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Updated Feb 05
Updated Feb 05

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Thanks for stopping by! I'm a: Bay Area transplant, kitty mom, coffee addict, and lover all things fashion! Feel free to comment, I'd love to e-meet you!
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sterling8175 Hi. Welcome to posh! I know this site can be confusing at first so if you have any questions feel free to ask. Also, I think you may like some of the items in my closet according to your bio, so take a look. Happy Poshing Xoxo
Feb 06Reply
trendious @jlvarana Hi. I'm glad to see someone from my neighborhood. Let me know if you have any questions. I'll be happy to help you out. Happy Poshing!
Feb 13Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Feb 14Reply
theposhypeacock Hi Jessica, and Welcome to this community of amazing ladies🙋 Im Melisa, Suggested User & Posh Mentor, here to answer your questions and assist you in building your closet(which is fabulous so far😉) I was wondering if you have received a Host Pick yet? If not, just let me know i would love to help get your closet noticed😘
Feb 14Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Welcome to the Posh family! 🤗 This is where you will find a truly wonderful community of women always willing to help you! 👭 😇 my short time here, the most important things I have learned to be a truly successful posher & be eligible for those wonderful 🎉 host picks 🎉 1️⃣ maintain a posh compliant closet‼️💯 2️⃣ share 👠👗👙 3️⃣ follow 👣👣👣 4️⃣ ask questions!! 🤔 And check out @poshuniversity and @official_forum for some great info for beginners!
Feb 15Reply
gumbob Hi, nice to e-meet you, give you a warm welcome to Posh & browse your closet. Wishing you a great day & many sales. Happy Poshing 😊
Feb 15Reply
stylenu Hi Jessica, I'm Leigh. Nice to meet you and welcome to Posh. I see you've met my PFF @vickyss She gave you some great info. Please don't hesitate to ask questions!
Feb 19Reply
mfournier2004 Beautiful closet!
Mar 18Reply
artsunnyh That's a cute selfie :D
Apr 27Reply
poshgarden You are already hosting? How awesome is this? It was just yesterday that I welcomed you to Poshmark. Have a great time today❣💋
Jun 11Reply
aishablake Welcome to Posh, doll!!! I hope that you are loving it here!!!!😊💖💋
Jun 26Reply
luvlysteff @jlvarana Be sure to let me know whenever you have more large dresses! Don't forget to tag me, thanks in advance. 👍👌
Jun 28Reply
jlvarana @luvlysteff for sure! Next time I need jewelry I will be shopping your closet no doubt!
Jun 28Reply
purplearies @jlvarana Hi I'm Kia ! I would love for you to check out my closet when you get a chance 😊💞
Jul 21Reply
breauxmode Jessica, CONGRATULATIONS on Hosting tomorrow. Please check us out, we are posh compliant :):)
Jul 22Reply
breauxmode WOW! You are going to be busy tomorrow. I see that you are hosting 2 parties. Please check us out for both. I can't wait to share.
Jul 22Reply
myhappyplace22 Hi Jessica! 😚🌹You have a beautiful organized closet!! Love it!! Congrats on co hosting!! Fun Fun Fun!!! Please check out my closet for possible host picks! Thanks Doll- i will see you there to cheer you on and share share share!!💟😘😘😚😊😚😊😚😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😘🎉😘💟🎉💟🎉🎉💟🎉💟🎉
Jul 22Reply
shawndelaney Congrats on hosting! I'd love to be considered for a host pick. I'm a suggested user with a lot of listings to choose from :)
Jul 22Reply
sakrueg 😘😘😘
Jul 22Reply
awaywardmermaid @jlvarana Hi Jessica, I love your dress in the first pic💕 I'm Katie & joined in January as well. I'm not sure I I asked to host a party correctly? When your finished I'd love some advice! Congratulations & have a wonderful time😍
Jul 22Reply
saguaro1111 @jlvarana Honestly Jessica, you are adorable! Love your vibe and closet! Have a blast tonight!!! 🌺🌺🌺 Lizzie @dreambigger11 🌞🌵❤️
Jul 22Reply
swanky_panky Congrats on hosting tonight. I hope you will stop by my closet for a sneak peek! Would love some Posh 💜! 🎉🎉🍾💕
Jul 22Reply
jlvarana @kasohio hey girl :) were you able to write into Posh to get on the list to host a party? that's the best way to get on their radar! let me know if you have any questions, i'm always happy to help!
Jul 22Reply
awaywardmermaid @jlvarana Thanks Jessica, I wrote them at customer support about 3-4 weeks ago. I heard it takes awhile, but I noticed some are on their 3rd & 4th parties. Maybe I need to be patient😇 just wish you got confirmation that they received your request 💕
Jul 22Reply
chicbomb Congratulations!! It's kinda last minute but if you still have time and space for a possible HP, please consider my closet listings :) Will be there for the party this evening!! @chicbomb
Jul 23Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Jessica, my name is Ronda and I'm still fairly new to Posh and was wondering if you could please take a quick peek in my closet in hopes that you'd honor me with a Host Pick this evening. I just recently lost my job due to corporate downsizing and I'm hoping that Posh will help my family get through this very difficult time. Either way I'd be more grateful than you'll ever know. @designerguru2
Jul 23Reply
jenm178 @jlvarana hi Jessica!!! Congrats on hosting tonight's posh party!!! 🎉🎉💃 I'd be so grateful if you could take a peek at my closet for potential host picks! 😘✌️💕💞💞🛍💝💌💖💓💓📬🍭💕💞💞
Jul 23Reply
maethecat1 Hi! Congrats on your hosting gig 😎😍😀🌅💕💕💕🎉♥️❤️🎉♥️💕🌅
Jul 23Reply
hazeymae11 Hello Jessica ... I thought selling children's clothes was against rules ? Now I see a party. Am I permitted to selling kids clothes now thx
Jul 24Reply
jlvarana @kh6861 hey! Kids and Men fashion and accessories are now allowed on posh! (Yayyyy!) you are ok to upload new items to you your closet
Jul 24Reply
hazeymae11 @jlvarana THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TJE UPDATE !!!!!
Jul 24Reply
tony19825 Beautiful!!
Jul 29Reply
jwang26 @jlvarana hi Jessica! Congrats on hosting! Would you mind checking out my dresses and skirts for a potential hp?! 👗💕
Jul 29Reply
cydolphin Congratulations on hosting tomorrow's Jet-set Style Posh Party! Please take a look at my closet for any potential host picks. Thanks so much!!!
Jul 29Reply
lobber206 @jlvarana 🎉Congrats on hosting Best in Dresses and Skirts tomorrow. I'm Posh Compliant, and have some cute things that might make solid host picks. Hope you can stop by? @lobber206 Cheers!!
