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Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! It's an awesome platform and hope you enjoy it! Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions that might come up. Happy Poshing!
Dec 28Reply

How will I know if someone accepts my offer?
Dec 29Reply

@distinct_closet how will I know if my offer is accepted
Dec 29Reply

@triciacasey10 it will give you a notification and you will get an email.
Dec 29Reply

@triciacasey10 btw, if you make an offer and seller accepts, this is binding meaning that you will have to pay. So be sure that when you make an offer that's the amount you're willing to pay.
Dec 29Reply

@distinct_closethow will I know if seller declines
Dec 30Reply

Please send the shoes back for a full and complete refund! I find it extremely difficult to believe that a 60% out of 100% rating is appropriate for those shoes at that price. Certainly, no one would keep a product that they deemed to be a 60% out of 100%. Posh Mark will refund your entire purchase and you can ship the shoes back to me. Thank you
Feb 13Reply

I’m extremely sorry, but I must block you from future purchases from my closet at this time. Hopefully, in the future, you will see something in my closet that you would like and you will rethink your rating. Have a wonderful day
Feb 13Reply

Thank you so much for the rating and review! 😊🙏🏼 I’m glad you love your new shoes!
Mar 07Reply

@chelseoneill the shoes are beautiful. Congrats on ur new baby!!
Mar 07Reply

@triciacasey10 thank you thank you! First time mom here, so definitely in that nesting phase.
Mar 07Reply

It will be the best thing u have ever experienced. U think u love ur parents or ur husband. Wait till he comes. Words cannot express how much love u will have for him. It's breathtaking! I was one week past 39th bday when my only son was born. Now we are 46 & 7. It's exhausting and much more difficult than I thought it would be. It's hard work creating a perfect little man. I'm so very happy for you two. The shoes were perfect. Looked like u never wore them.
Mar 07Reply

@triciacasey10 Hello!! I sent you a counteroffer 😊
Mar 31Reply

I dropped the price to 6 if u still want the shoes go to buy now thanks
Apr 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, a fun place for buyers and sellers. Make an offer..I will either accept or counter.😀 Bundle items and save on shipping plus I will give a private discount.🤑 Enjoy and Happy Poshing!
May 18Reply
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