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Updated Jun 01
Updated Jun 01

Tara b

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Tara. I am a Posh Ambassador ❤️❤️👍🏻. I will help you to the best that I can. I am usually negotiable on all items unless it is marked firm!!😘❤️ trades are welcome if u have traded before and have good feedback. When trading item is at original value although I’m somewhat flexible on that. Happy Poshing
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closetrevel Hi Tara! You''ll love the cut shoes. I'll take them to the postal annex tonight after work so you should get them pretty fast!✌💕
Jan 29Reply
hrdrssr1 Thank u for quick shipping they are lovely!!
Jan 29Reply
melbrv Hi,wondering if you would like to get the shoes you liked if I let them go for just $20 and can ship tomorrow?
Jan 29Reply
hrdrssr1 I really like them but they are an 8 and I believe they won't fit....I'm normally a 7.5 and RT run pretty true to size... I soooo appreciate the offer I do wish they would fit. They are really nice.
Jan 29Reply
melbrv Oh,never saw your message,quick note,I am a 61/2 and they almost fit me,I'm assuming they run smallest f you are 71/2 I'm certain they would fit,these are made in Italy and sometimes they run small..
Feb 01Reply
melbrv Reduced to 18$
Feb 01Reply
hrdrssr1 Thx they would be too small then for me super cute though
Feb 01Reply
jenbrb2000 If interested in the loub wedge let me know will take more pics
Feb 02Reply
jenbrb2000 And welcome to posh I will be listing additional shoes bags and clothes today :) if u need any help or have questions please feel free to ask 😃😃😃😃
Feb 02Reply
hrdrssr1 Sure will Ik she hasn't responded much at all idk what's going on with it hopefully my shipment doesn't get cancelled I've asked twice about shipping ugh so frustrating !! I'll do they same
Feb 04Reply
hrdrssr1 Fancypants I just received a response she had an emergency and will not be shipping for 3 days
Feb 04Reply
hrdrssr1 Me too thanks
Feb 04Reply
hrdrssr1 @fancypants007idk what's going on.. I sent another reminder today she hasn't checked her closet in 6 days I'm in no hurry so for me I don't mind I hope she sends yours soon ... It's true that u never know what's Goes on in people's lives maybe she had a major emergency and with travel etc but I agree she should still at least let us know what's going on
Feb 11Reply
hrdrssr1 True
Feb 11Reply
hrdrssr1 @fancypants007 I cancelled just FYI
Feb 12Reply
stinkadoo @hrdrssr1 I love your name.. I immediately figured it out.. awesome lol Thanks for shopping in my closet. I will see your bid. thanks again
Feb 22Reply
anjaleal @hrdrssr1 Hi Tara, Welcome to your new addiction! But seriously, Whether you are planning on buying or selling or both, Poshmark is a great place to meet some new people, make extra money and find some amazing items to add to your closet. Please let me know if you have any questions! My user handle is@anjaleal
Feb 24Reply
hrdrssr1 @anjaleal Hello .. Thanks so much for the kind welcome. I haven't posted to sell yet ...but your right it's so addictive I have bought so much already lol I will be putting my closet up in a few days..hopefully it will go well thanks again
Feb 24Reply
anjaleal @hrdrssr1 Remember to follow and share, share, share. That is the best way to get visibility! The more active you are, the more sales you will have!
Feb 24Reply
hrdrssr1 Thanks for the advice!!!
Feb 24Reply
danielagm83 Hi @hrdrssr1 i can do $25 on the Ferragamo loafers and ship tomorrow morning. Please make me an offer if you agree. Thanks
Mar 03Reply
supergirldc Do you still have the vince shoes?
Mar 30Reply
hrdrssr1 @supergirldc I just turned them over for upscale consignment today sorry
Mar 30Reply
supergirldc @hrdrssr1 is there away to sell them here? :)
Mar 30Reply
hrdrssr1 @supergirldc she's not online in a boutique type setting I will call tomorrow and see if she still has if u want them for sure they are brand new never worn and a true 8
Mar 30Reply
supergirldc Thanks let me know
Mar 30Reply
supergirldc Thanks
Mar 30Reply
hrdrssr1 @supergirldc hey girl she sold yesterday so sorry I'll be posting more shoes in the next few days check back ...I have a gold metallic wedge size 8 5 inch cork wedge that are awesome they look like the Loub wedges but are not just look like 😉Lmk if interested in those I'll send a pic for u they are like new
Mar 31Reply
supergirldc Ok, thanks
Mar 31Reply
vivacouture Welcome to Poshmark ! Nice to meet you I am Sherrie and hope you are enjoying your shopping experience ! 😃🌷
Apr 29Reply
yoused HI Tara, nice to meet you. Your closet is adorable. Best wishes! !!
