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Updated Oct 06
Updated Oct 06

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imn2prays Hello. Your sandals shipped today and you should be able to track them soon. Thank you for your purchase and I hope you enjoy them.
Feb 23Reply
rav2011 @imn2prays Thank you.
Feb 24Reply
lularoesara Hi there! My name is Sara and I am a LuLaRoe Consultant. I just received a large shipment of LuLaRoe pieces including One Size and TC Leggings, Carlys, Julias, Nicoles, Maxi and Cassie skirts, and pre-made outfits. If you're looking for any new LuLaRoe pieces, stop by my closet some time. Thanks!
Mar 08Reply
mrscscloset @rav2011 - Hi Laura, Wow, thank you for all the likes in my closet. Would you like me to put together a bundle offer from all your likes? I didn't want to pressure you in any way, just let me know if you are interested in all or just a couple items? Thank you very much for checking out my closet, and I look forward to hearing from you. Hope you have a great weekend!
Mar 29Reply
rav2011 @mrscscloset Hi I just got back from vacation. I was looking through poshmark on are way back. I am busy getting unpacked and ready for the week ahead I will sit down when I get time I am very interested in the bundle. Thank you.
Mar 30Reply
mrscscloset @rav2011 Thank you very much for getting back to me, much appreciated. I completely understand the settling back in after vacation! Hope to hear from you soon! Have a great rest of your week!
Mar 30Reply
mrscscloset @rav2011 - Hi Laura, thank you so much for your purchase yesterday! I wasn't able to get it shipped out until today, just wanted you to know it is coming! Thank you for shopping my closet again, you are the best! Have a great holiday weekend!
May 23Reply
rav2011 @mrscscloset That's fine no rush.Take care and have a good weekend.
May 24Reply
mrscscloset @rav2011 - Hi Laura, I just wanted to give you a heads up that I added a few more items to my closet yesterday, a couple of them I thought you might like. Take a look when you get a chance. I may be adding more today also. Happy Sunday!
Jul 21Reply
mrscscloset @rav2011 - Hi Laura, I was gone most of today and didn't have a chance to check my Poshmark till now, thank you so much for your purchase! And that is the top set I thought you might go for! So happy you got it! I will be shipping out tomorrow. Have a great week and thank you again!
Jul 23Reply
rav2011 @mrscscloset ok Thank you for the heads up. I love that top and sweater I seen it and had to get it.
Jul 23Reply
mrscscloset @rav2011 - I meant to ask you if you are interested in the either pair of shoes, don't know your size, but I was offering them for FREE if your purchase is over $20, which you met? Let me know if interested!
Jul 23Reply
rav2011 @mrscscloset Hi I am a size 8 1\2 sorry I would love them they are adorable but they won't fit .But thank you for checking. 😊
Jul 23Reply
rav2011 Oh I see those are a 9 now they may fit I will take those.
Jul 23Reply
mrscscloset @rav2011 Hi Laura, I didn't see your comment above until now, very sorry about that! So, next time you place an order just remind me and I will send you the shoes, the size 9 sandals. I was also wondering if you received your last order from me? You haven't accepted it yet so maybe you can check into that. Thank you Laura!
Jul 29Reply
rav2011 @mrscscloset yes I did get the order and I love those tops they are so neat. And no problem about the sandles I get them next time ty.
Jul 29Reply
mrscscloset @rav2011 - Hi Laura, well sorry to tell you that before I could pull together your items for packaging up and mailed today, the sandals sold to someone else! So sorry about that! I'm hoping to get some more items listed this week yet and hopefully I can make you another good offer later. Sorry Laura, sometimes I am not fast enough on keeping up with the sales, which I'm not complaining about, just comes on me unexpectedly at times, Lol! Have a good week and talk soon!
Aug 06Reply
handy15 Welcome to Poshmark..Enjoy shopping 🛍..Let me know if you need anything..
Sep 20Reply
luxury4less111 Welcome to Poshmark where poshing is fun!
Sep 20Reply
closetglam43 Welcome to Poshmark and my closet. I invite you to visit again and again, new items added weekly. I love to make deals, you like, you bundle and we make happy deals. Have a great day.
Oct 25Reply
closetglam43 Thanks for the likes, would love to make a happy deal.
