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Updated Mar 21
Updated Mar 21


Meet the Posher



Not for sale

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My name is, Erin/@pinkybreen. I was born in Corona, Queens, & I am by trait, a professional chef who graduated from the prestigious Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY. As the youngest sibling of three girls, I was always being blamed for taking someone’s clothing! Fashion has always been a huge part of my life! Life is beautiful, so why not look, feel and breathe beauty while living it! Remember, I am human, if you are short a few bucks, please say so! BUT I am NOT a doormat!
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sophie323 Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉So great to have you here 😊. If you like J Crew, Free People, Anthropologie, Coach and more, check out @sophie323 for some amazing pieces at competitive prices. Would love to make a deal with you. Let me know if I can answer any questions. Happy Shopping and Selling 😊
Jul 27Reply
shill1981 Hi 👋, I’m Selena and Welcome to Poshmark!!!! If you have any questions or any concerns, please feel free to ask me anytime. Wish you lot of luck 🍀, sales, sharing and follows.
Jul 28Reply
pinkybreen @shill1981 I have so many questions! I feel like I’m lost!!! I don’t know what a bundle means? Someone wants to add something of mine to a bundle? How do I privately contact a customer? I don’t know how to add Apple Pay to my account?! I’m so lost. It’s a bit discouraging actually. Help!!
Jul 28Reply
shill1981 @binkybreen a bundle is when someone gets more than one item and they bundle it all together and make an offer, you can accept the offer, offer private discounts on anything anyone’s liked on.
Jul 28Reply
shill1981 @binkybreen you can’t privately message anyone so you just message them like we are right now. As far as Applepay, do you have that set up on your iPhone 📱. If not then it won’t allow you to pay that way. Go to your settings in your iPhone and set up Apple Pay and then set it up on here and then it should be ok 👍
Jul 28Reply
shill1981 @binkybreen I’m still learning as I go to dear, so try not to get discouraged. Their are many great people on here if I’m not available that will answer any of your questions. Their is no stupid question so please ask away. If I can’t assist I will let you know who to contact
Jul 28Reply
pinkybreen @shill1981 ok thank you!! I appreciate the help! I will eventually figure it out but I appreciate your eagerness and kindness!!
Jul 28Reply
shill1981 @binkybreen anything I can do please feel free to ask. Don’t feel alone. I’m still learning as I go to.
Jul 28Reply
maucri Hi, welcome to Poshmark!🎉. Feel free to browse my closet for a variety of items including Victoria Secret & if you have questions about anything, please feel free to give me a buzz, ty!😊
Jul 29Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Aug 09Reply
greenbloom I have a list of closets that I stop in from time to time to share from. I will add you to my list! 🤗❤️
Aug 10Reply
pinkybreen @loveflannel awe! Awesome! Thanks you! I love your closet! I think when it gets a little colder I’m going to get one of those coats. I have a question about one of your coats actually!
Aug 10Reply
pinkybreen @loveflannel I LOVE YOUR JEWELRY!!
Aug 10Reply
greenbloom @binkybreen Thank you! You can ask me on the listing so I’ll know which one! I’m sitting here listing and listing stuff today lol! I have another winter coat, like a parka/utility with fur trim hood, gotta list this coming week too!
Aug 10Reply
pinkybreen @loveflannel oh yeah lol i beat u to it! Ha!
Aug 10Reply
greenbloom @binkybreen I’m online, but I’m lagging in response time because I’m listing lol sorry! 😹😻
Aug 10Reply
webyty Love love love your closet!
Aug 15Reply
pinkybreen @webyty Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!
Aug 16Reply
dollylyn Thank you for sharing my listings! I really appreciate the support! As thanks I’m about to share a bunch of your listings too 🤩
Aug 25Reply
pinkybreen @dollylyn awe thank u!! One hand washes the other lol! Ya woman have to support one another! 💕
Aug 25Reply
brenda172 Hey I notice you purchase a pink bundle from a whole seller, have you received your packaged yet?
Aug 26Reply
janfast Hi Erin! Thanks for all the shares! 💕😊
Aug 26Reply
pinkybreen @janfast your very welcome!! Thank you for recipricating the love 💕
Aug 26Reply
ryguydenver Thanks for the share!!
Aug 28Reply
trishadotlynn Hi! Love your closet! Thanks for stopping by mine and for sharing my stuff!❤️❤️ I really appreciate it. Especially as I am still learning all of this! It's so helpful.😊Have a great night!
Aug 29Reply
pinkybreen @trishadotlynn thank you!!! Yes I’m fairly new at this a well. I’ve only been doing this a month or so myself, but you pick up as you go, believe me! If you have any questions feel free to ask!!! Come back and visit!! Lol good luck!
Aug 29Reply
trishadotlynn @binkybreen Thank you so much!! It is a little overwhelming trying to learn it all! I actually do have a question! 😊 I see people that say Bundle and save..Could you tell me how do you advertise that? I can't figure it out 😆
Aug 29Reply
pinkybreen @trishadotlynn do you want to actually write it in part of your advertisement or on the bottom or where you can say like a certain percentage off a bundle? Like bundle 2 save 10%? Just be a little more clear to me and I’ll def explain!
Aug 29Reply
trishadotlynn @binkybreen Thanks for helping me! Yes on the bottom where it says bundle 2 or more and save 10%.
Aug 29Reply
pinkybreen @trishadotlynn ok no problem. I’m not sure if your doing this on your phone or a tablet or what? But basically your going to want to go where is says “@trishadotlynn” where you get all you stats and stuff. You know where your “closet, my likes, my bundles, my profile, my size.. etc..” and go to where it says “My Seller Tools.” Click on that. Then Click on “My Seller Discount.”
Aug 29Reply
pinkybreen @trishadotlynn Then when that page pulls up, you’ll see it says “Bundle Discount on my listings” with a tab next to it. Click that tab on to green. (It was originally white.) Once it’s green, it will give you a bunch of options: “Discount Percentage: 5%-30%” And then you’ll see another category that says: “Minimum Items: 2-7” That’s where you can play around with your bundles. How many items they can bundle and get what type of percentage discount when they do?!!😊
Aug 29Reply
pinkybreen @trishadotlynn I hope that made some sense. Sorry I had to split the comments up because you can only write so much, but that should work! Good luck!
Aug 29Reply
trishadotlynn You're so awesome! Thank you so much for taking the time to explain it to me!! I appreciate it so much! Haha I looked all through my stuff (on my phone) and somehow overlooked it. I found it now, thanks!! So far, I love the Posh community. So glad you are doing so good in a month time! That's encouraging. Again, thank you!
Aug 30Reply
pinkybreen @trishadotlynn ok great!!! I’m so happy it worked! Girl, please, lol- I didn’t realize it was there until last week and I’ve been on here a month so do not even go there 😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ If you have any other questions feel free to stop by!!! Best of luck! Keep in touch! 💟
Aug 30Reply
trishadotlynn @binkybreen Haha! Glad I'm not the only one! 😂 Thank you!! I may take you up on that offer if I make a sell! Lol I'm still trying to understand all the bundles/Shipping stuff 😆 I appreciate it. Yes, definitely keep in touch! Have a fabulous night!