May 20Reply
hrdrssr1 @yoused thank you very much
May 20Reply
clothesobbessed @hrdrssr1 Hi Tara! Let me know if you have any questions about the SF shoes...I am taking them to consignment after this weekend! 😃
Jun 17Reply
hrdrssr1 @clothesobbessed thank u.. How do they fit? I'm a 7.5-8 US thx
Jun 17Reply
clothesobbessed @hrdrssr1 Tara, the pic of the bottoms are's the last pic....the price is firm on these beauties. They are going to consignment after this weekend. Happy Friday!
Jun 17Reply
hrdrssr1 @clothesobbessed thx I understand they are fab but I can't do the price then if firm good luck at consignment and also happy friday👏🏻👏🏻🍷😘
Jun 17Reply
parklandgranny1 The Escada boots run true to size. Thank you for your interest.
Jul 23Reply
hrdrssr1 @parklandgranny1 ugh I was hoping a lil big they are gorgeous great price!!
Jul 23Reply
hrdrssr1 @mrsgellman u convinced me I just took listing down lol ❤️😘😘
Sep 10Reply
lalycanales 🙋Hun! What's the lowest you willing to take?
Sep 28Reply
hrdrssr1 @lalycanales that is the lowest I'm priced under all mother jeans or pants on here thx for looking!! They are in EUC
Sep 28Reply
yrpetal @hrdrssr1 I am heading to the PO in an hour. I will accept $20 if u want to revise your offer. After that I'm sorry but I must decline as I ship the same day & I can't get back to the PO.
Nov 02Reply
hrdrssr1 @yrpetal ok I accidentally cancelled my offer and now it won't let me reoffer can u just change to 20$ and I'll hit buy sorry for inconvenience thx
Nov 02Reply
peace1253 @hrdrssr1 FYI, I just listed a bundle of Ferragamo flats that you were interested in before I purchased from the Posher. They are in good condition but not a good fit for my slim feet. 💕
Nov 30Reply
hrdrssr1 @peace1253 thx for letting me know !! I have already since then purchased some I will share and hopefully they will go!!😘
Nov 30Reply
shawna_bee Thanks for the shares, love your closet Tara!😊💕 @hrdrssr1
Dec 07Reply
shawna_bee Love this closet! @kjoyhm
Dec 07Reply
hrdrssr1 @shawna_bee aww yr sweet your closet is pretty awesome too and good prices!! thx a lot for all the shares👍🏻👍🏻
Dec 07Reply
kjoyhm @shawna_bee Thanks for sharing!🙂
Dec 07Reply
thriftave923 So happy you liked the Ferragamo shoes and thank you for the great rating. ♡♡♡
Dec 14Reply
hrdrssr1 @thriftave923 sorry lol wrong one 😊
Dec 14Reply
luvluckylou Thanks for all the Posh Love 😍❤😍
Jan 05Reply
hrdrssr1 @luvluckylou u too😉😉
Jan 05Reply
rani415 @hrdrssr1 u can have the key chain for 20 go ahead
Jan 06Reply
melots Hi your closet♡♡♡if you'll have louis for sale, pls tag me...thanks♡♡♡♡
Feb 07Reply
hrdrssr1 @melots sure will
Feb 07Reply
lorievera Do you trade? I love your Tory set.
Feb 10Reply
hrdrssr1 @lorievera I do ...I love your black satchel Tory set lol wanna trade?
Feb 10Reply
clj99 Thank you so much I love everything including the free gift! You shouldn't have your very gracious thank you so much
Mar 10Reply
hrdrssr1 @clj99 I'm so glad u like it all!!
Mar 10Reply
clj99 @hrdrssr1 more like love I'm wearing the pants right now they fit like a glove there's nothing better than getting a pair of awesome fitting jeans at an amazing price. I wish you all the best with Poshmark and I couldn't be more happy with this purchase! lots of love and blessings to you always!
Mar 10Reply
hrdrssr1 @clj99 ahhh yourself so sweet thank u !!!
Mar 10Reply
risaroy11 @hrdrssr1 Hey there. If I drop those shoes to $53 (which should reduce shipping), would you take that?
