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Updated Aug 25
Updated Aug 25

🌵shop it like it’s hot!🌵

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Lexi! I have two gorgeous babies. When my daughter said “mommy, you’re always working”, I quit my teaching job and started Poshing. I love to shop, read, eat tacos, drink beer, and shoot guns. Sometimes at the same time. oh. and coffee. Like something? I also love offers and don’t think anyone should have to pay for shipping. Fave brands: Free People, Anthropologie, Clover Canyon, and Flynn Skye. I love random thoughts and conversations so leave me a comment and let’s chat! 😘
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teeena Hey I'm @Teena welcome to posh please check out my listings ratings and history in my closet and sharing is caring ..❤️😇❤️!!! Like & Share the L❤️VE!!!!
Jun 27Reply
ls0609 Thanks for being my 15000 follower ! I am now offering you 10 percent off any item in my closet 😆😀 This weekend posh is offering 3.99 shipping on purchases 30 dollars or more ! Take advantage !! 😆
Jul 05Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Jul 06Reply
alexisraeadams @jassieboo92 thank you! it's addicting, isn't it?
Jul 06Reply
ronanana_batman Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! Happy Poshing 🐳🍉
Jul 06Reply
ashhoney LOVE the hat!
Jul 11Reply
alexisraeadams @ashhoney thank you! me too. that's why it's not for sale. yet!
Jul 11Reply
aishablake Welcome to Posh, doll!!!! I hope that you are loving it here!!! Beatiful fam!!!! XoXo
Jul 11Reply
alexisraeadams @aishablake thank you! I'm totally addicted to this thing.
Jul 11Reply
aishablake Always, lovely!!! HaHa!!! Well that makes the both of us!!! Nice meeting you!!! Xo
Jul 12Reply
temous welcome to poshing
Jul 14Reply
alexisraeadams @temous thank you! it's addictive! are there poshers anonymous meetings? ;)
Jul 14Reply
temous I hope they had one.... I just got my laptop fixed... but I have to edit on my cell.... so much for speed..... hey we can start an APP poshnonymous LOL
Jul 14Reply
toryshop @alexisraeadams Hi & Welcome! I'm @toryshop/sister closet holder/top 10% Seller/Site Shopper/Site Mentor/I hope you will enjoy this great community of women/&I invite you to stop by/say Hi, we can have ☕️/🍷depending on the time/and get to know each other/talk Posh! @toryshop💞
Jul 16Reply
racheljamess Love your closet!❤️ Supercute stuff!!!😘
Aug 06Reply
alexisraeadams @racheljamess thank you!! 😘
Aug 06Reply
c2tain Hi! Thanks for the follow😄 Please come check out my shop to see if you like anything ☺
Aug 21Reply
pamcaxe Thank you for the love and shares! Have a great week!
Apr 03Reply
assemlage What a lovely closet!!❤️❤️❤️
Nov 05Reply
brea_rojas7 It says I have received my package but I havent
Mar 30Reply
alexisraeadams @brea_rojas7 that's weird. i just shipped it this morning. there's no way you could have gotten it
Mar 30Reply
brea_rojas7 @alexisraeadams lol I knw weird
Mar 30Reply
monika0527 Thank you so much sweetie. I can't wait to wear it! XOXO.💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Jul 04Reply
jv71 Hi Alexis.... thank you for the follow!!!!
Jul 07Reply
heatherpj Love your closet! <3
Jul 20Reply
alexisraeadams @themodmermaid it’s cool! sigh. ❤️
Jul 21Reply
kathynok I very like your tattoo, it’s very nice!
Aug 02Reply
alexisraeadams @kathynok thank you! it was my first one. i’m working on my third now 😂
Aug 02Reply
xxalyssa357 Hi! Thanks for the follow love💕 be sure to check out my closet ! If you buy a bundle of 3 items, you get a 15% discount!!! Any additional items will be an additional discount depending on how much you spend. :) again thank you so much for following ! ❤️
Aug 06Reply
Aug 27Reply
kerri7764 Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you’ll visit my closet. I’m currently running a sale: 20% off when you bundle two or more items. Happy poshing!
