😤😤Screw cancer!!!🤬🤬
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I'm Ellen. I’m a single mom recovering from breast cancer. Back to work sooner than I should’ve but cancer is expensive 😰Please share my closet & my story to help me get back on my feet 🙏All purchases made will go directly to support my 3 year old son and myself through this diagnosis. Fellow survivors feel free to leave some advice on how to get through this Thanks for the help and support. Much love #mamastrong

591 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark!! 🎉 we are so glad you joined!! I would encourage you to read the Poshmark guide for info. If you have any questions feel free to ask myself or another posher! Good luck starting your closet and happy Poshing! 👏🏼♥️
Jun 13Reply

Wow 😍
Jun 28Reply

@tooshky oh thanks!!! I’m recovering from breast cancer and this was my first pic that I was comfortable taking after my hair starting coming back.
Jun 28Reply

@escharf5714 you look beautiful, healthy and vibrant...you're doing something right, girl 💕💕😍😘
Jun 28Reply

@escharf5714 you look beautiful, healthy and vibrant...you're doing something right, girl 💕💕😍😘
Jun 28Reply

Best of luck!😘
Jun 30Reply

Thank you! I’m glad I can help. Praying for you. Thank you again...💕
Jul 02Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!🏆
Jul 08Reply

@kingedwardlowe thank you so much. I love it so far. It’s my new obsession
Jul 08Reply

@escharf5714 I know just what you mean, much success to you. If and when I can help, I will. 😉
Jul 08Reply

@appelbc oh my gosh. Thank you so much for the compliment. It’s very much appreciated. 😊
Jul 08Reply

Hi! You guys are too cute!!! Love your closet! 🌹
Jul 08Reply

@ksettlers 🌸 you are beautiful & obviously strong ! My prayers for you & your darling child !❤️🌸
Jul 08Reply

🌸hi Ellen , you are beautiful & obviously strong !!! My prayers for you & your darling child ! ❤️🌸
Jul 08Reply

Hello Beautiful! You have lovely clothes in your closet!
Jul 08Reply

Hi Ellen. Welcome to Poshmark. Beautiful photos of you and your son. You truly are an inspiration!! I hope you have great success on Poshmark. I will pray for you and wish you good health and much joy and happiness in your life.
Jul 08Reply

Beautiful soul! 😘
Jul 08Reply

HI, Ellen. Keep the courage. You are beautiful and so is your family. I am new to Poshiimg. Thanks for following me. I really appreciate your support! Kata
Jul 09Reply

@hannahs_class I have a sellers question maybe you can help me with. I’m getting a lot of people starting bundles and like things within the same closet. How do I turn those into sales? I’ve offered to change my seller discount for the transaction but I don’t get anything back. Is there a way for me to private message someone who puts one thing in and bundle and has liked multiple other items to offer them a deal to turn it into a purchase? Thanks for your help
Jul 10Reply

@escharf5714 hey girl! Yes there is now. Now obviously it still doesn’t mean they always buy. I have items in bundles that people have left for a few months.. ok!!
In your closet at the top right corner (app version) you will see little hangers! That often shows peoles likes and bundles. You can give a private offer directly to someones Bundle. When someone ads something next just click on that comment and it should take you directly to that bundle. Does this help?!
Jul 10Reply

@escharf5714 if you need me to screenshot and show pictures I can do that too!
Jul 10Reply

@hannahs_class would you mind sending me the screen shots? That would be super helpful. Is there anything you can suggest as a way to send an offer to encourage someone to add one of their likes to their bundle?
Jul 10Reply

Ps. Thanks for the support
Jul 10Reply

@escharf5714 Well, I try not to “bug” buyers, but on occasion I comment like “feel free to offer on your bundle” or “place your likes in a bundle for a private offer” etc. you can always share directly to their closet. Maybe even tell a buyer when the item is in a few buyers bundle to maybe increase chance of “need of purchase”. Give me one moment with the screens shots. May I use your closet as an example?
Jul 10Reply

@escharf5714 you’re welcome friend 😘
Jul 10Reply

@hannahs_class feel free to use my closet. I just wasn’t sure if there was a way I could send them a private message to say “ I see you bundled this and like x,y, and z. I can offer all of them to you for $x’s.
Jul 10Reply

@hannahs_class where do you comment statements like bundle for discount? Do you go to their profile pic or right under the garment pic and tag them? Sorry for all the q’s
Jul 10Reply

@escharf5714 some people create a picture and share it directly to their closet but as far as I know there aren’t messages. Only comments.
Jul 10Reply

@hannahs_class gotcha!!! And girl you have an amazing closet. As soon as I get back on my feet from this cancer crap I’m definitely going to be shopping there!!!!
Jul 10Reply

@escharf5714 don’t apologize girl!! I have asked plenty of questions to other poshers! We are a community 💓💓
Jul 10Reply

@escharf5714 Girl. I’m so proud of your fight!!!! Thank you for the compliment!! ❤️❤️
Jul 10Reply

@escharf5714 pictures added! I used my pictures instead of yours because on your side I would be the buyer. :)
Jul 10Reply

@hannahs_class omg you have been such an awesome resource. Thank you!!!! Best of luck to you and your poshing!!!!!
Jul 10Reply

@escharf5714 thank you girl!! It means a lot!! Praying for you!! Keep fighting. Proud of you! Girl strong 💕💓💓😘 if you need anything else let me know!! Good luck to you!!
Jul 10Reply

@escharf5714 absolutely amazing lady! From a single mom of three and two granddaughters,, to another single mom-you are strong, vibrant and beautiful! It is the most thankless job-but we live for the moments of happiness..every morning look yourself in the mirror ‘I am beautiful’.. you have to say it out loud to yourself and you will start believing that.. take 134788653377 pics! You will look back and realize you conquered it!
Jul 10Reply

Welcome to poshmark 😊
Jul 10Reply

You rock! Rock on!
Jul 11Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💕💕
Jul 11Reply

Way to go! You look amazing! Be strong! Best of luck on your Poshing!
Jul 12Reply

You're my 22,000th follower! Just for that I'm giving you 10% off anything in my closet plus an awesome free gift. Have an amazing and beautiful day and I hope you're able to find something you love!
Jul 12Reply

@escharf5714 Ellen, congratulations on kicking cancer to the curb! I know how financially devastating cancer is as I’m a two time breast cancer survivor myself. May God bless you and your child and I hope you build a successful Poshmark closet. Best of health my fellow survivor! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Jul 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 😀🌺🌸🌷🌼💮
Jul 12Reply

@escharf5714 Hi Ellen. I love your quotes. Congratulations on being cancer free. God is good. I will keep you and your son in my prayers. Wishing you many sales. -Kat
Jul 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Beautiful closet!
Jul 13Reply

@escharf5714 Hi Ellen, I'm Elaine. I am a 21 year survivor of breast cancer. Stay positive and strong. These times can be very tough but they too will pass. Wishing you better times ahead.
Jul 14Reply

Thanks I Love Your Closet. And pictures of you son is priceless 💕💖
Jul 14Reply

God bless you Ellen keep on fighting 🥊!!! Robert
Jul 14Reply

Congrats on being a survivor! I'm currently undergoing treatment for stage 4 colon cancer. Happy poshing!
Jul 15Reply

🎉 Yea Poshmark 🎉 A great community of sellers & shoppers. FOLLOW my closet for great deals at affordable prices. Happy Poshing!🛍️🛍️🛍️
Jul 17Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet Ellen, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jul 20Reply

You go Girl!! I too am a breast cancer survivor! Best wishes for much success on Poshmark and mostly for your continued fight of this wicked disease!! 💕
Jul 21Reply

