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Updated Apr 06
Updated Apr 06

Posh Ambassador

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Mary. I am a Posh Ambassador and am happy to help in any way I can. Some of my favorite brands are MAC Cosmetics, Michael Kors, PINK Victoria's Secret, Coach, and Kate Spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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timeaftertime22 Hi sorry I just posted the kate Spade bag but I’m going to pull down for now. I’ll let you know if I decide to relist.
Jan 25Reply
mportage Thank you for your purchase Mary...wasn't planning to go below $100 but understand loving a bag...:) I will pack your MK bag this evening and deliver to the post office tomorrow morning. Thanks again.
Jan 27Reply
marystohr @mportage Thank you for your consideration. I do appreciate and will give your bag the same care you obviously have given it. Since my accident I have had to watch my spending very carefully as I can no longer work so this is a real treat for me. Thank you again.
Jan 27Reply
jgadams Hey Love! Welcome to Posh! I'm Jade! One of the Posh Ambassador, Top Rated Seller, Top 10 Sharer, Mentor and Fast Shipper here! Come check my closet out and if you like anything you want, bundle it up 3 or more items, you get a private discount and free shipping! Plus each purchase you make, you get a free gift and your package are wrap with ❤️! If you have any questions please feel free to ask me at anytime! Enjoy and have fun shopping! God Bless you!💋
Jan 29Reply
jgadams @marystohr Thank you so very much for the 5 star ratings and Sweet words for feedback! I’m so glad you love it! Looking forward to do business with you again in the near future! God Bless your heart!💋
Feb 05Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions feel free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 05Reply
annavking Hi yes it is not real fur! Thanks
Feb 14Reply
maidmarian Welcome to Poshmark 🥳marian
Feb 14Reply
prestonpenelopi 💕🎉Welcome to Poshmark! My name is VaRisha and I'm here to assist you with any questions about posh life. Happy Poshing!
Feb 28Reply
miaharb I am so sorry about your accident bless🙏🏼
Mar 06Reply
zebrapearl Mary, I canceled the order the the gold Coach bag because I found some damage I hadn’t seen prior to getting it packed up. I’ll repost a private listing for you later today with pics of the spots so you can decide if you still want to buy it. So sorry! Jennifer
Mar 06Reply
tereglez 💗
Mar 09Reply
lori0526 Thanks again Mary and I will send your beautiful bag out today♥️
Mar 15Reply
modifiedmon Adorable
Mar 29Reply
marystohr @modifiedmon Thanks for the nice compliment. The mouse is my boyfriend. He never looked so good and a pretty good sport to go along with wearing the costume.
Mar 30Reply
modifiedmon You look absolutely adorable
Mar 31Reply
bees_tique Hello, thank you for the like on the guess boots! If you see any other items you love you can make a bundle and I'll give a discount, or if these boots are all you're interested in you can simply send an offer ❤️
Apr 03Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Mary. Thanks for the follow. Am following you now too. Love your costume there. A lady after my own heart. Dressing up is fun & gets you lots of laughs & compliments:) Now on a posting note, will check out your closet. FYI in mine, I'm always open to offers & offer 20% off 2 or more items. Hope you have a wonderful night!!!
Apr 10Reply
marystohr @greenbaypackers Nice to meet you and thanks for the nice words about the Halloween costume. The mouse in the pic is my boyfriend. Good sport to go along with my goofiness. Lol. It only took me a month to convince him to wear it but persistence pays off-even in poshing. Take care.
Apr 10Reply
greenbaypackers You take care too. And hilarious it's your boyfriend:) Good job convincing him!!!
Apr 10Reply
crystalco Hi! Thanks for visiting my closet. I appreciate it very much. Have a great day!❤️Patricia
Apr 10Reply
randeeq hi Mary, thanks for following my closet. Please come on in and look through my previously loved items, my Resurrected Designs and my original creation HUGS ❣️
Apr 10Reply
randeeq ❣️😻💖
Apr 10Reply
slazarone_23 Thanks for all the shares🖤 I appreciate you! Happy Poshing and have a great day
Apr 18Reply
merri895 Hi thanks for following me too & all the shares much appreciated 💕👍👠😊
Jun 02Reply
norineeasley Thank you so much for the purchase! Will ship out tomorrow.
Jun 04Reply
jyoteub @marystohr thank you for sharing my listing 😊
Jun 09Reply
marystohr @ubbleth you are most welcome and do let me know if I can be of any help. It can be a bit confusing at first but you will be fine. Wishing you many sales b
Jun 09Reply
skydiver211 Thank you for all the shares!
Jun 09Reply
bayoublue504 Hi Mary. Thanks so very much for all the shares! Enjoy your blessed day, Yvonne :-)
Jun 12Reply
wolfemom65 Hey Mary Thanks for your purchase 💝 I'll get your flower power sandals out to you today!
Jun 13Reply
wolfemom65 Hi Mary I'm so sorry about the shoes, they are really cute and someone will love them. Thank you for your 5☆ rating. Happy Solstice 🌞
Jun 21Reply
tcluvskc Thank you as well!😊
Jul 03Reply
megs2288 I have that Coach Sophia Satchel Crimson Patent handbag you were interested in that someone is selling. I’ve been thinking about selling my Couch bags since I love Tory Burch and Kate Spade too much. I’ll be posting it on my page soon..... so take a look in a day or 2 😁
Jul 10Reply
marystohr @megs2288 Hi I’m Mary. I saw this posted on my feed and have no idea what it is all about. Could you please enlighten me. Thank you.
Jul 10Reply
marystohr @full_circle. Hi. I saw you liked the witch and her boyfriend the mouse. Would you like a private offer and shipping discount on one or both. You might want to bundle for greater savings. Lol!!! Thank you for the compliment. It was great fun at Halloween for a couple of old coots. I am 73 and he is 82. But we do have fun. Happy poshing.
Jul 10Reply
full_circle @marystohr That’s wonderful!
Jul 10Reply
tarastoots @marystohr I am WAY behind on doing this, but I just wanted to say thank you for the great feedback and your nice love note from your purchase! I really appreciate it! Have a lovely weekend!
Jul 19Reply
marystohr @tarastoots you are very welcome and I hope you have a terrific weekend also. Mary
Jul 19Reply
marystohr @mvlovespets Did you go to purchases and click on the word delivered. . The next screen should have the accept button. Mary.
Jul 25Reply
marystohr @mvlovespets probably a glitch in the system but thank you. Please enjoy them and take care. Mary.
Jul 25Reply
queenbee47340 Hello. I saw you were helping@ v_land. She didnt know how to private offer. I tried to instruct her as u have done with her. We discussed an offer and I guided her how. Now I am blocked. Did I overstep? All I did was instruct as you did. I am super upset. I wanted that item. Your opinion uon please.
Jul 30Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 you didn’t overstep but I’m not sure why you would be blocked. Are you not able to accept her offer. Tell me what is specifically happening Abe I will try to get it straightened out for you. But you did nothing wrong if she actually did the button pushing. Pls just tell me what happens when you try to accept.
