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Updated Jul 20
Updated Jul 20

Welcome Friendz!!!✌️❤️😘

Meet the Posher



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Hello & WELCOME!! A lil' about me .. I'm a bit of a Tomboy I guess but I appreciate the girly things too! Love shoes & purses I mean who doesn't?! ;) Surf 🌊& Sk8 brands🛹 are generally my comfort zone love Element clothing & of course Hurley, Roxy, Fox, Indep Truck Co & can't forget Billabong! Free Ppl & We The Free has to be my absolute fav denim! COH probly runs a close & deserving 2nd! BKE & Lucky stuff but its all gotta have that boho fringe, raw hem, or retro feel 2 it to make home in there! Hippie@❤️!! Best vintage I'd def 70s & 80s for me. Love corduroy & velvet fabric anything! Stripes & checkers! OH MY! Just between us, I def see prof help in my future soon for my bag, purse, & shoe addiction!🤫 Love 2 make ppl laugh which makes for a fairly easy going ME! Rarely offend & never block people since we r all adults.❤️💯 Last but not least, WELCOME! I hope u enjoy shoppin my closet! Mi Casa Es Tu Casa! 💚 Questions Encouraged! Offers Always Welcome! And sure why not send me those u think might offend cuz it cant hurt to ask but you'll never know if ya dont! ;) But I wouldn't be selling the stuff if I still wanted it!♐✌️💋Not here 2 get rich but if I make a little extra cash then fabulous! Mainly here for the exp of it all & it's always cool 2 meet new & interesting ppl along the way! Thanks 4 ur time but please make urself at home & holler if ya need anything at all! Hopefully, we can do business together very soon!! Happy Poshing!! ❤️💯
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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beach_styles Hello, thank you so much for your likes! When you get a chance please check out the rest of our shop! We have tons of NEW with TAGS..SKATE and SURF brands, SKY, L Space, Spiritual Gangster. You can put all your favorites together, by pushing...(Add to Bundle) for one shipping cost!! We also offer FREE with purchase items, shirts, shorts, shoes bags, belts, hats, etc. I ship out first thing every day! Have an amazing day🤙🏼
Sep 16Reply
wizofwardrobe Welcome to Poshmark. I hope you have the best experience here! 😀 If you have any questions about buying or selling I’m happy to help out!
Sep 18Reply
sjefferis44 Hi! Thanks for the like! I just wanted to let you know if you Bundle any 2 or more items from my Closet, you automatically get 20% off! I have some great deals!! Feel free to also make any offers :)
Sep 18Reply
wannagetit Tina.. That's my moms name, so it my favorite name. Come on throw those things in a bundle, let's make a deal.
Sep 19Reply
brookem24 Hi, check out my closet. I have lots of PINK items. :)
Sep 19Reply
ktramble @brookem24 if you add one more item to your bundle you will get a 15% discount!
Sep 22Reply
ginger1276 @ktramble i sent ya msg 2 add just the hemp facial moisterizer 2 my bundle maybe or if u gotta pic of the indian tshirt on so i can c how it fits i cood do that? Let me know
Sep 22Reply
kismetskloset I’m so glad you love your hoodie!! Thank you so much for the kind words 🌸💕💗😊
Sep 26Reply
ginger1276 @crohrer np hon i call it like i c it & its perfect! Hello neighbor another from around here ahhhhh here comes the rain i hear so my new hoodz gonna b perfect haha take care i'll b bak in ur closet if i can best believe that! Good luck w/rest of ur stuff u wont need it tho im sure take care ttyl 💙💯😀👍
Sep 27Reply
wannagetit ❤❤❤
Sep 27Reply
wannagetit Tina, you make my heart smile. Maybe we can fix our beautiful world yet. Be good girl, and rock those bags. 😜❤😄
Sep 27Reply
kimmychanga14 Hi! I sell purses if you're interested, they're real cute you should check it out... please lol, it would really mean a lot to me :) have a good day
Sep 30Reply
3rosedaughters Thanks so much for the like!! The wild fox sweatshirt is sooo comfy!!🌸🌸🌸
Sep 30Reply
ginger1276 @kimmychanga14 ty so much! Luv ur closet! Unfortunately im just not lookin 4 purses but i will def keep u on my list if that changes good luck 2 u doll have an awesome day!!!👍💖
Sep 30Reply
ginger1276 @wizofwardrobe ty finally had some time 2 chk ur entire closet out its really cool luv ur clothes g8t taste!!! I will def keep u in mind when shoppin. Im thinkin more about sellin on here so maybe i cood get ur help on that soon AGAIN TY UR CLOSETS WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!👍💜💙
Sep 30Reply
missagirl86 @ginger1276 I can do $25 for the jeans if you aren’t willing to spend more than that it would be just the jeans. The jeans are from the buckle and I don’t know if you are familiar with the buckle but their jeans are expensive brand new. These jeans are in excellent condition and cost of $100 brand new. I’m up for offers and willing to negotiate but not get low balled. I have bills too.
