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Updated Jun 29
Updated Jun 29

Posh Party Live Speaker & Consultant, Yolanda B.

Meet the Posher



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Hey y'all! I'm Yolanda - a Southern girl born and raised in Houston, TX but currently residing in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, just outside of Seattle. A lil' bit about me and my closet: 🚭 non-smoking home ♻️ proud reseller of sustainably sourced fashion items 🎤 Posh Party Live Seattle speaker 2019 & PoshFest 2019 closet consultant Reasonable offers always welcome. Bundles are encouraged! Happy Poshing 🙌🏾
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ohthatssnazzy @juswells Thanks! I’m so excited. This was my first posh purchase! ❤️
Oct 29Reply
dtb122 Greetings Yolanda! ☺️ Welcome to Poshmark. 🤗 PM is a treasure trove and most Poshers are lovely people, but I must warn is addictive! I promised myself that I would only sell, as I am cleaning out inventory from years of selling online, but have I succeeded? Heck no! 😣I have purchased way too much. 😩 At any rate...I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. 🌹🌹🌹
Nov 02Reply
ohthatssnazzy @dtb122 Thank you so much! You are absolutely correct - it is extremely addictive!!! I’m slowly working up the courage to list some items in my closet and like you I am shopping way too much in the process. 😊 I am trying to learn what I can about this wonderful community, so thank you for reaching out. ❤️ It is truly appreciated!
Nov 02Reply
shikgupta Hi Yolanda! Welcome to Poshmark and thanks so much for the ♡ on the kate spade cat earrings- they're gorgeous and unique! Please let me know if you have questions or if I can help with a purchase! xoxo
Nov 02Reply
debsuniqueshop Welcome to poshmark
Nov 04Reply
spiceuplife97 Really nice closet Yolanda! Saw your post on FB :) sharing some items and wishing you many sales
Nov 04Reply
jessregelson Hi, Yolanda! I’m Jess. Lovely closet! And beautiful family, including Rocco!!
Nov 04Reply
bexbest Hey! Welcome to Poshmark! You have some great stuff. I'm sharing to my followers!
Nov 04Reply
ohthatssnazzy @debsuniqueshop Thank you so much!
Nov 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @spiceuplife97 Thank you so much! I appreciate it, and I’m having a blast learning and soaking up an awesome community!!! ❤️
Nov 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jessregelson Hi Jess! Thanks a million! They keep me on my toes lol.
Nov 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @bexbest Thank you! I truly appreciate your kind words!
Nov 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @ivysells You're welcome! You have my kinda taste!!!
Nov 05Reply
kdtlove @ygastonpnw thank you so much for sharing❤️
Nov 05Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I just wanted to say hi. Have a great night!
Nov 14Reply
ericab946 Beautiful family and fur baby 😍😍😍
Nov 15Reply
ohthatssnazzy @spreadlove Hi there! So nice to meet you! I checked out your closet and it is SUPER cute! Thanks for reaching out, and you have a great night too! I'll be sharing your closet with my followers. :-)
Nov 15Reply
sew_much2wear You have some great pieces in your closet 😍! Love your taste!
Nov 17Reply
ohthatssnazzy @nthenikkioftime Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your kind words and the sharing love! ❤️
Nov 17Reply
ginastyle85 Thank you for all the shares!😊
Nov 30Reply
edekayfavething So nice to meet you Yolanda. Just wanted to give you an FYI that I've created a Bundle. When you have time could you please review it and send me your thoughts in an offer? :) I'm sure you a very busy person--no hurry, my dear. Appreciate you! Have a great rest of your week and Happy Poshing! xoxo Glad we got connected.
Nov 30Reply
ohthatssnazzy @edekayfavething Hi Ede! It is very nice to meet you, too! I’m glad we connected in such a wonderful community! I absolutely adore Posh, and you’re a huge part of that reason. I truly appreciate your kindness and generosity. ❤️ I’m headed over to your bundle right now. Thank you again, and please let me know what you think as well. Hope to keep in touch with you! xo
Nov 30Reply
ohthatssnazzy @edekayfavething Hiya Ede! I just wanted to let you know that I'm heading to the post office here shortly to drop off your package. It will be on its way to you soon. Thank you again for your bundle purchase, and I hope you enjoy! :)
Dec 01Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mvdiz Thanks! He’s a boxer/pit bull mix I believe. We adopted him from the local animal shelter and that’s what they had him listed as. He’s a sweetie (and a total big baby lol)!
Dec 02Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mvdiz My husband wants a Bulldog so bad, but I'm not ready for another fur baby just yet. We have three teenagers for crying out loud LOL! As far as the Ziplocs, they are a life saver! I will say though that sometimes I have to take the clothes out and air them for a bit because the plastic from the bins makes them smell like they've been stored too long sometimes.
Dec 02Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mvdiz Good luck Sunday! I’m going follow you on IG now. My name is the same there as it is here. I came from a different platform (not sure if you did as well) and I am so in love with Posh! I wish you many sales!
Dec 02Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mvdiz I was on “the bay” for 12+ years and I used to love it but lately it’s not for me. I shut down my listings over there and tried Posh and honestly haven’t looked back since. I initially thought I wouldn’t like Posh but boy was I wrong lol.
Dec 02Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mvdiz We absolutely must stay in touch too!
Dec 02Reply
moderngal Hi Yolanda! Ran in to your 😍 closet and decided I had to say "hello neighbor". I'm just over the bridge in University Place. And almost as fun, my sister has called Houston home for the past 12 yrs - so I'm down there at least twice a year. At any rate, I'm by no means an expert... But I've had a pretty successful run at posh now for the last year (starting posting Aug '16). Please reach out if you have questions. I love meeting new Posh friends on here. It's a pretty unique and cool community!
Dec 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @moderngal Well hey neighbor!!! It's very nice to meet you! Thank you for reaching out; this community is so awesome. I of course checked out your closet too (in strong love BTW) - very, very nice! I opened my closet back in September but didn't start selling until Nov. I gotta say, I've done way better than I thought I would for just starting out. It is highly addicting! I hope you're enjoying our rare and wonderful winter sunshine lol. I know I am even though I'm listing.
Dec 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @moderngal I hope your sister/family are all doing well after that last hurricane down there!
Dec 05Reply
moderngal @ohthatssnazzy Thanks for thinking about my sis. Yes her family just moved to a new area and they luckily were only affected minimally. She teaches across town and a lot of her students are still living w/extended family cause their homes weren't as lucky. Hope your family/friends down there are recovering well.
Dec 05Reply
moderngal @ohthatssnazzy And yes, I'm enjoying this dose of vitamin D lol. Posting for now, but took our dog to dog park earlier.
Dec 05Reply
moderngal @ohthatssnazzy Love your fur baby and your beautiful family pics 💙💚
Dec 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @moderngal That's good to hear! I'm glad she's ok. We had just come from Houston about two weeks before the hurricane hit. We brought my mom back here with us, so all is well here. Everyone else fared ok as well. Very thankful indeed!
Dec 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @moderngal Thank you! They all keep me on my toes lol. Three teenagers, a dog, and my husband...WHEW! No comment lol.
Dec 05Reply
moderngal @ohthatssnazzy How is your mom acclimating? So very different up here... I'm of course biased cause I'm definitely a PNW gal born and raised. But I do think people from all over the country come here and really find it easy to appreciate the beauty and culture. But this time of year can be hard
Dec 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @moderngal Oh she's doing well. We've actually been here since 2008/2009, and she's lived here for a few years as well. She just went for an extended visit and finally came back. It's gorgeous here and I'll definitely live here until the end of days for sure. I love it!
Dec 05Reply
moderngal @ohthatssnazzy Oh got it. So this is "home" now too 🏡🌲 My husband is a Midwest guy. He's now been here for just few years longer than you. He knew right away after moving here that he was never going back. My best friend just moved to Conroe last month. So we'll see what the future holds for us. We may end up renting out our house for a few years and go on a TX adventure 🐂
Dec 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @moderngal Oh yeah, this is home for sure. My husband was stationed here when he was in the service, and I hated it at first but it quickly grew on me. I've tried moving to California and we came back so fast it was unreal. I don't think I'd ever live in Texas again, not permanently anyway. We do want to travel though when the kids are all grown.
Dec 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @moderngal 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Dec 05Reply
kristinalacour Hi Yolanda! Super cute closet and that's an adorable pic of your pup!
Dec 10Reply
ohthatssnazzy @kristinalacour Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words! 💕 Happy Poshing!
Dec 10Reply
ohthatssnazzy @kristinalacour And I love your closet too!
Dec 10Reply
jody73 @ohthatssnazzy, the name of your boutique is too cute-n-clever. I'm jealous!🤗😉🌹
Dec 11Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jody73 Thank you! My husband and I shop together quite a bit, and he always holds something up for my approval and/or thoughts. So when I love something and want him to grab it and bring it to me, I say “oh that’s snazzy”! 😂 I thought it was perfect for my Posh closet! 💕
Dec 11Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jody73 Plus it doesn’t help that I’m a sucker for shiny, sparkly, sequins, and glitter - and they’re all pretty snazzy in my opinion!!!
Dec 11Reply
jody73 @ohthatssnazzy, I should've known you'd have a great story behind it!!! Btw, beautiful family!🤗😉
Dec 12Reply
ohthatssnazzy @eve91 LOL thanks! I’ve been on a few months but it seems like much longer. I definitely feel right at home, that’s for sure. 💕 Thanks for the warm welcome and kind words!!! 💕
Dec 12Reply
seasonsofstyle Beautiful Closet !
Dec 14Reply
ohthatssnazzy @hraeken You’re absolutely welcome! 💕
Dec 14Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mommolle Thank you so much!!! Happy Holidays to you...💕
Dec 14Reply
melliemel43 You have some beautiful sparkly dresses, too bad they are too small lol Love your pup and beautiful family .. Happy Holidays
Dec 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @le_bon_choix You’re welcome! Thank you as well. 😃
Dec 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @melliemel43 Thank you!!! Yes, the larger sizes don’t last long at all, but I do have quite a few more that will be making their way to my closet over the next couple of days. Any size in particular so I can check for you? Also, thank you for the kind words too! Love my pup and family!!! Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
Dec 19Reply
melliemel43 @ohthatssnazzy I'm in between sizes lol 16/18
Dec 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @melliemel43 I looked and I didn't see any 16/18 in sequin dresses, but I will promise to keep me eye out for them for you! I wrote it down in my planner so I can remember lol. Thanks so much, and hopefully I'll find one for you soon. :-)
Dec 20Reply
melliemel43 @ohthatssnazzy thank you so much for keeping an eye out. I appreciate it 🤗 I wanted a new years eve razzle dazzle dress lol. Thanks again
Dec 20Reply
ohthatssnazzy @melliemel43 No problem at all! I'm looking for one too lol, so I'll definitely keep my eyes out.
Dec 20Reply
caslerla Yolanda, you have a great closet! 🌺 And I love the pics of your dog and family! Merry Christmas! 🎄❤️😊
Dec 24Reply
ohthatssnazzy @caslerla Thank you so much! I truly, truly appreciate it. You have a very merry Christmas as well! 💕
Dec 24Reply
ohthatssnazzy @welcomegorgeous You’re most welcome, and thank you as well! Happy Holidays!
Dec 29Reply
inyolicloset Hi Yolanda G. I've never met someone who has the same first name and our last name starts with the same inital.
Dec 29Reply
ohthatssnazzy @leahn412 Hi!!! It’s totally fine. Really it is. I just wanted to let you know because people tend to have allergies to pet hair sometimes (my daughter is allergic to cats). I was able to take some elbow grease to a lint roller and get it situated though. I do absolutely love the skirt though! Thanks for reaching out. ❤️
Dec 30Reply
jeweled_by_elle Greetings!! Just an FYI...I offer bundle deals, accept reasonable offers, & will style you if you'd like 😘 don't hesitate to ask any questions...have a good night 💫 P.S. if you bundle your like(s), I'll send you an offer 🤗
Dec 31Reply
ohthatssnazzy @spndlrnthegrass Thank you! I love your closet, too! I just took a peek and I think it looks GREAT. Thank you for following back and for sharing. Happy poshing!!!
