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Updated Aug 04
Updated Aug 04

Poshmark Ambassador Heather @simplyme_toyou

Meet the Posher



Not for sale

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Hey there, Welcome to my closet! Glad to have you here! Like many of you, I am a shopaholic. I buy everything from scarves to shoes to clothing to purses to everything in between. I love the community of Poshmark and repurposing things that we may no longer want in our own closets. Everything deserves a 2nd chance not to land in a landfill! My home is non-smoking but pet friendly. My inventory is kept in my boutique downstairs, where the dogs aren't allowed. If you find yourself on IG, I'm simplyme_toyou! Sending love to you from TN! Love and kindness, Heather


  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

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fabfashionvalue Hi! Welcome to Poshmark. 😄. I think you'll love it here as much as I do... I am looking forward to watching you build your closet! I specialize in size small designer clothes- please check out my closet and "follow" me to keep up with my new listings!
Oct 13Reply
biancachan Hey heather, thanks for the posh love 💕💕
Jul 19Reply
marzene68 Hey dear, I only declined because I was looking to add, since I can't get the dress I wanted.
Jul 26Reply
softwallet Hey Heather! Love your profile pics! Love my new hobby: Posh! 🛍
Aug 03Reply
justpeep Hi Heather thank you for your purchase I'll get this packed up for you thx again 🤗
Aug 13Reply
amesboutique Hi Heather:) You had asked me how I changed my closet username. All I did was go to the Posh email requests and I emailed them a request to change my username. Within 8 hours I received an email back and my name was changed!! It was so fast and easy. I hope that helps honey. If you have any questions when you are doing it you can just ask me on my page:) Good luck
Aug 15Reply
kristine1232 If interested i have a sale on the watches that are made from 100% bamboo and 100%leather and sunglasses in my closet. All brand new with the tags Also if you bundle ill send you a private offer and i ship next day. Happy poshing
Aug 23Reply
samamama24 Hi Heather, hope this text finds well ☺️☺️just wanted to let you know that I thought it was SO SWEET of you to pick me as one of your favorite Poshers. I am not sure how you do that, I woulda done the same thing for you ☺️THANK YOU ❤️😘
Aug 25Reply
simplyme_toyou @sym87 You, my dear, are like my Posh sister. Two peas in the pod in the Posh world of closets! 💖💖
Aug 25Reply
samamama24 @heatherm9779 ❤️❤️❤️ that is the sweetest thinnng!!! POSH SISTERS!!!!!! Love it!
Aug 25Reply
samamama24 @heatherm9779 gosh! I feel so bad every time i counter!!! but!! YAAAY WE DID IT!!! ☺️☺️☺️THANK YOU SO MUCH😘. Too bad it is Friday so it will take until Monday or Tuesday to get delivered! Hope thats Ok!! Cant wait to have then shipped to you 😊😊😊
Aug 25Reply
simplyme_toyou @sym87 I'm certain I will be happy, ecstatic, with my purchase! Yay!
Aug 25Reply
samamama24 @heatherm9779 Thank you thank you 😊❤️
Aug 25Reply
samamama24 HELLOO, stopping by to say THANK YOU so much for giving me an excellent rating and a very nice review, i truly appreciate it 😘☺️and i am so happy you liked your items.
Aug 28Reply
simplyme_toyou @sym87 I've missed sharing your closet the last few days! Hope you are doing well! Have worn both pairs of my lovely shoes, and am in love!
Aug 30Reply
samamama24 @heatherm9779 oh dont worry about, I know we all try to share as much as we can❤️❤️❤️. And 😃😃😃 ☺️i am VERY GLAD that you loved and enjoyed both pairs. I am probably going to sign up on the share group today, but not sure! Sharing keeps me up till 1 AM them i'm very drowsy and tired the next day at work 😅! Thats why i skip sometimes 😌
Aug 30Reply
kristine1232 Are you interested in all the likes you did with my closet? It said you bundle it all but i didnt see it in the bundle section...let me know if interested :)
Sep 03Reply
simplyme_toyou @kristine1232 It's a new Posh algorithm. If you share to someone's closet, and they bundle it - it helps your stats. I was trying to boost your stats. I'm trying to learn about it myself. I've taken a crash course over the last two days based on guidance I've received from Posh mentors. I'm still learning myself, but by bundling likes it somehow helps the seller's stats.
Sep 03Reply
kristine1232 @heatherm9779 ok cool. Thank you for the heads up :) ill look into it :)
Sep 03Reply
simplyme_toyou @kristine1232 If you can make heads or tails out of it, let me know! I know it works but still learning. It's in the power of numbers. 😘
Sep 03Reply
kristine1232 @heatherm9779 how did you do it?
Sep 03Reply
simplyme_toyou @kristine1232 I haven't actually been successful yet, but somehow the more likes/bundles are created from your closet - it boosts your stats.
Sep 03Reply
thegilmoregirls Thanks for sharing ! But you shared a sold item😀😀
Sep 04Reply
simplyme_toyou @thegilmoregirls Sorry extra shares for you! In battling a migraine and am seeing dizzy! I apologize for my oversight.
Sep 04Reply
joliechic Liked, shared and following❣️❤️♥️ Guess what I just became your 10,000 follower. That's my Fg goal. 😉😍
Sep 08Reply
simplyme_toyou @joliechic No way! Did I reach 10k? Thank you!!!! 💖💖
Sep 08Reply
texasdumplin @heatherm9779 Hi Heather! Thank you so much for checking in on me. It meant more than you will ever know. You are an awesome person. I'm doing better but I think I'm straining my eye too much. It's starting to hurt a bit. I should probably get off of here and rest a while. Thanks again for being so sweet to check on me. 😊 Kim
Sep 10Reply
jadet4 Thank you for your purchase Heather! I will ship the jacket and scarf tomorrow!! Have a wonderful evening ❤️
Sep 13Reply
samamama24 Hello my friend, hope all is good, haven't seen you for awhile and just wanted to say hi 😊
Sep 15Reply
simplyme_toyou @sym87 Well hello darling Sarah. I'm not really doing the share groups as much anymore. I feel like we are sharing the same closets to the same groups. I'm not really certain it actually equals sales. Well at least not for me. I've been following tips from some of the mentors trying to boost numbers with the algorithms.
