Meet your Posher, Wayne
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Hi! I'm Wayne. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Thank you so much for shopping at Palm Beach Life. Glad you enjoy your purchase.
Dec 27Reply

I appreciate it very much, Thank you also.
Dec 30Reply

I am receiving error code 1504 when I try to accept the offer on the polo Ralph sneakers. I have already contacted posh to fix the problem
Thank you
Jan 16Reply

Ok, No problem. I can wait. Thanks!
Jan 16Reply

Hi, Poshmark wanted ID verification which I gave them so you should be able to accept the order now. Please try, and let me know. Thanks.
Jan 16Reply

Wayne. Thank you for the very kind love note you shared after receiving your shoes. I’m glad you took the time to express your appreciation for how some of us do treat others the way we would want to be treated during these sales transaction. Enjoy. ❤️❤️
Jan 18Reply

@iynreseller You're most welcome. You're right. Thank you also.
Jan 18Reply

@paradise7777777 Thank you very much for the rating and your kind words. I'm very glad you like the OP shoes. Please come back and shop in anytime. Thank you!
Jan 20Reply

@haleyswhisper Youre welcome. Likewise, Thank you also.
Jan 20Reply

Jan 21Reply

@bsmitz You seem shocked, and surprised, Are you? Because I was when the shoes arrived. Just for a moment put youself in my position. I'm not angry, Just annoyed that in todays society people are just not that caring, or considerate in their actions. I just wish that everyone could just be thoughtful of the other. Consider this, From my standpoint I had to pay for a shoe that really is very dirty inside.
Jan 21Reply

@bsmitz I am going to have to literally scrub the inside to get that dirty color out. Should I really have to do that? I also (because of the pictures) thought the shoe was green so I thought that I was buying a GREENISH collor shoe but its not. Also, I am brought up with the OVERstanding that you do not present something to anyone in the manner that you did. I was taught personal pride, and respect. Respect for self, and others as well. What I put forward is a reflection of me.
Jan 21Reply

@bsmitz I know that today people may feel this to be an "old fashioned" outdated way of thinking, and being but I still uphold these standards even today, and always shall. I'm Ok at this point, and this whole piece I'm writing now is not to get anything off my chest, It's to get you to see just how important, and relative this is. I spent a few dollars, and was not happy, Ok, I've moved on from that.
Jan 21Reply

@bsmitz I'm merely explaining the bigger picture in hopes that you will see it clearly, and grow from this. Hopefully you will. I'm not perfect, I too am perpetually growing so take the widom, Reverse this situation, Ponder for a moment, and then ask yourself if you should be responding with "wow" or should you have apologized.
Jan 21Reply

@bsmitz Remember this, Meetings are not coincidental (even on the internet), There is always a purpose. Perhaps this message was meant to be said, and heard, Clarity gained from confusion. Buying, or selling shoes is insignificantlly minuscule in the scheme of thins in the universe, But how we think (our rightous principles), and interact with one another is most certainly vital.
Jan 21Reply

@savealotsneaker Hi, How are you? I bought about 10 pairs of shoes from you, Could you make an offer on the white show that we are negotiating right now for $55, and call it a done deal? Thanks.
Jan 22Reply

I meant white SHOE
Jan 22Reply

@paradise7777777 ok ready
Jan 22Reply

@savealotsneaker Thanks, I appreciate the price reduction. Also, Including the one I just purchased I've got 3 to be shipped. Do you think that they might all be shipped out tomorrow?
Jan 22Reply

@paradise7777777 yes shipping tomorrow
Jan 22Reply

@savealotsneaker Thanks again.
Jan 22Reply

@paradise7777777 thank you
Jan 22Reply

@cnksells Hi, Bought a pair of blue canvas polo shoes on the 17th, When will it be shipped out? Thanks.
Jan 24Reply

@bobo381 Hi, Bought a pair of white Sperry sneakers on the 24th. Could you please tell me when it will be shipped? Thanks.
Jan 24Reply

Ma'am, I am pleased to inform you that we will get those shoes shipped to you right away. Please forgive the lateness of this product because our Poshmark has been experiencing some technical difficulties, along the lines of our notifications. However, those issues are being worked out asap. Be assured that if you choose to shop with us again in the future, we will not have this problem again. Thank you for your patience! Again, sorry for the wait.
Jan 25Reply