Jan 03Reply
lisarealtor64 Very nice closet 😊
Jan 11Reply
ohthatssnazzy @lisarealtor64 Thank you! I appreciate it so much. And thanks for the sharing love, too!
Jan 11Reply
foilchic I love you closet! You such beautiful clothes 💗👗
Jan 20Reply
ohthatssnazzy @foilchic Aww thank you! I appreciate that so much! It is truly a labor of love, and I love this wonderful community of ladies. I can't wait to see your post that you reached your Ambassador status, too!
Jan 20Reply
lashneal Thank you for your lovely comment🤗😊. Hope you enjoy your purse in Paris🗼🎇
Jan 22Reply
michele2424 Hi Yolanda... I purchased your black strapless Express dress tonight. I realized after that my daughter won't fit in a 12. Idk what I was thinking. Is there anyway to choose a different item from your store instead? Idk what is or isn't allowed. She liked a Juicy Couture skirt that you have. Is it possible to switch? Thank you
Jan 25Reply
ohthatssnazzy @michele2424 Hi Michele! It’s totally understandable, and it’s no problem at all. What I can do is cancel the order for the dress and then you can submit an offer on the Juicy skirt and I’ll accept it. That way the amounts will be an even swap. Does that work? Let me know ok. Thanks so much! (And welcome to Posh!!!)
Jan 25Reply
michele2424 @ohthatssnazzy great... thank you so much! I really appreciate it!! I'll offer $25 the same amt as dress
Jan 25Reply
ohthatssnazzy @michele2424 Awesome! That’ll work. Give me just a few minutes and I’ll tag you when it’s cancelled. Thanks again.
Jan 25Reply
ohthatssnazzy @michele2424 Ok you’re all set. You should be able to see the cancelled status on your order.
Jan 25Reply
michele2424 @ohthatssnazzy thank you so much for helping me! I'll go to the skirt now :)
Jan 25Reply
ohthatssnazzy @michele2424 You are absolutely welcome! It’s no problem at all. I’m always happy to help. 😊
Jan 25Reply
oystersandpearl Beautiful closet!! From a fellow resident of the Pacific Northwest!
Feb 04Reply
ohthatssnazzy @oystersandpearl Thank you neighbor!!!! Love your closet, too! Where in the PNW are you?
Feb 04Reply
oystersandpearl @ohthatssnazzy Brookings, on the coast! 🌊
Feb 04Reply
ohthatssnazzy @oystersandpearl Well I’ll be! I love it here so much! We’re from Houston but we will more than likely live here forever and just visit everywhere else lol. This is home now. I’ve never been out your way but I’ll bet it’s beautiful. ❤️
Feb 04Reply
oystersandpearl @ohthatssnazzy Yes it is! I failed to mention I’m in Oregon🤪 Moved here from the Mojave Desert in California. Couldn’t drag me back. Lol😆
Feb 04Reply
oystersandpearl @ohthatssnazzy Yolanda. I’ve been admiring the flax linen crops you have in your closet. I’m going to send an offer. It’s what I have in my account and I understand if it’s below what you have in mind. 😊
Feb 04Reply
ohthatssnazzy @oystersandpearl Oh I understand completely. Love Cali weather and would probably live there a few months out of the year lol. I definitely don't get to Oregon as much as I'd like but I hear Portland has uh-mazing thrift stores!!! As for the offer, send away! You never know. :)
Feb 04Reply
oystersandpearl @ohthatssnazzy You’re so kind ❤️ Thank you. I’ve heard the Goodwills in Portland have big rolling carts. Your purchases are weighed not priced individually. I definitely want to check it out myself. Thank you again and I’ll keep sharing the love and will definitely be back to shop again!😊
Feb 04Reply
ohthatssnazzy @oystersandpearl You are absolutely welcome. It is truly my pleasure. 🤗 I Love Goodwill. I go to the outlets here where I am and they weigh your purchases as well, but the regular stores you just pay per item as priced. It’s just nice rescuing so many treasures lol! My daughter has a Posh closet too so she always tags along when I go shopping. 😂
Feb 04Reply
oystersandpearl @ohthatssnazzy Is it a better buy with the weighing? Our Goodwill here is not so great. They want an arm and a leg for old, dreadful items. I think the staff or volunteers pretty much capitalize on anything good.
Feb 04Reply
ohthatssnazzy @oystersandpearl It’s definitely a better buy with weighing, but only if you can find a significant amount of items. Generally the cost per pound goes down the more you have. Our Goodwills here can be very pricey as well on old and dilapidated items, too. It’s an epidemic everywhere I believe. With the outlets you have to dig to find the good stuff but it’s worth it.
Feb 04Reply
oystersandpearl @ohthatssnazzy well I sure hope to make it to one one of these days. Yolanda thank you again for those fabulous pants.
Feb 04Reply
ohthatssnazzy @oystersandpearl You should definitely try them at least once. And you’re absolutely welcome. Again, it was my pleasure. You’re a very awesome lady!!! I hope you enjoy them. I’ll get them out to you Monday morning. Thank you so much!
Feb 04Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jessykate Well it’s nice to officially meet you too lol! Thanks so much. Yeah, in case you can’t tell we are a riot and a half over here. These kids keep me on my toes for sure (including the dog)! My son will be 13 in a few days and he’s taller than everyone in the house with the exception of my husband. 😫
Feb 08Reply
mparry74 Beautiful closet!!!
Feb 11Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mparry74 Thank you! xoxo
Feb 11Reply
fashnminx Great closet😊. Your Posh name is fun. Love your puppy as well🐶🐾❣️❗️G
Feb 12Reply
ohthatssnazzy @fashnminx Thank you so much! ❤️
Feb 15Reply
shirleygerman Hi I’m Shirley just wanted to invite to check out my closet 🤗
Feb 16Reply
annarenee20 @ohthatssnazzy Hi Yolanda! Thank you for your purchase😊 I will have it packed and shipped out by tomorrow morning!📦🌵Have a great night!
Feb 22Reply
ohthatssnazzy @cactuscloset1 Yay! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to get them. 💕
Feb 22Reply
kcaliri please note that my shipping address has updated to Grand Rapids and not the Traverse City address. Please let me know if that’s a problem.
Feb 27Reply
citirose Thanks for the shares! Loving your closet!
Mar 01Reply
ohthatssnazzy @citirose Thank you so much! Sorry it took me a bit to respond. I've been catching up on sharing lol. Love your closet too!
Mar 02Reply
forloveoflinen Love your 🐶 and ❤️ your style!!!
Mar 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @forloveoflinen Why thank you! I love your closet too btw! Like I said before, awesome taste!
Mar 03Reply
skaj07 I just had to comment on how much I LOVE your is indeed extremely classy (and dangerous!) 💛🤩💛
Mar 25Reply
ohthatssnazzy @wrayclark Aww thanks! I truly appreciate your kind words! I saw your LuLaRoe and that is equally dangerous for me lol. I hope you’ve been enjoying Posh. Please feel free to reach out for anything. I’m online quite a bit if you ever need anything. Thanks again!
Mar 25Reply
skaj07 THANK YOU for lovely love note (my first!) 💛 I’m so glad you love the skirts!!! Welcome home and hope your vacation has revitalized you to take on the rest of the month (I can’t believe we’re already in’s practically Christmas again!)
Apr 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @wrayclark You are most welcome! I so adore these skirts. I have developed a LuLaRoe problem lol (but I’m pretty ok with it)! My vacation was awesome but I missed home so much. I’m weird like that. Next vacation I’m going solo or just with my husband and I can’t wait for that. Thanks so much again!!!
Apr 05Reply
onetinyseed I could share your closet over & over. I love all of your stuff! Great job!
Apr 08Reply
ohthatssnazzy @onetinyseed Aww thanks so much! That is too kind of you! I so appreciate your kind words and your shares! Posh love and good vibes to you!!!
Apr 08Reply
hellodarrrling Hello, Yolanda!🍃🌸💕🙋🏻‍♀️ What a GORGEOUS closet!! I started sharing and kept going and going and going!! Lol You have the nicest wardrobe and I love that you have such variety and sizes! I enjoyed looking through it and found many beautiful pieces!! I’m definitely coming back when I start working, hopefully soon! Wishing you a fabulous sales weekend, Love!! Gorgeous family you have as well! Enjoy your evening!~XO Alisia🍃🌸🦋🌸🍃💕😍😘
Apr 13Reply
ohthatssnazzy @loveeevintage Hi Alisia! 👋🏾 Thank you so much for your awesome and kind words!!! It’s great to meet you. I must say I love your closet just as much! I’m a huge visual person and your closet pulls me right in! ❤️ I’m about to have a late dinner but I will definitely be doing some sharing back and returning the Posh love. I wish you an equally successful weekend, too! Thank you again. 🙌🏾💎🎀💕
Apr 13Reply
gstyleonadime Great closet!!
Jun 10Reply
enderockz Hello there Yolanda! I love your beautiful family! You also have a wonderful closet! Thank you so much for the PoshLove! I left you some as well. Have a beautiful evening and Happy Poshing!
Jun 11Reply
ohthatssnazzy @zzgl Thank you so much! ❤️💕❤️
Jun 11Reply
ohthatssnazzy @enderockz Hi Nancy! Thank you so much for your kind words and all the posh love! I greatly do appreciate it. I hope you’re enjoying your Posh experience as much as I am enjoying mine. I’ll be sharing more for you, too. Thanks again!
Jun 11Reply
enderockz You're very welcome Yolanda! It's always a pleasure to meet kind and caring people on Poshmark! It's the one thing that I enjoy the most about being a part of this community!
Jun 11Reply
hit111 Welcome to Poshmark! Happy poshing!............ Have fun!
Jul 04Reply
deni825 Love your closet! You have some great pieces!
Aug 21Reply
ohthatssnazzy @deni825 Thanks so much! I appreciate it!
Aug 21Reply
niknak661 Hi Yolanda...Thank you for.dropping by and take a p👀k...I update weekly👠👡🧥👚👙👘🕶 meeting new poshers and exchanging fashion tips....💋  HAPPY POSHING❣
Sep 01Reply
katie1945 Adorable family....
Sep 10Reply
ohthatssnazzy @katie1945 Thank you so much! 💕
Sep 11Reply
everylastdress Great closet!!! 🙌❤️
Sep 29Reply
ccsqna Thanks for liking my Silver Loafer listing! 🎃 All prices in my closet are negotiable and I give 20% off bigger bundles, there's free gifts to choose from as well! So make sure to look around! 🎁
Oct 25Reply
ohthatssnazzy @ccsqna Thanks! Will do! 💕
Oct 26Reply
thepiperjames Good evening, Happy Poshing!! 😍 Hope you have a wonderful day full of lots of sales and shares. ❤️🙌🏻🎉😊
Oct 26Reply
earwenes You have the most amazing closet I’ve seen! I love your taste! ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 01Reply
ohthatssnazzy @earwenes Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your kindness and all the shares! 💕 Happy Poshing!
Nov 01Reply
shoplilyaurora Love your closet!
Nov 13Reply
ohthatssnazzy @shoplilyaurora Thank you so much! 💕
Nov 13Reply
oncelovedbtq Love your closet!! You have so many beautiful pieces 😍
Nov 13Reply
ohthatssnazzy @sincerelykatek Thank you so much! 💕💕💕
Nov 13Reply
rosonjyas @ohthatssnazzy you have a very nice Closet.
Nov 14Reply
ohthatssnazzy @fashiontwist Thank you so much, and thanks for the shares too!
Nov 14Reply
rosonjyas @ohthatssnazzy you are very welcome 💕 💕
Nov 14Reply
mscolettemarie Yolanda seriously your closet is GOALS!!! It invites me in and I just want to share everything. I'm saying "oooohhhhh" and "ahhhhhhhhh" to everything, so pretty!!! Thanks for all of your shares, blessings & happy Poshing as always! xoxo
Nov 16Reply
stephijojo Thanks so much!
