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Updated Apr 14
Updated Apr 14

Meet your Posher, Wanda

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Wanda. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) I am cleaning out my personal closet, because I am retired. I have lots of new/only worn once or twice items. I tried to keep my prices fair, I am open to all reasonable offers. Bundles are great! Thanks to everyone who has purchased from my closet so far. Good luck to everyone! Everything is in good/excellent condition. I ship within a day after purchase.. Have a great day!
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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welcome8587 Hello Wanda 🤗 Welcome to the Poshmark community 😁💖🌸. If you have any questions please feel free to to contact me. H🌹A🌹P🌹P🌹Y😁P🌹O🌹S🌹H🌹I🌹N🌹G🎉
Nov 03Reply
laneenterprises Welcome to the Posh community.
Dec 17Reply
happytimes3 @laneenterprises Thank you! I am looking forward to this experience!
Dec 18Reply
happytimes3 @angelnurse23234 Thank you for your help in advance!
Dec 18Reply
happytimes3 @angelnurse23234 Thank you! I am glad to be part of the Poshmark family!
Dec 18Reply
happytimes3 Hi! I am Wanda! If you Poshers. Know anyone interested in brand new wide calf boots. Sizes: 8 1/2 to 9. Please send them to my closet. Happy Holidays to everyone! Thank you!
Dec 26Reply
happytimes3 @laneenterprises Thank you! Happy Holidays!
Dec 26Reply
happytimes3 Hi! I have a high assortment of isweaters in my closet. Check it out! Have a great, blessed day!
Dec 26Reply
junjulaug Wanda you have a cute closet
Jan 03Reply
happytimes3 @junjulaug Hi! Thanks for checking it out! I a new Posher, glad you like it. Have a great day! Happy New Year!
Jan 03Reply
happytimes3 @junjulaug Thanks for visiting my closet! Thanks for your shares. If you are interested in anything, please let me know! Thanks again! Have a great day! Happy New Year!
Jan 08Reply
cotner1488 Your welcome and have the best of luck this year! 🍀🍀
Jan 13Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be safe ......Dorothy. I will view your closet.
Jan 13Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank for sharing another listing. Take care.....Dorothy
Jan 13Reply
thelillyjoyce Hi! All of my items are $2 off! If you bundle its another 10% off !! I ship same or next day! Stay safe🤗
Jan 15Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Wanda!! Thanks🙏🏾 so much for the follow. Am following you now too & happily shared for you. You have some lovely items in your closet. FYI if ever interested in anything in mine, I'm always open to offers & take 20% off bundles of 2+ items. Hope you have a wonderful weekend in MI, stay healthy & safe in all this craziness & Keep Poshing🛍!!!
Jan 15Reply
Jan 15Reply
teenie59 Hi Wanda, any time… Wanda is my middle name I don’t hear it very often , it was also my grandmother‘s name so I am fond of Wanda’s❤️
Jan 15Reply
karlakarolina I thank you ❤️🙏❤️ happy New Year 😘
Jan 15Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Wanda on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Happy New Year 🎆🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Jan 15Reply
2thrifty You're welcome and thanks for returning the favor. I certainly will check out your closet and please check out mine as well. Happy Poshing and all the best for the new year 😊🌺.
Jan 15Reply
piccicu WELCOME TO POSHMARK AND MY CLOSET WANDA! Thank you for browsing Just want to let you know that my Closet is on vacation due to my health. I will need to thin out my selections so it will be more manageable for me In the meantime, browse, select and start a bundle for BIG SAVINGS❗️ I’m willing to always answer questions Thanks and ENJOY....Stephanie 🌻
Jan 15Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for visiting my closet. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success, and fun. May you feel the Lord's presence near you always, comforting your heart, giving you strength during these difficult times, and bringing you and your family hope, health and happiness every day of the new year. Stay safe and God bless. 🌻🌞🌼
Jan 15Reply
1966f100 Hi. Thanks for follow 🙂
Jan 15Reply
happyme518 Just wanna thank you for the generous sharing of my closet. Much appreciated. God bless, stay healthy and happy poshing.
