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Updated Nov 11
Updated Nov 11

WELCOME - Clothing with a Cause! & Ethically Made

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We're Christine & Adam, founders of The Lemonade Boutique We invite ordinary women to become extraordinary world changers through purchasing our clothing with a cause! Each item is made by and helps women facing extreme challenges such as human trafficking, abuse, addiction, and more. We help these women take life's lemons and make lemonade. We believe in holistic healing driven by fair employment. Question? Let's chat below! You can learn more by visiting
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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mostlymystic Hey lady, welcome to Poshmark! Thanks so much for using my code to register :) If you have any questions about the world of Posh I'm always happy to help - I know it can be addicting for sure! In my closet I always offer next day shipping, bundle discounts, and a free gift with every order. I hope you're able to find some awesome deals and have lots of fun and don't forget to let me know if you ever need anything! #happyposhing
May 23Reply
makelemonade @jyork1989 thanks! I found your code on insta--thanks for sharing!
May 24Reply
poshmark8530678 LOOKING FOR TRENDY❓Like new designer jeans, jackets and dresses for a fraction of the original price😊. Buy multiple items using the (bundle feature) and receive % off 😉. My loss your gain😉. Happy Poshin'😍😍😍💄👗👠👛
May 30Reply
summerofjasmine @cfiesta Hi, so glad you were pleased with the dress, and thanks for the very nice note. 😊
Jun 01Reply
makelemonade @_ajoyfulnoise you're welcome! It was a pleasure purchasing from you!
Jun 01Reply
virago Hi Christine! My name is Raci and I'd like to welcome you to Poshmak! It's an amazing place where you will find some wonderful people. Please check out @poshuniversity and @official_forum where you will find a lot of helpful information for those new to Poshmark. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me as well if you have any questions. Best of luck to you and wishing you many sales! Happy Poshing!!
Jun 10Reply
makelemonade @virago thank you Raci! I feel welcomed. :)
Jun 10Reply
makelemonade @mymslou of course! It's what we Poshers do!
Jun 10Reply
msuebest @cfiesta hi Christine, Welcome to Posh. You have a lovely closet.🌺
Jun 12Reply
histyle808 Welcome to PM! Love 💖💞💕 your closet-fabulous displays, descriptions and prices! Way to go, girl! 😍😍
Jun 12Reply
makelemonade @histyle808 THANK YOU! You just put a bit huge smile on my face! :D
Jun 12Reply
makelemonade strike *bit* from the last comment. ;-)
Jun 12Reply
eden666 You are adorable and have a gorgeous smile! Love your closet Doll xoxo!
Jun 21Reply
makelemonade @eden666 thanks Hun! I shared some of your listings, so hopefully they sell quickly for you! :)
Jun 21Reply
lostintheattic Hi Christine! Thanks for starting a bundle. :) I really appreciate your closet mission statement as well! I'm closing tomorrow and putting everything in a yard sale, so I'd love to give you a deal on your bundle. Let me know! Thanks :)
Jul 08Reply
cj262 @cfiesta Hi Christine. Wow!! Your closet is incredible!! Beautiful. Wanted to offer you 15% off if you decide you wanted to bundle those 3 items in my closet. Thank you for shopping my closet😊💕
Jul 21Reply
ginger_nj Christine your closet looks fantastic 😀. Thank you for your P💟SH L💟VE and sharing my listing! HaPpY FrIdAy! ⛱🍹☀️🛍 \ (•◡•) / Yesenia
Jul 29Reply
soosiez 🌅 Welcome! Enjoy the adventure of buying and selling in a creative "fashion"! Follow and share, you will have no cares! The best to you!👍🙋🏻!
Aug 23Reply
makelemonade @ginger_nj I can't believe I just saw your comment! Thank you!
Aug 23Reply
makelemonade @soosiez Thank you! I sure am enjoying it so far!
Aug 23Reply
makelemonade @jlmmom Thank you! That means a lot! :)
Aug 27Reply
brynneewing Hi there!!! I think I have some things in my closet you'd like!!! Come check it out!
