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Updated Jun 23
Updated Jun 23


Meet the Posher

US$0 US$150,000


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😊 Hi! I'm Amanda. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton, Nike, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Also will TRADE for ANY GYMSHARK 💕As well as I love the CHICAGO WHITE SOX and UNIQUE CUTE SEXY WORKOUT CLOTHES so TAG ME! 🖤
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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poshtriver Welcome to Posh!! Have fun buying and selling! Please click "reply" if you have a question I can help with.
Apr 14Reply
bookcat_beth I'm a new Poshmark Ambassador & I'd be happy to help in any way. Remember to share as much as you can to build your network. If you share 5 to 10 from a closet the Posher will follow you back & share your items to their network. Look for Poshers who are "liking" what you are selling for best results. Happy Poshing!
Apr 16Reply
victoriagiler Welcome :) 🌸💕
Apr 17Reply
pennypincherp Awesome closet! ♥ Thank you for sharing! Happy sales to you! 👜 💵 🎉
Apr 19Reply
msapollo @pennypincherp thank you you as well 😊
Apr 19Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo 💜🌺💜 Hi Amanda, its nice to meet you. Welcome to Posh. Looks like ur getting your closet started YAY! TY for the posh love on my VS PINK Duffle bag, you rock! If u have any questions about posh or need help at all, come find me. I mentor new poshers & always love to help. Best advice for today is... Read the posh guidelines, its super helpful & Ck out the support & help section, ask any question & it will giv u detailed answers, Its awesome, i still use it today, lol. HUGS Anna
Apr 19Reply
tabbyleia @msapollo Hello and welcome to Poshmark! I hope you find everything you need here. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing🌺💕
Apr 19Reply
msapollo @tabbyleia thank yo you as well 💛
Apr 19Reply
tabbyleia @msapollo you’re very welcome!! 😊
Apr 19Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Amanda, let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Apr 20Reply
djsmithgall Hi I'm PJ👱🏻‍♀️welcome to poshmark! My closet has sizes 00to 3x, men’s,kids, shoes, bags&scarves. It's fun, casual and upscale! My clothes are new & slightly used. I take care wrapping each item with 💕. If you would like individual styling, just click on hanger and follow prompts! To help me, be sure to include your size! Hope you like the items I’ve selected for you! If you put your favorites into a bundle, I can make an even better offer to you! Questions? I’d be happy to help! 👱🏻‍♀️PJ
Apr 23Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 24Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley thank you so much ☺️
Apr 24Reply
msapollo @tabbyleia happy poshing ✨😊
Apr 24Reply
msapollo @resourcing_rob no problem you share I share happy poshing ✨🖤
Apr 24Reply
msapollo @djsmithgall thank you and if you have any questions about my closet I can answer right away 😊 same day shipping ✨and personal thank you’s 🖤
Apr 24Reply
msapollo @spreadlove love to be posh friends let’s help each other 🖤✨
Apr 24Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley how do I get more followers? And thanks so much for the shares 🖤
Apr 24Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo 💗🎉 🎈 Your very welcome sweetheart. By following as many poshers as possible & sharing as many of their listings as possible to get noticed, in return they will follow u back & share your listings with their massive followers. The other way is thru Follow Games, but i am going to comment on one of your sold listings to give you the info.
Apr 24Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley 🖤thank you so much you’re wonderful !
Apr 24Reply
seductive Beautiful smile.
Apr 24Reply
msapollo @seductive thank you 💕
Apr 24Reply
monikens Hello, I’m Julia. Whether you are buying, selling, or simply visiting, I would like to welcome you to Poshmark😊.
Apr 25Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo 🌻🌼Whooo Hooo, so glad u decided to do the share game! Its super fun to do it this way. Now u can watch for Likes & bundles and all that posh share love!
