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Updated Sep 18
Updated Sep 18

Welcome to my closet!

Meet the Posher



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saralove1014 @loveemery038 hi thank you for your offer💖 but I will not take less then 40 bc the beading on the back is just amazing 😉
Jan 11Reply
namaste2013 @saralove1014 I know. I have a black one and a white one. I only paid $25 for them. Thanks anyway.
Jan 11Reply
tbabes12 Hey! Thanks for the like! I'm Cristina ☺️ Just wanted to stop by & say hi! Can't wait to check out your closet. Hope you're having a great day! Xo
Jan 18Reply
victoriaswear18 Hi how are you ? How was the bebe dress 😊please don't forget to rate us thank you
Feb 10Reply
saralove1014 Hi, thank you!! I will hope to send out tomorrow bc the flu has hit my house 😕 I'm so sorry
Feb 22Reply
elenasvintage Hello. Thank you for checking out our closet ☺️
Feb 25Reply
dsang Welcome to Poshmark! I hope that you like the community as much as I do. If you have questions or need help let me know! The best advice I can give you is the more you follow and share the more likely you are to make sales! Happy poshing! Please check out my closet! 💞🛍
Apr 03Reply
doc_5150 Hello email is best...
Apr 06Reply
maysummer Digging your closet 🙌👍 let me know if you are interested in trading I liked multiple listings of yours
Apr 18Reply
hmsimon1 Good morning Keena. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 18Reply
namaste2013 @maysummer Sorry Hun. I don't do trades, but I do discount 2 or more items BY 20%
Apr 18Reply
barbelyn Great closet 😍
Apr 20Reply
namaste2013 @barbelyn thanks. It's a work in progress:)
Apr 20Reply
denimdaisy Hi there!! Welcome to Poshmark. Check out my store to find great deals (everything under $20!!!). I feature brands such as Guess, Pink Victoria's Secret, Aeropostale, Old Navy, Forever 21, and many more. Stop by to see all the pretty things I have for you, purchase something and I'll throw in a freebie just as a thank you for buying from me. I greatly appreciate your time and business, as I sell to help pay off my college debt. Have a lovely day and happy Poshing!
Apr 27Reply
kitty_katkat @loveemery038 Hi🙋 Thanks for the like. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a fabulous day 😄🌻🌼😄
Apr 27Reply
girlinpearlsco Hi Keena! Thanks for the follow! I will share your listings as a thank you! Much appreciated!😊😁
May 07Reply
sportsmom04 Kenna...thanks for going back and forth with me on that Beautiful Michael Kors purse. I really would love to buy it, I am looking for a wallet to match it. I am very picky about my purses and have to have everything that matches....LOL. Do u have something that will it??
May 08Reply
nu2woyou I love your closet. OMGosh...the sunglasses. I love sunglasses. Have a pair of Coach but they are too tight. Plus i love aviators or that style. Also, your package went out today and I put not 1 but 2 goodies in there for you😊 And if for some reason, your not happy with you purchase, please give me a chance to make it right first if you could please?. Thank you😄
May 24Reply
namaste2013 @rosebryar Thank you so much. I'm so excited. I showed my daughter the purse earlier. She is 13 and the only purse she's ever seen me carry in the Kingston. So, she's excited too. Thank so much for the goodies, can't wait to see!!!
May 24Reply
namaste2013 @rosebryar I have more glasses coming in next week, so check back!
May 24Reply
leslie3000 I have a Tiffany loving hearts band size 6 for sale if you're still looking for one.
May 30Reply
trishd79 Hi Keena! I noticed you're an awesome posher and I'm kind of new on here and was wondering if I could get some advice from you or some help on something?! 😊🤞🤗
Jun 02Reply
namaste2013 @trishd79 I can possibly hello you, what was your question. Do I know you?
Jun 02Reply
trishd79 @loveemery038 No you don't lnow me hun I just love your closet and see your pretty face alot!😘 I want to know what you think about trading and how can you trust the other person if you trade something?🤔 Thanks!
Jun 02Reply
namaste2013 @trishd79 I've never traded before, so I don't know how that works. If I don't know you, them how did you know my name?
Jun 02Reply
trishd79 @loveemery038 When you click on your page and it says meet the posher if you click on that it says hi my name is Keena.. I don't know you you don't know me I've just seen your face a lot on Poshmark.. And I thought you may know a little more than I do about this web page.. Thanks for the info I won't bother you again!😉
Jun 02Reply
namaste2013 @trishd79 No worries dear. I was just asking because I get X's that stalk me so bad I've had to shut down all my social media, and change my name on here. I did not realize I hadn't changed my name there. If you want to know about trading, the best thing for you to do is send Poshmark Support an email. When you hit the subject button, it will give you frequently asked questions. You can also look on the home screen, there should be a frequently asked questions section. Thanks.
Jun 02Reply
trishd79 I've had a lot of scammers! It's okay here no worries I just figured you had probably traded before I know Poshmark doesn't guarantee anything with Trading so IDK!? 🤔 I would definitely go to your posher page and change your name so your X's stay away! 💯😉
Jun 02Reply
trishd79 Oh, and thank you for trying to help me I appreciate it!👍😊
Jun 02Reply
namaste2013 @trishd79 I changed it right after you told me. Thanks again.
Jun 02Reply
trishd79 @loveemery038 no problem..
Jun 02Reply
annarita13 Hello😚😊😊
Jun 06Reply
annarita13 You have some bad A$$ stuff...I will be back Pretty GiRL😍💕💕💕💕💟💋
Jun 06Reply
namaste2013 @annaritaokeefe look forward to working with you. I get new stuff everyday, so please check back.
Jun 06Reply
annarita13 Absolutely 🤗🤗🤗
Jun 06Reply
declynnsgranny I saw where you stated "no offers accepted". I am already extremely tired of the lowball offers. Has it seemed to have hurt your business any or do people respect it and buy if they want an item? I'm sure thinking about stealing that statement from you!
Jun 08Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny It hasn't seemed to hurt my sales. I decided to stop taking offers when someone offered me $600. For my $18,000.00 2.5 carat diamond ring. People think they deserve brand new things for 90% or more off retail value. It's shocking. I'm currently buying and selling to pay my mortgage and support my 2 kids and I have a foster daughter I'm putting through college. I'm not on here to give things away.
Jun 08Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny I contacted Posh to see if I could have the offer button removed from my account, but that's not an option. Feel free to copy my no offer motto. Maybe if more people start putting their foot down, buyers will stop treating this site like a flea market. Thanks for your support.
Jun 08Reply
declynnsgranny @loveemery038 When I first started selling and buying on here I priced items at what I thought they were worth and paid people what they were asking. I've now found that you have to price items a tad bit higher because almost no one buys without offering. I assume others have done the same thing so I generally make an offer but, never more than 10% less than the asking price. If they offer bundles I try very hard to find additional items to get the bundle discount rather than making an offer.
Jun 08Reply
declynnsgranny @loveemery038 I also watch items to see if the seller will reduce the price to what I'm willing to pay. I've lost several items doing that, though. Crazy thing's always been to lowballers who get it for far less than I was willing to pay! They offer amounts that I would be embarrassed to offer but, it seems to work for them. This is a frustrating game!