Jan 16Reply
fattybow1 Thanks for sharing!🥰
Jan 17Reply
djsleepyeye hi Wanda! thanks for all the shares. great closet. have a blessed new year & happy poshing! 💪🏽🔥💣💯👍🏽😁❤
Jan 17Reply
woolzie thank you for the shares! Have a great evening!
Jan 17Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
Jan 18Reply
eserenabeana @happytimes3 Thanks for sharing my closet 🛍️☺️ I shared your closet on Twitter 🥳 Happy Prosperous Poshing 🥂 and Stay Safe 😷
Jan 18Reply
delcie11 @happyme518 I'm grateful for your support and share 🥰 I happily returned your posh love 💞 wishes for many posh sales 🕶️👜👠🛍️💖
Jan 18Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 18Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for visiting my closet and for the follow 🐧 Happy Poshing ⛄!
Jan 20Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 ITEMS MUST BE Listed $40 OR LESS;))) Bundle Multiples & Save $$$$$ Accepting All Offers Thank you for your interest;)Come back and your next purchase can be 50% off or more if u bundle multiples ;))) SALE ENDS JANUARY 31 2021
Jan 25Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jan 25Reply
michellenyclala Good Morning & thank you for your shares! 🥰
Jan 25Reply
blessingsup Hello Wanda & thanks for the shares! Much appreciated! Blessings, Debbie
Jan 26Reply
chihuahuamum7 You have a great smile! It’s contagious. 😀
Jan 27Reply
eeecees Thanks for the follow Sistar 🤗
Jan 27Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi there 😺, thanks for coming by my closet you see any two items you would like to purchase I will give you 40% off your entire order 🤯 but that's not all I will also give you a free gift valued at 5:00 to $10 just for shopping my closet today 🙀🤯🥶So go ahead and get started looking for your two items and as a bonus here is $3 to start you off 👍.Have fun🤗🤗🤗 LIMITED TIME ONLY FREE FANNY PACK WITH ORDER OVER $10
Jan 30Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! I’m adding something new if you purchase any of my items that’s not jewelry or create a bundle then I’ll add any jewelry except the Ariana Grande ring and cat necklace for Free! Welcome to Poshmark😊❄️☃️🎉🎊
Jan 31Reply
jebwa Dear @happytimes3 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗. We are the top luxury handbags seller here on Poshmark. Let us know if you are interested in any of my items. Happy poshing!
Feb 01Reply
stormtreasures @happytimes3 Hi, thanks for acknowledging the shares. It was a joy to share your top-drawer, high-quality merchandise with those who follow us. We wish you and yours all the best of health during this difficult time. Stay blessed always, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
Feb 01Reply
jaaymack Thank you for the add and nice to meet you ! Hoping for more and more blessings to come your way ❗️
Feb 04Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Feb 04Reply
trwegne Wanda, I am trwegne, someone new is saying they are me using "Trwegne" is not me. I contacted Poshmark about this, they did nothing. I wanted to let you know to beware.
Feb 06Reply
haltomstephenie hello! I love your closet! I gave you some friendly shares as I hope this helps with your sells :) You are welcome to stop by my closet anytime as I post almost daily!! happy poshing!!! 😄😄
Feb 08Reply
beautifulusa thanks for the follow! want to show you some posh love so I shared a few of your items 😁💕🍋 love the throw back picture!
Feb 08Reply
brandisstyle7 Good morning and thanks for following. I have a sale on all jewelry the whole month of February! Bundle and save :)
Feb 09Reply
vilmak Thank you 😊
Feb 09Reply
rick_cardinio Thanks Wanda for your kind comments! God Bless you & your sales!
Feb 10Reply
bettyboopertoo Thanks for following me and sharing my listings to your followers! I’ll check out your closet and share to my followers! Bundles of 2+ always get discounts! 😊😊 Betty
Feb 10Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for sharing my listings it is greatly appreciated. Be safe.......Dorothy 💜
Feb 11Reply
dyanneher hi 😀 thanks for sharing!
Feb 12Reply
delcie11 @happytimes3 I'm grateful for your support and shares 🥰 I returned the kindness 💞 have a wonderful day full of shares and posh sales 👗👠👜🛍️💖
Feb 14Reply
cccrew44 @happytimes3 Hi Wanda good to have you gollowing
Feb 15Reply
cccrew44 @happytimes3 Thanks for all your sharing
Feb 15Reply
happytimes3 @junjulaug Hi friend! Thanks for the great offer, but I have so many sweaters I am trying to sell myself. Good hearing from you. Stay safe! Have a good day!
