Meet your Posher, Wendi
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Hi! I'm Wendi. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Coach, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) I offer 20% off bundles. This is a smoking household.

11 others
like this

Happy Holidays☃️🎁! Welcome to Poshmark! You'll find a great community of people here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Cheers! 🎉🎉🎉
Dec 13Reply

Welcome to poshmark dear💖💖💖happy shopping or sell faster👯🌹👯🌹if u have any questions,i would be happy to help😉feel free to check out my closet too‼️
Dec 14Reply

@chrischerie ty
Dec 14Reply

@rebounded ty
Dec 14Reply

@rebounded And Happy Holidays to u!
Dec 14Reply

Thank you for the share and have a nice holiday!!🎁🎅🏻🎄🌺🙋🏼🌸🎉💞💞
Dec 15Reply

Hi sweetie welcome to poshmark the best place to buy and sell 😘😘very nice to meet you 😍🤗please let me know if you have any questions about my list 😋🌹I love ❤️ to bundle it's the smartest way to shop 💚❤️️❤️🌹so you can buy multiple item with only one one shipping fee 🤑💰😉 happy poshing 👍
Dec 16Reply

I just dropped your necklace and bracelet off at the post office. For some reason lately things don't show up as shipped till the second or 3rd day when the package is almost to u so I try to let everyone know when I ship.
Dec 16Reply

@joy477 Ty for letting me know & shipping so quick!
Dec 16Reply

@abir1977 Hello ty!
Dec 16Reply

@teachme123 Yw!
Dec 16Reply

@teachme123 Happy Holidays to you too!
Dec 16Reply

Thanks for following me. Merry Christmas🎄
Dec 18Reply

@lovedolly4 Yw & Merry Christmas 🎅
Dec 18Reply

Hi Wendi! Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions by tagging me @kimkjc2. Happy Poshing! 👛💍💖
Dec 19Reply

@kimkjc2 HI Kim ty & Happy Holidays 🎅
Dec 19Reply

Hi Wendi😊😊😊
Thanks for the like & follow!
Merry Christmas!🎄🎄
Dec 21Reply

Hi im Aisha nice 2 meet ya ,🙂and i gota say it u got s great smile 😆 lol also thanx 4 the like an u hav a GREAT HOLIDAY SEASON 🌲
Dec 24Reply

Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items, you can use the apps cool feature to make an offer on a bundle❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Dec 24Reply

Im so sorry this shipping is ridiculous
I mailed this last sat
They did scan the thing till the 27th
So much for priority
Again so sorry
Dec 31Reply

@outgoingdesires It's not ur fault ty for letting me know!
Dec 31Reply

Hi, I am a fellow Postmark member. I created a detailed FYI page about Postmark because I've been selling online for years and I want to help others: 1)click on my tiny photo. 2)Now it shows my store. Look at the very top left and click ABOUT. 3)Now look under my big picture and click MEET THE POSHER. This entire 'blog' contains FYI.
Jan 01Reply

Hi thanks for the like I can give you a discount.
Jan 05Reply

Just sorry it took so long to get to you
If you decide to purchase again let me know and ill give you a discount
Thank You
Jan 05Reply

Welcome to poshmark thank u for the like
Jan 06Reply

Hi friend, I can so you those boots for $60. Just make the offer :-)
Jan 07Reply

Hello Wendie. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a complete healing. Be blessed my friend. Val @vjaxn
Jan 11Reply

@vjaxn Ty so much!
Jan 11Reply

Hi!!. If you have a chance please look through my closet. I post new items daily so Please visit me. Have a great day posh friend!!!❤️
Jan 18Reply

Hi!!. If you have a chance please look through my closet. I post new items daily so Please visit me. Have a great day posh friend!!!❤️
Jan 18Reply

Hi! I just wanted to drop in and tell you I posted some new items in my closet I thought you might like. Happy Poshing!!
Jan 20Reply

@genevarose Ty I'm still in the hospital but I'm hoping I can get someone to do some errands for me tommorrow so I can posh while I'm in here 😉
Jan 21Reply

@luv2shoppgirl I'm so sorry. I hope you get to feel better. Get well soon.
Jan 21Reply

@genevarose Ty very much ❤
Jan 21Reply

Hi Wendi. Hope you are doing well. Thanks for the great rating. Be blessed my friend. Val @vjaxn
Jan 22Reply

