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Updated Aug 16
Updated Aug 16

Welcome to my closet!

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Carolyn! My loss is your gain! Fine Jewelry prices have been slashed. I have to buy a new furnace. My loss is your gain. I LOVE FINE JEWELRY! I am a certified Diamontologist! Buy jewelry with confidence! I do have a dog, & I try my hardest to make sure I get all the hair off before I ship. Please do not be upset & give a bad rating if you get a few stray hairs by accident. My puparoo loves snuggles! Thanks for stopping by!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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getclosetrehab Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you <3 PM as much as I do!! If you have any questions or need help with anything just let me know! ❌⭕️
Jun 02Reply
roseamethyst 👋 nice to meet you Welcome to Poshmark 🛍📬
Aug 28Reply
nonasnoopshop Happy Poshing! Now Following 🤗❤️🤪💞
Aug 31Reply
tinamsb Thank you for all the shares. I shared back!! have a fabulous day🌸🌸🌸
Sep 16Reply
cjcovelli10 @tinamsb you are very welcome! And thank you! You have a great closet 😃
Sep 16Reply
sideeyebird Thank you so much! I’ll send out your sweaters either late tonight or first thing tomorrow. 🌺 Have an awesome night!! 🌙
Sep 25Reply
cjcovelli10 @deirdrechb oh thank you!
Sep 25Reply
hillaryty Thanks for following my closet! That's such a cute pup. :)) Have a lovely day!
Sep 25Reply
elephanttrunk Thanks for sharing from my closet 🛍. I’m learning as I go and I appreciate any and all advice 💕. Hope you have a blessed day‼️
Sep 27Reply
shenanigans949 @cjcovelli10 Hi Carolyn, Thanks for stopping by my closet & saying hello to me and my fur babies. Your little ones 🐾💗are adorable! I love meeting fellow FB users who are dog parents and rescuers. Have a blessed day!
Sep 27Reply
itslisah Oh my gosh! You have so many cute fur babies!! So lucky 💕💕💕🐶
Sep 28Reply
cjcovelli10 @itslisah Thank you! I just love Chihuahuas! I want them all. hahaha And my beagle/corgi mix is hilarious, he's so dopey
Sep 28Reply
ccsqna So many babies! I'm jealous
Sep 28Reply
itslisah @cjcovelli10 your corgi mix is actually my favorite out of them all hahaha he has such a lovable face! I bet he’s super silly too
Sep 28Reply
cjcovelli10 @itslisah he is the silliest.... lol he loves that little baby pool. in the summertime, he even dives in before he will go potty. Some mornings he tries to jump in the shower with me, most of the time he doesn't succeed....but sometimes he does.
Sep 28Reply
sideeyebird Thank you so much for your rating and love note!! 💕❤️ I’m so happy you like your sweaters! ☀️🌺☀️🌺
Sep 28Reply
enjoywithlove Thanks for all the shares back 😘 love your items!!! Great closet 🙌🏼
Sep 29Reply
itslisah @cjcovelli10 Hahaha that’s so funny!! It sounds Ike he really adores water lol my dogs are the complete opposite! They hate getting baths, and would literally hide when they hear the would bath. 😂
Sep 29Reply
bohoforever15 💐 Thanks so much for sharing 🛍🌼🛍💐
Sep 29Reply
shellyc7 Beautiful jewelry
Oct 01Reply
cjcovelli10 @kswoodard2001 thank you angelface! You have a gorgeous closet!
Oct 01Reply
sweetteetab So glad you loved the items!!! ☺️🙂🤗
Oct 01Reply
donnarileyd Welcome to poshmark cute puppies!!
Oct 01Reply
dovajean They are adorable!!’ We have 5 poodles. 2 “full” size and labradoodles.
Oct 03Reply
mee0wsers 👋 Thanks for checking meowt! Closet benefits animal rescue. Ty for helping me help them 🐶 🐱 Happy poshing 🎉
Oct 03Reply
ozeyes Beautiful jewelry!!! 💕Love your fur babies💕
Oct 03Reply
cjcovelli10 @ozeyes thank you so much! 😍😍 I worked at a Kay Jewelers for a number of years, but it's time to clear some out that I don't wear all the time.
Oct 03Reply
jadealsi23 Hello Carolyn! Thank you for all the shares! 😍 Happy Sales and Happy Poshing!❤✌
Oct 04Reply
cjcovelli10 @jadealsi23 Thank you too angelface! 🌹🌼 Have a great day!
