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Updated Dec 16
Updated Dec 16

Someone asked, how to heal racism? examples here!

Meet the Posher

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Hi! I'm Debra. I love pretty clothes. I’m Big Mama to all my grand babies. Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri., but moved from Columbia, MO. to Phoenix recently. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Happy Poshing! 🥰


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dusty692 Welcome to this great group of people where sharing is always appreciated! Happy buying/selling to you my friend 🛍🛍🛍🎉🎉🎉👍👍👍🤑🤑🤑
Dec 04Reply
t7877 Miss Debra you look beautiful in this picture.
Apr 27Reply
blaqpaladin Hey Momma. Love you. You look great.
Apr 28Reply
debbreescloset Thanks for the nice comments. Will check in on your closets and Happy Poshing!
May 01Reply
cmcevers Hi there: I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering a 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET. Sale ends tonight at MIDNIGHT so don’t miss out. ❤️😀 If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept or let me know when the bundle is complete and I will send you the 50% off discount. ❤️Happy Poshing.❤️ Cami 😀
May 09Reply
cmcevers Hi there: I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering a 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET. Sale ends tonight at MIDNIGHT so don’t miss out. ❤️😀 If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept or let me know when the bundle is complete and I will send you the 50% off discount. ❤️Happy Poshing.❤️ Cami 😀
May 09Reply
free2bejamie I wish all sellers were as nice and attentive to details as you. You will go a long way in life. I hope to do business with you again Debra.
May 21Reply
debbreescloset @free2bejamie Thank you so much. I love my business.
May 21Reply
baypearls @debbreescloset Thanks for all the shares!! 🥰🥰🥰 I really appreciate it!! Hope you have a Happy Memorial Day!! ❤️❤️❤️
May 26Reply
baggaliciouz @debbreescloset I thought you were from nyc with the fro! So Cool 😎 grew up by Biggie town! Welcome to stop by me 🎀
Jun 05Reply
lotu5 Thank you for visiting my closet & sharing my listing. Feel free to bundle any of my items & a discounted fee will be offered.💝
Jun 05Reply
debbreescloset @highfashnz No I’m from St. Louis. New York is on my bucket list.Thanks for the shares and the complement on my fro. Look at my closet, I have different hair everyday.
Jun 06Reply
debbreescloset @t7877 I was reading and wasn’t sure if I said Thank you for the compliment, so I went to your wonderful closet and share some of your items. You have my shoe size 8 1/2. 🤩
Jun 06Reply
baggaliciouz @debbreescloset looks great 💃
Jun 06Reply
nancygsa Just dropping in to say hi🖐🏻😁love the fro on you looks great, awesome photos, very pretty lady you have a beautiful smile . Nice closet ❤️😄😄
Jun 15Reply
debbreescloset @nancygsa Thank you very much. Love my fro wig. I dyed my hair and when blind for three days. I change wigs often. I am having a blast with Poshmark.
Jun 15Reply
nancygsa Good for you that’s awesome 😄😃😀
Jun 15Reply
debbreescloset @highfashnz Thank you! 😉
Jun 18Reply
baggaliciouz @debbreescloset Welcome to stop by anytime. I’m open to a Offers. Thank you 🙏
Jun 18Reply
grammytata2012 Hi, Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I am a Posh Ambassador, if you have any questions. I am here to help. Feel free to check out my closet for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :) Check out my New Home Market.
Jun 20Reply
smilieangelmama Thanks for sharing my closet 😁
Jun 28Reply
debbreescloset @smilieangelmama The more we share the more sales. 😂 I love this....that makes it so easy. have a great evening!
Jun 28Reply
crochetnmore Thanks for the shares!😄
Jul 01Reply
crochetnmore Hi, thanks for sharing my closet too! You have a beautiful closet as well! Enjoy the holiday too🎆🎊🎉
Jul 03Reply
sharon_beyer Thank you for sharing sweet one! Great closet! ♡ great success with your sales!
Jul 13Reply
justsoscott Hello Debra! Thank you for visiting my closet and liking some items. If you would like to make a bundle, I can give you a discount. Enjoy your Sunday! Scott
Jul 14Reply
michellemcco265 I can do 110 on both dresses the one is beaded and from Dillards it was 395 and only worn once the other one is brand new
Jul 14Reply
debbreescloset @michellemcco265 Hi, I never liked or bundled anything. I did share some of your items. Have a great Sunday. 🥰
Jul 14Reply
kb571960 @debbreescloset thank u fot the shares
Jul 17Reply
bethyjane Hi I love the way u display your items!
Jul 17Reply
debbreescloset @bethyjane Hi, Thank you sooo much. No one has ever said that. Thank you for noticing. I am having so much fun with it. You can tell. I’m healing from surgery, so this is what I do. I’m a Posher and having a ball. 🥰
Jul 18Reply
debbreescloset @kb571960 Sharing is caring. Have a great evening 🥰
Jul 18Reply
kb571960 @debbreescloset. Thank you u have a good evening as well
Jul 18Reply
banging_closet and your family are just too cute. Blessings 🙏🏾
Jul 18Reply
debbreescloset @jannell31 Thank you so much 😊I love Poshmark. It makes me want to smile. It’s not work when you love what you do.
Jul 19Reply
laleg2015 Thank you for the shares 😍
Jul 19Reply
lakesideview Thank you as well. Stop by again one day and I will do the same! @lakesideview
Jul 20Reply
calloway_bryan Debra thanks for the shares😉
Jul 20Reply
myfityourfit @debbreescloset Hi Debra, thanks for following me. Congrats on your weight loss. Yay! You look full of joy in your photos. Wishing you well and may your selling and/or buying experiences continue to be great ones. Good luck! Jae
Jul 24Reply
zeesha10604 @cmcevers Plzz check out my stuff as well
Jul 25Reply
zeesha10604 @lotu5 Plzz check out my stuff as well
Jul 25Reply
zeesha10604 @grammytata2012 Plzz check out my stuff as well
Jul 25Reply
lotu5 @zeesha10604 Great, likewise, thank you.