Sep 15Reply
simplyme_toyou @sym87 How are you doing?
Sep 15Reply
samamama24 @heatherm9779 sounds smart! Yes Thats exactly how i feel about sharing groups! Im glad you are doing your research and hope it works for you 😊🤞❤️Im doing alright not selling at all, and I think must be this time of the year! But i'll keep trying, iv reached my 700 direct shares yesterday 😀thank you for sharing that info with me! I would guess that the following game works much better than share groups! I'll try to start doing that as well 😊
Sep 15Reply
simplyme_toyou @sym87 Share to me as much as you want. I'm at 3,700 direct shares. And it's boosting me more than share groups.
Sep 15Reply
simplyme_toyou @sym87 I want you to find me on Facebook. That way I can tell you all the secrets I know a little bit easier. You can find me on Facebook under Heather Guidry - Margotta.
Sep 15Reply
samamama24 @heatherm9779 wow THATS GREAT!! i definitly will do more direct shares! Sure, i'll add u on facebook, I'm not so active on there or any social media 😅!
Sep 15Reply
simplyme_toyou @sym87 Yes, I'm not really a social butterfly either, but it would let us have an easier conversation. But no worries either way. Follow these closets and you will not go wrong: shopofthemoment, savysales, artistichater, jakesma3, globalboutique, dressinglauren, alaska42, martinpere, sheashea93, shoppineapple, clwarner10, gm2017, food4thesoul, shikgupta, oneinamillion.
Sep 15Reply
simplyme_toyou @sym87 Sorry it's actually oneinamillionjj.
Sep 15Reply
samamama24 @heatherm9779 thank you so much for sharing this list of Poshers, i have already been following most of them accept for a couple 😊😊
Sep 15Reply
simplyme_toyou @sym87 You will learn a lot from shopofthemoment and dressinglauren, They are both amazing. They also both have boutiques rather than closets. I'm not having the luck they have because I do not have the number of followers, but I am trying.
Sep 15Reply
samamama24 @heatherm9779 yeah, likewise ☺️got alot to learn for sure. Thank you so much for everything. ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 15Reply
ladybugluxe Hi! Let me know if I can help in anyway! Love your closet
Sep 18Reply
simplyme_toyou @jcrewgal81 That actually means a lot to me. More than you might know. When I first started Posh, it was hard because it seemed like no one wanted to give up "their" secrets to success. So I've had to figure out a lot on my own. More recently I have found a few mentors, so I think I have more of an understanding. I still seem to be buying more than I'm selling though!! (which is highly defeating the purpose)
Sep 18Reply
ladybugluxe @heatherm9779 I think your doing awesome!i don't think I would be much of a mentor😬 I just started in June ;) I have not had a lot of mentors just read a lot of blogs, etc. however if I ever do ask a question through here or on Facebook everyone is so helpful! I don't think I have any secrets-- I just share a ton and add new inventory. I've only had nine sales but three in the last week. ❤️ what is your favorite piece of clothing to wear and brand?
Sep 18Reply
ladybugluxe How are you?
Sep 21Reply
simplyme_toyou @jcrewgal81 Today hasn't been ideal. But it's good! Have you been able to learn from the new share groups?
Sep 21Reply
ladybugluxe @heatherm9779 I'm sorry. Praying tomorrow is better for you! I think I am getting them down! It takes a long time but hopefully all worth it.
Sep 21Reply
simplyme_toyou @jcrewgal81 Share groups can take up time, but they are for the necessary good! (I think I might spend too much time on here personally.) I like the share groups that are themed: color black, shoes, certain size, etc. They change it up a little. And you are very sweet! I hope you are doing well also. If you have any questions, I will certainly help if I can.
Sep 21Reply
ladybugluxe @heatherm9779 I have never heard of the different color share groups! Thank you! It was just a long day! I am trying to figure out what background to buy. 😬 My pictures aren't great that's for sure! Are you on Instagram too? God bless
Sep 21Reply
simplyme_toyou @jcrewgal81 Yes, I'm on instagram too! jessrosestyles (I think) does color share groups. It jazzed out up a little. Different can be good. Better than sharing same ol' every day. Lol. 😘
Sep 21Reply
hmsimon1 Good morning Heather. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Sep 26Reply
jmbt Thanks for the following
Sep 28Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!💕☺️
Oct 17Reply
1955oldman Thanks for sharing from my closet. G
Oct 24Reply
simplyme_toyou @angiebrooke Yes, it is actually. It's pretty empowering. Highly suggest it!
Oct 26Reply
simplyme_toyou @angiebrooke I have be painted twice for competition. The easy part is being painted - well except for all the standing. The artist has the hard work.
Oct 26Reply
joanieonie Hi, Heather. I rcd 6 DS from you. Do you want to send me a 7th? 1st day & loving this DS game!
Oct 30Reply
tacticool Nice to meet you
Nov 09Reply
designsbymela Hi Heather Sorry but I can’t go lower than I already am 😕
Nov 09Reply
simplyme_toyou @pepesposhcloset Absolutely no worries. I shouldn't be shopping anyway!!! Thank you!!!
Nov 09Reply
simplyme_toyou @pepesposhcloset Alright my shopping instinct really wants these pieces. I sent you an offer matching your most recent offer.