Aug 27Reply
alexisraeadams @louisvgirly0608 hahaha maybe i should make a t-shirt that says it 😂😂
Aug 27Reply
mintyo Love the beautiful tattoo and you and your children are angels! That’s the grandma coming out of me. LOL! I wish you much success ❣️🤗💐😘 Best Regards, Aminta
Aug 29Reply
melissaprior Adorable closet! Can’t believe we just met as my money & my daughter went to UT! 💁‍♀️lol! She’s in Horseshoe Bay Area now... loved sharing your cute closet! 😘 chat soon I hope!
Sep 10Reply
theblinguation Thanks for the Follow! Feel free to check out all the gorgeous Bling I have available at very reasonable prices. Reasonable offers accepted too ☺
Sep 13Reply
branditrip I made an offer , but would like to bundle it...
Oct 05Reply
alexisraeadams @branditrip no worries! do you want to just cancel? or i can decline?
Oct 05Reply
branditrip @alexisraeadams go ahead and decline, please. And i will bundle a few other things. Thank you!
Oct 06Reply
branditrip Okay. New to this, pls excuse my ignorance. Accept my offer, if you wish, please. I am also looking to purchase one or more other items.
Oct 06Reply
alexisraeadams @branditrip good morning! your offer expired while i was sleeping 😭😭 you can send again or make an offer on the bundle of items that you want so you don’t have to pay shipping twice 😊
Oct 06Reply
msneverending1 Lexi thank you so much for following my closet. I love your pictures and your closet, so I shared some of your listings. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Nov 12Reply
designerchic03 Thank you for checking out my closet I appreciate it very much :)  Please let me know if there is anything you are interested  always up for offers! Free gift with each purchase. Looking forward to taking a look at your closet as well
Nov 20Reply
shippings2high Thank you for accepting my offer! 🍁🤓🐦💨🍃
Nov 23Reply
alexisraeadams @shippings2high you’re so welcome! i will get it shipped out in the morning! 😊
Nov 23Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Mar 04Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Mar 06Reply
randeeq 😻💖❣️hi Lexie, thanks for following my closet. Please pop in and browse through my pre-loved items, my new Resurrected Designs and my original creation, HUGS ❣️
Apr 23Reply
kayscoaching Hi Lexi; Thanks for accepting my offer 👍💕 I’ve been a Posher for a few months now and am loving it!! Here’s to a fab summer and lots of sales!! Kay
May 27Reply
alexisraeadams @kayscoaching omg welcome to posh! it’s so addicting 😂😂 and p.s. you picked one of my fave dresses! it’s so so cute! ❤️
May 28Reply
kayscoaching @alexisraeadams thx so much👍💕
May 28Reply
joyabelle Just saw your post in the FB group on that woman looking for good sellers so started following you! Your closet looks great so I'm definitely going to take a look. :)
Jun 02Reply
alexisraeadams @cdepa513 aww yay! i was just checking out the closets in that post too! 😂😂 i always wish there was an easier way to save our fave closets
Jun 02Reply
joyabelle @alexisraeadams agreed. It always feels so creepy liking random people’s pictures haha. Hopefully they’ll create the feature. I work as a HS counselor so I haven’t been great about listing stuff but 4 more weeks until the summer & my freedom and I’ll be a better posher lol so feel free to check back or like my new item post to get the notifications when I list something new. Good luck with sales and I’ll definitely be back to buy something. 💕
Jun 02Reply
demonhunters Congratulation on co-hosting a 4th of July posh party. I have been working extremely hard on creating a beautiful posh compliant closet with something for everyone and still growing strong. I am hoping you might consider my closet for a possible host pick. Have lots of fun, wishing you many sales and a wonderful day. Good Luck!