Jul 30Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 Were you able to get things straightened out. Did you get your item. I’m here if you need help. I looked at Val’s closet and only saw one sale of a pair of shoes so I don’t know if that’s what you wanted or something else. Pls let me know if you worked things out. I’m here if you need help. Mary
Jul 30Reply
queenbee47340 @marystohr she made a public offer that I couldn't afford. I asked if she would accept a different offer. She didnt k ow how to private offer. I explained how and added item to my bundle. Told her she would have to wait 24hrs for offer to expire and I would hope noone bought it.i am now to.comment, buy, offer or anything.
Jul 30Reply
queenbee47340 I was looking at the bathroom figurine. And she raised the price.
Jul 30Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 Wow. What a mess. My 1st suggestion is that you let everything expire to clear the listing. I would also suggest that you remove your bundle. When the item is clear after 24 hrs you can start from scratch. If you would like at that time I will contact Val and tell her what to do to make transaction work out.
Jul 30Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 I would at that time need you to tell me what $ amount and shipping discount (presumably $1.80) you want her to offer you that you can afford. Do not create a bundle if you want her to private offer. I find that sometimes having multiple things going on at one time jams up the works.
Jul 30Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 I’m not part of the transaction so maybe I can find out why she raised the price and lowering it can be taken care of with the private discount. I know the piece you are looking at since I’ve been in Val’s closet. Let me know if you would like me to contact Val for you and how much you are able to pay. The other way to do it is to simply make an offer to her after everything expires.
Jul 30Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 If for some reason you are still blocked we can deal with that at that time. I know how to block a posher so reversing that should unblock them. But first things first. Let the offers expire and remove your bundle and let me know if you would like me to help or not. Your posh friend, Mary.
Jul 30Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 one more thing. I would suggest if you are able, after your bundle is removed, like the item so it remained in your like file. Pls get back with me and we’ll get this mess straightened out.
Jul 30Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 Hi it’s Mary. I just looked at your correspondence with Val and the way you told her to private offer was complicated especially for a new posher. When everything expires please let me help you all and we can get you a bathtub very quickly and easily. Mary.
Jul 30Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 Good morning. It’s Mary. Hope you slept well. Now it’s time to get you a bathtub so you can have your morning bath. Just kidding but on the serious side when does everything expire. I have no access to see that. Let me know what’s doing. It’s all fixable. Just do not create a bundle. It will work better without the bundle and please make sure to tap the heart symbol and like the item. Get back to me pls.
Jul 30Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 Hi It’s Mary. I just looked v_land’s closet and I notice she has removed the bathtub. I hope this means you are/were able to work something out. Please let me know. I am feeling so badly for you with this mess. Please let me know what you were able to do. Fingers crossed for you.
Jul 30Reply
queenbee47340 @marystohr no I am not able to buy it. But it
Jul 30Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 what happened. How come you can’t buy it. Doesn’t make sense to me. Pls explain so I don’t think I’m totally nuts.
Jul 30Reply
queenbee47340 @marystohr she public offered. I couldn't afford. I told her what I could afford and she agreed. she had a public offer & had to wait for it to expire. I told her I had to decline in order for her to make another offer. I added she could.offer. after I tried to comment, buy, offer. It told me you cant comment on this sellers item. You can't make an offer this item.
Jul 31Reply
queenbee47340 I chose u to speak with because I noticed you were instruct her on how to maneuver around a bit. I did the same by instructing her how to style someone's closet. Right after that I was blocked. I asked posh what happened and I was told she blocked me. Now the item has been removed. I dont know what has happened or why. I was so thrilled I found that item. Now I couldn't even buy it.
Jul 31Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 I must admit that is the strangest thing I have ever encountered. I truly have no answers or solutions. Have you tried to leave a comment on her profile when you tap on “about” and then on “meet the posher” and then on “comment” At that point you can type a message to @v_land . You might try today and see if things have freed up. Never hurts to try. I know you really wanted the bathtub. Let me know what happens. Your friend, Mary
Jul 31Reply
queenbee47340 I asked someone who styled my closet. I wrote down her instructions and practiced once or twice with people who liked my items. I though it was pretty easy. When someone bundles, u can private offer. If it's not in a bundle that's not possible unless you create that bundle for them by styling them. That's what I was trying to do. You can only have a shipping discount If they offer to u. She was going to do 20+499
Jul 31Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 I never use a bundle unless I am going to purchase multiple items from the same person. That’s what it was designed for. You get a default percentage discount predetermined by the seller and you save on shipping as multiple items are shipped in one box with one ship charge. For a private
Jul 31Reply
marystohr Discount seller taps on item picture. On next page at bottom right it says offer/price drop. Seller taps price drop. On next page ie has on top public offer and below that private offer. Seller taps private offer. On next page seller taps ship discount $1.80 and fills in discounted price
Jul 31Reply
marystohr For item. If you were willing to reduce a $20 item to $15 you would just type 15. The discounted amount must be at least 10% less than original amount. After you enter amount you tap “submit” in the upper right corner of page. This private offer is then sent to likers which is you the buyer.
Jul 31Reply
marystohr Pretty simple stuff. People use the bundle for the wrong reasons all the time but it’s really for bundles of multiple items and doing otherwise can mess things up. The private offer price drop works best for private offers. Hope this helps. Try to see if Val is back on line for you tonight. You could start all over. Take care and let me know if you have any luck. Just send her a msg.
Jul 31Reply
marystohr Forgot to add. When private offer reaches liker - buyer, buyer must tap on accept button and then tap on yes when asked if wants to accept.
Jul 31Reply
queenbee47340 @marystohr I do u understand the private offer, but in addition to the 10%u must add shipping dis count. When u bundle only 1 item, no shipping discount is mandated. Also when someone likes, u can style their closet by adding that liked item to a bundle for them. And offer any price with or without shipping. I was just taught this a few weeks ago and have sold many items with this. It turns likes I to bundles and sales.
Jul 31Reply
marystohr @queenbee47340 I know you can do it and I get what you are doing but for me I feel it just complicates things for no advantage. I am into keeping things as simple and straight forward as possible so things don’t get messed up unnecessarily. Anyway you might still want to see if you can msg Val and reopen the transaction. Heck can’t hurt to try and you might wind up with your adorable goodie. Let me know what happens. Good luck.
Jul 31Reply
marystohr I actually agree with the idea of styling and bundling to promote larger sales but in this case you were buying not selling and to top it off I guess she made a public offer instead of private and then the price got raised and on and on and on. Anyhow try tonight and see if you can get it if you wish. Can’t hurt. Take care. Let me know what happens.
Jul 31Reply
unclaimed Nice closet and beautiful pics ,wishing you. health. happiness and prosperity,thanks for your support. Enjoy a 50% off allowance on your next puchase of $50 or a $10 off a $25 purchase from this closet expires 8/31/2019. l also wholesale , purchase any items in my closet priced $19 or less for $5.00 with a minimum purchase of $100.Check out the Poshmark videos on YouTube, very beneficial !!!
