Posh Ambassador, Cathy
Not for sale
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Welcome to my closet! I don’t “do” bundle discounts -and btw a bundle is multiple items- however I will accept reasonable offers on a multiple item sale. Pls also be aware that PM takes 20% of all sales. Thank you!!! Lowball offers will be declined or ignored, sorry not sorry lol

55 others
like this

Yay! Hi!
Apr 08Reply

Hiiiii! So glad we met today!
Apr 08Reply

Welcome to poshmark!!
Apr 08Reply

Welcome! It’s fun and easy to buy and sell here. Happy Poshing!
Apr 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 🌻
Apr 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark💕
Apr 08Reply

🙋 Hi! Welcome to poshmark!! I'm Angie a poshmark ambassador and I'm here to help you in any way I can. Please follow me @angie_cool and ✔️ out my closet for deals or ideas. Go to my meet the posher page and get to know me alittle Happy poshing 🎉 🎉🎉 🎉
Apr 08Reply

Apr 08Reply

Hi cathy, thanks for liking my tiffany bracelet..its at the final /best price...due to a fracture in my back i sleep all day, up all night..ughh
Apr 14Reply

Hello welcome to Poshmark!
Apr 22Reply

Thanks for the like! If you are ever interested I always accept reasonable offers. I have LOADS of shoes and would love to make you an offer if you would like to add any to bundle. Have a fabulous weekend
May 18Reply

@goldengood thanks for all your shares! I did hair for 15 years so I think they’re cute! When I have a little extra I’ll definitely buy them! Soon❤️
May 18Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have fun here! Please let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to help 🌸
Jun 05Reply

@okayitschelle thank u! Xo
Jun 10Reply

Hi, Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I am a Posh Ambassador, if you have any questions. I am here to help. Feel free to check out my closet for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :) Check out my new Home Market.
Jun 11Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!🌹
Jun 11Reply

One of the BEST closets on Posh!!!
Jun 30Reply

@gullprint thank you!!!!❤️🦋🌈
Jun 30Reply

Jul 15Reply

@newton11 we have a family of squirrels in our backyard that we may or may not feed. We call them Zippy and the Crew❤️
Jul 15Reply

Just got home from the store to buy a brand g bag of peanuts in the shell! No salt all natural 😁
Jul 15Reply

@hellokit38 lol so cute We do not have squirrels where I live in Fla I’m on a barrier island
They are so funny grew up with them in Ohio
Jul 15Reply

@newton11 they are so cute! Whenever I cannot me outside I call for them and they know it’s feedback no time! I will share a picture of how close they are to taking the fruit out of my hands!
Jul 15Reply

I hate auto correct! Whenever they hear me come out and call for them they know it’s feeding time. I have video of how close they come to me!
Jul 15Reply

I posted more pics!
Jul 15Reply

@hellokit38 no way so cute love it
Jul 15Reply

@hellokit38 thank you for your very sweet 5 star rating I appreciate it 🦋⭐💟
Jul 16Reply

@yesi_posh it was true! Xo
Jul 16Reply

Welcome happy poshing 😀
Aug 02Reply

Hey girl! I have my old address on here for the blazer. Can you please send to my new address:
2802 N Carroll Ave
Dallas, TX 75206
Thank you!
Aug 21Reply

@aviolas I got you!
Aug 21Reply

You've done great with your closet!
Sep 20Reply

@breecreativ_ omg thank you so much sweetie! I appreciate that so much! Xo
Sep 20Reply

Hi Cathy 👋😄 the squirrel
Family is so cute! ♥️
Sep 24Reply

@texanlady the female (Zippy) will literally take the grapes and peanuts from my hand! The males are close but still chicken lol. It’s so adorable and it took about 3 years!
Sep 24Reply

We finally refer to them as zippy on the crew
Sep 24Reply

Hello, I hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do! Please feel free to check out my closet, I sell vintage and today jewelry (with bundling discounts up to 50% off)! 📿💖 Happy Poshing!
Sep 28Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Oct 01Reply

Hi! 😀Just wanted to invite you to take a look at my closet. 👚👗👜👍🏻👢👠Hope you find something you like. 💚I am open to deals and bundles, happy poshing! 🎉
Nov 05Reply

I love the squirrels. I have pillows with squirrels on them listed on posh Mark!!
Nov 13Reply

FYI🌈... The Trevor Rainbow 🌈 Pallet and Brush set is BACK!!!! MORPHE.com $20/$28
Happy Poshing ~Starr💜
Dec 05Reply

Hi Doll,
I have a lot of $5-10 items. I always send special offers and shipping discounts when you bundle. Got over 100 reviews so trust you’re buying from a trusted seller. Check my closet out , you might find something you like 😊😊
Mar 01Reply