Jul 03Reply
robincia Yes!!! Another of my favorite themes!! Do you have a flier I can share to my followers?
Jul 03Reply
fourhanger I would love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day completely. ❤️😀❤️😀❤️
Jul 04Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting! 💖 I'd love a host pick from my posh compliant Boutique closet. 💖 Thanks so much!
Jul 04Reply
mmbax06 Congratulations on being chosen to help host the Best of Boutiques Party tmrw!! I would absolutely love it if you would consider my closet for one of your host picks!! I only have a few boutique items , but they are very nice! Have a wonderful evening and happy poshing!
Jul 04Reply
chante_allday Congratulations on co-hosting the posh party!! Please check out my closet for dope finds hoping for a HP🎉🎉 Best of luck to you. Please follow me on Instagram I’ll return the favor @chante_allday
Jul 04Reply
acelestialsoul 🌛🌞🌌🚀🌟Congrats on hosting the Best in Boutiques 🎂 🥂Party! 🎂 🥂I've got 🌌🌛🌟🌜🌌Stellar🌌🌛🌟🌜🌌 ✅Swim Wear, ✅Ballet Pointe Shoes, ✅Ballet Slippers, & Fashion in my Posh-Compliant Boutique that would be just right for 🏆Host Picks🏆Will you please take a look? TY! I’m a 🦋Social Butterfly🦋 & share on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler & Pinterest 💕 Let's have 🚀 blast! 👜👗👒Tricia, Posh Ambassador 🛰⭐️🛸 🌎✨🌜
Jul 04Reply
lauren_siena @alexisraeadams HI Lexi! Happy 4th🇺🇸 wishing you many happy sales today!! 🙃🛍If you have time I would love for you to check out my Boutique! My favorite part is packing up my sales with a little love and shipping them off! 📦 Have a firework of a fantastic day!! 💥
Jul 04Reply
taniaxshop Yay! Congratulations on co-hosting a posh party and great closet!! I'd love for you to check out my closet @taniaxshop and my PFF @jaccolection for any potential host picks in the Best In Boutiques Party!
Jul 04Reply
by_nyte Happy 4th if July & Congrats on hosting today’s party!! 🥳🎈 Please consider our new line of Unisex COLOR CHANGING T-SHIRTS that change color with touch!! 🤚🔥 Thanks!! 🤗
Jul 04Reply
lbaucum Oh my goodness. You do have some adorable babies. I am loving that mermaid/puppy dog mashup costume. That's a kid after my own heart! (I've definitely been unable to choose a costume as an adult and just gone with the best of both...or three or four...worlds!)
Aug 03Reply
alexisraeadams @lbaucum lmao yes! i was a vampire strawberry shortcake in college one year 🤣🤣
Aug 03Reply
bobbett328 Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 😊 🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Aug 03Reply
chesty2 Fun closet! Love your tattoo, very meaningful... kids costumes made me laugh, you are a fun mom. My kids are older now 23, 21, and 18. Happy Poshing! 🧁
Aug 05Reply
alexisraeadams @chesty2 😂😂 i try to be a fun mom but sometimes i posh too much. although i think i’m going to make a “contest” and see which of my babes can share the most from their ipads 😬
Aug 05Reply
shoevenir Good Day, Lexi (: I ADORE your Halloween pic w/ your kids 😁 Also, Congrats on being a Party Host for Best in Shoes~ It would be such a honor if you would consider browsing through my closet~ I will be looking forward to attending, participating, and partying with you 🙂
Aug 08Reply
sandracrane Hello and WELCOME🎉fellow Posher! your going to love Poshmark! I’m pretty new here and it has been amazing therapy for me! Feel free to check out my closet, I have a lot of Posh therapy coming my way and hope it can be the same for you! 😊🍀❤️Poshing!
