C$1,000,000 C$1,000,000
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Trying to collect money and get out of debt, thanks to vets that didn't bother to save my furry baby. Obviously, still mad and sad about that. In better times, you would always find me either reading a book with a cup of tea or coffee and biscuit, or snooping around the nature - and always with my beloved girl at my feet (once she wasn't a puppy anymore, she deemed it embarrassing to be in my lap). If paintings or drawings are allowed to be sold here, I will try it once I'm able to paint again.
19 others
like this
Sorry about your fur baby. I’ve lost pets in the past and I know how heartbreaking it is. 🌹
@stylebythesee 😔
@stylebythesee She was my first baby 😔
@vesna_sunrider You should start doing art again in her honor! I’m sure she loved you too and would want you to be happy.
@somethingthrift Hi! I just did 😊
@stylebythesee I am trying... But the fact is that I started painting after a very long time - on the night she got sick (and a night before she died). I'm guessing that yet another of those great "coincidences" also contributes to my lack of will. After that one I painted recently some small watercolour and I didn't finish it... Yet 😓
@vesna_sunrider Sometimes life gets tough. Then we stop doing the things we love. We get even more unhappy. Even if you don’t feel it just try and maybe all the good feelings will all come back to you. 🌹
@somethingthrift Np 😊❤
@stylebythesee Thanks! Seeing someone who is a (well, almost 😅) total stranger trying to cheer me up and give me hope lowers slightly my general disappointment (and admittedly, hate 😅) in humanity - and I'm not being mean, I truly mean it (no pun intended... English has a funny way of making me feel awkward in the moments I least need or want it! 😅)!
@vesna_sunrider Hi Beautiful,
Sorry for my late response, I became a Poshmark Ambassador today and my account had been nuts. I got three orders in one day. A record for me so far,. Also a ton of followers so I’ve been following EVERYONE of them back.
I feel like you’re my friend now. We just can’t be strangers anymore since we now have a history. I know exactly what you mean about mankind. Sometimes they can be really shitty but not always.
There’s still lots of good ones out there. Don’t give up on humans yet. I always say, “I’m not a people person, I’m a dog person!” Dog backwards is God. There’s got to be a reason for that. ❤️
@stylebythesee Ohhh congrats! 😊 I'm truly happy for you - I hope it will boost your... Well, everything (not that I think you need boosting at all)! 😅
@stylebythesee Yep, that's exactly how I feel - a dog person (even though I'm not religious 😅) all the way. I theoretically know there are good people in the world, but I haven't met too many until recently 😅 I don't know, maybe my guy is right - he says that pretty much any country would, if it went through the wars and devastation mine did, for as long as mine did, end up degenerating in every aspect 🥺
And the situation has definitely confirmed the theory about needs fulfillment priority (i.e. you don't stop to consider about cultural elevation/nature preservation/other big concerns of the world if you're scraping for basic needs i.e. water, food and shelter... At least, not too many people do, or they don't realise that social unity is the best way to betterment). I have weird time triggers for going all philosophical, I apologise 😅
I made a sticker pack on Viber, in memory of my girl. They have no idea they opened the doors to hell by allowing everyone to create sticker packs - my external hard drive is fully loaded (I have more pictures of her than some people of their kids), and I intend to use it! 😅
@vesna_sunrider Thanks Beautiful 😊 😂
@vesna_sunrider I’m not religious either. Only when it comes to dogs. 😍 what country is that?
@vesna_sunrider I know, I know if we stop and think about how humans are destroying our world it’s very depressing. BUT that means you need to enjoy it while you can and realize that you can only control your portion and not every single person out there.
Hey Beautiful,
You have a bunch of items in your bundle. Did you want me to make an offer? I’m just not sure you really want to buy or not? 😊
@stylebythesee Used to be Yugoslavia :/
@stylebythesee Yeah... THAT is the the lesson I learned the hard way 😅
@vesna_sunrider I used to date a Croatian guy.
@vesna_sunrider I understand more now.
@stylebythesee Oh no no, thank you! I'm saving them for later time so that I'd find them easier and get, if they're not sold 😓 Sorry about confusion 😓
@stylebythesee Heheh there's a lot of Croatians here in Vancouver, but I think most of them came here while Yugoslavia still existed :( From what I've gathered so far, at that time most of the emmigratees (is that the word? 😅) were among the low-educated (but ofc there were highly educated people that didn't like it back then), but nowadays great majority of people who leave Serbia are highly educated 😓 And oddly enough, Slavic people are best friends everywhere - outside of Balkans 🙄
@vesna_sunrider no problem Beautiful. I thought something like that. 😊
@stylebythesee To be honest, it's way too complicated even for us, let alone for people who (mostly) have no idea about that part of the world 😅
@vesna_sunrider he was really cute but not that smart or nice. I was young and stupid.