Jul 25Reply
p_russo01 Thanx 4 the shares!! 🤗🤗🤗
Jul 27Reply
larrylove460 @debbreescloset Great looking couple!! 👍🏽👍🏽Thanks for the shares !!🌞🌞
Jul 27Reply
heaven64850 @debbreescloset Thank You for all the shares!!
Jul 28Reply
localjokers Dress well - live swell. Love that energy 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾
Jul 28Reply
debbreescloset @djpuniversity Thank you ☺️ Have a great day! 🥰
Jul 28Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 29Reply
bigfootshoes12 Hi! I am a fellow Posher. I invite you to my FYI page about Poshmark. For newbies and pro poshers! CLICK on my small picture..then CLICK on ‘about’ above my store..then CLICK on ‘meet the posher’ link below the photo...NOW your on my FYI page. It’s full of info. Some info is old and later updated, so read it all. PLEASE do not thank me on that page (go to my closet & use an item)...Hope you find it useful!
Jul 31Reply
justmsjojo Wow! I love how organized your closet Is! Everything is beautiful and so easy to find!
Aug 07Reply
debbreescloset @justmsjojo Thank you so much. I have not been told that before. That makes me smile. I’ve worked hard on it, searching for and making dividers. 😊 Thanks for the share and following me. You are appreciated. 🥰
Aug 07Reply
debbreescloset @liyahmarie23 You are very welcome and the same in return. Happy Poshing and have a wonderful day. 💕
Aug 07Reply
luciselander I think you would love some of the things in my closet it would be awesome if you checked it out!
Aug 13Reply
jeansaddictoh Such cute pictures! Great smile!!
Aug 14Reply
thesilksowsear Great pictures, and one awesome closet!!! 👗👠👢👖🧣
Aug 15Reply
ntanner6 Thank you for the shares, sending you happy positive pushing vibes oxo
Aug 16Reply
boldhumility Great pics! Happy Poshing!😊💕
Aug 24Reply
motherearth11 You're welcome and thank you. It's how we make it happen.😃❤
Aug 28Reply
carlalocicero You are so welcome 😊💕 and happy Poshing to us😊💕😊💕
Aug 28Reply
lornewellington Thanks for sharing my closet on Twitter and Thumblr 😍😍😍
Sep 18Reply
genevae Thank you for visiting and more thanks for sharing
Sep 25Reply
skye_blue_102 I love your style! So many great plus finds!!
Sep 27Reply
debbreescloset @skye_blue_102 my name is Debra. Thank you very much for the following, shares and for liking my closet. You are appreciated. Don’t you just love Poshmark? 💕 haves wonderful evening. 🥰
Sep 27Reply
chante_allday Welcome and thank you for following me! I want to also invite you to follow my Instagram where I share selling tips and posh party information and much more However I can’t do so without your support ! I’ll return the favor ✖️ Instagram @chante_all day
Sep 29Reply
loreer441 Hi Debra thanks for stopping by my closet If you have questions plz let me know reasonable offers are welcome.
Oct 15Reply
zaddy_men_suits Thanks for the encouragement! You have an excellent closet also and I know you'll do well..
Oct 15Reply
haysuchristo Thanks for the shares, Deb. I dig the Montgomery Ward leather jacket ... old schooool.
Oct 19Reply
debbreescloset @haysuchristo hay, pls schoool and warm. Was in MO. now in AZ. What a difference. Make me an offer. Winter is coming. 💕
Oct 19Reply
ojieisham Thank you for sharing my listing 🤗
Oct 20Reply
mynahshine Welcome to Poshmark & might I say, you have a beautiful family! It’s easy to see the love surrounding all of you! You are truly blessed beyond measure.
Oct 22Reply
debbreescloset @mynahshine Thank you soo much for the compliment. You are so nice and made my day. 😘 If your daughter like the swim suit, let me know. Thanks and have a wonderful evening 🥰
Oct 22Reply
areyounice Thanks for sharing!
Oct 26Reply
lashglitter Hi Debra! Beautiful Family ❤️💞 & thank you for sharing 💌
Oct 28Reply
thethriftmode Happy Hocus Pocus!! I love your closet🌸
Oct 29Reply
babyfirefly1971 @debbreescloset Thanks SO much for all of the shares! Your closet is great. I just kept sharing because I couldn't stop looking! I'm glad we could help each other! Have a spooky Tuesday! I also liked your listing so I could come back & share again!🎃🏚️☠️👹😈🙀🦇
Oct 30Reply
bertads 🍁Hello Debra my name is Bertha thanks for following me and sharing 💕🍁
Oct 31Reply
jonathanfbarrow Welcome to Poshmark ❤️😍
Oct 31Reply
babydudz Such a fun closet! I love it!
Oct 31Reply
cricketdee Thank you for sharing my closet on Twitter and Tumblr.
Nov 05Reply
haertfelt1 Hi. Thank you for following my closet. While I was here I 👀👀👀and sent out posh love ❤. Happy poshing....
Nov 07Reply
studiorengirl This bunny thanks you so much for the shares!💗🐰💗 You've got a lovely closet!🐇💖
Nov 10Reply
chopkins0086 Preciate you for sharing
Nov 11Reply
upstairs_attic You have a beautiful family 🌻
Nov 14Reply
kb571960 thank u for the shares🌹🌹
Nov 27Reply
kb571960 thank u for the shares🌹🌹
Nov 27Reply
lotu5 Thank you for visiting my closet & sharing my listing. Feel free to bundle any of the items & an additional discount will be offered.💝
Nov 27Reply
jamiegfranklin Thank you for sharing items from my closet.😘 I wish you much success with your closet.