Feb 16Reply
junjulaug @happytimes3 your welcome. yes it is a cute sweater and only worn once.
Feb 16Reply
jades375 Hi! Thank you for the shares 💖💖
Feb 17Reply
trishadi Hi beautiful! Honored by your follow 😍 thank you I am new to Poshing so I am sure I can learn from you. 🏆
Feb 19Reply
tmelvin20032001 thank you so much for sharing items from my closet ❤
Feb 19Reply
mika2565 Hi! Thanks for sharing my closet. Let us all enjoy this journey of sharing and selling in Poshmark, it’s like a separate world, away from the pandemic even just for a moment. Be happy, be healthy happy poshings! All the best to you .You have a lovely closet :):)
Feb 20Reply
wrforrest Hi Wanda!! Its Wanda Rae here!!
Feb 21Reply
happytimes3 @wrforrest Hi! Wanda Rae! Good to hear from you! Have a good day!
Feb 21Reply
doozer12384 Thanks for sharing! I shared back + shared your closet too! I'm following your closet now! Sending best wishes your way! 💕💞🌷💐💗☺😄😍
Feb 23Reply
happytimes3 @doozer12384 Thanks for sharing! Best wishes to you also! Have a great day!😃
Feb 23Reply
donnalyn1216 Hi Wanda, Thank you so much for all the shares 😊 your a sweet heart ❤ wishing you a fabulous day !
Feb 26Reply
duckieone hello and thank you for following me. Thank you also for the shares! I appreciate it and will follow you. I like your closet and will share some of your items. Please know that if you like anything in my closet I will give you a discount. Thank you.
Feb 28Reply
minipjs Thank you for following!
Feb 28Reply
onegirlforever Hello pretty lady!
Mar 01Reply
susan_breedlove Thank you for sharing my listing.
Mar 01Reply
raukfer Hello!! Thank you :)
Mar 09Reply
peace_wanda Thanks so much for following and the shares today. Lol. You just got a sale. I love shoes! Please visit and share my closet anytime. Also please browse you may see some cool things you may like as well. Share with all your Pff”s. Thanks so much. Originally from MI as well. I fee the northern love in your closet. Lol. Have a awesome day 😎👋
Mar 10Reply
janehathaway Thank you for your generous sharing!!!
Mar 15Reply
rebshaw68 Hi. Thank you so much for sharing my items. I don’t have a lot of exposure so I really really appreciate it. You made my day!❤️
Mar 15Reply
profumodolce @happytimes3 I appreciate the share! Thanks again and beautiful closet!
Mar 16Reply
viko1029 Love your Lifestyle 🥂 Thanks for the share 🤙🏼😎
Mar 17Reply
magpie33 Thanks for the shares Wanda It is appreciated. You have a nice closet! 🤩
Mar 19Reply
happytimes3 @magpie33 You are very welcome ! Have a great evening!
Mar 19Reply
peace_wanda Fellow ex Michigander back to show love. I shared your closet this morning and I appreciate your shares back.Thank you so much 🤪 Also I bought 2 pairs of shoes from you a few ago. Love them—-but one pair too small. So you may see them re-posted. No reflection on you. Just too small for me. But I just swung back by today to say hello. Have a wonderful and safe day😊👋😇😬
Mar 28Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you so much for sharing my closet ❤!
Mar 30Reply
degas3011 Mix & Match ANY 3 items for only $25
Mar 31Reply
nanners9494 Thank you for the shares!!!
Apr 04Reply
cameliaserban Thanks for all the sharing ❤️
Apr 09Reply
happytimes3 @cameliaserban You are very welcome! We all have to share & look out for each other. Have a great weekend!
Apr 09Reply
jdkix Thanks so much for the follow and all the shares from my closet! 🙏. Happy POSHing! 😜
Apr 24Reply
happytimes3 @jdkix thank you so much also for sharing! Happy Poshing to you! Have a great weekend!