So are you Serbian or Croatian, not that it matters. I’m Portuguese. Born in Ontario.
It bothers me so much when people from the same Country can’t even get along.
@stylebythesee I know, me too. But it's almost like we're cursed people and I don't like that trait (that we can be so spiteful and stupid!) 😓 I'm technically born and lived most of my life in Serbia, but my mother is from Bosnia and I lived there until a couple of years before the war and that's what I used to consider a home... Now lost 😓
@stylebythesee Men, I have found, are like that everywhere 😓 Supposedly there are those unicorns that are well-mannered, funny, smart AND treat women like they should be treated, but I have never dated one 😅 Maybe it's a matter of timing, among other things, I don't know. I know that the older I am, the less I'm willing to tolerate other people's shitty behaviour (we all make errors but if you keep repeating them... ) 🙄 I really have become a misanthropic person 😅
Thank you for the 5 Star ratings and the wonderful comments. Means a lot! 🌹
@stylebythesee I have only noticed that getting the ambassador rank is well-earned 😉❤️
@vesna_sunrider You’re so sweet! 😍
@stylebythesee Am not, it's the truth 😜
@vesna_sunrider 🤗
Hi Beautiful, how is everything going?
@stylebythesee Hi lovely! Thanks for asking, I was a bit sick but now I'm okay 😊 Volunteering at VIFF and kinda getting desperate to find a job 😓 How are you? 😊 I was thinking about you, I was just waiting to get home to write you a line or two 😅
@vesna_sunrider I’m glad you’re feeling better. Volunteering at VIFF sounds like fun. It must be frustrating to be desperate to find a job. What kind of job are you looking for?
@stylebythesee Well, I was hoping to get a junior designer/web designer job, because I need to learn on the job. However, at this point I'm applying wherever I can, even Starbucks 😓
@vesna_sunrider well that should be in high demand. You can try godaddy, wix, Shopify. Maybe you can do a job online with them. Or amazon!
@stylebythesee Already been applying, but nothing so far. And wix is a platform where one can get templates for websites... so yeah that's a good idea - maybe I can make those and sell them through that 🤔 However, all that (selling paintings included) is sorta bound to be a long wait until the pay-off, and I need to start getting paid asap 😓
@vesna_sunrider Yes I thought maybe wix in customer service or support. Offer your services online. You can teach people how to use those platforms. Just putting it out there. Also, try offering a service on Fiverr, make some extra cash. 😊
@stylebythesee ahahah the company I worked at back home held customer support for Fiverr 🤣
@vesna_sunrider what a coincidence 😊
@stylebythesee Heheh 😁 I don't think that Fiverr would be particularly useful for me while in Canada, because I can't compete in low prices as people from India or other countries with significantly lower costs of living 😓
@vesna_sunrider Okay! I’ll have to come up with some other options. Hahaha
@stylebythesee 😁 Thank you for trying to help! ❤️ I might be able to wiggle myself inside VIFF paid staff - they seem to like me, for some reason! 😁
@vesna_sunrider what’s not to like! That’s awesome! Seems to suit you too! 😊
@stylebythesee I don't know, it may be, but it's way too stressful for me at this time and with my current mental state 😓 Who knows - it won't stop me from trying, though Canadian immigration services slowness might 😁 If they're not done processing our visa extension by the end of October, we're either staying illegally (🎵ooh ooh, I'm an alien, I'm illegal alien...🎶) - not sure how because we won't be able to work and thus support ourselves - or being deported 😅
@vesna_sunrider oh wow, your just visiting? October is gonna go quick. You better light a fire under their butts.
@stylebythesee Oh, we're not... At least we didn't plan to just visit - we planned to start a life and family here, but everything went down the hill (as all my plans usually do 🙄😅).
@stylebythesee We were misinformed about the living costs here and so my partner didn't negotiate as high a salary as he should have - plus the issue with vets and my girl's death - and so he now doesn't even want to stay here anymore and therefore was dragging his *ss about submitting for PR and everything is being done in the last minute, both work permit extension and PR 🙄
@stylebythesee I'd love to light that fire, but I think that in that case my deportation would be guaranteed - with permanent ban from entering Canada ever again 🤣
@vesna_sunrider listen, it’s tough times but it won’t always be the case. Everything in cycles.
@vesna_sunrider it must be so hard coming to s new Country and starting a life. Is it possible he can re negotiate. If the really want him to stay. They will pay. .