Jul 31Reply
queenbee47340 @marystohr I believe I messaged her. We will.see. thanks so much
Jul 31Reply
marystohr @crosscultured Thank you for liking my profile pic. The mouse is my boyfriend. Good sport to wear that last Halloween. We were quite the pair. The witch leading her pet rat around we are just a bit nuts but we have fun. Thanks again for the like. Mary
Aug 01Reply
marystohr @laynuh Thank you for the like. The mouse is my boyfriend and of course I am the witch. He is a good sport to have worn the costume last Halloween. He is 82 yrs old and I’m 73 so I guess we’re a bit nuts but we sure do have fun. Age is not optional but getting old is totally optional. Attitude is everything. Have a great weekend.
Aug 02Reply
laynuh @marystohr God bless you both, I love it. It reminded me of the beautiful, free-spirited Stevie Nicks, my IDOL!!! And that's you lady in this pic. Age ain't nothing but a number, live you life to the fullest and enjoy it!!! You beautiful soul YOU!!! 💗❤🙏🎉
Aug 02Reply
tams2012 Thank you as well! Happy Sunday!
Aug 11Reply
a497530310 @marystohr Mary, thank you very much for browsing and sharing my closet! Have a great week! Dawn
Aug 12Reply
maddie_kate0708 Hi Mary, thank you very much for sharing my closet!
Aug 16Reply
marystohr @maddie_kate0708 You are so very welcome. It’s my pleasure. Have a nice evening. Mary
Aug 16Reply
modifiedmon Thank you so much sweetie for sharing on tumbler and Instagram! Your are so precious❤️❤️
Aug 21Reply
maidmarian Tx for sharing all the posh love ❤️ Marian
Aug 21Reply
maidmarian Decline my offer on the golf clip so I can offer free shipping.
Aug 21Reply
marystohr @maidmarian sorry I was so slow. I was away from my phone.
Aug 21Reply
jgadams @marystohr Hi Mary! How are?🙏💋😘💖
Aug 21Reply
maidmarian Tried sending an offer for $25 and free shipping. It says I’ve already sent that offer. Why don’t you make an offer?
Aug 21Reply
marystohr @maidmarian Sounds good. I will offer the 25 minus the ship of 6.79 as I have no actual way to give the ship disc as I’m on the wrong side. FYI I had a real problem this am with private discount. Had a new list on 12 Sunglasses never before liked and offered someone 10 with 1.80 ship discount and came back to offer lower when this was the first like and offer ever. Anyway is my offer proposal ok with you.
Aug 21Reply
maidmarian Thank you! I need all the shares I can get! You’re a doll! Marian
Aug 21Reply
maidmarian PS I’m at work or I’d share back!
Aug 21Reply
marystohr @maidmarian happy to share. I’m with a small group of people who share like 10 items every day for each other. Some of them have huge followings. I will include you if you wish. I can start off by sharing you daily and see how it goes for you. It would not take much time and after work is great. Let me know if you would like to join. If so I’ll send you a couple of screen id’s to share to. Let me know. Have a great day.
Aug 21Reply
maidmarian @marystohr any help is welcome! Let me know what is involved. I’m getting ready to be less active.
Aug 21Reply
marystohr @maidmarian there are about 6 of us who share maybe 10 or so listings/person daily so it doesn’t take long. But like one gal @kreativekristen has a ginormous following so it helps with exposure. We all have decent followings and this helps to expand. I’ll of course share contacts with you. Msg me after work. Have a good day.
Aug 21Reply
marystohr @maidmarian Hi. Hope you had a good day. If you wish you might want to pop into @kreativekristen closet and share maybe 10 or so of her listings. She loves to share and will share back. She has a very long reach with a ginormous number of followers. Very good share buddy and I think you will like each other’s closets. I work with her all the time. It’s a good reliable share deal. Let me know what you think.
Aug 22Reply
maidmarian @marystohr Tx I know Kristen very well!
Aug 22Reply
maidmarian Mary your golf clip went in the mail this morning. Marian. Hope it’s the perfect gift!
Aug 22Reply
marystohr @maidmarian Posh is such a big small world. So you know Kristen also. She is really amazing. Quite the designer and being legally blind I don’t know how she does it but she does it. Thank you for the quick shipping. Just wanted to do something nice for John. Since my accident I don’t drive, etc and he is great at filling in the things I can’t do like trips to the post office. Have a great day
Aug 22Reply
brucesgal10 Mary, thank you sooo much for the shoes. That is so sweet of you! Sheena💕🎉
Aug 24Reply
maidmarian Mary Tx! I’m always so happy when I can make someone else happy 💞 Marian
Aug 24Reply
marystohr @maidmarian You absolutely did. He had broken his awhile back and he thought it was great. Thank you again. Mary
Aug 24Reply
lattebill ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Aug 25Reply
marystohr @darlainok Thank you for the like. Obviously the witch is me with the 02 hose. The Bear/mouse is my 82 yr old boyfriend. Good sport to wear that all night. I’m 73 so we are a couple of goofy old folks. But we sure have fun and think and stay young. The pic was last Halloween. Take care and be well. Mary
Aug 26Reply
darlainok I fell asleep right after replying to you I had been up all night. I said a prayer for you and I didn’t want to lose you! You are a very strong kindhearted person. Thank you so much🌸🌼🦋
Aug 26Reply
darlainok @marystohr And you are as young as you feel inside 😜
Aug 26Reply
marystohr @darlainok I’m here for you whenever you need something or when you are ready to stRt putting your closet back together again. I’ll do everything I can to help you get your new fur baby. I know they can be party pricey with all the training they receive they are amazing. Talk with you soon. Mary. If you ever want to reach me directly my email is
Aug 26Reply
darlainok @marystohr Thank you so much Mary🌷 my email is simple just add onto my screen name🌻🌻🌻
Aug 26Reply
brucesgal10 Mary, you Are incredible, you have shared sooo much!!!🤗 I do want to tell you ...your jewelry is some of the nicest I have seen on posh!! Sending posh love to you my posh friend! Sheena💕
Aug 26Reply
brucesgal10 Mary, thank you for the shoes... perfect fit, love them! Sheena💕🥳
Aug 26Reply
marystohr @brucesgal10 Thank you so much. If you are happy that’s all I can ask for. Take care and be well. I’ll share your closet as much as I can. Mary
Aug 26Reply
slc81 Hi, I’m so sorry i tagged you in a message about jeans but it was not meant for you I apologize for the confusion. I accidentally hit reply when commenting on the buyers meet the posher page. Sorry again!
Aug 26Reply
marystohr @slc81 Absolutely no problem. I figured it was something like that. Have a great day.
Aug 26Reply
woolfolks2 Thanks for all the shares Mary!!!👍👌😘🌻
Aug 28Reply
mw_online Welcome! May you be blessed with much success.
Aug 29Reply
dreamer8414 😊 Mary, you are very welcome. I hope you continue having GREAT Posh success and happiness 💖
Sep 02Reply
marystohr @liztayjr. Hi. It’s Mary. I sent a msg to Poshmark & told them about your proposal for me to pay shipping & keep shirt & they could read conversation in comment section of case & I was ok with that as an alternative. Want you to know I understand stuff happens & things get missed so I’m not upset. Just want to resolve this as easy as we can. I just can’t use shirt. We’ll work it out & since Poshmark can’t see the stiffness & roughness in a pic they may rule against me anyway.
Sep 04Reply
liztayjr Love this pic!