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley same here so glad you introduced me to them and I’m hoping some good comes out of them 🙏🏽✨❤️thanks love
Apr 26Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo Amanda... Meet Kayla, @misskaynewell Kayla... Meet Amanda! ✨You are my 2 new posher sponges right now! Both of you ROCK! Both of you pick things up super fast and you both are going to have amazing closets, you just wait & see!!! ❤️ So if for any reason u cannot find me, see if the other might have the answer for you. Posh is all about working together, helping each other out, cheering each other on. Making new friends PFF = Posh Friends For Life
Apr 26Reply
misskaynewell @annasposhalley thanks anna !!! xoxoxo YOUR THE ONE THAT ROCKS! but i agree i think omg in a couple months my closet is going to be so much better! im going to invest in better lighting & backgrounds which means better pics!! plus ill have way more listings &&& followers! i cant wait! im going to keep busting my butt bc im gunna make this work for me!! 😆😆🤗🤗😙😙
Apr 26Reply
misskaynewell @annasposhalley hiiii @msapollo nice to meet you amanda!! anna says we are totally rocking it!! & if your a rockstar too.. i think we should DEF be friends 😆😆😆🤗🤗🤗 we can chat whenever! && im so down for answering questions as well! im around ALOT lol.
Apr 26Reply
misskaynewell @annasposhalley did i tell you i made mentor?! 😆😆😆
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @misskaynewell hey ladies my phones gunna die I have a big reply talk to you when it’s charged lovelies 💕✨
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @misskaynewell ok hey I’m back so great to meet you ! 😊yes let’s be PFF! Do you want to communicate on here, text, or email?! So pumped over this app! Love you two as poshers! Congratulations on being a mentor! How is that achieved ?
Apr 26Reply
annasposhalley @misskaynewell 💕Wow Really, thats awesome Kayla! Congratulations sweetheart Im so proud of you. @msapollo Amanda, there is a list of acheivements that posh has, so many listings, so many shares, so many sales, etc etc. After you hit that, they will send u an email letting you know you have reached the status. So just keep doing what ur doing & you will be next. I think there is something about it in posh guidelines.😊
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley oh yes the posh ambassador I’m 64% there !
Apr 26Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo I honestly havnt looked at the list in a long time, lol. Maybe @misskaylanewell can give you the deets. 🤗Its funny, i introduce peeps to FGs & SGs quite often... but i usually never introduce to each other, but for some reason I thought u 2 would hit it off. 💕Seriously a lot a like, new, love posh, excited to be here, sponge the info i give you, super fun, energetic & super cute personalities too!! So Kayla, hook Amanda up with the deets & try out your new mentor staus, wink
Apr 26Reply
misskaynewell @msapollo uhm i think its from greeting new poshers & sharing their stuff. one day my posh stats said posh mentor & i was like whaaaaat???!! lol... we can communicate however but yeah im totally down for PFF status!! I love posh!! like i couldnt be happier i actually decided to make my page!!
Apr 26Reply
misskaynewell @annasposhalley thank you!! && yeah she seems beyond cool!! thanks for the introduction!
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley thank you 💕
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @misskaynewell girl I know it’s so exciting on here! All the new stuff creating a page and everything love it just trying to up my sales now!
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @misskaynewell awe you seem great too! 😊
Apr 26Reply
misskaynewell @msapollo yeah like anna told me just share your closet a million timea a day! ive started doing it & its helped a lot ! also play follow games && share other peoples stuff! pretty much just everything anna has us doing lol! but yeah i usually price my stuff a little higher so that way i can offer a really good deal except still get what i wanted out of it!
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @misskaynewell yeah I really need to work on sharing more for myself and others ! And wow you’ve made so many sales that’s awesome and love your picture set up style
Apr 26Reply
misskaynewell @msapollo really thank you!! your page looks really good too!