Sep 30Reply
3rosedaughters Hi... thanks for the offer for the bundle... is it for two sweaters and the Wildfox or just the two sweaters? 🌸🌸🌸
Sep 30Reply
kimmychanga14 @ginger1276 thank you for checking it out regardless!
Sep 30Reply
ginger1276 @missagirl86 np hon thanks 4 being so understanding im new to this whole thing & not exactly a shoppin sorta gal im a get im get out one haha & not fam w/the brand so ty explaining but u also dont owe me any so i appreciate u doin it & takin the time 2 explain why i just make sure i dont offend on here easily n try 2 keep in mind us gurls r from all sorts of everywhere so we really dont get certain things where sum assume we do ;) ur a doll 4 patience👍💖
Oct 01Reply
ginger1276 @kimmychanga14 my pleasure it was fun just short gotz 2 get ya more stuff in that closet lol but then who am i 2 talk i got zero but thinkn of makin that change cuz u all r so gr8 good luck!!!! Holler if ya get more i will def chk it out again💖👍💙
Oct 01Reply
ginger1276 @missagirl86 just so ya know 2 i guess I shoulda provided u w)where i was comin from where r my manners lol i just simply start at $5 per item unless its a jacket or etc over $100 thats basically my startin point since theres no real crash course guide 4 us ...just goin w/what my garage sale'en dayz w)grama tot me thatz all k 👍💜💖
Oct 01Reply
kimmychanga14 @ginger1276 thank you so much, you're so sweet lol
Oct 01Reply
wizofwardrobe @ginger1276 thank you doll! Anytime you need help, I’m here 😀
Oct 01Reply
alycat7186 Hey girl, so i just want to be honest with u. I didnt send the clothes out yesterday, cause im having a hard time finding the volcom cords... I have a lot of inventory and i recently just moved. But i have some of my stuff stored at my moms house. I'm headed over there this morning... So as soon as i get them i will send it out! I have everything else ready to go. Im so sorry about this. But i promise to get it out to u ASAP! Thanks! I just wanted to let u know what was going on...
Oct 02Reply
alycat7186 Good news!! My mom just called me and they are there. So im headed over now to grab them and send it out!😃💙
Oct 02Reply
ginger1276 @alycat7186 ur so sweet I appreciate this really do. i won't flip if ya cant find em, if ya got jeans in my size or the boots i wanted u can throw em in there instead i dont much care...atleast i had bunch of stuff i luved in yr closet haha
Oct 02Reply
ginger1276 @alycat7186 yea awesome like i said no worries im flexible doll its whatever dont matter what u toss in there on my list cuz u luved ur closet
Oct 02Reply
ginger1276 @3rosedaughters will u take the black sweater off the bundle and resend it wont let me
Oct 05Reply
3rosedaughters @ginger1276 I changed the bundle ... hope it worked!
Oct 05Reply
jerseygrrl78 Thanks for the likes. If you add your likes to a bundle I would be happy to make an offer. Happy poshing 😊
Oct 10Reply
ginger1276 @lovelysandyk hon ur closets amazing honestly so beautiful n fun! Id say i had lil 2 much haha i mite need 2 wait a little while 2 save up it truly was so much fun!!!!💖
Oct 10Reply
sue4918 @ginger1276 hey there! Are you still interested in the bundle? I did add measurements/photos for the items you were interested in! If you are no longer interested, let me know! If you are interested, feel free to make an offer!