Nov 16Reply
ohthatssnazzy @stephijojo You’re very welcome! And thank you! There’s another pair in your closet I have my eye on too. I’m *trying* to curb my spending lol but I really want them. You’ll be seeing me again for sure! ❤️
Nov 16Reply
stephijojo @ohthatssnazzy I’m so glad you’ll give them a good home. 😊 I love love love Melissa McCarthy jeans! Most comfortable and best fitting jeans I’ve ever found.
Nov 16Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mscolettemarie Aww thanks! You know you’re always welcome, and I always have fun sharing your closet! You’re the best! 💕💕💕
Nov 16Reply
ohthatssnazzy @stephijojo Yes, yes, yes! I could not agree more! I own a few pairs of her jeans and some of her tops, and they fit very well. So comfortable and stylish too. It’s hard finding my size though. I guess it’s pretty popular lol.
Nov 16Reply
conniecampos Love your closet! I haven't visited in awhile, and you have some gorgeous pieces☺❤
Dec 31Reply
selling4lv Hello friend. Lol nice to see you. Thanks for everything
Jan 15Reply
ohthatssnazzy @selling4lv Hey!!! Sorry it took me a while. I was driving back from an appointment and got stuck in traffic. Ugh. Anyways thanks for reaching out. It’s awesome to see you on here. I’m gonna share some Posh love when I’m done with dinner prep stuff! ❤️❤️
Jan 15Reply
divas777 Thanks Yolanda! I'll ship your socks out first thing Monday morning! Have a great weekend!
Feb 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @divas777 Thank you! I’m so excited to get them. They’re a gift for someone special. ❤️
Feb 03Reply
malkianista Hi Yolanda, love you closet. I went ahead and shared several items from your closet, please share mine. 💍👑👗👙👠
Feb 25Reply
frankly_my_dear Hi Yolanda! I met you last night at the Posh Party and wanted to thank you for taking the time to chat and share so many useful tips with me. I really appreciate it! Thanks again! Julie
Mar 27Reply
ohthatssnazzy @frankly_my_dear Hi Julie!!! It was a pleasure meeting you and chatting with you last night! Thank you so much for the Posh love and shares. I’m dragging this morning lol but I will return the love shortly. Happy Poshing 😘 Keep in touch ok...
Mar 27Reply
loveonceagain Such a beautiful Closet!
Apr 02Reply
ohthatssnazzy @loveonceagain Thank you! I love your closet too!!! ❤️
Apr 02Reply
zobm Thanks for sharing 💗👍
Apr 04Reply
merri_graceland 💖 I LOVE your closet! Wow. So many spectacular things! Congratulations. You must be proud of your work. 💖🌷💖🌷💕
Apr 05Reply
beachqueen13 Hey Yolanda, I am new to Poshmark and was trying to make an offer on your Coral SOHO shorts and somehow it is now saying they are "Reserved" How do they get "Unreserved" so that I can make an offer?
Apr 05Reply
beachqueen13 Nevermind...I figured it out. :)
Apr 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @beachqueen13 Hi Lisa!!! Welcome to Poshmark! ❤️ I’m sorry I didn’t chime in to help answer your question sooner but I’m glad you got it figured out. I’ll be shipping your shorts to you today, and I hope you enjoy them. They’re such a fun color! Have a wonderful weekend.
Apr 05Reply
moderngal Hi! I tagged you on a listing for a Posh n' Sip in UP. You may have seen the announcement already, but if not... I remember chatting when you 1st started selling on Posh. And have always wanted to reach back out to say hi and see if you wanted to meet up for coffee or lunch. If you can make the event, then yay (I'm planning to go) 💃 If not but are interested in meeting up sometime to visit and chat Posh, let me know - I'd love to meet ☺
Apr 07Reply
ohthatssnazzy @moderngal Hi!!!! Yes I saw the tag, and I’d love to go actually! I’m trying to copy the link so I can snag a ticket. Thank you SO much for thinking of me. How have you been? I went to Posh Party Live in Portland a week or so back and was actually one of the closet consultants. I had a blast meeting so many new and local (ish) sellers. Did you happen to go?
Apr 07Reply
moderngal @ohthatssnazzy I've been so busy working 3 jobs that Posh has not received as much attention as I always keep wanting to give it. But my schedule will be freeing up more in the upcoming months, so the announcement for this event could not have come at a better time. That's so awesome that you were a closet consultant in Portland 💓
Apr 07Reply
moderngal @ohthatssnazzy Happy Sunday! Were you able to get to eventbrite to get a ticket?
Apr 07Reply
ohthatssnazzy @moderngal Hey! Happy Sunday to you as well. I got so busy last night and just crashed lol. I did just snag a ticket though (thanks for the reminder). I can’t wait to see you there and meet some local Poshers!
Apr 07Reply
moderngal @ohthatssnazzy Yay 👍🌸💓 I'm excited too. Have a fantastic week 🤞🌞 (at least hopeful for a little bit between the rain right!?!?!)
Apr 08Reply
ohthatssnazzy @moderngal Ha! Yeah I don’t mind the rain actually. I was born and raised in Houston and let me tell you - after some of THOSE storms this up here is nothing. 😂 You enjoy your week too. I’m so excited we get to meet!!!
Apr 08Reply
ajwitt76 Thanks so much for the shares🤗 I am always down for a good old fashioned share fest🛍🥳 Let’s do it again sometime!! Have a fabulous day🤩
Apr 11Reply
ohthatssnazzy @ajwitt76 You’re welcome, and thank YOU for the shares as well! I absolutely love your closet! I’m going to add you to my pff list and you’ll be seeing me share for you quite a bit lol. I live for sharing 💕 Happy Thursday to you, and Posh love...
Apr 11Reply
ajwitt76 @ohthatssnazzy That’s awesome! Thank you😎
Apr 11Reply
wh5700 I love 💕 your Plus Size closet! I enjoyed visiting 🤗 and sharing your clothes today. Stop by my closet sometime! I hope many sells💸 come your way! Happy Poshing!😃 Karen
Apr 12Reply
vwbuggy5252 THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SHARES GIRL 🤩🤩🤩 I’ll return the shares later today 🥰🥰🥰
Apr 15Reply
bamfshades Nice work earning the party host nod! don't you DARE share my listings..i double dare you not to!
Apr 15Reply
womenunraveled @ohthatssnazzy seriously in love with your closet name. It will make us smile every time we see it! 😁 You can't help but say it out loud all fancy when you read it. 😎 Love love love creative names & fabulous closets! We love @alwaysposhible too! But just wanted to tell you that you make us smile & we will share your closet like crazy so we can see your name & fabulous stuff all the time! We like to smile & support amazing women so you are one of our #ClosetCrushes 😍🥰💋
Apr 15Reply
alwaysposhible @womenunraveled & @ohthatssnazzy - okay, I needed this to perk up my mundane Monday 😃! Totally agree...the name @ohthatssnazzy makes me want to stand up & do a little dance 💃! I’m lovin’ the #ClosetCrush hashtag ‘cause I have a huge crush ❤️ with @womenunraveled ‘s closet 😍. I still have to get mine started - I’ve been nervous 🥺 & don’t know why?!
Apr 15Reply
alwaysposhible @ohthatssnazzy ...if @womenunraveled has a #closetcrush on you, then I do too! I’m gonna follow 👣 & share 🔁 your items 😘!!! #alwaysposhible + #womenunraveled + ohthatssnazzy = #PFFs 💖💖💖
Apr 15Reply
ohthatssnazzy @alwaysposhible & @womenunraveled You two ROCK! I totally appreciate the Posh love and absolute kindness, I really do! I had no idea #ClosetCrush was a thing, but I do now. I'm shipping out weekend packages but I will definitely be checking out both of your closets and doing some serious share backs in a bit. So how do I start my own closet crush list? I wanna join in!!!! I seriously love y'all!
Apr 15Reply
ariainstyle @ohthatssnazzy - Hi Yolanda! I’m a new posher and super excited to get started on the platform! It would mean so much to me if you would consider selecting any of my items for Host Pick for the Total Trendsetter Party tomorrow evening. I have some wonderful pieces in my closet - please feel free to browse - please let me know if I can help answer any of your questions too 😊 Many thanks in advance ❤️
Apr 15Reply
ariainstyle @ohthatssnazzy - Hi Yolanda! I’m a new posher and super excited to get started on the platform! It would mean so much to me if you would consider selecting any of my items for Host Pick for the Total Trendsetter Party tomorrow evening. I have some wonderful pieces in my closet - please feel free to browse - please let me know if I can help answer any of your questions too 😊 Many thanks in advance ❤️
Apr 15Reply
ariainstyle Sorry for the accidental double post :)
Apr 15Reply
ohthatssnazzy @ariainstyle No worries! I just posted on your MTP. I’m headed to the post office but I will definitely be in touch!!! Thank you so much for your kindness and your kind words. It means a great deal! 💕
Apr 15Reply
ariainstyle @ohthatssnazzy just saw! Thank u 🌷
Apr 15Reply
alwaysposhible @ohthatssnazzy I have a feeling that @womenunraveled developed the hashtag of #ClosetCrush love. As you get to know them, you’ll learn new & fun Posh phrases & hashtags that they come up with 😂!! I don’t have anything in my closet...yet. I’ve been a buyer for awhile, yet preparing to enter the Seller world. Feel free to screenshot slides from my “How to Bundle” listing. I’m a pretty smart person, yet bundling confuses me for a LONG time!
Apr 15Reply
resolvedco Congrats on hosting your second Posh Party this week. Good luck! Hope you have many sales!! Regards
Apr 16Reply
hawaiivi 🌺Aloha Yolanda! Your closet is 🔥 I stopped by because of @sophystakated1 and I'm glad I did. Awesome.
Apr 16Reply
womenunraveled @alwaysposhible Girl just do already! You are fabulous! And @ohthatssnazzy we come up with a lot of things & say a lot of things; gets us in trouble a lot, but sometimes we have moments of brilliance. We even surprise ourselves most time! 😂 Our philosophy is that of an angel: "Just wing it: Life, Eyeliner, relationships....whatever" 😂🤦‍♀️🤞 and when that doesn't work we rely on 🙏 and Carrie Underwood "Jesus take the wheel"!!! 🥰 In case that fails, we hear "Nationwide is on your side"! 😂🤣🤦‍♀️
Apr 16Reply
ohthatssnazzy @womenunraveled 🤣🤣🤣I officially love you!!! You sound like my kinda people lol! Winging it and Carrie Underwood gets me through six/seven days of my week 💁🏾😂. And yeah prayer covers it all anyways so we are covered however life comes at us. We have definitely got to keep in touch. ❤️
Apr 16Reply
alwaysposhible @ohthatssnazzy - see, I told ya that @womenunraveled will make you laugh, smile and create a lot of fun along the way. I’m still lovin’ a couple orders I placed with them...they become unraveled with adding so many goodies 🎁 😃 💝 #ClosetCrush #WomenUnraveledSwag #OhThatsSnazzyIsSuperSnazzy #AlwaysPoshible
Apr 16Reply
travel_closet Hi! Love the aesthetics of your closet! Sorry to bother you with yet another notification in prep for your party, but feel free to check out my closet if you're still looking for host picks!
Apr 16Reply
ohthatssnazzy @travel_closet Hi! Thank you so much! It’s not a bother at all. I try to respond to everyone but oh my gosh. It is soooo many lol. I’ll definitely check out your closet more in depth a little bit later and do some sharing and browsing for host picks! ❤️ Posh love 💕
Apr 16Reply
travel_closet @ohthatssnazzy you're awesome! much love!
Apr 16Reply
mshikar Congrats on hosting!!!! Would love if you could check out my closet for a possible host pick!
Apr 16Reply
aisanart Love Love Love your closet! Super cute.
Apr 16Reply
24boutique Hi!!! I’d love for you to visit my closet if you’re still in need of an awesome Host Pick!!!❤️🤗
Apr 17Reply
jafreema Hey pretty lady! Your closet is ❤️❤️!
Apr 17Reply
reace28 Good evening I just shared a few of your items please return the favor or maybe a host pick happy poshhhing
Apr 17Reply
danasdoings 💍💖Hello Yolanda loved you Items so I shared s few. Come by anytime would love to visit HAPPY POSHING 💖💍
Apr 17Reply
oliver_and_co Congrats on hosting!