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @misskaynewell yes girl and thank you I need to workout more of a single style for images
Apr 26Reply
misskaynewell @msapollo you can tell how my pics have progressed from when i first started and was taking them in a chair till now where i actually have a back drop & props lol.. you should see my set up its so funny i have it all rigged up where my props are hanging & i just put them uo on nails when im not using them & let the one down that i am hahah😂😂😂
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @misskaynewell haha that’s genius tho it’s working great I might pintrist some backdrop ideas
Apr 26Reply
misskaynewell @msapollo lol!! yeah hubbs and i are getting ready to move to a bigger place after begging & begging bc i need like a whole bedroom for posh !! lol!! & once i get there im going to make like a couple stations
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @misskaynewell that’s so amazing my bf and I are trying to move to!!!!! An extra room would be perf!!
Apr 26Reply
misskaynewell @msapollo we just have to do it! posh has taken over entire living and dining rooms!
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @misskaynewell o feel yeah you don’t realize what all it takes till it’s serious !
Apr 26Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo Perfect, both are in makeup category. This is gonna be your 1st Host Pick right? Hey Kayla @misskaynewell Amanda might be getting her first HP tmrw at the 12noon PST makeup party, Whoooo Hooooo!!!! Have you joined a party before? shared to a party? I am going to let Kayla lead you for this, its exciting... but i will be here tmrw if u girls need me. Which item/s did Barbara Like/or bundle?
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley first time so pumped and nervous 😊😐💥and she liked the makeup brushes and ok thank you because I don’t know how to enter the party or anything and don’t want to mess up or miss out
Apr 26Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo 😊dont worry i gotchur back. Get some sleep & i will see u tmrw. Oh if u dont see me early, dont stress, lol Im on west coast time. Find Kayla first thing in the morning, she knows what to do till i log on. G night Hugs😊
Apr 26Reply
suburbanseller Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you so much for following me! This is a really great community. If you have any questions, please feel free to tag me and I’ll try to answer them as best I can. Happy Poshing!!!
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley goodnight 😊
Apr 26Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo 💕G Morning, just putting coffee in my veins, lol. i want u to peek at the party from last night. go to shop icon, then scroll down to party, then go to all parties, then find past parties. Last night 7pm sunny day style party. click on the party. there will be tabs, Feed Host Pick, NWT Designer, Etc. CLICK on Host Picks. This is the special place where everyone in posh goes to shoe a party first.
Apr 26Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo These r special featured listings chosen by the Hosts of the party. You can scroll all the way down its a very small list for a very huge party that probably had over 1 million shares go thru it in the 2 hour span. its a huge honor to get an HP. Sharing your listings into a party is just like sharing your listings to your followers, except when i party is running & u go to share, it will have 2 tabs (to followers....
Apr 26Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo ... Or to the party) Ur item must match theme brand etc in order to actually make it into a party. A party is seen by the entire posh community, not just our followers or your PFFs followers.. milllions of poshers can join a party all over the USA. Party is 2 hours, you can share ur items into a party 1 time each anytime during the open party. At 12noon - 2pm, you can share your 2 makeup items.
Apr 26Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo There are 4 parties everyday all pacific time 9,am 12noon, 4pm & 7pm. You will know if & when she adds ur item to the party/Host Pick. when she does, let me & kayla know. Im gonna be packing & shipping until the party, so find Kayla if u have questions after looking at the 9am party. 💕HUGS
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley ok I checked it out ! I think I understand and am excited 😊 so she will share it into the party as a host pick and then I can share off my page as well correct? And ok I will let you guys know as soon as I know ✨and did you see I was picked as a flower today 😍 have a great day packing ! 😊
Apr 26Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo 💕😊 Yes correct & u dont have to wait till after she does it, u can share anytime during the party. & OMG Heidy is my PFF love her... She is super sweet & i am so excited for you. THis is a Huge honor, wowwww your feed is gonna be rockin today, but let it flow. Just make sure when u go to your feed at the top, click on comments & offers thru out the day. Its easier to see & work ur feed that way. See u soon EXCITED HUGS
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley ok awesome thank you 😊and ekk ok great so excited have a great day ✨😊
Apr 26Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo ❤️ Almost party time!!!