Oct 04Reply
livelovelaugh28 trying to bundle this for you...i just started selling on poshmark...although i just emailed them...i want to make sure your order is 100% correct...
Oct 05Reply
livelovelaugh28 I left poshmark an bundle the order
Oct 05Reply
cjcovelli10 @livelovelaugh28 thank you! I also sent them an email
Oct 05Reply
livelovelaugh28 Thankyou carolyn...i just started selling on here 9 days ago...ive left them 2 emails...
Oct 05Reply
livelovelaugh28 Im checking on email...hope it sends soon
Oct 05Reply
soflolor Thank you again for all of the shares 🙏🏻 I Absolutely love your fur babies 🐶 I have a blue merle Chihuahua, he’s 11 ☺️ my beloved Jack Russell passed away in June and I miss him every day 😔 wishing you lots of sales! Please lmk if you need anything! 🌻
Oct 06Reply
cjcovelli10 @soflolor you are very welcome! I only have my chocolate chihuahua (Kiki) and the corgi mix (Herman). Her puppy (Bandit) was sick and the vets could never figure out what was wrong with him,😢 he passed away a couple years ago. I still miss him. Many blessings to you! 🙏
Oct 06Reply
livelovelaugh28 Im hoping for an email...i pride in my same day shipping...can i add something to the white sweater...i just sent them another one
Oct 06Reply
soflolor @cjcovelli10 i’m so sorry for your loss 😔 I wish they could live forever. Thank you again 🙏🏻 Have a wonderful weekend ☺️
Oct 06Reply
sherid10 Love ❤️ love 💗 love 💕 the pups.
Oct 08Reply
cjcovelli10 @sherid10 🤗😊 thank you so much! They are my loves 🌹💕🌷
Oct 08Reply
cjcovelli10 @tootsie72 I love yours too💕💕💕💕
Oct 10Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Oct 10Reply
fugualista Thank you so much for sharing from my closet. I am new here so I am still learning how to do things I will say it is a process. I know I need to share more but I keep trying to keep you with the followers. ugh I really don't know what to do first LOL
Oct 13Reply
cjcovelli10 @fugualista I know, it can be a bit overwhelming. Just takes your time, you'll get the hang of it. I am happy to help any way I can!
Oct 13Reply
fugualista Thank you I really appreciate it!
Oct 13Reply
freddiesfind Welcome to Poshmark! 🤠
Oct 15Reply
chino_dollabill Awwww cute
Oct 15Reply
merauder Aww! I checked out your etsy shop and I will definitely order some items soon. I work in natural product sales and obviously also love my dog, lol. He has his own Instagram
Oct 22Reply
cjcovelli10 @merauder than you! oh that is amazing! Your pup is so cute! I have a few videos on youtube of Herman playing in his puppy pool.
Oct 22Reply
merauder @cjcovelli10 aww! 🐶😍
Oct 22Reply
0unica22 I’m Screaming SO CUTE 😍😍
Oct 23Reply
0unica22 I’m a HUGE Animal Lover 😍😍😍 !
Oct 23Reply
cjcovelli10 @0unica22 thank you! They are my world😍 Kiki is 11 and Herman turns 7 on Halloween
Oct 23Reply
abecrasy Thanks for the shares happy pushing
Oct 29Reply
joeljr22 @cjcovelli10 thank you so much for the counter. I’m really interested in the necklace for my mom. Is there anyway I could make up for the difference with a partial trade or is there anymore room for another offer? Thank you 🙏
Nov 01Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Nov 01Reply
thelakersstar Thanks for the follow! If you haven’t already, please check out my closet I’m sure you will find something you love! Pick one or bundle and save even more ✨ Thanks for your time I hope we can work together and make a deal!
Nov 02Reply
mmdell11 Hi! I'm having a clear out closet sale if you are interested! & a 3 for $20 (or less) sale as well!! Feel free to check it out! I'm very open to shares, bundles and offers! Happy poshing ❤️
Nov 07Reply
sunnimoments @cjcovelli10 - Thanks for the visit and the Follow💙. Happy 🌞Poshing.