Nov 09Reply
designsbymela @simplyme_toyou thanks my friend .. will ship out first thing in the morning 😘
Nov 09Reply
simplyme_toyou @pepesposhcloset This site is not helping my shopping addiction. Ugh! So much I want to buy! Thanks, babe! xoxo 💓💓
Nov 09Reply
designsbymela @simplyme_toyou lol I so hear you.. although I have only purchased 1 item 😕 one of my dogs is sick and trying to accumulate $$ for the specialist on Wednesday 🙏 but after that I’m paying it forward & checking out your closet .. see ya tomorrow night 🙃😊🙃
Nov 09Reply
simplyme_toyou @pepesposhcloset Oh honey, much love to the baby 🐕!!! I have a Moose (Saint Bernard). I understand!! 💓💓
Nov 09Reply
designsbymela Heather 💜 thank you so much for the great rating & kind words.. so glad your happy my friend 😘😘
Nov 13Reply
serenity_style_ Hi pff, I just wanted you to know I love your closet name:)
Nov 18Reply
simplyme_toyou @cincinpierce Awwww. That's very sweet of you!
Nov 18Reply
melissapoore Thank you so much! 💕💕
Nov 25Reply
simplyme_toyou @melissapoore Oh honey, closets like yours put me in trouble!! Especially your prices!! Girl, watch out for sales today! Woot woot! 💖💖
Nov 25Reply
fleurdelis13 @simplyme_toyou Sorry for the delay. Family brunch. I love the designs! Blue is my favorite color and you both look amazing. The standing had to be hard but well worth the final result. Perfect pictures for your Christmas card! Thank you for sharing!
Dec 03Reply
simplyme_toyou @fleurdelis13 I hope you enjoyed your day! A nice family brunch sounds like a really sweet time.
Dec 04Reply
fleurdelis13 @simplyme_toyou I did! I hope you had a good Sunday. Thank you again for sharing your pictures. You guys looked amazing!
Dec 04Reply
joanieonie @simplyme_toyou I missed the pics 😣 Today was crazy. Bummer, I wanted to see them.
Dec 04Reply
simplyme_toyou @joanieonie Sorry honey. I didn't keep them up very long. Give me a sec. I'll recreate it for you.
Dec 04Reply
joanieonie @simplyme_toyou Fabulous artwork. Thanks for sharing w/me 🖒💙
Dec 04Reply
tealightposh thank you soo much for your purchase!🙂🌹sorry we had to go back and forth so much on the offers lol😖 I’ll ship it out today📦
Dec 07Reply
simplyme_toyou @kgallardo_7 No worries. I'm always about the best deal. Heavens I don't need anything, but closets like yours make my heart happy! Thank you! 😘
Dec 07Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Dec 15Reply
italiana96 They made a bundle of Leah Sophia jewelry but after I made the Initial bundle I found a Nother piece that I would like to add but I’m not sure how to do that can you help me thank you
Dec 15Reply
simplyme_toyou @italiana96 Just reject the offer, and it will close it out. Then you can add the other piece. I will make you a great deal!! It's the holidays! 😘
Dec 15Reply
simplyme_toyou @resaletherapy45 Welcome to Poshmark dear! It is a lot of fun on here. I do most of my shopping on here now! I am wishing you many successes!
Dec 24Reply
jcrewzie Hi Heather🤗 I was just realized I missed you on my share 20 for 20 listing way back in the beginning. I'm so sorry! I've just shared back now, with lots of extra's in hopes you'll forgive. And here I was thinking I hadn't missed anyone in 100's!☺️ If u do your 6for$25 sale again, please tag me and I'll share more...and won't make u wait 3 months!☺️
Jan 19Reply
shelpen And I absolutely love your photos. They are gorgeous and magic. I saw you put two or three items into a bundle. Quite frankly I’m not sure if you are part of the group that is sharing my closet because I have a sister that’s been in the hospital for three weeks from an accident or if you were just sharing
Jan 19Reply
shelpen some of my closet.I had offered the sharing item if they would share my closet six times in two weeks. I’m not sure if you’re part of that group or not. Would love to work with you either way. Just let me know. Thank you. @ shelpen
Jan 19Reply
simplyme_toyou @shelpen Hi! Yes, I was one of those people who was trying to share. We all feel terrible for what your family is going through. You all are in our prayers.
Jan 19Reply
manolife Thank you for checking in on me. My dad was in the hospital and work went crazy so I needed a break. I hope to be back soon.
Jan 19Reply
simplyme_toyou @bizewife Hi Heather. I've also left the group. I'm not sure if that was right or wrong. I like to think of group as more than "all shared Thurs," but that seems to be the case in most share groups. I just wish there was more camaraderie. Not that it's anyone's fault. Groups are for sharing period. I genuinely hope your father has a quick recovery. Love to you
Jan 20Reply
shelpen Hello dear. Thanks again for your shares. I noticed you put three items in a Bundle. Someone else had already put the white blouse and a dress in another bundle and I sent out an offer This morning. If they do not except the offer do you want me to hold the rest of the items and white blouse for you till you decide on all or whatever. No problem whatsoever. Just need you to let me know. Much love. Sondra
Jan 20Reply
nataliehackmann Hello, I ordered a pair of shoes that were listed as a size 8, and received a size 9.5. Anything you can help me with? I’d appreciate your response. Thanks!
Jan 30Reply
simplyme_toyou @nataliehackmann Currently in Iowa for a funeral. I'm not sure how to start a return. Please contact Poshmark to start the process. I'll wait for their guidance.
Jan 30Reply
leostreatshop Hi! I’m Rachelle @rachelles_place met you on the Queen of the Day game you were the re-visit. Love your Lia Sophia jewelry 💖
Jan 31Reply
simplyme_toyou @rachelles_place I'm a bit of a shopaholic. Yes, once upon a time, I was all about the bling. Thank you for sharing today and stopping by. Very sweet. Should you have any interest, I am all about making a good deal.
