby @liana123456789 thank for dropping by! Happy Holidays ⭐⭐⭐
Dec 12Reply
vinobaby @julieddazzles Thank you so much! It's fun to make the jump from buyer to seller. My dress form was an inexpensive one from Amazon. I use a white roll of bulliten board paper for my white background. I still have to edit my pics in Picmonkey to get them to the standard I want. I can add text there also. I have a photo of my photo setup on instagram and hope to add more. Best of luck to you and Happy Poshing ♥
Dec 12Reply
my_blue_hanger Welcome to poshmark! I hope you love it as much as I do. Be warned....Poshing is addictive.
Dec 14Reply
designer_up happy upcoming new year
Dec 30Reply
anchorlane @vinobaby Hi😊Thanks so much for coming out today! 💖⚓️ - Kate
Feb 29Reply
vinobaby @anchorlane Thanks for hosting! Great turnout ♥
Feb 29Reply
designer_up I weish you a great day
Mar 11Reply
obxpatti thank you for the offer for the Karen Minton dress, I'm going to have to decline as I wear a US size 8-10, medium (sometimes can 6 dress). I didn't realize I need to go up a size for the KM sizing.
Apr 19Reply
arlineparker Good morning, is it possible to cancel the order I made last night for the bronze Laura Ashley dress? Thank you
Apr 26Reply
poshylook Hi there...Iove your closet and I have to echo that your photos are so nice and clean. 🥰
Apr 30Reply
designer_up Have a great weekend
May 24Reply
nkazama Welcome 2 Poshmark! 💞 I know you’ll have tons of fun on this app. Feel free 2 check out my closet, and happy shopping 😊
Jul 15Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jul 19Reply
aylenef My dear what a beautiful closet!!💕 your incredibly talented and have amazing taste! 🌟😄
Oct 29Reply
designer_bagzzz Have a great day
Dec 19Reply
jennnesssa Merry Happy Everything!
Dec 25Reply
designer_bagzzz May your week have Joy
Mar 03Reply
designer_bagzzz Have a Poshful weekend
Mar 13Reply
_lo97 Thank you for the follow! Check out my shop, you might find something you love.♡
Mar 31Reply
fashion_deity Aww! loving your closet
Apr 28Reply
outaspacegirl hey hun, check out my closet and let me know if you like anything. I am looking to sell so I priced low and am open to offers otherwise. hope u find something u'd like! 💐🛍
May 15Reply
littlepeachxo hello there! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ our closet will be temporarily closing on june 1st and all listings will be deleted for our yard sale. all our prices are as low as can be with discounted shipping & all bundles are 50% off, send me an offer!! 100% of profits go to help a child abuse survivor. 🤍・゚✧* -peach ♡
May 30Reply
carolined403 @vinobaby Would you mind checking out/sharing my Ted Baker pumps for sale? Brand new! Bride to be just trying to break even from a pair that didn’t work out for me. Thanks for considering!!
Jul 18Reply
bamfshades Loved it
Aug 09Reply
wiregal Terrific closet! Surprised it took me so long to find it😊. I’ve shared some items to hopefully continue to help your sales. Happy Poshing!
Sep 26Reply
beescloset202 Hi welcome to poshmark and happy holidays! I am having an exclusive sneak peak sale right now in my closet before Black Friday. 50% off a item of 25$ or more. Shop for friend and family. More inventory everyday. Comment with code “eobfbees50” when you are done adding items to bundle. Let me know if you have any questions . Thanks for shopping small local businesses this season! Bees closet
Nov 14Reply
yoga_bitch You have fabulous style! Love your closet 🤍
Dec 10Reply
lamarquez16 Hello I appreciate your follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same Happy Poshing!
Aug 26Reply
luvmee40 You sent me an offer befor for 40$ with reduced shipping. I was gone for a month so I could not accept shipping. If you give reduced shipping I will accept
Aug 28Reply
cutehosiery @vinobaby Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 06Reply
seattlecurator Love your closet ❤️
Sep 25Reply

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Last Active: 4 hours ago

Winter Park, FL
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Last Active: 4 hours ago

Winter Park, FL
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