Nov 12Reply
calibahamama Thank you for the Posh❤️ shares✨💫 your fur babies are cuties😍
Nov 13Reply
emboodie hey! So every single item in my closet is BUY ONE GET ONE FREE of lesser value! Check my stuff out and take full advantage before all the designer brands are gone! 100% FREE not discount just FREEEEEEE
Nov 13Reply
nizdawiz hi Carolyn, I already reduced prices lower than most any seller All of my items are new. I see pre owned items selling for more than I ask. You're a ambassador so i know you understand how much posh takes in fees. I've lost a lot of profit already. You're fr PA and so am I so I lowered it a bit more for you
Nov 15Reply
cjcovelli10 @drb62 Hi Deb! Thank you for stopping by! You have a beautiful closet & I'm happy to share. 🌻 I also love jewelry, I worked at a Kay Jewelers for about 5 years. Happy poshing! 🌻
Nov 17Reply
simplylizcloset Thank you very much for your awesome shares.😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍💕💕💕💕💕💕
Nov 19Reply
cjcovelli10 @simplylizcloset you are so welcome! 🌻🌻 And thank YOU! You have a great closet! 🌻 happy poshing❣
Nov 19Reply
romi425 Welcome!! Just wanted to share that I am selling these amazing luxury hair products that are vegan, and cruelty free! Let me know if interested in buying or even selling yourself :) you would love them ! 💕 take the hair quiz in my bio and if interested in selling to make extra income in an easy way then don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
Nov 21Reply
wvmelton206 Thanks for the shares although I did get some stray dog hairs on the last ones :)
Nov 24Reply
cjcovelli10 @wvmelton206 you're welcome! Lol. Herman said sorry
Nov 24Reply
funkyhulagirl Adorable babies! Did you decorate those cakes yourself? Beautiful!
Nov 29Reply
cjcovelli10 @funkyhulagirl thank you! And yes! I decorated those 😊
Nov 29Reply
the_gemii Back at ya girlie!!! Let’s make some sales!! 💕🎁🛍💕
Nov 29Reply
ravensnation310 Oh how cute are your furbabies! Adorable! I have 2 Chihuahuas, is that 3 or 4 dog's? 😁🐶🐕🐩
Nov 30Reply
cjcovelli10 @chloechenfeld you are so welcome! 🌻 You have a great closet!
Dec 03Reply
doggiegrace 🆑 CLOSET CLEAR 🆑 Every item is only $5 ‼️
Dec 13Reply
calikarla Thank you for sharing 🤗💐☃️
Dec 20Reply
kamikundu 🐩Welcome 😘 Thank You 🌺 Everything On Sale 💰 Blow Out Sale Today Only 😮 All Price Are Negotiable ❤️ Make An Offer 🎁
Dec 23Reply
nene0402 Hi there 🐥🎶😉thanks for the follow and Happy New Year to you🦋🎶👌🏻love your babies. I have two of my own too. They are so adorable :).
Jan 01Reply
cjcovelli10 @nene0402 thank you! My fur babies are my world 😍 ants thank you for all the shares! I hope that you have a wonderful New Year!
Jan 01Reply
nene0402 Same 🐥🎶👌🏻💐
Jan 01Reply
k8skate Cute pups. I take them if u want to give them to me. 🤪🤪🤪
Jan 01Reply
racite419 Hello! Cute closet but cuter doggies! I have 3 big ones that act like lap dogs. Thanks for sharing my items! ☺️
Jan 02Reply
lexiloveboutiq Awwwww! I just saw your comment so I wanted to stop by, say hi, and see your pups, such cuties! I didn't realize that I still had that picture up- my little guy passed away about two years ago after being sick for a little while- hardest thing I've ever been through☹️
Jan 02Reply
cjcovelli10 @lexiloveboutiq I have been there.... 😢🤗🤗🤗 Kiki had a puppy we named Bandit & he was sick too. My heart goes out to you!
Jan 02Reply
lexiloveboutiq Oh, I'm so sorry, i know it hurts, I swore I would never have another dog because i didn't want to lose one, but I did and I just love him to pieces!
Jan 02Reply
stylewithsara Hey and welcome to posh! It’s such an awesome community to find and sell cute and affordable clothes! Give my closet a look just added 50 listings and I think there are items you would enjoy🦋❤️🥰 happy posting and happy new year!!💫🤞🏽 I will also be adding some new listings this week so keep an eye 🤩🤗
Jan 03Reply
illind Sharing is Caring. Happy New Year!
Jan 05Reply
jessicalcook Hi, Carolyn! Thanks for the follow 😁
Jan 08Reply
sheresenichole Thanks for your bundle purchase! It will ship out tomorrow! 🤩😍🤩😍
Jan 11Reply
cjcovelli10 @sheresenichole thank you so much!