@cnksells Ok, No problem. Thanks.
Jan 25Reply

@sassyzaza Hi, I am not trying to offend you with my offer. I was hoping to bargain back, and forth until we reached $50. because this is absolutely the most that I can pay for these shoes. They are actually a gift for someone else not for me for I wear size 13. If you can make me a counter offer for $50. then fine, If not I understand. Please let me know. Thanks.
Jan 25Reply

@paradise7777777 No worries! I'm not offended at all. I understand this is only business. There are alot of reasons why people set a price of an item, maybe of their cost, maybe of sentimental reason and I also perfectly understand why buyers offer a price. Honestly, I love to bargain too.
Jan 25Reply

@paradise7777777 However, i sold the exact one with different color earlier at my offer price so that would be my lowest for now. I really do appreciate you stopping by and take your time to offer. Thank you and have a great weekend :)
Jan 25Reply

@sassyzaza I understand. Thank you, and likewise, You also have a great weekend.
Jan 26Reply

@sekou1999 Made an offer on the white pumas so we could bargain back, and forth but the absolute most that I can spend on them is $60. If thats on with you then please make a counter offer for that amount, and I'll purchase them. If not I understand. Please let me know. Thanks.
Jan 26Reply

@sekou1999 Puma X Ueg size 11
Jan 26Reply

@mjlouge19 Hi, I just sent an offer on the Polo size 12 shoes. I was not trying to be offensive. I wanted to possibly bargain back, and forth until it got to $60. because thats as much as I can pay. If thats ok with you then please send an offer for that price, and I will purchase it now. If not I understand. Please let me know. Thanks.
Jan 26Reply

Hey there. Thank you for your purchase ! I'm going to pack them up today and hopefully ship them Monday or Tuesday 😀
Jan 27Reply

@taralynking You're welcome. Thank you also.
Jan 27Reply

@noahsark8 Hi, I'm not trying to be offensive just trying to get clarity. I saw a listing you have for polo cream, tan shoes for $8 It says like new and 10/10 clean but yet the insides have holes and, and is ripped up. The outside is dirty all over from top to bottom. The pictures listed support what I'm saying. So exaclly what is "10/10 clean" and "like new condition?"
Jan 27Reply

@rich_snob Hi, I bought a pair of mens Lacoste sneakers on the 25th. Could you please tell me when it will be shipped? Thank you.
Jan 29Reply

@wojkam555 Hi, I bought a pair of mens Lacoste sneakers on the 25th. Could you please tell me when it will be shipped? Thank you.
Jan 29Reply

@josephm970 Hi, I bought a pair of blue Polo shoes on the 25th. Could you please tell me when they will be shipped? Thank you.
Jan 29Reply

@paradise7777777 Hi sorry, just packed it up. I'm dropping it off today. Sorry about the delay. Thank you for understanding.
Jan 29Reply

Sorry I missed that email. Will ship ASAP !
Jan 29Reply

@wojkam555 Ok, No problem. Thank you
Jan 29Reply

@josephm970 Ok, No problem. Thank you.
Jan 29Reply

@bobo381 Hi, Bought a pair of white Sperry sneakers on the 24th. Could you please tell me when it will be shipped? Thanks.
Jan 29Reply

@guadis26 Thanks for the offer for the size 9 polo shoes. They are nice, and priced great but I wear size 13, and don't know of anyone size 9. Success to you though.
Jan 30Reply

@paradise7777777 😃 thanks, no problem! Thanks for visiting and happy Poshing ♥️♥️
Jan 30Reply

@guadis26 You're welcome. Likewise, and thanks also.
Jan 30Reply

@paradise7777777 sending the shoes tomorrow, been battling the stomach flu the last few days!
Jan 30Reply

@rich_snob Sorry to hear that, I pray that you recover very soon. If you need a few more days then no problem. Your health is yiur wealth, and that comes first. Thanks.
Jan 31Reply

@ljane2525 Hi, I would like to purchase the pink, and white lacoste size 9 sneakers. I was going to negotiate back, and forth with the hopes of purchasing them for $45 because thats as much as I can pay. Howeve, If that is agreeable to you then please send me an offer for that amount, and I will purchase now. Please let me know either way. Thank you.
Jan 31Reply

@ljane2525 Hi, I would like to purchase the pink, and white lacoste size 9 sneakers. I was going to negotiate back, and forth with the hopes of purchasing them for $45 because thats as much as I can pay. Howeve, If that is agreeable to you then please send me an offer for that amount, and I will purchase now. Please let me know either way. Thank you.
Feb 01Reply

