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Always open to offers, and willing to find a price we both can agree on! ☺️ trying to clear out my closet, more than willing to negotiate!!!

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Welcome to posh it’s a great website to buy and sell, be sure to check out my closet. I have great deals down to $10 ! I love offers and bundles get automatic 15% off. If you have any questions feel free to ask, and have fun 🎉😍💕🛍🛍
Jun 25Reply

Hey! Thanks for liking my O’neill tank. Let me know if you have any questions 🤗
Jul 06Reply

Hello, thank you so much for your likes! Feel free to make an offer, or when you get a chance check out the rest of our listings! We have a lot of NEW SURF and SKATE brands, and SKY brand too! If you see anything you like please put it in a BUNDLE, for 1 shipping cost. If it happens to be one of our older items, we might throw it in for FREE! Have an awesome day thanks🤙🏼
Jul 06Reply

Hi are you still interested?😊
Jul 07Reply

@beach_styles yes thanks for all the shares.. all the prices you shared to me are large correct?
Jul 07Reply

@toriaschacher yes but to be on the safe side if there’s one you absolutely love just check with me first.. bathing suits are selling fast!😊
Jul 07Reply

@beach_styles I’m going to create a listing in my closet with pictures of the ones I’m interested in would you be able to create a bundle for purchase?
Jul 07Reply

@toriaschacher Yes if you just push add to bundle for each item UC and then let me know which items you want and what size I can make sure that your price is correct and everything Will be correct in your package. I will double check with you first
Jul 07Reply

OK so far you have two bottoms in your bundle are you interested in anything else? Do you need help finding a top?
Jul 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!! I’m Jules, a Poshmark Ambassador & Posh Mentor!! 💖 Feel free to check out my closet!! I offer 15% off a bundle of 3 or more items! If you have any questions please ask! Happy Poshing 💕🌸
Jul 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Kaydee and I just earned my status as an Ambassador!! I have only been using Poshmark for a month but have had so much fun and am learning quite a bit.. if you have any questions please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help! I want to wish you luck buying and selling, Happy POSHING!!
Jul 08Reply

Jul 09Reply

Hey! So glad I found your closet on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow 💕⭐️🛍
Jan 18Reply

Hello :) I saw you liked some American Eagle stuff and I wanted to let you know I just posted some AEO stuff NWT if you want to check it :) Give it a like and I’ll send you a little discount!
Jan 20Reply

@boredsleeper hi sorry! I haven’t been on posh at all lately! I’m going to be putting my closet on vacation until the week of thanksgiving! I’ll send you an offer when it’s back open and I’ll gladly accept! So sorry - life has just been crazy!
Nov 02Reply

My goodness!! 🥵😮💨🔥
Jan 01Reply
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