Apr 26Reply
misskaynewell i dont know how i missed the comments about the HP i was falling asleep!!! so did you get it?? 😆😆😆😆
Apr 26Reply
msapollo @misskaynewell yes I got it lol thank you
Apr 26Reply
arasplayground Thanks for the follow 🌼🌼🌼
Apr 27Reply
msapollo @arasplayground welcome thank you 😊
Apr 27Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo 💗🎉 🎈 Whooo Hoooo, Yay Amanda! That is awesome, you are on your way for sure. Super excited for you. Keep working it & do the share game as much as possible thats where ur sales will mostly come from, especially on the weekends, wink wink. Super happy for you💗🎉 🎈
Apr 27Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley ekk ok thanks so much 🎊😊💕
Apr 27Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo 💕Your doing great! the share game is going to help u a lot. How close r u to Chicago? oh and dont forget to share your own closet, that will allow the sold items to drop down so a buyer wont stop scrolling down while browsing & shopping💕
Apr 28Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley thank you! And about 3 hours ! And ok sounds good 😊
Apr 28Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo ❤️G morning.. didnt knwo if u were online, but there is a Victoria Secret posh party going on right now, till 11am PST. you can share your VS items into the party 1 time each. (the morning parties do not have real hosts/ran by posh computer, so they never have host picks, but tons of shoppers go to the party, just an FYI. Have an awesome day!!
Apr 28Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley thank you I hadn’t noticed that I will fed do that I’m at a softball tourney today so trying to multitask thank you have a great day !!!!
Apr 28Reply
Apr 28Reply
msapollo @ginger_spicer thank you love 💕😊
Apr 28Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley hope you’ve had a great weekend 😊can anyone create a share game ?
Apr 30Reply
shopoholicvibes I also forgot to mention that I sell the backpack on another site for $45. Not sure if you wanna pick it up there..? Lmk if you do.
Apr 30Reply
msapollo @swtislndbaby143 what’s the name of that site ? 🖤
Apr 30Reply
shopoholicvibes @msapollo If you’d like to buy I can put it on hold under your name and you can search by that to locate the listing for purchase
Apr 30Reply
msapollo @swtislndbaby143 ok great thank you !
Apr 30Reply
shopoholicvibes @msapollo no! So you want me to put on hold?
Apr 30Reply
msapollo @swtislndbaby143 hey sorry still thinking about ordering the price is just a little to high right now thank you 🖤
May 03Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley hey 😊🖤so how can I change my @ name ?
May 03Reply
shopoholicvibes @msapollo oh ok! Thanks for getting back to me! I do sell it $10 cheaper on another site for $45 for the one you were first inquiring about... did you wanna possibly pick up from there if $45 works for you?
May 03Reply
annasposhalley @msapollo hi, go to help & support & click email us, send a msg to posh, make sure u add your name now and what u want to change it to. *they will change it within 3 days & send u an email that it was done, *the minute it is done, u need to go to all your games & tell the admin about ur name change, + plus tell me & close PFF's so u wont miss our tags, etc. 😊
May 03Reply
msapollo @swtislndbaby143 oh yeah you did say you had another site I will look and check out the site and see if I fee comfortable buying from there and when I get paid I’ll just message you again thanks for being so helpful!
May 03Reply
shopoholicvibes @msapollo np hun!! Thanks again for keeping me informed. You have a great day!