Apr 19Reply
hrdrssr1 @risaroy11 yeah I'll do that as long as shipping drops that will work will u put my name in description sometimes reduced shipping doesn't kick in for a few minutes
Apr 19Reply
risaroy11 @hrdrssr1 Yeah, I'm wondering if posh stopped the promotion. Let me try it now.
Apr 19Reply
risaroy11 @hrdrssr1 Don't think it worked. It's fine--make your offer again, I'll accept. Silly haggling!
Apr 19Reply
threebeez Hi there! Nice to meet you! Hope you're loving posh! 💕
Jun 05Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad I found you on posh! Hope you check out my closet and find things you love (to bundle)! 👀handmade jewelry✌🏻💎 Happy poshing 😀
Jun 08Reply
lamoore1676 Hi there. If you have a 🅿️🅿️ I can do better on my counter. Posh takes so much of your earnings geesh! 😊
Jun 13Reply
hrdrssr1 @lamoore1676 ik as a seller it's unfortunate but I prefer to stay on posh per it's rules The most I would be able to do is 220 these are for my daughter!! 😘 lmk if that works and I'll offer if np and good luck
Jun 13Reply
lamoore1676 @hrdrssr1 I understand. What a nice gift for your daughter. I'll have to really think about it. Posh takes 50 dollars or so. I'm thinking my lowest is 250.
Jun 13Reply
hrdrssr1 @lamoore1676 no worries I get it thx for your consideration but that would be my Max I offered !! I'm sure they will sale quick thx again god bless ❤️😘
Jun 13Reply
lamoore1676 @hrdrssr1 Thank you, love. If no one bites I'll contact you. Peace and Blessings. The offer you made holds. 😘
Jun 13Reply
hrdrssr1 @lamoore1676 I appreciate that have a great day !!🙏🏻💋❤️
Jun 13Reply
lamoore1676 @hrdrssr1 You're most welcome, thank you and you do the same. 🙏🏾❤️😘
Jun 13Reply
lemonposh Hi Tara! ✿♥‿♥✿ Hope you're enjoying Poshmark and life is wonderful your way 🍋@lemonposh & @minicoconut 🍭
Jun 13Reply
chynnagrove Hey Tara, Your package is in Hazelwood, MO as of today.
Jun 15Reply
hrdrssr1 @chynnagrove hey there thx so much I just saw update on it this morning thx again for being so "on it" 😜
Jun 15Reply
azthriftqueen I can do $155 if u offer that
Jun 19Reply
azthriftqueen Lmk if u can do $155
Jun 19Reply
hrdrssr1 @sammynnnnn if I can and they have t sold I will tag u good luck 👍🏻
Jun 19Reply
azthriftqueen It's free shipping rn
Jun 19Reply
azthriftqueen Hey! Shipping stuff Can u do $150
Jun 19Reply
hrdrssr1 @sammynnnnn good morning sorry I already purchased another pair last night thx so much for the offer though I'll share thx 😍
Jun 19Reply
kalipsobg @hrdrssr1 hi there👋🏼 sorry to bother you but do you think you can help me with authenticity on a pair of jimmy Choo Boots?
Jun 20Reply
hrdrssr1 @kalipsobg yea tag me in them
Jun 20Reply
kalipsobg @hrdrssr1 thank you so much! They are the Boots in my closet! Someone is questioning the authenticity. I have 2 listings with extra pictures, I'll tag you in both. Also let me known if you need any more, I'll take a picture of whatever you need
Jun 20Reply
hrdrssr1 @kalipsobg take a pic of inside logo up close please
Jun 20Reply
hrdrssr1 @kalipsobg just FYI if the logo is ever covered up by vibrams on the outer sole always provide a pic of insole label
Jun 20Reply
kalipsobg @hrdrssr1 last picture update on first listing
Jun 20Reply
kalipsobg @hrdrssr1 oh good to know! Let me know if that's good I can try to take one with a flash?
Jun 20Reply
kalipsobg Thank you again so much and sorry to bug you while you're on vacation! I was just really upset because I would never misrepresent an item or try to trick people. Your help is truly appreciated! I hope you'll go back to selling again! You have a great style and I enjoy following your closet!
Jun 20Reply
kalipsobg @hrdrssr1 forgot to tag you ☝🏼❤️
Jun 20Reply
hrdrssr1 @kalipsobg aw thx sweetie anytime just tag me if u need help also @morgan415 is awesome at authentication and I'm sure she would gladly help you if you can't reach me!! I'm taking the summer off too many kids lol but I think I'll start back in august I already have a ton of great items to post !! 😘💋 happy poshing
Jun 20Reply
hrdrssr1 @horologist no worries I'm glad they sold!!