Aug 09Reply
robstertan I have been on Poshmark for almost 2 years now. I just asked a host how to get a host pic and she told me to send messages to the host of parties. I would really really love to finally get a host pic. It will be my first time. I would love to take part in the experience and see what it does for my sales. Can you please take a look at my items. Thanks so much and happy polishing
Aug 09Reply
morganlipkin Please consider my closet for a host pick😊❣ trying to make extra money for college this year before I leave and would appreciate the exposure!
Aug 09Reply
healingthreads Super cute!!
Aug 09Reply
chelseawanderer Lexi, thank you so much for selecting my boots as a Host Pick! 🌞❤🌞 they've gotten a share boost and I am feeling the Poshlove! Thank you thank you!
Aug 09Reply
secondchancebtq Hey Lexi! Great closet! I invite you to check mine out as it has sizes and styles you may be interested in. Have a great day and I wish you many sales! ☺️
Aug 29Reply
thethriftmode Hello Lexi, I’m Cutler. I came by to thank you for following me. I am so impressed by your closet - it’s so well curated and the attention you pay to your covers is amazing. Wow! But then, it’s gets all the better meeting your two babies and hearing about your joyous spirit and awesome outlook. Thank you! 🌸 Cutler
Aug 30Reply
alexisraeadams @thethriftmode omg i missed your comment! 😂 thank you so much for your kind words! ❤️
Sep 09Reply
disroebounder Omg, I could shop in your closet all day! Great items!
Oct 02Reply
marefair Your kids are precious! Enjoy every minute. Have a blessed day!
Nov 09Reply
joebilly753 Thank you so much for sharing!! 🌹
Nov 11Reply
wifeof1man Welcome Lexi🌿Thank you for sharing your beautiful family pictures and your delightful closet collection!! I am thankful for parents, who take time to hear their children’s voice. Now your little one will know that her voice has true power and is worthy to be heard. You have made my morning, have fun, many blessings and sales to YOU!!
Nov 21Reply
berrylolita Thanks so much for following me! 💕
Dec 06Reply
meredithc30 amazing closet! lots of versatility...and I need to stop shopping and focus on clearing out my closet, but you've got such great things. thanks for sharing mine!
Dec 09Reply
micalyn Love your closet!
Feb 13Reply
alexisraeadams @micalyn yay! thank you!! 😍🥰
Feb 13Reply
maryriver Hi there! You have an amazing closet! Beautiful items! Happy Poshing! 💕😊
Feb 14Reply
alexisraeadams @maryriver thank you so much! 😍
Feb 14Reply
mariahgarcia953 Welcome to Poshmark 🙂
Feb 27Reply
lareinachicago Oh I so do ❤️ ur intro lol 😂 we have a lot of same story! And not to mention all ur super cool 😎 things in ur closet 🔥 ~ Judy 😘
Mar 02Reply
alexisraeadams @lareinachicago baaahahah i’m sporty spice too 🤣🤣
Mar 02Reply
babymeboutique Hi! 😊 Just stopping by to show some posh love! Hope you can stop by and checkout my closet too! Have a beautiful day! 🌈
Mar 05Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Mar 07Reply
babymeboutique Hi! ☺️ Just wanted to stop by and show some posh love!💕 Hope you can check out my closet too. Have a beautiful day 🌈
Mar 09Reply
hautecali Girl after my own heart! I also love beer, to shoot my guns, and coffee!!!!! love your closet and your vintage vibe!!! Happy poshing 💋💗💋💗
Mar 17Reply
penpenelope Thx for following me! I loved sharing your closet. I hope you can check my closet out too. 😍
Mar 26Reply
gladyscruz51 Hello..your children are adorable. Your closet is exquisite
Mar 27Reply
guesswhojcc Love your closet!
