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Updated Jan 31
Updated Jan 31

This girl ❤️ LOVES OFFERS ❤️

Meet the Posher


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Hi! I'm Erica. Some of my favorite brands are Tory Burch, lululemon athletica, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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pia_c Hi there I bought the natives, excited to receive it :)
Jul 06Reply
j3s21 Thanks for following!
Jul 07Reply
laflygirl @pia_c I’m excited for you! Hope they fit perfectly!
Jul 07Reply
laflygirl @j3s21 🤩😎
Jul 07Reply
pia_c @laflygirl hope so, tried the JEFFERSON in store and 5 fit him!
Jul 07Reply
pia_c Hi how do I edit your rating I wanted to give you 5 star rating but just saw that I had clicked 4 by mistake
Sep 27Reply
pia_c @laflygirl let me know :)
Sep 27Reply
chriskeough Hi! I just received and love the Burberry hombre dress? Do you know what caused the spots on the dress? Thanks!
Mar 21Reply
laflygirl @chriskeough hi there. It was food. I took it to dry cleaner and after two days they called me and said they just noticed the stain 🙄 looked like they had treated it with something
Mar 21Reply
chriskeough Do you remember what kind of Food? Just so I can research the best spot removal solution...
Mar 22Reply
laflygirl @chriskeough I’m sorry- no
Mar 22Reply
mmdell11 hi! I just wanted to let you know that I am having a huge sale! feel free to check it out! (:
Apr 21Reply
reachstaceyo Thanks for all the shares!! Best of luck on Poshmark.
May 06Reply
laflygirl @reachstaceyo same to you!!! 🤩🥳
May 06Reply
justgivemeone Hi Erica! How’s it going out there flying around? Monica didn’t tell me who you work for etc .... I bailed on a one year leave in February. I hope you’re staying safe and healthy. -Pam
May 21Reply
kimberposhing Great closet! 😀
May 29Reply
anemicblnde poshmark messed up and sent a 125 order to an old friend at a motel. They said oh well should have changed your address before. I DID!! And have ordered since. So i just want to make certain this goes to the right address. 94625 Grange rd Gold beach Oregon 97444 thank you!!
May 31Reply
laflygirl @anemicblnde hi there! That is the address i have on your shipping label! Thanks for shopping- it will be in the mail first thing Monday ☺️
May 31Reply
emilyblaikie hey! I would love it if you checked out some of the items in my closet!
Jun 26Reply
justgivemeone Erica❣️❣️❣️ Happy Fourth weekend to you🎉🎉 If you’re out there flying, enjoy and keep yourself safe.
Jul 02Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone same to you! I’m not flying, thank goodness. Your closet is amazing!!!! I am waiting for the perfect Stella McCartney bag just FYI
Jul 02Reply
justgivemeone @laflygirl Hey Erica, glad you’re not out flying around. Thanks for the nice compliment on my stuff, you have amazing items, something for anyone! But hey I have a PFF that has a really pretty red Stella McCartney bag you might like since you’re looking. I don’t think she’s sold it because she’s had her closet on vaca. Check it out and have a great holiday💥 @fryemeup
Jul 02Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone it’s very large, but pretty!
Jul 02Reply
bestdressed995 Thank u 4 all you do❤️
Jul 20Reply
hopewins925 you have a very cute closet of fashion! I hope you make a lot of sales in the upcoming week! ❤
Jul 22Reply
laflygirl @hopewins925 thanks so much for stopping by. I will check yours out soon ✌️ 🥰
Jul 22Reply
laflygirl @bestdressed995 wow! Thank you for spreading words of kindness 😍🥳
Jul 22Reply
shopyellowdaisy 🌼Hey girl, wanted to say hi,  I'm Bella and my daughter Maya and I run our closet. We've been working really hard on trying to set up our closet to look cute and organized for shoppers when they browse. We are still new here, and would love any feedback you can give on our design, setup, and overall look of our closet. Can you take a quick look, and drop me a comment with any advice that comes to mind when you look around, I would be so thankful. ❤Bella @shopyellowdaisy 🌼
Sep 07Reply
byrdemily Thank you for checking out my closet! 🌊🏝PRE-VACATION SALE!🏝🌊 ❤LIKE your favorite items and I will send private offer for 20% off + discounted shipping! Ends 10/1🖤
Sep 25Reply
justgivemeone Hey Erica! How are the skies these days? You never told me, unless I forgot, who you work for. But I hope all is well with you my friend, you have an amazing closet❣️❣️ -Pam😘
Oct 19Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone Hi! I actually took a leave. The skies are a bit crazy I hear. I’m with AA. You? I adore your closet!
Oct 19Reply
justgivemeone @laflygirl Lord girl!! I took a year in April after calling in SCARED for March when I returned from Italy in February. Things look awfully grim again for every airline. But prolly like you, I’ve been through mergers and bankruptcies since 1987, when I started with the original Piedmont. We just ride the tide .... but I’m American as well. Charlotte based when I left this time
Oct 19Reply
justgivemeone @laflygirl I’ve always been on 40 hours, 50 before the last merger. I don’t miss the noise one bit, of airports, jetways and people in general. I’ve taken every leave EVER offered and will try and skate to the magic number of ..... YAY!! I’m insured😉
Oct 19Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone Same here. Hired before 9/11. I have been off since January and will be gone another 14 months. At this point, I am the most junior again after nearly 20 years.
Oct 19Reply
laflygirl Good for you. Probably more information than anyone wants to hear, but went through a divorce 3 years ago.... life has taken many twists and turns, I will survive- is what I keep saying.