May 03Reply
msapollo @annasposhalley ok I’ll just keep my name then lol i missed a letter but nbd 😊hope you’re having a great day 🖤
May 03Reply
bethybd @msapollo Hey sweetie! The Vic Sec umbrella isnt Post Compliant. I just saw it first time now. I dont want you to be skipped in sharing by others. I would suggest removing it. Thanks!❤💋
May 05Reply
msapollo @bethybd thank you for letting me know so sorry 😐💕
May 05Reply
bethybd @msapollo No worries. You didnt know. Im not upset. Its very pretty. I just don't want someone else to make an issue or skip you. 😍😘🌹🌺💋
May 05Reply
msapollo @bethybd thank you much 💕😊
May 05Reply
iloveaerobics @msapollo Great closet. Thank you for your shares!
May 05Reply
msapollo @iloveaerobics omg thanks so much 😊
May 05Reply
shellykrajny The person who bought the gymshark tank cancelled the order if you are still interested for $7 let me know ☺️💖
May 09Reply
msapollo @shellykrajny yay just sent it again thank you 🖤
May 09Reply
shellykrajny @msapollo awesome 👍🏻💖☺️
May 09Reply
msapollo @heidy0622 I made posh ambassador 💕thank you for all your PFF support 💕😊
May 09Reply
msapollo @bethybd thank you for all your PFF support I made posh ambassador 💕😘😊
May 09Reply
dustycarrotclub OMG HOW EXCITING?!!!!!!! When did this happen?
May 09Reply
msapollo @heidy0622 thank you 😊🖤a couple days ago it’s been finals week for me so didn’t get to share as much as I wanted right away ! Lol
May 09Reply
bethybd @msapollo Hey girl! Thats great on Posh Ambassador! Congratulations!! 💞💕🌼💞💕🌼💞💕🌼🌸
May 13Reply
shellykrajny @msapollo thanks for the great rating and comment! 💖
May 15Reply
msapollo @shellykrajny no problem thank you and glad we can posh together 🖤
May 15Reply
paigealea @msapollo thank you so much for the follow!! I am still very new to posh so any and all support is so greatly appreciated!! I loove your closet!!! Have a beautiful day 😊
May 16Reply
msapollo @paigealea omg you’re so sweet 🖤 I am a posh ambassador and can be your mentor so if you ever need anything please lmk, I can help you grow your follows and obtain a PFF group! Anything you liked in my closet lmk and you can get the PFF discount 🖤have a great day 😊
May 16Reply
shelbix Thanks so much for your like, beautiful! I’m open to offers and I’m having a 5/$25 red heart sale going on. Be sure to check out this sale in my closet! Happy Poshing! ☺️❤️
May 24Reply
endira88 @msapollo hi Amanda i didnt relize you were in the game with us i thought you were just sharing lol. Ill try not to share the same things i already shared earlier. Sorry welcome aboard.
Jun 21Reply
msapollo @endira88 thank you 🖤
Jun 21Reply
kokoewone hi my name is george im just stopping by to invite u to come check out my closet all items posted on my closet look just like the pictures or even better in person I really take pride in the product I'm offering if u happen to find something u like don't hesitate to make an offer I usually shipout with in 24 hours of purchase thanks for taking the time to read this message I hope u have a wonderful rest of your day ☺
Jun 22Reply
janjan009 Congrats on being featured as a closet crush today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 23Reply
msapollo @janjan009 thank you and loved your closet shared as well 🖤
Jun 23Reply
crystalco Thanks for visiting my closet. I appreciate it very much.❤️
Jun 23Reply
maximumfashion TNX for such a solid great attitude!!!
Jul 02Reply
msapollo @alrady thank you 🖤
Jul 02Reply
nikolet18 @msapollo hi Amanda! I just received the pineapple phone case. I absolutely love it. I made a dumb error though. I thoughy my iPhone was a 6. It’s a 7🙄. Do you have same case for a 7? I’d pay for shipping of course....
Jul 13Reply
nicholepruitt73 Deal of the day bundle any 2 items ( no matter how much each item cost) and u automatically get a beauty basket valued at $15 absolutely "FREE" YEP. "FREE"
Jul 15Reply
jshook22 Thank you for visiting my closet 💕 Bundle items for a discount 😊 I love your closet too! Happy poshing!