@trail_raven awww thank you so much!!! You made my evening
Jul 28Reply

@tdecker1963 us survivors have to stick together!!! Fight strong!
Jul 28Reply

@escharf5714 ❤️😊
Jul 28Reply

Thanks so much for sharing your story. I lost both my parents to cancer. My mom passed in 2005 from a brain tumor and I lost my dad in 2013 to colon cancer. I miss them everyday. Please stay strong and don't ever give up. I'm sending you love, hugs, and prayers. I shared your closet please no share backs. If you ever need or want to talk I'm here for you. 😘💝💞
Jul 28Reply

@stacy1973 thank you so much and bless you, your family and loved ones lost. I fight every day for not only myself but my young son. After all isn’t that what life is all about! I am so glad that I joined Poshmark not only as a way to make some money to help with our late bills but also because I’ve found strength in the community. I have no true family and my friends don’t really have the time so Poshmark has restored my faith in humanity!! God bless #mamastrong
Jul 28Reply

@escharf5714 Thank you. You are such an inspiration and a sweetheart. I love Poshmark too. If you ever need a friend you can call on me.
Here's my number. 256-226-5038. You can contact me anytime. I hope you have a good night and a good weekend... Stacy 😘💖💝💓
Jul 28Reply

I have had a breast reduction. I didn't go through half of what you did. But, I know you're a strong woman!! 💪
Jul 29Reply

@michdech0 no need to diminish your surgery. Those phantom pains are no joke. Every once in awhile I’ll get a zap of pain and it stops me dead in my tracks.
Jul 29Reply

@escharf5714 You're so kind! I was thinking of the stress you went through. I decided to go from DDD down to a C.
Emotionally I was excited! You rock 🎸
Jul 29Reply

@escharf5714 you are gorgeous inside and out! ❤❤❤❤⚘⚘⚘⚘
Jul 29Reply

@gilsgirl0 aww thank you. All of this attention warms my soul!
Jul 29Reply

@fritzsmomnotu that’s a wonderful area to donate to 😉 and thank you so much for the compliments. It means more than you know
Jul 29Reply

😘💪🏽💕 you go girl!!!
Jul 29Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet...hope you like items...happy poshing! So blessed to meet a Survivor!...Stay strong...provide strength for others! DONT BE A STRANGER!💋
Jul 30Reply

Rockstar feature yay!🌺💜
Jul 31Reply

@escharf5714 👋 HI! You’re very inspirational ❤️. Thank you for the follow. 💕💐
Aug 01Reply

And i thought its really ur hairstyle coz i luv it u look great. And Im jelaous coz ive always wanted a hair that short but becoz of my chubby cheeks it doesnt suit me haha..have a nice day and godless u!! See u here at posh
Aug 01Reply

welcome to poshmark! so sorry to hear about what you are going through... I will keep you in my prayers. ❤️
Aug 02Reply

Hi Ellen! You little one is adorable! 😊 You are incredible and beautiful, I hope you are always strong and blessed to enjoy him! Love your closet!! 🙌🌻🐞
Aug 02Reply

Hello and thanks for following. My wife and I have a friend that is a cancer survivor also. God is good. Happy poshing
Aug 02Reply

please let me know if there is anything more apart from sharing your closet that can help out...not sure what size your son wears...but I have a lil one who's outgrowing 5T which I have'nt listed yet....let me know what you think....XOXO :)) Also were you still needing some compression socks? I have one listing up ,if you needed them...I can just send them to you...:)
Aug 03Reply

You look STRONG and BEAUTIFUL! 💪🏻💪🏻😍 I can share a Bundle pic to your closet so you can use it if you’d like. Just give me a few to create a copy without my closet tag. Scroll down to the second pic for it. GOD BLESS!! 😘😘
Aug 03Reply

@salatl oh my gosh thank you so much. That’s very gracious of you. I could really use those!!
Aug 03Reply

@balldan oh thank you so much. I’m all set with compression socks. My little guy is growing into a 3ts and 4ts.
Aug 03Reply

Thank you for following 😁
Aug 04Reply

You’re looking beautiful and you ARE rocking that new hairdo! Congratulations on your recovery!
Aug 04Reply

I absolutely love your mannequin’s Pose! And your story Congratulations on Beating the “C’s” Butt!!
Aug 04Reply

Praying for you and your family xoxo 😘
Aug 05Reply

You are an amazing woman. Love your babies hat also
Aug 07Reply

Aug 08Reply

Thank you for the share!! :)
Aug 10Reply

Thanks for the shares and best of luck with your journey! Keep kicking butt, you're sons lucky to have a strong mother. Also I love a few things from your closet so hopefully ill be back soon 😉 hope you have a wonderful day and weekend!!
Aug 10Reply

Beautiful person also a strong women Your son has a very wonderful mom.
Aug 15Reply

God bless you! I'm also a Stage IV Invasive Ductal Carcinoma survivor. How are you doing?
Aug 15Reply

@scmcdaniel thank you but I’m the one lucky to have him
Aug 15Reply

@ef4l I’m stage 3. I’m in remission right now. I’m coming up on my one year since diagnosis. I had a complete response to chemo. Yay! But I’m her2 positive so the next two yrs are crucial. Hope your doing well also!! God bless
Aug 15Reply

Your exactly right Your Very strong
Aug 15Reply

You look incredible!!! Continue to fight like a girl!!!! God Bless You and Keep You Healthy!!! 💗💗💗
Aug 17Reply

Hi! Your such an inspiration, and your closet is beautiful. Thanks for sharing💜💜😊😊
Aug 18Reply

Thankyou for the follow... strong woman!!!!
Aug 19Reply

Hello my Survivor Warrior Sister. I too am recovering from cancer - AML LEUKEMIA. I’m a single mom too. I have a 9 yo son. You look amazing!! ♥️🙏🎗
Aug 20Reply

I love that sweet little face!! ❤️❤️
Aug 20Reply

@escharf5714 fight on & fight strong my fellow warrior 🎀🎀. We got this 💪🏻. Fight like a girl 🧘🏼♀️
Aug 20Reply

@murphsbtq oh thanks. He’s equal parts cute and devil. Lol
Aug 20Reply

@melissia86 thanks for the support!!
Aug 20Reply

@devonleigh71 fighters fight together!!!!!!
Aug 20Reply

@watercolor1 thank you!!! I’m a mama so there is no quitting!!!!
Aug 20Reply

@escharf5714 I have one of those too! #Gingers
Aug 20Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing:))))
Aug 22Reply

Hi! Looking good mom! Thanks for following, I’m a cancer survivor myself but not breast, although I’ve written about it when I was editor of a cancer site. That community are fierce women, I love them all. Thankful for you being here with us, and wish you much success in health & posting!
Aug 25Reply

@annagarde thank you so much. I’m thinking about starting a cancer survivors share group or follow game. Could I tag you in it? Posh has really helped me be able to earn money while not being able to work.
Aug 25Reply

@annagarde Seeing as you have so much experience with cancer issues would you mind if I came to you if I had any questions or needed an ear about survivorship feelings?
Aug 25Reply

@ginger_peaches thanks! I wish it was just a haircut. That’s just my hair growing back after chemo. I’m really thinking about keeping it though. I love the empowerment I feel from it
Aug 25Reply

@escharf5714 Sure! And if I can’t help you with an issue regarding bc I know a woman on Twitter who is amazing. Yes, and be sure and tag me then too so I’ll see it. I’m quite new here and I’m more used to Twitter (the site). So great to meet you. Your a beautiful woman. 🌸
Aug 25Reply

@escharf5714 Yes, I think that’s a good idea. I don’t know how the community and follow Game works really, I’m just now catching on to some things, but I’ll be ok with a lil help. 😊
Aug 25Reply