@savealotsneaker Hi, Today I purchased a men's shoe, and just offered $35 for a women's vans sneakers size 9 which you declined. If you change your mind about the $35 Please send me the that offer then you can send both pairs of shoes at the same time. Thanks.
Feb 02Reply

@paradise7777777 0k ready
Feb 02Reply

@savealotsneaker Thanks, I really appreciate that. I bought quite a few shows from you because you have the style that I like. I looked through your inventory recently again. If you get any additions of men's sizes 11-13 boat, or casual wear type of shoes/sneakers please let me know. Again, I'm appreciative of you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Feb 02Reply

@guadis26 Hi, I appreciate the offer. I love both items, and the price is great but I can only use men's sizes 11-13. If they were within this size range I would have definitely bought them. Thanks again.
Feb 03Reply

@rich_snob Hi, I pray that your stomach is feeling better. When do you think that you will ship the Lacoste size 12 sneakers? Thanks
Feb 03Reply

@sbeggs21 Hi, I purchased a cream mens sperry dock shoes size 13 shoes earlier today. I just saw that they were cancelled. I'm not sure if that was an error, or if you cancelled the order. If you did, Could you please tell me why? Please let me know either way. Thank you.
Feb 03Reply

@paradise7777777 hi apologizes. I went to ship them and my mother had given them to goodwill and I was unaware. I had to cancel the order myself. I apologize.
Feb 03Reply

Ok, No problem, I appreciate the response. Take care, Thanks.
Feb 03Reply

@thread_guru Hi, Thanks for the discounted offer on the shoes. Declined offer because I already bought 2 pairs of the same shoes from you about a week ago. I appreciate you though. Continued success!
Feb 04Reply

Thank you again for your order!! You’re amazing 😊 I hope you have a great week!
Feb 04Reply

@thread_guru Ha ha, I'm flattered by the descriptive word "amazing", Thanks. You are also. When you sent that offer I decided to take a look at your items and saw a men's yellow polo sneakers size 12. Not wanting to offend but, Can you offer them for $30? If so then, Please send me that offer, and I'll purchase them now. Thanks either way, and you have a great week also.
Feb 04Reply

You didn’t offend me! Because you’re amazing I sent you the offer! Thanks for being such an awesome customer 😘
Feb 04Reply

Hey I’m sorry to report that I am currently snow in and can’t reach the post office, but as soon as they get around to plowing the roads I will mail out your order ASAP. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused
Feb 04Reply

@janoahspratt No problem, I OVERstand about the snow situation. Thanks for the update, and Be safe.
Feb 04Reply

@paradise7777777 thank you for understanding and stay save as well
Feb 04Reply

@thread_guru Thank you for being a SUPER awesome seller, and on a personal note a seemingly kind, considerate, thoughtful, caring, respectful, and genuine individual! To me that's the most important ingredients to incorporate in ANY endeavor in life. You're always appreciated!
Feb 04Reply

@janoahspratt You're welcome. I will, Thanks!
Feb 04Reply

Aww!! Thank you so much ☺️☺️☺️ that means the world to me! Poshmark is my livelihood and you saying that makes it all worth it!! I will get your shoes shipped out right away! Thanks again and have a great week 🤗
Feb 04Reply

@thread_guru You're welcome. Have a great week also.
Feb 04Reply

@rich_snob Hi, Left a few messages, and no response. I really need to know when the shoes are shipping out, or if it's not going to be shipped out at all. I would appreciate a sincere update so that I will know what to do. Thanks.
Feb 05Reply

@ljane2525 Hi, I purchased a pair of pink, and white Lacoste size 9 sneakers about 3 days ago. Could you please tell me when it will be shipped? Thank you.
Feb 05Reply

@ljane2525 Thank you, Have a great day.
Feb 05Reply

@seshaglam Hi, Thanks for the discounted offer. I declined because I'm not sure at this time but I appreciate you.
Feb 06Reply

@wicker88 Hi, I bought a pair of Nautica sneakers. Could you please tell me when they will be shipped? Thanks.
Feb 06Reply

@paradise7777777 no problem. Thanks
Feb 06Reply

@seshaglam You're welcome.
Feb 06Reply

@janoahspratt Hi, I bought a pair of green polo shoes. Could you please tell me when they will be shipped? Thanks.
Feb 06Reply

@janoahspratt Hi, Sorry. Please disregard the last message. I forgot that we had communicated yesterday. Take care.
Feb 06Reply