Jan 31Reply
leostreatshop @simplyme_toyou Sounds Good to me! Still recouping from holidays but I will be sure to come back 💚
Jan 31Reply
carlahiggins HI there. Hope you're well. Could you do me a favor and t5ake me off your tag list? Tags seem to make it harder for me to keep up in the amount of time I have to spend on Posh. Thank ya!!! :0)
Feb 19Reply
fabbaby @simplyme_toyou hello beautiful how are you doing? Please do you have any idea how to give $3.99 shipping to your first customer? Have a blessed night.
Feb 27Reply
simplyme_toyou @fabbaby Good morning, sweetness. Has your app updated to show this as a feature when you pull up the listing? It would be on the lower right hand side.
Feb 27Reply
fabbaby @simplyme_toyou thanks beautiful. Have a blessed wonderful day.
Feb 27Reply
hrachradioshow You are amazing! I received the package today. Thank you so much!😍😍😙😙😙
Mar 01Reply
rosepetals3 Hey, thank you for the follow✨ I followed you back, since I love your style👠 Wishing you speedy sales and great finds 🛍 Happy Poshing🎉🦄💝🌹
Mar 02Reply
toptncat 🙋🏼No share backs necessary today, Heather. 🤗Enjoy the rest of your weekend!💕😘
Mar 04Reply
simplyme_toyou @andywoolley Awww. That is very sweet of you. Just made my day! 💖💖
Apr 07Reply
jakesma3 Hi Heather! I hope you are doing good💗💗
Apr 16Reply
simplyme_toyou @jakesma3 You too honey! The Posh world isn't the same without our Friday group.
Apr 16Reply
jakesma3 @simplyme_toyou I agree! I sure do miss it😔
Apr 16Reply
simplyme_toyou @jakesma3 Yes, me too! But I know life happens for all of us! Sending you love!
Apr 16Reply
simplyme_toyou @shop_kimibrooke Awww! Thank you so very much!!!
May 08Reply
toptncat One Tn closet to anotherIf you're interested, I've found THE Best way EVer to gain Followers!! It's a group of Secret Poshers. Play one, a few, or all! Specific Instructions at the top of each closet, and a FULL list of all games are posted in each one. Here are a few: @cincinpierce @rosebisou5 @freddiesfind @mmadonna40 @shabbychic45 @minedthemanor @cheri_lapin @joeyflny @tmacshop @april12279 @cat_n_mouse @skye2500 @tatertots135 @waytruthlife @kimmando @rebecca_3 @karolmel Happy Poshing!🙋🏼Cathy
Jun 21Reply
simplyme_toyou @toptncat You are so very sweet. Thank you for the advice. I'll certainly look into it! 💖💖
Jun 21Reply
mmadonna40 Thank you for the shout out on the Secret Posher Team Games!💕 Amazing body painting, I love it! You are beautiful! 💕😘
Jun 21Reply
toptncat @mmadonna40 🤗 I'm inviting Heather to try the SP games. She's The one with the beautiful body paint.💕 Heather, I did your "follow" game and several others.… Even started my own. But the secret posher games is hands-down the best way to gain followers! I had just clicked over to 40K when I played my first SP game on May 9.😳 I am close to 75K now🙀AND it's a positively fun and fascinating group of people!!🤗
Jun 21Reply
andyr221 Great closet! Hope to get to your level one day , if you get a chance check mine out . Sending positive vibes and energy your way for quick sales
Jul 24Reply
behappyfeelfree Hey! I received an email your package was delivered, let me know if you received it! Don’t forget to accept it please, thank you!
Aug 05Reply
dressinglauren Love this! 💕
Aug 06Reply
michtol Absolutely beautiful eyes God bless
Aug 14Reply
jereelki Hello! Thanks for all the "likes"! Makes me happy!!!
Aug 20Reply
dks121 Congrats on hosting the posh party 🎉 please check out my closet for a possible hp ☺️ thank you💕💕
Aug 23Reply
fabandglitz @simplyme_toyou Congrats on hosting today's party. Wish you have lots of fun and even more sales!
Aug 23Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much for your consideration and I hope you have a successful party!
Aug 23Reply
tash2028 Congratulations on Hosting a Party! 🎊 Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as Host Pick. I would truly appreciate.
Sep 09Reply
shira_15 Hi Heather, Congrats on hosting the Everything Kids Party!🎉 Please consider anything in my closet as a HP! Thanks! 😄💕
Sep 09Reply
jennanels @simplyme_toyou hi! Congrats on hosting the upcoming party! Please consider a listing from my closet for a host pick! You have a beautiful Closet, wishing you lots of sales. See you at the party!
Sep 09Reply
healedone Hello Heather😊 You have a phenomenal closet that is so well put together!!! Stylish, lots of designer stuff, color coordinated, prices are reasonable and it’s so uniform. Making it easy to shop. To bad my shoe size is 9. Unfortunately, I’ve been out of work for the past 2 years(battling breast cancer) so I’m unable to purchase much at this time but prayerfully soon. Just wanted to wish you an abundance of 🛍Posh success! Hope the shares helped🙂
Sep 13Reply
simplyme_toyou @healedone Awww. Thank you. You feel better soon! Take care. And thank you for stopping by! Sending love from TN. 💖😘
Sep 13Reply
mailllle Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Nov 17Reply
punkchic_gigi @simplyme_toyou hey gorgeous! And you are, stunning pics of you 😍 Welcome to your Diva Day! I hope we bring you tons of shares and more sales 💃💃💃❤❤❤💜🧡💛💚💙❤💖🥂
Dec 04Reply
bell1971 @simplyme_toyou Hi 😀 Thank you ♥️ I will ship tomorrow 😍
Dec 06Reply
simplyme_toyou @bell1971 Absolutely no worries. My daughter refuses to wear jeans like a normal person, so I'm always on the prowl for leggings for her. Sorry it took me so long to accept. I must have overlooked the offer because I only noticed it when I accepted it. Thank you so much!!