Aug 30Reply
styledbylhei Welcome to Poshmark, beautiful!! 💖 Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet as well! ✨
Sep 01Reply
damiankitty Thank you so much for all of your shares!! Loooving your closet! 🤩😍😊💛✨🌼
Sep 19Reply
pinkybreen @damiankitty You are so very welcome!!!! Thank you for returning the LOVE 💜💕 AND I LOVE your closet also!!!
Sep 19Reply
damiankitty @binkybreen Absolutely!! Thanks so much! 💜
Sep 19Reply
rosepetals3 Looking for your next dress👗 to wear on the town? Or something simple for those casual days🙋🏻‍♀️ If so check out my closet I have pieces to fit any style! You can find both NWT and Preowned items. Like or bundle any item to save money! I respond quickly and ship quicker💌 🎉I can't wait to hear from you! Xoxo Rosepetal’s Closet🌹
Sep 26Reply
lightsoutbeauty TY for sharing🤗
Sep 30Reply
pinkybreen @lightsoutbeauty thanks for spreading the love back 💕
Sep 30Reply
fuhleeshuh Thank you for all the shares !! Gorgeous closet ! Would LOVE TO PURCHASE A BUNDLE ONCE I GET MY FUNDS AVAILABLE 😁😍😄 HAPPY POSHING 🤩😘
Oct 05Reply
pinkybreen @fuhleeshuh OMG I LOVED you closet too!! Yes, I shall stop by you closet as well my love!! Funds aren't they always the issue!! Thank you for also spreading the love! Happy Poshing!!
Oct 05Reply
fuhleeshuh @binkybreen yesssss lol I agree!!! That's why most of the time I'm always trading 😁 but I wasnt sure if you were open to trades or not. But I have almost 100 positive love notes from trading and selling. And thank you so much as well 😊😍😘 especially with holidays coming trading is usually my best friend then😁 but u always have to take precautions of course. But yesssss MOST DEFINITELY will be back to visit yours 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩😘😘😘😘💕💕💕💕
Oct 05Reply
pinkybreen @fuhleeshuh Girl, I've only been on here since like the beginning of August, and I still haven't traded with anyone, I'm so afraid to!! I don't even no how to honestly! I've just heard the worst stories, and honestly if someone did me dirty.. OHHHHHHHH girl, it would not be good LMAO!!! BUT YES, def stay in touch, and you never no, maybe you'll pop my trade cherry lmaoooo!
Oct 05Reply
fuhleeshuh @binkybreen oh trust meeeee! I know! I've traded with a few girls who I had traded with multiple times who did me dirty !!!! Lol I LEGIT was wanting to catch a flight outta texas LMAO!!! And yessss absolutely we will stay in touch 😘😘😘 I have so much unlisted I will be posting hopefully next week lol. And I'm always open to a trade as well lol whenever your ready we can absolutely work one out but yes I completely understand the fear being it's so hard to trust anyone these days!
Oct 05Reply
pinkybreen @fuhleeshuh You literally cannot trust a soul!! that's the thing. It's so unfortunate bc I have a few things on here that I probably would trade with people. Most of my things from my personal closet that I am ready to part ways with, that are practically brand new, I'd def trade with, it's just I don't trust anyone!! OMG girl, that would be me, on a plane out to West Bumble F*ck trying to find someone!! Over $57 or some sh*t!
Oct 05Reply
fuhleeshuh @binkybreen exactly !!!!! Instead I just presued it the legal way!! I pulled up their backgrounds! And they all were known for theft and charged etc its horrible Haha!!! See you sound JUST LIKE ME 😄😂 I dont even trust my own family at times !!!!!
Oct 05Reply
pinkybreen @fuhleeshuh Nah for real that's the right & only way to do it these days! Plus, I'm too old for that anymore. I've found Jesus too!! LMAO!
Oct 05Reply
fuhleeshuh @binkybreen exactly! I will let God deal with them. And handle it the legal way not getting my hands dirty behind some materialistic items but at the same time that shows them I'm not playing either. LOL. Have a wonderful day hun 😘😘😘💕💕💕
Oct 05Reply
pinkybreen @fuhleeshuh lol exactly! Yes, have a blessed day! Come visit me soon!!
Oct 05Reply
fuhleeshuh @binkybreen I will be back very soon 😘😘😘💕💕💕
Oct 05Reply
agnes28159 Hi!! Thank you for all the shares!! I feel all the love all the way here in LA!! Love your METS Pink shirt! My favorite team!💋💋💋
Oct 09Reply
millissagrover Thanx for sharing my items! You can bundle and save! Also, make me offers, I'm flexible!! 😉
Oct 14Reply
pinkybreen @agnes28159 your very welcome and thank you for reciprocating the love!! Let’s go mets!! Lol 🧡💙Happy Halloween by the way have a great holiday 🖤🧡
Oct 14Reply
pinkybreen @millissagrover you welcome! That’s what posh is all about! Share one another’s things! Spread the love!! Have a blessed day!
Oct 14Reply
diva_d_luxe Thank you for sharing!!! Love your closet! 😍
Oct 20Reply
pinkybreen @diva_d_luxe thank you for spreading the love darling!
Oct 20Reply
diva_d_luxe @binkybreen my pleasure!!
Oct 20Reply
flygirl_84 Hi 👋 Erin waw thanks a bunches for all the love you've shown to my closet in sharing and browsing wishing you happy poshing and lots of success 🌺🎉🌷🙏🏽👋😘
Oct 20Reply
pinkybreen @flygirl_84 this is extremely refreshing to read after just being called a cheap, umm.. what was it oh yes.. man! She said I look like a man! That’s right! @maceface9210 I bought a sweatshirt for my niece and she cancelled the order and wants me to buy it again but I won’t! And now I’m a cheap man! But anyway, thank u @flygirl_84 for spreading the love back. Have a pleasant and blessed day!
Oct 20Reply
flygirl_84 @binkybreen what an awful thing to say about someone. If you have nothing but beautiful things to say I'd jut refrain from saying anything at all. You are a beautiful WOMAN hold your head up don't let words put u don't you know your worth. I'm happy I was able to make your day you certainly made mines 🌷🌺🌺
Oct 20Reply
pinkybreen @flygirl_84 yes! Thank you I appreciate your kind words! Really I do! People don’t understand sometimes how damaging their words could be! They get angry over such minimal things too and the first thing they think to do is criticize someone’s appearance, to hurt them the quickest easiest way it will pain them. It’s very sad. It’s a good thing I’m a strong ass woman an no my worth 😉 Have a blessed day @flygirl_84
Oct 20Reply
lovetiffany88 There was another girl on posh saying stuff about Maceface girl ....she stole a VS outfit from here or something ....she seems like a pretty horrible person ! I almost bought off her too🤦🏼‍♀️I will get the girls name if u like ?