Sep 04Reply
liztayjr @marystohr yes! That’s great I’m unable to access the earlier conversation & thanks so much :)
Sep 04Reply
marystohr @liztayjr Thank you. That pic is last Halloween. The mouse is my 82 year old boyfriend. He is a pretty good sport to wear it for me. We’ve been together for nearly 30 yrs so he’s pretty used to my ways. I’m going to list the costume for sale this month. It was a fun evening. Take care. Mary
Sep 04Reply
marystohr Thank you. It was a fun Halloween party.
Sep 04Reply
psychfan27 Thank you so much for all the shares, I truly appreciate it. You have an awesome closet! Have a great weekend and happy poshing❤️
Sep 06Reply
hit111 👋 welcome to Poshmark.............. where shopping 🛍 is easy.............checkout my closet when you have time.................... if you see something you like in my closet make me an offer.......... bundle and save on shipping.....".. Happy 😊 Poshing!
Sep 07Reply
lorig22 Thank you for all the shares!! 😊👍🏻❤️🤗
Sep 09Reply
karenposhmark You are amazing!!! Always there for me! 🌺
Sep 10Reply
earthgirlresale 🌺Thank you for the shares🌸 You have a fabulous closet👗👠👚👜 I look forward to returning the favor by sharing your closet👔👢👙👞Happy Poshing!🌈☀️
Sep 10Reply
woodbem Thanks for the Posh ❤️💕
Sep 10Reply
bertads 💕🙏🌺🌸welcome to poshmark 🙏🌺🌺
Sep 11Reply
statens_closet Thanks for the shares!😀😀 Happy Poshing! God Bless You! I’ll be 🙏 for you!
Sep 14Reply
78ddavis I purchased a pair of ugg boots from you in May. You assured me that they were authentic but that is was a lie. These boots you sold me are fake. What are you going to do to correct this!!
Sep 17Reply
marystohr @78ddavis Hi Dawn. Just out of curiosity what makes you say the boots are fake. I received them as a gift from my daughter and she doesn’t buy fakes as she can afford not to. She gave my granddaughter a pair at the same time which she picked out herself. I didn’t straight up lie to you as that’s not who I am. Please let me know what makes you say they aren’t real and we will go from there. Thank you. Mary
Sep 17Reply
marystohr @78ddavis Hi Dawn I can’t reach my daughter just now as she is abroad on vacation but I want to make it right with you now. I really apologize for this issue. There was no ill intent on my part. This was a $65 bundle purchase. I did pay Poshmark their commission but I will eat that
Sep 17Reply
marystohr @78ddavis have to split msg due to 500 character limit. Anyway I will gladly send you a check for $55 and you keep the boots if that is ok. I will need your proper name for the check and a mailing address. My email is so you don’t have to publicize your personal info. Again I do apologize. I never would have thought my daughter who lives at Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus would give fakes but maybe she didn’t know either. Hoping to hear from you soon. Mary
Sep 17Reply
lori0526 Hi Mary. Thank you for sharing things in my closet♥️
Sep 18Reply
nicky112873 I’m so happy the jacket fit you and that you love it ♥️♥️😊😊
Sep 23Reply
sunnydalegems Hi Mary, great closet. Thank you so much for the follow and all the shares!! <3 <3 :)
Sep 26Reply
tammysbeachwear Happy Birthday!!
Sep 28Reply
marystohr @tammysbeachwear Thank you for the nice birthday wishes.
Sep 28Reply
vintage_reborn @marystohr HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARY! 💕🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💕
Sep 28Reply
darlainok Hi Miss Mary!!! Sorry it’s been so long, but I’ve been out since Labor Day for medical reasons. Try this It should work. I sold my sandals tonight, so I have to get my strength up to list some more items. My husband is going to have knee replacement surgery on Dec. 10th. What a pair we will be. Hope your doing well sweetie. I’ve missed my posh friends. Darla
Oct 04Reply
omeletesandwich Thank you! 🙂 🌹
Oct 10Reply
j9hw Thank you for all the shares! 😊
Oct 12Reply
joleen581 Thank You for all your shares! You have a great closet! 🍀💕
Oct 13Reply
texas_closet Thank you so much for all the shares!!😊😊
Oct 14Reply
ladykrc @marystohr Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I enjoy sharing, shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Oct 14Reply
bydonnywu Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋 Hi I’m Donny nice to meet you! I have lots new pieces in, come check it out! 🤗❤️
Oct 15Reply
billies268 Hi Mary I need to raise as much cash as possible with my closet. A death in the family has left me broke. Any ideas you can give me would be greatly appreciated
Oct 17Reply
marystohr @billies268 Hi Billie. First of all I am so very sorry for your loss. I would suggest a couple of things. Lower your prices as much as you comfortably can. Share your closet to your followers and share other peoples closets as much as you can. They will share your closet to their followers. Send each of them a short thank you with added comment why you are in need of quick sales
Oct 17Reply
marystohr @billies268 have to split msg due to length restriction. Share any appropriate items to posh parties. I’ll share your closet right away but share everyone you can. They will share back and you can reach more people quickly. And dropping prices will hasten sales plus posh puts the info out there. Stay in touch and I’ll continue sharing and thinking of ideas. Fingers crossed and bless you and your family in this sad time. Mary
Oct 17Reply
denimmunkies @marystohr 👠👜👗thank you so much for allowing me to send you an amazing new staple from my closet into yours!!! We will get this wrapped up for you and to usps this afternoon!!!! Make sure to follow our closet as we love our poshers but have such a large closet & I am also a Posh Stylist for Plus, but want you to be in the know!!!! Stay Tuned the best is yet to Come!!!!👙👠👜👗
Oct 18Reply
Oct 18Reply
marystohr @chaig28 thank you
Oct 18Reply
amber2286 Congrats on your Make Deal Days win! It’s so exciting! I have won in the past and be sure to check your email and read the rules. This free money does expire, just FYI. So I’m running a huge special for winners with HALF-OFF my entire closet this week. Just make sure to make a bundle and use code word WINNER so I can be sure to give you a special discount Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself ❤️
Oct 18Reply
tazzies21 Thank you for all the shares. Happy posting.. 💝💝💝 Vicky
Oct 18Reply
michellegwilson @marystohr Mary, Congratulations!!🎁🎈🎊🎉
Oct 18Reply
ksfashionfinds 🌷🥰🌟Hi I seen your name on the winners list! Congratulations on winning the $100 shipping credit🎉🎊if you haven’t yet go to the news feed find the poshmark congratulations you won $100 notification click it and there’s a bell click it to accept the prize and look under your sales balance should show $100 credit right away🤗🌷have fun shopping and if you see anything in my closet I’m giving 30% off discount to winners! Enjoy shopping🥰
Oct 19Reply
sourpoi Congrats on your WIN! Enjoy your mini shopping spree! Have a beautiful day and Happy Poshing!
Oct 19Reply
harlowwifey Congrats on your make a deals day win! 💥🎊🎉 I have to admit I’m a little jealous! Please stop by my closet to see if I have anything u must have!! 🙃 if you don’t see anything for you, consider sharing some of my listings! I have returned the favor and shared some of your listings with my 31K + followers!! Congrats again!!