Jun 08Reply
declynnsgranny @loveemery038 I also hate it when I mark items down 20% for a 1 day sale and have people offer less than that! Last week I had marked a couple of things down for a day. Someone bundled them which would automatically give them yet another 15% off and still offered less! I countered with the 15% bundle price. Didn't make the sale...but, that's ok! Rant over, for now...
Jun 08Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny I still have people that make offers on things. I will accept if it's under my bundle percentage. I think it's ridiculous to have to price things for more then I want, so I can get a fair price. I've haggled with people for three hours before on items. I've had people beg me to accept their offers. If I had, I would literally have made $3. I don't want to have to play games to do this. I spend allot of time finding good quality items for a good price.
Jun 08Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny I'm already giving an average of 60% off retail.. I only want to sell to people who appriciate the discount. The people who want something for nothing, are the same people that are going to nit pic the item once it's received. It's a growing mentality of entitlement. I don't work 12 hours a day, to put up with it. I hope you find success in your business, I will definitely check out your wall tonight.!!!
Jun 08Reply
declynnsgranny @loveemery038 I'm primarily trying to just clean out my closet! I always donated but, thought I'd try to make a little money. I've done a lot more buying than selling, though!! It's defeating my original purpose of thinning but, it's hard to pass up these great prices. I'll never shop retail again!
Jun 08Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny That's exactly how I started. I agree 100% I will never shop retail again. I can't even stand going to the mall anymore!!!
Jun 08Reply
declynnsgranny @loveemery038 I've found that I have to stick with buying brands that I know the fit of. I've bought a few things that should fit...but, don't. I used to go to a high end resale shop outside of Dallas. I got some great things there but since getting on here I haven't made the 2 hour trip down. I'm sure I will, though. There's a winery next door. 🙂🍷
Jun 09Reply
declynnsgranny @loveemery038 Thanks for the shares! Did you see anything I need to change or improve on? I'm new at this so any suggestions are welcome.
Jun 09Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny your closet looks fantastic, and your prices are good. The key to this is growing your followers, and sharing your closet. You can follow how many times you share off your wall in your posh stats I do about 30,000 self shares a month. Sticking to the brands you love and know are fine, but also have things that are universal. Shoes, bags, glasses.
Jun 09Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny also look at the brands everyone puts on their "about" page. Your going to see everyone loves. Victoria Secret, Tory Burch, Lululemon, Michael Kors, Coach and VS pink. Branch out. You knowing the fit isn't crucial. Your customers know the fit of the brands they love
Jun 09Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny To grow your followers you have to build who your following. Until I hit my goal of 250,000 followers, I spend about 2 hours a day hitting the follow button. To start, go to my wall and hit the button at the top that says following. You can then go follow what pops up on me. You can do the same with the people who are following me. There are other ways to find followers but that's a good start.
Jun 09Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny I've only been selling for about 6 weeks, and this has what's worked well for me. You may also want to ask someone more experienced. Never respond to those people that ask you to email them. They are trying to hack you. Report them to posh, with the three dots button at the top of the page.
Jun 09Reply
declynnsgranny @loveemery038 I appreciate all of your tips. I don't have a lot of time each day to spend on here because I keep my 8 month and 3 year old grand babies while my daughter goes to school. I pop in and out several times a day but, do my most sharing in the late evening during the last party of the day. I need to add more items but it takes me about 30 minutes per item. My goal is to add one per day. Not happening, though!
Jun 10Reply
declynnsgranny @loveemery038 What's your opinion about having a large number of items listed? I know that I only go down so far while looking. I'm wondering if keeping less than a couple of hundred items at a time would get more exposure. Not that I seem to have that problem, though because I don't seem to have time to add new listings very often!
Jun 10Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny The more options you have on your wall, the more you'll sell. Adding people, growing followers, and sharing your own items are the three main things. Sharing your items also rotates where they sit on your wall. So, what's at the bottom one day, is the first thing people see the next. You'll get faster the more you do it.
Jun 10Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny Xoxo to your grandbabies. My mom is the only person I ever let watch my kids while they were growing up. So, kudos to you for the sacrifices you make to be able to do it.
Jun 10Reply
namaste2013 @declynnsgranny Edit your profile name. Put an ! before your name. Then instead of showing up under P you'll show up at the beginning of everyone's list. So, you will get 10 times more followers. If you work on building your site for about 6 months, it should become pretty self sustaining.
Jun 10Reply
declynnsgranny @loveemery038 I've been trying to rotate today. Every hour or so I share 4 things that are further down. That was good advice. I had primarily been sharing the things at the top because they're newer listings and I personally like them better, myself. I was leaving the long sleeve tops towards the bottom since summer is here. I was trying to keep my nicer items toward the top because if I don't see something I like pretty quickly I move on.
Jun 10Reply
declynnsgranny @loveemery038 I was fortunate enough not to have to work after my oldest daughter was 4 and the middle one was 8 months. Prior to that I had someone keep them in my home. I'm sure a lot of daycares are fine. I just don't want my babies to go to one if they don't have to. I volunteered to keep them but,didn't realize that I don't have the stamina at 61 that I did in my 30's! I had my 1st child at 33 and the last one at 39 so I was an old momma. I thought this would be easy. It's anything but!!
Jun 10Reply
declynnsgranny @loveemery038 I brought several more things over from our other house and have only managed to list one! My husband came in wanting to go to lunch. We ended up running errands and driving around the countryside. Story of my life!❤️
Jun 10Reply
michtol You're absolutely adorable
Jun 19Reply
imagine101 Hi baby girl 🌸 I used to live in Spokane 💕💕💕 Loved Washington 💗 S I G H
Jun 23Reply
namaste2013 @imagine101 I hope wherever you are now, your enjoying the same gorgeous morning we're having here! 🔅🔆🔅🔆
Jun 23Reply
imagine101 @loveemery038 🦋 SE Iowa, I'm melting 🙃 Blessings kiddo 🌻
Jun 23Reply
trishd79 🌺 Thanks again for all the Posh love! 🌺
Jul 06Reply
namaste2013 @aticilef Thanks. I hope your son is well soon. Keeping you guys in our prayers.
Jul 07Reply
namaste2013 @aticilef that's sweet of you to let me know. I hope all is well, and he continues to get better.
Jul 07Reply
annarita13 Hello veautiful😗..Hope you had a great 4th...I love all your listings...there's like no need to go to any other page..YOU got it ALL 🤔🤗 talking with you soon🙋
Jul 08Reply
namaste2013 @annaritaokeefe Ahhh... Thanks love. I appriciate that. I hope you had a fantastic 4th as well. If you end up wanting anything else. Remind me your a repeat customer. That will get you 15% off a single item or 20%off your bundles. Have a good evening:)
Jul 08Reply
annarita13 @loveemery038 i will4 sure😀
Jul 08Reply
madapplepie Thank you for all the shares. Your amazing. I really appreciate all the support!