Nov 29Reply
buffysattic Thank you for sharing my closet. That was so kind of you. Thank you again
Dec 01Reply
vtsquare Thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram....squarevt2018 and Twitter...@SquareVt and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together we can accomplish anything!!❤️
Dec 01Reply
pdufault120 Thank you for all the shares! 🌷💕
Dec 09Reply
debbreescloset @anabelleschell Thanks for the like 💕 have a happy holiday 🥰
Dec 10Reply
anabelleschell @debbreescloset very welcome and happy holidays too🙏❣🤗
Dec 10Reply
busyasabee57 I found it! It's under "orders." What a beautiful family you have. And so many grandbabies to love. I have grand cats. my 2 children, both just 40, decided not to have children. With my severe Fibromyalgia, I wouldn't be able to hold them, never mind watching them, so it's probably for the best because it would make me too sad to not be able to take care of my grandbabies.
Dec 11Reply
debbreescloset @busyasabee57 Glad you found it. Yay! 💕 You didn’t get a text saying your package is delivered? I have fibromyalgia too, had a hip replacement and disk/spinal surgery recently. That’s why I’m doing Poshmark. I have 11 grand babies from 2 sons which are 48 and 45. My hubby has 2 sons 50 and 44 a total of 28 grand and 8 great grandchildren. I’m so glad to have met you. Send message anytime. Hope your holiday season is full of happiness. 🥰
Dec 11Reply
busyasabee57 OH MY GOODNESS! all those Grandbabies! Your arms are full!So much JOY! I started beading because I needed something productive to do. I am pretty much housebound. most days it's all I can do to get to the bathroom. I've never sold any of my bracelets before. I just gave them away. At first I just made strung beads and memory wire bracelets. I managed to take one lesson in beadweaving and I was hooked.
Dec 11Reply
busyasabee57 I watch YouTube to learn more and more. I have also bought several patterns from Etsy. In the past year, I have spent Thousands in beads. My husband of almost 43 years was very understanding until recently. I need to sell some to recoup the money. I don't really care to have a business as I don't want to deal with all it takes to run a business. I just need to earn some money to put it back into our savings and allow me to continue beading.
Dec 11Reply
debbreescloset @busyasabee57 remember the more you follow and share if others the more you will sale. Share parties can be a great source also. I’ll share your items with my followers often too. They are pretty. Great hobby. 🥰
Dec 11Reply
rayzamora thank you for visiting my closet and the follow & especially for the share of my post.. I am following you and I have shared your closet on F.B. pinterest and Instagram.. Happy poshing and have a blessed day!!
Dec 11Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌸totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!! 😃
Dec 12Reply
busyasabee57 Good day Debbree! I have been neglecting Poshmark the last day or so. I've been busy working on a Beaded Business Card Holder! So far I have about 16 hours in it and only have the back done. 😬 I showed it to my sister and she said there is a need for business card holders for women. She said all she and her colleagues can find are masculine holders.
Dec 13Reply
busyasabee57 the pattern I bought is a tedious pattern. So, as the first thing of anything I make is mine [l am learning and there may be a few mistakes,]I have decided to stop where I am and start my own, easier design. What do you think?
Dec 13Reply
debbreescloset @busyasabee57 card holder are important. Someone asked me for a card yesterday and I don’t have any. Make both kind. Your design and the pattern. I always found the first one I make very hard. I’m getting ready for a project that I’m dreading but got to do it. Cushions and pillows for my homemade patio set. Bought $1500. of materials. Memory foam mattresses wood for the patio, I’ll take a picture and send it to you one day. Hard work feels so good when done,
Dec 13Reply
debbreescloset @busyasabee57 Remember everything in moderation. Sometimes if you step away do a little Poshmark when you come back you are refreshed. I’m posting today so I have been keeping up with my shared and follows. I have 2 hour to shares and following. Have you started by following all of my followers and following?
Dec 13Reply
debbreescloset @busyasabee57 Did you new pattern get better with time it is it still given you problems? Was waiting to see it posted. 🥰
Dec 16Reply
busyasabee57 Making the business card holder is a testament in time. I worked 2 full days and only got the back complete. Yesterday was spent in worship and then with family. My sister bought 6 of my bracelets to give to her co-workers. Today has just started for me. My Fibro has been off the charts in pain the last 4 days. That means I don't get to sleep until the wee hours of the morning.
Dec 16Reply
mimi51314 @busyasabee57 not trying to butt in on your conversation...but I also have fibromyalgia, and mine has recently flared up too. The back pain is the worst because sometimes I can barely walk. I find comfort in having conversations with people who also suffer from it. Also, I just wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful family & I love your closet!!💜💜💜
Dec 17Reply
mimi51314 Sorry, the closet/family part was for Deb
Dec 17Reply
debbreescloset @mimi51314 Yes, we both are Debra, Deborah. Most don’t understand fibromyalgia. My husband was helping me with my shoes and held my leg in one spot. It hurt for a week. Pressure points are serious. I hope you feel better. Happy holiday season 🥰Thanks for following me. Sharing is caring!
Dec 18Reply
pdufault120 What a wonderful closet!
Dec 18Reply
debbreescloset @pdufault120 Thank you so much. Glad to hear you like it. ☺️
Dec 18Reply
mariva931 Hi Debra🤗 thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 🤗 🤗 Have a wonderful weekend and a joyful Christmas Season 🌲 🤗
Dec 20Reply
debbreescloset @principalchic Thanks for following and the like 💕 have a wonderful holiday season 🥳 Happy Poshing 🥰
Dec 20Reply
principalchic @debbreescloset Absolutely & Happy Holidays to You!!🌺
Dec 20Reply
amyesther447 BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Dec 22Reply
mtorban @debbreescloset Thank you Debra, that means a lot. May the new decade bring you much happiness. ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 27Reply
crafteelinda490 Thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciate it. Happy Poshing.