Oct 19Reply
zsazsa11267 You are so Cute!!!
Oct 19Reply
dajco Share & share alike! Wishing you much success and fun Poshing 🛍📬
Oct 19Reply
shaz2321 @marystohr Thank you as well for all the shares, much appreciated!🌺
Oct 19Reply
zsazsa11267 Thank You for sharing my Posh items!!!🥰🥰🥰
Oct 20Reply
dchillas Your closet is absolutely gorgeous🌺💕🎁
Oct 21Reply
amkhan Thanks so much for taking some time to leave your feedback. I really appreciate it ❤️😊🙏. Please keep checking back !!!!
Oct 23Reply
elidamiranda71 Thank you very much I really appreciate
Oct 23Reply
liliyalieva Hi, thank you 🙏 for all your shares!!! I am really appreciated!!! 😊😉🥰
Oct 24Reply
j2thel Thanks for all the shares!
Oct 27Reply
newearththrift I appreciate you & all the shares! Thank you! 💜
Nov 02Reply
luvmee40 30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept.  This sale is one week only. Thanks!
Nov 03Reply
sd_diamondstore @stylemode101 thanks to all friends shares my list I am really appreciate happy poshing
Nov 16Reply
red_amelie Thanks for all the shares as well! Happy poshing!
Nov 21Reply
karenposhmark I can always count on you Mary! 🌸🌸🌸
Nov 26Reply
marystohr @karenposhmark you also my friend
Nov 26Reply
heads177 Thank you!! Your most welcome Happy Poshing💕
Dec 01Reply
seldomseenonce Thanks for sharing
Dec 02Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Dec 07Reply
a_girl_thing Hello! 🌸 If you would like to check out my closet, everything is new and boutique. Bundle any three items and receive an offer of $60 with discounted shipping. A free gift is mailed with every purchase.🎁 Right now the free gift is osfm black leggings. 😀 Happy Holidays!🎄
Dec 15Reply
dailythreads976 You’re welcome and a big THANK 🙏 YOU to you as well!!! Wishing you many Poshmark sales!!! Happy Holidays!!!
Dec 17Reply
msheat @marystohr Hi, how are you doing? Your closet is lovely! I’m off to work. Chat soon ok? 🎄⛄️🎄
Dec 21Reply
marystohr @msheat Sounds good. Take care and happy holidays.
Dec 21Reply
amr70 Happy Poshing 😎
Dec 25Reply
karenposhmark Merry Christmas my friend! Hope this day was filled with love and laughter for you! 🎄🎅🏻😃
Dec 26Reply
annmahrii Hi, Thank you so much for sharing my item(s) in my closet. I really appreciate it! I hope you have a great week with your sales and a very prosperous year next year! Happy New Year! 🎉💵
Jan 01Reply
angelic143 @marystohr - Thank you for sharing a bunch of my listings!! I tend to share based on dollar amount rather than the number of items, so please do not feel the need to keep up with me. It's difficult to share a lot of items the way I do it but I try! Plus, I tend to get a bit "click happy" with my mouse. Great closet! I wish you lots of sales! Happy Poshing & Happy New Year!!!!
Jan 02Reply
sillycilla1969 Happy New Year my Posh Friend! I hope you have the best year ever! The Roaring 20s are back...Yay!
Jan 02Reply
pixieprix 🧚🏼‍♀️Hi Mary- I mailed your package yesterday afternoon along with 3 other cartons and they all started tracking except for yours. I just wanted to let you know I am aware and keeping an eye out.🧚🏼‍♀️-Shannon
Jan 03Reply
marystohr @pixieprix Thank you. That happens sometimes. I appreciate you watching out for it. I always get a receipt from the post office when I mail posh items for just that reason. Thank you for letting me know. Mary
Jan 03Reply
pixieprix @marystohr 🧚🏼‍♀️Hi Mary- your blouse should be arriving by 5:30 today. I went back to the post office and the clerk told me some of her co workers don’t always scan packages when dropped off. Lesson learned. I’ll stick with PakMail and if I have to use the post office, have them scanned by a USPS employee & get a receipt.🧚🏼‍♀️ Thank you❣️
Jan 04Reply
marystohr @pixieprix Thank you for your concern. That is why I always get a receipt as it gives me proof that the pkg is in the hands of the post office and they then have financial responsibility for the shipment if lost. I.use the PO as it is free for the shipper except for any offered discount and the boxes are free at the PO. Thank you again. Mary
Jan 04Reply
aminarosiee Message me please!:)
Jan 13Reply
marystohr @aminarosiee Love to msg you but don’t know what to say. Please let me know what I can do for you. As to the card, I cannot spend more than a total of about $50 including the sales tax and shipping. Would love to get it for my granddaughter’s birthday but I’m disabled on a small fixed income. Hope we can work it out. Thank you so much. Mary
Jan 13Reply
aminarosiee Sorry, I’m new to this app if I knew how to msg you I would lol, but I can deliver it to u, if you’d like :)
Jan 13Reply
aminarosiee You’re in El Paso TX correct?:)
Jan 13Reply
marystohr @aminarosiee Thank you for the offer but if you go off site and sell direct to a posher it can and will get you ousted from Poshmark. And everything you and I write to each other is seen by all. It is totally against their rules. FYI I live in Hemet, California. What happens with a like is I can offer which I did or you can - tb cont
Jan 13Reply
marystohr @aminarosiee offer a disc amount with free or disc ship. When the total is figured for the buyer it is the sale any plus applicable sales tax plus whatever ship amount has not been discounted. So the sale amount is larger than appears. Anyway as I said I cannot afford more than $50 out the door. Hope you can work with my. Msg back and I can also walk you through any procedure as needed. Thank you. Mary
Jan 13Reply
marystohr @aminarosiee Please let me know if we can work something out. My granddaughter would be so excited to get the card for her birthday. It would be a real treat for her. Thank you. Mary
Jan 13Reply
jsmd1 Thanks for the shares!
Jan 14Reply
hardlyworn2019 Hi Mary, thank you for all your shares ✌🏻🙏🏻💫
Jan 16Reply
surburban22 🙋‍♀️Hello Nice to meet you! Happy New Year Thank you for the “ MEGA SHARES” will return the favor. Will add your closet to my daily shares. Good Luck! Happy Poshing! 👌Have a wonderful day. 😃
Jan 23Reply
mpa28 @marystohr I would have loved to accept your offer Mary! I bought the Beijo bag specifically to sell & even at my counter offer, my profit is only $4. Hope it works for's a gorgeous bag/case!
Jan 26Reply
kristinlekki Thx for the shares an Posh Love 😊😘❤️😎🥰
Jan 30Reply
blreibman1948 Love your closet💖Thanks for the shares❣️❣️
Jan 30Reply
blreibman1948 I’m up for work East coast!! Always wonder why everyone’s awake???