Dec 06Reply
bell1971 @simplyme_toyou Hi. I did ship this. Idk what’s going on with the mail but I just checked a package that I mailed on November 30th and it’s still not delivered !! I mailed another one on Monday and that was just delivered today !!! I’m so sorry. But I wanted to touch base with you and let you know. Ty. Shelley ♥️
Dec 08Reply
bell1971 @simplyme_toyou My daughter don’t like jeans either 🤷‍♀️ Lol. 🙄 Must be new thing “leggings”. Ha. Ha.
Dec 09Reply
vivs125 Heyy Heather ❤️❤️ Congratulations on being the party host!! This theme is so exciting😘 I would be honored if you could have a look at my closet and get a Host Pick!! Thank you for your precious time🌟🌟
Dec 14Reply
bell1971 @simplyme_toyou ♥️♥️♥️ I’m so happy to see you finally received your legging !!! Please know it was not my fault. I contacted Posh. They said there have been some issues. They gave me a $5 credit. 😀 If everything is okay please accept them and give me a rating 😍 Thank you so very much. Shelley 💋
Dec 14Reply
poshlady777 Hi, Congrats🎉 on hosting the upcoming Party. I would love if you would look at my closet for a possible Host Pick. Thanks much. Happy Poshing! 🛍🌻
Dec 14Reply
dragonfly_flash Greetings! Santa's helper Elfie #72 sharing your beautiful closet and wishing you many sales and the happiest of holidays, the bestest 2019 possible, and peace, love and light to you and yours! xoxo ren
Dec 15Reply
foresttreasures Congrats on hosting the Style Staples Party tonight! Should be a BLAST! Have fun & Happy Holidays! 🎄⛄️ 🎁Cindy
Dec 16Reply
pretyposhmchne Just wanted to wish you so much luck with sales, and I hope you are crushing it with the share event! Happiest holidays to you and your family! Sending posh love! XO’s Elle 🎅🏼 🎄 🎁
Dec 16Reply
nina_style Hi #93 Wishing you sales💸💸 and happiness!🤑🤑. P.S. I love to share back! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Dec 16Reply
mk_rose_bud #27 wishing you many shares that lead to lots of sales 😍🐬🌹🐳
Dec 27Reply
fleurdelis13 @simplyme_toyou Happy New Year my friend! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2019. You will have to let me know how your trip to the UK went. 💕🥂💕
Jan 02Reply
itsaposhaffair Wow that body paint is amazing! I love the vibe of your closet 😍😍
Feb 05Reply
dannicali4nia Hey girl!!💃💃 #126 here stopping by and spreading all the posh love & gold I can for your lovely closet. 💕💛💰Wishing us all speading sales! Happy Poshing dear!🛍️💃🤗
Mar 09Reply
shineonmiblooms Aloha and nice to e-meet you here on Poshmark! It's always great to meet new poshers 😍🤙💖
Mar 16Reply
onpointcloset Posh love given! Congrats on the share group pick today!
Mar 30Reply
iamjerbear Hi ! Me too ! Lol can you pls do me a favor & tell @findleiza that I am “unable to comment on any of her listings” is the message I get when I try to comment her. Thank you in advance for your help ! Jeri 🙏😘🙃. @iamjerbear
Apr 01Reply
onlytopbrands1 Hey there, good morning!!! I just wanted to say that your body paint artwork is absolutely beautiful. Loving your closet as well.. From one fellow Tennessean to another, sending good vibes your way sweets!! Xo Natalee, ARMY VET ❤️✌️😘🇺🇸
Apr 09Reply
heidizme 🏰💜🏰💜🏰💜🏰💜🏰💜🏰💜🏰💜🏰#49 "Do you know what kept me standing all those years in exile? FAITH. Not in any gods, not in myths & legends, in Myself." Daenerys Targaryen. "I will not let those I freed slide into chains. I will not sail for Westeros...I will do what queens do, I will RULE! ⚔💜⚔💜⚔💜⚔💜⚔💜⚔💜⚔
Apr 15Reply
heidizme Hi there I love the body paint pictures that's an excellent artist i used to watch those shows incredible talent...
Apr 15Reply
simplyme_toyou @heidizme Watching Season 8, episode 1 right now. Personally I hope John Snow takes the throne, but we will certainly see. May the best ruler win! 😁😁😘
Apr 15Reply
heidizme @simplyme_toyou I never saw it so I took a guess but you'll have to tell me who wins..but it was a fun share game!!
Apr 15Reply
danasdoings 💍Hello Heather. Beautiful Body Art work Thank you for your Follow I took a walk through your Closet and shared a few Come by anytime for a visit would love to get to know you. HAPPY POSHING 💖💍
Apr 22Reply
katie661 Hi Heather. Thanks for liking my purse. Accepting offers, love to hear from you
Apr 25Reply
uniquelypatrice Thanks so much for stopping by to share some love on my Diva Day!
Apr 27Reply
callielives Hi Heather!!! Thanks for checking me out today and a special THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR DAILY DIVA LOVE. 💞💞💞💞
Apr 30Reply
captainfun Captain Fun saying hello in TN. I miss TN. Thanks for the follow. Wishing you many sales of Pirate Booty. 👽
May 05Reply
bridge2u Thank for all the Poshmark love, I really do appreciate it!
May 06Reply
pazarhino1313 I paint. I’ll happily canvasize you. Lol
Jun 26Reply
kindwaybestway Wow!!! You are such a gifted artist!!! I could look at your body paint work all day long!! Amazing 😁 And I love your kindness quote! ♥️
Jul 05Reply
bsassygirl Thank you! I love it too if only I could fit it!
Jul 09Reply
2ndhandtreasure Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jul 11Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me
Jul 11Reply
liplindy Thanks for following me. I am following you on Instagram.