Jan 11Reply
sleon382 Beautiful puppies so loyal always, your beautiful, and good puppies always love a beautiful woman and they can see inner beauty as well.
Jan 13Reply
galie219 Cute🐶🐶
Jan 17Reply
cjcovelli10 @galie219 thank you! 🌻
Jan 17Reply
sleon382 Hello beautiful how are you doing today. I'm thinking of you and want to welcome you to poshmark. I'm Sheldon and I want to help in any way I can. If you get a chance check out my closet and let me know what you think.
Jan 18Reply
sleon382 Hey beautiful take 50% off anything in my closet till midnight....... Now for your happy dance
Jan 18Reply
sleon382 @cjcovelli10 whatever you want baby
Jan 18Reply
sleon382 @cjcovelli10 I like the Zigi stiletto heels. The camo is my second best
Jan 18Reply
sleon382 Now just tell me where to send it OK love
Jan 18Reply
sleon382 Thank you.....I'm following you
Jan 18Reply
heatmil Your puppers 💕🐾 are beautiful! They do not shed, they share love! I had 2 labs, down to one, but he loves to share no matter how much I brush. He is part of the family!! I will go check out your Etsy store. My youngest had 17 year old stink, but a problem with most deodorants, maybe you can help! Your closet is cute
Jan 19Reply
sleon382 hello its nice to see the beautiful pug momma
Jan 20Reply
kirbyk4 Your pups are adorable!!
Jan 21Reply
ladykrc @cjcovelli10 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing items from your Fabulous closet store⭐️👍🏼 I enjoy sharing, shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jan 22Reply
dolphindoggie Your doggies are sooo cute! 💞 🐶 💞
Jan 22Reply
fashionoam OMG your doggies are adorable!😍😍😍great closet
Jan 22Reply
cjcovelli10 @fashionoam thank you! You also have a great closet & adorable pup❣
Jan 22Reply
fashionoam @cjcovelli10 Awe. Thank you so much!😌💞Biscuit appreciates the compliment and loves all human attention he can get! Lol
Jan 22Reply
ladykrc @cjcovelli10 Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Happy Blessed New Years to you and yours😘
Jan 23Reply
sparrowwest Just stopping by to say I love your Closet!! Thank for the shares!! 💕🌷🌸🌺🥰⭐️🦄
Jan 31Reply
cjcovelli10 @sparrowwest thank you angelface! I love yours too! ❤🌻
Jan 31Reply
brucesgal10 Carlton,Thank you so much for following and sharing. I love your fur baby.Sheena
Jan 31Reply
moonchild242 Your doggies are adorable!
Jan 31Reply
eranamayes123 Thank you so much for sharing my closet
Feb 02Reply
cloud9575 🌴Hi Carolyn 🌴Those cupcakes look scrumptious! 💕 Nice closet btw&quite a bit of jewelry (some not on yet). 💕☮️
Feb 06Reply
amandak8109 Thanks for the shares!! Your dogs are so adorable! 🐶☺️
Feb 06Reply
cloud9575 ☮️Hi Carolyn ☮️ My Uncle Jim lives in Wayne, PA. What parish do you go to? Thank you for the shares. 💕💕
Feb 06Reply
intoselling2 I love your babies with paws💕They are adorable. We are new to having a pet of our own and we are in Love head over heels! Now I know why some of the most joyful people I know have dogs and a ton of photos. Also, fun closet too😊🐶🐶😊
Feb 11Reply
cjcovelli10 @intoselling2 thank you! Your puppy is adorable too! I love puppy breath 😍 You have a great closet!
Feb 12Reply
intoselling2 @cjcovelli10 thank you❤️😂I thought it was just puppy breath.
Feb 12Reply
feisty0121 Welcome to Poshmark. Love those poochie faces. Happy poshing
Feb 13Reply
cwilf673 Hi 👋!!! Just stopping by to say you have a super cute closet!!! I gave you some Posh loving 🥰 and shared some of it!!! Happy Poshing!! 💕
Feb 13Reply
cjcovelli10 @cwilf673 thank you angelface! I shared silvery from your awesome closet too! 🌻😍 happy poshing!
Feb 13Reply
cwilf673 @cjcovelli10 thank you for the shares back!!! Hoping we get lots of sales!!