Jan 30Reply
marystohr @blreibman1948 Thank you for all your shares as well. I’m up just because I am. West Coast but I am originally from east coast - Born in Atlanta, grew up in Lancaster,Pa and NYC, NY
Jan 30Reply
daffodildog23 Mary, it’s definitely aqua. Funny how different colors can come off my iPad and phone look aqua, and sometimes the computer will be a bit different. Anyway, the bag is a gorgeous bag for aqua lovers. ( I’m a purse-a-holic) So I sell them to keep from hoarding them. Best wishes, Elizabeth
Feb 03Reply
marystohr @daffodildog23 thank you. I was hoping for mint green so I will decline your nice offer. Thank you again. Mary
Feb 03Reply
catsgarden Hi Mary, thank you for your offer. At this time I can come down 10%; I have sent you a counter-offer. Thank you for your interest; hope we can make a deal!
Feb 04Reply
catsgarden Thank you, Mary for your purchase! It will be sent out today! Have a great day!
Feb 04Reply
catsgarden Mary, thank you for the great rating and nice comments! Glad to hear you were happy with the wine opener and your daughter will love it!
Feb 09Reply
marystohr @catsgarden you are very welcome. You deserved it, and thank you again.
Feb 09Reply
jobie01 Happy Sunday, thank you for sharing several of my items. I greatly appreciate it. Have a fabulous week ❤⚘🌼🌷
Feb 10Reply
coachandtrunk Hi Mary! I had to stop by, introduce myself and thank you for the shares. I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. Hope you're having a good weekend, Sharon
Feb 16Reply
4sky1877 Hi! Okay, thank you! Hopefully I’m messaging back correctly now :)
Feb 18Reply
4sky1877 Sorry to bother you again, can you let me know if you got my message? LOL! Just want to make sure I’m doing this right :)
Feb 18Reply
4sky1877 Someone wants to buy a item of mine but how do I receive payment? Do I need to set up my bank card account? I’m so lost with this app
Feb 18Reply
4sky1877 I cannot even figure out how to view my messages. I’m really frustrated with this app. Why can’t there just simply be a message option. I’m deleting this app. The worst experience ever!
Feb 18Reply
marystohr @4sky1877 if you haven’t deleted the app yet I would be happy to help you. It’s not that bad once you get it. I’ll contact you ASAP if you still have the app. Let me know. Mary
Feb 19Reply
marystohr @4sky1877 call me. I’ll help you understand and I’ll walk you through everything. It’s not so bad if I give you a bit of help. I was new and confused once also. I’m glad to help you. 951-206-8097. Mary
Feb 19Reply
cheapoarea Thank for the wonderful comment, happy poshing!!!!!
Feb 21Reply
nataleenankali What is a Posh ambassador?
Feb 26Reply
marystohr @nataleenankali Hi. It’s Mary. A post ambassador is someone who has reached specified sales, shares, %on sales ratings, etc. go to your home page where you see things like closet, purchases, sales, etc and find posh stats. Tap that and you should see the requirements. And a posh ambassador kind of knows the ropes and can help others. Any more questions, pls msg me
Feb 26Reply
nataleenankali May I reach out to you through text?
Feb 26Reply
surburban22 🙋‍♀️HELLO, GM, Thank you for the shares, greatly appreciated. Good Luck! Happy Poshing! 😃Have a wonderful day.🙏🏻
Mar 01Reply
hangbdao good morning, thanks for sharing 😍
Mar 03Reply
mp0186 Thanks for the shares yourself! Good luck poshing
Mar 15Reply
surburban22 Hi, hope you and your family are doing well. Stay safe durinng this virus crisis. Stay Healthy. Thank you for your support.🙏🏻🙋‍♀️Happy Poshing!😃🛍🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
Mar 24Reply
dollupshop Love your posh closet! Thanks for the shares & likes, I’ll be doing the same💕
Mar 29Reply
surburban22 🙋‍♀️hi, Thank you for ypur daily shares. Stay Healthy during this crisis. Let’s continue to support each other. Good Luck!😃🙏🏻Happy Poshing👍
Mar 31Reply
cricketlee001 Hi Mary, thank you very much for posting one of my items on Twitter! I am not on any social media sites so I will be happy to share some more of your items on here 😊
Apr 04Reply
nautinayscloset No problem. 😊
Apr 05Reply
leeleebucket Hi Mary, thank you for the shares . I really appreciate your help. You have a beautiful closet. I will keep an eye on it. Please stay safe and well.
Apr 14Reply
mmdell11 hi!! I just wanted to let you know that I’m having a moving sale so I have to get rid of everything!! feel free to check it out! I love sharing, offers and bundles! Happy poshing ! Let me know if you have any questions 🥰
Apr 17Reply
addyourtouch Thank you fir fasting my listings on Twitter! I haven’t figured out how to do that yet.
May 06Reply
lollypops53 ❤️❤️❤️😘🤗👍
May 08Reply
eva__g Thank you for visiting my closet and for sharing ❤️❤️👗👗👗🌼🌼💕💕💕
May 08Reply
eva__g Thank you for visiting my closet and for sharing ❤️❤️👗👗👗🌼🌼💕💕💕
May 08Reply
nicky112873 Hello I am reaching out to you because you previously purchased from my closet and I just wanted to let you know that I have added so many new items and I’m having a buy one get one 50% off if your interested in shopping with me again
May 09Reply
alizmurphy Thank you so much for sharing . You have a great closet! Happy poshing :).
May 13Reply
princessmarcy Welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
May 18Reply
melsam93 Thanks for your order!! And thank-you for the ❤️ note!! Enjoy!!
May 19Reply
marystohr @melsam93 You are so welcome and thank you.
May 19Reply
drama_llama_ Hi Mary! I’m Dani, you commented on my profile a couple weeks ago when I was getting started on Poshmark and I was wondering if I could ask you a question. Do you know if for Poshmark Closet Clear Out, if a person has liked multiple items from my closet, can they bundle the items together and still get the discounted $3.99 shipping? Or does the shipping discount only apply to one item? Thank you so much for your help, I appreciate it and have a great rest of your day!
Jun 14Reply
marystohr @drama_llama_ yes they can get a shipping discount. When you go into the bundle to make an offer to your buyer it will give you a choice of no discount - “none” or a couple of discount amounts but is up to you the seller to choose which if any shipping discount you wish to offer. Hope this helps or if not please ask away. Take care &. Be safe.
Jun 14Reply
drama_llama_ @marystohr thank you for your help, much appreciated! & thanks for the shares :)
Jun 15Reply
kfab333 @marystohr - Hello! 🥰 We are super happy you popped in! I am Kimberly - Owner of Kfab Designs. We are always happy to assist you in finding your perfect style! 💗 All orders are shipped with gifts 🎁! We look forward to working with you! 😊
Jun 21Reply
marystohr @kfab333 thank you and I really could use the pit to pit chest measurement for the sweater. Thank you.
Jun 21Reply
kfab333 @marystohr Hello darling! 🥰💗 We have quite a few sweater options on many sizes! 💖 Could you please let me know which one please? Thank you so much
Jun 21Reply
lherk1 @kfab333 Thanks Mary😘
Jun 23Reply
kfab333 @marystohr Hey there! 🥰Not sure if you got my message about the sweater? I am happy to send you the discount and pay partial shipping for you! We just need to add it to a bundle please ❤️ You can do that or I can help
Jun 23Reply
hc990 thank you for sharing my items. I'm not on Twitter so I can't return that favor.
