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Updated Feb 04
Updated Feb 04

Style differently⚡️🌘ODDERGOD🌒⚡️

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Oddergod. Odder than most, styles for miles on a humble boast. So here’s a toast to hats, coats, shoes & socks — shoot me an offer, but please be advised — Lowballers Get Blocked ☮️


  • Seller Discount: 20% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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greatstuff4you I see your offer on my retro 3 contact me @213-282-9122 if your interested in buying
Feb 19Reply
oddergod @greatstuff4you I’ll text you tomorrow
Feb 20Reply
greatstuff4you Okay no problem
Feb 20Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Dec 10Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark. Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 04Reply
oniebeth68 Hi, pleasant day to you, just read your message Late this morning, thanks you accepted my offer And for the purchased, i’m going to send it tomorrow Take care🙏and be safe always
Aug 25Reply
oniebeth68 Good day . Thanks for 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️rating and awesome comment, i’m glad you like the shirt Take care and be safe always
Aug 31Reply
funkyfashionu You’re the man, nick. I used to live in San Diego back in 99 2000....I appreciate you and will share the shit outta your stuff
Nov 14Reply
oddergod @funkyfasionu thanks dude, I appreciate the love, and likewise. I hope you love the jacket!
Nov 14Reply
brycruz Thanks for taking the time to like my Nike Jacket. currently trying to clean out my closet so all offers & bundles are welcomed. Happy & safe 2020🍾 ⚡️🙃⚡️
Jan 01Reply
sagebreslin Nice closet! Follow me and I’ll be happy to help increase your following:)
Jan 26Reply
mmpeaceman Thx for the cool offer! I wish it was a XXL ! I would have bought it in a second!!
Feb 19Reply
malnoel Hey the item I bought (hat) was sent but I received a sweater instead that says Eat Sleep Football Repeat?
Feb 21Reply
malnoel @malnoel am I able to get a new tracking #?
Feb 21Reply
oddergod @malnoel it should come once it starts tracking. Did PM say it’s coming from the recipient of your hat?
Feb 21Reply
malnoel @oddergod they didn’t say anything yet
Feb 21Reply
malnoel @oddergod they emailed me again for another shipping label? Was I sent another wrong package? I already sent the sweater to the first shipping label sent to me this morning what is the second shipping label sent to me? And when will I get my hat I bought? Thanks
Feb 22Reply
oddergod @malnoel listen, they aren’t communicating with me about it. I sent it to another buyer. I think they had you send the sweatshirt to the wrong person which is why they sent the second label. The other buyer is sending it to you. Again, apologies on the mix up but this unfortunately has happened and is being rectified.
Feb 23Reply
sdkicks Yeah! It's Philip from the bins. I thought your handle sounded familiar. I've browsed your closet a few times in the past. Thank you for the divulging info and for the Levi's!
Mar 08Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Apr 03Reply
waycoolvintage Sir sorry I sent the wrong T-shirt the one you were actually bought I still have I just sent the wrong one if you would still like it let me know I’ll get you a really good price on that one since I screwed that whole thing up thank you sir
Apr 26Reply
oddergod @waycoolvintage what’s the price? I can keep it for?
Apr 26Reply
oddergod @waycoolvintage free shipping or?
Apr 26Reply
oddergod @waycoolvintage create a listing and send me an offer
Apr 26Reply
waycoolvintage @oddergod Sir I can’t figure out how to send you the offer for eight dollars if you would like to offer four dollars I’ll except it that’ll be four dollars for the shirt and I well accept
Apr 26Reply
waycoolvintage Also can’t figure out how to do the free shipping
Apr 26Reply
oddergod @waycoolvintage create a bundle for me. So go to the listing and hit the “+” on the bottom of the listing without going into the listing. Just the preview from tour closet. Then, hit the offer button and send it for $8 and free shipping. Tag me in the listing.
Apr 26Reply
waycoolvintage @oddergod The best it will let me do is $11 sir with the free shipping if not it puts me in the negative at this rate I would only make $.54 off the deal which is fine I just wanted you to keep the T-shirt since I screwed it up and I will relist the hoop it up one and if you wanted to buy that one still out could make you a good deal on the hoop it up one as well, I just hate when I screw things up I hate to inconvenience a customer that way
Apr 26Reply
uni9asuare1que Hey Posher May this year bring you a greater Poshing Experience
May 10Reply
26bluezone I'm new to poshmark. So not sure what I'm doing. I saw you sold the shirt I offered for, for 30. Then another popped up, so I offered 30, and not sure what to do. I saw you had bundles, and if youd like to sell 3, I'd be happy to do.that. Likeunsaid, clueless on how any of this works. I'm happy to leave my number should you want to do business. Many thanks! 602-802-4003 Bart
May 18Reply
gramscloset Hey Nick just wanted to compliment ayou on an awesome collection. @oddergod
Aug 24Reply
alysiapetak0 I just wanted to thank you for your purchase. unfortunately I'm a stupid female when it comes cars & my lemon finally died so I'm down to 1 vehicle that my bf will not let me drive because well I'm kinda of a bad driver too he got asked to come in on 1 of his days off so I will deff get this mailed out 2morrow or tues.
Sep 06Reply
georgeola @oddergod Hello is the Janet Jackson still available? If it is all willing purchase for $80.00. thank you
Sep 08Reply