Jul 29Reply
denimandthings Congratulations on hosting (again)! Your closet is so beautiful. I am a new posher and would love if you would look at my small closet to see if you love anything. Hope the party goes awesome tomorrow 🎉🎉😍😍🎉🎉
Jul 29Reply
graydaymarket Yay! Today is the day...Congrats on hosting. If you need some awesome closets to check out, these ladies know how to style their clothes! @hannahparks @fancypantsmcgee @mferris321 @valentina_rose @zoezuo @alexac @treviesmommy (and mine) @bubsandmae
Jul 29Reply
aliposhshop I just added some great new items to my closet. Would you check it out for possible host picks? Thanks so much!
Jul 29Reply
skystrukfashion Congrat's on Hosting the Fun Party of Dresses & Skirts! My closet is filled with lots of them, lol !! Have a great time with many sales along with a beautiful restful night & weekend when the party is over!!
Jul 29Reply
shopkawana Hey! Great closet & congrats on hosting tonight's party. If you have time please stop by my closet for some potential host picks! Would really appreciate it. Thanks 🌞✨
Jul 29Reply
alexac Congrats on hosting!! ✨🎉 I'm so excited for you! I'll be there shopping, sharing, and cheering you on! 🎉💃🏼✨ cannot wait to see all of your beautiful host picks!!! 🍾😍🎉✨💃🏼❤️🍾🎉✨💃🏼❤️🍾🎉💃🏼✨❤️
Jul 29Reply
alexac @bubsandmae thank you so much for thinking of me!!!
Jul 29Reply
guzel85 Congrats on hosting!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jul 29Reply
nianatasha 🎉🎉🍾🍾Wooo hoooo! Congrats on hosting! You are a rock star! If you are still looking for host picks, please take a peek at my Posh compliant closet. Meanwhile let's get ready to party🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
Jul 29Reply
wellyweldon Congratulations on hosting tonight! I'll be there, shopping, sharing, and cheering you on. If you have the time, I'd be honored if you stopped by my closet while you are considering host picks. I can't wait to see all of your fab picks. Your closet is really fabulous.
Jul 29Reply
samrae22 Congrats on hosting tonight!! If you're looking for any last minute host picks, I would love to have you check out my closet! If not, I can't wait to see all the fabulous things you've chosen. Thanks for you consideration<3
Jul 29Reply
marina_wildhawk One of tonight's co hosts is not listed. Hoping you can help. It should be @melissasam not melissam. Please help so Melissa can be a part of the party as planned. Thank you so much!!!
Jul 30Reply
thriftychicla Your closet is so cute!!!
Jul 30Reply
cha121 Congratulations on hosting! 🎉 Please feel free to check out my closet. 🙃
Aug 03Reply
sunny_threads You're absolutely💁🏼 adorable! I 💕love 💕your closet too! Congrats on co-hosting your party! Just would love to be considered for a HP, I have many great kids👯 items to select from. Have an awesome night! I can't wait to be part of the party tomorrow. 💋💋💋💋
Aug 03Reply
dsvonavec Hi! Congratulations on your party!! Please consider my kiddo items for a potential host pick! Thank you!
Aug 03Reply
jwang26 @jlvarana hi Jessica! Will you please check out my closet for a potential hp?! 🐶🎉
Aug 03Reply
warrior04 It's very nice to meet you and I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how beautiful your closet is, the aesthetics and cropping I can tell you took time to create. Love, Wendy @warrior04 Good luck at your upcoming party and God Bless.@jlvarana
Aug 03Reply
shopkawana Ello! Beautiful closet... Please swing by mine for some really great host picks. I would appreciate it so much! Thank you in advance if you decide to❤️ Happy Poshing!
Aug 04Reply
fox1357 You're beautiful
Aug 10Reply
janimack7 I love Your closet! Wish I was a size or two smaller!😄
Aug 10Reply
eliteapplause @jlvarana Welcome to posh! You will love it here! You are off to a great start and I predict you will do very well and make lots of friends!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Aug 10Reply
zoie20 Love your closet😀 and congrats on hosting
Aug 11Reply
yoused Hello, Hello, Hello Love, nice to meet you on PoshMark Love. Best Wishes to you too!!! 💖💖💖💖
Aug 12Reply
shoptracy @jlvarana hi! Joined posh a while back but only started getting into it this past week = already addicted lol. Any chance you'd consider one of my kid items for today's party? Got a dress that's a great conversation piece, you'll know which one! PS love your closet!!
Aug 17Reply
jessiesgirl0718 Hi Jessica! Welcome to the PUG Team! Enjoy your free shares this week. Your closet is great and your pics are adorable! Happy Poshing, Jeannie💞
Aug 18Reply
courtships Omg Ollie and Petrie! I didn't see them before, is Petrie named after The Land Before Time?
Aug 21Reply
lovelymey Just finished sharing some Posh Love with your closet, Jessica! Wow, you have such a fabulous closet! 😍 Lots of beautiful items and amazing covers shots! So enjoyable to share! ❤ Anyway, CONGRATULATION ON HOSTING TONIGHT!!! 🎊 Can't wait for the party to start! 🎉🎁💐🍾 I'll definitely be there to shop and share your fabulous host picks! Have fun! 😆😆 If you have any last minute spot for your HP, I'd be so honoured if you could come and visit my Posh compliant closet! Thank you 😊
Aug 25Reply
rdshalie Hey doll! I'm sure the notifications are rolling in! It can be crazy, I know. Lol. I would love to be considered for a hp. Thanks! Happy Poshing 💋
Aug 25Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @jlvarana is hosting w/ @cattyo "Best In Jewelry & Accessories" tomrorow/Wednesday!! @livealohagrl @sweetbee17 @dkjewelry @thepinkposher @keyonnasummers @poshboutique16 @fashioniata @lemurianmuse @janimack7 @kimberly803 @dawnediva @sylviaharris55 @schx4 @voodoodoll @remiirae @nyc_apple @mmdanzot @swanagin @jinxiego @bdbcsr @guo791999 @cassandra8187 @bdbcsr @tazzyg @luckyu77
Aug 31Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @jlvarana is hosting w/ @cattyo "Best In Jewelry & Accessories" tomrorow/Wednesday!! @jeren27 @julskewl @dawnediva @loribarrhall @kimberly803 @sylviaharris55 @voodoodoll @jimsprincess @jbortkiewicz @sparrowsage @stunning_29 @cyndy_bennett @chicbabygirl @hobsonwife @jayssboutique @thia_b @jenbcloset @annc64 @nory_gemma @kymstewart @cyd143 @faith2bshared @mturn2 @closetfairies @evolvingalways