Jul 08Reply
lecxi Love your closet!!!!💕❤️😍 beautiful pieces!! My mom loves Pandora, and I marked a few items for myself😂. Will be back to make a bundle💕😉thanks for the shares! Wishes for fast sales!!!
Jul 08Reply
namaste2013 @madapplepie Your welcome. Fingers crossed for your first sale:)
Jul 08Reply
namaste2013 @routique Thanks love. Same to you... Seems sales have been a little slow lately. Everyone has been sending me ridiculous offers. Hopefully things pick back up. Thanks for the well wishes.
Jul 08Reply
lecxi @loveemery038 I thought it was just me... last night I was offered $5 on aFree People-top NWT😒. Just crazy stuff! Its slowed down so much! I really hope it picks up, and we get full/within acceptable limit offers ASAP 💕😍😊
Jul 08Reply
namaste2013 @routique That's awful. I wish I could take the"make offer" button of my account! Best wishes! Xoxo.
Jul 08Reply
namaste2013 @routique LOL. Someone just offered me $35 for a new pair of Tiffany& Co Sunglasses.!!!
Jul 08Reply
lecxi @loveemery038 😂😂😂😂omg seriously?!?! Tell them to add a zero😂, your prices are AMAZING for authentic glasses... if they were to go in store and purchase, they are looking at hundreds more depending on the shades--smh🙄. Sorry girl hopefully this nonsense stops soon. I was offered $5 for NWTs Victoria's Secret last night. So frustrating. I'm making a new "closet rules" sign for my closet as we speak because enough is enough.
Jul 08Reply
namaste2013 @routique Let me know if it works. My listings say discounts will only be given to bundles. I don't offer any other discount is it's under $100. I also specify that I never give a discount of more then 20%... I don't think people read anymore. I had someone offer me $600 for a $20,000 2.5 carat Diamond Ring... People think because it's online they're entitled to everything for free!
Jul 08Reply
lecxi @loveemery038 😨omg-I just don't get it-that's such an insulting offer! I've had a "no low ball please" sign up for awhile but it's small and I don't always have it at the top of my closet... and like you said, I don't think people bother reading rules or descriptions a lot of times, or just don't care. If it helps I'll definitely let you know, but I doubt it will😒.
Jul 08Reply
lecxi @loveemery038 do you counter low balls or do you ignore them? I've been ignoring insulting low balls, but was told recently by a veteran that I should always counter my best and final... I just feel like if your going to insult me why should I bother?
Jul 08Reply
namaste2013 @routique Sometimes I do, but usually they just decline. It depends on my mood. If I do counter, I only do it once.
Jul 08Reply
2010jessikab @loveemery038 hi , how are you? As a seller you know how much posh takes in fees. Thanks for the offer hun
Jul 09Reply
nikshop22 Thank you so much for accepting my offer!! 😊🌼💛🌼💛🌼 Amazing closet! You have a lot of things that are completely my style AND my size; and that's AWESOME!! 😁👍Thanks again!! 🦋💛🦋💛
Jul 21Reply
namaste2013 @nikshop22 I'm glad you found lots of goodies you like, for an amazing price. I'll get those out for you tomorrow:) thanks for the purchase!
Jul 21Reply
jasminboutique Hello!!!! Thanks for following! Felt free to check out my closet if you can ;) xoxoxo
Jul 21Reply
spike5x5 Plan on purchasing tomorrow after my paycheck is deposited. I LOVE your closet btw, just sayin💘
Aug 03Reply
namaste2013 @spike5x5 I appreciate your positive feedback! Let me know if you have any questions:)
Aug 03Reply
alexissilk @loveemery038 omg you're soooooooo gorgeous! Thanks for following 😍😘❤️💕
Aug 04Reply
vceijas Hi Maddison!! Im a beauty youtuber and would love for you to check out my channel/ please subscribe if you love 💕
Aug 09Reply
cesca56 Hi Maddison thanks for following me 😊
Aug 29Reply
unclaimed Nice closet and beautiful family pictures
Sep 06Reply
ctrwriter5 Many thanks for the follow - here's to happy Poshing!
Sep 11Reply
emilywinsagain Best closet ever!! 📍
Sep 15Reply
clintosaurus Thanks for the follow. It's too early to be awake though. Go to sleep! 👌🏽👌🏽😂😴😴😴😴❤️ jk. I'm new here. 3 days in. See u around! Happy poshing! 🍋🎈
Oct 19Reply
namaste2013 @clintosaurus Thanks for stopping to say hello. I was just heading to bed;) Hope you have fun in here! You can find all kinda of amazing deals.
Oct 19Reply
clintosaurus @loveemery038 oh lord! It's almost time to get up! 😓 goodnight. Thanks! I'm seeing that!! Danger!!! Haha 💤
Oct 19Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I just wanted to say hi. Have a great day!
Nov 16Reply
bagladydeb Hi, I am so sorry, but I have to cancell your punisher sweatshirt. I made a terrible mistake on the number of them I had. I am so sorry. DEB
Nov 20Reply
bagladydeb Again, I am so sorry about cancelling your order.
Nov 20Reply
share123 Awesome Closet!
Jan 23Reply
jbr223 Thanks for the follow 😉
Jan 26Reply
jbr223 😉
Jan 26Reply
grapekandy Hi! Check out my closet!
Jan 26Reply
1hapeemom You have such beautiful things💕👍
Feb 04Reply
vceijas Hi, you follow me on poshmark. Check out my instagram , and if you like please follow . vanessaceijasMUA
Apr 04Reply
lovemariac @loveemery038 Morning, my name is Maria. I came across your closet while sharing. I would love if you had some time to come visit my closet and look around. My goal is for my buyers to leave with a big smile on their faces. I usually ship out the next day. Thanks and greetings from Nashville TN.
Apr 10Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Maddison, let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Apr 24Reply
nitrowin Well said... I don't think that people realize that when they ask for 20% off, they are ACTUALLY asking you to take FORTY PERCENT less than your asking price (bc Posh takes 20% as well of course). I've had SEVERAL buyers who have never sold here that had NO IDEA that Posh already took 20%, and felt really bad about asking for a discount at all when they found out, so it's not always poor etiquette on the buyer's part!, so thanks for pointing that out!
May 22Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me 🌸
May 27Reply
anomenarmaments I just read some of your wall and I'm so grateful to share with someone in their frustration for lowballers and cheap skates. Thanks for being so cool :)
Jun 14Reply
namaste2013 @ctran987 Thanks for taking the time to leave me feedback! Good luck in your sales.
Jun 14Reply
kathyscloset26 Hi, I am a Seller here. I was wondering if you share 10 of my product per week if I share then of yours per week. This way we both benefit😊
Jun 26Reply
namaste2013 @kathyscloset26 You have a pretty good size closet. But, I see you don't have a lot of followers. I'm just wondering, if you're doing anything to help grow your network?
Jun 26Reply
kathyscloset26 @namaste2013 Hi, I just found out about the groups I can join just a few days ago. I joined Poshmark few months ago so I am still learning as I go. That is why I reached out to you and thank you very much for sharing the items in my closet. Do you have any suggestions? Any groups that you suggest for me to join?
