Meet your Poshers, Dan & Becca
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Hey there! Please let us know if you have any questions on our listings, we would be happy to help answer them! Thanks for stopping by our store!
Take care!
Dan & Becca

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Please be patient and keep in touch. I'm new here and I cannot buy or bid until I provide a driver's license or passport. By chance, did you have to provide that info too? I waiting to her back from Poshmark.
Thank you!
May 15Reply

Where are you from. Curious about Summit name
Aug 18Reply

Thank You so much for all the Shares!!! Happy Poshing!
Sep 29Reply

if you ever come across any 100% wool sweaters that you want to sell in bulk let me know. I am only interested in ones that are not very expensive because I use them to make things. the more colorful the better
Sep 29Reply

Hello my fellow posher, It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lilith🌺. My closet has all sorts of clothing for your viewing pleasure. Stop by any time. Hopefully you will find something you just adore.
Jan 03Reply

Hey there, I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I have. If you have any questions about selling please ask, as a Posh Ambasador II. I can help with most questions you might have.
BTW. There are some stunning jewelry pieces in my closet over 2500 fine jewelry items that will surely match with your style or make a nice gift to your Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Girlfriend or anyone around you ;) Holidays are Coming!!
All items come in the Gift Box and we size rings for free.
Oct 03Reply

Hello and thanks for the follow. Love your closet! We are over-stocked, so we're accepting offers at well less than our posted price. If you get a chance, take a look. Happy Poshing!
Dec 20Reply
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