oddergod @georgeola so I accepted an offer for $80 this AM and they asked for me to cancel. I have a big event this coming weekend that I’m gonna try to sell it at for $100. If you want to pay $100 now I’ll accept that but after poshmark fees I only take $60 if I sell for $80. Let me know
Sep 08Reply
karlensclassics @oddergod Hi Nick, Congratulations on your Make a Deal Days win! Have fun shopping!
Sep 08Reply
sandycupcake P😍sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win! Enjoy your guilt free shopping. Sandy
Sep 08Reply
amber2286 Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 09Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Sep 09Reply
rhype_selects 🙌🔥🥵 thank you for your purchases we will ship out Monday !! 😁 check back soon got tons of items listing this weekend 😁
Nov 07Reply
mac9girl Thank you for stopping by my closet and liking several tops. Is there any you are interested in? Let me know.
Nov 15Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey I’m Emily thanks for following me if you like any of my items create a bundle or send an offer for a deal you’ll love! Happy Holidays😊❄️☃️
Dec 16Reply
tjklub888 Hey Nick! Wondering when you plan to ship out the DMB shirt I purchased from you last week? Let me know please! Thanks! 🙂
Dec 16Reply
shoptamjam Hi! Just wanted to let you know I mailed your 2 tshirts out last week but they haven’t begun tracking yet 😥 I’ve reached out to Poshmark to let them know!
Dec 16Reply
oddergod @tjklub888 I’ve been looking for it! If I can’t find it with this trip to the storage unit I’ll cancel the order. Apologies for the inconvenience. If/when I find it if I do cancel, I’ll offer it to you privately at a discount.
Dec 17Reply
tjklub888 @oddergod Sounds like a plan—take care!
Dec 17Reply
shoptamjam Hi! Just saw your two t-shirts started finally tracking.. it’s a Christmas miracle lol! Sorry again about the delay!❤️
Dec 24Reply
d2b_fashion Thank you so much for showing love to my closet and sharing an item.☺️Enjoy the rest of your day and Happy New Year!🥂
Jan 02Reply
twinkieheart hey-ooooo will ship out the zombie today 😊
Feb 04Reply
tdiac Nice logo!
Feb 06Reply
babyraydiamonds Hey I bought those 3 shirts from you but have only received one it says you shipped them out on the 19 but I still haven’t received them yet ... I hope I revive them that was 110.00 dollars
Mar 05Reply
oddergod @babyraydiamonds yeah dude, USPS has been messed up since Covid for a year. Please be patient. I’m sure they’ll arrive.
Mar 06Reply
michinetti Thanks for sharing my item! You have a pretty sweet closet. That bud man shirt it’s pretty cool 😂
Apr 01Reply
janfast Hi OG! Thanks for sharing my Giuseppe Zanotti sandals!
Apr 10Reply
pattyvous Love your intro!❤️❤️❤️❤️ I counter offered for the two Looney Tunes shirts at $135. Would like to get more than $50 apiece if you can manage it? Thanks so much for loving vintage and being odd!💕
May 15Reply
brandyartz @oddergod hey there, I’m just checking up on a bundle I ordered last Sunday. Thanks man.
May 16Reply
maniswami23 @oddergod hey, I’m checking in on the jacket order I placed last week. Do you have an estimated shipment date? Thanks!
Jun 28Reply
oddergod @maniswami23 i had a big event on Saturday so I was unable to look into that part of my inventory. I’m headed to my storage unit now and should be able to get it in the mail today. Sorry for the delay
Jun 28Reply
maniswami23 @oddergod no worries, thanks
Jun 28Reply
oddergod @maniswami23 hey! I had to cancel the order because I can’t locate the jacket, my apologies. I’d like to offer you a commensurate discount on another jacket if you so choose. Just comment on it, and we’ll work out a good price. Again, my apologies
Jun 29Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey:) love your closet!!! All orders on my Items usually go out same or next day!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gift with all orders:)
Jul 15Reply
oliviaami Hi @oddergod , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Aug 14Reply
kayyy228 @oddergod Hi, just checking in since it's been over a week since I placed my order and it's still marked as awaiting shipment. I've been hesitating to ask because usually this is because the seller hasn't been able to find the item and will cancel the order when it's pointed out, but I'm certainly willing to wait longer and give you a chance to look if it's a matter of locating it! I really had my heart set on it. If not and it's delayed for other reasons, please let me know. Thanks!
Sep 22Reply
davealf1 I purchased the Phoenix firebirds hat from you about 2 weeks ago, just wondering if and when you shipped it? I haven’t received it yet. Thank you.
Sep 24Reply
kayyy228 @oddergod Hi again, it looks like because the item didn’t ship after three weeks, Poshmark cancelled the order. I’m not sure if the shirt was misplaced or what the issue was since I never got a response to any of my comments, but if it does become available again, please, please message or tag me and let me know. I’ve been looking for one like it for years and was really looking forward to finally getting it.
Oct 10Reply
_heartstrings_ Wow. You are dedicated! And most likely super successful at what you’re doing! Super cool closet!
Nov 04Reply
robert_sena Yo u still got my St. John’s bay polo I bought? If not lmk thanks man
Dec 27Reply
cutehosiery @oddergod Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 13Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 14Reply

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Last Active: Sep 19 2024

San Diego, CA
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Last Active: Sep 19 2024

San Diego, CA
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