Jun 26Reply
namaste2013 The easiest way for you to grow your site is to follow other people. The easiest way to do that would be to go on to someone's wall like mine. Click on the people I'm following, and the people that are following me. And follow whoever you're not already following.
Jun 26Reply
namaste2013 @kathyscloset26 I do that for about an hour each day. And it helps me grow my sight by between 8 and 15000 people a month. Wishing you luck! If you come back by my wall once in awhile and share my things, it will remind me to show yours also.
Jun 26Reply
kathyscloset26 @namaste2013 will definitely do thank you. 😘 Any group suggestions for me to join?😊
Jun 26Reply
namaste2013 @kathyscloset26 I haven't really found any of the groups to be nearly as effective in growing my network. Just make sure you're sharing your walls at least 3 times a day, if you can do it during the party's more people will see it. The earlier you share your stuff the better. 6-8A.M is a high buying time.
Jun 26Reply
kathyscloset26 @namaste2013 wow thank you for letting me know about early share. I do share my closet 2-3 times a day. Thanks again.
Jun 26Reply
namaste2013 You're welcome. Just be patient, and be consistent. It took me about 10 months to build my following. You have some really good stuff in your closet, so if you stick with it you should do really well. And if you have any other questions, feel free to shoot them my way.
Jun 26Reply
kathyscloset26 @namaste2013 I shared more of your items just as a thank you for sharing a lot of mines last night and answering my questions. Have a wonderful day.
Jun 26Reply
namaste2013 @kathyscloset26 Thanks! You have a good day as well!
Jun 26Reply
janfast Hi Maddison! Thanks for following my closet! 💕😊
Jun 29Reply
classy_vintage Beautiful closet..
Jul 08Reply
nicholepruitt73 Deal of the day bundle any 2 items ( no matter how much each item cost) and u automatically get a beauty basket valued at $15 absolutely "FREE" YEP. "FREE"
Jul 14Reply
utwistedsista Yur such a QT and I am having so much fun peek’n thru your closet! Luv the baby stuff. If’n I were 40 years younger and 30lbs lighter....I’d be your new best friend/buyer on POSH!
Jul 20Reply
namaste2013 @utwistedsista Thanks for taking the time to say hello! I appreciate the positive feedback! Xoxo
Jul 20Reply
Jul 31Reply
namaste2013 @louisvgirly0608 meditation is one of the hardest things to master... I am far from it. I have a very hard time quieting my mind. But keep at it, it is a very useful tool especially if you have trouble sleeping. Thank you for taking the time to send me a positive note. Best wishes to you!
Jul 31Reply
crow_t_robot Hello, Thanks for the like =D
Aug 04Reply
acaibowl1 Cool stuff ....
Aug 06Reply
codeblue619 Cuteee
Aug 13Reply
fashionfluent Hey! 💗 Thanks for the follow! If you like anything in my closet, feel free to message me with a reasonable offer! Can’t wait to check out your closet & share what I like too❣️
Aug 13Reply
jz_6310 @namaste2013 thanks for following me
Aug 13Reply
leonelamaya Nice pic
Aug 14Reply
jtcr455 Thank you for following me
Aug 19Reply
fashion1one Beautiful closet girly!’💖💓
Aug 23Reply
namaste2013 @fashion1one thank you so much!
Aug 23Reply
debsdesigndealz Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 😙😙💜💔💔💖💖💔💓💞💞💜💔💔💔💕💕💖💖💔💓💓💞💞💖
Aug 25Reply
namaste2013 @debsdesigndealz Thank you so much. Have a great weekend!
Aug 26Reply
fabianregio Thank you for following me, have great day
Aug 28Reply
annarita13 Hell doll❤
Sep 06Reply
annarita13 Hello Doll❤XOXO
Sep 07Reply
namaste2013 @annarita13 Hello beautiful! Long time no see. I hope all is well with you and your family! Xoxo!
Sep 07Reply
adp1633 WOW is all I have to say! Enjoy your Poshing!
Sep 07Reply
little_ditties Your closet and you are both stunning
Sep 15Reply
namaste2013 @little_ditties Thank you! You are too sweet. Have a fantastic weekend!
Sep 15Reply
kailpatrick Thanks for follow me.
Sep 18Reply
virginiajensen Hi thank you for following my closet! I barely made it out of your closet alive I say that because if I buy anymore of anything before downsizing my husband is going to kill me. But I will definitely be back! I’m new to Poshmark so I would appreciate any advice that you could give me? How long does it take to make your first sale? What would you give us tips for somebody who’s just getting started? Do tell please thanks love
Sep 20Reply
namaste2013 @virginiajensen I hear you. Sometimes I think I do more shopping, then selling. Welcome to Poshmark, I hope you do well in your cells. As far as advice... Share your wall several times a day. Every time you share your wall your item is moved to the top of the list in that category. Also build followers. The more people you follow the more will follow you back. Share other peoples items. If you share theirs, they will share yours. This way it'll reach more people.
Sep 20Reply
namaste2013 @virginiajensen also the prime times to share your wall on Posh or going to be between 9-1 AM, 12-2PM and 7-9PM. Those are all Pacific standard times. if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask!
Sep 20Reply
virginiajensen Oh my goodness thanks for all the shares I can see why you’re so successful you’re very attentive and it was nice of you to comment back. I will definitely keep in mind the love. Thanks so much for your excellent advice. When you said 9 to 1 am I’m a little confused about that and I’m in Utah is that the same times?
Sep 20Reply
namaste2013 @virginiajensen That was supposed to say 9-11 AM. Poshmark is located in California. So Utah is one hour ahead of California. So the prime times for you to share would be between 10 a.m. and noon. 1-3 PM and 8-10 PM. I'm giving you those times based on the data analysis put out by Poshmark, on what hours had the most traffic on their website.
Sep 20Reply
jahjahjewelry Thank you for coming back 2x to my store and your purchases. I am so shaken by your review and can't imagine why I deserve 3 stars from such a high level posher. Every piece is hand made and totally different than the next. The weight and size are on the listing as well as the photographs are explicit. We in fact presented a clear photo of the interior , which shows an edginess which was not even present when we shipped your cuff.
Sep 22Reply
jahjahjewelry I have been selling these cuffs for 6 years on Etsy, Ebay, Amazon handmade and Poshmark and I have never received an unhappy customer on these cuffs. I am so upset that you are dissatisfied with my piece. I wish I could accept returns and not have to be downgraded from a 5 star seller :(((( Is there something that I can do for you to remedy this?
Sep 22Reply
jahjahjewelry Hi Maddison/ Cleopatra, the other cuff you purchased was not sterling silver, it was silver plate and is of a totally different material. How can you compare the two , please consider your review as inaccurate and unfair. I treat you as a prized customer with a friendship even. I didn't recognize that you were the same buyer because you switched your name, I would have certainly enclosed a gift!> If you every buy again, we will send you something special.
Sep 22Reply
madapplepie @sunsetblvd24 You have been reported to Posh for slander and harrassment. Which is why your comments have been removed. You are ignorant, and petty. Every person that lives in my home has an account. You can deal with Posh.