Jul 20Reply
piccicu Fantastic and Fun! Really enjoyed the photos. Thanks for sharing! 💗. Thanks for stopping by my closet. Offers are always welcome and of course to Bundle gives you more savings and one shipping. That’s what I like! Nice to meet you...Stephanie
Jul 21Reply
mjempire Good evening, Thank you so much for following me. As a gift 🎁🎁for your generous follow you have a 10% discount off of anything you like in my closet. Just heart ❤ it and I'll send you the offer or bundle and save💰💰. Happy Poshing!!❤❤💕💕😗😗
Jul 28Reply
baggaliciouz Welcome to stop by me anytime 💃
Aug 01Reply
niftythriftyaz Is your closet color coordinated?! Love! 😊
Aug 02Reply
simplyme_toyou @elaws071315 Actually yes, yes it is. Try it. It's supposed to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye. That's why department stores do it too. I hope it gives you luck.
Aug 02Reply
closetcupid Pleasure to meet you 😇 Thank you so much for the follow!! 😍 I am pretty new here but expanding my closet fast. Please take a peak and feel free to reach out with questions or the offers. Happy Poshing!! ☺️😃
Aug 09Reply
crjh326 I just wanted to let you know I ❤️❤️❤️ your closet! So much variety - and the bags, omg, I was dying!!! You have done an awesome job!! Sending you lots of positive vibes, and even more successful sales vibes! 🥰 Happy Poshing!!
Aug 11Reply
simplyme_toyou @crjh326 you are very kind to say so. I try a little every day. It's all any of us can do - try - right? Thank you for the compliment. Good luck to you in Posh Land.
Aug 12Reply
jk555 ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for sharing my stuff! Greatly appreciated.
Aug 20Reply
bell1971 @simplyme_toyou 💄💄💄💄 Your a LIPPIE posher 💄💄💄 Enjoy 💋
Aug 20Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for like
Aug 27Reply
a497530310 Congratulations on being chosen to host a posh party. I wish you much success.
Oct 09Reply
katprints Hi Heather! I know you’re probably drowning in people begging you to consider their closet for pics, but if you have a moment to glance at my closet, I’d really appreciate it. Even if it’s just to give feedback. Since I’m new to Poshmark, I’m trying to learn everything I can about how to be a great seller. I’m especially excited for tomorrow’s plus size party, it’s going to be really fun.
Oct 10Reply
simplyme_toyou @kfairchok on the Torrid shirt, I would suggest using the stock photo as the first pic. Technically you aren't supposed to use stock photos, but the buyer's eye is sadly drawn to stock photos because it's what we're used to seeing. Do you have any kind of mannequin torso? Or a different lighting set up. The background is a little dark, but not in a bad way. It's a soothing background. Just need a little better lights.
Oct 10Reply
katprints @simplyme_toyou first, thank you so much for looking at my closet! As for the shirt, it’s something of a relief to know that putting the stock photo first isn’t a bad idea. I agree the lighting, I think, was mostly hurt by the background because it is actually just a blanket that I attached to the top of my dresser. I’ll definitely see if I can find something better though. Once again, thank you for taking the time to reply back to me!
Oct 10Reply
valentinav83 Hello ! Hope you are having a great day !! If you have Instagram please check out my page @valentinas_organics. For all natural , cruelty free, handcrafted products for body, face and hair 😊
Oct 11Reply
mp3tribalfunk Nice pic, best of luck
Oct 11Reply
xojms7 Congrats on hosting! 💜👖
Oct 17Reply
mdskippy Congrats for hosting the Best in Jeans Posh Party today! What fun that will be. I’m newer to Posh and I’d love if you could select one of my closet items as a host pick! Please check out my closet to see what could be featured. Good luck and hope you get lots of sales.
Oct 18Reply
hans_gerlich Hi Heather, Have fun hosting, and clearing your closet in the process, to make room for your newest Fall and Winter Collections. Best, Hans G.
Oct 18Reply
angelaannestyle @simplyme_toyou Best Posher Ever !!! Much love girl
Oct 22Reply
angelaannestyle @simplyme_toyou Hi Heather !! What a nice way to wake up to your 5 Star and soooo sweet rating !! Posh Blessings to you my friend ........ thank you !!
Oct 25Reply
fableuxarmoire Thank you for liking my skirt if you are considering a purchase place It in a bundle as I would love to send you a private discount.
Oct 27Reply
innerbeautyposh Always fun to connect with another Tennessee PFF! I’m in Chattanooga! ♥️♥️♥️ Michelle, @innerbeauty1968
Nov 17Reply
kerry_langton You accepted an offer from me for a Kate Spade purse this morning and I got an Email saying I needed to accept it. The problem is I don't know how to do that! Lol.....thank you so much it's a beautiful purse.
Dec 14Reply
simplyme_toyou @kerry_langton Would you mind going to the listing and leaving this note here? Did the email from Poshmark indicate it was a payment issue? Or how is it that I can help you walk through the steps to finalize your order?
Dec 14Reply
freshdelights ❤❤❤❤ thanks for the posh love!!! come back anytime 😉🤩❤❤❤❤
Dec 17Reply
ljstyle4you thank you for sharing my listing! 😍
Jan 26Reply
my3doves love your photos!
Jan 29Reply
simplyme_toyou @conniejo1226 I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I share a lot of things from a lot of people's closets. I wasn't sending any bad vibes your way. Like I seriously sit here at my desk at work and share when I'm not working. Have a better day!