Oct 25Reply
vintagelini Hello! Since its cyber Monday Im offering a sale promotion to everyone who has previously bought from me. I am offering 40% off my entire page and 60% off bundles of 3 or more items, and 70% off bundles of 8 or more items! Happy poshing and let me know if you have any questions:) also, I will honor this code for friends and family members so if they want to take a look and use code “friend of vintage lini” I will offer the discount.
Dec 02Reply
vintagelini Hello! Since its cyber Monday Im offering a sale promotion to everyone who has previously bought from me. I am offering 40% off my entire page and 60% off bundles of 3 or more items, and 70% off bundles of 8 or more items! Happy poshing and let me know if you have any questions:) also, I will honor this code for friends and family members so if they want to take a look and use code “friend of vintage lini” I will offer the discount.
Dec 02Reply
jorja062 Thank you for taking a look at my family’s closet offers are welcome we have excellent ratings and reviews
Dec 02Reply
squizbabycash due to outrage of coronavirus there might be a delay about a week or so every business is closed down as of today but will keep you fully updated
Mar 20Reply
rav2011 @squizbabycash Thank you for the update I truly understand. Take care and hope all is well for you.
Mar 20Reply
squizbabycash thankyou hopefully purchase still remains the same once week go by your item is shipped but you are optional to make a refund
Mar 20Reply
rav2011 @squizbabycash they are giving 10 days for shipping right now instead of 7.
Mar 20Reply
squizbabycash that's going to be a helper for continuation
Mar 20Reply
squizbabycash item has shipped today of march 25 please accept when received thank you for your purchase and cooperation for delay
Mar 25Reply
squizbabycash did you receive item package if so do you accept
Mar 28Reply
angmomto2 Hi Laura. Which tees did you want to bundle? I can try to do 6-7 for the 5lbs. I am willing to go weigh them tomorrow to check to see if they are under the 5lbs if you let me know which ones. Please let me know. I was trying to reach out to you in the comment section of the bundle you had sent me. 😀
May 07Reply
mybabyclad Hi, I'm so glad I made your day.I try very hard to keep prices low so I can give everyone a chance to get something they like.Glad to hear your thrilled with all.And TY for your 5 star!!!!!
May 15Reply
patriciabonura Hi Laura, my name is Patricia Abbott and I ordered a dress from you order # 5c356af45d71e5ea050c2ceb and it was sent to the wrong address, it was sent to 4501 W Dailey St, Glendale, Az. 85306 and it should of been sent to 1210 A Street, Delta, Colorado, 81416 how can I get my dress I ordered and Paid for. Thank You Patricia Abbott
May 24Reply
rav2011 @patriciabonura let me get in contact with poshmark and see what ideas they have
May 24Reply
rav2011 @patriciabonura I just sent over the information that you sent me to poshmark support as soon as they get back with me I will be in contact with you
May 24Reply
patriciabonura Thank you so very much for looking into it, I tried but had no luck reaching them. So again Thank You, I Love you site. You will see more of me for sure.
May 24Reply
rav2011 @patriciabonura You are welcome.
May 24Reply
vozx Hi Laura, So I’m sure what I’m making you want one Marvel and One Star Wars or Two Star Wars..????..😊
May 28Reply
rav2011 @vozx sorry 2 star wars sorry I made it so confusing I am getting them for my son and having them shipped to his address at first I thought there was only one star wars till I started scrolling down and looking through your closet.
May 28Reply
vozx No worries...I knew we had talked about the Marvel, was just making sure, he’s going to love these...🖐🏼 you for shopping with me 😘
May 28Reply
rav2011 @vozx Thank you so much for having them.
May 28Reply
vozx @rav2011 You are so welcome Laura 😘🙏🏼♥️...Stay safe
May 28Reply
rav2011 @vozx you as well. 🙂
May 28Reply
rav2011 @patriciabonura poshmark contacted me and said they got in contact with you and I was told that it was handled let me reach out to them and check on this .
May 29Reply
rav2011 @patriciabonura I went ahead and contacted poshmark support I gave them the order number and I am waiting to hear back from them
May 29Reply
rav2011 @patriciabonura sorry my address would have been on it as sender but I have not received it. does this answer your question I hope.
May 29Reply
rav2011 Hi I just received a message from poshmark they are sending the dress back to me they sent me a new label as so as I get the dress I will mail it back out
Jun 03Reply
mybabyclad Thanks so much for the great feedback,and am happy you love the item.Thank you again be safe
Jul 02Reply
rav2011 @mybabyclad You are welcome.