Apr 17Reply
dfashionconnect 👋🏽 hello
Apr 17Reply
rsigler80 You have the cutest stuff!!
Apr 17Reply
shepreens Thank you so much for the posh love!!! I wish you tons of success on your party!!!!! <3
Apr 17Reply
_lalala_ 🖤🦋Congrats on hosting!🦋🖤
Apr 17Reply
katyro Beautiful family! 🤗
Apr 17Reply
emmegreen @ohthatssnazzy I 💗 u! You're such a doll! Thank you for the Host Picks yesterday! Hope all is well xoxo
Apr 18Reply
dogmamabling I wish we lived close, we would have so much fun! I used to live in Kent, moved to the desert over 20 years ago and thinking of moving back up that way but not sure where yet. I miss the clean air and water. 😊😊😊 Have a happy Easter! 🐰🐰🐰
Apr 21Reply
ohthatssnazzy @dogmamabling Yes we surely would!!! I’ve lived here off and on since 2008 and wouldn’t dream of living anywhere else honestly. I love it here so much. If you do come back this way definitely let me know. We can paint the town red lol! Happy Easter to you too!!! ❤️
Apr 21Reply
dogmamabling @ohthatssnazzy I’m definitely moving north end of this year, still doing research so not sure exactly where yet. Nothing is keeping me here anymore, and you get to that point where it’s just time ya know? Ready for the next phase of my life, and a new start, new people and surroundings. I bet you love it. I miss the smell of the water so much, and the green. Soon! 😊😊😊
Apr 21Reply
adrianne0203 Gorgeous closet!
Apr 21Reply
msneverending1 Yolanda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Apr 24Reply
terbearco hi @ohthatssnazzy congrats on hosting! I'm still pretty new here at Poshmark, I just started selling late in January, and I LOVE it!!! I hope you will check out my posh compliant closet for a HP. I have lots of great boutique items in my closet. Thanks, and good luck
May 16Reply
demonhunters Congratulation on co-hosting the upcoming posh best in boutique party. I have been working extremely hard on creating a beautiful closet and posh complaint, for wanting to startup a small business here on Poshmark. I can never seem to get notice at this theme party. I am wishing for a possible host pick. I am not a long PFF'S, just me. Have lots of fun and wishing you many sales. Good Luck!
May 16Reply
fourhanger I would love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day completely. ❤️😀❤️😀❤️
May 17Reply
summer2winter Hello. Just a quick note to say that I love how you created your closet - every picture is thoughtfully done! I know that it's a lot of wok and you did it so well!! Bravo!
May 21Reply
ohthatssnazzy @adrianne0203 Thank you SO much! I feel horrible for taking so long to respond, but notifications are easily buried (especially when I just hosted a Posh party and had a bajillion to sort through). But thank you again for your kind words!!! 🥰 Posh love to you!
May 21Reply
ohthatssnazzy @msneverending1 Hi Carol! Thank you so much!!! I’m just now getting caught up on my comments notifications (very embarrassed about that) but I did want to let you know I truly appreciate your kind words! Thank you for stopping by and peeking in my closet. Happy Poshing! 🥰
May 21Reply
ohthatssnazzy @summer2winter Aww thanks so much!!! It means a lot to me! You are very correct: it is a lot of work indeed, but I love it and can’t see me doing anything else. I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark! ❤️
May 21Reply
eastern89 I love your closet! 😍
May 27Reply
ohthatssnazzy @eclipse39 Thank you so much! I appreciate it! I’ll be sharing some of the Posh love once I get back from the grocery store lol. 🥰
May 27Reply
ohthatssnazzy @tuttienb It’s ok! No worries at all. ❤️
May 30Reply
snicolet FABULOUS CLOSET!!!! I wish it was all in my size <3 !!! Sharing some great items and wishing you many sales!! HAPPY POSHING
Jun 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @snicolet Aww thank you so much! I appreciate your kindness and the shares, too! 🥰 Have an awesome week and happy Poshing indeed.
Jun 03Reply
wowtreasures Hey Yolanda, just visiting your closet for the 1st time, and wanted to drop by to say HI, shared your items, and I added you to my follow, hope you can do the same! What a pretty closet you have, wish you many sales ! =)
Jun 08Reply
ohthatssnazzy @wowtreasures Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving some really kind words! You’re awesome, and I love your closet too. Happy Poshing! 💕
Jun 08Reply
wiregal Great closet!!
Jun 15Reply
ohthatssnazzy @wiregal Thank you so much! 🥰
Jun 15Reply
chante_allday Hello there! I’m sharing a pair of your mom jeans to my IG story I’m doing over the next week or so! Would love if you’ll repost and comment! Love your closet
Jul 13Reply
ohthatssnazzy @chantew23 Thank you so much! That’s very kind of you. 🥰 Of course I’ll repost and share! Just tag me so I don’t forget ok. Thanks again!!! Happy Poshing ❤️
Jul 13Reply
chante_allday @ohthatssnazzy absolutely! Just followed you both here and over on instagram please do the same!
Jul 13Reply
neogrunge You are so fab and love your closet! ☺️
Aug 05Reply
mavikitten Hello local friend!!! I’ve been on Posh a minute and just moved to this area from Santa Barbara!!!! I’ve got clothes to shed (maybe some lbs, too, ha!) and in need of new friends!!!! Saw you’re in Portland!
Aug 15Reply
ohthatssnazzy @neogrunge Oh my gosh thank you! I’m just seeing this so I’m sorry for responding so late. ❤️
Aug 15Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mavikitten Hey there! Welcome to the area. I’m actually about an hour west of Seattle, three hours from Portland. Still close though, and I try to make it to Portland once a month at least for a bins trip. Have you ventured there yet? And don’t get me started on shedding pounds lol. 😂
Aug 15Reply
sweet_tessa Hi Yolanda! I follow you on IG and love your posts, so I was super excited that you liked one of my items 🤣 Have a blessed day!!
Aug 21Reply
ohthatssnazzy @sweet_tessa Heyyyyy!!! Thank you so much for following me on insta! I am glad you reached out. I really do love those jeans and I love your closet. ❤️ it was a no brainer lol. Thank you again, and happy Poshing!
Aug 21Reply
sweet_tessa @ohthatssnazzy OMG! Thank you so much for your purchase- I'm star struck 🤩 LOL!
Aug 21Reply
ohthatssnazzy @sweet_tessa You are the absolute sweetest!!! Words cannot express how much you’ve blessed me today, and I can’t wait for my jeans! I have my eye on a couple of other pieces in your closet too. You’ve done a great job curating a pretty awesome collection, and I love your pictures on top of that! Very nice looking. Thank you again for everything. 🥰❤️🥰
Aug 21Reply
sweet_tessa @ohthatssnazzy Thank you so much for the sweet compliments 🥰 I love your closet as well! I spent some time reading your posts not too long ago and learned so much-especially enjoyed when you talked about customer service. So thank YOU! I was able to get to the post office after my day job so your jeans are on the way🌈
Aug 21Reply
jafreema Thank you so much for sharing my shoes on Twitter!😘😘😘
Aug 22Reply
sweet_tessa Hi Yolanda, I hope you're having a great weekend! Just wanted to say thanks for the kind love note. I'm glad you love the jeans💞🥰❤
Aug 24Reply
ohthatssnazzy @sweet_tessa Hey Jennifer! You are most welcome. The pleasure is always mine. I love this community soooooo much, and you’re seriously the sweetest! 💕💕💕
Aug 26Reply
ohthatssnazzy @fabricflock Thanks, although it’s been almost two years now lol. And right back at you! I hope you are enjoying the app so far!
Aug 28Reply
ohthatssnazzy @fabricflock No worries! I have had lots of success since I’ve been on here. It just takes hard work and consistency like anything else ya know? I love this app though. It’s the best thing I could have done for my business.
Aug 28Reply
lavenderbuddha Glad you're here! Take a peek inside my closet and you will find new and pre-owned clothing for men and women, Coach & Vera Bradley purses, jewelry and home decor! Hope you find something you like! Wherever you shop, enjoy yourself. Blessings and be well!! 😄
Aug 28Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jhandh Thank you so much for sharing to the swim party for me! I totally appreciate it! 🥰
Sep 04Reply
paintedarrowrg I am so glad to hear you love your shoes!! Have a great time at PoshFest! Thanks again! ❤❤❤
Sep 14Reply
mjrogers73088 Please cancel my.order I did not realize how this site worked!!
Oct 01Reply
kittandlily Just wanted to let you know how beautiful your closet is. It's so pretty. I also enjoyed your video on YT. (Born in raised in Galveston :-) Have a blessed day.
Oct 07Reply
npscents Yah for Southern Girls! I’m one, also!!😍
Oct 12Reply
justified23 Great closet just followed u on ig please stop by my closet and ig @justifiedcreationsboutique any suggestions are need & welcomed
Oct 13Reply
ohthatssnazzy @kitt_and_lily thank you so much! I’ve gotten behind on responding to comments, and I sincerely apologize for that! But hooray for a fellow Texan! I’m from Houston so Galveston is very familiar lol. ❤️ I need to get down there again soon. I miss the food!!!
Oct 13Reply
ohthatssnazzy @npscents Hey fellow southern girl!!!! 👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾
Oct 13Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jhwilli2006 thank you for the follow! I have followed you back too. Happy Poshing! 🥰
Oct 13Reply
gimmecoffee @ohthatssnazzy Hi it looks like you all had a great time at the Posh party. :)
Oct 15Reply
ohthatssnazzy @gimmecoffee Hey! Yes we did. I hate you couldn’t make it. I reached out but didn’t hear back. Hopefully you can come out to one of the next ones. I think Carrie and Leesa are having one November 10. @moderngal Is that right?
Oct 15Reply
moderngal @ohthatssnazzy @gimmecoffee Happy Tuesday! Yes, we are hosting a Posh N Sip on 11/9. I will send both of you the info 💖
Oct 15Reply
joydubay Hi Yolanda, this is Joy from Poshmark Live, I’d love to meet for coffee in Port Orchard sometime. I source over there frequently. It was a pleasure meeting you. Cheers, Joy
Oct 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @joydubay Hi Joy! Sooo great meeting you the other night. I’d love to hook up at Starbucks one day. I’m actually hosting the Posh N Sip Coffee edition the next four Saturday’s at one of the local Starbucks here in town and would love to have you join in if you’re interested. I’ll tag you in the post so you can have the info. 🥰
Oct 19Reply
joydubay @ohthatssnazzy I’d like that, thank you!
Oct 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @joydubay Me too! And you’re most welcome. I’m looking forward to seeing ya soon hopefully.
Oct 19Reply
360nwstyle I changed my account name from cnystrom0811 to 360NWstyle after our branding posh & sip on Sat. ...trying to follow all the tips. :). Will I lose any connections to likers?
Nov 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @360nwstyle Yay!!! I love the new name. 🥰 No you won’t lose any connections to likers or anything like that. You may want to make a sign in your closet that says “formerly cynstrom0811” in case people had you bookmarked. But that’s it.
Nov 19Reply
moon_flower_btq @ohthatssnazzy Congratulations on hosting a Posh party!! 🎉🙌🏼💃🏻I will be there to celebrate your host picks and party with you!! 💃🏻🎉🎈Please take a look at my closet if you still are looking for host picks - my closet is pc. 🎉🎉🎉Congrats again!!🎈🎈🎈
Nov 19Reply
dimichl Hi Yolanda👋🏼 just stopping by your closet. I absolutely love your dress in pic #1 and you wear it very well!📸 You look like you're having a great time too😊....keep smiling..Happy Poshing. btw...I would love to attend any events you may know of or be hosting in your area. I am a short (and inexpensive 🙌🏼) flight away from SEA TAC. -Denise💃🏽
Nov 20Reply
ohthatssnazzy @hautecloset702 Hi Denise!!! Oh my gosh thank you so much! I have a few people already waiting for me to post it in my closet lol, but not happening! At any rate I would love to have you come and hang out anytime. My next event that I’m actually hosting is the Poshmark birthday Posh N Sip in December. There’s a post in my closet. After that I’m not sure but I’ll probably host mid to late January for the new year. 🥰
Nov 20Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Nov 21Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to Poshmark in the past 5 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Nov 22Reply
jillian0404 Woohoo! Congratulations on Co-Hosting the party tomorrow night. Please consider one of my pieces for HP. All the best for success.