Aug 14Reply
msapollo @jshook22 thank you 🖤happy poshing I will gladly give you a discount on anything or would love to trade! 🖤
Aug 14Reply
andrea5501 hey girl, thx for checking out my closet! You have a lovely closet yourself! I do trade but I’m currently only trading for my ISO’s (listed in my closet) at the moment. Check it out & let me know if u have any of them (or something very similar) or if u see something else in my closet u like let me know & I’ll be happy to help. Thx 😊
Aug 16Reply
msapollo @andrea5501 thank you 🖤 ok great I’ll check it out thanks 🖤also will keep an eye out for your iso 🖤
Aug 16Reply
andrea5501 @msapollo Thx, I appreciate that! 😊
Aug 16Reply
leonelamaya Nice pic
Aug 17Reply
bexcam Hi, did you ever get your trade from emipins8? I think I just got scammed by her.
Aug 17Reply
msapollo @bexcam no she scammed me I sent my trade items to her first and she stole them and then never sent me mine ....
Aug 17Reply
bexcam @msapollo That’s absolutely ridiculous. I’m sorry that happened to you. Now it’s happening to me as well. Just pathetic.
Aug 17Reply
msapollo @bexcam I know I’m sorry it happened to you too I was really upset about it. I’ve done a ton of trades and that was my first time being scammed
Aug 17Reply
msapollo @bexcam and she blocked me so I couldn’t warn anyone that she was a scammer 😐
Aug 17Reply
bexcam @msapollo Yes! Same here! I’m usually very cautious with trades to avoid getting scammed but I saw she’s been on Posh for a couple years so I thought it would be ok. My first time getting scammed on a trade.
Aug 17Reply
msapollo @bexcam sorry girl some people are just so sad like who does that
Aug 17Reply
bexcam @msapollo She blocked me too!
Aug 17Reply
bexcam @loopholer @prettylildoe Emipins8 scammed her too.
Aug 17Reply
msapollo @bexcam we need to let this be known becuase it ruins trade for those of us who are honest 🖤
Aug 17Reply
bexcam @msapollo Definitely, I’m already thinking of ways to let others know. I just cannot believe someone can do this.
Aug 17Reply
msapollo @bexcam exactly like I contacted Poshmark and they couldn’t help me and I thought about screenshoting her page and then posting it on here as a scammer
Aug 17Reply
bexcam @msapollo Yes! Is it ok if I upload a screenshot of our conversation to a listing to warn people of her?
Aug 17Reply
msapollo @bexcam yes of course !
Aug 17Reply
krista1l Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, JUICY COUTURE, and SEPHORA. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers on anything you like!💕
Sep 13Reply
gigi11155 Nice to meet you Amanda!! Stop by and check out my closet and see if there’s something you just can’t live without LOL!!❤️👍😊
Dec 10Reply
jakesheart ❤ ❤Hello there!!! Happy Holidays!!!So glad you happened upon my closet! Thank you for taking time to check it out! & all of your likes!!! Please do not hesitate to send offers! You could be wearing it, or gifting it in which I will wrap for you :) !!!! Do not Panic! Buy it!, I do send the best offers Possible & than most!! ~Age~❤
Dec 11Reply
jakesheart I slipped you a private offer ;) Any questions please feel free to ask ! Xoxo Happy Holidays Sweetie! Adrienne
Dec 11Reply
chelsea_barbie_ Hi there 🙂 I’m selling a bunch of swim suites, I’m looking to bundle and sell all of them or trade all of them …. Looking to just switch up some swim wear for summer pics 🙂🙂 I can bundle and accept offers let me know 💕🙂🙂
Aug 01Reply
cutehosiery @msapollo Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 26Reply

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Last Active: Feb 09

Decatur, IL
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Last Active: Feb 09

Decatur, IL
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