@vjaxn Yw ty for the prayers & get well wishes!
Jan 22Reply

Thank you for the rating! I'm glad you like your boots!! I hope all is well with you! Happy poshing 😊
Jan 22Reply

Welcome to poshmark! Have a blessed day! THANKS for stopping by!
Jan 22Reply

Hey Wendi, Thanx for checking out my closet and showing some love!! From seeing the fue post above this hope all is well with you. Xo Tea :] Happy Poshing!
Jan 25Reply

🤗🤗🤗hi! please check my closet on your free time. Thank you very much 🤗🤗🤗
Jan 25Reply

Hey there doll. Make me an offer, everything must go!!! Order before midnight and ill ship tomorrow ;)
Jan 25Reply

Also lmk what items might interest u for a custom bundle...I will give u a great price :)
Jan 25Reply

@winkiebelle101 I would love to order but I won't be able to until in the morning. Hopefully u will have some things left
Jan 25Reply

@luv2shoppgirl if u want I can tell me the items u want to purchase I can create u a bundle listing with a discount price and hold until tomorrow for u...if u r sure u will purchase ;) lmk
Jan 25Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing!🤠💃🏻
Jan 25Reply

Welcome to Poshmark thank you for the like and happy poshing open to offers
Jan 26Reply

💐WELCOME TO POSH!! 📌Please checkout my closet for great deals. 📦 Bundles and offers are always welcome! 📬Same day or next day shipping.
Jan 27Reply

Hi Wendi! I'm Marian, please feel free to make an offer on anything you like, or bundle 2 or more for 25% (my weekend discount)💞 I just don't usually reduce prices unless I'm asked to!
Jan 29Reply

@luv2shoppgirl Welcome to Posh, I hope you love it here. It is a great place to find some great things. If you have any questions, I would be more than happy to help you learn the ropes. I'm a Suggested User and Party Host, I've followed you, Please feel free to visit my closet and follow me and take a look around if you would like. Happy Poshing. 😊
Jan 30Reply

@mstrini1216 I love ur closet!
Jan 31Reply

@luv2shoppgirl Hey I saw you liked a ton of items. Would you like me to start a bundle for you and give you a discount towards shipping?
Jan 31Reply

@chyna726 I love ur closet!
Jan 31Reply

@luv2shoppgirl Thanks if you have any questions or would like to purchase multiple items let me know so I can save you some money on shipping.
Jan 31Reply

Thank u for all the love
Jan 31Reply

Thanks for all the likes… I will consider offers :-)
Jan 31Reply

Hi you can bundle everything to get a discount.
Jan 31Reply

Welcome to my closet. Thanks for stopping by! Also all the likes & shares. Happy poshing!
Jan 31Reply

My goodiness with all you have shared tonight your my best friend! THANKS. Thanks a million!
Jan 31Reply

@chyna726 I'm not able to purchase again til Friday but I'll let u know
Jan 31Reply

@luv2shoppgirl Ok
Jan 31Reply

@luv2shoppgirl Just let me know when you are ready, and I hope all is well.
Jan 31Reply

Have a great day!
Feb 01Reply

Hi Wendi!
Feb 01Reply

@luv2shoppgirl hi hun thx for like ;) lmk if interested
Feb 02Reply

@juledcl It will be tommorrow
Feb 02Reply

Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Feb 03Reply

@luv2shoppgirl welcome to posh and thanks so much for the like 😊💕❤
Feb 04Reply

Thanks for the like on the gas purse and wallet if you would like to make an offer I would be more than willing to work with you cuz I want to get rid of all my old stuff so feel free to make an offer and I may consider it could be yours thank you and have a great day
Feb 05Reply

@luv2shoppgirl hi i sent your package out the other day I have the tracking number if you need it? Is your address Morganton, NC 28655?
Feb 08Reply

@phoobear79 Yes & ty!
Feb 08Reply

@luv2shoppgirl 420286559405510899359218190787. Mailed on 02/6/17 at 4:46pm.
Feb 08Reply

Hi! Thank you for the likes, feel free to make an offer & let me know if you have any questions, happy poshing😊
Feb 08Reply