Nov 22Reply
vitrineonline Congrats on hosting!! Please consider me for some host pick
Nov 22Reply
vitrineonline Congrats on hosting!! Please consider me for some host pick
Nov 22Reply
vitrineonline Congrats on hosting!! Please consider me for some host pick
Nov 22Reply
vitrineonline Congrats on hosting!! Please consider me for some host pick
Nov 22Reply
vitrineonline Congrats on hosting!! Please consider me for some host pick
Nov 22Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting Next Level Looks 🎉 I’d love a host pick from my compliant closet ✅ Thanks so much 🙏
Nov 22Reply
daisygirl85255 Congratulations on hosting your upcoming Next Level Looks Posh Party! If you are looking for awesome Host Pics I hope you will look at my PFF’s closet: @abthursday She has beautiful items! Wishing your all the very best with your party. 🎉💗🌸👏👍🌺💗🎉😇
Nov 23Reply
glitznglam8888 Congrats on hosting the Next Level Looks party tomorrow night!! 🎉🎉 I would really appreciate if you would consider my closet for a host pick. 💃💃 Thanks so much for your consideration and have a blast!! 😊😊💖💖
Nov 23Reply
ladydun TODAY'S THE DAY!!
Nov 23Reply
bardolator Hi, I hope you have a fantastic Posh party this evening. If you get a chance to take a look at my listings for a possible host pick, I’d be most grateful. Thank You and Happy Poshing!
Nov 23Reply
lauren_siena @ohthatssnazzy Hello Yolonda!! Congratulations on your HOST PARTY tonight!! My favorite part of all this is packing my boxes up with a little extra love and shipping them off! I would love a HOST PICK today. Unfortunately, I am closing up shop and would love to share my beautiful boutique with as many as I can before I go!! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!! ❤️
Nov 23Reply
sandy0102 🌟🌟 Congratulations Yolanda on hosting the Posh party 🌟🌟
Nov 23Reply
jazzynjay Hello! I have never done this before and am fairly new to Poshmark.. but if you have a second to check out my closet and see anything that may be worthy of a host pick for tonight’s party I would really appreciate it! Have a great night🙂❤️
Nov 23Reply
jazzynjay I must also say that I am jealous you’re currently residing near Seattle, WA since I am from the Seattle area myself.😍 I’m currently in Charleston, SC right now because this is where the Air Force sent me but I hope to go home soon🙂
Nov 23Reply
monascollection @ohthatssnazzy 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be sharing no matter what. @anamaral @bonniesailer @legalbeagle922 @flippintickled @ms_penny_posher @mimi447 @heidizme @llporto @808classysassy @erincavezza @sluvscats @poshcloset173 @romualdo1 @flghtmedc1907 @joyous1953
Nov 24Reply
monascollection @ohthatssnazzy 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be sharing no matter what. @merri_graceland @modig @beoirem @cathyfrangos @pietta @lmdc62 @sfish33 @lillylife @myvintagelady @giniva93 @terri_lynns @wildcaresalot @michjprieto @fashiondiva411 @wildtimefashion @acelestialsoul @poshstreetluxe @shoevenir @fashionicon2020
Nov 24Reply
acelestialsoul Yolanda! 🌛🌟🌜Whoo-hoo~It's almost time for The NEXT LEVEL LOOKS PARTY! 💕 I've got 🌌Stellar🌌 Newly-Listed pieces that are Out of This World. 🌎 I'd be over 🚀 the 🌜moon if you'd ✅ out my Posh Compliant Closet for Host 🏆 Picks. I'm a Shooting Star 🌟 on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler & Pinterest. 💕 I can't wait to Power Share! 🌌 Tricia~ a celestial soul 🌌 psst: My ❄️BLACK FRIDAY Frozen 2 Bundle $ale is on NOW!❄️
Nov 24Reply
fashionicon2020 Hi Yolanda! Have fun hosting tonight! 😀👗👛👠-Michelle
Nov 24Reply
thj123 hey sweet lady!! please check out my closet if you still have a host pick to give... thank you!! 🌈🌺🌈
Nov 24Reply
dunnave CONGRATULATIONS ON HOSTING!!🎊🎉 how exciting! It would be amazing if you would consider my listings for a potential host pick 🌹💞🌟
Nov 24Reply
fourhanger I would love ❤️ ❤️❤️ for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day. 😀
Nov 24Reply
marinisells Congrats on Hosting!!! 💓🌟😊
Nov 24Reply
noelous1 congratulations on hosting the party.  please take a look at my closet.  I will love a host pick. 🛍🛍
Nov 24Reply
sammikam Amazing party!! I’d love to be considered for a host pick, if interested!! Xoxo
Nov 24Reply
baisah Hi Yolanda, thank you for the shares. 🧡🧡💥💥 Have a Happy Thanksgiving🧡🧡🦃🦃💥💥
Nov 28Reply
ohthatssnazzy @baisah You’re welcome! Happy Thanksgiving to you too. 🥰
Nov 28Reply
thehotmess I absolutely LOVE your name!!!
Dec 01Reply
ohthatssnazzy @thehotmess Thank you! 😁
Dec 01Reply
kaysuniverse @ohthatssnazzy hi there 🙋 im Kay (Posh Ambassador) im just reaching out 2 introduce myself and share a few items. it wud be so wonderful if u shared afew of mine also. i like doing this 2 meet my fellow poshers. plz feel free to visit my closet anytime 2 like, share, or maybe even make offers 😀 happy poshing!
Dec 30Reply
ohthatssnazzy @kaysuniverse Hi Kay! Thanks for the shares! Welcome to Poshmark. I’ll be returning some Posh love soon. Happy new year!
Dec 30Reply
draperjend Hi! I wanted to let you know that the shoes you shipped were marked as delivered by USPS but they haven’t appeared. I’m hoping they will show up in the next couple of days and I’ll keep you updated.
Jan 25Reply
draperjend Would you happen to have the tracking number? I can’t find it on the app.
Jan 25Reply
ohthatssnazzy @draperjend Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! I do hope they show up soon and that it’s just a mis-scan by the post office. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do, and you also might want to inform Posh soon so they can be made aware of the issue too. They may be able to help! ❤️
Jan 25Reply
draperjend @ohthatssnazzy I did let them know. It happens, I’m sure it will turn up, but didn’t want you to think I was just lazy and not accepting...
Jan 25Reply
ohthatssnazzy @draperjend Here’s the tracking number. 9405510899359997416559 It says delivered to the front door/porch so is there a chance someone grabbed them and brought them inside maybe?
Jan 25Reply
ohthatssnazzy @draperjend Ok good. At least they know and can check into it if they don’t show up. And I would never think that! Thank you for letting me know.
Jan 25Reply
draperjend @ohthatssnazzy no, it’s been just me here this week.
Jan 25Reply
saltcreekstyle Yolanda, thanks so much for the sweet shares 💜 I hope you have a blessed day! ~Wendy 😊
Jan 27Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Jan 27Reply
jillian0404 Woot Woot! Congrats on co-hosting the dress and skirt party. One of my favorites. Please consider one of my pieces for HP. All the best for success.
Jan 28Reply
misshall115 Congrats on hosting a posh party!! I hope one day to host one! :) I would love if you consider my closet for. Host pick! ❤️
Jan 28Reply
sandy0102 🌟🌟Congratulations on hosting the Best in Dresses, Skirts and Suits posh party 🌟🌟 Please consider my closet for host pick🌟🌟
Jan 28Reply
tpk95 Hi Yolanda! I’m Tobi 👋🏻! Congratulations on Hosting The Best in Skirts, Dresses & Suits Party! Your closet is so gorgeous! I shared many beautiful pieces & hit like on many so I can share to the party! I’m a little new to selling (not buying, still buying!)! I’d be so grateful if you’d check out my closet & see if you think any pieces are HP 🎉worthy! I love participating & sharing my & others’ pieces as I have gained many PM friends! Enjoy & Happy Poshing!🤗
Jan 28Reply
piccolaposh Hello, and congrats on hosting tomorrow! 😍 My growing closet is new to Poshmark, but I'd love you to consider it for a host pick. ❤️ Have a wonderful party!
Jan 28Reply
poshlady777 Hi, Congrats🎉 on hosting the upcoming Party. I would love if you would look at my closet for a possible Host Pick. Thanks much. Happy Poshing! 🛍🌻
Jan 28Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on Party hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Jan 29Reply
poshbunnystyle Congrats hosting. Please check out my Posh Compliant Closet for host picks. Thanks in advance. Have fun, Bunny
Jan 29Reply
sisterpie 🎈🍧🎠🍭🎡🍦Congrats on co-hosting the Best in Dresses, Skirts, and Suits Posh Party! Hope you have super sales and super fun!🎈🍧🎠🍭🎡🍦
Jan 29Reply
fairedushop Hey Posh Friend! I'm excited to party with you! I'd like to invite you to consider some of my listings are you search for your Party Host Picks! Thanks for your consideration! Best wishes for a FUN & successful PARTY!!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Jan 29Reply
palmbeachvibe Congratulations on hosting a party! Wishing you speedy sales! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks for looking!
Jan 29Reply
prettypixs @ohthatssnazzy Yolanda, YOU GO GIRL!!!
Jan 29Reply
creeksidesales Congratulations on hosting today!! Would love to be considered for a host pick🎉🎉 See you at the party 😎😎
Jan 29Reply
msuppes1 Congrats on hosting the Best in Dresses, Skirts & Suits Posh Party this afternoon! I would really really appreciate it if you could take a look at my closet and see if there is anything that you would consider for HP. Congrats again and Happy Poshing!
Jan 29Reply
msuppes1 Congrats on hosting the Best in Dresses, Skirts & Suits Posh Party this afternoon! I would really really appreciate it if you could take a look at my closet and see if there is anything that you would consider for HP. Congrats again and Happy Poshing!
Jan 29Reply
victoriaj84 Congratulations on your party! I would absolutely honored to be one of your host picks, I have a closet filled with lots of fun (and modeled) pieces for women. Really hope you get a chance to check it out :) Congrats again!! (Ps, I love your closet! Beautiful cover photos!!)
Jan 29Reply
dressscore @ohthatssnazzy Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick 🙋. I sell mostly dresses, take professional photos, & would love to be considered! -Audrey
Jan 29Reply
nashbaby615 Congrats on hosting the Best in Dresses, Skirts & Suits Posh Party this afternoon! Would love to be considered for a host pick!! I am also exited to follow u on Instagram as well!!! Congrats again and Happy Poshing!
Jan 29Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Best in Dresses, Skirts & Suits Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party 🎉. Thank you & Happy Poshing 😊💕💕💕
Jan 29Reply
samjonesposh Congratulations on hosting a Posh Party! 🍾🎉 I have some pieces I know you will love 💕 Please consider for a Host Pick! 😊
Jan 29Reply
2ndhandstitches Congratulations on hosting your party woo hoo!🎉🎉🎉  Super exciting. if you're still looking for picks I'd love the chance to be considered ! Stop by my closet anytime...its always open😉 😊 Happy poshing and speedy sales💞
Jan 29Reply
acelestialsoul Yolanda! 🌟You're hosting the 👜👗👒Best in Dresses, Skirts & Suits Party? Awesome! 💕 I've JUST LISTED more 🌌Stellar🌌 pieces to my Posh Compliant closet. Can you please take a look for 🌟Host Picks? (How about my One World Tie-Dye dress, Emma & Michelle Black Lace Overlay dress, or Le Chateau Black satin dress or LuLaroe Skirt?) I'd be 🌜over the moon🌛 to be showcased! I'm a Shooting Star 🌟 on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr & Pinterest & LOVE to share. 💕 C U @ the Party! Tr
Jan 29Reply
styledbymrsg Hi Yolanda 👋 I'm super excited for today's Party! If you have anytime to check my closet out I would really love that. Thank you so much & Happy Poshing 😊
Jan 29Reply
robynridge Hi! I am a new Posh Ambassador. Your closet is gorgeous and I am sharing it! Would you please consider me for Host Pick? I am very new and would love to be successful. Thank you very much! @robyncantor
Jan 29Reply
moudgil62 Congratulations on hosting a posh party! Please check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks!