Feb 06Reply
t6363b thanx come by for a visit to my closet
Feb 07Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Wishing you a very Happy Happy New Year ❄ very much for following me and Sharing my closet. I returned Posh Love ❄ Get in your it's cold outside. A cup of hot chocolate and Enjoy. Poshing in your Pjs is the best. I'm having a Mega Sale, check ot out if you have half a chance❄ Wishing you are yours a Fantabulous Happy New Year filled with all the blessings you so richly deserve❄❤
Feb 07Reply
phyllisjax5 Thank you so much!!! You’re BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Feb 09Reply
tanlyrad7 thank you for sharing ❤️
Feb 11Reply
kmk_ambassador hi! thank you for visiting my closet!happy poshing! peace and love ❤
Feb 12Reply
debben22 Hi 👋 Heather Happy Poshin 🤗
Feb 19Reply
babsgilbert Heather, Happy Feburary! ❤ The month of love!❤ Let's continue to spread the love throughout our Poshmark community by sharing each other's closets!👚👠👕 It only takes a few extra minutes and the benefits are rewarding for everyone. I hope you catch the love bug!❤🐞 Thanks for sharing!💕
Feb 20Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Heather on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Coolest posher pictures 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Feb 28Reply
coachandtrunk Hi Heather, beautiful closet. I noticed the you have a few MSU items, wondering if you are a fellow Alum. By the way, your photos are amazing works of art.
Mar 05Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great weekend and successful Poshing!😊☘️
Mar 15Reply
crafteelinda490 Thank you for sharing. I have returned the Posh love.
Mar 19Reply
lonestarfinds16 Congrats on co hosting the best in tops posh party! Wishing you much love, and speedy sales! Feel free to check out my closet and see if there are any pieces that match your style! We gave you a follow! Thanks in advance and good luck!
Mar 26Reply
kimmmies_closet Hi 👋🏼 Congrats on hosting the party 🎉 Please check out my closet 👗 and see if anything can work as a host pick 😊
Mar 26Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much
Mar 26Reply
mnea162014 @simplyme_toyou Hi! Congratulations on hosting the best in tops tomorrow! I would greatly appreciate if you took a look at my closet if you have any picks left. Have a blessed day! Marisa
Mar 26Reply
aemthrift Congrats on hosting!! I’d love for you to check out my closet for a host pick 😊❤️
Mar 26Reply
linfashionswak 💋 Congratulations 💋 on hosting your Posh Party. I would love ❤️ it if you would consider choosing something from my closet as a host pick! Cheers to many sales! Can’t wait for the party! 💕👏🏻🎉🥳
Mar 26Reply
vitrineonline Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :) 
Mar 26Reply
vitrineonline Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :) 
Mar 26Reply
vitrineonline Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :) 
Mar 26Reply
vitrineonline Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :) 
Mar 26Reply
vitrineonline Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :) 
Mar 26Reply
tpk95 Hi from PA! I’m Tobi! Congratulations on Hosting The Best in Tops Party! I’ll be there & supporting you!!🎉I’d be honored if you’d consider my closet for any Host Picks!🤗 PFFS: @ladycrackerjack @shiloh077 @empirez_sun @fryemeup @808classysassy @1kawaii1 @tarcherscloset @mdbrodney @beoirem @merri_graceland @eclectic_threds @raynedan @luturnbull @buga_lili @savinavalentine @amsadusky @fashionwonders @mariposacloset TY!💝
Mar 26Reply
demonhunters 🌸👚🌸🏆🌸👕🌸Congratulations “Heather” on Hosting “Best in Tops” Posh Party•👚•👕• How exciting! Wishing you a Fabulous Party and many Sales 🎉🎉🎈🎉🎉 It would be an honor to be considered for a possible Host Pick 💖🌟💖Thank you, have a wonderful day and Happy Poshing 💖🌟💖🌟💖 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda🏝🌺
Mar 26Reply
mswearin 🤩 Congrats on Hosting Best in Tops today!😎🤩✨ I will definitely be there! 🥳 And would be very appreciative if you’d take a look at my closet and for a potential host pick! 🥰💕💕 Have a blast hosting! ✨
Mar 27Reply
upperapparel 🎉 CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 on being selected to host today’s “Best in Tops” posh party! 👚👕 That’s a wonderful accomplishment! I look forward to participating and checking out all of the awesome host picks! Keep up the great work! Much love! 🌈 💕✌️
Mar 27Reply
cgarcia124 Congrats on Hosting!! 👗💍👛
Mar 27Reply
robynridge Hi! You have an amazing closet and following. I wanted to ask you a favor~My best friend's child was severely hurt due to Bullying, so I am always trying to raise money for Would you mind sharing my first two items with your followers, so I can make some money for the charity? Thank you so much for your Thoughtfulness in considering this, I greatly appreciate it!
Mar 28Reply
cgarcia124 Hi there!! Just saw you liked a few items, if you bundle them up I’d love to send you an offer! ❤️
Apr 02Reply
luvmee40  Welcome to Poshmark. Big closet, No Closet or just started my closet, I am here to help you. just ask! At the same time I am running my biggest sale ever on over 1000 drop dead gorgeous items. My Avg discount is 68%!  I am taking off an additional 30%. Pay NO attention to any price you see. Click on the heart under each item you want and I will send you the additional discount. Everything and I mean Everything gets the additional discount. Come shop till you drop :)))
Apr 04Reply
trendylynns @simplyme_toyou hi, I’m so sorry about my order I cancelled. I swear my phone has a mind of its own. I’m at work and I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and I had a charge from Poshmark and I thought to myself what is this I havent ordered anything and sure enough somehow my phone had somehow got to the I don’t I don’t even know how it happened but I just wanted to apologize for the confusion.