Jan 04Reply
fashioncollage Hello Debra, thank you for sharing my items. You have a lovely closet. Good luck on your sales. Happy Poshing.
Jan 07Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Debra, thanks for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G!🤠🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈 Happy Posh'ing, be kind & have a blessed day!🙏✝️☮️🕉️💖
Jan 09Reply
debbreescloset @lakedwellerhb hi Jimbo & G, Thanks for following me and the kind words. Welcome to Poshmark and Happy New Year 🥰
Jan 09Reply
mrsknle Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. This Posher is hustling for a new Chanel bag to add to my 2020 wardrobe. I made a resolution to save more but there’s a grey crossbody calling my name constantly. I must respond. 😀 Appreciate it & Happy Poshing!
Jan 10Reply
debbreescloset Hi @rocatiti, Thanks for following me, for the shares and like. You are appreciated. Hope your weekend is going great. Happy Poshing 🥰
Jan 12Reply
realfabulous Greetings Debra You have a beautiful Family Thanks for sharing my shoes I haven’t sold anything yet but still listing so stay tuned OneLove
Jan 16Reply
debbreescloset @realfabulous hello Virginia, Thanks for following me and for the compliment. Sharing is caring, so I shared your items at the Total Trendsetter Posh Party. Share for a share. Hope you return the favor. That’s the key to making lots of sales. Follow, Share, like and repeat. Happy New Year and Happy Poshing 🥰
Jan 17Reply
debbreescloset @dinan512 hello, thanks for following me and for the like. You are appreciated. Have a wonderful Friday and happy Poshing 🥰
Jan 17Reply
dinan512 @debbreescloset Good morning Debra, really appreciate you following me too. Hope you find some smashing deals today 😊
Jan 17Reply
ennocntheart Thank you for sharing my listings💞💯🌺
Jan 18Reply
caviedez Thank you for sharing hun! 💖
Jan 21Reply
shehulkscorp @debbreescloset Thank you for such a nice rating!! 💞🤗🌸 I’m so glad you love the shoes!!!
Jan 22Reply
carpinm16 Thank you for sharing.😇
Jan 24Reply
thecountrybox I wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE your closet, I cant wait until I'm able to come back and make a purchase! have a blessed week ❤❤❤
Jan 26Reply
debbreescloset @thecountrybox Thank you. You are appreciated for the shares and likes. When you return bundle and I’ll send you a discount. You have a blessed week as well💕
Jan 26Reply
debbreescloset @shesparkles247 hello, thanks for following me, for sharing and for the likes. You are appreciated. Love your name. 😆 Have a wonderful day and happy Poshing 🥰
Jan 30Reply
Jan 31Reply
sanctuary_life Oh Debra, you are one gorgeous and elegant gramma! And that beautiful family of yours is precious indeed. Thanks for sharing all of that joy. Phyllis
Feb 07Reply
debbreescloset @sanctuary_life Thanks for the kind words. Phyllis 💕 Kindness is something we can share with others and it don’t cost a thing. Hello, nice to meet you. Sharing is caring so I shared some of yours. Have a wonderful day.🥰
Feb 07Reply
elle_bomb Hey Debra! Thanks for sharing some of our clothes! I saw your profile and noticed you are from STL. My husband is from Collinsville! Also... lived in Phoenix before we moved to Arkansas 😂 Anyways I checked out your closet and love some of your porcelains. We are catholic so I’m going to buy the St. Mary’s church one if it’s still available!
Feb 09Reply
debbreescloset @elle_bomb Hi Ella, Thanks for following me. Yes, it’s still available. Bundle and I’ll send you a discount. My parents are from different parts of Arkansas. Have a great Sunday and Happy Poshing 🥰
Feb 09Reply
letitiaflower You have such gorgeous things at such great prices! I’m amazed you have anything left in your closet. They’re such good buys and so tasteful.
Feb 16Reply
my13cardinal Hi I was just sharing a special I’m offering all my clothes are in excellent to like new condition. You won’t be disappointed! All clean smoke free home! Up to 5lb bundle only $30 & up to 10lbs for only $50 Happy Poshing!🌸🌸🌸 must empty my closet!
Feb 19Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great day and successful Poshing!😊
Feb 27Reply
jjscloset7387 Hi I'm Jessica thank you for following me and sharing my listing may you be blessed with many sales
Mar 04Reply
kmarieposh Hi Debra! Thank you so much for sharing my listing on Twitter! I would reciprocate but I’m not on Twitter 😴Kathleen
Mar 05Reply
cbeautysecrets Hi, Thanks for sharing my closest! 😊
Mar 08Reply
verronf Hi Debra, Thanks for the ❤️. Your family is absolutely beautiful!!!