Oct 21Reply
lovetiffany88 From her*
Oct 21Reply
lovetiffany88 I just saw she had sold you a hoodie for 36$ and reposted for 70$ ! And wants u to buy?!! Wow 😳 And now is it new with tag? She taped it on and jakked the price!? Haha wow
Oct 21Reply
lovetiffany88 But anyhow I stopped by to see if you do bundle deals on VS Pink items you have?
Oct 21Reply
pinkybreen @lovetiffany88 yes this girls not fun!! Stay away from her!! And of course I’ll do bundles of anything. I always try to help my buyers in any way possible!! So def!
Oct 21Reply
pinkybreen @lovetiffany88 just put whatever bundle of things in my closet you like together and then you and I will be able to privately talk and discuss in that bundle and come up with an amount that works for us both! Or you can just bid after you come up with that bundle and we can go from there. Both of those are fine with me!
Oct 21Reply
stonerqueen108 @binkybreen wow 😳 she is such a horrid human being!! She legit stole a VS Pink rainbow bling outfit from me! We agreed to trade sets and she never sent hers and kept mine , even said she shipped back to me out of pocket which was a lie as she posted for sale ! And she tried saying it was heavily damaged when she got it , but when she posted MY outfit for sale on Mer , it was in good used condition!
Oct 21Reply
stonerqueen108 @binkybreen I saw your comment on her page , She taped the tag back on the hoodie u bought and reposted for 70$ and expected you to still pay for it!!?
Oct 21Reply
stonerqueen108 @lovetiffany88 hey , thanks for lmk about this ! I appreciate that 😊 And I would advise you to NOT buy off @maceface9210! Half her stuff is probably stolen!
Oct 21Reply
pinkybreen omg @stonerqueen108 I feel better knowing I'm not the only one who had a miserable experience with her BUT I FEEL HORRIBLE that you had to experience that! I'm so sorry, but that's awful! I'm sorry girl! I actually bought the sweatshirt, then about 3 days later she told me her friend committed suicide and she couldn't send it out to me and cancelled the order. But you would think she would've commented on the actual sale of the sweatshirt and told me that!
Oct 21Reply
pinkybreen NO! She went on one of my random already sold items and told me? So I was mad of course, but then apologetic and I felt bad bc her friend committed suicide so she couldn't send the package!! But it was 3 days after I had already bought the item! Then a week later, she tried to sell me the sweatshirt with a completely different description for the item- Now it isn't NWT, its slightly used, and then it went to only worn twice, and then its only worn twice and washed a twice!
Oct 21Reply
pinkybreen I just told her to be more honest- she went from being nice to a nightmare! Then I was cheap, and I needed to get off my ass and go shop in the real world, too picky and she then said I looked like a man! Then she would block me in between each comment. Then come back and say something really rude to me, then block me again, then come back and be rude! She kept making herself look like a complete and utter as*hole over $36 and now $70! I prayed for her!
Oct 21Reply
stonerqueen108 @binkybreen omg! I saw her use the "friend committed suicide" before ! What a winner ! And she did the exact same thing to me! She blocked me and would keep coming to say more crap! Did you contact Poshmark about that? Was she rude in a public comment? You can report it as offensive to posh. Idk why she is allowed on here b/c so many people loathe her🤦🏼‍♀️
Oct 21Reply
stonerqueen108 @binkybreen she lives in the ghetto, like two weeks ago they found a dead body in here building! She has problems w/substances which if u see her Facebook, you can tell since no 37 year old should look that old unless they abuse substances🤦🏼‍♀️ And for the record. your beautiful !! Your hair is so pretty!! And like where as she an old wrinkly bag of bones ! Idk who she thinks she is
Oct 21Reply
stonerqueen108 @binkybreen and as far as her being honest , it won't ever happen! Like I said , she said my outfit was heavily damaged , but then went and posted as in great used condition! She legit begs people to buy their items cheap and says SHE NEEDS IT , and then just sells it😔 she lies about everything
Oct 21Reply
kerri7764 Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you’ll visit my closet. I’m currently running a sale: 20% off when you bundle two or more items. Happy poshing!
Oct 24Reply
msneverending1 Erin thank you so much for following my closet. I love your pictures and your closet, so I shared some of your listings. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Oct 25Reply
pinkybreen @msneverending1 oh thank you as well!! It is much appreciated!! Have a blessed day!!
Oct 26Reply
skrsamadi Thanks for the shares!
Oct 27Reply
ivysnook Thank you for the shares! 💜 Love your closet!
Oct 27Reply
bombshellbabe14 @binkybreen. Thanks girl. I tried to respond to where we were chatting but it said it wasnt available. Yes. Im prescribed them and i dont abuse them. But i forget the simplest things. I was hooked on pain killers due to injuries. Then rheumatoid arthritis. Im glad i got gelp before i got into the hardcore stuff if you know whar i mean. And thank you. Also. Thank you for not judging me.
Oct 28Reply
bombshellbabe14 So do you do trades? Ive got a TON of makup. Ive got to start putting stuff up. I had a page but they booted me...... Can yoy guess who had me booted.
Oct 28Reply
bombshellbabe14 It sucks. I had all GREAT reviews. Poshmark made so much money off me you know? And i think it hekps when you have visible sales. Now ive gotta srart fresh. You know how much time and effort goes into posting even just 1 item. Ive got so much to post.
Oct 28Reply
bombshellbabe14 @king0405. Yeah?
Oct 29Reply
delina87 Thanks so much for your purchase 😍 I will drop this in the mail this afternoon💖💖💖
Oct 29Reply
pinkybreen @delina87 your welcome doll! This is NWT right?
Oct 29Reply
bombshellbabe14 @binkybreen. I noticed u like jewlery. If i could post my items you could see what i have. Ive git tons. But. Every time i try to post. I get an error message...?
Nov 01Reply
lottalagano Thank you so much for all of the shares! I appreciate it! 😘
Nov 06Reply
pinkybreen @beckyhens2 your welcome doll!
Nov 06Reply
pinkybreen @lottalagano Your so very welcome!!
Nov 06Reply
jamjokicks Thanks for all the shares - queens represent!! Corona
Nov 08Reply
virgosign35 Thank you so much for sharing my closet! I always return the favor! Have a great day!😊
Nov 10Reply
pinkybreen @cayjam Of Course, BX- word!! I got you!
Nov 12Reply
pinkybreen @virgosign35 thank you so much! I appreciate the reciprocated love 💕
Nov 12Reply
prof I like your closet.
Nov 17Reply
pinkybreen @prof Thank you!!
Nov 17Reply
designerchic03 Thank you for checking out my closet I appreciate it very much :)  Please let me know if there is anything you are interested  always up for offers! Free gift with each purchase. Looking forward to taking a look at your closet as well
Nov 17Reply
pinkybreen @designerchic03 Sounds good! Thank you- and yes I will def take a look at you closet! An I will let you know if I see something I'm interested in!
Nov 17Reply
prof Thank you for sharing
Nov 17Reply
qnnyrec Hi im from Queens myself 😎👍. Nice store
Nov 23Reply
mjbp @mjbp welcome 🌹🌹🌹invite you to visit
Nov 27Reply
pinkybreen @qnnyrec that’s what’s up!!! 718 all the way!!!