@paradise7777777 I’m still snowed in but thing are starting to thaw out, so I’m going to try to make it to the mail tomorrow afternoon
Feb 06Reply

Lol sorry I just read your other message, but anyway I should have it ship tomorrow if everything goes as planed
Feb 06Reply

@paradise7777777 yes sorry for the delay!! i have been working and going to school nonstop and when i tried printing and shipping the label, i discovrred i was out of ink!! mu plan is to print out the label tomorrow at my college and hopefully get it at the PO by tomorrow or thursday :)
Feb 06Reply

@wicker88 Thanks for the update. Don't kill yourself with work, and school though. Your health is your wealth!
Feb 06Reply

@paradise7777777 wow youre so sweet! thank you for your understanding and care ❤️
Feb 06Reply

@janoahspratt Ha ha, So sorry about that last message. Thanks.
Feb 06Reply

@wicker88 You're welcome, No problem. Now get some needed sleep.
Feb 06Reply

@paradise7777777 it’s all good, thank you for being understanding
Feb 06Reply

@rich_snob Bro, At this point this is ridiculous! Bought the Mens Lacoste sneakers 12 days ago, and still not shipped. 7 days ago I let you know that I was sympathetic to your dilema, and now you dont even respond when I ask for a shipping update. I mean, Just let mean me know if you are sending them or not, and if you are then give me a firm date. Thats just the right thing for you to do.
Feb 06Reply

@iruyas123 Hi, I would like to know if I could get two of your shoes for $50. One is the Men's Lugz size 11 white with blue, LA dodgers, with the name lugz written on the lower part of sneaker in yellow. The second is a Lugz White with navy size 11 Birdman. Please let me know. Thanks!
Feb 07Reply

@paradise7777777 i could do $60 but not $50 sorry
Feb 07Reply

@iruyas123 Ok, Thanks. Please send me an offer for that amount.
Feb 07Reply

@paradise7777777 i cant you have to make a bundle and then you send me the offer so I could be able to ship them out
Feb 07Reply

@iruyas123 Never bundled before, and was just trying to figure it out. I think that I have. I added two items to the bundle but wanted t o add a third. The problem is that one of them says sold. i know its not because last night I orderd it then cancelled it so that I could get a multiple discount offer. It's the white with blue lugz shoes size 11. It has the word lugz written in yellow close to the bottom of the shoe.
Feb 07Reply

@iruyas123 Could you please instruct me as to what to do now? I have 2 of the three in bundle now. As soon as I can get the third one in there I can make the purchase. I have made offers on individual shoes, and been offered bundles from sellers before but never made an offer for a bundle before.
Feb 07Reply

@paradise7777777 let me repost it so you could add it to your bundle give me a second
Feb 07Reply

@paradise7777777 okay I put them back up now try to put them in your bundle
Feb 07Reply

@iruyas123 Ok, Thanks. Just got back to computer, and sent offer.
Feb 07Reply

@iruyas123 Thanks, I appreciate you accepting the offer.
Feb 08Reply

@iruyas123 Hi, I just tried to bundle 2 of the "Navy canvas Levi’s shoes" both size 11 but it only allows me to put one in bundle for that size. Do you have 2 pairs in size 11 or only one?
Feb 08Reply

@paradise7777777 I’m not sure I would have to check tomorrow when I get to work
Feb 08Reply

Ok. Also, Could you see if you have a size 11, 12, or 13 of the Phat Farm "White with black" sneaker. I prefer size 13 but will take size 11, or 12. Thanks.
Feb 08Reply

@paradise7777777 I’m not sure which one your talking about can you comment on the one you want so o could check and the Levi’s one I have a navy and a gray in size 11
Feb 08Reply

I just sent two offers to you. The offers are not real offers so you can decline them. Just wanted to show you which shoes I wanted. I need two of the levis one size 13, and one a size11. If you dont have size 13 then size 12, and size 11. If no size 12 then two size 11. The Phat Farm shoe I need one pair. I would prefer size 13. If no size 13 then I will take size 12 or 11. I would like to purchase the three pairs for $85. Thanks.
Feb 08Reply

I just sent two offers to you. The offers are not real offers so you can decline them. Just wanted to show you which shoes I wanted. I need two of the levis one size 13, and one a size11. If you dont have size 13 then size 12, and size 11. If no size 12 then two size 11. The Phat Farm shoe I need one pair. I would prefer size 13. If no size 13 then I will take size 12 or 11. I would like to purchase the three pairs for $85. Thanks.
Feb 08Reply