@escharf5714 The person’s name @chemobrainfog (Twitter not Poshmark) aka Anna Marie Ciccarella. If you’re not on Twitter, I’ll look up her blog name for you. She has wealth of information on bc. And loving, caring but fierce. She speaks, she’s an advocate. We are both in healthcare on Twitter. I’m currently on writing hiatus. She’s amazing. I’ll get her correct info for you soon. ♥️♥️♥️
Aug 25Reply

@annagarde that would be awesome. I’d love to read her blog. I’m not really on Twitter. Thank you!!!
Aug 25Reply

@ginger_peaches that’s the best compliment I could receive. Thank you
Aug 25Reply

@escharf5714 Here it is: chemobrainfog(dot)com Anna Marie Ciccarella. I think her May post would be a great start for you. She has so many links to other blogs she had to list them on another page, she won’t unless she thinks worthy. Hope you can connect. She’s a native New Yorker! Long Island. She loves the comments. 😊
Aug 25Reply

@escharf5714 oh me, it’s Anne Marie (not Anna) I knew that. She knows me by Rann Patterson, not Sara like listed here. Just FYI
Aug 25Reply

Love and light to you beautiful one❤️🌹 your strength is an inspiration.
Aug 26Reply

🌺Welcome to Poshmark, Ellen❣️You’re such a strong & loving Lady & Mother❣️ I agree with you: the strength, support, caring & encouragement shared with our fellow PM sisters/brothers, is life changing❣️We have a great PoshSupportTeam & lots of us PoshMentors & Posh Ambassadors, for questions 🎉
1st TIP: SHARE items from other Posh closets. When those Poshers share your listings with all their hundreds/thousands of followers, NOW THAT’S EXPOSURE❣️
Big Hugs, Donna🙏
Aug 27Reply

Many blessings to you queen 🎀👚👡 my mom is a survivor as well 💞 Welcome to Poshmark fellow Posh Top Seller! This such a great platform to safely buy and sell quality merchandise. Looks like you are having fun selling and sharing! Here's to many more sales and Happy poshing 🤗🛍📮💵
Aug 27Reply

Very inspiring story! Thank you for sharing with us. Wishing you happy posh sales on your awesome closet. Namaste love 😘😍🙏
Aug 31Reply

Wow! You are the perfect example of a strong woman! I'm so happy that you have won your fight and I wish you and your son the best future together! Thanks for the follow! Happy pushing! 😉
Aug 31Reply

Lol I meant Poshing! Autocorrect typo😂
Aug 31Reply

Sep 07Reply

@kamgrn omg thank you 😊 after the cancer I feel like I don’t even recognize myself in the mirror anymore. So that means so very much to me
Sep 07Reply

@escharf5714 Keep fighting mama! And the baby is tooooo cute! 💕
Sep 07Reply

❤️No share backs, doll❤️❤️❤️
Sep 08Reply

@jadet4 awww thanks. It means more than you know!!!!!
Sep 08Reply

@kamgrn thank you!! He’s generally as sweet as he looks until it comes time to eat a meal.
Sep 08Reply

@charritabonita it’s a daily battle but I keep going!! Thank you so much for your kind words. Never underestimate the power of a kind statement! It truly can and does have the ability to turn someone’s day around
Sep 08Reply

@mepp1973 thank you! I love the support I get here on Poshmark. It truly makes my day
Sep 08Reply

@micaya5 I am! And congrats to your mom. Many blessings and prayers to you and your family!
Sep 08Reply

@s_treasurechest thanks Donna!!! I more than fight like a girl I fight like a MAMA!!! There’s nothing in the world that is more fierce than a mother!
Sep 08Reply

@escharf5714 thank you! And to you as well 🙏🏾🙏🏾💞💞
Sep 08Reply

Being a single parent is hard enough. I can’t imagine going through cancer as well. You look amazing!
Sep 08Reply

@jay72445 thank you so much! I couldn’t have done it without him! I wish I could say it was easy but it was and continues to be a struggle. But there is nothing more powerful than the determination of a mother!
Sep 09Reply

I was a single father of two girls but I was healthy, so to hear you did it with cancer is truly inspiring. He is a very lucky to have such a strong momma but I also know how lucky we are to have great children. What a beautiful family!
Sep 09Reply

@escharf5714 Exactly, our MAMA instincts are the strongest ever and take us farther than even ourselves knew we could - I will keep you in my prayers!!!!🙏🌺🙏
Sep 09Reply

Beautiful pictures 🤩😎👊👍💕
Sep 12Reply

God bless you and your baby boy ❤️
Sep 15Reply

🍭 @escharf5714
🍬 PFF’s! I want you to meet a very sweet posher! 🍬
🍰 @shopofthemoment
🍪 @sapurses
🎂 @ladycrackerjack
🍫 @loveeevintage
🍦 @queenfish
🍭 @coconut_couture
🍿 @cwatts333
🥧 @modmeover
🍰 @lipsticknjeans
🍨 @graceandcotton
🍬 @littlefire33
🍪 @lhaag721
🍿 @lovenushuz
🍰 @momisnuttz
🍩 @centsible_wear
🍨 @minkalamour
🍬 @piccadilly_posh
🎂 @pinkfringe
🍫 @abeautifulchaos
🍦 @alaska42
🍭 @fleurdelis13
🥧 @grapeminds
🍰 @tracigillimx3
🍩 @rachelrbenson
🍨 @trueloves_trove
🍪 @girltalk123
Sep 17Reply

🍦 @hummingbirdjedi
🍩 @elle_flower
🍬 @sunraes62
🍫 @bell1971
🍦 @bt28xo
🍭 @jcrewgal81
🍿 @sheashea93
🥧 @jjj9_4
🍰 @scgirl1961
🍩 @glasshselndry
🍨 @mlb1006
🍪 @stylehunter13
🍬 @bethybd
🎂 @sg1771
🍫 @shopninjas
🍦 @styleimperative
🍿 @missjen17
🍭 @luturnbull
🍪 @janellno5
🥧 @ineffable_100
🍰 @giantsgirl72
🍦 @peytonaaa
🍩 @americangirl66
🍨 @chic_hawaii_tea
🍪 @aligirl1213
🍬 @jkelly77
🎂 @shop_essentials
🍫 @schx4
🍰 @hmaek37
🍦 @jrerin
🍭 @asprat01
🍿 @kwebste4
🍩 @shill1981
Sep 17Reply

🍭 @minedthemanor
🍰 @amore923
🎂 @carolhazen
🍫 @icharb
🍦 @april12279
🍭 @tapshe
🍿 @jessdavis444
🥧 @tatertots135
🍨 @jakesheart
🍬 @flutter_buys
🍪 @cat_n_mouse
🍿 @toptncat
🍰 @grace_g101
🍩 @tmacshop
🍬 @j3nnm76
🎂 @k2severett
🍫 @lady_sparkls
🍦 @lalachica
🥧 @poshcoffeesnob
🍰 @dtb122
🍨 @elguad
🍪 @poshtessa
🎂 @fryenice
🍭 @shabbychic45
🍰 @goldenpolkadot
🍩 @tanner2308
🍬 @cincinpierce
🎂 @annasposhalley
🍫 @im_perfectly_me
Please Ask If You Wish To Be Removed
Sep 17Reply

@houndstooth Thank you Ellen! @escharf5714 It is nice to meet you Ellen. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending shares your way. - Nathalie 💕💕
Sep 17Reply

@escharf5714 Hi Ellen! I'm Kylie. Nice to meet you. I am new to Poshmark, but slowly and surely getting started :):) Just wanted to say how strong and amazing you are, and what a great mama to that precious boy. Look how happy he is with that smile with Mama! Awww! Much love to you and your little boy :):)
Sep 17Reply

@kyskloset506 👏🏻👏🏻
Sep 17Reply

Your closet is looking amazing! 💋
Sep 17Reply

@escharf5714 i just was coming over to have a look at your Closet (which, incidentally, looks fantastic to me; I think you’re doing great) and couldn’t help but stop here too and say that I think you look positively beautiful. And your son is too adorable. Put a smile on my face. ♥️
Sep 17Reply