@vesna_sunrider hahaha! You’re so funny. I don’t want you to go. 😊
@stylebythesee The problem is, he quit Amazon and can't work anywhere for the time being - burnout. I had a phone job interview on Wednesday, for ~45 min 😅 She said they would call me at the beginning of the next week if they want to proceed with the next step. I don't want to hope, every time I really really liked a job, I didn't get it (same goes for the one I mentioned I applied for two weeks ago) 😓
@stylebythesee I don't wanna go, either 😅 Heheh we have to meet somehow and have a coffee and talk 😁
@vesna_sunrider hi I will post the case tomorrow for you. I lose the original case.
@vesna_sunrider hi Beautiful! Sorry for the delay is responding. Yes that would be lovely to sit and have coffee with you.😊 I’m sorry tired of work right now. Just wish I could posh all day. What’s new?
Thank you for all the shares Beautiful! Really appreciate it! 🌹
@stylebythesee I'm having a bit of a runny nose, is one new thing, and another I got a recommendation letter from VIFF - they really put an effort into writing it, I loved it! No for shares, you do it for me so it's only fair to return the favour 🥰 What got you so tired? 😔
@vesna_sunrider that’s amazing that you got a recommendation letter from Tiff.. that should help the job search.
I’m always tired. But late nights on poshmark doesn’t help. If I could only sleep for about a month I’d be fine.
@stylebythesee *no problem for shares. See, you're not the only tired one (you can tell when a grammar nazi is tired by them having errors)! 🤣 I hope so, regarding the job search. May I ask what do you do outside of Poshmark, what is your job?
@vesna_sunrider I’m in Accounts Payable for a Home Builder. But I basically do everything here. It’s a small Italian family with a shitload of money but they are only generous with their own. I’ll stay for now but it kills me to go to work everyday. It’s boring here mostly. I like one guy he’s nice company and we have lunch in our lunch room here. Great conversation. He’s the only bright spot in my day here. I work from 8:30 to 4:30 so the hours aren’t bad.
@stylebythesee Aw. It sure sucks being stuck on a job you hate 😓 Having good colleagues, however, helps coping with it. Have you searched for another job? Would there be something you'd like to do more? 😊
@vesna_sunrider hi beautiful, I have not searched for another job. I really don’t want another job. I’m afraid I won’t be happy. I just want to be a reseller. I Love that more then anything. 😊
@stylebythesee Well, maybe if you start earning enough for living off of Poshmark (I assume) you can dedicate yourself fully to that and quit the current job! Problem solved! 😁
Hi I noticed you purchased my adidas leggings. However they have sold else where and because there was a payment issue I was not notified off your purchase. I think you have to leave it for 24 hours, it’s been 12 before I can cancel the listing. So in stead of you not getting a product I just wanted to let you know that it is not for sale and you have to wait 12 hours until I can cancel it and you don’t pay
@sydneyd7477 😔 Okay 😔
Hi! Hvala puno za ‘feedback’! Drago mi je da ti se svidja:) 😍
@verte_patere 😊 Nego zaboravila si da izvadis naocare i neki eyeliner iz torbe 😅 Poslacu ti, ako mogu da vidim tvoju adresu, ili mi je napisi na bundle u kom je bila torba?
@vesna_sunrider nisam zaboravila:) to je bio mali poklon za tebe!
@verte_patere Aww 🥰 Hvala, stvarno nije trebalo, nisu ni te stvari jeftine, a vec si mi dala torbu prakticno za dzabe 😅
@vesna_sunrider haha odusevljavas me sa svojom skromnoscu! To je stvarno rijetko danas! 😌 🤗
@verte_patere Pa nije nego sam zahvalna kad mi neko vec ucini nesto (spustila si mi cenu), pa onda nemam obraza da trazim (ili ne umem da prihvatim) dodatno 😅 🥰
@clothes_to_new Hi, thank you for letting me know, and for the offer. I cannot purchase anything atm, however 😓
@clothes_to_new Thank you, you too! :)
Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or still have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, UGG Australia, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
@beeblakelee Thank you! I have to focus more on selling my stuff atm, we have almost two months to try and get by 😓 Hopefully after that period has passed, I can be somewhat more relaxed 😓
Hi Vesna, I sent you an offer for your bundle from my closet with the sale price, cheers 😀
@ladylouise25 Hey hey 😁 I see you managed to find it :D
@missionposh Hi! Thank you for your kind offer, but I'm only window-shopping at this time 🙁
@vesna_sunrider No worries, happy poshing :)
Hi Vesna 🌸
Thanks for visiting my closet + for your interest in my dress! I sent you an offer, this dress is beautiful and is now too big for me! It was hardly worn, I’m hoping to find it a home where it can be loved + appreciated 💕
〰️ Let me know if you have any questions!
🎆 I sent you an offer, keep your eyes peeled !
Hi, hope everything is going all right. Please feel free to check out my closet and ❤️ anything that catches your eye, and make me any offers as I accept all offers! Happy poshing!