Nov 27Reply
pinkybreen @mjbp Thank you!!!
Nov 27Reply
mjbp Welcome 🎄🎄🎄🎄I i item to visit 🎄happy holidays.
Nov 27Reply
mjbp Thank you for shares 😊
Nov 27Reply
lmvascon @binkybreen hi! Planned on mailing your wallet first thing this morning and then realized the posh office is closed today—- it will get mailed first thing tomorrow! 💕
Dec 05Reply
lmvascon Glad you love the wallet! Enjoy 💕
Dec 08Reply
talewagger Thank you for sharing my listings. As you can probably tell, I am new to this.
Dec 18Reply
threesacrowd Thanks for all the shares!
Jan 05Reply
kcrider66 Hi! I’m mailing your Coach first thing tomorrow, no mail today:))
Jan 21Reply
pinkybreen @kcrider66 ok honey thank u so much!
Jan 21Reply
mdgrl007 Hi. I can make you a new listing of towel so you get a lower shipping fee and I get $19 as well 😊 lmk
Jan 27Reply
pinkybreen @mdgrl007 No thank you.
Jan 27Reply
firstlady429 You’re so sweet! Thank you so much for the kind words and awesome rating. It has been a pleasure doing business with you. I can honestly say I have found a new Posh bestie! Thanks again, doll! So glad you loved it. 😘😇💜
Jan 31Reply
pinkybreen @firstlady429 oh girl your very welcome. There are some characters on here. So when I find someone who I can relate with, who speaks “my language” (and yes I can tell even thru a few lines of Poshmark chatting) I like to hold them dear to my heart! 😂 I never no when I’ll get another normal non-hater again! Lmao
Jan 31Reply
firstlady429 @binkybreen Isn’t that the truth!!! 😂
Jan 31Reply
pinkybreen @firstlady429 keep in touch love!
Feb 01Reply
firstlady429 Oh, don’t you worry. I will definitely be in touch. I will be shopping in your closet real soon! 😘🥰♥️
Feb 01Reply
suprachic Hello did u want me to go ahead and make offer or were u going to add more to bundle?
Feb 09Reply
pinkybreen I really wanted to add more to the bundle, but i don't think I could afford some of the other items, honestly. I love your closet, but they are priced a bit higher than my range at the moment. Thanks tho!
Feb 09Reply
pinkybreen @blessed411 oh ok thank u!!! Be careful putting your number up here girl!! You crazy lol! Thank u so muchhhhh!!!! I will bundle something and talk privately!
Feb 14Reply
rolling444888 Mailed your pj & pups today thanks
Mar 04Reply
resourcing_rob Thank You for visiting and following my closet Erin, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Poshin Day! 😁
Mar 15Reply
skbblackwidow Hi, you have a fabulous closet, love your VS stuff !! 💕💕
Mar 16Reply
bostynleshane Great closet!
Mar 17Reply
pinkybreen @skbblackwidow Thank you so much! If you ever see something or thing(s) you like, let me no! I'll do my best to help you out with prices!!
Mar 17Reply
pinkybreen @bostynleshane Hey girl! thank you so much!! I appreciate it! I def take a lot of time and has taken me a lot of time to get everything I have in this closet, and arrange it as so! But, if you see anything you like, let me know and I'll do my best to work with you on the prices!! THANKS AGAIN!!
Mar 17Reply
foxxyroxxy27 Yes! Dear your not blocked, What is happening? So I can fix it, please. I would never disrespectful you or any Posher!
Mar 17Reply
giovannafm01 @binkybreen thanks for all the shares. I hope you will subscribe to my YouTube page!
Apr 12Reply
pinkybreen BELIEVE ME I AM FULLY AWARE IT'S GETTING BAD OUT HERE!! BUT ANY OF MY FELLOW POSHERS WHO ARE FRIENDS WITH @amearillo can you PLEASE let her no that the bundle of pups and straw I asked her to make 18 hours ago, YESTERDAY, for $36, YES I STILL WANT! SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO BLOCK ME FOR NOT PAYING FOR IT YET! I am awake now. Sorry I was asleep and didn't respond! But I am awake now! THANK YOU!
Apr 13Reply
ladykrc @binkybreen Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh. Thankyou for visiting my closet store and for all your shares. You are awesome!!! I ship next day after purchases. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Apr 29Reply
jennnhpl Hi! Just stopped by to say you have beautiful Items! 🤩 I love your Pink items too! 😍 hope you have many sales and a great weekend! Happy poshing! 😊
May 04Reply
gretelcruz Hola estoy buscando unos zapatos pink keria enviarle una foto para si usted tiene en venta pero no se como enviarle l foto
May 10Reply
pinkybreen @jennnhpl how kind you are!! Sorry I am just getting this now! But thank you again & I hope this upcoming weekend is fabulous for you! Happy Poshing! Feel free to come by my closet again and just mention we chatted in a bundle, i can hook you up with a little discount if you see something you like! God Bless You!!
May 10Reply
katwhisperer Too funny! I've got all the same VS/PINK goodies
May 12Reply
pinkybreen @gretelcruz Zapatos rosados ​​o rosas slides como los que tengo en mi página?
May 12Reply
pinkybreen @katwhisperer you have all the VS/PINK goodies? I’m sorry what do you mean?! Lol
May 12Reply
katwhisperer @binkybreen Oh, I'm sorry about that. I just meant that our taste in VS is very similar, and I purchased most of the items you've got listed.
May 12Reply
pinkybreen @katwhisperer ohhh in my closet? WOW! You are very blessed then!! I wish I could KEEP all these items lol- unfortunately I have to sell them to pay off student loans, my car payment, cell phone bill, auto insurance.. you no lol the necessities of LIFE! Blah 😑 lol BUT I SHARE YOU ENTHUSIASM of kindred styles 💕🛍
May 12Reply
mdgrl007 Hey girl, do you have a counter offer 😊
May 13Reply
pinkybreen @mdgrl007 I REALLY LOVE that blanket and I have been searching for it for some time now! I’m trying to collect all the destination blankets actually. All I need left is the Chicago, London and Michigan one. I LOVE your closet by the way! I’d love to counter a higher price but that’s really all I can afford at the moment! Sorry!
May 13Reply
mdgrl007 @binkybreen okay you can send in your offer again 😊 I’ll do it
May 13Reply
mdgrl007 @binkybreen I hope we can work something out on your bundle later when you’re ready to purchase 😍
May 13Reply
whitecoatnp I ❤️ love love love your Closet! Since becoming obsessed with PINK I’ve gone nuts. My friends tease me about my teeny bopper PINK tees & sweatshirts. Thanks for shares! Alex 🐾
May 15Reply
pinkybreen @mdgrl007 yes i would love to work something out!! I really want those 3 sherpas!!!
May 15Reply
pinkybreen @whitecoatnp Oh honey, I think they must be denying their inner PINK child LOL- HOW COULD THEY NOT LOVE PINK!! Something PINK? Anything PINK? I mean you go on their site and everything is colorful and shiny & blingy!! How could you not, right?!? Rock on with your tenny bopper tees woman!! I'm right there with you!!! You are so welcome for the shares! Hope to see you in my closet soon. (I'll hook you up!) Have a great night!