@shopofthemoment wow coming from you that is one hell of a compliment!! Thank you rockstar!!!!
Sep 17Reply

@rosebisou5 omg. Thank you so much. I appreciate all the love and attention. What an amazing day!!!
Sep 17Reply

@houndstooth girl thank you!!! You are amazing. I’ve seen so much love on a really crappy day!!! I’m so grateful
Sep 17Reply

@escharf5714 I’m so sorry you’re having a crappy day! Sending hugs, prayers and positive vibes your way! ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 18Reply

My heart and prayers go to a full recovery ❤️
Thank you for following me 🙏
Sep 18Reply

Congrats on being a survivor - you’re rocking the short heat and are beautiful!!!
Sep 20Reply

Awesome cancer survivor I admire you so much!!!! You go girl! And I’ll be visiting your closet often!! ❤️
Sep 21Reply

So much love your way! We are featuring your closet today in hopes of lots of shares and sales! 😘❤️👯♀️
Sep 22Reply

Sep 23Reply

Beautiful!! I too, am a cancer survivor. Keep thriving💕💕💕
Sep 29Reply

Keep at it, momma! You both look like you are enjoying life and the love you have for each other! Blessings, Tina
Sep 29Reply

You are a Gorgeous woman Ellen. I’m a cancer survivor 12 years now. Tons of prayers are being sent your way🙏🏼🙏🏼. Hoping your sales will increase to help you and your son💕😘😘😘😘💕💕💕💕💕💕🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Sep 29Reply

You are beautiful and your son is soooo adorable. I will like this post and share for you as often as possible. Congrats on your healing. I am keeping you and many others fighting cancer in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you get major sales to meet your every need. God Bless! #fightlikeagirl
Sep 29Reply

@purpleposher thank you so much. I am very grateful!!!
Sep 29Reply

Oct 05Reply

Congrats on your survivorship! I am a 16 year and 10 month survivor of stage 4 BC and still kicking!
Oct 07Reply

So proud of you mama!! You are so brave and your baby boy is beyond adorable. Blessings your way❤️❤️❤️
Oct 07Reply

@tespinoza0514 thank you. Keep on pushing everyday!!!
Oct 07Reply

@aclosetdeposit fighters fight and mamas kick a**
Oct 07Reply

@mrsmadariaga awww thank you
Oct 07Reply

@tabithasbless keep up the fight!!! We take everyday one at a time and find something to be happy about!!! Even the not so great moments!!!
Oct 07Reply

Love your closet and your courage. Best wishes!! 😍
Oct 12Reply

@escharf5714 Hi Ellen. The weight of the world must have felt heavy in your shoulders when you were diagnosed & other times along the way. You faced it, you challenged it, & you are in it to win it! Your beauty is evident and your inner beauty shines even brighter, especially in your pics with your cute son. Much admiration & love. ❤️
Oct 13Reply

@escharf5714 Hey Ellen. It’s Kathy again. My mannequin doesn’t pose like yours. She’s very stubborn. I don’t think she’ll listen if I try to get her to change it up. She’s a hand near her hip kinda girl. 🤪
Oct 13Reply

You go girl... You got this behind you all the way🙂😘
Oct 13Reply

You're beautiful!
Oct 14Reply

@escharf5714 @myblueskydays gorgeous pics! You have a beautiful family!!! ✌🏼💗😊🙏🏼😇🌹
Oct 14Reply

@escharf5714 hey mama i just couldn't pass through your closet without stopping in to say hi 😀 Hate to say it, but cancer's Hell is way too close to home for me, but so is the way it bands people together & makes them stronger; my mother is a survivor of 12+yrs w BC & 10+ type IV, recently "Triple-negative" & was blessed to be in a clinical trial (immunotherapy) that helped a lot. She's currently in another recurrence & back in chemo 😬. Thank u so much for promoting awareness & your fight!!
Oct 15Reply

@escharf5714 (cont'd) also, my "big" sister Amanda beat choriocarcinoma (some crazy-rare aggressive b❄tch of a placental cancer w inpatient chemo 😠) just a couple years ago at 29 yrs old & is so healthy now!! My family really counts our blessings nowadays. My mom is even on a really cool dragonboat-racing team of breast cancer survivors. Keep your head up chica- it means so much to all of us who this affects ❤💪✌❤
Oct 15Reply

Thanks for the follow. Good luck with your recovery. Very happy to share your listings. Best wishes. Stay strong!!
Oct 26Reply

Congrats on your survival! Be blessed!
Oct 27Reply

God bless’ xoxo 💕
Nov 01Reply

Hello Love!!! Hope all is well!!!
Nov 03Reply

Stay strong and motivated! Will keep your family in my prayers. You Go Girl you got this💞💞
Nov 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark
Nov 03Reply

Hi, Ellen! Sharing now with my Followers-Hope this sells Quick
Nov 08Reply

You are strong and beautiful, and you will survive. My 88 yr old mom had her left boob removed 17 yrs ago and she’s been talking about breast reconstruction. Love it!
Nov 13Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 13Reply

Heads up beautiful! We are featuring you in a big way tomorrow❤️❤️❤️
We are sending you our very best vibes!
Love and light beautiful momma!
Hoping it starts your weekend off with lots of shares tomorrow.
Chat soon 💓💓💓
Nov 15Reply

@2chicboutique oh my! I don’t know whether to be excited or nervous lol. Thank you so much for thinking of us. I hope everything is going well for you guys!
Nov 15Reply

@escharf5714 Only love💞💞💞 No worries! Just going to try to direct lots of traffic your way! 🌹🌹🌹
Nov 15Reply

@escharf5714 We are not great, but keeping positive💜
Nov 15Reply

@2chicboutique trust me I get that!! Staying positive is all you can do to not let this disease consume you! Stay strong over there!
Nov 15Reply

praying for you & your family! I am a cancer survivor as well. Stay strong! Shared many items from your closet. Wishing you a fast recovery & speedy sales for the holiday season!
Nov 18Reply

God bless u, stay strong and I’ll be praying for u. I’m a 4 years breast cancer survivor, it’s a tough road to go through. Feel free to ask any questions 🤗🤗
Nov 19Reply

Nov 24Reply

Hello, I just had my double mastectomy and will be starting chemo soon. There is a group on Facebook called "cancer survivors and supporters" you can ask questions. There are a few organizations that will help with living expenses. I know this is useful I know this is extremely stressful.
Nov 25Reply

@escharf5714 Blessings! My 41 year old niece is battling BC as well. She’s had a double mastectomy & 2 of 4 lymph nodes contained cancer too. She’s doing Chemo with many meds & Radiation to follow. She’s got 2 small children & a husband. She’s upbeat & hasn’t lost her faith. It’s the one thing that keeps her going. I hope it will for you as well. Sending you prayers! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Nov 28Reply

Many prayers!!!
Nov 28Reply

Keep the faith and stay strong, I'm also a cancer survivor. 💖
Dec 01Reply

@leyfam5 thank you so much!!! My friend nicknamed me positive Polly. That’s the only way to make it thru!!!!
Dec 01Reply

Love & Light that you get through.
Dec 01Reply

...and just so you can chuckle with me...everytime I scroll thru your closet and see your mannequin I shimmy say "Jazz Hands" outloud!😁😂 I love 💓it and i cant help myself. 🤗 🕊
Dec 01Reply

@bitofanedge 😂I love it and thank you!!!! I got the manni from forever 21 when they were getting new ones. She’s actually very difficult to dress. My son named her laney. Hahahaha
Dec 01Reply