Welcome to posh, hun!
Feb 09Reply

Hi sweetie welcome to poshmark. The best place to buy and sell. Very nice to meet 😘 please let me know if you have any questions about my list . Reasonable offers always welcome. I love to bundle it's the smartest way to save money pay only one shipping fee and buy multiple items with bundle discount
Feb 10Reply

hi there are you interested in mu ugg boots (:
Feb 12Reply

I am so sorry I haven't shipped your boots yet I will ship hem by tonight thanks for your patients I had a lot going on
Feb 13Reply

@melgonzalez99 I am interested but I couldn't get them until next month because I've spent over my limit this minth!
Feb 13Reply

@morgane4 I understand ty for letting me know
Feb 13Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. I love bundling, offers, and same day shipment :)
Feb 15Reply

Hi Wendi 🤗 Welcome To Poshmark 📦 Thank You For Visiting My Closet and Sharing the Love 💕 Have a Great and Blessed Evening
Feb 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🛍🛒📦💌💓😀 feel free to reach out with any questions! Happy poshing👍🏻
Feb 17Reply

Hi....I declined your offers because if you buy these in a bundle you get 20% off and you only have to pay shipping for one item even though you'll get both......Bigfootshoes12
Feb 18Reply

@bigfootshoes12 OK ty I'll do a bundle
Feb 18Reply

Hi wendi! Thank you so very much for purchasing my "aeropostale bundle" I do regret to inform you that i do not have the balck tshirt; i recently donated it to my local salvation army! Please let me know if there are any other shirt or short listings on my closet. I would happily send it to you in replacement! So sorry for the inconvenience. I really do regret giving this news to a fellow posher
Feb 21Reply

I also have a long sleeve bpack abercrombie and fitch tshirt(mens small) and a navy blue short sleeve aeropostale tshirt(also mens small) If you are interested i will post a picture so you can see in my clost saying that this is for wendi and not for sale! So sorry!
Feb 21Reply

@beckettweinlein OK let me see the shirts my son really liked the shirt
Feb 21Reply

Hi wendi! If you would like to check out my 4 most recent listings i can give you any 2 shirts in replacement for the other shirt!
Feb 22Reply

@beckettweinlein My son wants the Nile shirt & the gray Aeropostale shirt. Would that be ok instead?
Feb 22Reply

Please comment on the nile shirt i am not sure which one you are talking about
Feb 22Reply

Perfect thank you so much for understanding! So sorry again!
Feb 22Reply

@beckettweinlein So is that ok?
Feb 22Reply

Yes! Sorry again! Packaging them right now
Feb 22Reply

@beckettweinlein No problem thanks for letting me know ☺
Feb 22Reply

Just wanted to let you know i dropped off your package to the post office early this morning! Thanks for your order!😀
Feb 23Reply

@beckettweinlein Ty :)
Feb 23Reply

hi. I just wanted to drop in to tell you I posted some more great items I think you might like. If you have a chance please take a look! Thanks!!
Feb 25Reply

Hi! Thanks so much for your purchase!
Mar 22Reply

Hi! Thank you for the rating! I'm glad that you like the bracelet and hope you enjoy wearing it.
Mar 27Reply

@slovesmith Yw! I love it ❤❤❤
Mar 27Reply

I love your closet! So many things would like in addition to the boots! I saw you like Coach bags! I have a BEAUTIFUL Coach bag that I am willing to give the matching wallet along with the bag and original dust bag. But I really just wanted to say thank you for holding the boots ( actually I'm hoping the booties are still available also ) & keep in contact with you daily just so you have no concerns that I' am still interested.Have a great day
Apr 28Reply

@jennielee2173 Ty so much :)
Apr 28Reply

Thanks so much for lowering those prices I really appreciate it I was asking actually about trading you said you were into trades and I was mentioning the Coach pocketbook that I have it's beautiful you would love it do you think you might be interested
Apr 28Reply

@jennielee2173 I'll look at ur closet :)
Apr 28Reply

@jennielee2173 I'll trade :)
Apr 28Reply

@jennielee2173 Let me know what else u want
Apr 28Reply

@luv2shoppgirl WOW! I should be love2shopgirl2! Lol. Are those the two items you'd like? COACH BAG & GENUINE STERLING SILVER RING
Apr 28Reply

@jennielee2173 Yes!
Apr 28Reply

Good morning! It's Jennie 2173....i wanted to ask if you are still interested in the trade? I am still, although I need to make sure we are both correct about the trade.
Apr 30Reply