Sep 26Reply
thelakersstar Thanks for the follow! If you haven’t already, please check out my closet I’m sure you will find something you love! Pick one or bundle and save even more ✨ Thanks for your time I hope we can work together and make a deal!
Nov 02Reply
terrimac70 Are you interested in trading the Tiffany sunglasses for authentic Chanel wrap?? It’s beautiful 😍 I can post pictures if your interested.
Nov 02Reply
kpkeith7 Awesome
Nov 05Reply
namaste2013 @kpkeith7 Thank you! Have a fantastic day!
Nov 05Reply
kpkeith7 @namaste2013 You Have Very Wonderful Day
Nov 05Reply
adamoates36 You are cute
Nov 05Reply
lianethelion Wow 😻 your closet is beautiful.
Nov 16Reply
namaste2013 @lianethelion Thank you so much!!!
Nov 16Reply
ryanthony1 Where’s Hahira?
Nov 21Reply
namaste2013 @ryanthony1 It's down by Valdosta. About a half hour north of the Florida border.
Nov 21Reply
ryanthony1 @namaste2013 oh ok nice! I’m in GA too - have a great turkey day!
Nov 22Reply
namaste2013 I see that! You are not too far from me. I have only spent an afternoon in Atlanta. I keep meaning to go explore it. But, I just moved over here from Seattle Washington, so I don't know anyone here to go exploring with. I would love it if you could advise me on the must see, must do, and most importantly the must eat!
Nov 22Reply
namaste2013 @ryanthony1 I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving as well. Xoxo!
Nov 22Reply
mardialoucloset Thank you for the follow!🤗 Love, love, love your closet 😍
Nov 29Reply
stephlight1 @namaste2013 Why are you following Me I Can’t Wear Nothing in your Closet.THATS IRRITATING!!!
Dec 03Reply
4umatthew @namaste2013 YEAH👏💐💖😉❣️ What a Deal😉👍Thank you for purchasing my AWESOME FILA Workout Jacket! I just put this on the other day to size for another Posher & I forgot how Pretty, Comfortable, & Figure Flattering Jacket is. I am the Original Owner & Jacket is in Excellent Condition! I will ship out in the afternoon👍☮️&💖
Dec 06Reply
4umatthew @namaste2013 All SHIPPED📦! I'm excited for you to receive your package 👍😉 By the way I 💖 your Posh name❣️Namaste🙏 to you Lovely 🌻🕉️☮️💖
Dec 06Reply
4umatthew @namaste2013 Hi Lovely 🌻I am SO HAPPY that you 💖EVERYTHING! My purchasing Poshers mean alot to me and it was my pleasure selling you my FILA jacket for it is a beautiful piece and I am happy it found a Lovely 🌻home ❣Thank you so much for the AWESOME 🌟Rating❣I cannot wait to recieve the Pandora charm for my Mommy's going to 💖it❣Have a Very Happy Holidays 🎄& forever Happy🍸Poshing😉❣✌&💞
Dec 09Reply
blond_anna Hi pretty! Thank you for following me! ✨
Dec 11Reply
pameplace Please cancel my order you stated you would ship next day and 4 days later you haven’t ship??????? Was looking forward to the boots. Please cx.
Jan 11Reply
pameplace You stated shipping was arrange for pick up next day????? Very discouraged. Just cx please.
Jan 11Reply
namaste2013 @pameplaceIm not sure why they're not tracking. The tracking system has been having issues since December. I'll take the number into the post office and see where they are.
Jan 11Reply
namaste2013 @seandb Thank you so much for taking a moment to leave me such a sweet comment. Happy heart day!!! xoxo
Feb 15Reply
brenbrenbean Hello hello! I love your closet!! I’m new and beginning to try to sell! If you have time I’d LOVE it so much if you could check out my closet!!! XO
Feb 18Reply
danasdoings 💍Hello Maddison . I checked out your shop and left some Shares Visit anytime HAPPY POSHING 💍I’m on Vacation will be back on Thursday
Feb 27Reply
sarahrose1292 @namaste2013 hi, I ordered a charm the 27th and still haven’t gotten any shipping info, it’s says you ship within 3 days on the listing. Is there a problem? Was the charm lost?
Mar 02Reply
sarahrose1292 Actually just cancel my order, it shows you were online within the last 5 hours. This is not how you do business.
Mar 02Reply
namaste2013 @sarahrose1292 I'm not sure who you think you are... But, my listing says no such thing. Poshmark allows me a full week to ship orders. I'm also not sure what the last time I was online has to do anything. Not only am I a posh Ambassador, but I also have a 4.9 star rating. The only thing we agree on is that we won't be doing business together. I'm not sure why shipping was never updated.
Mar 03Reply
namaste2013 @sarahrose1292 I live in a very small town, so sometimes it takes their system a couple days to update. I did however contact USPS via their 800 #, and am having the package rerouted back to me. Have a lovely evening.
Mar 03Reply
ainsley203 Are your items used??
Mar 12Reply
namaste2013 @ainsley203 If a listing says NWT it is new. This can be found just under the last photo on the right hand side.
Mar 12Reply
ainsley203 Ok thanks
Mar 12Reply
firstscale @namaste2013 I deeply appreciate the support/follow/shares. I wish for nothing but good fortune and sales in your future. I wanted to thank you personally.
Apr 21Reply
tinabina_174 Oh my goodness is your closet dangerous for my wallet❣️❣️
Apr 24Reply
namaste2013 @tinabina_174 Thank you so much for the positive feedback!!!
Apr 24Reply
kallochsonia Thank you for the sweets my name is Jaye or Jayson and my business partner is Sonia pleasure is all mine!!!
May 01Reply
natalia_zabava Beautiful ❤️ closet.
May 20Reply
namaste2013 @natalia_zabava Thank you! Xoxo
May 20Reply
sanjac10 You have a great closet! Thank you for following mine and sharing Posh love! Please browse my closet. I hope you'll find items you'd like to make your own! I'm open to reasonable offers and I offer a 15% discount on bundles of 3+ items!🥰 I'll be adding more merchandise over the weekend! Come back soon! Happy and successful Poshing! 😊
May 24Reply
vintiqueflair Thank you for the follow, likewise is done. Have a great weekend!
Jun 01Reply
linniek24 Your closet is crazy awesome !!!!! I love almost everything in it ! I’ll be back as soon as I can sell some more stuff. I’m going to like something so I always know who u are. Hope that’s ok. Have a great weekend. Linda
Jun 07Reply
namaste2013 @linniek24 Hi Linda. Thank you so much for the enthusiasm!!! Wishing you speedy sales. Have a lovely weekend.
Jun 07Reply
pazarhino1313 I’m in SC. We’re neighbors!!!
Jun 15Reply
stanori808 Hi Luca! Thank you for Following my closet. I just joined Poshmark recently (made a purchase in Mar/started my closet in Apr) and really appreciate it. You have such beautiful things in your closet that I just had to Share. Please come back and visit me again. Have a great weekend! Thanks again!💐💖
Jun 15Reply
namaste2013 @pazarhino1313 Well hello neighbor!!! I haven't made it over to SC yet. It is on my to do list for the summer. Thank you for stopping by to say hello:)
Jun 16Reply
pazarhino1313 @namaste2013 I’m near Clemson. Come on over. The lakes are pretty & the food is great!!