May 16Reply
pinkybreen @whitecoatnp OHHHH I LOVE YOUR CLOSET TOO!!! You have some GREATTTTTT STUFF OH MY GOODNESS!!
May 16Reply
whitecoatnp @binkybreen Hey there sweetie! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mom is doing great so I’ll be going back to CA tomorrow. I cancelled my trip to LA-I’ve got to get home and follow up on several job leads. I’ll chat with you this week! ❤️Andrea .
May 20Reply
jadawngeary Thank you binky for the shares....😁
May 20Reply
pinkybreen @jadawngeary You're very welcome! Touche!
May 20Reply
ladyhes1 Hi thanks for looking reasonable offers welcome
May 22Reply
whitecoatnp @binkybreen Hey! I tried to refer a new buyer to you for a PINK Tee but I think I gave her the wrong address! @binkybeen Miss R! Hi are you? I’m back. Been super crazy since getting home! Mom is good. ❤️ I’ve got a couple interviews coming up & it looks like I’ll be relocating back to LA for a job & school. I have to take my new kitty back-not working out and I can’t take 2 with me! 🙁Hope you’re doing well!
May 26Reply
mommasquat1 Hi it looks brand new! Sorry but I really just want to sell it!
May 31Reply
poshbunnystyle Binky is my rabbit's name. Binky is a rabbits jump for joy. They usually jump and twist their cute little butts while they're in the air. Lol.😂 BTW your bracelet has started tracking
Jun 03Reply
pinkybreen @bunny75402 wait whattttt 😂😂 🐰 jumps for joy!?! STOOOPPPP 🤚🏽🤚🏽🤚🏽!!!!!! I’ve gone my entire life as “Binky” being a nickname” and never once has anyone EVER told me that “binky” is a bunny’s JUMP FOR JOY! I LOVEEEEE IT!! I would so much rather if got my nickname bc of “some funny story about a rabbit jumping for joy,” than well yeah!!!! Lmao 😂 😉🤣😂😄😅🙏 This made my week!!
Jun 04Reply
whitecoatnp Hey stranger! So guess what? My Mickey purse was chosen as Host Pock today! Not sure what that means but I think it’s good. Lol! I miss my PINK friend!❤️ So Mom is doing better. Things are settling down. My new fur baby is settling in and I’m going back to work and school soon. Sales good this week. Hey do you have any of the Pink plastic ID holders? I’ve picked up lanyards but I’m looking for 2 (pink or blue) of the ID carriers/holders? Thanks! Alex
Jun 11Reply
pinkybreen @whitecoatnp hello darling! Congrats on the Host Pic!!! That’s awesome!! It’s always nice when you are actually acknowledged for the hard work you put into your page and your individual items!! So good for you! That’s so very exciting! Glad to hear about work, fur baby and mama! Keep up the good work! Good to hear from you!
Jun 11Reply
pinkybreen @whitecoatnp sales have been excellent for me this past week, as far as ID holders, I’m not exactly sure what kind of ID holders your looking for? I have listed a rare ID tag, then I have a few newer ones but those already come with lanyards attached? I think I have one non-listed you could add a lanyard to as well? Check my closet out? Or I can tag you. Not sure what your exactly looking for tho?!
Jun 11Reply
whitecoatnp @binkybreen I think you have them. They are just the plastic PINK ID holders-so they already have lanyards attached? Because I’ve seen people sell them with the canvas lanyards. I just need a red blue black and pink if you have them. I’m having a PINK Sale and giving free gifts to try and sell out some of my inventory. I’m going back to work as RN & school in Jan! Thanks Alex I’ll tag you at posting
Jun 11Reply
whitecoatnp You should stop by-I’ve got a lot of new nice purses and Disney stuff! I wasn’t selling very much but things are starting to pick up! How are you?
Jun 11Reply
whitecoatnp @binkybreen And I found the Coach bear keychain so you shouldn’t feel bad. One of my purse ladies had an extra one and gave me a good deal! I ❤️ it!
Jun 11Reply
whitecoatnp My bad! I apologize. Ok later you need to answer my question. So I had new business cards made up-they are cool my last ones were pink and black. Instead of writing my buyers thank you notes it says thank you on the card and has my info! I’ve been pretty good at this stuff but I could never do retail full time. So It’s got some info on there for you in the future 😉 I will look st your closet and just wait until After Sun bcuz I’m doing Link sake right now. Caio
Jun 11Reply
misshenry1 Good morning. I went to bed early last night so I apologize that I missed your offer. You can resubmit it and I’ll gladly accept!
Jun 14Reply
nanas1956 @stonerqueen108,OMG Iam not mean ,she has been doing that crap to me. I did nothing to her. Wow when she starts she does'nt give it up. Always long drawn out stories of how terrible I am. Thank you for posting your statement. Nana
Jun 14Reply
pinkybreen @stonerqueen108 did I miss something? what happened? everything ok? Please no negativity on my page!! Thanks guys @nanas1956 I no and hope you don't mean to bring it here. I'm not interested in the $40 sale either, but thank you. Let's just move on from that sale, I look forward to seeing the bag tho.
Jun 15Reply
pinkybreen @misshenry1 hi honey, im not too sure what your talking about can you remind me lol
Jun 15Reply
pinkybreen @stonerqueen108 that comment was not directed at you lovey 💕 it was a blanket statement made to all parties 😉
Jun 15Reply
stonerqueen108 @nanas1956 I’m sorry I’m confused 🤷🏼‍♀️ who are we talking about ? That Maceface chick?
Jun 15Reply
stonerqueen108 @binkybreen I’m so so confused here , idk who she was talking about , do you? I only commented about Maceface along time ago lol.
Jun 15Reply
nanas1956 @stonerqueen108 me too. Thought you were warning about some one. Sorry
Jun 15Reply
nanas1956 @stonerqueen108 ,Yes I thought it was someone you were letting us know not to do business with . I guess it was taken wrong. Sorry I'd I confused you .
Jun 15Reply
stonerqueen108 @nanas1956 yea some chick named maceface that really f#%ked me over.
Jun 15Reply
pinkybreen OMG!!! She's is TERRIBLE, she SCREWED ME BAD TOOOOOOO!!!! YES, DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH MACEFACE @nanas1956 she's awful! she WILL find a way to screw you BAD!!!
Jun 15Reply
chicago1poshn So beautiful!!! You have to be Italian.
Jun 28Reply
jojomall Hello doll, it's an honor to meet you. Please pop in & check out my closet, I have many items I think you would love🥰 If you bundle one or more items that you love I will send you my best no obligation offer. Or you can send me your best offer🥰 Feel confident in your purchases with me because I am a top rated seller & posh ambassador. I also have baby, children's & maternity clothing. I hope your having a really great day‼️ HAPPY POSHING🌈💜
Jul 01Reply
pinkybreen @chicago1poshn Thank you love! YES! 1/2 Italian, 1/2 Irish! IMAGINE THAT!