Jan 29Reply
_cocoscloset_ Congrats on hosting!! I would love to be considered for a host pick! Thanks for the love💕💕
Jan 29Reply
berlin54 🧚🏻🧚🏻🧚🏻Congratulations on hosting today’s posh party. 👔👕👚Could you kindly check out my closet for a host pic consideration? I would be very grateful! 😊🙏💕💕💕Thank you so much.
Jan 29Reply
noelous1 Congratulations on hosting the party. Please take a look at my closet. I will love a host pick!🛍❤
Jan 29Reply
argeliasarmoire I absolutely LOVE your closet!! Gained a fan!! :)
Feb 07Reply
ohthatssnazzy @argeliasarmoire Oh thank you so much! That means a great deal!!! <3
Feb 07Reply
argeliasarmoire :) Wishing you many blessed sales!
Feb 07Reply
khookai Thanks for all the shares Yolanda!😊💕😊 I really appreciate it! It was nice seeing you the other day at the baby goats yoga!!!
Feb 24Reply
ohthatssnazzy @khookai You are more than welcome! It really was great seeing you too, and the goats 🥰🥰🥰. We are headed to Portland for a bins Posh N Sip in March if you wanna tag along. I’m putting up a sign tomorrow in my closet and I’ll tag you.
Feb 24Reply
beoirem 🌏📀🌎📀🌎CONGRATS on your Party Pff💋💋💋I’ll be there sharing your awesome HP’s🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌍📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀💋💋💋📀📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎💋💋💋📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🧚‍♂️📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀🧚‍♂️🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎 .
Feb 24Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? THanks so much
Feb 25Reply
demonhunters Shoes -3 🌟👠🌟CONGRATULATIONS 🌟👠🌟on your BEAUTIFUL HOST PICK, BEST in SHOES POSH PARTY •🥿•👡•👞•👟•🥾•👠•👢• Have a Wonderful Day with many Sales and Happy Poshing 🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟 💎💎Shoes are the quickest way for women to achieve instant Metamorphosis -Manolo Blahnik 💎💎 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda🏝🌺
Feb 25Reply
electricmoose Congrats on hosting tonight’s Men’s Style Party!!! If you haven’t found all your host picks, I would be so honored if you checked out my closet and considered one of my items as a host pick! Thank you so much! Have fun and happy poshing!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 25Reply
cocosbagcloset Congrats on hosting! If you are looking for a host pick please stop by my closet. I have some killer men's backpacks and accessories!
Feb 25Reply
hans_gerlich Hi Yolanda, We met and shared a nice conversation at the Seattle Poshfest. Have fun hosting and clearing your closet in the process. Best, Hans G.
Feb 25Reply
quality_outfits Thanks for hosting tonight!! Check out my closet for stylish Host Pick opportunities.
Feb 26Reply
acelestialsoul Yolanda! 💎✨ "Likey, likey, go get Mikey." ✨ Yay, the Men's Style Party! I can't wait to share my New Listings & Awesome Men's Items. 💕 Will you take a peek at my Posh Compliant closet for 🏆Host Picks?~I love being featured. How about my NWT ZeroXposure Swim Shorts, Royal Hawaiian Creations Aloha Shirt, Levi's 514 White Jeans, Gap Striped Shirt or NWT Slates Dockers? T.Y.! I’m a Social🦋Butterfly & share on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler & Pinterest. See You there! ~Tricia💎✨
Feb 26Reply
joannac444 I ❤ your closet. You have so many pieces to appeal all. Great variety of items. Thank you for the host pick, I'm hopeful it will help speed up sales. Thank you again and Happy Poshing! 🙂
Feb 26Reply
recca722 Hi there! 🥳 wishing you speedy sales and amazing deals! 🛍 Happy Poshing 💫
Apr 01Reply
tpk95 Hi Yolanda! I’m Tobi! Love your closet & bio! Congratulations on Hosting The Simply Chic Party! I’ll be there & supporting you!🎉 I’d be grateful if you’d consider my closet for any Host Picks!🤗 PFFS: @empirez_sun @fryemeup @808classysassy @1kawaii1 @absolutlyyumyum @tarcherscloset @ladycrackerjack @shiloh077 @mdbrodney @styllish_paige @beoirem @savinavalentine @dimpliekrist @merri_graceland @luturnbull @buga_lili @raynedan @fashionwonders @amsadusky @monascollection @mariposacloset TY!💝
Apr 01Reply
robincia 💐 Congratulations on Hosting! If not too late I would love to be considered for a Host Pick! Thank you! 💐
Apr 01Reply
secondchancebtq Just here to spread some cheer! Stay well and happy poshing! 😊
Apr 02Reply
masarsky Hey hun, congratulations on hosting a party. I would greatly appreciate if you would consider my closet for your HP! Sharing poshmark love. ❤❤❤
Apr 02Reply
electricmoose Congrats on hosting tonight’s Together We Posh Party!!! I would be so honored if you checked out my closet and considered one of my items as a host pick! Thank you so much! Have fun and happy poshing!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 02Reply
dressscore @ohthatssnazzy Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! -Audrey
Apr 02Reply
charkole Congratulations on HOSTING today🎉. I can’t wait to shop and share this fun party!! If you have a minute to look through my closet for a possible Host Pick, I would greatly appreciate it. Have a wonderful time today. Stay safe!!!! 🌺🎉🛍🍾🎉
Apr 02Reply
jillei808 Congratulations on hosting this party today! I've RSVP’d and can't wait to participate. I would really appreciate it if you looked through my closet and considered something for a host pick. It would mean a lot. Thanks!
Apr 02Reply
demonhunters 🌟👗🏆👠🌟CONGRATULATIONS your BIG Day has arrived Hosting Posh Party “TOGETHER WE POSH PARTY ” •👛•👠•👚•👗•💍•🕶•👟•👖•🧢•🧣•👔•👕•👜•⌚️• Enjoy your Special Day! Have a Fabulous Party and Have a BLAST! It would be a privilege and honor to be considered for a Host Pick! Thank you, have a wonderful evening with many Sales and Happy Poshing 🌟💎🌟💎🌟 🌟😇TAKE CARE and BE SAFE 😇🌟 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda 🏝🌺
Apr 02Reply
psyche_2157 Hello Beautiful!!!💐🍾🌟Congratulations on hosting a Posh Party. May I invite you to look on my closet for items to like, love, share and maybe to consider for your Host Pick. Thank you so much! Will spreadthe Posh love by sharing yours as well! ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 02Reply
hans_gerlich Hi Yolanda, Good see she your site again after the Seattle Poshfest. Have fun hosting and clearing your closet in the process. Best, Hans G.
Apr 02Reply
poshbunnystyle 🎡Congratulations Hosting🎠🛒Please check out my Posh Compliant Closet for Host Picks🛒👓Thanks in advance👓Have fun🥇Let's make some sales🏆📦📫💰Stay Well, Bunny💰🐇🐇🐇
Apr 02Reply
bwood8 🎉🌟CONGRATULATIONS on HOSTING🌟🎉 ⭐️Please check out my PFF’S closets! ⭐️ 🏆(they are AWESOME)🏆 🥳🥳WE cant wait to party with you! 🥳🥳 🛍✨🌟🥳🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉🥳🌟✨🛍 🥂@sun2city 🥂@stars4u99 🥂@brookewinters 🥂@acelestialsoul 🥂@bellefemme6 🥂@thefebresappeal 🥂@highfashnz 🥂@fashonbyalexis 🥂@kkaytigirl 🥂@stylish_paige 🥂@frillsnthrills 🥂@lorimasterson 🚨💃🏼Thank you & see you at the party!💃🏼🚨
Apr 02Reply
monascollection @ohthatssnazzy 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be sharing no matter what. @merri_graceland @modig @beoirem @cathyfrangos @pietta @lmdc62 @sfish33 @lillylife @myvintagelady @giniva93 @terri_lynns @michjprieto @fashiondiva411 @wildtimefashion @acelestialsoul @poshstreetluxe @fashionicon2020 @surfahandmade
Apr 02Reply
monascollection @ohthatssnazzy 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be sharing no matter what. @merri_graceland @modig @beoirem @cathyfrangos @pietta @lmdc62 @sfish33 @lillylife @myvintagelady @giniva93 @terri_lynns @michjprieto @fashiondiva411 @wildtimefashion @acelestialsoul @poshstreetluxe @fashionicon2020 @joyous1953 @lakewonderlust
Apr 02Reply
lknposhblessing Hi there and Congratulations for hosting your Posh Party tonight. I’d love one of my items to be considered as a Host Pick, so I invite you To stop by and check out my closet. I only started selling in February so I’m still figuring everything out. Have a blast tonight and I’ll see you there❣️
Apr 02Reply
washedup_jadee_ 🌸🧚🏼‍♀️🤩💛 Hi there,, Congrats on hosting the posh party tonight! I would be honored if you could check out my closet and see if there’s anything worthy of a host pick. Thank you!! 💛🤩🧚🏼‍♀️🌸
Apr 03Reply
autumneastridge Congratulations on hosting the together we posh party tonight! 😊 I'd be so grateful if you'd look through my closet for any potential last minute host picks! Thanks so much in advance! Can't wait for the party! 💓
Apr 03Reply
acelestialsoul 🌟Yolanda!🌟Thanks for being a 🌟STAR & hosting the 👚👒🕶TOGETHER WE POSH Party.👗👜👖 I've got 🌌🌛🌟🌜🌌Stellar🌌🌛🌟🌜🌌 NEW LISTINGS to share from my Posh Compliant Boutique & Closet. I'd be 🌜OVER THE MOON 🌛 if you'd ✅ check me out for 🏆Host Picks. I’m a shooting 🌟 star on Social Media on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler & Pinterest, & Poshmark. I'll be POWER SHARING the Party. We're in this together. We can DO This. Tricia, Honolulu, HI 🌟🌟
Apr 03Reply
sandy0102 Yay!! Congratulations on hosting the posh party 🎈🎈 Please consider my close for host picks. Thanks!
Apr 03Reply
robynridge Hi! I am a new Posher trying to succeed. Would you please consider one of my items for HOST PICK? Thank you very much! @robyncantor
Apr 03Reply
fashion_noveau 💕Cute Closet!💕
Apr 03Reply
luvntrend Hi, congrats on co hosting a party ! You have awesome closet. I want to invite you to take a look at my closet for a HP. Many thanks in return. Wishing you speedy sales. Happy Poshing 😘
Apr 03Reply
agirlfromparis Hello dear, during these tough times let's support one another and help share each other's items to help our small businesses! Sending Posh love and shares your way, wishing you all the best and many sales despite it all, stay safe and strong! 💖🙏
Apr 03Reply
2ndhandsisters_ Hi! I just wanted to leave a comment on your closet! You have such gorgeous pictures! Really beautiful job! Hope all is well and your family healthy! Traci.
Apr 03Reply
germaine901 Watched you last night on YouTube, I love your closet and I am very inspired! Take care.
Jun 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @germaine901 Thank you so much! You are too kind! 🥰
Jun 07Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jul 09Reply
varietycloset92 Hi nice to meet you! Just found you on Instagram and decided to follow your page on here🥰
Aug 19Reply
ohthatssnazzy @tiasti hi! Nice to meet you as well! Leave me your IG handle so I can make sure I’m following you. 🥰 Be well and stay safe!
Aug 19Reply
varietycloset92 @ohthatssnazzy shoppnaddixt ❣️Just made a insta today 🥰
Aug 19Reply
daisypiecelove Thank you for the posh coffee! Sorry I had to jump off Could I ask you some newbie questions?