Hey girl, thanks for visiting my closet and following 🧡 I’m currently having a Buy One Receive Second Item 50% off sale. Simply add at least two items from my closet to a bundle or comment on bundle if you’ve already started. Any questions please don’t hesitate 🤗
@shopabstyle Hi! Thank you, I'm just window-shopping for now 😅
HI! Let me know if you’d like to bundle a few items for a discount. I can’t send you anymore offers. Happy poshing 🤗👊
@posh_by_hannah Thanks for the offer, but I'm not able to buy anything for the time being 😓
@vesna_sunrider not a problem at all! Stay safe and healthy 🥰
Hi Vesna, Thank you for all the shares! I see that you liked several items. I'm happy to send you an discounted offer when your ready :)
@riches_and_rags Thanks! 😅 I like your closet a lot! I'm among the bad-luck-Brian people who were looking for a job even before this hubbub ensued, though, so I can't do a thing regarding purchases here! 🥺
Hello & Welcome to Poshmark 🇨🇦. Feel free to shop my closet for fabulous items 💖. I’m a Posh Ambassador so if you have any questions ask away😊. FYI Tips:
🇨🇦 Bundle to save on shipping & some sellers offer additional discount if you buy more than 1 item from their closet
🇨🇦 You can negotiate the purchase price
🇨🇦 When taking pics of your item have a solid color background & good lighting
Happy Shopping & Selling🛍.
@diligentdiva74 Thank you! 🥰
Hello are you today and hope you're staying safe too.
Kindly see my little closet full of clean and gorgeous items for your stylish self at already good and negotiable prices.
Here to serve,let me add to your already fabulous wardrobe.
Thanks Vesna
@sincerelytrue86 Thank you! I'm mostly window-shopping, and trying to sell my stuff 😅
Hello Vensa, I'm just getting home from the camp and wanted to reach out to you to see if you have any questions in regards to your bundle & offer. I'm very open to counteroffers and would love to mail your liked items soon. Take Care Colleen :)
@eastcoastgems Thank you for the kind offer, but I'm only window-shopping for the time being... and soon we will have to move back home, so I won't be able to order anything here anymore 😅
Hey there I offer a bundle discount and usually discount further for a great deal thanks for checking out my closet!
@jemscloset582 Hi! Thanks, but it's still the same for me as 4 days ago 😓
@hanawal Thank you! I'm leaving Canada soon, so even though I loved some stuff here a lot, it's not very wise to have additional weight on the flight - and Poshmark doesn't exist where I'm going ☹️
Helloo beautiful! 🌷I hope you are doing well! I invite you to look at my closet. Lots of pre-loved or brand new item. Don’t be shy and make an offer. Everything is negotiable. 🤍
🌷Jimmy Choo, Calvin Klein, Triangl & more.
Hi there! I wanted to invite you to check out my closet full of beautiful clothing and accesories! I have various luxury and designer brands, as well as everyday amazing clothing! There is something for everyone! I am open to any offers, and have great deals on bundles:) Please let me know if I can help you with anything😊
Happy Poshing!!
Hey girl! Just wanted to invite you to my closet sale🛍. I carry Aritzia, Levi's, Lululemon, Babaton, Free People, Uggs and more! Bundle 3 items and I'll give you 10% off. Take care!😊
Hi There 😉🤪😜🥰😊👻☠️💀👽👹👿😈
My Name Is Shannelle 💋💋
I’m a Poshmark Ambassador! Welcome To Poshmark! Happy Poshmarking your stuffs 😜🤪🥰😍😚😘😎🤩🥳
Come Check Out My Unique Vintage Store 🏬
Full Of Interesting, Rare, & Special Stuffs.
Super CHEAP & Mind Blowing Price.. Hardly Won’t Decline Any Offer 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 & you will receive some Spooky 👻 🪳🪰🦇🐸 Gifts!!!!
My Listings A lot can be good to resell it as my price is just crazy CHEAP - Bundle To Get Even More Crazier price!!!
Hi Vesna
Oooh your doggie is so adorable 💙🐾🐾
When you visit my closet, kindly note:
Changes to your bundles: if you purchase 2 items or more from my closet, you will receive an automatic discount of 15%. I also encourage offers from potential buyers. Don’t be shy. I’m sure we can always reach an agreement on an offer 🤗
Have fun Poshing and if you have questions, pls feel free to ask. 🛍️🎁♥️
Thanks. ☺️
Joj tako mi je zao 😞. My chocolate lab 🐶 also passed away. It does get better .. slowly.. sometimes I call my new puppy her name by mistake ‘Bailey.. like in alcohol 😉) Everytime I went to Trout Lake (Nanaimo skytrain), it broke my heart ❤️ seeing all the dogs playing. .. bye lepotica
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