@iruyas123 I just sent two offers to you. The offers are not real offers so you can decline them. Just wanted to show you which shoes I wanted. I need two of the levis one size 13, and one a size11. If you dont have size 13 then size 12, and size 11. If no size 12 then two size 11. The Phat Farm shoe I need one pair. I would prefer size 13. If no size 13 then I will take size 12 or 11. I would like to purchase the three pairs for $85. Thanks.
Feb 08Reply

@wolfheart37 Hi, Thanks for the offer on the Polo Sneakers. I declined because I already have too many blue polos like those. I do love polo, nautica, sperry, lacoste, vans type dock/boat/casual shoes/sneakers though. If you have any of these type of shoes/sneakers size 11, 12, or 13 (half sizes also) Then please let me know. Thanks again., and much success.
Feb 08Reply

@paradise7777777 I only have size 11 in the Levi’s but I only have blue and gray I don’t have any in size 12 or 13 or the Phat farm ones
Feb 08Reply

@paradise7777777 no problem!! :) thank you for visiting my closet!! :)
Feb 09Reply

@wolfheart37 You're welcome
Feb 09Reply

@iruyas123 Ok, Thanks. I appreciate it. I just ordered one of the Levi's. Have a great evening.
Feb 09Reply

@rich_snob When will you be shipping my order?
Feb 09Reply

@sweetpea901 Good morning, I bought a white/green Mens Echo sneakers four days ago. Could you please tell me when it will be shipped? Thanks.
Feb 10Reply

@rich_snob When will my order be shipped?
Feb 10Reply

@paradise7777777Thank you so much for your purchase..I will ship out tomorrow. 😁
Feb 10Reply

@sweetpea901 You're welcome, and Thanks again.
Feb 10Reply

@rich_snob When are you shipping the sneakers?
Feb 12Reply

@rich_snob When are you shipping the sneakers?
Feb 12Reply

@paradise7777777 we had bad storms here..I went right before closing. Thanks for your will love these...excellent condition...😁
Feb 13Reply

@sweetpea901 You're welcome, No problem. I appreciate you, Thanks.
Feb 13Reply

@rich_snob When are you shipping the sneakers?
Feb 13Reply

@a_o_modabella I refused the offer that you sent because I already have 4 red shoes of that style. Thank you none the less for the offer, and please feel free to send offers as much as you like. I pray that you continue to be successful! Have a great day!
Feb 14Reply

@sweetpea901 Hi, Do you know what day the sneaker will be shipped? Thanks.
Feb 14Reply

@rich_snob When are you shipping the sneakers?
Feb 14Reply

@paradise7777777 they shipped Tuesday night..I see they are tracking now. Should get to you anyday..😁
Feb 15Reply

@sweetpea901 Thank you, I appreciate it.
Feb 15Reply

@rich_snob He goes by rich_snob but it should be poor B*TCH! Not man enough to even respond. Probably spoiled, broke, and lives in grandma's basement! Grow up, and learn how to conduct business, or don't do so at all!
Feb 15Reply

@paradise7777777I appreciate you...have a blessed day!
Feb 15Reply

@sweetpea901. Shoes are beautiful, Looks brand new, and are clean. Came in original shoe box which was shipped in another box. Outer packaging box was bubble wrapped inside for protection. Love them! Very satisfied, Thanks!
Feb 15Reply

@paradise7777777 thank you Wayne..enjoy. I try to take great pride in the things I list.i really appreciate your business. 😁
Feb 15Reply

@sweetpea901 Believe me, Compared to some of these sellers, Your pride shows greatly. I appreciate you also. The best for you always!
Feb 15Reply

@allysoncord Hi, How are you? I saw a size 12 blue, and yellow sneaker for sale - Sperry Striper CVO Salt Washed. I would like to purchase them for $20 flat. (Shipping charges included). If that is is agreeable to you then please send me an offer now. Thanking you in advance and, Have a great day.
Apr 16Reply

@allysoncord Hi, I messaged you about the blue and yellow Sperry Striper CVO Salt Washed sneakers. It was listed for$20 at that time. I saw that you said that you are open to offers, and also to questions also so I made an offer in a message, and asked if that was acceptable. I got no response but what I did notice was that just after I messaged you, You updated the price from $20 to $25.
Apr 18Reply