Jun 16Reply
namaste2013 @pazarhino1313 Nice! I may take you up on that:)
Jun 16Reply
pazarhino1313 @namaste2013 message me anytime 😉😉😉I’d be happy to help. It would be an easy 4.5 hour drive!
Jun 16Reply
canterburya88 @namaste2013 hi, so this might sound weird but I promise I’m not a weirdo lol. I was reading some of the comments on this post (trying to learn as much as I can about poshmark and being good at it lol) and I got to one you had with Trish about your real name and how it wasn’t changed in the about me -meet the posher section.
Jul 30Reply
canterburya88 @namaste2013 I just wanted to let you know that if possible you should also delete those comments ( or at least the ones with your name ) so that stupid stalkers don’t see it. Trust me, I know all about them from an ex who stalked me for years lol. Cuz if they happen to find you on here, then they will end up reading everything..... lol seriously though. If you can’t delete the comments then maybe the post entirety? Anyways, just trying to help 😊
Jul 30Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Sep 02Reply
crepesuzanne I like Calla Lilies. They are beautiful 💫 And it’s just fun to say!!! Calla lily, calla lily...😁
Sep 25Reply
namaste2013 @crepesuzanne They are one of my favorites! Thank you so much for stopping by to say hello. Best wishes! XOXO
Sep 25Reply
hollyjou 😍 that is all, good day !
Oct 02Reply
namaste2013 @hollyjou You have a good day as well;)
Oct 02Reply
donnafab good afternoon Posher!! Thanks for the follow...sharing and caring 😘🦋
Oct 18Reply
rthiel4676 Thank You For The Shares!!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Oct 30Reply
namaste2013 @donnafab you're welcome! Happy holidays.
Nov 29Reply
namaste2013 @rthiel4676 you're welcome! Good luck in your sales this holiday season.
Nov 29Reply
namaste2013 @jss140 you're welcome! have a happy holiday season!
Nov 29Reply
namaste2013 @mwkessell :) happy holidays!
Nov 29Reply
rthiel4676 @namaste2013 Thank you! I hope the same for you also!!!
Nov 29Reply
mwkessell @namaste2013 thank you for that. Happy Holidays to you as well! 🥳
Nov 29Reply
jhonas82 @namaste2013 ty for the follow gorgeous😬
Nov 30Reply
jhonas82 @namaste2013 lols let me know what u need ya..ill be more then happy to it for u
Nov 30Reply
frank_williott @namaste2013 Thanks for following :: will hook you up often
Dec 23Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Calla lilly. Namaste, thanks for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G!🤠🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈 Happy Posh'ing, be kind & have a blessed day!🙏✝️☮️🕉️💖
Jan 03Reply
lilbeastmode Hi. Happy New Year.
Jan 06Reply
cutied @namaste2013 - hi there - I have lots of leggings n tops great quality n style for 🧘‍♀️ yoga - 🙏 namaste
Jan 21Reply
ginopagano hello
Feb 01Reply
namaste2013 @ginopagano Hello. I hope your weekends off to a good start.
Feb 01Reply
ginopagano yes its goin good thanks I hope yours is as well
Feb 01Reply
ginopagano hello thanks gorgeous I hope yours does also
Feb 29Reply
dresslori4 You have a beautiful closet!
Mar 04Reply
namaste2013 @dresslori4 Thank you so much.
Mar 04Reply
babsgilbert Hi, It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 11Reply
jpazdesign Thanks for the follow
Mar 12Reply
hollykay61 Hi! Do you crochet these items yourself and are the outfits on the babies made by you or are they only for an example? Great closet!
Mar 25Reply
namaste2013 @hollykay61 I have a company I purchase them from. The photos are their stock photos.
Mar 26Reply
ahalimpotter0 hello ladys
Apr 05Reply
ekt07 Thank you for stopping by and the follow 😊
Apr 14Reply
3lovebeaty Hi thank you
Apr 15Reply
viratorres53 hi there thank you for following my closet. I really loved browsing in yours. it's a lovely closet. I've shared some with my followers. hope you can check out my closet too.
Apr 15Reply
alittlebitluxe I hope you’re staying safe and thanks for your interest in the Tory Burch crossbody bag. I will accept an offer for $90 and can ship ASAP. Thanks again!
Apr 19Reply
sherrywicked71 good morning, just wondering if you had a time frame on when you would be able to ship my bundle?
May 07Reply
namaste2013 @sherrywicked71 I'm sorry my account keeps going off vacation hold. I had a family death, so I've been in Washington state for the last month. I'm not sure when I'll be back home. I know it will be at least another 7-10 days. Toy can cancel your order id you don't want to wait.
May 07Reply
stormtreasures @namaste Hi, thank you for liking our Authentic Sterling Silver Tiffany Charm. This piece is priced at the wholesale level and thus we must make it a firm price, however we greatly discount all out other items as we always work with members of our Poshmark family. We wish you and yours all the best of health during this difficult time. Stay blessed always, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
May 31Reply
namaste2013 @stormtreasures I'm sorry I did not mean to like your T& Co Clasping link that I can order right now off the T & Co. website for $ 20.
May 31Reply
nysurf9 Thanks for adding me pretty lady🤙🏻
Jul 02Reply
ruarro Thx for the add very nice cut beautiful closet lol maybe that’s why everything is sold 😊
Aug 31Reply
namaste2013 @nysurf9 Thanks for stopping by to say hello:)
Aug 31Reply
eclectic_cali Hi! My name is Chanell, Happy to connect! If there’s anything in my closet that you would like, feel free to make an offer!
Sep 02Reply
cheyanne_79 Hi! 😊 Welcome to check out my closet. Let me know if any items you’re interested in, I’m always open to offers. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Happy Poshing and all the best for you!! ❤️
Sep 09Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Oct 06Reply
spamopal Hi I’m stacey I wanted to let you know I have a 10% off discount on 2or more items on my store so check back often and Happy Poshing 😃🛍🎉👍🏻😊🌻
Oct 08Reply
blingurnewfashw Thanks for following me at BlingURNewFashW (Wardrobe). Happy poshing! 🛍 😁💝 🌟 I am here to help if you happen to have any additional questions on any item. Clothing in my closet ships out next day unless it’s a holiday.
Oct 12Reply
poshmark_star Thanks for purchasing the trio of Tiffany bracelets! I have a Tiffany shopping bag I’ll include!
Oct 16Reply
namaste2013 @poshmark_star Thank you so much!
Oct 16Reply
poshmark_star @namaste2013 Hi love! Did you receive the Tiffany’s bracelet? ☺️
Oct 23Reply
namaste2013 @poshmark_star I just pulled it out of the mailbox about an hour ago. Love it!