Just some useful information for buyers and sellers! If you are buying or selling items from Banana Republic and there are 3 diamonds on the label this item is from Banana Republic Factory Outlet! Some people don’t know and some people do know and try to sell it as if it were s from a BR retailer. Please don’t be a fraud! ❤️
Apr 23Reply

This is also true for J Crew and Ann Taylor
Apr 23Reply

PLEASE CANCEL MY SKIRT IT WILL BE TOO BIG/accidental purchase/ It isthe Ralph Lauren fit and flare size12 for $23. You have NOT Shipped yet. Thank you order no 5ecaO9c1f9de51ce53b82f5b Thank you, Sorry
May 25Reply

YAYY ⭐️⭐️⭐️ CONGRATS 🎉 🎉🎉 on your BIG WIN with the LOVE & LIST Challenge! U did your thing...! CHA CHING 💰 💰 💰 Come on over and take a look at my closet 😎 I have some great things that you may like! Spread the Love ❤️ and come spend that L&L 💰 with me!!
🌺⭐️💗✅ Happy 😃 Poshing 😊
May 26Reply

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Congrats on your “Love it or List it” win! Excellent cure for cabin fever. Now it’s time to shop guilt free. Would love for you to visit my closet. I have something for most everyone at great prices.
Love offers, likes, shares and followers. Please stay healthy.
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Happy Poshing, Sandy
Current sale:
🌟3 for $10 bundle clearance
BoGo sale on items under $15
(Buy one get one free)
May 26Reply

🦋🦋🦋Hello there!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Congratulations on your Love or List Win!!!✨✨✨Now it’s time to shop guilt-free, and treat yourself🛍🛍🛍Come check out my closet for gorgeous jewelry and accessories🎊🎊🎊3/$30 SALE going on!☀️☀️☀️Have a great day!💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻~Added Sparkle🥰🥰🥰 SUCH A CUTE DOGGO 😍✨
May 27Reply

Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home goods...you name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
May 27Reply

Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!!
May 27Reply

🌟✨🌟✨🌈🌈🌈Congratulations on your Love or List win, honey!! I just won too, last week, how fun is $50 credit on here?!?! ENJOY! 🤗🔥🔥💥🔥👏🏼👏🏼
May 27Reply

P.s. 😍😍LOVE your adorable puppy 😍😍
May 27Reply

hey❤️❤️ feel free to visit my closet and make offers on anything!!🛍 I accept all reasonable offers!! let me know if you have any questions❤️
Aug 02Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 09Reply

Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊 I’ll accept any offers on clothes, jewelry and books!
Mar 02Reply

Thank you for your share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Mar 29Reply

@glassprism70 I shared your closet on Instagram
Mar 29Reply

@hellokit38 . TQ! never been.
Mar 29Reply

70s go for 80$ classic go for 55$👍🏾
Mar 30Reply

@converseking 👌🏻😉
Mar 30Reply

Tht is too much for shipping socks. Hit me with an offer that has discounted shipping
May 13Reply

@whp1975 I did send you an offer with discounted shipping but if you don’t wanna pay that much you probably shouldn’t shop on Poshmark considering they take 20% of the sale
May 13Reply

But I do appreciate your interest
May 13Reply

@hellokit38 I didn’t get the offer
May 13Reply

@hellokit38 it just declined
May 13Reply

@hellokit38 and I have bought tons off posh
May 13Reply

@hellokit38 no worries
May 13Reply

@whp1975 It didn’t get sent to you because you didn’t like the socks so the offer went to everybody that liked the socks
May 13Reply

And I wasn’t trying to be rude with my comment it just seems that a lot of people are taking shipping into consideration and that shouldn’t have an effect on how much you’re paying for the actual product and you sell on here so you know what I mean
May 13Reply

@perfimperfect14 you are a joke!
Jun 17Reply

Hello thank you for your purchase I’ll have it in the mail very soon 😊
Jul 19Reply

@dianejohnson707 what purchase?
Jul 19Reply

I’m sorry my mistake
Jul 19Reply

Hey:) love your closet!!! All orders on my
Items usually go out same or next day!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gift with all orders
Jul 27Reply

OMG was just going to send you a quick msg to tell you how cute your closet is and noticed you’re ALSO from Denver…small world, neighbor! Sending CO L❤️VE ;) jill
Jul 28Reply

@jsj40 yaaaayyyy! Back atcha!😍
Jul 28Reply

Thank you for all the shares! Much appreciated!!🎉😊
Sep 06Reply

Hi Cathy
This is Anna Suersan. I just received my order and I just wanted you to know that Sweet spot is completely dry. Honey please has no problem and I love it. I didn't release the products because I didn't want to give you bad review. If you have another one, I can send you back the dry sweet spot. Let me know
Nov 24Reply