Jul 09Reply
moxiesplice Helloooo😊! I am your friendly neighbor Tegwest, a buyer and a seller. You are more than welcome to check out, like, comment, share, follow and/or shop at my closet anytime as I will do the same! ENJOY💞 👟💍💄👛👗😃🚚
Aug 08Reply
emjoy72 Good evening, if you are still interested in my Ferragamo's, I will sell them to you for $125. They should go to someone who will appreciate them. Make me an offer, and i will accept. Let me know, and have a great night
Sep 04Reply
hrdrssr1 @barrel10 darn I just got this I purchased some already last week but if u can do 100 I have that in my PM account I would love to have them lmk so sorry I didn't catch it🤤
Sep 06Reply
emjoy72 @hrdrssr1 That's ok, I wish I could do $100, but I am selling them for my mom, and the lowest she'll go is $125. Thanks for getting back with me.
Sep 06Reply
hrdrssr1 @barrel10 no worries thx for letting me know good luck !! If u change your kind in next day or so lmk or if u would like to trade on something g I have lmk!!
Sep 06Reply
oui_ones I just realized you are from O'Fallon Il, I lived in Peoria for a year and my bestie is in St Louis. You right there pretty much! Felt like I should say Howdy Neighbor! 😘
Sep 19Reply
hrdrssr1 @ouida8814 omg that's crazy I don't even look where people are from on this thing so funny!! Howdy is appropriate 😍thx glad u lmk love it !!
Sep 19Reply
oui_ones @hrdrssr1 haha, well definitely keep in touch! 🎉💛
Sep 19Reply
hrdrssr1 @ouida8814 def ❤️❤️💕✨💋
Sep 19Reply
rinochka Hey girl :) I have stunning bandage dresses :) feel free to check my closet :)
Sep 20Reply
cgrisier @hrdrssr1 Hey girl.. I'm the girl that bought those tall Christian Louboutin boots for $100 that you made an offer on. I just received them and they are actually replicas. I wanted to let you know so your not too bummed out-you didn't actually miss out on an amazing deal! Now I will say they are excellent replicas, very small discrepancies in stitching and the leather is medium quality.
Oct 05Reply
cgrisier @hrdrssr1 I will be returning them to her so if you still want to buy them you should contact her Monday or Tuesday when she gets them back. She may not have known they were replicas because they are so CL replicas I've ever seen.
Oct 05Reply
hrdrssr1 @cgrisier hey there sweetie thx for letting me know I was fooled also then wow they must really be good cause usually I catch it thanks for letting me know I’ll skip I like the real thing!! So sorry it woks have been a great buy for sure if they were real !!
Oct 05Reply
cgrisier @hrdrssr1 Ya it would have been like the best deal ever! And your welcome!
Oct 05Reply
nanimoku2020 Hi Tara.. so sorry for the late response.. I sometimes miss the comments... anyhoo let me know if ur still interested in the leather pants 🤓
Oct 13Reply
leschaussures Hello Tara I hope you have a moment to check out my 👠👠👠 collection . You won’t regret it 😉😉😉😉
Oct 16Reply
hrdrssr1 @leschaussures thx I’ll ck it out
Oct 16Reply
emjoy72 Hello again, I still have the Salvatore Ferragamo’s available. I wasn’t sure if you would still be interested in purchasing. I’ve checked out your closet and you have great closet, I wish some of your items were in my size.
Oct 16Reply
hrdrssr1 @barrel10 hey there thx for the offer but I already purchase a similar pair off the realreal a while back I’ll share thx again for letting me know
Oct 16Reply
s39 Not sure if you saw I submitted an offer??
Nov 17Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hello. Have a great New Year!
Dec 26Reply
modig Hi Tara, just popping by to say hi. I think you might like my closet if you catch a moment to look, reach out if I can help with anything. Happy New Year!🌷~Tricia
Jan 11Reply
dherrera1992 Hi, I will be shipping your purse today! Sorry for the long wait!
Jan 17Reply
dherrera1992 Hi, I’m so sorry for not sending your purchase I tried sending it today during my lunch and the post office by my work rejected my box even though it is an approved box. I will send it no later than tomorrow!! I am very sorry for the long wait.
Jan 18Reply
grapekandy Hi!! Check out my closet :) xoxo
Jan 26Reply
dailyrefinement Thanks for your purchase, cheers! Ships tmrw!