Jul 01Reply
pinkybreen @jojomall Ok hun ill def check your closet out! Thanks.
Jul 01Reply
whitecoatnp Hey stranger! Thought I fell off the edge of the world huh? Life just got incredibly busy. I have new furry baby, started working and my class action lawsuit is heating up! Been pretty busy on both sites with sales. Hope you had a nice 4th and are doing well! ❤️
Jul 07Reply
pinkybreen @whitecoatnp that’s so funny I swear I was literally JUST THINKING ABOUT U!!!
Jul 07Reply
suprachic I have the bag listed n another listing but its for a bundle.
Jul 11Reply
gabysbags Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet for your next NWT designer 👜 handbag! Like or add purses to bundle 🥰☺️ private offers will be sent to you💕
Jul 14Reply
pinkybreen @gabysbags Thanks for the welcome lol but I've been on here for quite some time love!! I will def check out your closet tho.. Feel free to check out mine..
Jul 15Reply
lovechicposh Hi Erin! Thank you for the shares! I’m looking to clear out my closet soon. If you see any clothes or jewelry you like please bundle and i will send you a rock bottom offer! Thank you! 💯🌹❤️😁
Jul 18Reply
pinkybreen @purplehearts4me your very welcome dolly! I’ll take a look! 😉💕
Jul 18Reply
convintageous Hi Erin, thank you so much for all the likes and shares. I’m having a BOGO 50% off moving sale, if or when ur ready love. If you bundle more I’ll send you a great offer. I love ur closet🥰 & New Yorkers too...went to design school in Manhattan and lived there for quite a few years. It’s nice to meet you
Jul 18Reply
legendaryfindz Hey Erin just stopping by to see if you want to trade some item's with me? Hit me back beautiful when you get a chance. 😊
Jul 23Reply
pinkybreen @convintageous thank you 🙏!! I will def take. Look at your closet! Thanks for stopping by mine! NY Is a special place & NY’ers are special people!! As is Manhattan! I’m sure you learned a lot. I’m from Queens, the most eclectic city in the World! Good luck and happy poshing 💕
Jul 24Reply
pinkybreen @legendaryfindz hey girl I’m not ignoring u I’m so busy my life is insane! Work and school! Lol but yes I can take a look again tomorrow just remind me one more time if I forget! Please don’t take it personal mama I’m just crazy business 🤪🤩😝
Jul 24Reply
pinkybreen @roxxyygirl it’s the shirt you got!! 💕💕
Jul 26Reply
legendaryfindz Good morning just stopping by to see if you're interested in trading. Hit me back either way I'd appreciate it. Enjoy the rest of your day !😊
Jul 27Reply
legendaryfindz @binkybreen Erin I sent you a request on FB!!
Jul 28Reply
legendaryfindz @binkybreen hey beautiful just trying to catch up with you. Hit me when you get a chance. 😊 really wanna get the body pillow before I give the comforter to my daughter. ❤
Jul 30Reply
pinkybreen @legendaryfindz Oh I was waiting to hear back from you?
Jul 30Reply
legendaryfindz @binkybreen you have to accept my friend request on Ven mo
Jul 31Reply
pinkybreen @mylove73 Thank you!! feel free to send me an offer on anything and I will do my best to make it yours darling!!
Aug 01Reply
foxxyroxxy27 You have a Amazing Closet 🐬
Aug 08Reply
pinkybreen @foxxyroxxy27 Thank you so very much!!! AS DO YOU!! Wow!! Thank you for coming by and sharing 💟☮️☯️
Aug 10Reply
bluebonnetinhee Love your closet! I'm Dot and new. @bluebonnetinhee. How did you become Ambassador? Would like to learn from you! My daughter is @lasassychica and new as well. Would you please check out het closet? @lasassychica . Thank you and have a blessed day
Aug 16Reply
schelenoftroy Hi fellow PA Binky! Fab closet! Thanks so much for your generous shares! Best to you on Posh sales & treasure hunts! 🤞🏽🍀
Aug 21Reply
pinkybreen @fitness_hermes awe that’s so very sweet! Sorry I’m so late! 💟💕💘🥰😗😘😗
Aug 21Reply
pinkybreen @mom2_3cats oh wow! Well, ok thank you for letting me no! Have you reported her to posh?
Aug 21Reply
pinkybreen @schelenoftroy hi dolly! Yes, thank you darling! You as well!!
Aug 21Reply
pinkybreen @mom2_3cats I’m sorry. You’re right. Poshmark is horrific with stuff like that. It really is frustrating too. There don’t monitor stuff like that enough. I’m sorry girl. I’ll report her for you as well if you think that may help?
Aug 21Reply
legendaryfindz @binkybreen hey Erin I added some more new things. Take a look when you get a chance. I really want to trade for a few things if you're up for it. 😊
Aug 23Reply
ktlotter You have an awesome closet doll ❤ Just curious, do you ever get any xs sized VSPink clothes?
Aug 29Reply
uniquenpink I LOVE YOUR CLOSET! It is AWESOME and has EVERYTHING I LOVE!!! I will be placing a bundle order here soon😊👍🏼🥰
Sep 26Reply
pinkybreen @ktlotter hi baby girl! I am so so so very sorry for just seeing this! Yes I have PiNK clothes in XS! And WHATEVER you ever want or need I can always find for you! ALWAYS.
Sep 26Reply
pinkybreen @ktlotter is there anything specific you are looking for at the moment? I just got some onesies in your size in!
Sep 26Reply
pinkybreen @uniquenpink THIS IS THE BEST COMPLIMENT! You are too Kind and sooo sweet! I have worked pretty hard to get my closet where it’s at today that’s for sure!! So I truly appreciate it!! I have added some items you seemed interested in into a bundle for you. Do you no how to access it?
Sep 26Reply
kwetzel617 Thank you so much for liking the pin from my closet! If you decide to purchase, I can do next-day shipping (Monday) on your order. All proceeds go to funding my mechanical engineering graduate school expenses. Happy Poshing!
Sep 28Reply
ktlotter @binkybreen No worries. Life happens 🙂 Not really looking for anything in particular atm I'll keep an eye on your closet. Also looking for sized medium clothes for my daughter. Thank you for taking the time to message me! Have a great weekend doll 💙
Sep 29Reply
madblk3 💜Thank you for checking out my closet😘 I am happy to help promote your efforts💐💐🌸I only want to share🌺, care🌸, and be respectful🥰 💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Oct 10Reply
snooch143 @binkybreen Hi I just red your intro I think you are a wonderful person that was so beautiful that you said it your short you would Help them out ! God Bless You O & GREAT CLOSET IM also a Brooklyn Girl Not Far From You I love your closet I’m thinking about going into business myself Selling mostly Victoria Secret Stuff But honestly I never did it before so I really don’t know what I would be doing but you never know what’s going to happen !!!! 😊Have a wonderful night!