@allysoncord I understand that you can change prices on your products at will because thats your right so I have no problem with that, but I feel as though I could have gotten a response to my message even if you did not like my offer. I was basically bargaining for a free shipping discount because again you stated that your prices were not firm, and were open to offers.
Apr 18Reply

@allysoncord Communication, and courtesy is very important in any relationship, even business. Not sure if my offer offended you but quite honestly none was intended.
Apr 18Reply

@paradise7777777 My original list price was $25 for those shoes. I reduced the price to $20 as a 2 day sale for Make A Deal Days (I should have put that in listing. Sorry pretty new at this still). I am really hoping to make more than $10 on the shoes as they are still in good shape (I would only net $10 with the offer you gave). Sorry I did not respond in a timely manner. I will keep your offer in mind, though.
Apr 18Reply

@allysoncord Hi, Just logged back in, and saw your message. Thanks for the response. I understand. I will now purchase them for the asking price. Again, I appreciate the reply. Have a great day.
Apr 20Reply

@allysoncord Hi, I purchased the Sperry sneakers on Saturday, and wanted to know when it will be shipped. Thanks.
Apr 23Reply

@paradise7777777 Thank you for your purchase! Sorry for the delay. They will be shipped out Thursday morning.
Apr 24Reply

Thank you very much.
Apr 26Reply

@allysoncord Sneakers were clean, and looks new. I appreciate the Thank You note. Blue/Yellow color combo is gorgeous! I love them. Thanks again, and future success to you.
Apr 29Reply

@sassyzaza Hi! Been watching this shoe for a while, If you could send me an offer for $50 on your black Lacoste textured lace up size 11 sneaker I will purchase now. Cannot go up more than $50. Thanks.
Jun 08Reply

@shoeloop Hi, I would like to purchase your Lacoste off white tan Bayliss men's suede size 13 sneakers. I would like to pay $
Jun 08Reply

@shoeloop $45. and $5. shipping. If this is agreeable to you then please send me this offer. Thanking you in advance, Hope to hear from you soon.
Jun 08Reply

@shoeloop Hi, Thanks for your quick response. Would it work for you if I purchased the Lacoste Off white tan Bayliss men's suede: Size 13, The Navy tan Esparre: Size 13, and the Black off white: size 12 for $50. and $5 shipping each? If so then please bundle, and send offer, Thanks.
Jun 08Reply

@shoeloop Hi, Very frustrating at times dealing with postmark website. Won't allow me.the option of removing black pair from bundle. Only to accept or cancel order. Also it's an offer for $207 not $150 + $5. shipping.
Jun 08Reply

@shoeloop Also I've been trying to send this message for the last 7 minutes, and could not even get to message area. Glitches in the system I suppose. Size 12 in the black is ok. BEFORE you send any other offers, Let me cancel all other offers, and perhaps the system will it to go through correctly this time. Thanks.
Jun 08Reply

@wvsleepdoc Hi, How are you? I sent an offer for a pair of sneakers. Thanks!
Jun 08Reply

@allaboutmeposh Hi, How are you? I sent an offer for your Red Ralph Lauren size 13 sneakers, Thanks.
Jun 08Reply

@paradise7777777 thank you! Have a great weekend!
Jun 08Reply

@wvsleepdoc Thank you also. Likewise, Have a very great weekend!
Jun 08Reply

@ladyoflux Thank you very much, I greatly appreciate the discount as well as the sneakers.
Jun 09Reply

@cbrown727 Thank you very much, I greatly appreciate the discount as well as the sneakers.
Jun 09Reply

@paradise7777777 You're Welcome 😊
Jun 09Reply

@paradise7777777 you are most welcome! ♥️
Jun 09Reply

@allaboutmeposh Hi, I am hoping that this note reaches you with an understanding heart. I was looking through my likes, and realized that I had bought these same exact shoes in January. I purchase alot of shoes, and had not realized that this was one of them.
Jun 09Reply

@allaboutmeposh I am hoping that you can understand, and grant me a refund as the order has not yet shipped. I would appreciate this greatly. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused, and hoping for you nothing but success in the future. Thank you in advance.
Jun 09Reply

You purchased the Polo sneakers on Saturday and the post office close 11:am . I was in a hurry to get the item out for you.1 Star or no star is all good bro.
Jun 11Reply

@savealotsneaker Hey, Not going to go back, and forth with this so last post on the matter. I both understand, and can appreciate your effort to ship to me asap. The thing is, If you even appologized for the box, or said that you could understand where I was coming from then I would have said cool, but in future
Jun 12Reply