Oct 10Reply
ohthatssnazzy @daisy12012017 Hey Kelly! Thank you for joining in this morning. ❤️ Of course you can ask anything you’d like. Let her rip lol! (Or you can message me in the bundle, on IG, or on FB if you’d prefer.)
Oct 10Reply
evolvingalways You have excellent taste an absolutely impeccable boutique!
Oct 18Reply
ohthatssnazzy @evolvingalways thank you so much Terry! I appreciate that, and thanks for the shares as well! ❤️🥰❤️
Oct 18Reply
blessingsup Beautiful displays! May I steal a few ideas?😃 God bless your Posh journey, Debbie
Oct 28Reply
ohthatssnazzy @blessingsup hi Debbie! Thank you so much! I am so glad you found some inspiration, and by all means work it! Thank you for stopping by to say hello. Happy Poshing! ❤️
Oct 29Reply
earthbum @ohthatssnazzy Thanks for the share!! 😊
Oct 30Reply
janfast Hi Yolanda! Thanks for sharing my vintage magazines! 🤗
Nov 02Reply
aplusluxandmore Great Closet! 😊
Nov 10Reply
jade0621 Cool closet! I too am from the beautiful PNW! Have a wonderful evening and Happy Poshing❣
Nov 14Reply
ohthatssnazzy @spartan_3 Thank you so much!
Nov 14Reply
ohthatssnazzy @jade0621 Thank you, and a beautiful hello to you fellow PNW’er! 🌲🌲🌲
Nov 14Reply
aylenef My dear Yolanda you have a beautiful closet and marvelous photos🥰!!! Now I’m wondering how to get you to Northern Va to go shopping w/me ? (Lord knows I’m in need of some serious help!😂)
Nov 14Reply
ohthatssnazzy @aylenef You are too kind! Thank you so much for your beautiful words and compliments. Northern VA sounds like fun once all of this is over with lol. We used to live in Newport News (ex-military). Message me sometimes if you want some help via Zoom or something! ❤️
Nov 17Reply
aylenef @ohthatssnazzy yes, i would love to zoom!!! Let’s plan on a time and date ! 🙏😊
Nov 18Reply
unclaimed Yolanda Beautiful pictures 👪,hope you are well and in good spirits.Please enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more (free shipping on $25 purchase).expires 12/31/20.l also wholesale ,purchase any item in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $100. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
Nov 23Reply
cityismychurch Cute closet! 💛💛
Nov 28Reply
dinmin336 🥰Happy holidays! I’m having closet clear out. Buy one get one FREE of equal or lesser value!!!🥰
Dec 19Reply
bgmccook Love your closet❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸
Dec 31Reply
rea_pparel You have a beautiful closet, I enjoyed looking through all of it! Thank you for sharing!!
Jan 01Reply
computershoptx Happy New Year and Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a safe and successful 2021!🥂
Jan 01Reply
dtwdragonfly I love Port Orchard....beautiful place!😊
Jan 12Reply
nwpines Very cute pictures🥂💖
Jan 20Reply
ohthatssnazzy @nwpines thank you ❤️
Jan 20Reply
ohthatssnazzy @dtwdragonfly I wholeheartedly agree! I love it here very much. Are you local?
Jan 20Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 21Reply
dtwdragonfly @ohthatssnazzy No...I live in Kentucky, about 45 mins from Louisville. We went out there to visit some friends who lived in Port Orchard several years ago.😊😊😊
Jan 21Reply
crimsonandmoon Love this shirt!!!
Jan 24Reply
ohthatssnazzy @m_s_nicholson lol thanks! I thrifted it, naturally. ❤️
Jan 25Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! I’m adding something new if you purchase any of my items that’s not jewelry or create a bundle then I’ll add any jewelry except the Ariana Grande ring and cat necklace for Free! Welcome to Poshmark😊☃️🎉❄️🎊
Jan 29Reply
beckysgems Hi there! Just an FYI, the items in my closet with a RED frame are free with the purchase of a full priced item. Feel free to shop around and see if there’s something you can’t live without!
Jan 30Reply
4ever24 ❤️ Gorgeous Closet you got there.❤️
Feb 03Reply
ohthatssnazzy @4ever24 Thank you so much! 🥰
Feb 05Reply
dressyu Love Your Closet👏🏽👏🏽
Feb 07Reply
delcie11 @ohthatssnazzy I'm grateful for your share and have returned your kindness 💖🌼🌸
Apr 04Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing ❤️🤟🏻💜🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Apr 08Reply
heyashleyhey I never leave comments like this with fellow resellers (for real, I swear I'm not just leaving comments as some sort of strategy). I just wanted to tell you that I think you take beautiful photos. Really. I aspire to do such a gorgeous job. Well done, you. :)
Apr 16Reply
ohthatssnazzy @heyashleyhey oh my gosh thank you so much! You totally made my day! I truly appreciate your kind words and compliment, and no worry about leaving a comment. I never mind them (and try to answer them all but miss a bunch). Happy Poshing! 🥰
Apr 16Reply
n2starbucks @ohthatssnazzy I need that shirt in my life... where do I find it?
Apr 22Reply
ohthatssnazzy @n2starbucks Bwahahaha! I wish I could tell you, but I found it once while I was thrifting in SoCal lol!
Apr 22Reply
crewjunkie Hi Yolanda! Cute closet! Thanks for stopping by mine! ☀️☀️☀️☀️
May 04Reply
cooki232323 Hi Yolanda! Love your closet’s name!😂😂😂
May 07Reply
haileyscloset4 Hello! I’d love to drop the price of just about everything in my shop to a fabulous deal! I can have it packed and ready to go right away and it will ship in the morning. If you order within the next 2 hours, a special extra gift will be included as well! Let me know if your interested!!
May 22Reply
zoe_posh_shop Congrats on hosting the Preppy Party! This is my favorite party theme. Please stop by my closet for potential host picks. I have some great Boden, Brooks Brothers, Hunter, J. Crew, J. Crew Factory, Jack Rogers, Kate Spade, Keds, L.L. Bean, Lacoste, Lauren Ralph Lauren, Lilly Pulitzer, Longchamp, Madewell, Ralph Lauren, Sperry, Tory Burch, & Vineyard Vines items listed.
Jun 01Reply
meloco5 Nice to virtually meet you! Your picks make Poshing look so fun! Congratulations on co-hosting the Preppy Posh party tomorrow! 🎉 If you’re looking for host picks, I’d be delighted if you consider something from my closet. 🦚 Happy poshing! 🦚
Jun 01Reply
ohthatssnazzy @meloco5 Thank you! Poshing actually IS a ton of fun, and it’s gotten me out of my shell. I can’t wait for things to reopen so we can get back to events! ❤️
Jun 01Reply
rosesandbasil Congrats on hosting the Preppy party!! I LOVE 💙 your closet!!
Jun 01Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! if you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much
Jun 01Reply
annabarbeau Huge congrats on hosting tomorrow! I’d be so honored if you considered some of my listings for a host pick 💕
Jun 01Reply
adornedlovely Hi 😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Preppy Posh Party! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a fabulous party & day. Thank you🤍
Jun 02Reply
mrs_guerrero209 🌺🌵🌻 Congratulations on hosting, wishing you many successful sales 🌺🌵🌻 Please check out my closet for a possible HP 🌺🌵🌻
Jun 02Reply
yogabeachgirl CONGRATULATIONS on hosting today!!! I just found your closet through the invitation and LOVE IT!!! If you have time to check out my closet I’d be super excited!! If not no worries!! Have FUN TODAY!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jun 02Reply
bluegirlsvm 🦋 CONGRATS on co-hosting… so lucky!! I moved a few great picks to the top of my small (compliant) closet and would be proud if you might like one of them enough to select something as your Host Pick!! — 🤞🏻 :)
Jun 02Reply
jeas95fm @ohthatssnazzy would love for you to consider my closet for a preppy host pick! Love your stylish pics! Thanks in advance for looking!
Jun 02Reply
casey_atbat @ohthatssnazzy Happy Wednesday Yolanda & Congrats on hosting the Preppy Posh Party today! If you have room for another Host Pick, I’d appreciate if you’d please consider the Vineyard Vines Button Down Shirts in my closet. Happy Posh $ales 💰
Jun 02Reply
mela9 More than a dozen picks for your party at the top of my closet! Thanks for your consideration!
Jun 02Reply
clarathiel 🥳Congrats on hosting today's posh party! 🌿✨ I would really appreciate if you considered my closet for a host pick! 🌸 I have preppy items from Madewell, LL Bean, Ralph Lauren & more!
Jun 02Reply
shopfablooks Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Jun 02Reply
yivie Hey Yolanda❣️🙏🏻🤩🙏🏻🤩Blessings and congrats on this hours party and your great hosting. This is an amazing thing you are doing🙏🏻❣️It is such a priceless to be a part of a party to share your beautiful loser with such great pictures and listings. You help out all poshers and we are GRATEFUL. Blessings 🙏🏻🙏🏻on well deserved 💲ales🙏🏻🙏🏻@yivie MaVieEst Belle
Jun 02Reply
agpettee Hi Yolanda! :) I hope you are well today! I am very excited about the item I recently bought from you--a new PrAna swim bottom. I am wondering if it's possible for you to ship the item today? I will be leaving my home address at the end of this week and would really like to have it before I go. Thank you! -Anna
Jun 14Reply
agpettee Thanks for your quick response :) still new to Poshmark so not sure where to post for messaging!
Jun 14Reply
ohthatssnazzy @agpettee Oh you’re most welcome! It’s no problem at all. Welcome to Poshmark, and please reach out if you have any questions. I’d be delighted to help! ❤️
Jun 14Reply
edgygal @ohthatssnazzy Hi, I wanted to let you know I’m dealing with delivery issues that are not your fault. Poshmark is saying that I have received the item, but I haven’t yet. The reason why is that my apartment complex installed new mailboxes. While they’ve been up to that, we tenants haven’t received our mail. They said it was supposed to be delivered yesterday, but it wasn’t. I won’t be able to talk to the Post Office until tomorrow, but wanted to let you know why the order hasn’t been accepted.
Aug 22Reply
ohthatssnazzy @edgygal Hey! Oh my gosh I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that, but no worries at all. Thank you for letting me know! I hope you get it soon. ❤️
Aug 23Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Oct 01Reply
blupeach Beautiful closet 💕 Thank you for sharing mine, 😊
Dec 06Reply
ohthatssnazzy @blupeach thanks so much, and of course! Thanks for sharing back. ❤️ Happy Poshing
Dec 06Reply
ronanlove13 beautiful 😍 🤩 👌
Mar 30Reply
theposhpennypdx Thanks for your shares! You have an amazing closet!
Apr 29Reply
ohthatssnazzy @theposhpennypdx You're most welcome, and thank you as well! I appreciate your kind words!!! <3
Apr 29Reply
beansmama19 Beautiful Closet Yolanda!
Oct 13Reply
reallovelyshop Hi Yolanda! FYI I loved your show so much I bought a coat I don’t need 😂 Of course that drove me to your closet & now I’ve liked a lot of items, I will be back as a buyer. I learned a lot from your show, how to move quickly & put the measurements on tags, that was really smart. Thank you for teaching me how to be a better posher. I have hundreds of items in inventory to list (no kidding) & see this as a great way to move it once it’s online. Can’t wait to have a show, thanks so much! ~Robin
Oct 23Reply
tashiana56 Tasha here! LOVED your SHOW today! I will have you on my future Show Watching list! Checking out your closet too -- can't resist! You're invited to check out mine as well. 💐😍
Oct 23Reply
ohthatssnazzy @reallovelyshop Hi Robin! Omg LOL! Thank you so much for your super kind words. I'm glad you tuned in and rescued that gorgeous coat! I'm also glad you picked up a few new tips. I love that about this community and I learn so much every single day. I agree about the shows - they're a great tool to have in the arsenal. (And don't get me started on how many items I have unlisted. OY!) As long as we keep working on it, right? :)
Oct 23Reply
ohthatssnazzy @tashiana56 Hi Tasha! Thank you SO much for tuning in. I am stoked that you enjoyed the show! As soon as I'm done packaging orders I'll check out your closet for sure and make sure I'm following you. If you ever try your hand at shows please let me know so I can tune in!