Aug 31Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @jlvarana is hosting w/ @cattyo "Best In Jewelry & Accessories" tomrorow/Wednesday!! @cinq1964 @bandbcustomshop @dinofinder @koalaandkween @livianna @stacy194 @tamarismom @jill555 @nanookmom @jmacci7 @legallybfashion @vixen676 @restlessangel @happystore @blondsoul @teekee @jinxiego @cassandra8187 @tazzyg @luckyu77 @julskewl @frannyzfinds @kimmando @dierks24 @midnightjewels
Aug 31Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @jlvarana is hosting w/ @cattyo "Best In Jewelry & Accessories" tomrorow/Wednesday!! @turbokickqueen @millicentgar @tlb1963 @hrv_boutique @summeray @rhodesia @paicar @ginger_nj @mkribs @jen2rodriguez @goldielocks1960 @marykat @deesteinberg @cattyo @cutefabfinds1 @aishablake @salsera143 @special_stuff @savannah_slim @tchrgirl02 @georgette31 @autumnlynn3 @christyw744 @croweart @redbug17
Aug 31Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @jlvarana is hosting w/ @cattyo "Best In Jewelry & Accessories" tomrorow/Wednesday!! @joyamarino @nory_gemma @rposen @cajlove @holdon3 @veperez @thortam @mtnhiker @ginga69 @alluck1210 @foxychica21 @juliejoff @sammy @justice10forme @bekkalimon @3mdr @amyfly @fashionmellow @fallinup @cbarb19 @josiefredericks @rciocca1661 @berta456 @lucksterlw @bandbcustomshop
Aug 31Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r @jlvarana is hosting w/ @cattyo "Best In Jewelry & Accessories" tomrorow/Wednesday!! @kimkjc2 @michelle4boys @askbrandy @citytoseaside @humgrl72 @jdockery05 @lifebydesign @pemerson55 @newboutique @summerchance @cityoffashion @missdaisy626
Aug 31Reply
lovelyoutletsho @jlvarana amazing closet girly! Loving the positive vibes!! So glad I found you, could become a dangerous spending addiction through;);)
Aug 31Reply
ginger_nj Hello Jessica! Your closet is beautiful... I espy love your photography! Congratulations on your Party & Enjoy! Catrina is a doll! Happy P💟SHING! 🛍 ლ(╹◡╹ლ)Yesenia
Aug 31Reply
autumnlynn3 Can't wait to party with you! 😘 ❤ 😘
Aug 31Reply
summerchance @goodchic🍭🍭😚 Thanks much for the tag! Summer
Aug 31Reply
summerchance CONGRATULATIONS on hosting a Posh Party with my fav & lovely friend Catrina. Sending you wishes for a successful party & An abundance of joy!🌷🌷🌷Summer PS sorry I'm unable to attend an important obligation conflicts with the time of your party.
Aug 31Reply
duchessofmalibu Fun stuff in your closet - - Have a happy Labor Day Weekend! Jennifer xx
Sep 02Reply
graphi @jlvarana congrats on today's hosting 🍀☘🍀☘🍀☘🍃💚☘🍀☘🍀☘☘please consider my closet @graphi for possible host pick 🍀☘🍀☘🍀🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Sep 02Reply
arielkyali Hi @jlvarana, hope you had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend! Keep on POSHING!
Sep 06Reply
og125 Hey love your closet!! Congrats on hosting!!!! 🍾🛍🎊🎈🎈🎉😎😄🎉
Sep 07Reply
deege65 Thank you so much for an awesome party last night. You ladies rocked my socks off. I am so delighted you selected my closet listing for one of your Style Crush Party Host Picks. It was my first-ever HP and I so appreciate it!!!!! :)
Sep 09Reply
maddygould15 Your kittens are so cute and you are stunning! May I ask where you are from? I was born in the Bay Area but have since moved three times
Sep 14Reply
nycma Very excited for tomorrow. If you are still looking for host picks hoping you will consider mine. I have some lovely silk tops for fall.❤️thanks.
Sep 21Reply
clairetique Hi there! 😊 🌷🎉💖 Just stopping by to congratulate you on hosting tonight's party!! 🎉💕🎉💕🎉🎉🍾💕🍾💕🍾 WHOOT WHOOT!!! 🍾💕🍾💕🍾💕🍾💕🍾💕And you have a lovely closet too 💞🎉💞🎉💞‼️
Sep 21Reply
krysteenagem Congrats on hosting your party! I just had my first host pick and now I'm addicted! 😜 please check out my closet for possible host picks for your party.😁🙃☺️
Sep 21Reply
carlyerica @jlvarana Loving the party so far!!! Awesome host picks!!!!!!! Hope you are having fun hosting!!! I have been shopping and sharing! If you're still searching, please check out my posh compliant closet for possible host picks! I update daily and am trying to grow and gain more followers!!! Thank you so much!!! 😍😍😍
Sep 22Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow. So very excited. In case you are still looking for host picks I am hoping you will consider looking at some beautiful hand embroidered Indian evening bags I have. Thank you ❤️
Sep 22Reply
shelpen Best of luck with your party tonight. Enjoyed looking through your closet
Sep 24Reply
nycma Congratulations on your party for tomorrow. In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thank you❤️
Sep 28Reply
mineandyours47 Congrats on hosting tomorrow! I've been working really hard on my closet and would be honored if you would take a look!
Sep 28Reply
jenm178 @jlvarana Hi Jessica! ✋😊 congrats on hosting tonight's party... 🎉🎉💃 I'd be so grateful if you could take a peek at my closet for potential host picks! 😘😉🎈❤️🎀🛍🎀❤️🛍❤️🎀🎀❤️
Sep 29Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! If you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thank you ❤️
Sep 30Reply
dbklyn Hi, Congrats on your party! 🎉 Please check out my PC closet 👠👜👗, would love to be considered for a HP 😊. Either way, will be there to share ☀️ Thx n Happy Poshing!
Sep 30Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow. If you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thank you. ❤️
Oct 05Reply
moxiefromroxie @jlvarana Hi Jessica!! Congratulations on hosting tomorrow!! 🎉I have a ton of great jewelry and accessories and would love it if you could pick something from my closet for a host pick 😘 have fun at the party! They are always so fun and exciting to host!! Enjoy!! xoxo @moxiefromroxie
Oct 05Reply
janalovebanana @jlvarana Congrats on hosting the party today! I would love if you check out my closet! Looking forward to shopping and sharing! Thanks!
Oct 05Reply
aweglitz @jlvarana Jessica Congrats on hosting the awesome party tonight!!!! 🎉🎉🎉. If you get a chance would you mind stopping by my closet I have a couple items that might be a good fit for the party!!!! I'm looking forward to it.. Have a great day!!!!
Oct 07Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! If you are still looking for host picks, I do hope you will consider my closet. I believe little boys can also express themselves through their clothes and what I have in my closet reflects that. Thank you❤️
Oct 12Reply
eniolam Hey!! Nice to meet you. I would love some advice on how to be successful here in posh! I've been on here for about 2 months. I see you've had a lot of success in less than a year! That's awesome!
