Meet your Posher, Whitney
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"I like to describe my style as classic with a touch of boho chic because I don't know what any of that means and I'm wearing sweatpants." :0)

31 others
like this

Hey babe & welcome to Posh! ✨👛 You're going to love this app! Feel free to check out my closet and leave a comment if you have any questions about anything! Show lots of Posh Love w/ Shares and Likes and you'll get lots back for sure! Happy Poshing! 💕
Sep 25Reply

@whitneygmartin Hi and welcome to Poshmark! Wishing you an abundance of sells and have a blast while doing so!! If I can ever help in any way please don't hesitate to ask! Happy Poshing 🎉🛍🎉
Oct 14Reply

🙋Welcome to Poshmark! 💛 Feel free to tag me @Khattie with any questions you have or listings I can share that you think my followers would enjoy! I love to help new users get started! 😘
In the mean time, make sure you add to your "meet the posher" listing w/ photos and fun info about you. We love to see who we're Poshing with!
Also check out The Posh user forum @official_forum for some great tips! 💁 Don't forget to follow me @Khattie
💕Happy Poshing!!!💕
Oct 14Reply

Welcome 🌸
Dec 14Reply

Hi Whitney. Thanks for sharing my creations with your followers 🌹
May 17Reply

@hmsimon1 Yep! I don't wear jewelry really but definitely have an appreciation for good art! Your items are very neat, unique, and creative. :0)
May 17Reply

Hi Whitney! Love the pics. What a beautiful place. Cats! Can't go wrong with cats 😻 Your tuxedo has the same face as my Frank.
I'll check out your closet.
Jun 15Reply

And what an adorable pup!
Jun 15Reply

@victoria8185 Thanks! I never imagined having cats. They found me. And now I can't imagine NOT having cats! The pup, Holly, isn't ours. She belongs to some friends. They leave for 3 months every winter so she stays with us while they're away. Love her too...such a sweet girl. :0)
Jun 15Reply

@victoria8185 "Frank" ...hehe. I like that name for a kitty. My guys are Digit and Radar. Digit is polydactyl and Radar has a bent tail tip. Lol!
Jun 15Reply

@whitneygmartin One of my grandcats...Eleanor - is a poly. Yea... another people name. Digit...that's cute.
Jun 16Reply

@whitneygmartin I've come to love pups too. I have a grand dog...Cesar...a dogo Argentina. Funny dog. Animals are such a blessing. They love us no matter. I've always been a cat person. 😻
Jun 16Reply

It looks like you have such a afull and wonderful life in Alaska.
Jun 16Reply

@victoria8185 Eleanor...I bet she's either very refined and graceful or a total screwball! Tee hee! I asked John for a full year for a puppy or rescue dog. Then one day I just released it and said out loud, "(Universe) please send me whatever animal I am supposed to have whenever I am supposed to have it." And I simply let it go. Do you know that within days these 2 fellows joined my household.
Jun 16Reply

@victoria8185 It's actually a really neat story but I'll spare ya the details. All I can say is that the 4 of us belong together no doubt! Never knew I was a cat person (love all animals) but now...totally smitten. You are sooo correct. They are a blessing. And I'm grateful. Cannot fathom why people abuse animals (well I mean I understand the psychology behind it).
Jun 16Reply

@victoria8185 Honestly, I don't think of my guys in an ownership way. We coexist (happily) and help one another. I get as much from them as they get from me (...just in different ways).
I love that you've always been a "cat person." Ya know..that may just be the new 'politically correct' way of saying crazy cat lady!!!!!!! Sorry to go on and on so much! Love Alaska!
Jun 16Reply

@whitneygmartin We all coexist too...I'm their slave. I have my son's cat, Rayne - she should be a Lucy, anyway,
Eleanor is somewhat elegant because she's long and slender but she's really quirky.
Jun 16Reply

@whitneygmartin Don't get why people hurt innocent animals either. Sweet little critters.
Jun 18Reply

Hi Posher Friend!! 😀
Warm greetings from San Antonio, Texas. Congrats on your closet, nice things. Will come back and pay a visit or text me if you post new items. Best wishes on future sales. Have a awesome Day, Take care. ☺ Mari
Jun 19Reply