Feb 13Reply
gloriasgalleria Thanks for all the shares! I’ll return them soon! Your dogs are adorable❤️❤️❤️
Feb 13Reply
jeanybee925 Thank you for your shares today! Love your closet and your sweet furbaby! I LOVE genuine gemstone jewelry and I have two beautiful Sheltie dogs. Our first family doggie was a Beagle-Dachshund mix! We obviously share both of those special loves! Happy Poshing! Oh... and as for the Champagne Diamond studs!!! I have been looking for a pair of these for YEARS!!! Let me see what I can do to make an offer...
Feb 17Reply
jeanybee925 Crystal, thank you so much for the generous discount offer on the Champagne Diamond studs. I can't manage it right now...but I will stay in touch with you over the next week or two. I just started a new full time job and I'm waiting for my first paycheck. I also have a large amount of "seller's funds" on hold elsewhere since I am a new Seller on their platform. The cash should release by Mar 1st. That would be enough for sure!
Feb 17Reply
cjcovelli10 @jeanybee925 hello beautiful! And thank you for the shares too! You have some really stunning pieces 😍 I love fine jewelry & natural gemstones and diamonds 💎 Happy Poshing 🌻
Feb 17Reply
cjcovelli10 @jeanybee925 no worries! I hope that you have a great day!
Feb 17Reply
jeanybee925 @cjcovelli10 Thank you for your kind compliment and coments, Dear! I will come back to you as soon as I can! Have a great day too!
Feb 17Reply
dunamus2018 Great rising Carolyn thank you so much for sharing my closet I really appreciate it. I hope this finds you doing well today. I gotta say ur closet is "Totally Sick😱🤑" (that's a compliment ok) very impressive. Just looking at all the cupcakes on ur page I feel like I have stage 2 diabetes. (I like sweets & would love to sample, ok no disrespect😉😊) thank u again happy selling and shopping ok keep that smile shining bright much luv sis. 🙋‍♂️🤜🤛❤
Feb 20Reply
dunamus2018 You are so sweet, 🙏thank you so much big virtual hug🤗
Feb 20Reply
zardiva1 Awwwww! 😃😘🐶
Feb 26Reply
cjcovelli10 @fabulousstylen thank you so much!
Feb 28Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️ ps super cute pup!!
Mar 01Reply
ekiss1 Thank you.....;)
Mar 02Reply
jjstylesetter Hi Carolyn, Thank you for following me. If you see something you may be interested in buying, “like” it, or add it to a bundle, and I will contact you with an offer. Every item in my collection has been carefully curated and cared for. I have posted the pictures and tried to describe each item in detail, but if you have any questions, please send me a note and I will respond right away. Thanks again! XO, JJ
Mar 03Reply
victoriaj84 Hi Carolyn!! Thank you for the follow! I’m Victoria :) Just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. Such cute puppies!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Mar 05Reply
lilysdealsforu Check out my closet have some things you might be interested in
Mar 06Reply
ginabailey1111 Thanks for sharing my items😊
Mar 17Reply
rosepetals3 Hey 🙋🏻‍♀️check out my closet I have pieces to fit any style! You can find both NWT and Preowned items. Like or bundle any item to save money. I respond quickly and ship quicker💌 🎉I can't wait to hear from you! Xoxo Rosepetal’s Closet🌹
Mar 17Reply
kdtlove @cjcovelli10 thank you so much for the shares love💕😀
Mar 20Reply
kherivstariwat You have a stellar jewelry collection. Thank you as well
Apr 08Reply
beltedhanger Thanks for all the shares 😎 I shared some of your closet as well. Happy poshing!
Apr 09Reply
marisela843 Thank you very much for sharing my closet 😁😁😁😁😘😘😘😘💕
Apr 10Reply
cjcovelli10 @marisela843 You're welcome angelface! I hope you get lots of sales :-) Thank you for sharing mine too! Happy Poshing!