Jun 30Reply
johntz202 Thanks for the shares. Best wishes for a happy 4th of July JTZ
Jul 04Reply
ferriscros No problem !! Stay safe and well. Happy poshing ❤️❤️💥💥
Jul 23Reply
ittybittypretty Thank you Ms. Mary! I greatly appreciate the love you showed to my closet as well. Happy poshing!
Jul 27Reply
monajean59 you're welcome 🙂
Aug 01Reply
lherk1 Thanks Mary😊 Have a great weekend! Be well🙏🏼 Lisa
Aug 13Reply
theposhpennypdx Hi Mary! Thank you so much for the purchase! I appreciate it very much! I'll get it out tomorrow! Have a great evening! Penny
Aug 19Reply
shelviebrown_ Back atcha!!! 😉
Aug 19Reply
baboue123 Thanks to you too😘
Aug 20Reply
k_hebert94 Hi Mary! Thanks for sharing some of my items! I just started poshing this week! I love the makeup!! 💅🏻
Aug 20Reply
marystohr @k_hebert94 Thank you. The mouse is my 83 year old honey. He’s a great sport. I’m a 75 year old witchy witch. At my age about all I can ride is my low rider broom. Happy poshing and take care and stay safe. Mary
Aug 20Reply
avina1974 🤗Welcome to my closet, if you like the merchandise, I accept reasonable offer thanks for taking the time to read this message.
Aug 22Reply
theposhpennypdx Mary. Thank you so much for your kind words. I do appreciate it! Enjoy the bag! Penny
Aug 23Reply
decadentfashion Your welcome! From one Mary to another:) Thanks for your shares. Many blessings 😇
Aug 23Reply
surburban22 Hi, hope u r doing well. Thank you for the many shares.👍👍👍👍👍Greatly appreciated. Happy Poshing. Have a wonderful day!😃
Aug 23Reply
marystohr @zoeymax Thank you for sharing my listings. I really appreciate
Aug 24Reply
mommom501 Hi Mary, Come by my closet and check it out if you will. I am always happy to give a good deal and I am a top-rated seller and Posh mentor 🌸 have a wonderful weekend.
Sep 03Reply
mommom501 ❤️Thank you, Mary, for all the shares! You rock, Sister!
Sep 03Reply
meisch1234 Thank you Mary for all your shares💞
Sep 05Reply
luvbodyboutique Happy Poshing! Have a great Labor Day Weekend! 🤍💙❤️
Sep 06Reply
tounsapparel Hello 👋 Mary You are so sweet to also share mine... thanks so much. Best and happy Poshing 😊🎊 @tounsapparel
Sep 09Reply
caninowbe hello my name is Katherine and I love to shop. I buy for everyone.. I presently have some new baby clothes. and have some woman plus clothing from woman within and Roamans.. have some smaller younger clothes.. and even some miscellaneous items. come on by check out my closet. 😜. you have a wonderful day and enjoy having friends 💗
Sep 20Reply
groovyglam Happy 🎂 Birthday Mary🎉🎶🎊🎈🥂
Sep 27Reply
starshinefinds1 Thank you thank you for the shares!! It’s very much appreciated. Take care and have a great day. 💙
Oct 04Reply
oscarinky Hi Mary! Glad to share and appreciate your sharing my items too! My mom & dad lived in Hemet for many years. It looks like your birthday was 9/27? If so, that's the day after mine. 😊
Oct 25Reply
marystohr @oscarinky actually it was Sept 28 so we’re just two days apart. Really nice to meet you.
Oct 25Reply
oscarinky Nice to meet you too!
Oct 25Reply
rmltrends Thank you for all the shares 💕
Oct 27Reply
happydaysahead Great Closet. It looks like You are having one heck of a great time with those huggable Teddy Bears. Much Success and Many Blessings🌺🌺🌺🍀🍀🍀🦋🦋🦋💕💕💕🤗🤗🤗
Oct 30Reply
jujusfortune Thanks for helping me know about the "likes." You're great! 😊
Nov 03Reply
marystohr @jujusfortune you are welcome. Be sure and like their items for sale. I’m not trying to sell the profile pic of my mouse boyfriend and me. Lol. And I looked at your closet again. Be sure and put the brand name first in the title even if it’s an off brand. Really does make a difference. Check back if you need anything else. Mary
Nov 03Reply
mimisiegel Thank you for sharing items from my closet. I am very much appreciative.
Nov 04Reply
jumpnjive1 Hello there, thanks for purchasing my 3 US Open hats. ⛳ I'll get these to the post office tomorrow morning. Regards Richard 🌴😁🌴
Nov 30Reply
Jan 01Reply
funstyle7 Amazing Closet!
Feb 17Reply
marystohr @funstyle7 Thank you. I should be healed up enough from my accident to open up my closet again nest month.
Feb 17Reply
honeytag Hi there 😄  Come check out my closet @honeytag  for awesome, fashionable finds, I think you're gonna love! 🖤 ...🖤🖤🖤Happy Poshing 🖤🖤🖤
Mar 12Reply
shandycouture I appreciate your rating sweetheart
Mar 12Reply
surburban22 Hi, not sure if you know but all of your listing show NOT FOR SALE AT THE BOTTOM.
Mar 30Reply
marystohr @surburban22 Thank you. I do know as I have my closet temporarily closed. I am going to physical therapy twice a week to work on my right shoulder which was shattered and surgically repaired with hardware due to a bad fall. I haven’t been able to use my R arm enough to wrap a pkg or just about anything. Going to be a long painful road but hoping to start posh by first of the month.
Mar 30Reply
littlepeachxo hi i’m having a huge sale! ❥everything under $10 ❥discounted shipping! ❥all bundles 50% off. ❥clearance section!! -peach ♡
May 03Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi⭐️Hope you are enjoying shopping 🛒 and selling 🛍. When you get a moment, please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me...and I will do the same. ⭐️I wish you all the luck in the world 🌎
May 24Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 09Reply
jl1018mm Thank you for the shares! All proceed from my closet raise fund to support locals needed help during this challenging time. Any support / help is much appreciated. God bless 🙏🏻❤️ ps you have a nice closet !
Jun 25Reply
mary_puleo Love your whimsical closet, it's like The, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, very mysterious, but fun, but serious. Happy Poshing and Happy weekend..
Aug 21Reply
maidmarian Hi Mary. I see Kristen closed her closet hoping it’s temporary! Are you okay? Affected by the same devastation? Thinking of you both! Marian
Aug 31Reply
marystohr @maidmarian Hi. Thank you for asking. We are fine. I live in the desert near Palm Springs. Kristen is in the forest right in the middle of it in the Sierras near Lake Tahoe. Her closet is marked vacation but I imagine that translates into evacuation. I am worried about her. Wish there was a way to message her.
Aug 31Reply
maidmarian @marystohr you don’t have her #?
Aug 31Reply
marystohr @maidmarian No I sure don’t. I know what town she is in but I’m sure they are evacuated. It’s right in the middle of it and I do worry. She is legally blind so I’m sure it would be very hard to take things and I don’t believe she can drive so would depend on friends for help. I know someone does post office runs for her.