Hey Whitney, thank you for Liking my Patagonia down shirt! Like me, you look like a lover of nature, protecting it, and playing in it as often as possible. Anyhoo, I'll grab some other items from my closet for you to see, and you let me know if anything strikes your fancy. If you buy the jacket in the next hour, I'll take $10 right off the top!
Jul 27Reply

@whitneygmartin hi!!!!! im so sorry again for inconvenience. I know its frustrating but Im hoping to make it right. I want to issue a refund ASAP but Im still trying to figure out how. Any idea?
Jul 28Reply

@sarisari_exp I think I just have to open a case as opposed to accepting the order. Then poshmark will email you about it.
Jul 28Reply

@sarisari_exp It's okay...I'm not frustrated. It happens. Seriously. :0)
Jul 28Reply

@sarisari_exp I just didn't want you to get some random email from poshmark and think, "WTF?"!!!
Jul 28Reply

@whitneygmartin please go ahead so you can get your money back quickly! Is there anyway I can make it up? I have new TEVA and IM 100% sure they're women this time I just had my sister tried them on. I'll offer them to you if interested. Im not gonna be able to sleep ;(
Jul 28Reply

@whitneygmartin thank you! I appreciate it a lot :)
Jul 28Reply

@sarisari_exp No, I'm good. Seriously...don't worry about it. I saw the new ones you have but I sold a pair in that print on here myself (different style though). PM should send me a label. Then I send them back to you. Once you accept the return (in the mail and on here) they should issue me a refund. But I'll keep my eye on your closet in case you have a pair of interest in the future.
Jul 28Reply

@sarisari_exp Also, teva has a size chart. To tell the difference between men and women's you have to compare the UK and EU size. For example the ones you sent say: USA 8 UK 7.0 EU 40.5 JAPAN 26.0. My personal ones say: USA 8 UK 6.0 EU 39.0 JAPAN 25.0. Don't lose sleep over it!
Jul 28Reply

@whitneygmartin just screenshot this for my sizing reference! I actually just went ahead and updated the other one I have to state the men's size. If it's 8 men is it 8.5 women?
Jul 28Reply

@sarisari_exp I believe it would be a women's size 9 since Teva only does whole sizes on this style.
Jul 28Reply

@whitneygmartin thanks a million! I just change the category to men's for accuracy since I'm not that familiar with Teva. I only know size 7 fits me 😆
Jul 28Reply

@sarisari_exp No worries. I have to run a quick errand then will send request to pm when I get back. Will keep ya posted.
Jul 28Reply

@whitneygmartin at your convenience. thanks again
Jul 28Reply

@sarisari_exp Hiya! So I just sent the request in. Don't know when they'll email ya but said within 24 hours (supposedly). Also, here's a link to teva size chart. You won't be able to click on it but you can copy the link so you'll have it to reference if needed. Thanks again!
Jul 29Reply

Jul 29Reply

@whitneygmartin thanks! I notified them and requested to process a refund for you. Again, Thanks a million for your understanding
Jul 29Reply

Thanks for the like!😃
Aug 11Reply

@clarkfam313 No thanks. :0)
Aug 22Reply

@blondie844 Awww...thanks. :0D
Aug 22Reply

Hey, I have a couple other thermoses that you might like too!
Aug 31Reply

Putting your package in the mail 🤗enjoy
Oct 23Reply

@gibsongirldiva Thanks for your patience. :0)
Oct 23Reply

Sure, anytime. Thank you for all the sharing 🤗🤗
Oct 23Reply

Thank you for the lovely comments and review 🤗💕!
Oct 27Reply

❤️"Whitty"❤️ Hi, Beautiful!!! How are you?!!! Omg
First let me say what an absolute SWEETHEART you are with your love note. Thank you. Pretty hilarious because you sound a tad bit like me in it. Lol. Ty so much again I'm really glad you like it. ⭐️next. I truly truly trulyyyyy love your pro pics. They show that you're really living life. Enjoying life. And you're not afraid to GO OUTSIDE in the cold 🤣🤣🤣
Nov 07Reply

🤣 I didn't look at the pics tonight but I remember u wearing hats & smiling and animals and KY. Suoer interesting being here in NJ. Ya knw? Omg. That is CRAZY you were considering that SAME shirt. All my life I never liked soda but lately I'm a big Coca Cola fan so had to grab it. Apparently we have a bunch of silly little things in common. I love it❤️
Nov 07Reply