Oct 13Reply
muddypuddles Can't wait for the party tonight!!! Congrats!! Love your closet!!! Love, a fellow California girl 🎀❤️💘👛👗👠💖
Oct 13Reply
899ridgeview @jlvarana Hi Jessica! Congrats on hosting! Hope you have time to take a look at my closet to see what I'll be sharing.❤️
Oct 13Reply
nasiav @jlvarana Please check out my closet for the men's style party tomorrow! 😊
Oct 18Reply
cassmarie8406 @jlvarana Hi!! Thank you so much for hosting a Men's party this is great!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
Oct 18Reply
samellle Hey there! I see that you're hosting tomorrow's men's party🎉🎉🎉. Congrats🎉. Just a quick question as I'm still pretty new to posh and trying to establish myself. Any pointers on how one of my items can be selected for a host's pick? I have a gorgeous men's Zara's blazer up that I think would sell extremely quick! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks much! Happy poshing💖
Oct 18Reply
houseofowl Thank you for hosting men's style party! It's about time we have menswear!
Oct 18Reply
sam0790 Congratulations on hosting a party! Please consider my closet for a host pick. Thank you!
Oct 18Reply
mike_nyj85 @jlvarana hi Jessica!! I am SOOOOO pumped about this PARTY!!! If you look at my closet you'll see I've been advocating and contacting Posh a LOT!! So this is HUGE!!!! Wish I could help host, but that's ok...just happy it's happening!!
Oct 18Reply
zipperblonde Hi there!! So happy to see a Mans party 💕👍
Oct 18Reply
heatherteal @jlvarana Excited about the men's wear party tomorrow. I have a lot of excellent condition brand name men's western shirts. Would be wonderful if you could take a look at my closet.
Oct 18Reply
sidborg @jlvarana Yay!! Congrats, so excited there will be Men Style Party....After all our guys should look good too, right 😊....Would ❤️ for you to swing by my closet and check it out!! Cheers and Good Vibes Always!! Good Luck tomorrow, and again many thanks for co-hosting!!!
Oct 19Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thank you❤️
Nov 09Reply
b52apparel @jlvarana I'm a brand new Men's-only closet, adding boutique items every day. I'd love a HP for a kick start. Thank you!!
Nov 09Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Poshettes say hello to @jlvarana !! @christyw744 @sparrowsage @stunning_29 @thevibe @dinofinder @veperez @roos_rendezvous @alisabeegirl @tlude @alluck1210 @marykat @lauras_boutique @cyndy_bennett @annc64 @swanagin @rposen @jeren27 @dawnediva @lhaag721 @cajlove @basebllmom @robandsteph2014 @closetfairies @juliejoff @ginger_nj @alouie97 @juicylina @warrior04 @icaton @mzdvinity
Nov 09Reply
ginger_nj Jessica C🎈O🎈N🎈G🎈R🎈A🎈T🎈U🎈L🎈A🎈T🎈I🎈O🎈N🎈S!!! ❤️️ Yesenia
Nov 09Reply
kewpiedoll @jlvarana Welcome to the fun posh community 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻TY @rposen 😊
Nov 09Reply
wildsidebtq @jlvarana I shared some items to the top of my closet that would make awesome host picks! Have fun hosting!
Nov 10Reply
shelpen You are gorgeous and so are your Fur babies. I love animals more than most people. Have much fun at your party tonight. If you do need a last minute host pick @yolakohavi has an exquisite closet with some new handmade leather and knit unbelievable creations she made. Please look. Thank you
Nov 10Reply
broketoboujee I love love love your closet!! Please consider mine for a host pick tonight! Thanks
Nov 10Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thank you❤️
Nov 11Reply
tnb614 Congratulations!!!🍾🎉 Should be epic.
Nov 15Reply
wildsidebtq @jlvarana just wanted to let you know I have some wonderful items that I think would make a great HP! I shared a few to the top of my closet!
Nov 15Reply
besthombre Congratulations on hosting the Mens Party. Please check out my closet to see if you like anything for the host pick 🙏🏾. Good Luck! 👍
Nov 15Reply
shabbychic45 So awesome to have these regular men's posh parties!! Congratulations on Hosting!! I can't imagine how exciting you are to be able to see all of the goodies come through and put your personal HP stamp on the best of the best!! If you are still in need of host picks please take a peek at some of these awesome closets from my mens share group!! @shabbychic45 @purpleposher @gentscorner @travelcrush You are sure to find some awesome HP's in these closets. Can't wait to share with you!!
Nov 16Reply
pizzadreams @jlvarana ➕🎉🎊CONGRATULATIONS ➕🎉🎊 What an amazing opportunity to connect with more Poshers by being a host!🎊🎉➕I would be humbled and appreciative if you selected something from my closet as one of your host picks ✨Thanks in advance ✨
Nov 16Reply
wildsidebtq @jlvarana I have some items that would make some great Host picks for the Men's Style Party I shared some to the top of my closet!
Nov 17Reply
pizzadreams ➕🎊CONGRATULATIONS on your party! I have a Volcom hoodie that I would humbled and appreciative if it made it to your host pick! 🎊➕
Nov 17Reply
swanky_panky Great job on hosting tonight! Fab party! Got some more Christmas shopping done! ❤️️🎄
Nov 17Reply
cecilytawney1 Congrats on hosting tonight's party! If you're still looking for some last-minute host picks, I would love to be considered! 🤗💕✨
Nov 18Reply
babsd42 🎉🎉🎉Congrats on hosting today. I tagged you on a pair of cute combat boots that I recently listed. You may like them for your party🎉🎉🎉
Nov 18Reply
retailrebel Congratulations on hosting tonight! Best wishes for a great turn out!
Nov 19Reply
kasbowi @jlvarana Congratulations on a great Posh Party. I'll be sharing a lot of the Host Picks with my followers and I'm grateful that one of my closet items was chosen for that honor. Happy poshing!
Nov 19Reply
b52apparel @jlvarana Hi! I'd love a HP for the Mens Style party to give my closet a boost. I'm brand new and menswear exclusive. Thanks!
Nov 23Reply
shabbychic45 Celebrate Good Times! Come on! It's a celebration!! Men's fashion party!! I would be delighted for for you to take a peek and check out my closet as well as my lovely men's share group buddies for potential awesome host picks! @shabbychic45 @purpleposher @travelcrush @gentscorner
Nov 23Reply
899ridgeview Hi Jessica! Congratulations on hosting tonight! Have fun! I hope you'll have a chance to visit my closet for a coveted host pick💖
Nov 23Reply
danileeoak Congrats on your Party this evening!! 🎉 I'm anxious to join for shopping & sharing! When you get a chance, please take a peek at my closet for possible host pick 😊
Nov 23Reply
moonshineblind Will you find out why my items will not post on the men's clothing party? I keep making with things and then posting them and I get this notification that says "unable to make listing" but then I'm able to post it to my followers so it's like I've been blocked or something if so I'd like to know why please that's why if you could find out for me I would really appreciate it because I really want to know why… thank you dear🙀😂
Nov 24Reply
jlvarana @moonshineblind oh man soooo weird, I would write into support to see what happened?!