@escharf5714 - Lol. Mine is difficult too! We named her "Miss Thang"
Dec 01Reply

Dec 05Reply

You’re looking sassy there, dear! My mom is also a survivor! All good things! Have fun selling on Poshmark! I’m sure you’ll have blessed holidays with each other
Dec 07Reply

Welcome to my poshmark sis keep in touch and stay blessed and beautiful also check out my closet you might find something you like and I'll definitely check out yours love is love.
Dec 09Reply

I read your story and I want to send you Light and Love and thank you for sharing. You are clearly an amazing woman and mother and I wish you many sales!
Dec 10Reply

I am NOT a cancer survivor, but God will get you through anything!!!🙌🏻❤️ He has held me through the loss of 2 children😘☮️
Dec 11Reply

Hi! Any chance u could mentor me, towards better success here in Poshmark? ♥️♥️♥️ Thank you graciously! If not, then no worries and happy joyous holidays to u! ❄️❄️❄️
Dec 12Reply

@victoria021770 of course! I’m still learning a little too but I’m happy to pass on the knowledge I’ve gotten
Dec 12Reply

@victoria021770 message me under one of my sold listings that way it doesn’t take up the message space in an active listing. You only get a max of 600 comments per listing post
Dec 12Reply

@escharf5714 TY very much 💕I have been on here since June 2018 and right now, this is one of my sources for income - I’m still learning as well but wow! Wondering if there is a science to all this lol?
Dec 12Reply

Welcome to Flying Pigs 🐷. I'm Deb from group 12. I have brain cancer was diagnosed 12 years ago. Right now in dealing with my eyes not opening unless I'm in a dark room to have only my left eye half open. I will pray for you and permanent disability.
Dec 14Reply

Prayers for you! Sharing your closet and story!
Dec 15Reply

Thinking of you and sending l♡ve!
Dec 17Reply

🙏Praying for your Christmas Miracle🙏
That you “nominated”another for “helping hands” shows me what kind of special soul you are ... God Love and keep you and your son today and always ❤️
Dec 17Reply

Keep fighting. I was diagnosed right before my 40th birthday. My kids were 3 and 6 at the time. I went through 16 courses of chemo and radiation. I’ve been cancer free 14 years now. 💕💕
Jan 02Reply

Hello & welcome to you and your sweet boy❤️ wishing you a healthy & prosperous year in all ways that exist✨
Jan 05Reply

Good morning! We are in the same share group and I am sharing your group today. I just read your bio so I am sharing extra from your closet. Please do not match my shares. I am doing this to help you. You have much on your plate and don’t need to be bothered with extra sharing. I wish you much success with Poshmark and with obtaining your disability approval. Much love to you and your cute son🌹❣️🌹❣️🌹❣️🌹❣️🌹😘😘😘😘😘
Jan 07Reply

Hi! You are an amazingly beautiful woman, even with that new hair! I love it! Suits you! I love you and your music! Your eyes say much about your soulful nature. I see courage, hope, and determination in all you sing and write. I’ve been following you for about 26 years! And you keep getting better and better! 💖
Jan 12Reply

Well, I was thinking of you and totally thought of someone who is a musician, and that just appears in type. Bottom line: you are an amazingly strong woman. 💖
Jan 12Reply

I was actually thinking of Tracy Chapman, her music. Love her!
Jan 12Reply

Hi. I am a huge breast cancer awareness fan💗. I support the cure in every way possible! It hits close to home. But I’m happy you beat it!! 🥰 miracles happen everyday! Keep going strong 💪. BTW luv the pics.
Jan 28Reply

@toriaalexas97 thank you!!! Much love!!!
Feb 03Reply

@jbarc2 hello survivor sister! I’ll be one year remission March 1st, I think. It’s when I had my lumpectomy after chemo. But then I had radiation that ended in late May so I never know when to say remission began. I was diagnosed on 8/22/17 and man has it gone by fast but also very slowly! I’m overcome so many hurdles during this time but I keep fighting for what’s right for me and my little guy!!!!!
Feb 03Reply

@jbarc2 likewise my kindred sister!!! My family is actually just me and my son and a couple of friends at this point. So there’s no choice but to stay strong and rebuild better than what was there before!
Feb 03Reply

Hugs & kisses to you, girl! You got this! 🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸
Feb 03Reply

@char0963 that would be fantastic!! I’ll shoot you a message
Feb 05Reply

@escharf5714 💄💄 Your a LIPPIE POSHER TODAY 💄💄💄💄 Enjoy your day 💋 Just so you know. I always have you in my thoughts 🥰xxoo
Feb 06Reply

🙏 Beatiful Pictures. Stay Strong, I Know You Are💌💞
Feb 08Reply

Hello Beautiful stopped by to share your gorgeous Closet and wish you lots of sales! Happy Valentines Day💝💜
Feb 08Reply

Pam here dear👋😍 I'm sharing the love💞for today Fri 2/8 AND hoping you get lots of love🙂💟back along with a💐of sales❣❣
Feb 09Reply

Hiya! I don’t have cancer (thankfully), but I do have other medical issues. I can appreciate what kind of effort you are having to exert to maintain the things you are doing. I am 42, with a 6 month old, and a teenager. Adulting and juggling health concerns are tough. Girl, I am here if you need anything!!!! Bundle this and just ask 💜
Feb 10Reply

Hi Ellen I just have to tell you how beautiful and strong you are and I am so happy to have you in my PFF Family💐
Feb 10Reply

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday ❣🌻 I enjoyed sharing your closet dear & wanted to thank you for sharing mine🤗😘 I hope this weekend's shares have brought sales your way👍🛍❗Its always fun & rewarding to have more PFF's💞💋❤ Lets definitely keep on sharing & caring by spreading the posh love❣❣Pam
Feb 11Reply

@escharf5714 “ I’m sending prayers your way “🌹
Feb 11Reply

Stumbled upon your closet... n I’m so glad I did! Meaning I’m so glad you are here with us after your fight! I believe cancer has affected every family out there in 1 way or another & you kicked it’s ass!!! 😊 Your are absolutely beautiful! And the pictures of you & your son just show so much love! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Feb 11Reply

Hello keep your head up. I’m a stage three invasive Cancer Survivor. The road is tough but will get better. Keep your head up. I’m here if you ever want to talk. I lost my Breast & everything’ else. I survived & you have too💕💕💕😊😊😊
I will share your closet.
Feb 16Reply

@lele212 💋 thank you so much. I have all the optimism in the world but still working hard to pay off the debt not being able to work put me in and also save for my sons future god forbid anything happen to me. I’m all he has so it brings a fight out of me like no other. So glad you survived too!! Keep on fighting!
Feb 16Reply

God bless you! 🌺🎀🌷
Feb 16Reply

5000iu vitamin D3
Feb 17Reply

You and your children are gorgeous!
Feb 17Reply

@oohlala123 thank you so much!! I actually just started taking vitamin d.... I’ll amp up the dosage though. I can definitely feel a difference in my energy level when I forget it for a couple of days
Feb 17Reply

Your son is your beacon, your fight is not alone. Keep praying, stay positive. My mom is a Survivor twice! Will frequent your closet and share as I can. Blessed Be ⭐
Feb 18Reply

@blackrosemum 🥰
Feb 18Reply

Feb 19Reply

Congratulations, I believe we all have the strength the kick cancer’s butt. I’m so proud to share a tiny piece of this journey with you. ❤️
Feb 20Reply

Congrats on winning!!! I was diagnosed oct 2016 with Aggressive stage 3 invasive ductal carcinoma. And today I’m cancer free!! It was a tough road with lots of surgeries and treatments. Ups and downs. Stay Strong! 💕💕🦋
Feb 21Reply

Feb 22Reply

What an inspiration! Thank you for sharing so much of your story; what a kickass woman you are. I know you most likely don’t live to be anyone’s (excepting your daughter’s/children’s?) inspiration, but I needed to read this right now. 🙏🕊
Feb 23Reply