Jul 02Reply
mybabyclad @rav2011 just got notice my bundle shipped today,ur fast TY
Jul 03Reply
rav2011 @mybabyclad yes I like to get it ship out asap.
Jul 03Reply
mybabyclad @rav2011 awesome.TY
Jul 03Reply
rav2011 @mybabyclad you are welcome
Jul 04Reply
mybabyclad Hi there, I got the PKG today but unfortunately it was trashed,I took pictures for you to see.omg it looked like the post office played kickball.The one side was completely opened.I took pic of that to. I can't believe they had the nerve to drop it off like this. What can be done I will leave all stuff in box, 2 plates made it.
Jul 08Reply
rav2011 @mybabyclad I am so sorry. That is horrible. Did you contact poshmark .
Jul 08Reply
rav2011 @mybabyclad Where did you post the picture.
Jul 08Reply
rav2011 You need to contact poshmark and you will be refunded. But please file a claim with them asap
Jul 09Reply
rav2011 sorry for leaving so many messages I went ahead and filed a report but I know that you will need to as well.
Jul 09Reply
mybabyclad @rav2011 Hi no I kept the pics for you to see and I didn't contact posh yet because I wanted you to know first.ive never had this happen so I don't know what to do.
Jul 09Reply
mybabyclad @rav2011 it's not your fault, The post office did this.I know you wouldn't send it like this.
Jul 09Reply
mybabyclad @rav2011 ok how is that done? I feel kind of stupid that I don't know.
Jul 09Reply
rav2011 @mybabyclad There is a place where on the order page that it states report problem with order you will go the just make sure you do a screenshot of the order number so that you can attach it to a file I hope I am telling you how to do this correctly. I am very sorry this happened I truly had that package so well I feel so bad but if you get in contact with them then you will get a refund and you won't have to pay for it.
Jul 09Reply
mybabyclad @rav2011 I'm more upset the post office had the Gaul to give this to me in this condition.He didn't even ring the doorbell and I'm home all day.No I know why.It makes me mad how irresponsible they have become.Im really sorry to have to do it.
Jul 09Reply
rav2011 @mybabyclad You are fine. I am so sorry it was delivered to you in this manner that is horrible.
Jul 09Reply
mybabyclad @rav2011 see, that's what Posh is all about.We take pride and are responsible I did get your tablecloth in there, Ty that was sweet.If you ever get more trains, please remembe me.
Jul 09Reply
rav2011 @mybabyclad I will. Glad you like the table cloth hope that will work for you.
Jul 09Reply
rav2011 @mybabyclad Hi I just wanted to let you know that they canceled that order you should receive a refund for the items. I just wanted to let you know I am truly sorry about you having to deal with that mess. I hope you have a great rest of the week .Stay safe and take care.
Jul 09Reply
mybabyclad Everything is good,honestly.Dont apologize.I seen how you packed it.It was the post office.You see the pics,I know you didn't send like I'll keep watching your closet, and hopefully see something else I like.U have a good rest of the week too.
Jul 09Reply
cheyanne_79 😊 Hello there, welcome to check out my closet. I am having jewelry, skincare, makeup products, nail care system, Pandora charms, bags, baby stuffs, stamps, beautiful coral jade, home decor and accessories etc.! Let me know if you are interest, I can provide you a good discount! 😉 ❤️
Aug 19Reply
mybabyclad Hi so glad your happy with the Pioneer Wagon wheel.I appreciate the great staring to.Thanks
Aug 19Reply
maggiemay465 Hi Laura---just wanted to let you know that your purchase is on it's way. I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for visiting my closet. I offer a special discount to anyone who has made a previous purchase. I should be adding more items soon, so let me know if there is anything you like. All the best. MaggieMay 465
Mar 19Reply
judithmlller I Was trying to add the syrrup dispenser to the buttercdish and do not know how
Apr 24Reply
twinsdesign @rav2011 Love Poshmark!! Everyone has something different open 24/7. Stop by I have One Of A Kind Jewelry and more. Have a great day! @Twinsdesign
May 30Reply
spower12 Hello, I was in a bad motorcycle accident this last weekend I can get it out on Friday if that’s ok
Nov 09Reply
rav2011 @spower12 Yes that will be fine. if you need me to cancel the order I can if you are not able to ship it I totally understand. please take care and thank you for letting me know
Nov 10Reply
santanajjt Hi 🙂 would you be interested in $4.99 shipping on my pioneer woman item? let me know so I can relist under COPY and after you like it then I'll send the offer with discount shipping, price stays the same but shipping will be $4.99
Dec 12Reply
mini_ritz Hi Sweetie, I invite you to take a look at my closet @mini_ritz. My webpage is: Please let me know if you have any questions on any of my items. I ship same day and respond to questions quickly. Please note, I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. Happy Poshing! Blessings ❤️🙏❤️ 🎉Solid Black Leggings Coming Soon🎉
Feb 02Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🏖. ☀️🐠. 🏖 Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Enjoy the rest of the Summer ~ ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ 🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠🏖🪸🐠
Sep 10Reply
lovenarf Hi Mi. I would love to invite you to visit my closet. I carry new, vintage and retro items, some of which might be of interest to you. Thanks so much for taking a few minutes to stop by.