Aug 31Reply
makelemonade @brynneewing Hi! Just wanted to give you a heads up, as it looks like you're kinda new to the app, that it's generally frowned upon to advertise in other Posher's closets! Engaging in such behavior can make other Posher's block or unfollow you and generally decrease the likelihood of selling. Also, on a practical note nothing in your closet would fit me. :) If you have any questions or need any help, don't hesitate to reach out to me! :)
Aug 31Reply
brynneewing Oh sorry haha and okay thanks!
Aug 31Reply
makelemonade @brynneewing no problem! :)
Aug 31Reply
keyonnasummers @makelemonade Love your closet! Super cute!! 😍😍
Sep 23Reply
makelemonade @keyonnasummers Thanks! That means a lot! Let me know if anything in particular strikes your fancy, I'm always willing to make a deal!
Sep 23Reply
knb1 Hello❤️ welcome to Poshmark! I'm.a previous seller but I forgot my account password 😩 anyways, follow me and share my listings to help gain back my followers & branch out my items and i'll be happy to do the same😚
Jan 08Reply
henncoop You have a fabulous closet! 😊🌈💕 I'll be back around! Thanks, Debbie
May 23Reply
makelemonade @henncoop Thank you! Feel free to make me an offer on your items! 😊
May 23Reply
boutiquelaurie Love your shop! Check mine out!
Jun 10Reply
tannerlc60 Hi🤗, Hope you get a chance to check out my closet 💙💚
Aug 08Reply
allthatjaz2424 Great closet!🍋
Aug 16Reply
passporttoindia @makelemonade Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!!
Aug 24Reply
dks121 Congrats on hosting a posh party 💕🎉 please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!!💕 thank you!! 😊💜
Aug 24Reply
julesjax Cute!!!
Aug 24Reply
lilkrista143 Your closet is perfection! Congrats on hosting🍋🍋🍋🍋
Aug 24Reply
aries_boutique Hi Christine, Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to share my listing, so sweet of you! You have a nice closet, cool stuff, love your sense of style! Makes so easy to share. So, I’ve returned your kindness by following your closet and sharing your things with my followers. Hope you will do me the courtesy of following my closet in return. Thank you and have a great day!
Aug 25Reply
makelemonade @aries_boutique You know I already follow you, right? 😉 That's how I found your listing to share. I don't follow closets out of courtesy- only if they are Posh complaint and filled with amazing inventory I want to shop!
Aug 25Reply
eatsleepknit @makelemonade . .. 🙋‍♀️received the 🐶 pug shirt and i hv to tell ya how happy i am! ü are awesome; best shipping of a garment ever! so well packaged! but the best part . ... the shirt is awesome! clean and lots of life left! perfect xmas gift for my pug owner friend 😉 thank ü so very much
Aug 26Reply
makelemonade @eatsleepknit Thank you for the nice note! That made my night! I hope your friend loves it! And if you find something for yourself or someone else, please let me know before you purchase so I can give you a great deal! 💛🍋
Aug 26Reply
eatsleepknit @makelemonade . .. thank ü Christine! will do 😊 and hv a great wkend! 🐛
Aug 26Reply
j_hayes_1 @makelemonade Congratulations on hosting the Best in Menswear party Friday. I am excited. I hope iit goes great for you. I am Jonathan and I am 15. I just started at Poshmark about a month or so ago. My mom @emmielhayes showed me how. Would you please check out both of our closets for a Host Pick. Thanks, Jonathan
Sep 01Reply
mizfabulousity @makelemonade I heard you met my pff Daneen at the meet up in Wisconsin. 👍🏼
Sep 05Reply
makelemonade @mizfabulousity it was Minnesota, but yes I did!
Sep 05Reply
_closetspace_ Hi! So nice meeting you at Poshfest! Thank you sooo much for recommending those budgeting apps to me. Good luck being full time #poshboss!! 💜 Just followed both your accts on Insta too 😊
Oct 03Reply
makelemonade @e_ross3 Hi girl! It was so nice meeting you too! I'm a little sad we didn't connect a little more! If you ever need anything or wamt to talk "Posh Shop" just reach out to me on Instagram! 😚
Oct 03Reply
