Shoes, clothes, jewelry, accessories, etc.
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Some items have never been worn. Some still have the tags or still wrapped/boxed. Various brands and various sizes. I buy from various sources, and enjoy buying as much as selling! Feel free to leave me a comment, so I can check out your closet, too!

5 others
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Welcome to Poshmark! Hi!, I am Gloria. Welcome to a community of great people and awesome sales. I am a Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top seller so if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help 😊 Also, I invite you to check out my closet for great items and great deals. I am always happy to negotiate as well. Happy Poshing 😃
Apr 06Reply

great closet!
Apr 28Reply

@soriag thank you.
Apr 28Reply

@goosi thank you!
Apr 28Reply

@nauticalmermaid thank you.
Apr 28Reply

Welcome and Thank you
Apr 29Reply

@greenshoes0 thank you.
Apr 29Reply

How much?
Apr 29Reply

Hi April, Welcome! We're glad you're here. This is a fun, friendly site, and the shopping isn't bad either 😁🤣😉. As a Poshmark Ambassador, I'll be happy to help, as will lots of other nice poshers. A great place to start is Your Guide to Poshmark at the top of your account page. Enjoy! Molly
Apr 29Reply

@bdunlap6 how much for what?
Apr 29Reply

@mommolle thank you so much!!!!
Apr 29Reply

@seraphic313 sorry wrong page, I was looking for at a shirt
Apr 29Reply

@seraphic313 soooooo cute 😍😍
May 03Reply

@poshboutique16 thank you ❤❤❤
May 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark Feel free to ask questions and have fun shopping and poshing and making new friends and sharing and caring. Congratulations👏🥂🎉 on your great start with your closet. Have fun. Wishing you speedy sales. 🌺👏🌺🌺🌺
May 03Reply

@margitscloset thank you!
May 03Reply

@seraphic313 Good morning again April. Thanks for stopping by and liking those shoes. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm thank you so much for you or shares. Happy poshing. 🌷🌺🎈🌷😚
May 03Reply

@margitscloset I will. They are really cute! Great closet!
May 03Reply

@seraphic313 Thank you so much that is very sweet. Your closet looks great as well. 👏🌷
May 03Reply

@margitscloset thank you! Building it slowly. I have to do it on weekends. I wish I could do it full time!
May 03Reply

@seraphic313 Whatever works for you, some people have to make a living. So many it starts out as a part time thing entrance into a full time job. And for others it just stays a hobby. As long as you are having fun. Have an awesome day.🎈😚🌷🌷🌷
May 03Reply

@margitscloset thanks! You too!!!
May 03Reply

@honghoa21 I have posted more photos and I'm going to go by a jewelry store tomorrow to get the exact weight. I don't know the exact weight, but I can post it tomorrow. Thanks!
May 08Reply

@honghoa21 I would feel better weighing it first. So you know you are getting the best deal!!! I can reserve for you and will let you know the weight tomorrow. 😊 Does that sound fair?
May 08Reply

@honghoa21 ok. I truly think you will be satisfied. This necklace is way underpriced. I actually have two! So, I do feel you are getting a great deal! I will get it shipped asap. Thank you. 😊
May 08Reply

@honghoa21 No. I will keep it. 😊 thanks again.
May 08Reply

I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be thrilled if you would check out my closet as well :) Happy Poshing!
May 08Reply

@honghoa21 I am getting it out in the morning. I was sick yesterday and did not make it out. My apologies. ❤
May 09Reply

@bitchtastic1thank you so much!!! It went thru!
Jul 26Reply

hey hun I accepted your offer but it said there was a payment issue. PM said that they would contact you but who know how long that takes them and I don't want you to wonder what is going on. as soon as you make what ever changes you need to the offer will go through. this happened to me last year when I didn't realize the card I have on file expired and I didn't update PM with the new card #
May 25Reply

just let me know whne you make the changes, I'm going to pull all of your itmes and get them ready to ship so that as soon as you update your info I can ship the bundle of tops out to you. I just want to make sure that you get your stuff asap
May 25Reply

@amyhaubein that is exactly what happened. I had old card info. It should have gone through now. Thank you so much! 😊
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 yes if did hun. sorry to contact you about it but I know sometimes it take PM days to say something and I didn't want something in your bundle to sell before you could get it
May 25Reply

@amyhaubein no worries at all! You have some beautiful things in your closet. I will be back and so sorry for your loss 🙏❤
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 thank 🙏 you so much. today would if been her 66th bday so its a duper hard day..but although I have to sell everything i own to pay two mortgages and her HOA fees, 2 utility bills feels good giving people great deals. when you make another bundle send me a message under the bundle where you can comment to let me know your buying from me again. I always give repeat buyers big discounts and if I can afford it free shipping depending on the size of bundle.
May 25Reply