Mar 10Reply
beauty_source Thank you so much for the shares❣️ You have a beautiful family! 😊
Mar 11Reply
jag2lex Hi Debra! Beautiful family!! 😊 Your closet has a lot of nice items and a wide variety!! Looks like I can learn a lot about Poshing from you! Please check out my closet sometime. Have a very blessed 2020!! 😊
Mar 12Reply
ljstyle4you Thank you for sharing my listings! Beautiful family! ☺
Mar 20Reply
debbreescloset @ljstyle4you You are welcome and thanks for the compliment. Sharing is caring! Please return the favor. Share for a share. Have a wonderful day and happy Poshing 🥰
Mar 20Reply
skp1230 Hi Debra, you have such a beautiful family!!! I had you on my mind lately so just sending you a little prayer for health and happiness during the health crisis 💞
Mar 23Reply
debbreescloset @skp1230 Hi Suzanne, Thank for the kind words which means so much to me. Yes, these are scary times we live in. Please be safe, sending prayers your way. 💕
Mar 23Reply
debbreescloset @lianew hi Liane, Thanks for following me and for the sweet compliment. Sharing is caring! Phoenix is nice, but being away from Big Mama’s babies at times like these, adds a little more stress. Hope you are having fun with this great community of people. Have a wonderful weekend and happy Poshing 🥰
Mar 28Reply
pgardner52 You have a fantastic closet!! It is set up very well. Everything has its own section. Love it❤️💕Your closet makes for an enjoyable shopping experience. Thank you❤️💕
May 04Reply
debbreescloset @pgardner52 Thank you Patrice. You made me smile 😊
May 05Reply
pgardner52 Ur welcome Debraand I hope to purchase some of my likes real soon.❤️💕🌹🙏🏽
May 05Reply
pattieholliday Ms Debra you bought a cabled hat. I don't have a working printer to print label. I need a shipping address to send the item. I have sold on lots of other sites but not poshmark. I need help. I didn't find another place to contact the buyer.
May 07Reply
debbreescloset @pattieholliday I’m so sorry I’m answering later. You have to print the label and it’s tracked by Poshmark and you get paid through the label. You can go to staples, fedex, ups or someplace like that. But you need the label. There’s a place at the bottom of the item sold for support. Hope this helped.
May 08Reply
birdsdn1959 Debra, Happy Mother's Day to you!💐🌹🌻🌷🌞💞♥️
May 10Reply
debbreescloset @birdsdn1959 Happy Mothers Day! 🦋 Thank you Debbie. And to you too. Have a beautiful day! 💝
May 10Reply
theresacampb956 You have a beautiful family 😊
May 11Reply
debbreescloset @theresacampb956 Thank you Teresa, My name is Debra. Nice meeting you. If you ever have any questions feel free to ask. I’ll try to help! Have a wonderful evening and stay safe. 🥰
May 12Reply
gfilippi Beautiful family 💕 How do you like Phoenix?
May 24Reply
debbreescloset @gfilippi, Hello, It’s gonna be 111 degrees this Thursday, so this is different that’s for sure. Winters are nice, but rather I like it or not “NO”. I miss St. Louis, but there’s health issues that brought me to the desert. Miss Big Mamas babies.
May 24Reply
gfilippi @debbreescloset Oh, I see ... I get that. We’ve been considering AZ. 🔥Hot ... Unbearably hot? Will your babies come visit (& perhaps settle there with you)? Thanks for the shares, btw💥Right back to you! 💐
May 24Reply
debbreescloset @gfilippi My youngest moved here got a job in one day. That’s my baby. He’s 45 and he don’t like being far away but he’s going through it cause his children are in Missouri. Hopefully when our new way of living settles in (Post Covid-19) we can start traveling again. Culture is different here and the way business is done, irks me and not on point, but is a lovely place once summer pass. But in Missouri it’s once winter pass. You have made my morning. Thank you ☺️
May 24Reply
gfilippi @debbreescloset Glad your youngest is with you! He sounds industrious—that was speedy employment :) Yeah, I suppose you’re in air conditioning during the super hot days? So blessed that I made your day 💕🙏 Thank you again for all the sharing! 🔥😘
May 24Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 24Reply
plentyofstuff Hi Debra thanks for the great review on the Stacey adams Knut sweater!!
Jun 30Reply
kdtlove @debbreescloset thank you so much for the shares, love🤗🌺.. You have a beautiful family🤗🙏🏻
Jul 04Reply
debbreescloset @kdtlove Thank you very much for the kind words. Sharing is caring! Hope your holiday is wonderful. Happy Poshing! 🥰
Jul 05Reply
kdtlove @debbreescloset thank you!.. Same to you, love🤗🌺
Jul 05Reply
mrsgordon2u Hi Debra You have a very beautiful family. I’m a struggling Posher. I noticed that you have over a million followings. Have you noticed an increase in sales having followed over a million people and how long did it take you reach those numbers?
Jul 06Reply
debbreescloset @mrsgordon2u Hi Beverly, Thank you for the compliment. I have set schedule for following, sharing, posting. I also use others hands to hit the blues, no shame. 😆 About 1 Year active. Yes, I found it helps to have more eyes on my items. I share and a lot share back. Nothing is normal right now. Work it, it will pay off, but will have slow times. Don’t forget to Follow my followers and following. Follow, share, repeat.... Happy Poshing and stay safe!🥰
Jul 06Reply
mrsgordon2u @debbreescloset thank you so much. Stage safe as well
Jul 06Reply
laurnab Thanks for the follow!! Lmk if you have any questions!
Jul 11Reply
catrina_silver Thank you for sharing my jewelry! I'm starting business so it is very helpful, I truly appreciate it! 🤩 Happy poshing! ✨🛍
Jul 12Reply
debbreescloset @junibells0609 Thanks! 💕 Have a wonderful week and happy Poshing 🥰
Jul 13Reply
stylescomeandgo omg. beautiful family
Jul 18Reply
stylescomeandgo awww thanks for the shares pretty lady. have a good day
Jul 18Reply
debbreescloset @stylescomeandgo hi, Thank for the compliment. Thanks for following me. Sharing is caring that’s why I showed your closet some love 💕 Have a fabulous weekend, happy Poshing and stay safe 🥰
Jul 18Reply
edorr35 Beautiful family pics!😊
Jul 20Reply
debbreescloset @edorr35 Hi Erica, my name is Debra. Thanks for following me, the compliment and for the shares. You are appreciated. Have a wonderful Monday, happy Poshing and stay safe 🥰
Jul 20Reply
edorr35 @debbreescloset thanks for sharing! Stay well and blessed!❤️
Jul 20Reply
debbreescloset @poshbygrace Hi, My name is Debra. Thanks for following me and for the like. Have a wonderful Thursday, happy Poshing and stay safe 🥰
Jul 23Reply
huynhers5 Beautiful family!!! ♥️ Thank you for following me. I’m new and I am trying to get started. Would love advice if you have any to share.