Hello there. i just found your closet and wanted to connect. I'm another young single mom, but in my case my hubby was taken from us four years ago by colon cancer. Cancer sucks. I'm so HAPPY to see your photos and read your story and I FEEL YOUR STRENGTH. You are amazing! As someone just starting my closet I look forward to finding that sense of community that you have here. Blessings to you!
Feb 23Reply

Been there ❤️✝️
Feb 23Reply

Sending healing vibes and best wishes your way!
Mar 11Reply

Keeping you in my prayers!! You are a Warrior!! 💕💕
Mar 12Reply

Hi Ellen! Nice to meet you I’m Kim. May your week be filled with multiple sales 🛍🛍🛍
Mar 14Reply

@escharf5714 💕Hi Ellen. Nice to meet you.I,too, am a Survivor and single mother, of two boys. I was diagnosed 8yrs ago while going in for my very first mammogram. I was 38 and my boys were 9 and 11. I was diagnosed , with stage 3 Triple Negative Breast Cancer extending into my lymphnodes. I’ve had a full mastectomy+26 rounds of Chemo. I’d be happy to answer any questions I might have, as well as, be a listening and caring ear. Feel free to email me@ kkaytigirl@gmail.com.
Mar 21Reply

🎉🎉🎉Congratulations on 100K 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 28Reply

I gave all 23” of my hair away November 2014 but I didn’t look beautiful like you...I literally cried after lol. Only to find out locks of love is now selling?? Idk 😔 I fight a couple autoimmune disorders and chronic pain from an assault. I can’t relate to what you went through and go through my prayers are with you beautiful.
Mar 28Reply

@kkaytigirl thank you!!! Much 💗!!! What did you do for the fatigue. It’s been one year since I completed chemo and 9 months since my radiation treatment and I can still barely walk through the grocery store. I often feel like I’m still walking around in a benedryl fog.
Mar 28Reply

@findingdoc1 thank you!!!! I’m so excited!!!!
Mar 28Reply

@maryamf85 I’m sure you looked beautiful. It wasn’t easy for me when I first lost it. I wasn’t ok with it until it grew in amber rose style. At first it was all patchy and crazy looking. We are all fighting our own battles. All we can do is respect ourselves and each other. Thank you for your kinda words and I wish you increased health!!!
Mar 28Reply

@escharf5714 ❤️❤️❤️🎀 Fatigue is a tough one My advice, ASK FOR HELP!! This was really tough, for me. Everyone and anyone that has even hinted,” what can I do for you”...., take them, up on it!! You’re already SUPERWOMAN!!! Having someone go, to the store, and run errands, for you, won’t take away, from that💕 you’re job is to take care, of you, and rest when you can. You’re only job is to be the best Mom you can be, during this scary and confusing time, for your babes💕
Mar 29Reply

@escharf5714 my second piece, of advice💕
Meditation! If u don’t practice it, now, start too! Being able to calm and control your breathing really help, with anxiety, pain control, and , most importantly, RELAX the brain and give your body a break. My 3rd piece, of advice... Find a support GROUP!My dear friend.. you won the battle, for your life! Be patient, ask for help, Breathe, and Rest. This way, you can continue to be present, for what’s important... your kids❤️💕
Mar 29Reply

Happily shared 🥰⭐️👌👏
Apr 03Reply

You’re beautiful!!!!!
Apr 04Reply

You are lovely and your son is adorable. I hope the worst of your battle is behind you now.
Apr 04Reply

Apr 05Reply

Stay strong .... but I don’t think I have to tell you that pretty lady ! I just celebrated my 12th anniversary cancer free .
Apr 08Reply

Beautiful!! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾❤❤❤
Apr 10Reply

Your beautiful!
Apr 12Reply

@blackallblack 😊
Apr 13Reply

@upcyclemobb 💗 thank you
Apr 13Reply

I am also a breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed 2014. So far, so good. Hopefully things are going well for you now. ♥️
Apr 23Reply

Praying for you and your family!! You’re beautiful and strong!
Apr 23Reply

@escharf5714 Hi Jade! I’m just checking in, on my PFF ,and Warrior Sister? How’s the fatigue? And, how are you doing, overall? 💕
May 06Reply

You are a beautiful strong kind woman and mom. God be with you. 😍😍
May 08Reply

You are beautiful! 💕🍀
May 16Reply

beautiful girl!❣️
Jun 04Reply

You’re strong you can do this you got this👊🏽🙌🏾💪🏾stay strong 💋💕💐💕
Jun 17Reply

Hi, fellow Posher. I love visiting & sharing your amazing closet with all my followers to enjoy. Here is wishing you many sales & sending lots of Posh support your way. Have a fantastic day & happy Poshing!! 😎
Jun 19Reply

You are strong and I am praying for you!!!!
Jun 22Reply

Wow! You’ve been down a long road. Hope you are doing better now. Your son is so precious!! I can see he loves his Mom!!
Jun 22Reply

🎗♥️♥️CONGRATULATIONS on kicking cancers butt!!! I am going into my 3rd year since I was diagnosed with throat cancer. With the help of my family and some very awesome doctors at the Cleveland clinic I am still here. No longer able to go out to work but Poshmark keeps me busy enough. Best of luck in your recovery and with your adorable little ones. ❤️🐾❤️🐾🎗🎗
Jul 04Reply

Hello! I as well am a breast cancer survivor! Flat and proud! Much love to you!
Jul 06Reply

@susanolivera313 fellow sister!!! I was diagnosed in 2017. It’s been so hard dealing with the after effects of all the treatments being an only parent, but I’ve got this! Thanks for the support. Keep up the good fight sister!
Jul 06Reply

@escharf5714 you got this Amazon Warrior!
Jul 06Reply

Hi I’m a Breast Cancer Survivor as well! Positivity and be strong 💪🙏🌸💕💕💕
Jul 06Reply

God Bless you 🙏🏻 I have Shared many listings from your Closet 💖 Wishing you strength love and wellness 💕💕💕 Steph
Jul 06Reply

@escharf5714 Hi Beautiful 🌻 God bless 🙏 you honey & your precious little one! You are a strong BEAUTIFUL Woman...Girrrl...you rock that pixie w/ pride for you look GORGEOUS 😍 ❣️ I am a single Mommy myself & know the struggle. I do not have cancer but I am on disability for other health issues & deal with life's curve balls everyday. Some days just hearing my little guy laugh & his warm big snuggles, get me through & bring like light to the darkness. I will keep you in prayer brave warrior!✌️💕🤗
Jul 14Reply

@escharf5714... & your son is ADORABLE 🥰! My Saege just turned 3. We had to flee from his father last September, left our whole world behind us in SoCal. I am very empathic & can feel your beautiful soul & gift of motherhood. I will add you to my daily share list! I have a Mon-Fri daily Celebration of Life🎉share party top of my closest if interested in joining. We are a Wonderful group of PFFs who lift each other up, bring smiles, help each other succeed! Instructions join/play in listing!✌️💕🤗
Jul 14Reply

Happy Poshing Doll!! Shared your beautiful closet!! Following!!! 💄❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jul 17Reply

Such a strong woman!!!!!! Fight fight fight 🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰
Aug 03Reply

I agree sister. I have been there too! Keep fighting, watch Ellen (to laugh) and remember it is Okay to cry too on those days you need to!!!
Aug 03Reply

Hey there so sorry you went through/ are going through this. My mama was recently diagnosed, she's about to have surgery in a couple of weeks and thankfully they caught it extremely early. I've been using posh mark too to help her with bills while she's fighting this. I hope things are getting better for you every day! BTW did they say u carried the gene?
Aug 03Reply

@julyjewel2008 thank you for the kind words and many prayers for your mother. I have no trace of the gene.
Aug 03Reply