Nov 24Reply
chewsigirl Hi there... I saw you are one of the party hosts for the ongoing party... do you have any idea why I can't list not one single item of mine to the party?
Nov 24Reply
vanessapaulla Happy Thanksgiving Jessica. Could you please consider one of my listings as a Host Pick? Thank you. Happy Poshing 😘💕
Nov 24Reply
dbklyn Hi, Congrats on your party! 🎉 Please check out my PC closet 👠👜👗, would love to be considered for a HP 😊. Either way, will be there to share ☀️ Thx n Happy Poshing!
Nov 25Reply
pinaychicmama @jlvarana 💖 CONGRATS on being a host. Hope you have a great time. ENJOY! 💖
Nov 26Reply
tabithasbless Congrats on your party🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎉🎉Please check out my closet for possible host picks. Thanks 💕💜💕💙💕💚💕❤️️💕💜
Nov 29Reply
hopesparkles ✨ Welcome & Congratulations Jessica! I'm a Suggested User & I'd be grateful if you have a chance to stop by my closet. Especially as a 24 year Survivor we donate 20% of every sale to the American Cancer Society. Thanks & have a Poshtastic Party! ✨
Nov 30Reply
amandaintexas Congrats on your party! I'm listing lots of new pieces tonight if you get a chance to drop by !! I'll see you at the party! 💖🎄🎄🎄🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Dec 02Reply
besthombre @jlvarana congratulations on hosting the best in shoes and boots party. Check out @rbane, she has some really trendy things and I as well have been building a closet of some awesome Mens shoes and boots. 👍
Dec 06Reply
stefba Your closet is so awesome! Your style is beautiful and feminine! 💕
Dec 06Reply
houseofsapphire Hi there! I am new to posh and excited to get my closet seen. Would love for you to look through to see if any of my things could be a host pick. Thank you!!
Dec 06Reply
alexandmaui Congratulations on hosting the Back to Basics Party!!!🎉 Please consider my closet for a possible Host Pick. I will be there to support and celebrate with you🍾Thank you!!! Frances💋
Dec 07Reply
jhbposh Congrats on hosting! Have fun, and pls check my closet!👍🍭💐
Dec 07Reply
kim_b22 Hi! 💞 Congratulations on hosting!!! 🎊🍾 If you're still looking for Host Picks, I've moved theme appropriate items to the top of my closet. 👗🎉👢💐👚
Dec 07Reply
andilynnnoryon @jlvarana Hey girly! Congrats on hosting the Back to Basics Party tonight!! 💜💋💜 If you are looking for any last minute Host Picks I would be honored to have you check out my closet. Here's to a successful party!
Dec 07Reply
lexilouboutique Love your meet the posher pics and your closet!! Congrats on hosting tonight!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽
Dec 07Reply
trishtam Congratulations on your party! I know you must be really excited to host your party and I will be celebrating with you during the party.Please check out my posh compliant closet whenever you have a chance for a possible host pick. I appreciate your time. Thank you❤️💛💚💙💜💗💖💓💕
Dec 08Reply
alexandmaui Hi! Congratulations on co-hosting the Casual Friday Party🎉 Please consider my closet for a possible Host Pick. I will be there supporting and celebrating with you. Cheers🍾 Frances💋
Dec 09Reply
andilynnnoryon @jlvarna I'm pretty sure this is the second time today I've shared listings from your closet but they are unbelievably beautiful and elegant! By the way congrats on hosting tomorrow!🎉🎉🎉 Can't wait to see all the beautiful items!! If you happen to still be looking for Host Picks and have time to pursue my closet I would be honored for a fashion queen as yourself to check it out 💋 Have an awesome time hosting! Wishing you and all the other poshers many sales tomorrow 💜💋⭐️
Dec 09Reply
wildarrow @jlvarana I'm Carrie. So excited to host tonight's party with you! Love your closet. Posh on! 😍😘💋❤️⭐️☃️🍾🎄🍭📯❣️
Dec 09Reply
kim_b22 2 Parties in 2 days? Awesome!!! Congratulations! 💕🎉🎄🎊🍾😻🎅
Dec 10Reply
andilynnnoryon @jlvarana Hi lovely!! So excited for you to be hosting tomorrow's Shoes and Boots party! 👠 👡👢👞I'm sure it will be an awesome time for everyone 🎉🎉 If you are still looking for Host Picks I would be so honored to have you check out my closet 💋✨✨💋. Wishing you and all the other Poshers lots of sales tomorrow and everyday 🎀⭐️💜🎀⭐️💜
Dec 13Reply
hauteinthecity Congratulations on your upcoming party hosting opportunity!! 💖
Dec 14Reply
garcig4 You are so absolutely amazingly beautiful
Dec 16Reply
artsie_1 🎄🎄🎄Just finished my first party 12.18- WOW! It's crazy. Check out my closet if you are still in need of HP's. Will see you there!🎄🎄🎄
Dec 20Reply
tracyblue69 Hi! Congrats on your party 😃🎉 Please take a look at my closet for some great shoes for consideration. Thank you! 👠👢👡
Dec 20Reply
tracyblue69 Hi! Congrats on your party 😃🎉 Please take a look at my closet for some great items for consideration. Thank you!
Dec 20Reply
alexandmaui Congratulations on co-hosting a Posh Party🎉Please consider my closet for a possible Host Pick.💕Thank you!Can't wait to celebrate with you.✨Cheers🍾Frances💋
Dec 20Reply
dcariola 🎉💗🎉💗Congratulations on hosting tomorrow's Posh Party! 👏🏻🛍💕 If you're still looking for a Host Pick, I would love to be considered! 💓 Happy Poshing!! 🎉💗🎉💗
Dec 20Reply
jhbposh Congrats on hosting! Visit my closet for luxury brands and boots that are NWT! And M Go Blue!😘
Dec 21Reply
jlvarana @sara_stone hey! Feel free to check out the Poshmark blog and that will give you the link to sign up for co-hosting 🙂🙃 let me know if you have any other questions ms!!
Dec 22Reply
alexandmaui Congratulations on co-hosting a Posh Party🎉Please consider my closet for a possible Host Pick.💕Thank you! Can't wait to celebrate with you.✨Cheers🍾Frances💋
Dec 22Reply
jlvarana @jhbposh ahhh go blue 🙂😋🤗!!
Dec 22Reply
lotus0104 Hi Jessica! Hi! I am trying to get more connected to posh and am wondering how do you go about hosting a party or getting a "host pick" item or become a "suggested user" or a "mentor"? Congratulations on being a host and for having an awesome closet! Blessings : )
Dec 27Reply
artsie_1 Congrats on hosting! I just did it on the 18th. Lot of work. If you have not finished picking HP's, please take a look at my closet. I have some awesome boutique jewelry that is not the same as all the others!