@whitneygmartin I just peeked at your pics. Omg boats. I lovvvee boats Fishing isn't so bad. I love your life!!
Nov 07Reply

@ladycrackerjack You were close. East Tennessee not Kentucky. 35 years in Knoxville then 1 in Sullivan's Island, South Carolina and now going on 5 years in Palmer, Alaska.
Nov 07Reply

@ladycrackerjack Shoot my job is to plunge into ice cold swift water so no I don't mind going outside!!!
Nov 07Reply

❤️stop it! I just peeked at the label. I forgot AK was Alaska. ROFL! How beautiful💕
Nov 07Reply

@whitneygmartin I was just trying to enlarge the photo of the fence and see what kind of furry baby that is there. Is that like a goat? Lol. Watermelon lol
Nov 07Reply

@ladycrackerjack Love my hats, down coats, and muck boots. Hehe--a bit of an addict! But a girl needs variety outside in the cold. I have a friend in NJ. Not sure what area though. I think she says f#ck about every other word. It's kinda amusing to me!
Nov 07Reply

so you are either a lady polar bear or a fireman or a naval officer :) You are a lady of many hats for sure, girly
Nov 07Reply

She sounds typical Jersey. I try not to fit the bill I'm quite subdued compared to many natives
Nov 07Reply

@ladycrackerjack They're in the goat family. A musk ox. Came to Antarctica by way of the Northern Passage (which is now water). Megafauna Mammals from the Ice Age. Pretty sure the only species to survive to modern times. Almost killed off by natives from hunting. Revived and placed in Alaska. Palmer has a musk ox farm (google it). I'm a volunteer herder there.
Nov 07Reply

@ladycrackerjack Nah...I'd never survive the military. Pretty opposed to mindlessly obeying orders. Drop and give me 50! The hell I will... um...NOT! I would soooo be put into military jail for disobey a direct order. Don't color inside the lines very well.
Nov 07Reply

@ladycrackerjack I'm a public safety diver for the Mat-Su Borough Water Rescue Team (search&rescue). We do mud rescue, swift water (rivers), ice, and ropes (low to steep angle clifffs). I L💛VE IT! My previous work was as a financial advisor and I worked at a trade desk. Bleck!!!
Nov 07Reply

@ladycrackerjack Yeah, it took me by surprise at first because she is such a pretty little thing. Then she opened her mouth! I was like...WTF???? Hahaha!!! Now I'm just amused by it. We all have different cultural backgrounds. Just a few weeks ago I spent 30 minutes trying to explain to my 60 year old neighbor what a "Redneck" is! She grew up with a family of physicians and not the backwoods of the Appalachian Mountains (Smokies)!!! She still doesn't quite comprehend it. 😂😂😂
Nov 07Reply

I'd love to "git me" one of "them screamer goats". They're super funny. Yes I will have to google the farm. AK Sounds like a beautiful place to live ...when the suns out. I just can nottt take the cold. I'm rocking a fleece zip onesie right now. Mind you I'm quite adult age. It's some sort of animal. I can see you sporting one and being all silly too. Well. It's 257 am. This conver is super fun. We must pick it up another day. Have an awesome night, pretty lady😊. -Me
Nov 07Reply

@whitneygmartin fin adv / trade desk. Holy stress. To the now new job that you love. I'm loving this. I think you're my new inspiration.
Nov 07Reply

@whitneygmartin you are a riot. Bahaha
Nov 07Reply

@ladycrackerjack I commend you because I'd never survive Jersey either. We had to overnight there traveling back to AK once. Everyone was dressed to the nines, angry, and in a hurry. We probably looked like a couple of loons because we were basically rock'n dive gear, hoodies, xtratuffs and had a pair of tevas strapped to the bag. Hahaha!!!
Nov 07Reply

@ladycrackerjack Teehee...will let ya in on a little secret. Several of us gals on the team have your onsie spirit! We wear them under our drysuits. One lady scored a mermaid one! Our plan is to have each of the power rangers if we can find them. But of course...power puff girls would totally trump that imo!!! Sleep well. And warm. And toasty. Nutt'n like being an 'of adult age' onsie wearer!!!
Nov 07Reply