Oct 23Reply
poshmark_star @namaste2013 Yaayyy!! I’m so glad!! Enjoy it! 💋
Oct 23Reply
namaste2013 @poshmark_star Thank you! Have a good weekend:)
Oct 24Reply
poshmark_star @namaste2013 you too! Have you been to a Tiffany’s store?
Oct 24Reply
namaste2013 @poshmark_star Many times:) Nowadays I purchase most things from their online store. The last few times I went to their stores, I couldn't stand how snooty the staff was. I was really upset when my daughter and I went into the New York store to buy her a pair of diamond earrings, and we didn't even get acknowledged. After 20 minutes we finally left.
Oct 25Reply
poshmark_star @namaste2013 I am so sorry to hear that! I have only been to the one in NYC. It was the one I was hoping to hear that you had been to. Especially at Christmas. I believe there is a restaurant now available... such an iconic store should leave you with wonderful memories and hoping to return with family to keep the nostalgia alive. Window shopping should be fun and to actually shop there & leave with their bag and some goodies inside- how can they possibly F that up?!?!??
Oct 25Reply
namaste2013 @poshmark_star When all this virus stuff is over maybe we will go back up there and give it another shot. That would be really neat if they had a restaurant. The first time I took my daughter to T& Co. she said... " I thought this was going to be a restaurant." she was about 9 at the time, She had watched " Breakfast at Tiffany's " with my mom, and for some reason came away with the idea that Tiffany's had food. :)
Oct 25Reply
poshmark_star @namaste2013 Hahahahaa! That’s adorable! It’s called the Blue Box Cafe. It’s new!
Oct 25Reply
poshmark_star @namaste2013 I’ve been a manager in retail for decades and customer service is THE most important!! I’ve also lived in the city and I drive through it twice a month to see family. If you go back, please message me! I can meet you for coffee or give you and your daughter a quick tour of some spectacular places 😘
Oct 25Reply
namaste2013 @poshmark_star Agreed!!! Thanks for the invite. I will let you know next time we are up your way. Have a fantastic week!
Oct 26Reply
ronshepheard54 Beautiful
Nov 10Reply
tcofoc I love your style! tcofoc
Nov 22Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 15Reply
namaste2013 @dwalkera Thank you Lisa. Happy holidays to you as well.
Dec 18Reply
marlycecolgate lovely closet! I saved your meet the posher to find you easier:) Wishing you and yours a wonderful and safe holiday season! Namaste, love and light!
Dec 22Reply
namaste2013 @marlycecolgate Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me. Wishing you the best. Namaste!
Dec 22Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
Jan 07Reply
class72 I love your picture. Thanks for the follow. ❤
Jan 09Reply
caninowbe hi, my name Katherine Vandall and I love to shop.. so i have a lot to sale, a lot of new baby chothing.. like said I love shop.. please come see my closet... it nice to meet you.. have a wonderful day..
Jan 10Reply
caninowbe hi, my name Katherine Vandall and I love to shop.. so i have a lot to sale, a lot of new baby chothing.. like said I love shop.. please come see my closet... it nice to meet you.. have a wonderful day..
Jan 10Reply
mchughes1 Hey!! If y’all have any questions about any items just message me :)
Jan 13Reply
queen2keepup Hiiiiii👋👋 Thanks for the follow. Wishing you all the best in 2021🎊🎉🤗. Happy Poshing🛍🥳
Jan 21Reply
namaste2013 @queen2keepup Thank you so much. Best wishes to you and your family as well:)
Jan 21Reply
guavaberry12 𝙃𝙞! 🤗 𝘐 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘧𝘦𝘸 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘴. 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬 𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵! 𝘐 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘦𝘣𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘷𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺𝘶𝘴𝘢.𝘤𝘰𝘮 yo𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘥𝘦: 𝙥𝙛𝙛𝟣𝟧 𝘧𝘰𝘳 15% 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘦. 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯 𝘶𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘸𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘢 𝟣𝟢% 𝘰𝘧𝘧. 𝙃𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙋𝙤𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜!🌿
Feb 06Reply
duckieone Hi and thank you for following me. I appreciate it. Right now I am selling Threads for Thought items so clothing is made from regenerated beech trees, organic cotton, recycled plastic bottles and fishing nets. The items have been deeply discounted to clean out my closet. I hope you have a great day!
Feb 08Reply
trishadi Honored to have your follow thank you so much! Beautiful lines to promote in your closet for sure. I am new to Poshing so I can probably learn from you 😍
Feb 19Reply
namaste2013 @pjdi88 Well welcome to Posh! Let me know if you have any questions. :)
Feb 19Reply
japerry73 Thank you for the follow Gorgeous
Feb 25Reply
namaste2013 @japerry73;)
Feb 25Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi. ⭐️Hope you are enjoying shopping 🛒 and selling🛍 on Poshmark . 🌷I’d love it if you would stop by my closet when you get a moment🌷.
May 01Reply
lisagayle1121 Omg your closet is AMAZING!❤️
Jun 09Reply
namaste2013 @lisagayle1121 Thank you for the positive feedback:)
Jun 09Reply
rafaeltang78 y'all hot
Aug 05Reply
tatnaples Hi! Thanks bunches for the follow, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Sep 16Reply
smcuster Hello, Shawn Marie here. After getting notification you began following my Poshmark Closet, I want to welcome and thank you for visiting. I appreciate you for connecting and giving the opportunity to read and learn a little bit about you. Great closet also! Consider joining me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where we can get to know one another better with a fun introduction game I created. My closet is your closet. Shawn Marie
Sep 29Reply
alpowell714 Hey Wasup what’s ur Instagram
Nov 28Reply
missink3383 Hi 😊 Feel free to stop by my🚪for fun, share games, Win FREE* prizes thru BOGO*/B2GO* 💖💚✨💚💖 [*items of equal or lesser value]😊 ❄⛄Happy Holidays⛄❄
Dec 13Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Dec 24Reply
jerry_holmes merry Christmas
Dec 25Reply
timamy21 Thanks for the follow. I will be sharing some of your listings and hope that you can return the favor. Have an awesome day!
Jan 15Reply
hellsbane Those Tiffany boxes came from the Tiffany store because i purchased them myself. 🤷‍♀️
Feb 12Reply
namaste2013 @hellsbane No, they didn't. Idk why you're bothering to lie. The filling is cheap, the T isn't embossed, and the lettering is wrong. I didn't ask to return them. I didn't report you. So, learn a lesson and move on.
Feb 12Reply
hellsbane @namaste2013 return them.
Feb 12Reply
hellsbane @namaste2013 i do not want anyone to be unhappy about something they purchased from me.
Feb 12Reply
namaste2013 @hellsbane I can't. I already accepted them. There for storage for my mom and unlike me, she doesn't care if they're authentic.
Feb 12Reply
hellsbane @namaste2013 i have had those since 2005/2006. I am so sorry. I would have tossed them years ago had i known.
Feb 12Reply
nylifeaccess Hi gorgeous , thank you very much to check out and following my closet. Just to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Mar 16Reply
stuartrush Are you interested in bulk Australia Luxe samples
Mar 21Reply
namaste2013 @stuartrush It depends on if they have the original boxes, and whether or not you're cheaper than the distributors I get them through.