@savealotsneaker Hey, Not going to go back, and forth with this so last post on the matter. I both understand, and can appreciate your effort to ship to me asap. The thing is, If you even appologized for the box, or said that you could understand where I was coming from then I would have said cool, but in future
Jun 12Reply

please use another type of package even if you have to ship a day later but you're like 1 star no star, Thts like saying, "whatever". Hope you see what I'm saying. Peace.
Jun 12Reply

@jessijae Hi, I purchased a pair of shoes on June 8th, and was wondering when it will be shipped. Thanks.
Jun 13Reply

@jessijae Hi, I purchased a pair of shoes on June 8th, and was wondering when it will be shipped. Thanks.
Jun 14Reply

@theecherds Hi, Thank you very much for your generous offer. I appreciate it!
Jun 16Reply

@paradise7777777 hope you enjoy. I'll get them out to you tomorrow morning. 😉
Jun 16Reply

@stanfordchic Hi, I saw a Sperry plaid boat shoes that I would like to purchase. I would like to pay $30 total. (Incl. tax, shipping). If thats agreeable to you then please send me that offer. Thanking you in advance, and hope to hear from you soon.
Jun 16Reply

@theecherds Thank you very much.
Jun 16Reply

@paradise7777777 please see bundle offering.
Jun 16Reply

@stanfordchic Thank you very much for your offer. I appreciate it!
Jun 16Reply

@yourlegacy Hi, I saw a tan sperry size 13 shoes. I would like to pay $30 total (incl. tax, shipping). If thats agreeable to you then please send me that offer. Thanks, and hope to hear from you soon.
Jun 16Reply

@altds91 Hi, I saw a Sperry cream green shoes size 11.5 I would like to pay $35 total (incl. tax, shipping). If this is agreeable with you then please send me that offer. Thank you very much in advance.
Jun 16Reply

@Iwr412 Hi, I saw a Men’s Sperry Yellow/Gray Boat Shows NIB size 12. I would like to pay $40. total (incl. tax, shipping). If that is agreeable to you then please send me that offer. Thanking you in advance, and hope to hear from you soon.
Jun 17Reply

@btmazzo Hi, Would like to purchase the mens white sperry size 13 shoes. Could you please tell me if the real life color is a bright white like the first picture, or a duller white like the other pictures. Thanks.
Jun 17Reply

@altds91 Hi, I saw a Sperry cream green shoes size 11.5 I would like to pay $35 total (incl. tax, shipping). If this is agreeable with you then please send me that offer. Thank you very much in advance.
Jun 17Reply

@Iwr412 Hi, I saw a Men’s Sperry Yellow/Gray Boat Shows NIB size 12. I would like to pay $40. total (incl. tax, shipping). If that is agreeable to you then please send me that offer. Thanking you in advance, and hope to hear from you soon.
Jun 18Reply

@btmazzo Hi, I purchased a white sperry size 13 sneakers. Could you please tell me when it will be shipped, Thanks.
Jun 21Reply

@carladubai Hi, I purchased a blue sperry size 12 sneakers. Could you please tell me when it will be shipped, Thanks.
Jun 21Reply

@u169012 Hi, I purchased aSperry size 11 cream shoes, Could you please tell me when it will be shippded, Thanks.
Jun 21Reply

@bignastyo Hi, I purchased a Sperry plaid size 13 shoes, Could you please tell me when it will be shippded, Thanks.
Jun 21Reply

@paradise7777777 actually shipping as we speak! Enjoy them! Looking forward to you visiting my closet again 😬 ❤
Jun 21Reply

Shipped today:)
Jun 21Reply

Sorry for the delay, it will ship tomorrow
Jun 21Reply

@u169012 No problem, Thanks
Jun 22Reply

@btmazzo Ok, Thanks
Jun 22Reply

@carladubai Ok, Thanks.
Jun 22Reply

@Iwr412 Hi, I saw a Men’s Sperry Yellow/Gray Boat Shows NIB size 12. I would like to pay $40. total (incl. tax, shipping). If that is agreeable to you then please send me that offer. Thanking you in advance, and hope to hear from you soon.
Jun 22Reply

@paradise7777777 Sorry I didnt get a chance to package it the way I typically would. I made it to the post office by the skin of my teeth straight from my storage unit where they were kept. Hope you love them. 😬
Jun 23Reply