dressfabnow Hey Christine! It was great to meet you at Poshfest. You've got a great closet. Wishing you much success! -Kim
Oct 03Reply
makelemonade @dressfabnow Thanks Kim! It was great meeting you too!
Oct 03Reply
gwenbielicki It was nice meeting you at Poshfest where we exchanged cards! I love your Closet and will look for you on your other sites. Thank you and Happy Poshing!
Oct 05Reply
makelemonade @gwenbielicki YES! It was great to meet you! Thanks for reaching out! I haven't unloaded all my business cards yet, but I keep finding them! 😂
Oct 05Reply
bloomingbrands Love the new logo!!! 💕💕💕 Hope your doing amazing PFF!!! 🎀
Nov 03Reply
jerseyglam Hi there! I just wanted to stop by and show some Posh Love! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! xoxo Leslie
Nov 11Reply
bloomingbrands Love your closet!!! Looks amazing! 🎀🎀🎀
Dec 27Reply
mcorner24 Hi i was checking out your closet and was wanting to know if u have ant batman items
Dec 28Reply
makelemonade @mcorner24 Hey! Sorry, not at this time! We have a Robin shirt 3XL in our men's closet @menmakelemonade
Dec 28Reply
croweart CONGRATULATIONS!!! 💖💖 It's time to party! 💖💖 Can't wait to cheer, shop and share the night away with you! Would love if you had a free sec to check my closet for possible HP. Hooray for you! 💖💖Have a wonderful time!!💖💖 Love, Lisa 💖💖
Jan 15Reply
kjgreynolds Congrats on being a party host! Id love if you could check out my closet and consider me for a host pick! Happy Poshing 💕
Jan 17Reply
starxapparel Congratulations on hosting! I hope you have a blast!!!
Jan 17Reply
larahaileylux Congrats on hosting & looking forward to your Host Picks!!! Happy Poshing... 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
Jan 18Reply
ladycrackerjack @makelemonade 💕❤️💕❤️CONGRATULATIONS on Being Selected to Host🌟!!!💕❤️💕❤️. I am so excited for you!!!!!💕❤️💕❤️
Jan 18Reply
inspireselflove Congrats on your party, so exciting!!!! Enjoy hosting and have a fun time! Would you please consider stopping by my closet and checking it out? A Host Pick would be much appreciated, if you see something that you like. Thanks and congrats again!
Jan 18Reply
dks121 Congrats on hosting the posh party 🎉 please check out my closet for a possible hp ☺️ thank you💕💕
Jan 18Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Christine, my name is Ronda and I am just getting back into Posh after taking a hiatus due to illness. I wanted to see if you’d be kind enough to honor me with a Host Pick this evening and I will certainly pay back the favor next month when I’m hosting. Either way I am grateful for your consideration. @designerguru2
Jan 19Reply
daintywoods @makelemonade Yay!! Congrats on hosting!! Please take a peek in my closet for a possible HP if you're still searching! Thanks so much! Happy Poshing!!
Jan 19Reply
hicoridee Thank you for co-hosting the Fresh Fashion Finds Party tonight! I hope you like some of my shares ! Looking forward to doing some more shopping and sharing. :) Congratulations and thank you again! <3
Jan 19Reply
jwang26 @makelemonade I know the party's almost over but if you get a chance, please check out my closet. I would so grateful to get a hp! ☺
Jan 19Reply
ecoexchange Hi, thank you for letting me style you! Hope you find something you're looking for. Hope to be a seller stylist someday. 😀
Feb 08Reply
fashionista21 Hey was just thinking of the MN PNS. Hope all is well. 💕Daneen
Mar 25Reply
crystalco Thanks for visiting and sharing my closet! I appreciate it very much.
Apr 17Reply
atl14420 @makelemonade 🎈🎈⭐️Items $10 and under🎈⭐️🎈Offers Accepted❤️🤩🎈🤩Stop by and Save🌸😊🤩 Sending Much Posh Love 🥳🎈❤️
Apr 30Reply
cutehosiery @makelemonade Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 23Reply
mainstreetstyle ❤️ Happy poshing ❤️ Have a wonderful day! 😊
Oct 15Reply

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Last Active: Mar 25 2022

Saint Paul, MN
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Last Active: Mar 25 2022

Saint Paul, MN
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