Mar 28Reply
mz_marsha @alexisraeadams Hi Lexi l just had to drop by your page and tell you how much I love your fabulous closet! You have great taste in clothes plus l am a huge fan of vintage glassware and vintage collectibles l always love to see what other sellers have too🥰 Stay safe and healthy you have a beautiful family💙💚💜 Take care🦋
Apr 06Reply
janfast Hi Lexi! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Apr 07Reply
jackie07reed @jackie07reed Thank you for sharing on what I posted on posh mark I also visit your closet and posted some off your item .... you have an amazing collectable item ... I wish you well and good luck on your sale
Apr 09Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Great family posher pictures 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Apr 14Reply
funsizeposher Hey lady. Just had to tell you I Love your closet. Such a wide range of items that are so cool. Very eclectic and fascinating to browse. I definitely appreciate your taste of items. You are Awesome. Have a great weekend!
Apr 17Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Apr 26Reply
marymax999518 Hello and thanks. Enjoyed your photos, move over to Disney’s Snow White. I have been to San Antonio twice, love the Riverwalk and shops and restaurants
May 05Reply
janfast Thanks for sharing my Cole Haan boots!🤗
May 14Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Hi, loved sharing your closet. Summer's here. 🌞Challenging times are still before us.Take a Walk and look for the Blessings. What better way to chase away the Blues with Fresh Air and Retail Therapy. Wish you  and your Family continued blessings we go through this trying times. So stay Safe and Think Positive. And continue to be Poshtastic ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Whooohoo Summer is FINALLY here🌻🌻🌻
May 27Reply
lila316 🥰🌺💦🧜‍♀️🍬🙋‍♀️🍭❤ Hello Beautiful Family ! Hoping soon to help keep a Very Special Someone Stay at Home ❤❤❤❤ Biggest Hugs & Oh what Fun to Stop by & View such Amazing Finds !! Lots of Love & Belly Giggles 🤗😘😘😘😘 "Will work for 🍬🍭"🥰
Jun 14Reply
secondchancebtq Hi there! I have recently re-branded as “Second Chance Boutique” and am excitedly working on my inventory. I appreciate your support as a follower, wish you many sales, and hope you are staying safe!
Jul 15Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jul 16Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Aug 24Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, I sell a little bit of everything. Clothes, toys, craft supplies, cookbooks, etc. I keep prices reasonable so I don’t make offers, but you can make me an offer. Build a bundle with your likes. I give a generous discount on bundles of 3+ items. I have been in business since 1983, online since 2000. I’m a Poshmark ambassador. If you have questions feel free to ask.
Sep 19Reply
janfast Thanks for sharing my Laura Ashley skirt! 💕
Nov 01Reply
danielarojas25 Hello you have amazing pictures of you and your family 😍🥰😘🥰😍😍🥰 Hello my name is Daniela! Thanks for the follow !! All my items from the boutique section come from my small boutique in Portland Oregon 😍 currently have a great sale going on till new year’s. Bundle any 5 items from either closet (not new) or boutique and get 50 percent off your purchase
Dec 19Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following I’m Emily! If you purchase any of my items for it’s exact price or create a bundle and it’s not jewelry then I’ll add any of the jewelry pieces I’m selling for free except the cat necklace and Ariana Grande ring Happy Poshing😊🎉☃️🎊❄️
Jan 27Reply
hpancoast2280 Hi! Love your closet:) You may be interested in mine as well! I have brands including Brandy Melville, Anthropologie, Forever 21, Ann Taylor, American Apparel, Urban Outfitters and more!! Feel free to check it out and ask any questions you may have. Happy poshing❤️❤️
Mar 02Reply
thriftynavymom Hello Sunshine ☀️ Hi-5 👋🖐on becoming a POSH AMBASSADOR 🌻 Just stopping by to give you some page love 💕. I totally L💗ve your closet 🛍. Have a FABULOUS week & HAPPY POSHING❣️👗👙🧣👚👖👔🩱👛👠
May 30Reply

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Last Active: Mar 20

San Antonio, TX
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Last Active: Mar 20

San Antonio, TX
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