Dec 29Reply
_rlpeterson @jlvarana hi Jessica! 🎉 congratulations on hosting tomorrow night!!🎉 I'd love for you to take a look at my posh-compliant closet for a possible host pick! Can't wait to share and celebrate with you tomorrow! 🍾🎉💐😘xoxo Becky
Dec 29Reply
taytron10 Hi Jessica! I went to USF in the Bay Area, so wishing you the best your new home! The restaurants around the college is mom and pops done right. Good food low prices too! Happy poshing!
Dec 30Reply
artsie_1 Hi, Jessica. If you haven't picked all your HP's, please check my closet! I have some really nice pieces.
Dec 31Reply
cdedeluk1013 @jlvarana hi you have such a cute closet😊 If you have a free moment I'd love for you to check out mine for a host pick. Thanks so much and happy shopping 🙂💕
Dec 31Reply
myhappyplace22 🎉🍾🎉🍾💋Happy New Years Jessica!🎉🍾🍾💋Have a blessed Holiday!🎉😁🍾💋💟🤗Jeanette
Dec 31Reply
andilynnnoryon @jlvarana Congrats on hosting tomorrow!! You must be excited 😊. I would be so appreciative if you took the time to check out my closet for any Host Picks. It would mean a lot! ⭐💖⭐. Have a great time tomorrow night 💃🏼🎉🎉
Jan 06Reply
stef62391 @jlvarana congrats! Check out my closet for potential host pick!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 06Reply
meganc456 Congrats on hosting today!! Please check out my closet for a host pick! I'd really appreciate it so much! 🎉😄🌟🙏🏻
Jan 06Reply
gat8or 🎉🍾 congrats 🍾🎊 doll on the party!!! Fun shopping days ahead looking forward to your picks!!! Can't wait to join the party and shop!!!
Jan 06Reply
evadivacutie Congrats on ur hosting please take a look at my closet if u can😁🎉
Jan 06Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Jan 07Reply
celestegeorge Hope you are having fun working on your party HP. I wanted to make sure your closet got shared since you do not have mens items to share into your party. Have fun! Happy New Year!!! 😊😉 Celeste
Jan 07Reply
kim_b22 Hi! 💞 Congratulations on hosting!!! 🎊🍾 If you're still looking for Host Picks, I've moved theme appropriate items to the top of my closet. 👗🎉👢💐👚
Jan 07Reply
cdedeluk1013 @jlvarana @cdedeluk1013 hi congrats on hosting. 🎉 If you have a free moment I'd love for you to check out my closet for a host pick. Thanks so much and happy poshing😘💕🙂
Jan 07Reply
hidethebags Congratulations on -----Your Second Party of the Night Now!!!!!! Wow, Girl!!!! You, GO ! That is incredible. Again, Congrats!!!
Jan 07Reply
gat8or Congrats on the party... countdown for an amazing time!!! If you need ideas for a host pick my closet has some great bags ranging in price. Have fun and can't wait to see what's chosen to shop from! 🎉❤️️🎉
Jan 07Reply
closetcarrieb ❤ your closet! Looking forward to future lists and shares! Happy Poshing😊
Jan 08Reply
cdedeluk1013 @jlvarana hi congrats on hosting.🎉 If you have a free moment I'd love for you to check out my closet for a host pick. Thanks so much💕😊💜👛
Jan 08Reply
gat8or Congrats on co-hosting a Posh Party!! 🎉💃🎉💃 Will definitely be there to shop and share! Most importantly... I hope you have a blast choosing all your Host Picks!! If HP suggestions are needed, please browse my closet along with a few of my fellow friends…@thegirlingrey @binkbug123 @dazzlingduds @shaynola @msupergn @deb579 @pritandproper @lolomichelleb @faboulousgirls @glamvault @veta08 @iheartit66 @51twenty @sonpaises @winnywinnwinn @rjtrent87 @lisakaylen @ashjesh @rhondacrain
Jan 12Reply
onepinkunicorn Congratulations on co-hosting! 🎉🎊
Jan 12Reply
razzledaz410 @jlvarana Congrats on hosting tomorrow! I'd love for you to check out my closet at @razzledaz410 and my PFF @blumoose for some amazing men's items for possible host picks. Best wishes for an outstanding party and sales! 🦋🦋🦋
Jan 12Reply
smits10 Hey sorry to bug ya. Wondering how I go about getting clothing in the host pick section. Is there something I need to do ? Sorry. Kinda new to this not sure how that process works. Thank you so much Brian
Jan 13Reply
jlvarana @smits10 Hi Brian! Posh Parties are hosted by different people every day so it's difficult to pass along tips that would guarantee your item will be shared to the host pick showroom. I would suggest making sure your closet is compliant (many hosts wont share items if you have other unsupported listings), and have good cover shots! Also, many Poshers will reach out to hosts via their listings to say congrats on their party to ask if they would consider a HP from their closet :) Hope this helps
Jan 13Reply
smits10 Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
Jan 13Reply
mariesgoods1219 Congratulations on hosting tonight have fun
Jan 13Reply
gat8or Congrats on co-hosting a Posh Party!! 🎉💃🎉💃🎉💃 Will definitely be there to shop and share! 🌷🌹🌻💐 Most importantly... I hope you have a blast choosing all your Host Picks!! If HP suggestions are needed, please browse my closet along with a few of my fellow friends… @ashjesh @sassyconnection @momtobrielle @memyselfi94 @resaleresort @certemt123 @lalab05 @jennilachica @creitzel @jen_is_lost @deb579 @shaynola @toripetry @theanalyssa @warrior04
Jan 13Reply
artsie_1 Hi, Jessica. I'm carol. Congrats on the party. I hosted my first on just before Christmas. It's so fun! If you haven't picked all your HP's yet, please take a look in my closet. I have some great pcs, many boutique. Enjoy.😊
Jan 13Reply
hidethebags Wow I just realized you look a little like Ivanka. And everybody knows she is beautiful. For real. Not kissing up. lol. But anyhow -/-/💜🌿🌾Congrats on 🌴Hosting🌴💙Winter Wardrobe Party💙 tonight at 10!! I Hope you have a lot of fun choosing new 👗👠 HP's. May you also close out the the night and start the early morning hours with many more new followers and have a record night for sales! Wishing you continued success ⭐️and happiness always🌻. Deb579💜👑🐝
Jan 13Reply
quality_outfits Please check out my closet 👍🏾👍🏾
Jan 14Reply
cashmoni You are so beautiful!!! Congratulations on hosting!!!🦋🍾 🎊 @jlvarana
Jan 14Reply
gat8or Congrats on co-hosting a Posh Party!! Will definitely be there to shop and share! Most importantly... I hope you have a blast choosing all your Host Picks.If HP suggestions are needed, please browse my closet along with a few of my fellow friends @blisfulnsanity @peach789 @blumoose @kmshirley @kewpiedoll @ban0408 @jeri71 @ashjesh @creitzel @mtnhiker @dyfcloset @foxychica21 @shelbymarie22 @gentscorner @lhaag721 @ban0408 @blumoose @shopmfc @sybilr @jaim77
Jan 14Reply
slagrone88 You seem so fun on your bio! Congrats on hosting and and I love your closet, love a fellow cat mom 😺
Jan 14Reply
hidethebags 💜🌷Jessics⭐️💐Congratulations on 🌴Hosting🌴 Best in Bags today at 3. Surely you have lots of Sales "in the Bag" tonight as well as a long list of New Followers 🐬🐠🐤yHope you have fun picking new HP's. Wishing you continued success and 💐Happiness Always! Deb579💜👑🐝
Jan 14Reply
artsie_1 Hi, Jessica. I'm carol. Congrats on your party. I hosted my first one in Dec. if you have not made all your HP's, please look into my closet. I have some amazing plus sizes!