@jennielee2173 Yes. Do u want the Wedge Ugg's too? Let me know & I'll change the price on ur bundle
Apr 30Reply

Yes i do, very much. it is rent day so im needing to limit myself. I do like them, the uggs, but i am trying to keep an even trade. There are 3 options that I see. All boots ( uggs, hardys, booties and skull ugg ) don't know price. Or create other bundle, just hard to choose which could possibly have to go.
May 01Reply

@jennielee2173 I can do an even trade with everything in the bundle except the Wedge Ugg boots. If ur wanting them I can let u have them for $40. Let me know. I'll change the price to $3 & the bundle that I want in ur closet u change the price to $3 & we both "buy". After we make our labels we can cancel & do the trade for free. When we print the label it will have the tracking #.
May 01Reply

@jennielee2173 Hi I was checking to see if u want to still trade? Let me know ASAP if not I'm going to relist them
May 01Reply

Hello. Thank you for checking out our closet 🤗 and your 💕
May 06Reply

hi, wendi..thx for likin my listing..if u need anything,,im hare to help..
May 12Reply

@kristinabruce Yw & ty ❤
May 12Reply

@luv2shoppgirl ty again.,
May 12Reply

Hi dear.happy poshing.I would like if u will check my closet.Brand i hv in my closet (MAC,Victoria's secret, Pink,h&m,forever21,Marc Jacobs).
💥 If u will buy marc jacobs bag u will get FREE SHIPPING on all items.😊
May 13Reply

@jassgill I will look 😁
May 13Reply

Happy Mothers day to you! I wanted to apologize for the rudeness of my behavior in not getting back to you. I do sincerely apologize. If you are still interested in the Coach bag & wallet and silver ring I can assure you that it can be done first thing tomorrow morning. Either way, I do honestly apologize. That is not my normal behavior. I won't bother you with reasons, just know I regret it, you deserve more respect than I gave you.
May 14Reply

@jennielee2173 Happy Mother's Day to u to. I would love it but some of the things u wanted sold. I am willing to trade if u want to find something in my closet. I'm going to be adding more things today.
May 14Reply

I did find some things just in case you still wanted to and I believe it comes out to the same amount for both of us. Thank you for accepting my apology it's really not my normal behavior
May 14Reply

@jennielee2173 Sweetheart I understand. I know ow things happen & I appreciate your apology. Do u want me to make u a bundle?
May 14Reply

I'm there are a couple of things but I certainly have no problem waiting until you have the time to list some other items. As a matter of fact that's exactly what I'm doing right now LOL
May 14Reply

@jennielee2173 OK great when I get back home & post them I'll let u know 😀
May 14Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet I provide same day shipping and all offers are welcome 😊
May 15Reply

Hi! I know there are so many fabulous closets on Posh but I would be grateful if you checked out mine! I always include a free extra surprise with any order. Either way, thanks so much for your time and have a wonderful day!
Jun 09Reply

@spreadlove Ty for taking time to ask me. I will look at your closet & I hope you will look at mine 😀 ❤ Have a good night!
Jun 10Reply

Thank you for the like Wendi 👜. Let me know if you have any questions.
Aug 08Reply

Thanks for the like and for visiting my closet! 😊
Sep 04Reply

😁 Thanks for liking my purse! 💕
Sep 22Reply

Hi thank you for liking my closet, I have a buy two get one free sale plus 10 percent of interested habe a blessed day!!
Sep 22Reply

Thank you so much for the love on my closest. I love offers!! I hope you find something you like😊 Please let me know if you have any questions! Happy poshing✌🏻
Nov 08Reply

Hi! I seen you liked my justfab boots! I'm trying to get rid of everything ASAP if your interested I love doing bundles and always accept or counter! I never decline just let me know I can always work something out that we both agree on in a bundle!
Nov 26Reply

@breananycole Yw & I'll look at ur closet💗
Nov 26Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Marc Jacobs Daisy, Chi hair products, Nike, Victoria’s secret, and so much more! so take a look around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 31Reply

I think I may have some potential items in my closet that you may like, hope you can check it out Have a Good Day✨
Apr 02Reply

Wendi J
I purchased something from your closet on May 23 and it STILL HAS NOT SHIPPED. can you tell me when it will ship.
Thank you Pat
Jun 02Reply

@luv2shoppgirl Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 20Reply
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