Jul 23Reply
poshbygrace Beautiful family❤
Jul 24Reply
debbreescloset @huynhers5 Hi Lisa, The advise I would give is follow as many as possible. Makes it easy to find items. Follow my followers and following. Share for a share, when you start posting. If I share 5 of your items you share 5 of theirs. Sharing is caring! Read rules. Follow, share, post, repeat. Hope this help.
Jul 24Reply
debbreescloset @poshbygrace Hi Anna, Thank you for following me and for the sweet compliment. Sharing is caring so I showed you some 💕. You are appreciated. Have a wonderful evening 🥰
Jul 24Reply
debbreescloset @asterskincare hi, thanks for the like and for following me. You are appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend, happy Poshing and stay safe 🥰
Jul 26Reply
debbreescloset @kikipeters44 hello, thank you for the like and for following me. Sharing is caring. Have a wonderful weekend, happy Poshing and stay safe 🥰
Jul 26Reply
debbreescloset Hi Carrissa, My name is Debra. Thanks for following me and WOW 🤩 Thank you for sharing. Sharing is caring! 💕 You are appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend, happy Poshing and stay safe 🥰
Aug 01Reply
debbreescloset @cmooney Hi Carrissa. My name is Debra. Thanks for following me and sharing. WOW 🤩 Thank you so much for sharing. Sharing is Caring. 💕 You are appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend, happy Poshing and stay safe 🥰
Aug 01Reply
b0st0n_b Thank you for sharing 👍😷
Aug 06Reply
debbreescloset @b0st0n_b Hi, sharing is caring. That’s how you get eyes on your items. Share for a share anytime. Have a great evening, happy Poshing and stay safe. 🥰
Aug 06Reply
b0st0n_b @debbreescloset you have a beautiful family. Thanks again. Stay safe out there. 🙏🙏
Aug 06Reply
countout40 Thanks for the warm invite, and all I have to add is before you make any final decision on any of your purchases here, would you entertain yourself by browsing through my shop... ask to speak with the proprietor and sit a spell take a load off your feet, look around and have coffee.
Aug 12Reply
debbreescloset @countout40 hi, Love your closet 💕 Sharing others item will in return they will share yours. Share for a share. More eyes on the closet means more sales. Sharing is caring. I’ll start by sharing some with my followers and hopefully you will share in return.
Aug 12Reply
librophile 🥰🥰🥰💝🎀💐💐💐🍀🍀🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍✅💋Thank you so very much for the share!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🙏🏽💋xoxo librophile aka Lynn 🥰🎀💝🎉🎊💕🥻👒👛👑👠👗🧥🦁🐴🦄🦄🌷🌹🌼🌸🌺🌎🌏🌍
Aug 13Reply
mainstreetmod I love your family photos. I haven’t asked my kids if i can post on Poshmark!. Their 50 and 51 and my grandson is 6! Love them lots❤️. Like your closet.
Aug 15Reply
debbreescloset @mainstreetmod Hi, thanks for the compliment. 💕
Aug 15Reply
rosespitznogle Beautiful Family~ Enjoy Arizona❣️
Aug 16Reply
debbreescloset @judiths42 hi, Thank you 💕 It’s sooo hot and many moths without rain but do enjoy this area. Have a beautiful Sunday and stay safe. 🥰
Aug 16Reply
debbreescloset @bati_mamselle Hello, Thanks for the shares and the like. You are appreciated and I returned the 💕. Have a wonderful weekend, happy Poshing and stay safe 🥰
Aug 21Reply
kathz215 Thank you for following me. You have a wonderful family with all the smiles!
Sep 02Reply
debbreescloset @kathz215 Thanks Kathleen, Thank you for following me. Alway a share for a share. Have a wonderful week and happy Poshing 💕
Sep 02Reply
kyungyae St. Louis, MO! Born and raised, too. Glad to represent. Wishing you sync your family stay safe and well. Much love.
Sep 03Reply
debbreescloset @kyungyae Hi, Always glad to represent St. Louis too. No matter where I go, that’s home. Yes, being in sync is a job, but family is worth it. Stay safe, happy Poshing and have a wonderful week 🥰
Sep 03Reply
naomi121212 Beautiful family! Thanks for sharing. I’m totally new at this, just getting started, and I appreciate all the wonderful people like you who are willing to help and support each other. Blessings to you!
Sep 06Reply
debbreescloset @naomi121212 Yes, Sharing is caring. Anytime! A share for a share. Have a fabulous holiday weekend and stay safe 🥰
Sep 06Reply
redressery Thank you for being so kind to share my items! Your support is truly appreciated. Look forward to sharing as well. Wishing you well.
Sep 12Reply
nksupplysupply Hi! Debra, Thank you! so much for sharing my item on your Twitter! As soon as I’m set up I will surly return the favor. You have a beautiful! Family. Thanks again for the share! 🌺🌹🌸🌹😊
Sep 24Reply
debbreescloset @nksupplysupply Thank you for the compliment. I was sharing, but didn’t mean to share on Twitter because everyone doesn’t have it. Sharing is caring. Have a wonderful day. 💕
Sep 24Reply
debbreescloset @oromero31 Hi, thank you for the like 💕 Have a wonderful weekend 🥰
Oct 04Reply
abel6583 Hey hey , I’m Ashleigh. Great Closet. I have a closet with sizes ranging from small through 3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots and more. You name it…. it’s probably there. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. Oh yeah and I LOVE offers! If you don’t find anything for you, I’d like you to share something. I share back 🔄 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍 Wishing you a prosperous posh week
Oct 06Reply
debbreescloset @martinezgomez You are welcome. Sharing is caring! Working together makes the world work. Have a beautiful day🥰
Oct 06Reply
anniejafined Great photo!!