Hello there 😉 thank you for the share, I appreciate it. You have a great closet!! Happy Poshing 👒👜👗👡👠🛍
Nov 08Reply

@danbran2 Hi there. I've been really busy this weekend (poshmark wasn't a top priority). Sorry. I value the time you have spent but there is a bit of an issue. I was waiting for you to communicate with me before beginning the paintings. I asked alot of specific questions and gave you precisely what I was looking for in terms of layout, shape, and color.
Nov 28Reply

@danbran2 Radar looks good although I wanted brighter colors and him to fill the page more. But he still looks nice so I can deal with that no problem. But I never approved the sketch of Digit. Let me say that I love the colors and background. However, I requested you change his paws, tail, and back leg. Drew a sketch to show ya too in case we were miscommunicating.
Nov 28Reply

@danbran2 But the changes were never made and all of a sudden the paintings were done. I like your work and I truly don't want your time wasted. It's hard for me to follow through with the one of Digit though because it doesn't look like him. The original post where you drew the sketch and I requested the additional changes is deleted from your page now. But I had also drawn the corrections myself and posted it for you so you could see (including how he was to fill the page).
Nov 28Reply

@danbran2 Are you able to correct the painting you posted of him by fixing his front paws, back leg, and tail with additional paint? I can deal with his size okay, although one of the reasons I wanted a larger sheet was so the cats would be larger too but that's a mute point now. I will work with you if you are willing to work with me on this. So sorry. :0(
Nov 28Reply

@danbran2 There still here. Judt on bottom of my page now. I commented on it for ya but I'll share them to your closet so it'll be easier for you to find. :0)
Nov 28Reply

@danbran2 **typo correction** "They're"
Nov 28Reply

Whitney, if you like the Northface Mitts, I’m willing to work out a desk with you...
Dec 20Reply

@tez213 Would love that but unfortunately they're gonna be too large for me. Especially if they run big. I wear a women's small and sometimes medium glove. L💙VE the gloves though so I'll keep sharing them for ya!
Dec 21Reply

@whitneygmartin totally understand & Thanks. I get women’s outdoor gear from time to time but the only thing I have right now in Gloves I think are the Obermeyer Ski Gloves in your Size. I love the pic of those huge fish you caught! That’s BOSS!
Dec 21Reply

Hey Whitney! I absolutely love the Columbia jacket you have posted. I would like to buy it but have a wait until this next week. Would you be willing to put it on hold for 5- 6 days (at the most)? I am so sorry to ask this, I would totally buy it today if I could. Let me know at your convenience.
Jan 07Reply

@ashleyerw Hi there. Sorry, I forgot to respond to this. I marked the jacket as 'not for sell' for the time being so it can't be purchased. Just let me know when you're ready. Thx. :0)
Jan 10Reply

@whitneygmartin Oh you’re so sweet! Thank you, I just wasn’t sure when I saw that, so thanks for getting back to me! I want to make an offer but I found this jacket new on the Columbia site this morning when I didn’t know if the ‘not for sale’ was for me or not, for $119.90 with free shipping. I also saw it on another poshers site, one listing for $70 and another for $110 (new).
Jan 11Reply

@whitneygmartin (second part of my initial comment) I don’t want to offend you, bc I know sometimes it’s easy to be offended when people give you a low ball offer but I would like to propose $100? Let me know your thoughts and we can go from there and thanks again for getting back to me! My apologies in advance if this in any way offends you!
Jan 11Reply

@whitneygmartin hey Whitney I am ready to make an offer, let me know if you’re ready to put it back for sale! Thanks 😊
Jan 12Reply

@whitneygmartin Hi There! thanks for your purchase! Your item has been shipped today, and likely you will receive it by Wednesday! 😀 Thanks again for your purchase. Really appreciate ❤️
Jan 12Reply

Hi there Whitney! Alaska, yeah?!? “They say”, that while it’s legal to shoot bears in Alaska, to wake a sleeping one, for the sole purpose of taking its picture, is in-fact illegal!??! Interesting and really random-
Anyhow! I saw earlier that you had made an offer of $65 or something along those lines and then canceled? No worries, and hopefully no pressure for what I am going to ask/say next! Would you be interested again if it were being sold at $50? No worries if no 😉
Jan 12Reply

@pauliepps I would be interested! Just a tad concerned because I read some reviews that said it ran small and was challenging to get on and off. Any (honest) thoughts on that?
Jan 12Reply