Apr 08Reply
dreamsofvintage Hey girl 💕 Congrats on your PoshParty this Saturday! Would be grateful if you peeked at my closet for potential Host Picks!! I think it fits the theme perfectly! See you at the party, I’ll be there to support!🥂
May 12Reply
cgarcia124 Hi there! I have sent you a new offer because you added a new item to the bundle. Please let me know if you’re still interested ❤️
May 12Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? THanks so much
May 14Reply
sophiafp Congrats on hosting! 🤗I have some items on my page if you could check it out for the host pick! ✨🦋 thank you! 😊🌺
May 15Reply
demonhunters 🌹Hi Heather 🌹 🌟👗🌟🏆🌟💍🌟Congratulations on Hosting “Next Level Looks Posh Party” 5.16.20 •👗•🧥•👖•👡•👛•👜•👞•👠•👔• ⌚️• Wishing you a Fabulous Party, many Sales and have FUN on your Special Day! 🎉🎈🎉 It would be an honor to be considered for a possible Host Pick. Thank you, have a wonderful day and Happy Poshing 🌟💎🌟 💃🎶💃🎶💃🎶💃🎶💃🎶💃🎶💃 🌟😇Take Care and Be Safe 😇🌟 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda 🏝🌺
May 15Reply
leah_val Hi! Congrats on hosting a posh party!🥳 If you have a chance, please take a look at my page for a host pick💗💗 Thank you!
May 15Reply
sandy0102 Yay!! Congratulations on hosting the posh party 🎈🎈 Please consider my close for host picks. Thanks!
May 15Reply
lknposhblessing Hi Heather , Big Congratulations on Hosting the Posh Party tonite!! Can’t wait to Host one day. I’d be honored if you would stop by to see if one of my items may grab your attention to be considered as a Host Pick.👜👗🎒👠. Thanks SO much and I’ll see you there!
May 16Reply
sahibtrends I am sorry I am late, but I really congratulate u on hosting the party. I wish u much success and the very best. I would really appreciate if you check out my closet for your host-pick. I followed you already. You stay safe and healthy ❤
May 17Reply
bkmsmith @simplyme_toyou Hello, please feel free to check out my closet for the next level looks posh party. Thank you and Happy Poshing!! 😊
May 17Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 20Reply
simplyme_toyou @heidiclark11 Shares returned. xx
Jun 08Reply
coppergirl101 Hi there, I love your pictures. Very creative artwork. I would be honored if you could stop by my Posh Closet and check it out. Wishing you a very safe and Happy Fourth Of July weekend. 🧜‍♀️🇺🇸🎉🎊🍾🦋🥰🇺🇸🎊🎉💋🎈🧜‍♀️🇺🇸🎉🇺🇸 Arlene🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏
Jul 01Reply
dressscore @simplyme_toyou Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! -Audrey
Aug 02Reply
cesprit_poshbtq Hello and congratulations on your opportunity to host a party 🎉👏👏👏! I'd sincerely appreciate it if you would consider one of the plus size items in my closet as a host pick 💕. Thank you!
Aug 02Reply
jillei808 Congratulations on hosting this party today! I've RSVP’d and can't wait to participate. I would really appreciate it if you looked through my closet and considered something for a host pick. It would mean a lot. Thanks!
Aug 02Reply
jenniibee Hi! Congrats on hosting today! I have a few items that would make a great host pick if you're still looking. I hope you have a good party and stay safe!
Aug 02Reply
lele_poshie_btq 🩸PARTY ALERT🩸Hi doll I’m Lisa Congrats on your Posh Party.. I would love for you to consider checking out mine & my PFF’s PA closets for possible host pick selections 🩸@808classysassy @hulagirl29 @doublel680 @lhaag721 @stylish_paige @1kawaii1 @flsnowbunny05 @jenimadedesigns @peppedup @luturnbull @fashionwonders @mdbrodney @shiloh077 @shop_essentials @terri_lynns @fryemeup @houndstooth @ladycrackerjack @mlb1006 @nuggetchicky @nicole_parr @violetskys7 @cool2beagal
Aug 02Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 🦋💖🥳🙏
Aug 02Reply
pacificplus Thanks for considering my exclusively Plus Size closet for a host pick. 💕💓
Aug 02Reply
fryemeup 🥳Congrats on Hosting🎉 I am wishing you much success & many sales. I am tagging some amazing PFF's. Kindly ✔️out their closets for a potential HP💕Thanks🤩 PARTY ALERT 🚨 @fryemeup @denimjunkies @tpk95 @soflolor @808classysassy @haveuseenthis @tarcherscloset @hulagirl29 @justgivemeone @helpmehelpu @1kawaii1 @mdbrodney @stylish_paige @bwood8 @preppyshoppe_4u @absolutlyyumyum @doublel680 ty @Ihaag721 for the tag
Aug 03Reply
toptncat @simplyme_toyou Hey Miss Heather, Do you need me to tag up another party? That listing you sent an offer on... is a little confusing... And the comments are full. But let me know if you have a party coming up I'll be happy to tag it for you. 🙋🏼‍♀️Cathy
Aug 21Reply
_rescuedthreads Hi! I’m closing my closet soon and am running some sales this week. Lots of items 5 for $25 and 3 for $30 and I’m open to offers on anything else. I also have a $15 mystery box of size 0/2 items from Express and similar brands. Take a look and see if there’s anything you’d like to add to a bundle for discounted prices!
Aug 29Reply
esthetician14 hi ! I'm in the Chattanooga area & I love seeing poshers from Tn here 😉
Oct 01Reply
bell1971 @simplyme_toyou 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE today 💄💄💄Enjoy💋
Feb 06Reply
bell1971 @simplyme_toyou 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE today 💄💄💄Enjoy 💋
May 16Reply
littlepeachxo hello ^^ ! i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that 100% of earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Feb 21Reply
kearason this is a link to a scammer on posh mark.
Mar 15Reply
finesse_4_less Hello, I see you like designer fashion. I have select pieces in a variety of styles & sizes NWT at a discount, including the highly sought after SPANX leggings (5 star rated), trending Levi's jeans (ribcage and wedgie), Bardot jeans (vintage flare), as well as Ralph Lauren (preppy and POLO). Stock is limited so please reach out if interested. Happy Poshing 💎
Apr 12Reply
cutehosiery @simplyme_toyou Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 12Reply

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Johnson City, TN
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Last Active: 3 hours ago

Johnson City, TN
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