Oct 11Reply
iceola38 Thanks for the closet compliment, reasonable offers close to listing price may be accepted thru the offer button.
Oct 11Reply
yiddyj Hi, I'm open to offers on the Unionbay bag. Or bundle for a great deal!😊
Oct 11Reply
ginger1276 @matteoo TY for the welcome note!!! :) Sorry just saw that! :)
Oct 12Reply
ginger1276 @lovelysandyk Im SUPER in love with that stupid top it's gorgeous (stupid as in me bein into a piece of clothing this much esp when i don't need the thing haha) its just something about it! :) HAHA ya got amazing taste gurl! So could we do a pair of pants and the top for that or ??
Oct 12Reply
ginger1276 @lovelysandyk No, no please don't worry ur doin me a favor trust me i know that :) Lets do this because the items we're talkin i think deserve it as well as urself. :) Ima work on some things & hopefully later this week I can just do the offer u sent. Id feel better about it anyway just cuz u have been so kind.I just dont got the means but if im not back this week, i will be 4 sure in a few weeks. :)
Oct 12Reply
ginger1276 @lovelysandyk that is if sum1 doesn't beat me to it of course (no holding i understand that too) just wanted to be clear i wasn't asking. I think if the items sell b4 i can get them, Im not too concerned consdering ur closets off the hook awesome! :) I won't have a problem finding others :)
Oct 12Reply
breananycole Hi! I seen you liked my shirt from pacsun! I'm trying to get rid of everything ASAP if your interested I love doing bundles and always accept or counter! I never decline just let me know, I can always work something out that we both agree on in a bundle!
Oct 21Reply
mya_pesenti Can I give you a huge discount on my puma Jacket?
Oct 26Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Nike, Michael Kors, Hanky Panky, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer! XoXo, B.
Nov 17Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 26Reply
denim_sky Thanks for checking out my closet! Go to your my bundles page and I'll put together that flare collection ;)
Dec 13Reply
trunganh79 Thanks so much for the like of my travel bags. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at any time! Have a wonderful day! Trunganh,
Dec 19Reply
aa_boutique Hi Tina ❤️when you bundle always the items are cheaper, if you like the purse feel free to bundle and you can send me an offer and I will accept it ☺️😊
Dec 19Reply
mysticalchic Hope you are enjoying Poshing ! Stop by my closet and check out my variety of name brand clothing :) Great reasonable pricing especially on Pink / Vs ! Hope you find something you love ❤️
Dec 22Reply
laceyterenzio hi! thank you so much for all the likes! if you are interested in bundling i’m willing to offer 40% off all items bundled! let me know and i’ll will update bundling options for you! hope your holiday was wonderful and have a happy new year! ✌🏽💜
Dec 27Reply
ginger1276 @crohrer Hey girl, i just saw ur msg, ur very welcome! If ya ever want me 2 share an item etc on posh & pin, just say so. Id be delighted 2 help ya out. :) Take care hope ur holiday rocked! Have an awesome New Year doll! :)🎉💚🤗🌟💙
Dec 27Reply
ginger1276 @laceyterenzio Thanks doll! Ur awesome i appreciate that. I will take a look in a cupl days when things calm back down 2 normal haha the holidayz sheesh ready 4 sum boring if ya hear me...anyeewayz ur awesome! Have a wonderful New Year & I'll ttyl holler if ya ever need any listing help shares etc. i will share it gladly on Posh & Pin 4 ya! Take care <3 XOXOXO
Dec 27Reply
ginger1276 @trunganh79 Hi there! So sorry i just got ur msg i will def be back on here in a little bit when things slow back down from the holidays...i really appreciate the personal invite ur awesome!!! :) TTYL
Dec 27Reply
bendwild Thanks for checking out my closet, enjoy the shopping.