Aug 31Reply
maidmarian @marystohr that’s so sad! Her entire life. I thought you were closer neighbors. Being in New York distance takes on a whole new meaning. 🙏🏻 and I’m glad you’re okay!
Aug 31Reply
marystohr @maidmarian Thank you. You know I’m from east coast. 63rd and Lexington, NYC. Take care
Aug 31Reply
maidmarian @marystohr I had no idea! You do look like a city lady!
Aug 31Reply
marystohr @maidmarian from the picture I would say city witch. Where are you from in NY. If you don’t mind my asking. Big state.
Aug 31Reply
maidmarian @marystohr I’m on Long Island but from Queens Philly and Atlantic beach
Aug 31Reply
marystohr @maidmarian Spent younger yrs in Lancaster,Pa.
Aug 31Reply
marystohr @maidmarian hi. It’s Mary. I got hold of Kristen. She is ok but not really. She has been in a Red Cross evacuation center for the last 14 days. She says she is having closet withdrawals. At least she is ok and keeping a good attitude. You can reach her through her closet for now.
Sep 01Reply
maidmarian @marystohr Thank you Mary!
Sep 01Reply
boots6999 Good Morning! Thank you for all the shares!! 🥰
Sep 17Reply
fashionablefool Happy birthday Mary. No need to return shares, hope you enjoyed your day❣️🥰
Sep 29Reply
funsize66 Thank you for the shares 🤩🤗
Oct 21Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2700 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Feb 20Reply
watsonlilmommy @marystohr hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will do my best to help you out
Mar 02Reply
mazyodc Hi, I'm Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. l'd like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, books, CDs, jewelry and religious items. You'll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you purchase a bundle of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs per bundle). Hope you'll take a peek at my closet and make an offer on an item that catches your eye 🥰
Apr 06Reply
marystohr @adoringstyles no worries. When I see them I always share back.
Apr 25Reply
brooklyn_blues Hi Mary, how are you today?
Apr 28Reply
brooklyn_blues I have a problem. I pray you can help. I sent my last Item to the wrong address.
Apr 28Reply
marystohr @brooklyn_blues it’s a problem but not the end of the world. Can you pls call me as I am disabled and typing is a bit difficult thanks. 951-206-8097. If you can’t call let me know and I will try to type.
Apr 28Reply
marystohr @brooklyn_blues this is fixable by the way. I can help but it will be easier for me if you call. I sent you my number a few ago.
Apr 28Reply
brooklyn_blues Hi Mary, They received the item. I tried to correspond with them several times but did not get a response. Thank you so much for all your help. 🌸🌸🌸
May 03Reply
marystohr @brooklyn_blues I’m happy I could help and that the item made it. Hope they accepted it so you get paid. If they fail to accept Posh will automatically release your money after three days. If you never need anything else just let me know. Stay well and be happy.
May 03Reply
brooklyn_blues Thank you … Awesome Mary for sharing! Have a great day 🌸🛍
May 12Reply
nicky112873 Just stopping by to introduce myself. My name is Nicole and I’m also a Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you are enjoying your Poshmark experience as much as I am. Stop by my closet if you are looking to do a little shopping. I guarantee you will not be disappointed in my items
May 15Reply
brooklyn_blues Hi Mary, how are you? Do you know anything about. A sharing game on PM called high low?
May 17Reply
marystohr @brooklyn_blues Si sorry. I’ve never heard of or seen it. You might try contacting @kreativekristen (Kristen Meja). She runs a very lovely and tech savvy and helpful closet. If there is anything to know she would most likely know it. Hope this helps.
May 17Reply
brooklyn_blues @marystohr Oh OK thank you. We follow each other and share each other’s closet. I know exactly who you’re talking about. Hope all is well with you, my friend. 💖🌸🛍
May 17Reply
marystohr @brooklyn_blues please if you find out what it is could you let me know. Now I’m curious. Thank you.
May 18Reply
brooklyn_blues Yes, absolutely! 💖🌸🛍
May 18Reply
brooklyn_blues Hi Mary, hope all is well. I came authentic games from @msplf1949
May 18Reply
xwishfuldreamer Get well soon! Hi welcome!! I’m now accepting all reasonable offers in hopes of making a little extra (needed) cash. Please feel free to check out my closet! I gave you a follow as well!!
Jun 18Reply
poshmf Hi 👋,  Check out my closet sometime.  I have something for everyone! Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍  Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jul 12Reply
maidmarian Hope you’re okay!
Jul 17Reply
jebwa Hello! We are glad you liked our item. We are Jebwa, a top-rated seller and specialized on selling designer brands such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, CHANEL & many more. 15% OFF on your first order on all our items. Check out our closet. Happy Poshing 🥰🥰💖💖
Aug 29Reply
maidmarian Hope you’re okay!
Sep 12Reply
marystohr @maidmarian Thank you for asking. I now have an artificial shoulder and the physical therapy will be very lengthy and painful but at the end I should have some better use of my right arm. Wont ever be perfect but should be better than after first surgery three years ago.
Sep 12Reply
maidmarian @marystohr sounds like me and my fake knee after 4 surgeries
Sep 12Reply
marystohr @maidmarian we make a good pair
Sep 12Reply
maidmarian @marystohr really! Bionic women 🤣
Sep 12Reply
brooklyn_blues Hey have you tried the new feature, the Posh Shows?😊🛍
Sep 30Reply
marystohr @brooklyn_blues No I haven’t. With all the physical therapy I have to go to and the icky pain Brand new artificial shoulder. I can barely keep my posh stuff afloat. I have so many things to list and just haven’t felt up to getting it done. But I have hope for a brighter future. Thank you for all your support. Mary
Sep 30Reply
cutehosiery @marystohr Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 10Reply
girlslikeus28 Mary tried to share back but you’re on vacation mode… Pauline 💕
Dec 26Reply
marystohr @girlslikeus28 Thank you. I’m in the hospital with heart issues
Dec 26Reply
girlslikeus28 @marystohr I am so sorry Mary may God bless you for a speedy recovery….Pauline
Dec 26Reply
bennahutto @girlslikeus28 hello thanks for the add please be sure to check out my closet and I’ll do the same
Mar 17Reply
brooklyn_blues Hi Mary how are you? My apologies I just realize it was you that I sent the offer to for that dress. If you’re interested in the dress send me an offer and I’ll except.🛍🛍🛍
Apr 13Reply
marystohr @brooklyn_blues Hi Brooklyn. That was an error on my part liking the lovely dress. Wrong size for me. Thank you.
Apr 13Reply
brooklyn_blues @marystohr Okay Love no problem 😌 🛍🛍🛍
Apr 14Reply
gearheadgirl50 hi! I'm having a clearance sale.under the everything must go black box listing! u can get up to $55 worth for $25 plus shipping Include useful free gifts! bundle my profile or the black box for my future items listed! help support a divorced,disabled RN!! ty! 😊
Oct 24Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 12Reply
enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Hello , Poshmark Is A Great Place For Buying & Selling Fabulous Items💝 Stop By and Shop🛍️ Our New Selections Of Beautiful & Unique Items Womens Mens Kids Fashion Holiday & Home Decor 🤗🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️🤗 @enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Enchanted Shores 👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑
Apr 06Reply

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