Jan 15Reply
lasamplecloset @jlvarana Hi Jessica - Congrats on being a Party Host tonight. I'm one of your followers & have shared many items in your closet several times. I even have a couple f items noted in my "likes" section but have noticed that many have recently sold....good for you. I wanted to request that (if you have time) you may consider something in my closet for a Host Pick. I always appreciate the support & also make it my mantra to "pay the LOVE forward" - Thanks so much & Happy 2017!!! Kim
Jan 15Reply
jewelsie Hi doll I've always adored your layout. I saw you are hosting this evening, if you have a open slot can you see in my closet for a selection. Much happiness thank you! ☺🕊
Jan 15Reply
hidethebags @jlvarana , aka Ivanka, lol. 🌠it took some P.I.👀work to figure out who selected my MK wristlet as a 🌴HP🌴 last night, but when I figured out who it was🌷I was flattered & honored that it was by You💙-Thank you so very much! I enjoy walking through your closet almost daily and am learning a lot from you as a Baby Posh. Your closet obviously ROCKS. I Hope you had a great night and a great weekend. I did. Tx agn! 💜👑🐝 ( dup to my mall)
Jan 15Reply
lasamplecloset @jlvarana Hi Jessica.......thank you so much for sharing one of my listings last night during your party. I sincerely appreciate the HOST PICK and will continue to share your closet as much as possible. I wish you all the best!!!
Jan 15Reply
crismicka 🎉🎉Congratulations on hosting tomorrow's party! I'd be humbled if you took a moment to check out my closet and consider one of my pieces as a HP. Thanks so much 💕💕💕. Quick sales to you! Happy Poshing! 🛍🛍🛍🛍
Jan 19Reply
lookin_fabulous LOVE your pics and congrats on hosting?? Was wondering if you would possibly consider my Las Vegas bag?
Jan 19Reply
hidethebags 👗👠 Hey, Beautiful ! What is going ON !!??🎈️Congrats ONCE AGAIN 👏 on your 3pm est 🌴️HOST PICK PARTY/ 🔻JESSICA's GEMS N MORE🌴. Lol. 🌺 "its 🇺🇸🇺🇸GOING TO BR GREAT AGAIN🇺🇸🇺🇸 woot woot! I had a blast at your last party as you already know. I look forward to seeing MORE FANTASTIC PICS FROM YOU! and seeing your own goods in there as well. Have Fun! 💜👑🐝
Jan 20Reply
hidethebags 🎊🎉🔻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸-"LET'S MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, PEOPLE🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🔻🎉🎉-🌴️HOST PICK PARTY🌴 3 pm est. 🇺🇸🇺🇸SHARE THE LUV🇺🇸🇺🇸🔻🔻🎊💐. 💜BRING YOUR 💜BEST IN JEWELRY & ACCESSORIES! Woo hoo hoo !!! ( inspired while msgnng Jess. Lol )
Jan 20Reply
hidethebags 🌴😘🌴 🌴👑🌴 🌴🏆🌴- this is my opinion when you're hosting. I didn't have the chance to look. So I was just super happy! When I saw it was you tonight, Girl! The emoticons took longer than my normal well wishes. For real. Keep it goin! HAPPINESS. SELL IT 💜👑🐝
Jan 21Reply
edgestyle Love the pic of you and your guy. So sweet.
Jan 21Reply
hidethebags 🌴Chica!!! have an awesome successful party tonight! I really need to get on the ball and LIST🌺🌴. I have a bag of goodies. Yay. Lol. Have a great week doll😘. 💜👑🐝
Jan 24Reply
hidethebags I'm sorry I thought you were doing one nw. I missed it! I will reshare then. Lol :)
Jan 24Reply
lucillebernard Love your closet!
Jan 24Reply
antiqueorunique @jlvarana Have fun at your party! My closet is all jewelry, so I'll be there!
Jan 26Reply
alexandmaui Hi Jessica!!! Congratulations on co-hosting a Posh Party. If you still have a room for Host Picks, kindly consider my closet. I will be there celebrating with you. Thanks!!! Frances💋
Jan 26Reply
ellezee17 Congrats on hosting the party tomorrow!😄I would be thrilled if you can please check out my closet for some potential host picks - I have quite a few items that would fit perfectly in with your party's theme💕 Thank you and have fun hosting!
Jan 27Reply
hidethebags 💝Hey, Jessica💝have a great time 🌴Hostin🌴 MENS at 7 EST. and have a great weekend before I forget. Phew! What a week!! -- I think I have a pretty 🔝🔻💖CLEVER💖🔝MENS ITEM 🌴❌🌴 tonight. But let us see what YOU think. I think a bit outside of the box sometimes. I won't quit my day job. Lol.see Ya sista 😘😘😘💜👑🐝
Jan 27Reply
hidethebags ". 💖VALENTINES DAY💜. "
Jan 27Reply
cdedeluk1013 @jlvarana @cdedeluk1013 hi congrats on hosting🎉 If you have a free moment i would love for you to check out my closet for a host pick. Thanks so much and happy poshing😊💕😘
Jan 28Reply
ohiocloset @jlvarana hi! Congratulations for your host party!! Could you check my bags? I have beautiful and in a very good price and I don't have any host pick on bags yet 😭😢
Jan 28Reply
yankthehanger 🎀Hi Jessica!! 🎀 Congrats on your Best in Bags Party Today!! I'm about to head over in a few, but wondered if you might have JUST ONE spot for a Host Pick left ... I've only got a few purse listings (that are quite cute), and PUT THEM ALL ON TOP for your easy viewing. 😬 Might you consider me for my VERY FIRST Host Pick???! I appreciate your time. ❤ Until your next party's, dream big, have fun, and party til your purse pops!! Posh Love, SoozyQ333 🍷💥🍷
Jan 28Reply
randinyc I have some great weekend wardrobe items. Please consider my closet for host picks! @randinyc I'll share some of your items with my followers too! ❤❤⭐️⭐️
Jan 29Reply
mariem80 HI there, congrats on the party. I have been selected to host a party in April and I was wondering when you started advertising for your party. Is it too early for me to create a listing about my party? I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you.