Dec 28Reply
dreamjewels84 Hello, Welcome to Poshmark🌻.We hope you have a wonderful experience in our beautiful community. The doors of my closet @maismo50 are open for you when you want to visit us. All our articles have a special discount. Blessings
Jan 06Reply
orathburn I’m selling a pair of hardly worn knit uggs! Go check them out! I accept offers😁
Jan 20Reply
jasmine_hart Greetings and welcome to posh! I’m here for any questions you have or tips you’d like. Also, I've got a ton of great styles and brands I'd love for you to check out when you have a moment including ugg, Burberry, Alice + Olivia, coach, j crew, Self Portrait, Show me your mumu, for love and lemons, Zara, BCBG, Diane Von Furstenberg, Lululemon, Anthropolgie, free people, kate Spade, and more! Welcome again and good luck in your future poshing :)
Jan 28Reply
inspire_style Hello! Hope your posh experience has been going great 😊 If you'd like to check out my closet, I have brands like PINK, LOFT, Vera Bradley, Lucky Brand, Lilly Pulitzer, Converse, Torrid and more! Happy poshing 🛍️🤗
Feb 06Reply
erinh1107 Welcome to Poshmark🌸 We’re so happy to have you! 💕 free to check out my closet and if you have any questions I’d love to help💕
Feb 10Reply
thekillercloset hii! its me from the other thing we cant talk about lol. so i have all of the items posted in my closet! you can like all of the items you are interested in and i can add them in bundle for you, or if you know how to bundle you can do that as well! it will be way easier to communicate through the bundle!
Feb 17Reply
simplesells Hello! I see you’ve liked a couple clothing items from my closet I’m currently running a promotion- Buy 2 $8 items get one FREE and one of the items you liked is part of this promotion! I’ve also lowered the prices for a lot of my items Please let me know if you have any questions at all Thank you! :)
Mar 06Reply
ginger1276 @simplesells hey tx ill def check em out havent been on here in a while but im back & def up for some new stuff with Spring in the air haha appreciate this!!! ✌️☮️☀️
Apr 01Reply
ginger1276 @thekillercloset i doll super sry been crazy busy stuff all the sudden happened had to deal with but im finally ready 2 get bak to it & that other thang we not supposed 2 say haha u crack me up gurl! Anyways im pretty sure u may have sold most of the items i loved (truthfully ur whole closets amazing!!) Ima go check it out tho today c whaT all ya got left hopefully ya sold the whole thing if not im hopin i can possibly help ya out ;) ☀️☮️✌️ ty for this btw appreciate it greatly
Apr 01Reply
ginger1276 @erinh1107 hey thank u so much this is really awesome of ya!!☀️☮️✌️ I will def try & check out what all ya got hopefully i can take care of em all the looking anyways i would like to get some i promised done today hopefully & ur on this list now appreciate this tho gracias!! Ttyl ☀️☮️✌️
Apr 01Reply
ginger1276 @inspire_style thanks so much im hoping i can actually check a bunch i promised out today finally (hoping is the key word haha) but ive now gotcha on the list with any luck i mite be able to make it happen. I got a bunch of listings 2 do as well ima try n do today that way i can afford 2 buy whatever i do find today haha anyways thanks so much!!!!☀️☮️✌️
Apr 01Reply
thekillercloset @ginger1276 hii! no worries at all! i hope you are doing well(: go ahead and make a bundle on here and we will work out an offer! then i can post your bundle on the thing we arent supposed to talk about then you can purchase with free shipping!
Apr 01Reply
ginger1276 @jasmine_hart ur so kind tx so much 4 this really great to feel welcome a bit nervous but after the 1st sale feel tonz better tho lol but this def puts any at ease so 4 that, i ty greatly! I do have ? Ive had trouble seeing msgs 4 sales on listings i.e. customer ?s without havin to go thru each listing or sorting thru tons msgs incl price drops & offers, is there any way 2 turn off say buying notifications & just have the selling stuff or a better way 2 view that,?