Apr 24Reply
mpenn Hi and thanks for following me on Posh! ❤️Check out my closet for lots of items that are reduced. Select 5 of the $5 items for only $15! ❤️❤️❤️Have a great day!
May 04Reply
choclitfavor Hi there. Thanks for the share and follow
May 09Reply
londonschells8 Hi Wanda! Thank you for following me! I peeked in your closet and look forward to getting back to peruse it further! Hope you’re having a FANTABULOUS WEEKEND! Happy Poshing! 🤗💜
May 30Reply
dman339901 Thank you for sharing!! 😀👋 Have a wonderful weekend!
Jun 05Reply
happytimes3 @dman339901 You are very welcome! You have a wonderful weekend also!
Jun 05Reply
420julianna Happy selling Wanda! 😊
Jun 09Reply
oliviaami Thanks if you interested this item please contact with me
Jun 13Reply
kewlwill Thanks for sharing my items!
Jun 14Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
Jun 15Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for sharing my my items. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
Jun 15Reply
haileyscloset4 Hello! Today I am willing to drop prices on every item but just for today, if there’s anything you’d like, message me with an offer and I will accept (if reasonable) and have it shipped to you by tomorrow morning! Let me know if you have any questions!! -Hailey
Jun 20Reply
happytimes3 @haileyscloset4 Hi Hailey! Thanks! Same goes for you, if you see something in my closet you are interested in. Have a great day!
Jun 20Reply
shj1956 Good Morning ☀️🌞 Wanda - Thank you for the follow - Happy Poshing 🧚‍♂️
Jun 22Reply
dlevee I am inviting you to come take a look at my closet right now! 5 Items for 50% off NO JUNK! High End gorgeous items. Many New with TAGS. Every designer you can imagine. It is time to clear it all out. YOU will faint when you see this drop dead gorgeous closet! Come shop till you drop. Bundle and send it to me or click the heart under each item and I will send you this big discount.
Jun 26Reply
lj61 @happytimes3 Hi 👋 Thank you so much for all the shares 🤗 I greatly appreciate each one 🥰 Have a blessed Sunday and Happy Poshing!
Jun 27Reply
happytimes3 Hi! You are very welcome! Have a blessed day!
Jun 27Reply
bellajanoki @happytimes3 Thank you so much Wanda for the follow and share! 💕
Jun 27Reply
ukvatxsc Hi! Thank you so much for your Shares 😘. I am truly grateful and will definitely share your Closet as well. Have a safe and happy July 4th! 🎉🎇❤️
Jul 01Reply
happytimes3 @ukvatxsc Hi! You are welcome! Thank you also! Enjoy your weekend!
Jul 01Reply
milliebl Thank you for sharing some of my items in my closet! Have a great Sunday! Millie
Jul 11Reply
smcuster Hello 👋 Wanda, my name is Shawn and I got notification you began following my Poshmark Closet. Welcome and thank you for visiting! I appreciate you for connecting and giving the opportunity to read and learn a little bit about you. I also welcome you to find and follow me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where I created a fun introduction game once you begin following the account. May great success be on the horizon with you along the way! Glad to meet you. ~Shawn Marie
Jul 12Reply
diana_michelle7 Thanks for the follow! 🥰Feel free to send me an offer on any items you like - I’m even accepting lowball offers😉
Jul 13Reply
charlesoliver3 Thank You for sharing my items!!!
Jul 16Reply
k1331365 I love ur closet. Make sure to check my closet out I just added a brand new Louis Vuitton. If you are interested in anything from my closet just feel free and leave me a comment or put a offer in. Thanks
Jul 17Reply
rosecay thank you for sharing! 🙏🥰⚘🌹👩‍💻👍
Jul 26Reply
xoxo_nyc Hi Wanda! Thank you so much for sharing my listing! So kind & supportive of you.😘
Jul 30Reply
johncruchelow Thanks for the support!🤘🏼
Aug 04Reply
happytimes3 @johncruchelow You are wwlcome! Have a great day!
Aug 04Reply
mmimmalove Hi friend, thank you for visit, like and for share my closet! Nice to meet you. Best wishes!!!