@carladubai Ok, No problem. Thanks!
Jun 24Reply

@dream121 Hi, Sorry for delaying the rating. Been exceedingly busy. Thanks for the shoes, Love them!
Jun 25Reply

@Iwr412 Hi, I saw a Men’s Sperry Yellow/Gray Boat Shows NIB size 12. I would like to pay $40. total (incl. tax, shipping). If that is agreeable to you then please send me that offer. Thanking you in advance, and hope to hear from you soon.
Jun 25Reply

@Lwr412 Hi, I saw a Men’s Sperry Yellow/Gray Boat Shows NIB size 12. I would like to pay $40. total (incl. tax, shipping). If that is agreeable to you then please send me that offer. Thanking you in advance, and hope to hear from you soon.
Jun 25Reply

@pbanks113 Hi, I bought a pair of red Lugz, and wanted to know when they will be shipped. Thanks.
Aug 23Reply

@iruyas123 Hi, I bought a pair of white LA Lugz, and wanted to know wnen they will be shipped. Thanks.
Aug 23Reply

@pbanks113 Hi, I bought 3 pairs of shoes. Could you please tell me when they will be shipped? Thanks.
Aug 25Reply

@iruyas123 Hi, I bought a size 13 LA Lugz sneakers, and the tongue on both the left, and the right foot was peeled off, and shredded. Could you tell me why it was sent to me in that condition?
Sep 01Reply

@pbanks113 Hi, I bought 3 pairs of shoes. Could you please tell me when they will be shipped? Thanks.
Sep 01Reply

@paradise7777777 I did not know how to view the private message till now. Sorry. I can make a deal if still interested in the M 12 Sperrys.
Sep 04Reply

@iwr412 Hi, Thanks for your response. The Yellow/Gray Sperry Boat Shoes Size 12. I really like the shoes, and would like to purchase them. I realize that you are running a business, and I respect you and I'm not trying to insult you. At that time I could have offered more but honestly at this time I have only $30. total to give (incl. tax, shipping). If that is agreeable to you then please send me that offer. Thanking you in advance, and hope to hear from you soon.
Sep 04Reply

@iwr412. Hi, Thanks for your response. The Yellow/Gray Sperry Boat Shoes Size 12. I really like the shoes, and would like to purchase them. I realize that you are running a business, and I respect you and I'm not trying to insult you. At that time I could have offered more but honestly at this time I have only $30. total to give (incl. tax, shipping). If that is agreeable to you then please send me that offer. Thanking you in advance, and hope to hear from you soon.
Sep 07Reply

pbanks113 Hi, I bought 3 pairs of shoes. Could you please tell me when they will be shipped? Thanks.
Sep 07Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 01Reply

paradise7777777 @kixrxdotcom
Hi, How are you? I sent an offer of $30 for a size 13
Men's Canvas Lace Boat Navy NM123J
Nautica. I was hoping that we could negotiate to a price of $35. If that is acceptable to you then please send me an offer for $35. and I will purchase them now. Thanks.
Jun 16Reply

@kixrxdotcom Hi, How are you? I sent an offer of $30 for a size 13 Men's Canvas Lace Boat Navy NM123J BOUTIQUE Nautica. I was hoping that we could negotiate to a price of $35. If that is acceptable to you then please send me an offer for $35. and I will purchase them now. Thanks.
Jun 17Reply

Thanks for the nautica shoes purchase! I will package now and get them out first thing Monday because I’m working tomorrow
Jun 19Reply

@rossboss6969 You're welcome. No problem, I appreciate you. Have a great weekend, Tnanks.
Jun 19Reply

@shoeloop Hi, I looked at the shoes again and was saying how they looked very familiar. My wife reminded me that I had a pair of the exact ones like these. I have so many shoes in storage that I had not realized that I had bought this along with three other pairs of shoes from you on June 8, 2019. I have a friend with similar tastes in clothing whose birthday is next week so as it turns out he can have this pair. Got a laugh from this. Thanks again.
Jun 20Reply

@paradise7777777 That’s so funny! 🤣 I was looking at your screen name and thinking the same thing. That your name looked familiar. Well I’m happy that you were able to work it out and that you came back to my shop again. Thanks again for the business. We really appreciate it.
Jun 20Reply

Hey there! This is a kindly message.
I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items from other Poshers, so I think some of my listings will meet your style.
There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me!
Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like.
All the best for you. :)
Jul 27Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 17Reply
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