Apr 01Reply
ginger1276 @orathburn tx i def will a little later they probly sold but ill chk the closet out in a bit i appreciate this!!! ☀️☮️✌️
Apr 01Reply
ginger1276 @maismo50 ur awesome ty so very much honestly this is very appreciated im hopin to cross a few off my list today & i added ya to it! Ttyl ☀️☮️✌️
Apr 01Reply
ginger1276 @bendwild hey ty do much 4 having me & 4 sharing ur pieces with the world i will chk out ur closet today to c what all has changed & what alll u have new listed k ty again
Apr 01Reply
ginger1276 @laceyterenzio ty so much ill def keep it in mind!! :)
Apr 01Reply
jasmine_hart @ginger1276 actually there is! If you update the latest version of poshmark they separate everything out by tabs at the top so you can see only comments, only likes, only sales, etc. Hope that helps :)
Apr 03Reply
bridgetknopick Lots of BURTON listings! 🏂❤️Feel free to stop by! New BURTON listings regularly! Any offers welcome!🏂❄️❤️🛹 Thanks!
Apr 10Reply
ginger1276 @bridgetknopick ill def chk it out ty so much 💜
Apr 24Reply
ginger1276 @thekillercloset hon I hate 2 ask but I dunno who else 2 lol, did shipping fees change on here when M did? I believe guessing here it's been a while but was it $6.95 up to 20lbs then ya gotta look it up at usps I just listed an item of course it don't ask or say but if ur not sure don't ha wry bout I'll fig it out but I'll go share sum of ur listings 4 ya it's the least I can do ur awesome ty so much 4 ur help either way appreciate u, l8tr gurl😘🌼☮️✌️
Jun 08Reply
msneverending1 Tina just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. You will meet some of the most awesome people here on Posh. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jul 11Reply
emacmannis Hey! I would love if you checked out my closet😊 I think there might be items that catch your eye! Thanks!
Jul 11Reply
ginger1276 @emacmannisid hey gurl! Ask & u shall receive! C ya soon! :)
Jul 12Reply
racustomcloset Thanks so much for liking my handmade hematite peace sign charms necklace.....if you are interested in saving on shipping cost, please kindly check out my etsy handmade shop. It is or Most of my shipping cost is $1.00 or free shipping cost. If in doubt, please kindly check out my customers reviews on etsy and poshmark. 😊 if u place a order, Should arrive 2 to 3 business days with 1st class tracking number
Jul 14Reply
james_weston I noticed you were interested in several items. Please let me know if you would like to bundle them all for a discounted price.
Jul 15Reply
butchbarber Thank you for shopping at my closet. To celebrate Prime Day, Make a bundle for a PRIME DAY DEAL. Have a good day.
Jul 16Reply
ginger1276 @msneverending1 thank u so much sry so late gettin bak to ya but u know what they say better late than never rt haha whatever in any event ive made it about to chk out ur closet appreciate the welcome note greatly doll :)
Jul 19Reply
ginger1276 @racustomcloset i will def chk out ur shop im active as buyer on there luv the boho stuff on there so much ty
Jul 19Reply
racustomcloset Thanks so much for liking my handmade jewelry items. If you are interested in saving on shipping costs, please kindly check out my handmade etsy jewelry store or Most of my handmade jewelry items are free shipping or $1.00. If in doubt please kindly check out my customers reviews on etsy and poshmark. 1st class USPS tracking number service items takes 2 or 3 days delivery time. Thanks in advance!😊
Jul 19Reply
ladiesmoods Thanks for the like make sure to make your best offer
Jul 20Reply
pcgrogan Thank you for liking the tank top 💕
Jul 22Reply
lfrank30 Hi! Thanks for checking out the bag! If you have any questions, please let me know 😊
Jul 22Reply
msdccloset Hi, please check out the lucky brand geisha hoodie sweatshirt I have posted! Happy Poshing!!! 💕💕
Jul 26Reply
mybagobsession @ginger1276 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark. I am a Posh Ambassador so if you ever have any questions feel free to reach out. Happy Poshing!
Aug 06Reply
ginger1276 @shelsley92 Thank u this was sweet appreciate this! I'll def chk ur closet out here in a min have an awesome day! I mite just have sum questions 4 u but not at the moment take care hon ttyl✌️☮️😘
Aug 06Reply
alycat7186 Hello! So i recently saw you liked a bunch of items from my closet. If you want to bundle on anything and make an offer, id be happy to check it out. Cause im really looking to get rid of a bunch of stuff. So ill be able to give you a good deal!🎉 Lmk! I know you've bought from me before. This time ill make sure theres no issues! Lol! 😜👍😀💜💙
Aug 09Reply
bostongalpm Hi! Please check out my elephant crossbody bag and the rest of my closet! I think you’ll love it! Offers welcome!