Sep 20Reply
atonic1404 for the whole community be careful when buying items look at the posher page like click about and if the person has a new account and if they are following exactly 141 people it's a fake account or a robots i have gotten ripped off several time on here and all the people had that in common following 141 people and account created on September or November 21
Nov 26Reply
happyday111960 Hi there Wanda and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Nov 28Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 07Reply
thrifted_books Hi! Thanks for following! Please feel free to shop my closet and make me a reasonable offer on anything. I have a 4/$20 sale going on books, toys, jewelry, and ornaments. I mail ASAP! Happy shopping!
Jan 14Reply
sjhaughty Thanks for the Follow! I'm clearing out my closet ASAP, so if you see anything you like, make an offer! Happy Poshing! -SJ
Feb 01Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂
Feb 05Reply
girlswhothrift Thanks for connecting Wanda ! and I must say, You have a beautiful closet ! Take care, Stay safe ❤
Feb 06Reply
fritz_joe Beautiful picture, Merci🙋🏽‍♂️
Feb 24Reply
zvabugs W🥳O🥳W🥳 You have AmAzInG listings 🙌
Apr 14Reply
happytimes3 @zvabugs Hi! Thank you! Happy Easter!
Apr 14Reply
anchalfav Hi there checkout my fancy wardrobe full of new stuff with stealing offers. 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Apr 14Reply
shyenneworle183 hello, thank you for following me 😀 feel free to make an offer or a bundle on anything you like in my closet. everything except electronics is 60% off! plus get 5% off electronics! limited time only! 😁 😊
May 21Reply
missamyrogers Thank 🌼 you for following & sharing my closet 🌷
Jul 29Reply
milianderson Thank you so much for following and sharing my closet🥰🥰🥰
Aug 07Reply
mariellansang Thanks for all the shares! Hope you have a blessed week!
Aug 08Reply
happytimes3 @mariellansang You are welcome! Thank you! You have a blessed week also!
Aug 09Reply
nihalaadeeb007 Hi mam do you have H&M quilted bag which I have posted in my closet beige colour or similar kind of that bag in beige colour from H&M or zara pls reply mam
Aug 18Reply
pinkgables Thanks so much for following me! I hope you’ll stop by and browse My Closet often!! 😊 Kathy of Pink Gables
Aug 21Reply
jaywake058 hello! where'd you find those half mannequins and did you get a good price? if you don't mind me asking.
Aug 24Reply
happytimes3 Hi! A friend gave it to me. She was a Seamstress. I don't know where she bought them. Have a great day!
Aug 24Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Sep 03Reply
njairbrush Thank you for sharing and following! You are beautiful!!!😊💗
Sep 08Reply
happytimes3 @njairbrush Thank you! Have a wonderful day!
Sep 08Reply
helliem2000 Hi, Wanda! I truly appreciate your shares of items in my closet - thanks! I’ll check out yours, too. Have a nice day.
Sep 23Reply
the_fabulist Hello, Wanda!! 👋🏼 Thanks for the shares!! I appreciate it!!! (I have shared some of your listings as well!) ✨🤗✨ Hope you are having a very blessed and beautiful day~ and are feeling fabulous!!!! ✨💖✨
Sep 30Reply
brandauthentic Thanks for following!!💛🙌 We Sell only Authentic bags!.. 🚨Good news!.. ‼️Limited Time ‼️ When you Like any our designer bags or wallets, get up to 30 percent off!!👍->❤️💸 Or make and offer i can do best! Have a wonderful days and work!. 🌈🦋
Oct 10Reply
madetofit77 Thanks so much for sharing my closet 💜☮️💡 Happy poshing
Oct 13Reply
happytimes3 @madetofit77 Thank you so much for sharing my closet! Happy Poshing to you also! Have a great evening!
Oct 13Reply
mave_n_muse Thank you for the shares 🥰
Oct 18Reply
happytimes3 @mave_n_muse Thank you for sharing. Have a great evening!
Oct 19Reply
pab0621 thank you for sharing my items! I truely appreciate it!!
Nov 07Reply
happytimes3 @pab0621 You are so very welcome! Have a great day!