@escharf5714 thank u so much, I don't think my mom has the gene either it's crazy how people can get this and not even be genetically pre disposed to it. Anyway just want to wish you many happy sells and a fast and happy road to recovery, but i can just tell that you're a bad ass and one hell of a mom, keep up the good work, you'll be in my prayers!
Aug 03Reply

So sorry about the cancer...stay strong...you'll get through this for your beautiful son and of course yourself. You are a fighter as I am too. Had a major heart attack, 70% damage, no more climbing stairs till pacemaker is put in...I proved them wrong...no pacemaker and climbing stairs everyday...can't run anymore...lol heart will not take it...but we women are strong and know what we must do...if that makes any sense at all. I will add you to my prayer list...God bless you
Aug 12Reply

Yes! 🎀🎀🎀 I’m right there with you girl! Stage IV but I’m still going strong! You got this babe! Together we fight!
Oct 12Reply

I have had it twice , once in 1998 at 35 left side and again 2017 right side😞😞. I found out that I have the ATM genetic defect in 2017.. that helped explain why I got it twice with ZERO risk factors. Prayers for you and your son!💕 you will win this battle 👍👍
Oct 19Reply

Oct 19Reply

Hello love 💕! You inspire me . I got mine removed and a mom of 2 girls . Single mother and you are an inspiration .
Oct 23Reply

You are so beautiful
Nov 02Reply

@escharf5714 Sending good vibes and strength your way! You look gorgeous with the short hair btw... 😜
- K
Jan 05Reply

Screw cancer! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 09Reply

@cincinpierce Hi Cindy, I came across this in a share group today! I was curious to know if you could feature her closet one day to try and help her make sells. Thanks so much! 🧡🧡😊😊
Feb 26Reply

@ckcloset1 Hi hun, I have featured and have sent a care package to her and some of my posh sisters have a well. I hope she's doing great the last time we spoke she @escharf5714 was recovering well. oxox
Feb 26Reply

@cincinpierce ok, that’s wonderful I just saw this and felt the need to spread the word regarding what’s she’s going through. That’s pretty awesome you guys have helped her out! I completely understand what she’s going through with medical bills. 🧡🧡
Feb 26Reply

Admiring your strength.♥️🙏
Feb 26Reply

YOU are beautiful! Sending you love ❤️🌈💪
Jul 09Reply

I am so glad I found you, PINK WARRIOR! 💗💗💗 My name is Marta, and last year was my 10th in the fight to find a cure by walking the SGK Breast Cancer 3-Day in San Diego, CA. I am so happy to hear that you won in the fight for your life.❤️ You are a force to be reckoned with! I’m bookmarking your page and will look out for any support I can find for you in NYC. I hope you and your kiddo are doing well and staying safe. Stay strong! You’ve got this! #mamastrong
Sep 19Reply

Hi Ellen, you are beautiful, and I join you in saying, “screw cancer.” I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in March 2020. I’ve been through a lot since then, like I know you have with breast cancer. I admire you for being strong and courageous. Keep up the good fight! You’ve got this!! ❤️
Nov 03Reply

You are beautiful and an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your story!
Nov 05Reply

You look fantastic and your kiddo is adorable! I wish you good health and many sales!
Nov 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark❗️I am thrilled & so happy you are a breast cancer survivor, I am also a 2 time uteran cancer survivor so I know first hand what you have & are going through. My best advice to you is to always “stay positive” & never give in to this Evil disease just keep going forward & ask God to be right there with you holding your hand along the way!
If ever you need someone to talk to I’m always here.
Keep Surviving❗️❗️❗️
Nov 09Reply

Hoping, wishing & praying for your full recovery. My stepmother suffered the same news & is recovering nicely. Best of luck to you!!🙌👍👌
Nov 09Reply

You are beautiful & you son is beyond cute. Hang in there, stay strong & reach out if you need help. I hope you have a good support system. My prayers are with you.🙏❤️💐
Nov 10Reply

What a beautiful mother you are and such an inspiration ❣️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Nov 11Reply

Celebrating YOU💖💖💖
Nov 11Reply

Hi. God bless your story!!
Nov 11Reply

God bless you. I am sending healing prayers.
Nov 11Reply

Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me! Everything need to sell fast, Please!
Nov 12Reply

@escharf5714 You are beautiful inside and out. I’m in my 1st year with thyroid cancer stage 2. Lucky we found it early. You will be in my prayers! Keep fighting! Single moms are the salt of the earth, the song of the hills, and the strength of the ocean waves! ❤️🙏❤️
Nov 13Reply

Hi Ellen. Nice to meet you via POSHMARK PINKSISTER.
Nov 14Reply

Hope you are doing fabulous! Lost my mom this year to breast cancer! Keep positive!!!!
Nov 16Reply

I love your strength that shines through! God bless you. Even when you struggle to keep faith. And keep that fighter mentality 💪🏽 💓
Nov 17Reply

Twice breast cancer survivor myself! 1998/2017. Left them right. I have an ATM genetic defect. Prayers for you 🙏🙏💪💪
Nov 18Reply

Hello dear good luck for your closets and may god give us guidance and health life.
Nov 22Reply

Nov 30Reply

Thank you so much for following me! I must comment on your fight and surviving cancer. My father was a prostate cancer survivor back in Feb 19’, but unfortunately Covid took him from me in Oct. Stay strong and healthy and always fight, never give up!!! I’m a single mom as well with 2 boys. My youngest is 4 and I showed the pic of your son with the chocolate on his face and he is oh so interested now in your little guy and he says hi 👋🏽!!! Love your photos! Happy Holidays and stay Healthy! 🙏🏽❤️
Dec 03Reply

Hi Ellen, All the best to you as you journey through your breast cancer experience. Always stay positive and remember why you’re fighting so hard! That little guy is adorable! Have you contacted any of the support groups I.e. Susan G Komen? My best friend’s 40-year old daughter just went thru a dbl mast. And is headed for a total hysterectomy next week - all with no history in the family! Like you, her cancer was caught early. I’m happy to share your closet. 😃😃🌹🌹🌹Betty
Dec 08Reply

God bless you forever 🙏 ❤️
Dec 20Reply

What cuties you both are! Happy Holidays!
Dec 21Reply

Hi, Ellen! I am always happy to meet a fellow Pink Sister and Cancer Survivor! I recently celebrated my eighth year of being cancer free, but the road to recovery is hell. I was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer, a teeny tiny tumor (the size of a baby pea) which I found myself. Since my recurrence rate was high, I elected to go through four treatments of preventative chemo. I only survived three. After the third, I almost didn’t survive.
Dec 22Reply

My doctors discovered I was allergic to chemotherapy when it was almost too late. I also have allergies to four different antibiotics, including penicillin. The docs had a difficult time fighting my infections. It was a nightmare. I am cancer free, but I’m left with damage to my bone marrow. We are fighters and never give up. If you ever wish to talk, please message me! You can do this, my friend, and you and your son are in my prayers always.
Dec 22Reply

I definitely look forward to sharing and shopping in your closet! You and your son are in my prayers always. I wish you nothing but the best, and Ellen, you can do this! (So sorry if I’ve repeated myself!)
Happy Poshing and Happy Holidays to you and your family.💕🙏🤗❄️🎄☃️❄️💙
Dec 22Reply

You are Amazing! God Bless You and your son❤️
Dec 30Reply

From one survivor to another....the only thing I can tell you is staying positive helps all healing. Don't fret over the money....they take payments. Believe me I paid for years!!! I was young when I found my lump. I lost both my breasts at 35 and I'm currently 59. You've got this!!! Love the pictures of you and your son. Wishing you great health in 2022💕
Dec 30Reply

We hope you are feeling well and your recovery was successful..Thanks for following our closet..
Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊.
Feb 22Reply