@cakil77 let me look! I’m so sorry! I bought that not that long ago so I’m disappointed as well! I will replace it. I will try to get another one the same and make sure it’s good if not maybe there’s something else you might like that I can send to you. I will keep you posted
Nov 24Reply

Hi Cathy
Thank you for returning back to me. It happens. if you have same color, I will appreciated :)
Nov 25Reply

@cakil77 I will try my best and if I can’t I will contact you and we can figure something else out I have some awesome Stila liquid eyeshadows that would be similar so have a happy Thanksgiving I’ll be in touch soon
Nov 25Reply

Sounds good. I release sale then. Happy thanksgiving :)
Nov 25Reply

Hi Cathy
Did you have a chance to check?
Nov 30Reply

@cakil77 not yet! Just got new aid to take care of my parents so Thursday I will be able to do that! Thank u for your patience and don’t worry! I will make it right 😘
Nov 30Reply

Thank you :) Take care of your parents :)
Nov 30Reply

Hello! Just wanted to let you know that I had another camper night light and a lit camper in my closet. Merry Christmas!
Dec 15Reply

@s0robi01 the same one I got??? I LOVE mine!
Dec 15Reply

@hellokit38 Yes. Your offer was on the lighted camper not the night light. I accepted and then realized that it wasn’t the night light. Just wanted to make sure you got the right item.
Dec 15Reply

@s0robi01 The one with the Santa Claus and snowman
Dec 15Reply

@s0robi01 The one that I sent you the offer on is the one that I want it’s different than mine
Dec 15Reply

@hellokit38 Okay. The name on the label is Catherine.
Dec 15Reply

@s0robi01 See if they sent an updated one with April marks 95 Willow Ave., Schenectady, NY
Dec 15Reply

Dec 15Reply

It might take a few minutes
Dec 15Reply

Hi Cathy,
Thanks so much for sharing my closet.
I’m doing a 30% Thursday if you know anyone that may have interest in my finds.
Danny J / @txtinner’s closet.
Jan 06Reply

Hi thanks for sharing. I shared back. I have all kinds of stuff and i am happy to work on anything!!! Have a great day!!
Jun 29Reply

Love Poshmark!! Everyone has something different open 24/7. Stop by I have One Of A Kind Jewelry and more. Have a great day! @Twinsdesign
Jul 21Reply

Hi @hellokit38 thank you for the follow! Im Tink! I offer a 10% discount on Bundles of 2 Items or More so feel free to take a look around! Thank you and have a great day! Happy Poshing! 😉
Aug 10Reply

@fabulousstylen I have 198k shares so I’d say yes I’m definitely one of them❤️
Sep 03Reply

@fabulousstylen And thanks for the request I share who I want when I want so thank you for your shares I will get to you when I can with double the amount of followers I have I’m sure you’re pretty busy as well. Happy poshing! 💕
Sep 03Reply

Thanks for all the shares! Much appreciated!!😊🎉
Sep 03Reply

@second_street ditto! Xo
Sep 03Reply

Hi @hellokit38 thank you for the follow! I'm Tink! Love your closet! Im also a Posh Ambassador so if you have any questions or need any help lemme know and I'd be glad to help! Have a great day & Happy Poshing! 💜✨
Sep 03Reply

Hello! I just wanted to let you know that 2022’s lighted Christmas Camper design is a new model. It is adorned with a gingerbread man and candy pieces! I have both the tabletop camper and the night light. Be sure to check it out! Happy Halloween! 🎃
Sep 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Dec 07Reply

Hi @5caaaece8af9ff5fcba54ca4 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Dec 11Reply

Dear @5caaaece8af9ff5fcba54ca4 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Dec 11Reply

Hi Cathy! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Jan 09Reply

Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! ❄️☃️
Jan 19Reply

@hellokit38 you’ve got some killer collectibles ❣️
Jan 25Reply

@lilmoma225 thx doll! I appreciate that!❤️🍓
Jan 25Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet!!❤️
Apr 25Reply

Hello! Thanks for the follow. Our closet is jam-packed with stock. We're accepting offers at 20% less than our posted price on most items. Happy Poshing!
Jul 19Reply

Thank you for following me!
Jul 28Reply

@hellokit38 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 20Reply

Happy New Year, great closet. Check out my closet. Inventory reduction sale on now 🌷. Love your fur baby.
Jan 16Reply

Hi thank you for sharing my listing hope you have wonderful day 😊💕
May 23Reply
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