Oct 13Reply
shelviebrown_ Yes full/queen
Oct 19Reply
chicnation @binkybreen happy fall fellow posher
Oct 19Reply
megan274 Hi! 😀Just wanted to invite you to take a look at my closet. 👚👗👜👍🏻👢👠Hope you find something you like. 💚I am open to deals and bundles, happy poshing! 🎉
Nov 15Reply
shelviebrown_ not sure. it was on full size bed. I always used bigger spreads on smaller beds. Example I used queen spreads on full beds and king spreads on queens. Sheet is just a bonus with this spread
Nov 18Reply
wyojamie Hi Erin, I'm sending a little gift with your bear. If it's the wrong size, perhaps you could re-purpose it into a pillow cover or something else?!🙂🌸❤ Thank you so much for your purchase! Happy and joyful Poshing! 🎄☃️🎅
Dec 03Reply
sparklequeen174 Hi Erin, I was just letting you know that I already shipped out your items. I hope that you enjoy them.
Jan 12Reply
presleysnana Hi !!! Welcome Check out my closet if you get a minute :)
Jan 27Reply
leelee8190 Hi @pinkybreen I will ship your purchase tomorrow morning. Thank you!
Feb 25Reply
nicolerene83 You are so funny! I loveee your profile!
Mar 30Reply
mshterenfeld Hi thank you so much for your purchase!!! I will go to the post office today, so hopefully you will receive your items by the end of the week :) take care
Apr 01Reply
pinkybreen @mshterenfeld thank you! You have been so sweet and awesome! Can’t wait to get them!
Apr 01Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania! Friends 👩‍🎤👨‍💼will answer your questions❓and cheer 📣you on! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet & from the closet(s) of others. At bottom of 'About' page, on R, click 'See All Closets.' Touch ea. blue 🅿️bar. It changes to white, meaning U are following that closet. Share 5-6 items 👗👔from it. Continue. A large number of Poshers you follow 👣will follow 👣you back & share items from YOUR 👜👠closet. Stay safe. ❣Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Apr 08Reply
dddeanna I absolutely love your closet super cute. You must have been collecting for awhile. I just started getting obsessed with there clothes. Literally I have at lease one new package everyday since December lol. I have to hide them from my fiancé lol.
Apr 10Reply
pinkybreen @dddeanna thanks you! Please let me no if I could help you with anymore!
Apr 10Reply
shainar89 Hey I sent them some more contact stuff have u heard anything
Apr 16Reply
iluvpugz99 found the set of triple photo holders, contact me at my closet & I'll be happy to share😘
May 15Reply
pinkybreen @iluvpugz99 hey hun! Where? They are probably a billion dollars lol ughh but please let me no thanks!
May 15Reply
pinkybreen @dddeanna I’m sorry I’m just seeing this! Yaaasssss girl, it is so addictive! Check my closet out! Let me no if I can help u with anything!
May 15Reply
iluvpugz99 eBay, like $225 OBO, might Deanna get there quick😊 good luck!!😷😘
May 15Reply
iluvpugz99 eBay, didn't know your email to send directly...LOL😘
May 15Reply
pinkybreen @iluvpugz99 ohhhhh ok! Thanks girl. That’s not what I’m trying to spend ugh 😩 but thank u for thinking of me!
May 15Reply
rsthorn1 Is This the only way to chat on here
May 22Reply
iluvpugz99 Erin, I barely know you but I do know all the talks. we've had you are beautiful both inside &. out!! that picture is just so serious, but I understand after the very polite advice you gave me on shopping on Posh. You are a great lady! hope that puts a smile on your face😊
May 24Reply
pinkybreen @iluvpugz99 aweeee that was sooooo sweet! IT DID MAKE MY DAY! It has been a very long day at work. I've been here since 7am and I'm not leaving for another hour and a half! 8:00pm can't come soon enough! But thank you, you are very special!! AND... it's more of a smirk lol
May 24Reply
bikkarbai20 Hi beauty queen! Check out my website for 3D lashes and accessories at hot deals❤️ Use code POSH15 to get 15% off your entire order. Visit our website and start shopping. Thank you for supporting a small business!
Jul 10Reply
leggett2016 @pinkybreen hello I was wondering if you saw my offer I have obstructive sleep apnea and all the masks I have tried are too small and make me feel like I’m in a panic someone told me to try these thank you
Aug 04Reply
caninowbe hello my name is Katherine and I love to shop. I buy for everyone.. I presently have some new baby clothes. and have some woman plus clothing from woman within and Roamans.. have some smaller younger clothes.. and even some miscellaneous items. come on by check out my closet. 😜. you have a wonderful day and enjoy having friends 💗
Aug 10Reply
itsariana_xo Hi there! If you like homemade soaps and candles, I would like to invite you to visit my Poshmark Closet. I make everything from scratch and use all natural ingredients. Stay safe & Happy Poshing!! 🛍 Always, 🌸 Ariana 🌸
Aug 21Reply
itsariana_xo Hi there! If you’re still interested in purchasing your soap and bath products bundle ❤️ let me know and I can send you an offer today. Let me know if you have any other questions. Always, 🌸 Ariana 🌸
Aug 27Reply
foxymarie000 love your story!! 🤗💃👠💄💎🐕🐾🙏🏼💕
Sep 06Reply
pinkybreen @foxymarie000 💘🤩👌🏼 Why thank you love!!! 😘😘💘💕
Sep 06Reply
foxymarie000 Hi!! sorry for bothering you! I have a question for you and I'm asking you because you sell alot of item's on Posh and are very popular!! if I was to sell something on Posh and someone buys it, what do I have to do to ship it out, like hows it work, what's the process lol??? is it easy and Posh guides me through it?? thank you for your time!! 🤗💃👠👛💄💎🐕🐾🍁🍂💛🧡
Sep 25Reply
foxymarie000 @pinkybreen I purchased an item from a new seller and she said she doesn't know how to ship it out and I was hoping you can let me know and I can tell her how because I assumed Posh sends a label email and she just has to get it printed and take it to the mail carrier with a box lol idk...i just don't want to cancel!!🥺🤗💃👠👛💄💎🐕🐾🍁🍂💛🧡
Sep 25Reply
pinkybreen @foxymarie000 yes! That’s exactly what happens! As soon as we accept your offer or you purchase from us, posh will automatically send the seller an email straight to the buyers email they have attached to the account. All they have to do Is upload the email, print it out, and tape it to a box or polymailer and then put the item your on purchased in that box and mail it. It’s very easy. If you tell me who you bought from I can try to help them them directly?
Sep 25Reply
foxymarie000 @pinkybreen oh thank you so much!! I will go back and right it down and let you know in a few minutes!! thanks so much again!! it's a potty seat brand new and looks just like a real toilet lol🤣 that's why I want it so much for my granddaughter who is potty training as we speak but give me a few minutes to look it up and I will be right back!!🤗
Sep 25Reply
foxymarie000 @pinkybreen ok she already msg me back saying "it would be great" if you can help lol but I have 2 names for her chanel921 & Ashanti J ....Your the nicest person and I really appreciate you!! Thank you so so much!!🤗🍁🍂💛🧡
Sep 25Reply
lak010890 hi sweetie I'm sorry I can't do any lower for the mask bundle. otherwise I'd be losing money. thank you for understanding! 💟
Oct 31Reply
randallpfh Not meaning to pry, but just wondering how you got all of this wonderful stuff! I wish I could I buy your entire closet!!!
