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welcome to Poshmark my name is Theresa I am a Poshmark Ambassador if you should have any questions or need any help with anything I'm always available
Jul 06Reply

Thanks for the like 😊 If you have any questions feel free to ask, offers are welcomed @ gemstone14kt💎 All merchandise purchased today will ship Tomorrow🇺🇸
Jul 08Reply

Welcome to poshing. Enjoy
Dec 26Reply

Thanks for the like! Let me know if any questions! 😊
Jan 02Reply

Hello I accepted your offer but it says that there is an issue with your payment
Jan 02Reply

I updated some information. I will email poshmark to correct issue.
Jan 02Reply

@misstmk ok perfect thanks
Jan 03Reply

@misstmk Hello friend were you still interested in the item
Jan 03Reply

Yes. I emailed poshmark that info is updated. Should I hit buy again? Sorry I am a novice at poshmarking...
Jan 03Reply

@misstmk hello I accepted your offer again
Jan 06Reply

@misstmk it’s still not processing the payment
Jan 06Reply

I apologize for the confusion and irritation this has caused. This order was pulling from a deleted card on Poshmark. The order has come through. Thank you
Jan 06Reply

Hi Tracy!🙋 Welcome to Poshmark! Quick tip: Make sure to share your closet a couple times a day to keep it fresh. Good luck! Also, if you are in the market to purchase as well, I would like to invite you to check out my closet. I have some cute items from Express, LOFT,
Banana Republic and more. Feel free to send me an offer if anything catches your eye or you can ‘like’ some items and I will send you a sweet deal :)👗🎂. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful night. ~ Patti💐
Aug 24Reply

Hi Tracey, You just purchased The Red Heart earrings from me, I am So sorry, but I am out of them. They are on order, will be a couple of weeks, I can cancel the order,
and I'll let you know when they are re stocked or you can pick something else out if you like...
Thanks !!
Sue :) ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 10Reply

I want to apologize for the delay in shipping out the bag you purchased! We were hit hard here in Tennessee with storms and were without power for five days! My husband was supposed to drop it off at the post office the other day and totally forgot it was in his car.😣 I will definitely be shipping it today! Again, my apologies.
May 12Reply

@pamela_lynnc7 Hello. no worries at all. this are plum crazy everywhere. stay safe and take care. thank you for letting me know about the shipping delay, very appreciated.☺
May 12Reply

Hi... i received your $6 dollar offer and accidently countered you with the asking price...I am still learning how Poshing works...and I don't seem to be able to cancel of retrieve that. So I just wanted to let you know if you are still interested I will accept your offer of $6 but I guess you will have to make the offer again.... thank you
Oct 25Reply

Thank you for the nice rating. Very glad you liked it! 😊
Nov 01Reply

can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍💕
Nov 08Reply

Hello Love 💖 I would like to welcome you to free & take a look at my closet. I am moving soon & all must go. I have many items for low prices 💖✨ Happy Poshing ✨
Nov 14Reply

🙋♀️hi, Welcome to Poshmark ⭐️
Mar 01Reply

Hey love check the messages under your purchase. I left you a message
Aug 14Reply

🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋Welcome to Poshmark 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 have fun shopping and selling 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 I wish you luck 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
May 29Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jun 20Reply

Hi I accepted your offer but there was an issue with the payment. Please verify your payment method. Thanks !
Sep 22Reply

@misstmk hi please come and visit my closet and if you like anything something put it in a bundle and I will send you a special discounted offer 🤗💐🛍🎀
Sep 27Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 31Reply
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