Oct 08Reply
debbreescloset @anniejafined Hello, Thank you very much. Have a fabulous evening and happy Poshing 🥰
Oct 09Reply
mightea Thanks for the tweet! Beautiful family! I was born and raised in the 314! I just moved to CO in May. Opening this online resell shop has been a lifesaver. What a great community of go-getters. Take care and many blessings. Tara
Oct 09Reply
debbreescloset @mightea Hi Tara, I’m in the 602 now but miss the 314. Sharing is caring and a way to help each other but sharing with my followers. Come back anytime. It is a wonderful group and having a way of recycling is great for us and the environment. Have a fabulous weekend and stay safe 🥰
Oct 10Reply
debbreescloset @roselidah Hi Roselidah, My name is Debra. Thanks for following me. My advice is to share others items and they will share yours. A share for a share. Add pricing to give discounts when someone likes the item. I’ll send a price chart. Ask any questions you may. Nice to meet you. 💕
Oct 21Reply
queenofcurvy Your family is beautiful! & Thank you for sharing my post. Have a great weekend!! 😃
Oct 24Reply
debbreescloset @queenofcurvy Hello, Thanks you very much. They are Big Mama’s babies. Hope you are enjoying Poshing. There’s a good community of people here. You have a wonderful weekend also and stay safe 🥰
Oct 25Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my items. Have a wonderful day 😊
Oct 26Reply
debbreescloset @jinxy231 You are welcome. Sharing is caring and together we can make the dream work. 💕
Oct 26Reply
garisb Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing the love 💕😊
Nov 09Reply
debbreescloset @garisb Hi Barbara, Thanks for the shares. Together we make it work. Have a wonderful Monday 🥰
Nov 09Reply
margosparto What a beautiful family! 👗⛄️👠❤️
Nov 10Reply
debbreescloset @margosparto Hi Margo, Thank you soooo much. 💕
Nov 10Reply
foxy4thrift Nice to meet you! Your lovely family just shines. Looks like mine, “A garden of beautiful flowers!” Blessings to you!
Nov 21Reply
debbreescloset @foxy4thrift Thank you very much AnnMarie. You are so appreciated. Nice to meet you too. Have a fabulous weekend and stay safe 🥰
Nov 21Reply
blessingsup Hi Debra and thanks for the shares! I appreciate it and always share back (up to #10 at one time to save my fingers!) Blessings, Debbie
Nov 23Reply
debbreescloset @blessingsup Hello Debbie, Sharing is caring! Thanks 💕 Hope you day is going great. Happy Poshing.
Nov 23Reply
debbreescloset @2ndadventure Hi AnnMarie, Thanks for the kind words. Sharing is caring. Anytime! Together we make it work and make those sales. Have a fabulous holiday and stay safe 🥰
Nov 25Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne Cummins, a Postmark Ambassador. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying and selling. If you’ve been selling for some time I might ask you for some tips 😊. I’d love to have you visit my closet where I have a number of unique items, and many vintage items listed. If you find any items you are interested in, please let me know and I would be happy to offer you a discount.
Nov 28Reply
mzag1616 Thank you so much for sharing my listings! I really appreciate that and your help! Wishing you great success and happy Poshing! ☺️😁🛍🥳💕
Nov 29Reply
leedjillian thank u for sharing!💗💗💗
Dec 13Reply
debbreescloset @jenz0325 Thank you so much. She was meditating 20 minutes daily cause she’s stressed she couldn’t go to school. That baby! I returned the shares! You have a fabulous holiday season and please stay safe. 💕
Dec 17Reply
debbreescloset @nacoode Hello Nat, Share for a share anytime. Have a wonderful holiday season and Happy Poshing 🥰
Dec 18Reply
ralphom You have a more than beautiful family!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙃🙃🙃
Dec 31Reply
debbreescloset @ralphom Hi Ralph, Thank you so much ☺️ Never heard us described as more than Beautiful. That made me smile. I showed you love by sharing your items with my followers. Come back and share, A share for a share anytime. 🥳 Happy New Year.
Dec 31Reply
ralphom @debbreescloset Thanks! Blessings to you in 2021 and beyond. 🙏🏽
Dec 31Reply
cadencemcdaniel Hey girl I was wondering if you would like to check out my account I have extremely cute clothes for cheap prices if the prices are to pricey I’m willing to drop them for you 💞. Please come check out my account :)
Jan 09Reply
graciephilli921 awe what a happy family!! happy poshing!
Jan 10Reply
debbreescloset @graciephilli921 HiGrace, Thanks for the shares, the following and the compliment. 💕Hope your weekend is going great. Stay safe and happy Poshing.
Jan 11Reply
drs1mm0ns Love your family pics! And thanks for sharing!
Jan 17Reply
hopeislovely Greetings! You have a lovely family. 👠👄👗
Feb 13Reply
pugsinparadise Beautiful photos, family and Beautiful closet❤
Mar 02Reply
debbreescloset @dustinkali9094 No thanks but one of my 143k followers maybe that’s why I shared it. Good lunch on sales. 🥰
Mar 04Reply
nurseabc80 Hey Ms. Debra...thanks for the share dear. Pretty grands too😊❤️
Mar 16Reply
debbreescloset @nurseabc80 Thanks very much! 💕
Mar 17Reply
pianolady1232 I am new to poshmark and I was wondering if you could share my items to your followers.
Mar 23Reply
pianolady1232 I am new to poshmark and I was wondering if you could share my items to your followers.
Mar 23Reply
debbreescloset @pianolady1232 hi, a share for a share. You share 10 I will share 10. Every time... Happy Poshing 🥰
Mar 24Reply
johncruchelow Thanks for the support!!🤘🏼
Apr 27Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊 I’ll accept any offers on any items I’m selling!