Hello I see you made a “bundle” on one of my items what does bundle mean? Thanks
Feb 06Reply

@chotlan It serves 2 purposes. If I bundled more than 1 item it allows me to either purchase or make an offer (that you accept, counter, or decline) and only charges one shipping fee. Or I can bundle an item and it allows the seller (you) to send the potential buyer (me) a private offer (usually at a discounted rate) that nobody else sees.
Feb 06Reply

@chotlan Basically we can barter in private and either of us can initiate the potential sell/purchase at a rate less than the listed price. Hope this makes sense and helps. :0)
Feb 06Reply

@chotlan It's optional too. I just have that jacket bundled in case you were to want to make me an offer. You aren't able to unless it's bundled. But poshmark kinda pushes ya to "make the sell" and sends little notifications. They make $$ on sells...which is the bottom line...ha!
Feb 06Reply

Hey! I'll sell ya that jacket for $25 in person. I'll post it on Craigslist when I get a break in a bit so we can communicate that way
Mar 06Reply

@tonya_hannah What's it listed as...not finding it.
Mar 06Reply

@whitneygmartin Give me about an hour when I get a break and I'll be able to list it. I'll let you know when I do!
Mar 06Reply

@tonya_hannah rush...sorry. I was confused by your other post: "Done :)". Thought that meant it was posted. I'll check back in an hour or so! Thx.
Mar 06Reply

@whitneygmartin posted! Green Columbia Fleece is the title and I listed it for your name in the body of he posting. Free to email me through there :)
Mar 06Reply

@tonya_hannah Found it!
Mar 06Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet Whitty, let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Apr 15Reply

whitney, I believe I have the French Red (w Mogul blue? color zippers) Nano Puff Bivy in small you posted that you were looking for. It is in excellent pre-owned condition and is a small. I haven't listed it, but if you are interested, let me know.
Apr 30Reply

@a00418434 Thanks. What would be your asking price? :0)
Apr 30Reply

$150 is the best I can do on it, it is like new. Honestly, I am not sure my daughter ever wore it--I gave it to her for her bday in April 2017, and I think the tags came off and it hung in the closet until now. I won't list it on Posh though-20% fee too high for me. I will list on ebay. Let me know if you are interested and I will get it listed and give you the heads up first. It is a Fall 2016 model.
Apr 30Reply

@a00418434 Yeah, let me know when you list it and I'll keep an eye on it. But I'm not willing to go that high. That's why I didn't purchase the one on here when she offered $130. I'm looking to pay more around 100-ish bucks. Thank you though, I appreciate it. :0)
May 01Reply

@a00418434 Ebay is fine by me btw. Also, I'm an April baby too!!! The 6th. :0D
May 01Reply

Thank you for the like… They are great boots and still in dynamite condition
May 12Reply

Jun 03Reply

My name is 🍀Selena. I recommend checking out, “Your Guide to Posh”, to ensure success. Come check out out my closet, my new Follow Game and also join my new Tag list, so you can be apart of all the fun, meet new people(PFF) Posh Friends Forever, and gain more sales. The more closet exposure, the better chance at more sales.We all work together to help each other grow together. You’ll see 😊♥️😁!!! Happy Poshing!!!!! Sharing is Caring ❤️💛💙
Aug 25Reply

<Waving Hello!> I dont normally comment on people that have liked the items in my closet.. but had to! I've wanted to live in Alaska since I was 9 (55 years ago!) Have not been up there (yet) but when my daughter got her first kitty at age 9, she named him Palmer, after Palmer, AK, as I had wanted to move there. Kitties, and other 'fur-babies' , have a way of adopting us, dont you think? And yes, The Universe gave you what would be mutual love
Sep 25Reply

@carolscupboard Hiiii! Perfectly alright. I L❤VE your octopus hats!!! Can't decide which one I love the most! I'm in my 6th year in Palmer and I feel absolutely at home here (...originally from East TN). It's never too late...I was 36 when I moved here and my parter, he was 48. :0)
Sep 25Reply

@carolscupboard My kitties definitely chose me. It's a neat story. Now I can't imagine life without them. Best decision we ever made...besides moving to Alaska!!! Of course they were already here. We weren't brought together until 2-3 years ago.
Sep 25Reply