Apr 10Reply
marisela843 @cjcovelli10 you’re very welcome,you have a really cute 🐶 😍😍😍😍
Apr 10Reply
maria_magill ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 10Reply
hollyparikh19 @cjcovelli10 Love your pups❣️ So adorable. I’m also excited to see you love fine jewelry just like me. Im the posher that talked to you about your 3-diamond earrings. I’m a posh ambassador and would be happy to help if you have any questions. I’m going to posh on in your closet now Lol. ☀️🐶🤩🙏🏻
Apr 10Reply
hollyparikh19 @cjcovelli10 Ah! You’re an Ambassador too!! I should’ve known! ✌🏻
Apr 10Reply
qtboss1 Thank you for all your shares I really appreciate it. Happy poshing😁💕
Apr 11Reply
gypsyg50 love your babies ❤️❤️🐾🐾🐾😍😍
Apr 11Reply
holnx003 Love Chi’s 💕
Apr 12Reply
abundantbazaar 💖Hi there lovely💖 I would love for you to check out my closet 💖 bundle for discounts and free gifts💖 always adding new items💖💫blessings and abundance 💫
Apr 16Reply
holnx003 Hi do you still have your store on Etsy?
Apr 18Reply
cjcovelli10 @holnx003 is there anything special you were looking for?
Apr 18Reply
holnx003 @cjcovelli10 I am getting Re.. married in August and thought about getting a few cute things for the few guests invited 💕
Apr 18Reply
cjcovelli10 @holnx003 oh congrats! 🤗💍 Im happy to help any way that I can
Apr 18Reply
holnx003 @cjcovelli10 thank you! You are under Joyfullittlefinds ? On Etsy
Apr 18Reply
pinksquirrel17 Your dogs are adorable. Thank you for the shares!
Apr 19Reply
g1arlock Check out my closet I have some cool stuff for dogs 🐶🐕🐩🐾🐾🐾🐾
Apr 20Reply
cepatterson Hi Carolyn. Thank you for sharing all of the pieces in my closet that you shared. Adorable Puppy Babies🌷 @cepatterson
Apr 22Reply
jjcmom Thank you for the shares🥰 Love the fur babies ✨🐶🧡🐶✨🧡🐶
Apr 22Reply
hbbk2013 Thanks for following my closet. Your closet is amazing! Wishing you many sales🛍🛍🛍if you’re on Instagram please follow me so I can follow you back. 😘
Apr 23Reply
ladykrc @cjcovelli10 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Wish you an Awesome week💕😘
May 02Reply
angelas_avenue @cjcovelli10 Hi! Welcome to the doggie group!🐾🐕Such precious fur babies!Happy Poshing!🌈💞🛍
May 06Reply
pgswag_fashion Adorable!!
May 11Reply
veras_stash Love your fur babies🥰!
May 13Reply
billie_21502 @cjcovelli10 thank you so much for sharing my stuff on social media that is one thing I have too get better at thank a lot
May 18Reply
_fashionista888 @cjcovelli10 Thank you soooo much love for the share!!!! I really appreciate it! I love your closet! 🙏🏻😘💕💖🥰😘
May 18Reply
billie_21502 @cjcovelli10 thank you so much for sharing my items but being on your page could get me in trouble BEAUTIFUL Thanks again
May 23Reply
billie_21502 @cjcovelli10 thank you so much for for your offer I wish I could get but I am definitely keeping a eye on it
May 23Reply
cjcovelli10 @billie_21502 of course! And you have a fantastic closet! 🌻
May 23Reply
cjcovelli10 @bg60953 thank you angelface! 😊🌻
May 23Reply
billie_21502 @cjcovelli10 Good morning Carolyn I just wanted to ask if for some strange reason I should get the money could I have it for the offer I didn’t want to post this under the item in case you do sell it and can get regular price. Well just let me know thanks bye
May 25Reply
lilchlober Your dogs are so adorable! 😊💜
Jun 04Reply
cjcovelli10 @lilchlober thank you! So are yours! 🌻🤗
Jun 04Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 12Reply
4winwin Thank you Carolyn. You rock!❤
Dec 09Reply
cjcovelli10 @4winwin Awe! Thank you! Sharing is caring :-)
Dec 09Reply
steyr Hi are you still in business
Sep 11Reply
lmoore840 Heeey, I am happy to say, I am having a HOLIDAY SALE on my page, come check it out, won’t be doing these sells for long, get things low while you can!!!I have great Christmas presentsss😃😃!!YAAAAY! 🎁🎁,Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!🤩🤩🤩!!!
Dec 07Reply
sammyviolet Hello! Just reaching out to let you know Im running an early Black Friday Sale! Any item with a 🦃 is 35% off if you wanted to take a peek. Happy Fall!♡
Nov 03Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
May 01Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
May 02Reply
cutehosiery @cjcovelli10 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 17Reply

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Last Active: Jan 22

Elizabeth, PA
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Last Active: Jan 22

Elizabeth, PA
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