Sep 12Reply
cutehosiery @rav2011 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 16Reply
reezstore Thank you for your purchase and I’ll ship asap 😊
Sep 19Reply
lovenarf Hi Mi. Thanks for liking the Rima coverup in my closet. Since today is closet clear out day, I can reduce it to $14 and Poshmark will give you discounted shipping. Please let me know if you would like this offer.
Sep 23Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, it’s made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Sep 25Reply
reezstore Thank you for the positive rating and I appreciate your business-so glad you liked them😊
Sep 27Reply
lovenarf Hi Mi. Thanks for liking my Ann Taylor sweater. Since today is closet clear out day, I can reduce it to $22 and Poshmark will give you discounted shipping. Please let me know if you would like this offer.
Oct 07Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Oct 24Reply
poshmf Hi 👋,  Check out my closet sometime.  I have something for everyone! Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍  Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Oct 25Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!💝
Dec 05Reply
lovenarf Hi Mi. Nice to hear from you. Thanks for liking a vintage art book and a wedding gown. Please let me know if you are interested in one or both and we can work on a price together. Have a great day.
Jan 27Reply
randolph2055 Good morning Thanks so much for your purchase. I’m just reaching out to my customer to let u know about my sale I’m running today. 🎉💜🎉💜 BOGO Buy one get one FREE THATS RIGHT BOGO Buy one get one FREE !!! Check out the flyer on my page has all the info thanks again for your support. Happy shopping 🛒 🛍
Mar 08Reply
barbiedull0707 hello happy poshsing. if you like Sterling silver jewelry check out my closet 🥰.I wish you many likes👍 shares 💜 and sales 💞
Apr 04Reply
my_little_posh @rav2011 Hello! Just wanted to say thank you again for shopping my show. Your items are awaiting pickup at your local post office per tracking. I do hope you love them and I do appreciate the support 😊. Hope you are having an awesome Mother’s Day! 😁
May 15Reply
lovenarf Hi Mi. THANKS for your past purchase… It’s Pre-Black Friday time! BOGO….Put two of your favorite items in a bundle and offer the price of the more expensive one. I will accept your offer and give you the second item for free. This is a limited pre-Thanksgiving sale. Trying to help my Poshmark friends get some good deals. Offer ends Nov. 20. Have a wonderful season!
Nov 13Reply
rav2011 @lovenarf Thank you so much. just a heads up, my size has changed. I have gone through 2 majors sergiores and am going thru Chemo right now, so I am in a large. Right now, I am in search of cute winter hats and comfort boots.I did look through your closet and checked out some cute large sizes, so I will. definitely be back. Thank you so much.
Nov 13Reply
lovenarf @rav2011 All best wishes this holiday season. I hope you are dealing with the chemo successfully. It’s a tough treatment. I hope you find 2 things in your new size so you can take advantage of the BOGO sale. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
Nov 13Reply
anjisattic Hi Mi, so pleased you like my Naturalizer shoes. And there's a deal if you buy both pairs. Good luck with your sales too. Seasons greetings. Peace and love, Anji
Dec 15Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too! 🙋
Mar 16Reply
lovenarf Hi Mi. I am offering a BOGO special to my favorite past buyers. Good through this weekend only. Bundle two of your favorite items, offer the amount of the more expensive one, and get the second one free. I hope you’ve been feeling well. Naturally, I hope your treatment has been successful.
Jun 15Reply
farahscloset_ Hi Mi, Nice to meet you 😊 I’d like to invite you to visit my closet. I believe there’s a little something for everyone. If you see something you like, would you please send me an offer? I accept most reasonable offers. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2025😊
Jan 21Reply

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