May 09Reply
nancyconner645 Hi 👋! I'm Nancy, and want to thank you for following me and sharing from my closet. I shared back, with extras (as long as no more than 20 were shared.) It's my way of sharing Posh love, and I hope you enjoy some sales from those shares! Have a blessed day 🙏! 🙂💕🌻🌻🌻
May 10Reply
eyerou Thank you for sharing.
May 18Reply
andreamack140 Hey beautiful! I’m living my best life in St. Louis, born & raised!, with hopes to retire and possibly move to Arizona...can’t take the winters 😊...beautiful family, beautiful closet!
May 25Reply
debbreescloset @andreamack140 Hi, That’s the exact reason I moved. Couldn’t take the winters and I have bad allergies to grass and trees. Thank you so much for compliment. I’ll share your closet. Happy Poshing 🥰
May 25Reply
andreamack140 @debbreescloset ❤️❤️❤️
May 25Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
May 25Reply
christacampo Hi Debra! Thanks so much for sharing my item on Twitter. I am just getting started and appreciate the share!
Jun 04Reply
nancy4221 Hi absolutely beautiful lady. Thanks for checking my closet and sharing on Twitter 🙏🏻 Have a blessed summer with your adorable family 🤗🤗🤗
Jun 27Reply
debbreescloset @nancy4221 Hi Nancy, Yhank you very much for the kind words. Sharing is Caring. Hope your weekend was fabulous. Happy Poshing! 🥰
Jun 28Reply
crissboys3 Hello my name is LaTanya Davis you don't know me directly I do have boutique here on Posh. I'm reaching out to you in regards to business opportunity. I work in financial industry servicing and educating families and communities on investment strategies throughout life insurance. I'm currently expanding and looking to partner with other business minded individuals from all backgrounds. Do you keep your business options open?
Oct 20Reply
tatnaples Hi Debra, lovely family! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala ps I went to Stephens🧚‍♀️
Dec 03Reply
ohpeesh Beautiful family!
Dec 03Reply
debbreescloset @tatnaples Hi Tamala, thank you. You went to college in Columbia, Mo? Great! Have a wonderful weekend and happy Poshing.
Dec 03Reply
tatnaples @debbreescloset I did! Loved my years in Columbia💜🧚‍♀️💜
Dec 03Reply
debbreescloset @tatnaples Hi Tamala, I went to Columbia to a party. I went back to St. Louis with a plan. At 24 with two babies and a young man (3rd baby) without knowing a soul. I went there rented a house and move. 1981 .. Mother said, “How are you going to move somewhere you know no one.” I said, “they will know me when I get there!” The rest is history. Just wanted to share my Columbia story.
Dec 08Reply
tatnaples @debbreescloset oh my golly, that's such a great story, thanks so much for sharing! You were/are a strong woman💜🙇‍♀️💜 We were there at the same time...I got there in '80🤗...small world 🌎...we may have even crossed paths!!! xozT
Dec 08Reply
watsonlilmommy @debbreescloset hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will be glad to help
Feb 19Reply
dawnsings4jc Debra, I LOVE all the pictures of your beautiful family!!!👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👫👩‍👧‍👦👬👭
Mar 05Reply
debbreescloset @dawnsings4jc Thank you Dawn. We have 32 grandchildren and 8 great grand and 1 on the way, it’s a girl and I am so looking forward to her little self in May. Thanks for the kind words Anytime you ready to purchase, let me know. Have a fabulous weekend 💕
Mar 05Reply
zardiva1 Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 09Reply
debbreescloset @zardiva1 Thank you so much Meya, 💕
Mar 09Reply
zardiva1 @debbreescloset You’re welcome 🤗
Mar 09Reply
Apr 02Reply
watsonlilmommy @debbreescloset hello how you check out my closet all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets sets you maybe interested in
Aug 03Reply
debbreescloset @1donotspend Thanks for the like. Sharing is caring 💕
Aug 04Reply
debbreescloset @sweetpea66 Thank you so much. Always a share for a share. Have a fabulous weekend! 💕
Aug 13Reply
jojoshomeposh Hello beautiful lady!!!❤️ Your pictures of your family are amazing and your closet is incredible. 🥰 I love how you style your items I could look at your closet all day long. 😍 have a blessed day!!
Aug 16Reply
debbreescloset @jojoshomeposh Hello Joann, Thank You so much for the compliment. You are appreciated. Sharing is caring and flattery will get you everywhere. Have a fabulous week!! 💕
Aug 16Reply
gracefulwaves Beautiful Family 🥰🌹
Sep 19Reply
debbreescloset @gracefulwaves Thank you so much. Have a fabulous Monday. 💕
Sep 19Reply
gracefulwaves @debbreescloset you’re welcome, you have a blessed day as well 💕
Sep 19Reply
cutehosiery @debbreescloset Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 03Reply
debbreescloset @cutehosiery Hi, I shared some of you items with my followers in hopes that you make a sale or two. Thanks for the kind words. Sharing is caring! 💕
Oct 03Reply
watsonlilmommy @debbreescloset hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers accepted or bundle up an get a discount
Oct 22Reply
ingrixy ⚘️❤️💕💟🌹
Mar 27Reply
jen24015 Hello Debra! You have a BEAUTIFUL family! 🥰 Enjoyed the pics!
May 29Reply
debbreescloset @jen24015 Thank You so much. 💕
May 29Reply
debbreescloset Thank you so much! 💕
Jun 10Reply
talatahmed0805 Hi thank you for sharing my listing hope you have a wonderful day enjoy your day 😊💕
Dec 28Reply

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Phoenix, AZ
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Last Active: 23 hours ago

Phoenix, AZ
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