Hi! I am a survivor too…wishing you the best and I will keep an eye on your closet. I work for a great organization that offers social and emotional support, not only to patients, but to families, including kids no matter where you live or where you are in your journey. Crossroads4Hope is based in NJ, but helps people all over the country via virtual technology and ALWAYS free of charge. Check us out at www.Crossroads4Hope.org or 908-658-5400, ext 5. We can definitely lend a hand!
Mar 12Reply

Hi Jade…not sure where you are in your journey…as a 12 year breast cancer survivor…I would be happy to share a wealth of information on healing and moving forward❣️Just message me😘
Mar 13Reply

Sorry Ellen not Jade❤️
Mar 13Reply

@escharf5714 hello check out my closet see something you like I can help you out an also can bundle some things if you like at a good price
Mar 19Reply

You’ve got this, girl! I am a sister survivor -diagnosed in July 2013, finished treatments in June 2014. My beanies from the bald months are for sale in my closet! Keep fighting the fight, my dear! 💗
May 31Reply

@escharf5714 hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will help you out
Jun 25Reply

I’m with you!!! Three time can we survivor. Including breast as well. Praying for you and sharing your items 🌸🌸🌸
Jul 10Reply

hi 🙋♀️nice to meet you, thank you for visiting 😊👖👚🎨🐎🐕🐈⬛💙🧡💚💛
Jul 10Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 I’m doing a Flash Now Or Never Sale! Which means if you like my items I’ll accept any offer you got especially on bundles! And Welcome to Poshmark🎊🎉
Jul 10Reply

Hi, Just dropping by to say I have some sales running right now. $15 off, 3 wax melts or wax bars with $5.95 shipping and a huge summer sale. 3 items for 30% off, 4 items for 40% off, and 5+ items for 50% off all withh $4.99 shipping. Come Take advantage of these low sales.
Aug 25Reply

Way to go 🥰 You look amazing and I am so happy for your positive attitude 💖 Much love to you and yours #Mamastrong
Aug 29Reply

@escharf5714 hello how are you doing today check out my closet see something you interested in send me a offer an I will see what I could do
Sep 20Reply

I’m in the same boat as you. Nobody talks about the long term side effects (physical, emotional, all of it) of cancer treatment. It’s awful.
Oct 23Reply

Blessing! Only God gives us the strength and hope we need. If God is with us no one against us. 🙏🏼
Oct 23Reply

Yes fvck cancer !! Glad you’re better . 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Dec 04Reply

Fight, fight, fight!!! You have the will to survive! I will keep you in my prayers❣️❣️❣️🙏🙏🙏 I have a sister who survived osteogenic sarcoma in her jawbone when she was 28 and she is also a single mom. She is now 65 years old!
Dec 04Reply

I'm wondering if we're related as I have many Scharf relatives that lived up in your area.
Dec 18Reply

Dec 31Reply

Thank you so much for following me! Please visit my closet often and let me know if there is anything specific you are looking for. I hope that we can work together soon!
Jan 01Reply

Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime. I have something for everyone! Women's, bags, totes, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jan 02Reply

💗positive thoughts for you lady warrior
Jan 05Reply

This is the most inspiring thing I’ve read in a long time.
You are a warrior
Jan 12Reply

Good morning I just read. Let me say that not too many women can pull off the short hair the way you do you look very beautiful with short hair. You keep on waking up every day and you keep on fighting never ever give up only cowards give up and you will not be one that will give up.
Keep fighting stay strong God bless.
Jan 13Reply

💕💕💕💕 Good Bless you and your cute family!! You are gorgeous from The inside out! I just want to offer to donate 25% off any profits that would come in from selling the MONAT products I promote and use personally that are great for returning hair growth, skin care and wellness, please contact me so that we can work on that together! 👍❤️😊🙏 Shar
Jan 16Reply

Inspirational ! Wishing you all the success and sales on Poshmark ❤️
Jan 17Reply

God Bless you! You can live a long full life after beating breast cancer. My Aunt Dora was 22 when she had one of her breast removed because of cancer. That was 1956! She is 88 now and going strong!
Jan 23Reply

You’re so strong! ♥️
I will share your page and keep you in my prayers.
Jan 28Reply

hello there from Florida 🐎🏖️🦩🐢🌴 Is your cover picture with the 🐴🐎behind you from Ocala,Fl.?
have a good day. 🤠
Jan 28Reply

Jan 28Reply

💖💖💖MY DAUGHTER BEAT IT TOO💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Feb 08Reply

it's an honor to have you follow me ,YOU ROCK KIDDO, Stay Beautiful and Strong as F.🤙🇺🇸♠️🇺🇸
Feb 10Reply

Feb 11Reply

Hi there, I am so glad you came to poshmark. I hope this will be a blessing to you. I went through stage 3 breast cancer, I also have a son. Your little boy is adorable. I really hope this community supports you! I would buy everything in your closet today if I could, I think I might be facing cancer again, but as soon as I can steady myself, I’ll purchase some items.
As for advice, I would speak with the hospitals social worker. I was fortunate with the social worker that helped me.
Feb 26Reply

Beautiful strong woman💪🏼💗
Mar 12Reply

@posh_dame thank you ☺️
Mar 12Reply

@escharf5714 oh wow sweetie.. all you've been through but good for you pushing on! a real survivor... the warrior spirit.. I love that! and your 3 year old son.. omg so adorable! It certainly looks like you're having some great times. I'm glad you signed up for my Share Group/Event tomorrow! Nice to meet you.. I'm Angela
Mar 19Reply

Stay strong!
Mar 19Reply

You look amazing+so thankful u r ok + able 2 b there 4 your beautiful son! Feel free to check out my boutique-happy to give you any one item u like got shipping only! Praying4 u n your health+ son! Blessings & best wishes! 💙🙏💙🙏
Apr 06Reply

Hello Ellen! I’m not sure where you are now on your journey BUT I can tell you it will be 12 years for me in July! “This too shall pass” xoxo
Apr 06Reply

@escharf5714 You are beautiful and strong! Your son is absolutely adorable. God bless you both 🙏❤️🙏❤️
Apr 06Reply

@escharf5714 stay strong, beautiful ❤️
Apr 20Reply

Ellen, I too am a single Mom of four adult children and a nearly 5 year TNBC survivor. We have to support each other.❤
Apr 30Reply

be safe and healthy. Blessings!🙏
Aug 07Reply

Thank you for liking an item from me. I made you a offer and reduced shipping. Please accept my offer!
Oct 07Reply

You're beautiful! ❤️
Oct 23Reply

Hi! I'm accepting all offer today only so feel free to check out my closet. Thank you!
Oct 23Reply

🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 I love to read such a story you rock sis 👊🏻🫶🏻 keep on keeping on and Stand strong 💪🙏🙏🙏🙏 I’ll be thinking of you
Jan 21Reply

@escharf5714 Bless you sweet beautiful lady! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 my mother is a 14 year breast cancer survivor! Thank you for sharing your story and being so awesome! 💪🏽💪🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 - Tasha 🩷🫶🏽
Feb 25Reply

Hi! Whatever you do please don’t buy that SkinMedica TNS serum you looked at 18 hours ago. That’s one of the counterfeit sellers of SkinMedica on Poshmark!! Please check out my closet and view my article about counterfeit SkinMedica before you buy! Do not get ripped off.
Jun 29Reply

@mickjagger1982 thank you so much. I saw your comments on one of the posts and read everything in your closet right away. Definitely helpful. You are awesome!
Jun 29Reply

Also and Yes!! You are a warrior. A true survivor. So happy you won the fight!💪🏻💪🏻. Your a very beautiful woman. Nick (@mickjagger1982)
Jun 29Reply

@escharf5714 no your awesome!👍
Jun 29Reply
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