Nov 07Reply
montananana5 Hi! I'm new to Poshmark and wanted to say thank you for the shares. I love your closet ♡
Nov 10Reply
acespm4me Hello Wanda, Thank you for visiting my closet and all of your many shares!!! I shared from your closet as well and wishing you many, many sales and much success on PoshMark. Happy Thanksgiving! Take care and be well!🌺🥰💐🌺
Nov 25Reply
happytimes3 @acespm4me Hi Pat! Thank you for all the shares. Happy Thanksgiving to you also. I pray you have much success on Poshmark. Have a great day & weekend!
Nov 25Reply
poshbouchic Hi thanks so very much for sharing my stuff, Happy Thanksgiving, I Really appreciate it!!
Nov 25Reply
happytimes3 @poshbouchic Hi! You are very welcome Happy Thanksgiving to you also. Have a great weekend!
Nov 25Reply
lmm3031 Thank you for sharing my listings
Dec 09Reply
happytimes3 @lmm3031 You are welcome! Have a great weekend!
Dec 09Reply
green_planet Thank you for sharing my items. Happy Holidays.
Dec 30Reply
luzdelaluna195 Thank you so very much for the follow and the shares!!
Jan 22Reply
cutehosiery @happytimes3 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 26Reply
happytimes3 @cutehosiery Hi! Thank you for the compliment. Your closet is wonderful also. Goo luck and much success to you! Have a great day!
Jan 26Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great weekend and successful Poshing!😊
Mar 11Reply
happytimes3 @computershoptx Thank you for your shares too! Have a great weekend!
Mar 11Reply
lourdes0311 Thank you very much for sharing my closet🥰🌼💖
Apr 08Reply
happytimes3 @lourdes0311 Thank you for also sharing my closet. Have a great weekend!
Apr 08Reply
lourdes0311 Happy Easter and blessings for you and your loves ones 🙏
Apr 08Reply
raymondwalke166 Hey everyone I'm a newbie here just wondering if anyone could show me the ropes🤞🏼. I have a few things I would like to sell. Everything is brand new never worn clothing with tags on most items.
Apr 30Reply
garym7814 Thankyou
May 18Reply
thriftwgrace 48–hour Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn Super Sale ------ To celebrate these last few weeks of Summer, @Thriftwgrace is hosting an incredible $15.00 sale (shipping & handling only $4.99) on many of the Women’s summer tops, dresses, pants, and skirts in our Closet. This super sale ends on Monday, August 7th @ 12Noon, so relax, take advantage of the discounts, and let us bring the style to you. Thanks Grace
Aug 05Reply
smithkarla63 Hi Wanda. Thanks for sharing my items. I will also share once I learn how to do it. Lol.
Nov 09Reply
happytimes3 @smithkarla63 Good morning Karla! You are welcome. Just go to a person’s closet & tap the arrows under the item. Have a great day!
Nov 09Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 10Reply
happytimes3 @le_stage Hi Melissa! You are welcome. Happy Poshing to you! Have a great weekend!
Nov 10Reply
princesstmlj Hello Posher friend. Thank you for the follow. Happy Poshing!!!😊
Dec 20Reply
corinnesechrist I am new to poshing so there is not too much in my closet yet. I am not in it for the money, hence my low prices but just want to sell so I can continue to craft.
Apr 02Reply
happytimes3 @corinnesechrist Good morning Corrine! Good luck & Happy Poshing to you. Have a great weekend!
Apr 06Reply
corinnesechrist Thanks for following. My jewelry is strictly costume jewelry and I am constantly adding items. I will considered all offers. I am giving reduced shipping as well. I want to sell because I want to keep crafting. God bless you all and good luck with your closets.
Apr 06Reply
dorothy_kyereme Thank you for sharing. Appreciate it !!!
May 03Reply
happytimes3 @dorothy_kyereme You are welcome! Have a great weekend!
May 03Reply
diamondlady860 Thank you so much for sharing so many of my items. I appreciate you doing this for me. I’m just starting out on Poshmark. I hope and pray I do as well as you. ❤️
Jun 26Reply
happytimes3 @diamondlady860 Hi Melinda! Thank you for liking my closet. It’s been fun just connecting with people. Lots of luck to you!Have a great evening!
Jun 26Reply
lynnbeckylynn Thanks for sharing our closet. We appreciate you and wish you great success with your sales and purchases.😍
Sep 21Reply

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Farmington, MI
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Farmington, MI
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