Oct 19Reply
justgivemeone @laflygirl It’s disappointing and frustrating and I am so sorry. In the last year or two, there was so much enthusiasm with new, fresh faces starting out. I loved working with new hires❣️❣️❣️ I used to do recruiting in 89, I hate for them to have their dreams and hopes dashed about the future. PLAN YOUR VOTE
Oct 19Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone Absolutely 💞
Oct 19Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet! Be safe....Dorothy
Oct 30Reply
rmsilvey Hello Erica. I’m a Poshmark Ambassador and would like to welcome you to my community. I’m a Complete Fashionista. I worked for years in Network Media and then Internet Media. I then adopted two daughters and started a Classical Pilates Studio. Closets and closets of fabulous clothes, most still with tags on them. So shop, bundle and save, safely from your home, and if you do go out....WEAR A MASK😃😃😃😃😷😷😷
Nov 03Reply
justgivemeone Hey Erica!!! How are things??? I’ve been absent since before working the polls. I saw that the Max is back and some furloughed were getting called back. Catch me up and Happy New Year❣️❣️❣️❣️ -Pam
Jan 05Reply
justgivemeone Hey Erica. I’m hosting a kid’s party on the 13th and I sure do plan on picking from your kid’s closet. I love all of your stuff in every category but if you’re not flying, try and join💕💕💕💕
Jan 05Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone awww thanks!!! I sure will! Thanks for all the Poshmark love you are giving to my closet!!! 🥰
Jan 05Reply
priniegwen Hi! I wanted to stop by & say thank you for the follow! 💕 I’m closing my closet soon & accepting ALL offers. So, check back often for new listings & purchase individually or start a bundle. If you have any questions, please let me know. 🌈✨
Jan 10Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 15Reply
debzz101 @laflygirl Lovely closet;-)
Jan 15Reply
laflygirl @debzz101 thanks so much! Feel free to make an offer on anything you like! Have a fantastic day!
Jan 15Reply
justgivemeone Hey Erica. I’d love to hear how things are going with you and the airline these days!! Hope you’re not working your butt off😉
Jan 19Reply
momof2boys621 Salam beautiful, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Welcome to Poshmark 😊Love your listings by the way!
Jan 24Reply
justgivemeone Hey Erica. I’m hosting another party and I’d love to feature one of your items. It’s a Luxury Party at noon EST on the 16th. If you have a specific item, you’d like picked, let me know. I checked a couple .... -Pam
Feb 11Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone aww thx so much! When is the 🎉 party? Congrats on that!!! I message you on Pinterest 🙃 does anyone use that anymore?
Feb 11Reply
justgivemeone @laflygirl I have thousands of messages there. Never check them. Just tag me. The 16th at noon, 9 your time
Feb 11Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone okie doke! I’ll set a reminder 😍🎉🎉 congrats again!
Feb 11Reply
justgivemeone Hello LA❣️❣️ Erica you must be sitting around an airport waiting ... like we all have done to share that much. Girl! Happy Valentines Day my friend!!!!
Feb 14Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone haha. My son was still asleep and i was waiting for his Vday donut delivery to arrive! Happy ❤️💕❤️ day!
Feb 14Reply
justgivemeone @laflygirl Donuts?? Son?? How old? My son never slept, still doesn’t at 25😉. Are you working or off? I’m taking another 18 months, my current leave will expire first of April
Feb 14Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone my son is 6- we are doing virtual learning so looking at this time off from flying as a blessing in disguise. My son is a wonderful sleeper but no naps since age 4 🙃 mama tired. Ooooo, nice pick! Thanks so much!
Feb 14Reply
justgivemeone Love the new photo💕💕
Mar 16Reply
justgivemeone You have never answered, are you flying or off???
Mar 16Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone lol- i answered way back in July. I am off thru 2022. My mom is high risk- although she and dad are due for second vaccination. Also, single mom with son doing virtual school. So, grounded for now 🤗
Mar 16Reply
laflygirl @justgivemeone oh- thank you! I want to start personalizing my page a bit more. Also my IG @thriftfix4
Mar 16Reply
justgivemeone @laflygirl I’m sure I missed that somehow🙄
Mar 16Reply
justgivemeone Hey Erica. Maternity party coming up on the 12th at 7:00 PM EST. I picked your navy ASOS dress
Jun 05Reply
lainey0582 Your bags are so gorgeous! Especially the Hiawatha crochet one. Loving your closet❤ Have a wonderful Friday!
Jun 18Reply
laflygirl @lainey0582 awww thx! So sweet of you❤️
Jun 18Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything
May 08Reply
worldhippie Hi there!! I love the jacket but I had purchased another one before you sent the counteroffer. I will keep it in mind though b/c the other one is brown. Juliette.
May 25Reply
laflygirl @worldhippie no worries at all! Yes, it is a great jacket. Thank you for the communication- have a great day!
May 25Reply
laflygirl @worldhippie just wanted to let you know that I’m adding a new Vince goat leather jacket to my closet supremely soft and thin leather. Clean lines.
May 26Reply
worldhippie @laflygirl thank you :)
May 26Reply
laflygirl @hendo69 it was shipped approximately 2 hours after your payment was processed. I have notified USPS that it does not seem to be tracking.
Dec 14Reply

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Long Beach, CA
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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Long Beach, CA
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