Aug 13Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌻🌻
Aug 19Reply
ginger1276 @wildflwrnwillow i mite jyst take ya ip on that 2 for deal I the future! Cute jewelry very cool LOVE the star stuff absolutely anything w/stars or peace signs I flip for haha serious tho I mite just b back I've got a few deals pending etc but i eventually get there in my Likes list. Thanks 4 the invite it was really sweet of u! Let me know if there's anything i can help w)I my closet aa well I'm here anytime k doll hagd!! ✌️☮️😘
Aug 19Reply
dazzling6divas Hi Tina, I appreciate your communication. Please return the funds. Tag me when you list more items🌻
Sep 13Reply
dazzling6divas Please return 💰
Sep 15Reply
ginger1276 @dazzling6divas copy that doll! Not sure why i didnt send me ur 1st notification sry bout that hon but u should b gettin the refund very shortly alright?! ;) Appreciate ur time have an awesome day! 😘✌️☮️🌸
Sep 15Reply
ginger1276 @dazzling6divas hi hon u shouldve got it by now if u run into any probs u let me know & ill go & wake em up over there ok 😘✌️☮️
Sep 15Reply
dazzling6divas Thank you💐✌
Sep 15Reply
kkrandhawa Hello! I noticed you had an interest in glitter softball headbands. I have a bundle of 13 available on my page with a negotiable price! Please check them out when you have time! :)
Sep 26Reply
ginger1276 Hi doll! So good news I found those other boots like those ya These r like the 1z I was tossing in 4 free but these r brand new in box. Were those others 8s do u remember cuz these r so hope they work 4 ya. I'll sell em 2 u at a great price! I'll get em up n posted here in a sec & share em 2 bundle w/an offer just 2 give us a place 2 start k. :) If that doesn't work 4 u, pls feel free send 1 that does. I rarely counter if ever. It's merely startin point. Ttyl ✌️💕
Sep 27Reply
dazzling6divas You are certainly full of laughter and life🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I appreciate your kindness & thoughtfulness. I look forward to hearing from you too 🐝
Sep 29Reply
5stella555 mornin' just an invite to swing by my cupboard anytime you're near.. door's always open. as ever, lb
Oct 07Reply
ginger1276 @5stella555 THANK U SO MUCH 4 this I might just swing on by i really appreciate the invite doll def!!! :)
Oct 13Reply
ginger1276 @alycat7186 i did up a bundle doll so we can start there k thanks so much i still luv luv luv my stuff!!! U were awesome aint no biggy the hiccup i absolutely was happy still am so gracias!! :)
Oct 13Reply
ginger1276 @5stella555 holy cat nip gurl u have the coolest closet I swear I was literally walkin thru my grandma's house who also did raise me so it was krazy lookin (& sharin;) thru it all! THANK U SO MUCH 4 THAT havin me & all that what a treat it was ur awesome 4 sharin all of it w/us!😘 VERY COOL TY
Nov 05Reply
lena_bilger Hi I’m Lena, Welcome to Poshmark! This is a wonderful community with so many kind & helpful people! You are going to Love Poshmark! I’m a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor, Top Seller, Top Rated Seller, Top 100 % Share & Fast Shipper 💫 I enjoy Welcoming New Posher’s & I do my best to be here for anyone that need help. Please feel free to ask me anything you need help. One last thing I like to tell new Posher is please share your closet when you have it all setup like three to four times a day!!
Nov 14Reply
ginger1276 @lena_bilger Hello there! Thanks so much 4 stoppin by I really appreciate the tips & knowing who 2 drive crazy w/all my questions haha kidding sorta ;) Naw been doin it a while somehow trial & error mostly ;) But this is so appreciated just knowing sum1z there sumtimes is truthfully all I need so I'll def keep ya in mind!
Nov 15Reply
lena_bilger @ginger1276 girl you can drive me crazy with any questions you have. I’m so glad you are doing good on here! Please make sure and stay in touch with me because I love to help people sharing and just keeping up with Posher’s and making new friends!!