Mar 21Reply
stuartrush They are direct from the brand samples. Well below wholesale. No shoe boxes but hangtags and all brand new.
Mar 21Reply
stuartrush I have 300 + pairs and always getting more each season we develop. Don’t have time to Posh them.
Mar 21Reply
stuartrush Check out Poshjame. My ex used to list them…
Mar 21Reply
namaste2013 @stuartrush I've seen her site several times. I would have to see an inventory and price list.
Mar 22Reply
stuartrush I would recommend coming to our Australia Luxe lock up in Venice. I have 300+ pairs new samples, 180- 200 last seasons stock, jackets, bags accessories all direct
Mar 22Reply
stuartrush Usually if wholesale is $100, the Retail is $240. I’d sell that sample for $50
Mar 22Reply
namaste2013 @stuartrush It again would depend on the style. I usually pay 70-80 % off retail. That's brand new. still in the box. Idk if it would be worth it to me. You're more than welcome to put together a buy list with pricing for me.
Mar 22Reply
stuartrush As the brand, I’m amazed you can buy at that price. We know all our distributors so seems v unusual. What I’m offering is pretty much the same though…
Mar 22Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, if you see anything you want to buy from me feel free to make an offer. The only offer I make is my bundled discounts, but I’m always ready to consider offers from buyers. I keep my prices very fair, but if you think I overpriced something send your offer! I have another closet for kids called kids_poshshop
Mar 29Reply
mikecholewa You gals look amazing!
Apr 05Reply
rougelips Thank you for the purchase! Your order will be shipped out shortly :)
May 20Reply
poshpussycat Hi, I didn’t make a like on the Ugg boots, so declined offer!
Jun 16Reply
cutehosiery @namaste2013 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 22Reply
blacktimothy66 heeelloo
Aug 14Reply
arson_sanderz Scrumptious
Sep 09Reply
charleshamil280 Very. Very. Beautiful
Oct 12Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 20Reply
waikikirod Beautiful
Dec 16Reply
svh944 please check my closet for sky high heels 👠
Jan 03Reply
tab1tha777 Hi Nice to meet you via PoshMark!
Jan 09Reply
namaste2013 @tthornh Nice to meet you as well. I hope your year is off to a good start.
Jan 09Reply
patrickmille435 Thanks 😊
Feb 28Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
Mar 01Reply
namaste2013 @marywilliams130 Thank you, Mary. Have a lovely day:)
Mar 01Reply
gmcspd_closets Hello, nice to meet you! Thanks for following me, I am still fairly new and would appreciate all the shares. If you have some time, scroll through my closet and let me know if anything interests you, just private message me. If you bundle 3 or more items you get 15% off. Thank you, good luck, and Happy Shopping my friend! 🛍 💜🌺
Mar 02Reply
marywilliams130 @namaste2013 thank you so much for All of the share 😊😊😊😊😊
Mar 02Reply
chaddkk Hi thanks for following me ❤️. Have a great day ❣️
Mar 04Reply
poshmephoebe Love your closet! 🌸💞🌸
Mar 23Reply
deshawnb750 nice closet
Apr 02Reply
tab1tha777 Hi from Az! am a Pug and Corgie resuce Mom.
Jun 17Reply
namaste2013 @tthornh ♥️♥️♥️
Jun 17Reply
poshpussycat Hi, you sent an offer on Ugg boots. I didn't like that item from your closet.
Aug 05Reply
mimswind Thank you for following my closet! Love all the boots! Happy Poshing!! : )
Sep 14Reply
ant7187 Thank you for the follow! Just shared your page, such great items here. Check out my closet, I have a wide variety of clothing from Nike and Adidas sportswear to Armani and Express dress shirts and outerwear!
Sep 24Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 03Reply
msray0823 Hi Love, As I read the comments I totally agree with offers. I noticed you sent me an offer. I sent you back an offer. When you get a chance check it out. I myself am very fair & try to offer discounts but it seems people really want something nice nearly free. I hope you agree with my fair offer, since reading your post & your beautiful expensive closet… I know you definitely understand 🙏🏽🫶🏽🥰❤️.thank you.
Nov 29Reply
meisch3388 Best picture on cover ive seen in yrs!
Mar 11Reply
priusa21 thank you Sooo much!💙
Jun 30Reply
namaste2013 @priusa21 Thank you. I'll get these shipped out to you tomorrow.
Jun 30Reply
donsoileau thanks for the follow Madison I appreciate it
Jul 01Reply
donsoileau I mean Maddison, sorry about that
Jul 01Reply
namaste2013 @donsoileau No worries. I see you're a fellow Georgian:) I'm relatively new to Georgia, so I had to Google where Stone Mountain was, as I've never heard of it before. Thank you for stopping by to say hello:)
Jul 01Reply
alishacouture @namaste2013 Hi! As a fellow L.A.M.B. Lover myself, may I ask how you have so many pieces? It’s really amazing to see.
Sep 19Reply
c_siles Hi there, seems like you are very knowledgeable about L.a.m.b bags and I just thrifted one in like new condition. Never heard of this brand before so if you can tell me what that’s mean when the interior tag says “Sample, Not to be sold” I would truly appreciate it. You have the same bag in your closet. I will hearted for you to have an idea. Thanks 🙏.
Sep 20Reply
namaste2013 @c_siles Very cool. A sample bag is put out before the line is released, so vendors can choose what stock they want to carry in their store. It is just for display and not to be sold in stores as part of the finished product line. You, however, are able to do what you'd like with it, including selling it. Let me know if you have any more questions:)
Sep 20Reply
c_siles You’re awesome! Thanks for replying to me. One more question. Is it worth much less because is a sample bag? Thanks again.
Sep 20Reply
namaste2013 @c_siles That depends. Sone samples are not fully finished, or they don't have the same embellishments as the finished product. If I have the same bag, do a comparison. If everything is the same, and the only difference is the tag, then, I would say someone would be willing to pay the same amount for it. All of Gwen's pierced are vintage, and they're extremely hard to find in as good condition as the one you have.
Sep 20Reply
namaste2013 @c_siles Feel free to make a listing, and I'm more than happy to take a look at it for you.
Sep 20Reply
c_siles I sent you my listing, please review and send me your feedback. Thanks a million.
Sep 20Reply
namaste2013 @c_siles Beautiful bag. Minimal signs of wear. This is in excellent Vintage condition. Go to the first wallet I have listed, and screenshot the rating chart for a vintage item. Add it to your listing. I'd add a better photo of the handles. The bag is made from PVC & Leather. Also add that it is a bag from Singer Songwriter Gwen Stefani. The listing I have for the similar bag should have the name of the pattern. I'll see if I can find the style name for you.
Sep 20Reply
namaste2013 OK. This pattern is Tie-dye. The style is Wakefield:) Let me know if you have any more questions.
Sep 20Reply
marcellito your profile pick is sick!
Oct 13Reply
marcellito @namaste2013 what kind of music you into 👀
Oct 13Reply
namaste2013 @marcellito I like all music. Last concert was Motionless in White, Ice Nine Kills and Black Veil Bride.
Oct 13Reply

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