@amyhaubein I lost my dad in 2015. Still hard. ❤ Keep busy and feel the feelings as they come. It will help you heal. ❤
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 I figured if I have to sell everything i own the least I can do is help people out during this time by giving the best prices on bundles that I can. And thank you 😊 for liking my closet so much. almost everything that is left in it is brand new and never even worn. my weight went up and down for while and I had to buy while new wardrobes and most of it never even came out of the closet
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 awe I'm so sorry. yeah iys been hard bc if the way she was living. she was an alcoholic and we took her in each time she was hospitalized in the last 2 years, but she always wanted to go back to her condo and I couldn't get help from any agency to get her into a home at 64 or 65 bc she didn't want to stay at my house bc I wouldn't let her drink only smoke. but the last year of her life she just gave up, didn't shower, never cleaned,....
May 25Reply

@amyhaubein I'm so sorry. 🙏❤
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 so u would come over once a month and give her a shower. and I was always afraid I would find her dead bc she would never answer her phone, call me her only child, or call me back so I would just break-in to her condo and make sure she was alive. I have no family here in FL they are all in NJ and PA and I'm a daddys girl but she always blamed me for him divorcing her when I was 18 like her being an alcoholic that my dad couldn't handle anymore was my fault
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 nut thankfully my dad lives about an hour away and has helped alot financially with paying for her cremation and helped pay for us having to completely gut her condo and redo everything. but I still have to pay all her utilities and mortgage and HOA fees on top of my house. if it wasn't for my husband who actually knew my mom before me over 14 years ago I wouldn't be able to even get out of bed
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 he makes sure I eat, and he makes it easy by giving me the strength to go to work everyday and the both of us are doing all the work on her condo ourselves bc we can't afford to pay anyone else to do it. thankfully like you said staying busy is keeping me from losing it.
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 when I went to check other this time I got called from the condo manager bx her hot water heater was leaking to the 1st floor and she wouldn't answer the door. when I arrived she was in bed and I thought she had a stroke for I brought her to er. come to find out her left leg from ankle down was completely black and dead and I gave her a shower two weeks before that and she was fine. the doctor even blamed me for me letting her get this bad
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 I'm like she lives on her own bc no one would help me force her to need to live in a home nc after every visit to the hospital she would come stay with us for months get better and go back home. this time they had to amputate from above the knee. they said she would make a full recovery,.the next day she got pneumonia and no meds helped and she went unconscious until she stopped breating. I swear it was this virus bc non of the mess 4 pneumonia helped her at all
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 the only blessing, is that now I don't have to wonder everyday if she is still alive in her condo, and she is no longer suffering. I think she had severe depression like I do and she wouldn't get help. a year or less before this she fell at her docs bc she was drunk and broke her femur right at the hip and had a rod put in on her whole upper thigh to her hip. . .
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 she didn't even know she had serious surgery bc she was going through medicated withdrawal. I only found this out this happened 2 weeks later when she called me from hospital to come get her bc they wouldn't release her on her own. such a messed up situation and I tried to save her time and time again and became the mom to her at 30. I'm more angry then anything that she didn't care about what I would have to go through when she passed
May 25Reply

@amyhaubein oh no! I can't believe someone would blame you for what happened to your mom. I'm sure that must have been hard. At least you have good support from your husband and glad your dad reached out to help.
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 her condo was so bad I don't think she even vacuumed in over a 2 years. I even paid cleaners to come over to her condo but she wouldn't let them in. once we get everything done and sold life will be better eventually. sorry for all the info I guess I just needed to vent lol
May 25Reply

@amyhaubein I know how it is. I've been there. vent anytime 😊 I made an additional purchase from you as well. ❤
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 I husband was shocked I didn't smak him but I literally saw her foot minutes before the doc came back in. I was in tears and in shock so I couldn't even react like I normally would. the doc was lucky I didn't have time or the mentality react. I jist told him she lived on her own. and I have asked this hospital during even er visit for help to say she is unable to live alone but no one would help me. with a doc note there is nothing I could do to get her in a home
May 25Reply

@amyhaubein right and our parents can be stubborn especially if they have always been independent.
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 yeah my dad hated her for how she treated me all my life and although left he told me when I was 16 that he was leaving as soon as I graduated. bc he knew if he left before then she would make my life miserable and I. pull move with him bc I would have to change schools my senior year. but my dad has been by my side for everything which I am grateful for growing up and now
May 25Reply

@amyhaubein my dad and I were very close, too. I'm so glad you still have your dad.
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 in the dictionary my moms picture is next to the definition of stubborn lol 😆
and yes she just wanted to be on her own after she moved into her condo about 8 years ago she slowly went down hill once she couldn't work anymore bc she was so weak from just drinking and not eating.
May 25Reply

@amyhaubein awww. I'm so sorry hon.
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 thank you for another purchase 🙏 that means so much and helps so much. your the best hun. I. going to the some free gifts into each package for you as a big thank you. I think most of us girls are daddys girls and I'm so sorry you lost yours, if it was the other way around and I lost my dad I would not be able to function. thankfully in a year he will be retired and will be moving closer to me, which I can't wait for nc he is the only family I have in the state besides my hubby
May 25Reply

@amyhaubein you're welcome and thank you. I will keep in touch. ❤
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 sounds good hun. I hope you get to enjoy your day off if your off today. thank you again 💓
May 25Reply

@seraphic313 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 22Reply
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