Nov 15Reply
tenesarmoire Thank you for liking🤗If you have any questions, please feel free to ask💕💕
Dec 08Reply
ginger1276 @tenesarmoire thank u so much i appreciate this! u2! pls holler if u need anything most the things i have r end of last yr tryin 2 get it all gone i can offer buy 1 get 1 free ALL $8 or less if int! ;) ill chk out the rest of ur closet here in a sec! Really appreciate this gurl! Take care ttyl
Jan 30Reply
xoredbubblegum Hello I’m cassie, I have great offers and you can create cheap bundles❣️ Buy 2 items get 1 free!✨✨🧚‍♀️🌸 #happynewyear #happyfebruary
Feb 05Reply
coco_coutures Hi lovely! If you are interested in low rise bell bottom jeans check out my closet! Have William Rast, True Religion and more🥰
Feb 17Reply
briannansorenso thank you for liking my listing :)
Feb 18Reply
diane2065 hey, please check out my closet! 🌺
May 02Reply
ginger1276 @diane2065 i def will doll it'll need 2 wait a few days but i gotcha on my list appreciate the personal invite very much take care b safe & ill talk 2 ya a lil l8tr on k ☮️😘✌️
May 08Reply
ginger1276 @briannansorenso ur very welcome but i just call it like i like it lol u have a wonderful evening & when i get a lil more time & $$ in my posh acct ill try n stop by 4 the whole closet ;)✌️😘☮️
May 08Reply
ginger1276 @coco_coutures now we're talkin gurl! haha i def will! appreciate the personal invite!! ✌️😘☮️
May 08Reply
ginger1276 @xoredbubblegum hey howz it goin ima def chk out ur closet havent 4got aboutcha just been krazee busy i actually sell on other platforms & 1 in particular is quite budy lately 4 sum reason so its takin most my time l8tely but just wanted 2 touch base i haven't been ignorin ya doll ;)😻✌️☮️
May 08Reply
coco_coutures @ginger1276 absolutely lovely!! I normally don’t go onto fellow Poshers pages and “solicit” 😆 just saw your message about wantin some cool bell bottoms or flare leg jeans and I happen to have some at ridiculously low prices in my closet xoxoxo Coco 💕💫
May 08Reply
diane2065 @ginger1276 thank you girly, stay safe! 🌺🌺
May 08Reply
ginger1276 @coco_coutures ur a hoot i bet u crack me up all the time! And solicit away im all about it & anything thats got hippie in it count me in i saw a pair of raw hem FP light wash kinda destroyed jeans a while ago missed buyin em cant quit thinkin how gr8 theyd b like im do i wannna pair (nope never had FP jeans just a sweater im in love with & a top that wasnt 4 me) 💚💚💚
May 16Reply
coco_coutures @ginger1276 my thought exactly lovely! Tbh I never really tried FP till PM and I’ve been very happy with all my impulsivity🛍 🤣 just one important thing, always size 🆙 the brand just runs small💯 sooo that bein said jeans most def get a size larger than norm, really shirts and dresses as well. At least for me that’s the case💋
May 18Reply
ginger1276 @coco_coutures i cannot tell u how much i appreciate this kudos doll!!! 💚💚💚👌
May 20Reply
iseo Hi 👋 Sending Posh 🦋💜🦋💜🦋💜🦋💜your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute ⏰ . Happy to answer Any questions you may have Regarding any item you interested in . And if you Not Happy with the Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️ Make me an offer . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Happy Poshing and Please Stay Safe . 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟
Aug 18Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Sep 11Reply
ahuot Hello 😊 I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I sell an array of truly cool and unique goodies, including Menswear & Homegoods. I offer a 10% Bundle discount and discount too! I ship next day. ✌💛
Oct 04Reply
5stella555 mornin' , inviting you to to swing by my little cupboard again and poke around a bit. it might be fun to see some more "grandma style" as lots have been added. stop in any time, door is always open. @5stella555
Jan 25Reply
lovenarf Hi TinA. I noticed that a little while back you liked a pair of Prevata in someone’s closet. Just wanted you to know that I recently posted a black leather suede pair in size 8.5. Plus I have 1000+ other items that may be of interest to you. Thanks for taking some time to stop in.