Nov 06Reply
pinkybreen @randallpfh awe thank you! You’re so sweet! I have always been a huge fan of VS PINK and a customer of theirs for YEARS! I started on posh about 2+ years ago now and I have just slowly been adding to my collection over that time frame. I started off with just a few items! Once you start it becomes so addictive!
Nov 06Reply
pinkybreen @randallpfh But I learned to set boundaries over the years! Thanks again! If you ever need a deal or are interested in anything let me no! I’m ALWAYS willing to work with ALL of my customers on prices 💘💟
Nov 06Reply
randallpfh @pinkybreen LOVE IT 💕
Nov 06Reply
pinkybreen @randallpfh Yes, if you have any questions, please let me know!
Nov 06Reply
randallpfh Awesome 😊
Nov 06Reply
kelscloset44 Love your closet. I will be back to but. You have great VS charms and bag tags. I live tidbits & clothes. I’m Kelly, thanx for the entertaining closet💗
Nov 12Reply
pinkybreen @kelscloset44 thank you so much Kelly!!! It has taken some time to acquire but I appreciate you!! Let me no however I can help!
Nov 12Reply
bratsworld I'll get that nice and package and update when i ship soon 💖
Nov 17Reply
pinkybreen @bratsworld thank you so much! I can't wait to see what else you post!! I have no problem dropping good money for vs pink vintage items so be sure to tag me!! <3
Nov 17Reply
bratsworld i sure will 💖 u can come to my group on Facebook *PINK* dogs, displays and props
Nov 17Reply
pinkybreen @bratsworld can you add me? I’m awful with that stuff. I barely go on fb honestly but I will totally for your group!
Nov 17Reply
loveyou2themoon Hi! I just saw your reply! Did you list the hat? Not sure what to search as? Thanks for the response on the ISO! :) ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 28Reply
missbee0629 @pinkybreen hi there! I just wanted to reach out and extend my apologies for how long your shipment is taking☹️ I know the USPS has been behind, but it’s going on two weeks since I shipped it😫 I hope it arrives today or tomorrow. Happy New Year!
Dec 29Reply
pinkybreen @missbee0629 thank you so much for reaching out! Unfortunately I have packages that are still stuck out there too, so I get it!! But thank you so much!
Dec 30Reply
chic_storm Good Morning, I hope you love your new jacket!!!
Jan 05Reply
lipia3 I hope you and other poshers are able to see this comment. I can not begin to thank you enough for trying to get my order to me in time for Christmas, unfortunately the USPS had other plans 🤯. Without a doubt, your constant communication and understanding are what led you to be a posh ambassador! For anyone that is considering a purchase from Erin, do it! You will not be disappointed! Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy, and safe New Year!
Jan 14Reply
pinkybreen @lipia3 I'm blushing! Thank you so very much for your comment! It really means a lot coming from you because your order went out on the 18th of December and you are just getting it today! You were so patient and made it very easy for me to work with you! Honestly, you were the perfect customer!! Anyway, once again, thank you!!! I try!! Sometimes things are out of our control though!! Have an awesome New Year and continue to stay safe!! Fam too!!
Jan 14Reply
pinkybreen @laylia80 I love it girl thank you!!
Jan 14Reply
chic_storm @pinkybreen Your very welcome!
Jan 15Reply
yannisaudoux @pinkybreen Salut Erin thank you for adding me to your list and alls the best to you on poshmark 😊🤙
Feb 24Reply
lostlily You're closet is such an inspiration 💞 Thanks for sharing pics of your collection!
Mar 03Reply
pinkybreen @lostlily aweeeeee how kind you are! It has taken me a few years but it’s coming along!! Thank you again honey!! So so sweet!
Mar 03Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Mar 05Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Apr 09Reply
leesanh @pinkybreen I’ve never sold anything on this site before. If I was to sell something does Poshmark let you mail the item from your local post office or do they want you to mail it from UPS or FedEx?
May 08Reply
pinkybreen @leesanh it’s always USPS!
May 10Reply
leesanh @pinkybreen okay, thanks
May 11Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
Jun 02Reply
mpmpmp Hi love, thanks for following me 👍🏻 I have a tiny house and a former shopping problem, so I’m trying to clear out a good chunk of my clothes to make room. Please like everything you’d want. I offer a bundle discount of 30% off for 3 or more items. I’m also open to offers. Please let me know what I can send you ❤️💕❤️
Jun 15Reply
tluxilia Dear @pinkybreen , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗. We are the top luxury handbags seller here on Poshmark. Let us know if you are interested in any of my items. Happy poshing!
Jun 21Reply
pinkniqque I love you future be biffle
Jul 03Reply
pinkybreen @pinkniqque aweeeeeee bae bae❤️‍🔥❣️
Jul 03Reply
pinkniqque @pinkybreen but why is everyone so obsessed with me … and why are they obsessed with you not being my biffle lmaoooo
Jul 03Reply
pinkybreen @pinkniqque haters make the world go round and ROUND AND ROUND 💰❤️💵💕🙌🏽💘💰❣️
Jul 03Reply
andreagoncal717 Hello I was interested in seeing if you were selling any of your bigger display dogs
Jul 09Reply
pinkybreen @andreagoncal717 it’s possible?
Jul 10Reply
pinkybreen @andreagoncal717 yeah which one were u interested in?
Jul 11Reply
andreagoncal717 @pinkybreen we are very close I just looked at your profile
Jul 11Reply
pinkybreen @andreagoncal717 oh really? Where are you in NY?
Jul 11Reply
andreagoncal717 @pinkybreen what is your biggest one lol
Jul 11Reply
pinkybreen @andreagoncal717 hmmm I’m not sure where that is. The 2 big ones are the same size
Jul 11Reply
jerybone @pinkybreen Hey! So glad I found your closet on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow 💕⭐️🛍
Jul 30Reply
pinkybreen @jerybone sure thing!
Jul 30Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like you to visit my closet. I have many vintage and unique items including china, books, clothing, DVDs, video games, jewelry and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. If you bundle 2 or more items you will get a 20% discount and save on shipping. I hope you’ll drop by and I will visit your closet too.
Aug 05Reply
mera002 Aloha, could you give me a price on your Maimi, and Hawaii blankets? Possible New York too?
Mar 02Reply
michele420143 hey love do u buy pink clothes. i have stuff thats im awesome shape and im gonna take it to platoes but maybe you would wanna see
Apr 03Reply
cutehosiery @pinkybreen Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 06Reply
pinkybreen @cutehosiery awe thank you! Stay safe 🙂
May 06Reply
amberkarels Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
May 15Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Jun 10Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jul 08Reply
pinkybreen @tutuwig thank you!! Stay safe!
Aug 27Reply
dalton0210 Hi erin yes she is lying about the authenticity of the sunglasses.
Sep 07Reply
poshmf Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more. Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often. Thanks and Happy Poshing!
Jan 22Reply

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Last Active: 13 hours ago

Woodstock, NY
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Last Active: 13 hours ago

Woodstock, NY
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