Feb 25Reply
hrdrssr1 @dailyrefinement thank u for reconsidering!! 👍🏻❤️
Feb 25Reply
tinadurand Hi did you want the bundle you made in my closet.
Mar 09Reply
hrdrssr1 @tinadurand thx for asking right now just liking thx
Mar 09Reply
bundlelove Hey! Just got your message fro Mt he gray romper pants. The perfume is coco madamoiselle
Mar 14Reply
hrdrssr1 @bundlelove thx so much
Mar 14Reply
huffychic Hi! As a thank you for shopping my closet, I'm offering 50% off to returning customers! I appreciate your business and hope you will take advantage of this amazing offer. Have a great day!
May 02Reply
thandiepixie Hi there Tara ! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet... I think you’ll love it🌺
Oct 13Reply
bfashion1 @hrdrssr1 Hello, when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have a great selection of women, men and children items.  I have all different sizes in many different colors and choices. . Today sale: Bundle your items and take an additional 50% off excluding anything marked with a 🍁. Please come back often as I love to shop to bring fresh product to my closet all the time Thanks in advance for looking 🥰❤
Oct 31Reply
angelinam1124 Hello! My name is Angelina🥰 I am a posh ambassador🌸I would love if you checked out my closet🌹Currently, my closet is running a 3/$20 sale!🌿 You may find items you love at a price you love! Have an amazing day and happy poshing💕
Apr 11Reply
kfab333 @hrdrssr1 Hi There! 🥰Super Happy You Dropped By! I am Kimberly- Owner of Kfab Designs! 💖-Always Happy to Assist You in Finding Your Perfect Style! All Orders are Shipped with Gifts 🎁! I Look Forward to Working with You!
Oct 12Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁 If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 09Reply
tinaberger Hi Tara, Thank thank you for shopping my closet. 🛍 Your order was shipped today! 😊💕
Jun 07Reply
3southerncharms @hrdrssr1 Hi Tara!😊 Thank you for your purchase, we really appreciate it! We will get your beautiful sandals packaged up and ready to mail. Our post Office requires 24 hour notification for package pick ups so they should go out tomorrow. We will let you know when it is shipped off and on its way to you. We hope that you will visit us again soon!😊 Your Friends @3southerncharms 😊💖🌸
Jun 15Reply
3southerncharms @hrdrssr1 Hi Tara!😊 We just wanted to let you know that the post office picked up your package a few minutes ago. We hope that you will love your beautiful Sandals! Thank you again for your purchase with us, we really do appreciate it!😊 Your Friends @3SouthernCharms 😊💖🌸
Jun 15Reply
3southerncharms @hrdrssr1 Hi Tara!😊 We wanted to thank you for taking the time to rate your purchase with us! We really appreciate it and it means a lot to us!! We are so happy that you love your beautiful sandals! We hope that you will visit us again!😊 Your Friends @3southerncharms 😊💖🌸
Jun 20Reply
nini_placard Hi! I saw that you bought the CL circus boots from another posher, if you ever wanna get rid of them, lmk! Please :) I’d love to buy from you. I love your closet!! Wish I found it a while back to snag some of your deals :)
Oct 24Reply
hrdrssr1 @nini_placard hey there I don’t have them anymore but I’m getting ready to post some botta knee boots excellent condition.
Oct 25Reply
nini_placard @hrdrssr1 awe! They were awesome. Well I’m following you so I will definitely be waiting for your posts. Thanks for the reply!
Oct 25Reply
sferrata @hrdrssr1 Hi! Wow, you’re so pretty! Please forgive me for the delay in responding, too much to get done for Christmas and not enough time to get it all done! LOL! I’m so sorry, but I only have one Nude Awakening right now. 😁❤️❤️
Dec 22Reply
blessedarmoire Hey there ✌🏻😎 i’m not sure how your package ended up all the way over in Hawaii but I contacted Poshmark the other day, to find out what’s going on and trying to figure out why your package ended up in Honolulu ? however, I have noticed that it’s on back on track to come back to you - but as I said, I’m waiting for Poshmark to explain to me how this could happen - i’m so sorry for the delay, but I thank you so kindly for being patient 👍🏻😇 God bless you and keep you safe
Feb 10Reply
hrdrssr1 @jenfietsam74 no worries I saw that thx for the check up I appreciate it
Feb 10Reply
cutehosiery @hrdrssr1 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 18Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 05Reply

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Last Active: Mar 12

O Fallon, IL
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Last Active: Mar 12

O Fallon, IL
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