Apr 21Reply
shyenneworle183 thanks for the likes, feel free to make an offer 😊 I can also bundle any 3 items for $20!
Mar 24Reply
toto2canne2 @ginger1276 Hi, thanks for all the Likes! I’ll make you an offer on your bundle. Happy poshing to both of us!
Jul 20Reply
dolly1370 Hi Tina !😀🍭🌷 I read that you are from Olympia. Would you happen to know Sylvia Bassett? She was my neighbor when I lived in Jupiter Florida. I lost touch with her.... I am Candace Hall
Aug 03Reply
dolly1370 I now live in Massachusetts. I was just wondering if you knew her...🌷🌼⚘🌻
Aug 03Reply
ginger1276 @shyenneworle183 would u bundle 3 sweats for 20 perhaps?! I just noticed u have tons & I might have that on my list... I'll b bak little bit later let me know tho k TY doll
Aug 04Reply
shyenneworle183 @ginger1276 of course I can, just add whichever ones you want to your bundle and I'll send you an offer 😁 I'll ship them today. thank you very much 😊
Aug 04Reply
cutehosiery @ginger1276 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 07Reply
shyenneworle183 still interested in your bundle??
Aug 16Reply
shyenneworle183 do you still want your bundle? I can ship it Monday 😊 let me know, thank you 😊
Aug 20Reply
carolynmoltu Hi! I see you liked a bikini top! I can take off a dollar but posh won’t allow a shipping discount. Pick something else too! A top or?? And I’ll bundle it and make you a great deal! The bikini top was too small for me ..but in perfect condition. 🌺
Sep 12Reply
watsonlilmommy @ginger1276 hello check out my closet see something you like send me an offer all offers accepted or bundle up for a discount
Oct 13Reply
thillbill Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2500 items. Bundle a few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often Tons to add!!
Feb 12Reply
bullittsmom 😀hey Tina! Love your description on ‘meet the posher’, we totally like the same stuff. If u are ready to spend some $$ put everything u like into a bundle, I’ll send you a killer deal.(trying to get my hubby off my back and clear some of the clutter)😂
Sep 01Reply
jules1717 Hi! I noticed you asked a question on another seller's jeans, and did not get a response back! Please check out my closet, I always have measurements posted and will gladly answer any other questions you might have. 😊🙂
Apr 15Reply
ginger1276 @cutehosiery ur so very kind for even saying so my dear I do apologize for my tardiness replying here im not the best at managing this app sometimes but this means the world to me so ty even now for saying so. I'll def try n chk out ur closet soon hopefully ur still actively at it on here. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things with 2 I do mostly so it's fun juggling those lol anyway appreciate ur kind words my dear!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Jun 15Reply
ginger1276 @tutuwig ty hun I will certainly do my best to chk it out very soon now that I'm trying to get back to the swing of things on here & one other again it's been interesting juggling 2 at a time but enjoying this is all I need to handle anything & my wallet certainly says I enjoy it quite a lot haha so sorry for my delay tho getting back to u!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
Jun 15Reply
ginger1276 @dolly1370 ur 2funny doll &sadly I dunno any1 by that name :( Congrats btw on ur move then! Tho by now w/how late i am, u probly r elsewhere by now. haha Im just now gettin bak into swing of things on here. U were def smart movin when ya did id say. Been waitin 4 em 2 rename us "Taxed" instead of WA. Its all they do anymore. Florida sounds SOOO nice.🌞 Im off 2 chk out ur closet if ur still on here. If not, it was nice to meetcha my dear!!💕
Jun 15Reply
dolly1370 Hey 😀Ginger!!! Thx GB or getting back to me! Jeez I thought that you didn't like me ...Cruz that was well over a yr ago! Glad that's not the case! I need to go back to Florida! I miss the Ocean and Sun!! Sylvia Bassett is from Olympia where you live. I know her from Florida. Well I'll see you around 🌞 Have a wonderful weekend 🥂 feel free to write anytime 😀😎
Jun 15Reply

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Last Active: Sep 30 2024

Olympia, WA
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Last Active: Sep 30 2024

Olympia, WA
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