I absolutely love your description of your style!!! It’s fabulous and gave my husband and I the laugh of the day. I lived in AK for a couple of years in my youth, your pictures brought back some great memories!
Oct 05Reply

@missdonalou Hehe. Thanks. Absolutely L❤VE it here. :0)
Oct 10Reply

Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet & liking an item ✨ all orders placed this weekend will ship Monday morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Nov 03Reply

Awesome pics! Thank you for visiting my closet and liking my item. Please feel free to make an offer on any of my items. I will consider all reasonable offers. Have a great day!
Mar 14Reply

Welcome to poshmark!
Thanks for following me and I appreciate you 🌍
Apr 15Reply

Hi Whitney! I feel honored that you liked my Teva sandals because you are such an outdoor goddess. I will diligently search the discards of wealthy Texans to find great gear to help you in your mission 👩🏼⚕️❤️🐕😻
Jul 04Reply

I recently bought mesh head scarfs triangle I took up and wear for work, those shoes go with the pink on one of them. :D
Aug 22Reply

You have a great closet. Great taste 💄💋
Sep 04Reply

Another adventurous Alaskan girl!! My type of people!!!😉
Oct 04Reply

Love your closet style! I use to live in Palmer and my husband is from Wasilla Alaska! Love your pictures and makes me miss Alaska. We now live in Kansas the complete opposite scenery of Alaska. Haha! Happy Poshing to you!
Nov 25Reply

How much for the kitty cats.........?.......?.???
Mar 01Reply

Mar 01Reply

Whitney just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures & I shared several listings from your closet today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
Aug 03Reply

Hi Whitney! It’s great to meet you!💝
Jan 11Reply

Wow. Alaska. I love it. Your pictures are great and your description cracked me up. Thank you for checking out the OR hat. I have another one I can list today in case you’re interested in both. They both fit me, although one say S and one says M (tried them on for size) I had bought them for my son who outgrew them before he had a chance to use them lol. NWOT
Feb 13Reply

Hi Whitney it’s such a pleasure to meet you and stay safe and healthy in these uncertain times ❤️🙏😇Amlpoet
Feb 15Reply

hello! thanks for liking pink hat! just sent an offer. Also, very cool pictures!
Mar 30Reply

Hi!!!! I'm so sorry, I just wanted to let you know that we swapped the shipping label for your order with one for a watch--- I am new to Poshmark but trying to figure out how to fix it! I will let you know what they say or how to ship back so I can get you your correct item ASAP!
I'm sooooo sorry!
Nov 02Reply

@amyvillegasnsb Yeah, I just now picked it up at the post office. Figured that's what happened because I liked the watch too and saw that it sold right after I purchased the wetsuit.
Nov 02Reply

Happy Holidays. Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2900 items. Bundle a few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Dec 07Reply

Hey there! Just stopping by to say hi! 🌺🌺🌺 What a lovely closet!✨✨✨Wishing you good sales! Happy poshing! Have a wonderful day! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 07Reply

Hi!! thanks for stopping by my shop!
see something you like but don’t ❤️ the price? send an offer!
almost all offers are accepted 🥰
bundle and save an extra 10%!
also accepting trades!
don’t ❤️ the price? send an offer! like seriously! low ball me!🥰
Mar 19Reply

hello thanks for like my Mermaid curtain shower its new i drop my price if you aren't Happy make an offert have anice week
Jun 10Reply

Hi Whitney, I appreciate you taking a look at my closet! It’s Closet Clear Out Day- if you're interested in the Ceramic Cutout Pendant White - Opalhouse designed with Jungalow or anything else, let me know and I’ll reduce the price by at least 10% and you’ll get a nice little shipping discount. I can also customize a bundle for you. Again, thanks for stopping by!
Aug 23Reply

Hi Whitty, thanks for visiting my closet and liking this cute Halloween votive holder, you're welcome to purchase it, if you would like. Have a Blessed Day.
Sep 29Reply

Sorry, it's not a votive holder, just a cute decorative decor.
Sep 29Reply

@whitneygmartin Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 09Reply

such a blessing 🕊🌟🌙🌤💛⚘🙏🏽
Mar 08Reply

Great pictures of your adventures. Continue to enjoy a beautiful, active life outdoors!
Mar 09Reply
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