Oct 23Reply
reallovelyshop @cstylethrift Amen to those lovely clothes sitting storage! You’re obviously big in the Poshmark community. Could give me advice on shipping discounts. I’ve always offered them on every piece. I’m starting to think it doesn’t matter. I think people look at the price tag and once they decide to buy the discount is a bonus. This is a new theory so I just pulled my shipping discounts off and lowered my prices. Can you give me feedback or thoughts? Thanks!
Oct 23Reply
ohthatssnazzy @reallovelyshop Deathpiles are the absolute best, aren't they? Ha! As for shipping discounts I honestly rarely offer them. The exception is if it's a smaller item (socks, beanies...sometimes) or more expensive items. Discounts eat into costs and since I send out offers to things that have been liked, I don't include them from the start if that makes sense. I think it's much better to do it the way you changed it to.
Oct 23Reply
ohthatssnazzy @reallovelyshop Plus if you get larger bundles or heavier weight bundles and have to pay the upgraded label charge, you're not out more money on top of that by having it at a discounted price off the bat!
Oct 23Reply
reallovelyshop @cstylethrift That’s suck a great point! Thank you so much for responding! I want to add on one item to my coat purchase (it’s the Victoria Secret brown coat), if I can still do that. It’s a white pleated tank top, A New Day brand. I’ll put it in a bundle. Take care, good luck and I’m sure you’ll see me again soon!! ~Robin
Oct 23Reply
ohthatssnazzy @reallovelyshop Of course! I can cancel the coat order and then bundle it with the top so it will be one shipping cost. Give me a couple of minutes and you'll see it come through. :) Thank you SO much! I appreciate everything. Yolanda
Oct 23Reply
reallovelyshop @cstylethrift I’m in no rush. Thank you so much!! ~Robin
Oct 23Reply
reallovelyshop @cstylethrift I got the offer, just accepted it, thank you for the additional discount!! Have a lovely evening. ~Robin
Oct 23Reply
ohthatssnazzy @reallovelyshop You're most welcome, and thank you as well! I'll get these shipped in tomorrow's mail for you. Have a great rest of your day, too!
Oct 23Reply
fashionistamg - [ ] Hi! Welcome to Posh and Thanks for following me 🤗 Please check out my closet NEW followers get 20% off EVERYTHING!! Offer 20% off and I will accept. Happy Poshing 🛍💞
Oct 24Reply
swscraftshop Hello 🖐Thanks for Following my Closet! Feel Free to Leave Comment or Shop my Closet! If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer! Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You! Wishing You Great Sells!! And Great Buys!! 🙂Happy Poshing!!
Oct 24Reply
tashiana56 @cstylethrift Thanks so much! I’m not sure if they will let more people in the Live auctions, as they are currently Beta testing right now. If you hear different, please let me know. 😊
Oct 26Reply
ohthatssnazzy @tashiana56 Umm ok thanks, but I’m pretty sure you tagged the wrong person lol. I have no clue what this is in reference to, and I’m already doing live shows. Thanks! 🫶🏾
Oct 26Reply
tashiana56 @cstylethrift Thanks for your reply, but I was only replying to your sweet message to me letting me know if I try to sell live that you would be able to help me with any questions I may have. Right now, I was told that they may not let more people join because they are “beta testing” and trying out these Live shows first to see how they go. I do appreciate you - so thanks again! I will keep tuned into to your shows! 😊💕
Oct 27Reply
tashiana56 By the way... When is your next show?
Oct 27Reply
ohthatssnazzy @tashiana56 oh my gosh! Yes I totally remember now! 😂 I’m so sorry. They say memory is the first to go lol. Geez. Anywho…yes I believe they are still in the beta testing phase but they do occasionally open up the list for spots when they’re available. Did you sign up with the form? I’m hoping they finish working out the kinks especially with bundles and then open it up. That would be amazing!!
Oct 27Reply
ohthatssnazzy @tashiana56 Also, my next show is Saturday. There’s a post pinned to the top of my closet with the dates and times in there. Thank you again (and sorry about that)!
Oct 27Reply
mackluxury Thanks for following! 🦋 Would you like any 💯 Authentic designer bags please make and offer, i can do best for you! Don’t miss out bcz off price.. 👜
Oct 30Reply
unclaimed Yolanda beautiful pictures nice closet Enjoy 50% off your 1st purchase from this closet of $50 or more (free shipping on$25 purchase),Expires 11/09/22. l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
Nov 06Reply
sheniselynch @cstylethrift hey do you have that cup still?
Nov 11Reply
sheniselynch @cstylethrift are you doing a live tonight ?
Nov 11Reply
ohthatssnazzy @sheniselynch No live tonight. Yes on the cup. I tagged you over there on that listing.
Nov 11Reply
thedealmama hi, I saw you are hosting a birthday event! I’m hoping to be in the area and would love to come. please tag me when you have details decided, thank you. So excited!
Nov 15Reply
ohthatssnazzy @thedealmama Hi there! Yes I’m finalizing details this afternoon and will have the listing with event info before end of day today. I’m so excited, and I hope you can make it! It would be so nice to meet you. ✨
Nov 15Reply
saintsandaints Hi, thanks for following. You have a nice selection of curated items.
Nov 29Reply
ohthatssnazzy @trulydesire Thank you so much! Love your bags, too. Next to shoes bags are my weakness lol.
Nov 29Reply
saintsandaints Omgeesh. I have been in recovery for shoeaholic 😊 I recently fell off but I am back on the wagon. 😅😊 I am not as bad with bags. I have less than 50 , I think that’s ok. 😌
Nov 29Reply
ohthatssnazzy @trulydesire I am no quitter when it comes to shoes lol, and I think that’s ok. So if handbags and shoes make us happy, yolo. 🤣🤷🏾‍♀️
Nov 29Reply
sboyce140 Hi sweetie thanks for the follow 😉 😊 😘
Jan 01Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
Jan 02Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jan 12Reply
janetroberts101 You're closet is FAB ❣️❣️
Jan 18Reply
ohthatssnazzy @janetroberts101 thank you so much! 🥰
Jan 18Reply
pjhb Hi Yolanda! Thanks so much for sharing my jewelry! Would love to make you a great deal! I do take reasonable offers!😃
Jan 19Reply
amandaduck223 Thank you so much for all your shares I’m blessed to have your support 🤗 Hopefully my shares help you as well🙏 Many blessings back to you.
Jan 24Reply
stacysoposh Great seeing you on the live today.
Jan 25Reply
cutehosiery @cstylethrift Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 26Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂 Best of luck with sales ✨️ Nice to meet you.
Feb 05Reply
reagan_whealy Please check out my closet thanks
Mar 10Reply
kitsune_13 Oh Hai! Thanks for the follow and in advance of hopefully the sharesies! I hope you can peruse my closet and find a possible new favorite 🙂 cheers & have a great day!
Mar 23Reply
lisaann903 I was at the show I purchased the romper and Calvin k shirt I forgot I froze my card I unfroze it and now it won’t let me complete the transaction what do I need to do thanks just let me know
Mar 28Reply
ohthatssnazzy @lisaann903 Hi Lisa! Posh should have sent you an email about it and in that email it has steps to complete your order. If that doesn’t work let me know and I’ll create a custom bundle for you to purchase with your show items ok. Thanks so much!
Mar 28Reply
lisaann903 @cstylethrift okay I’ll let you know one way or the other😉 again thanks sorry about this
Mar 28Reply
lisaann903 @cstylethrift I contacted Poshmark I am trying to get this rectified thank Lisaaann
Mar 28Reply
ohthatssnazzy @lisaann903 Oh no worries at all. If that doesn’t work and you need me to create your custom bundle, just let me know ok. It literally takes like 2 minutes. You’re completely fine!
Mar 28Reply
lisaann903 @cstylethrift oh I didn’t know that I only been on Poshmark about 7 weeks ok well I can do it however you want I just want it rectified😉
Mar 28Reply
lisaann903 @cstylethrift yes please just create the bundle I’ll complete the transaction and I’ll let Poshmark know we got it taken care of
Mar 28Reply
ohthatssnazzy @lisaann903 Oh well welcome to Poshmark!!! Let’s give Posh a little time to respond and if they don’t I will create your listing for you. I don’t want to jump the gun in case they can fix it and you end up being charged twice. How’s that?
Mar 28Reply
ohthatssnazzy @lisaann903 whoops, I didn’t see your comment. Ok I’ll create it for you and tag you when it’s available to purchase.
Mar 28Reply
fishin406gurl Thank you for the follow! I shared some of your listings to show love and support, feel free to check out my closet as well (: Happy Poshing!
Aug 16Reply
mimswind Hi Yolanda! Thanks for following my closet! I'll share some goodies from your closet! : )
Sep 24Reply
marissa__andrea @ohthatssnazzy Hiiiiiii! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my closet! Create a bundle and save! 2+ items you’ll received 10% off your bundle! Only found one item ? Make a reasonable offer! Happy Shopping!! 🙂
Oct 17Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 09Reply
rllittle1 Thanks so much for sharing!!! Open to offers!!! Happy Poshing!!!
Nov 11Reply
shopper411411 Loved your Poshmark show today. It was my first. I don't understand how shipping works if you buy more than one item.
Nov 18Reply
ohthatssnazzy @shopper411411 Aww thanks! I’m glad you were able to stop by the show!! So the shipping is simple. It’s $7.97 for the first item, and each item after is free shipping. Posh will charge you the cost of the item plus shipping for the first item you win, and afterwards they will charge just the cost of the item without extra shipping.
Nov 18Reply
shopper411411 @ohthatssnazzy thanks for the information. I never wanted to do auctions because I thought you had to pay for each item. lol I'm going to auctions shopping. Tag me on your next show. Can you glance on what's going to be on the show?
Nov 18Reply
ohthatssnazzy @shopper411411 you’re most welcome! As of right now I am not certain what will be in the next show but it will be on Monday (11/20) at 4pm pst. I’ll have the tray up with the listings by noon usually. I’m going to tag you in my show post so you can like it if you want to be notified.
Nov 18Reply
123morningstar Thank you for following my closet! Check my closet as I list new items almost daily. I encourage you to make offers on all my items. I accept all offers as much as I can. Also, feel free to contact me with any questions. I respond within 24 hrs. Again, welcome to my closet!
Dec 01Reply
demandamanda Hey, I spent time in Houston (Montrose) before moving up to the Pacific Northwest myself. After reading a little about you in that news article you linked, I wanted to take a moment to let you know that your story inspires me as a relatively new seller on Poshmark (but a lifetime lover of clothing). Thanks for sharing your Poshmark story.
Apr 05Reply
ohthatssnazzy @demandamanda Ohmygosh thank you so much for reaching out Amanda! First, welcome to the PNW. I’ve been here since December 2008 and I love it. Where about are you? Second, I appreciate your kindness more than I can express. I love Posh so much and it makes me even more happy to connect with others that love Posh too. ✨✨✨
Apr 05Reply
demandamanda @ohthatssnazzy My partner and I moved to Portland in 2005, and we’ve been here ever since.
Apr 07Reply
mygeorgiegirl Love the name of your closet!!!
May 16Reply
ohthatssnazzy @mygeorgiegirl Thank you! It’s actually the code I used to use with my kids at the thrift so they wouldn’t blurt out “mom do you want this to sell online?!” 😂 So I told them I’d say “oh that’s snazzy” when they held something up that I wanted. It just kinda seemed perfect to name my Posh closet the same thing lol.
May 16Reply
celeseges Your energy makes me so happy. 🌸 It is because of you and your bio/pictures, I decided to add pictures of my family and friends. Life is beautiful. ☺️💕
May 27Reply
reysmakeup Hello 🥰 Happy poshing!!! Welcome to my closet 🫶 if you see something you like you can always send me an offer 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼 if you have any question please don't hesitate to ask. THANK YOU 😍💓
Jun 28Reply
maryannshark Thank you for sharing those lovely pictures, and your most welcome follow, Happy Poshing 👍😊👋
Jul 30Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for following my closet. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Aug 14Reply

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Port Orchard, WA
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Port Orchard, WA
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