Jan 29Reply
baebox Thank you for the host pick from Friday's Men's Style Party! I really appreciate it! My closet is compliant and I hope other items can be considered for future host picks.
Jan 31Reply
antonetteo Hi Jessica! 🎊 Congrats on hosting and have fun! ♥️ your closet!! 😄
Feb 03Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. I have some gorgeous wool scarfs for winter and authentic 18k jewelry ❤️
Feb 03Reply
dbklyn Hi, Congrats on your party! 🎉 Please check out my PC closet 👠👜👗, would love to be considered for a HP 😊. Either way, will be there to share ☀️ Thx n Happy Poshing!
Feb 03Reply
405dec 💕 Congratulations on being selected to host a party! I'm looking forward to it and wish you the best.  I hope you have a wonderful time! XO...  Here are some of my PFFs with great closets to watch for possible host picks. @penelopejean @amw1975 @food4thesoul @pbuzzalino @warrior04 @houseofposh @buell08 @mommab33
Feb 03Reply
kellyschweim Hi! Please consider the rings in my closet for a possible host pick. 😁
Feb 03Reply
sweetrebelfashn Nice to meet you! See you at the 3:00 posh party! 😁💖😊
Feb 03Reply
tltaylo5 Wishing you success and lots of sales during your party tomorrow. Please take a moment to stop by my closet for a potential HP or two. Thanks!
Feb 03Reply
aniabrands Congrats 🎉💕😊👍💃
Feb 03Reply
jlvarana @amg246 can't wait!!
Feb 03Reply
mrsmadariaga So nice to meet you here. Have fun hosting tomorrow afternoon 😘
Feb 03Reply
randeescloset Hello Jessica --- congrats on hosting 😎 Please consider my closet for a HP ❤💜❤ Thank you, Randee 🌻🌻🌻
Feb 03Reply
idealsoul Please check my closet for possible host pick! congrats on co-hosting; )
Feb 03Reply
belovedsparrow @gat8or Many Thanks PFF 🌸🌸🌸LA
Feb 03Reply
belovedsparrow @jlvarana Dear Jessica, your parties have always been beautifully fun 🤗 I saw in comments above you'll b hosting a Plus Size party? Excited to share these HP nominees (w/2 stars) who've never had a HP, many new to PM: ⭐️⭐️@kimlee33 ⭐️⭐️@kosby ⭐️⭐️couturemix ⭐️⭐️lilianbarillas ⭐️⭐️dayceejay
Feb 03Reply
belovedsparrow @jlvarana Jessica, also eager to 🌻 Ask HP consideration for 1 star 🆒 closets=have had HPs, yet worthy of more! 🌟@ktroad4 🌟@missyjo111 🌟@geliah 🌟@meenaslove 🌟@myredshoelace 🌟@africansisters 🌟🌟wifey86 ( no HPs) Thank you for your hard work to make this party gr8 🤗💕 LA
Feb 03Reply
mercermarket 🎉 congrats on hosting! Me and my posh compliant closet will be partying it up with you :-)💃🏼😉
Feb 03Reply
milandpat @jlvarana AWESOME TO MEET YOU❤️❤️❤️❤️ Congrats on Hosting Again?
Feb 03Reply
malfoy07 Hi! Coffee is life! Check out my closet :) have some new items
Feb 03Reply
mickeymcfierce I love your kitties, such cuties!
Feb 03Reply
sg1771 🎉💫🎊Congrats to you Jessica on hosting a posh party!! 🎉💫🎊 So exciting and I am looking forward to it! Ty Stephanie @gat8or for the tag! Please check out her exceptional closet along with these fabulous closets for potential host picks ✨@piccadilly_posh ✨@craftcraze ✨@bwhite2014 ✨ @jmjla7@beautifullife9@style_central@meenaslove ✨@certemt123 ✨ @mcjayne ✨@lisa1203 and newer closets include.... ✨@lexiandrews2 ✨@1pandak ✨ See you at the party, Shari😊🌺🦋❣
Feb 03Reply
hidethebags Hey Jess. How is it going miss 💖🌴host🌴💖. I've been busy driving arnd the state rummaging trying to stock some more interesting items -grabbing 1or2 of a fave item here n there trying to accumulate a lik stash. Wow I am so ocd. Lol. I hope all is well with you. Have a fantastic weekend!! 💜👑🐝.
Feb 03Reply
americangirl66 👑 🌕🌕🌕🌕ᑕoᑎgᖇᗩtᔕ!!!!!! 🌕🌕👀🌕🌕ᗯoo ᕼoo!! 💧👄💧ᑭᗩᖇty tiᗰe!!! ⏳ ᔕo ᕼᗩᑭᑭy 4 ᑌ!!!!!! 🔑🔴🔴📎 👋 🎀 👇yoᑌᖇ 👸🏼 4 tᕼe 🔴 ᑎigᕼt!!!!! 🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴 ᒪet'ᔕ ᑭᗩᖇty‼️‼️‼️ 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴
Feb 03Reply
keepcalmnposhon Welcome to Poshmark! I'm in San Jose, so prob not far from you at all :). I've only been properly Poshing since October & really enjoying the community spirit here! Hopefully we can get to meet at a local Poshfest event soon!? Good luck & happy poshing! <3 Debbie
Feb 03Reply
trendinggreen Hi there! Congrats on hosting tomorrow! Would love if you could check out my closet for any potential HP's!! I currently have 2 really cute Furla and Cole Haan purses for sale 😊💛
Feb 03Reply
fearlessfern your closet is absolutely amazing and congrats on your first party !!!! ill be sharing some great items if you would be interested in picking one as a host picked i would be so thrilled :) <3
Feb 04Reply
theticsoddshop It's party time!! Wishing you speedy sales on your ADORABLE closet! <3 <3 <3
Feb 04Reply
nikki_nicole79 Congratulations on hosting! I hope you have blast!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊
Feb 04Reply
mcw214 Congratulations on hosting tonight's party!! 🎉 Please check out my closet for possible host picks 💕 Thank you!!
Feb 04Reply
eforris Congrats on hosting! ❤️🐶❤️🐶
Feb 04Reply
freeestyle @jlvarana please take a look at my closet for a possible HOST PICK❣😍🍒Thank you 😊
Feb 04Reply
dierks24 Loving the party host picks ✨
Feb 04Reply
Feb 04Reply
dsf58 Congratulations on being chosen as a Host! I've been sharing to this terrific party!
Feb 04Reply
wss544 Hi! Congrats on your co-hosting! 💗Please check out my closet for any last minute Host Pick choices! Just uploaded some really cute pieces today :) Thank you!!!
Feb 04Reply
graydaymarket Super cute closet. I'll be sure to share often :)
Feb 04Reply
Feb 04Reply
darlajd @jlvarana congratulations on hosting!!! Please check out my closet! I just listed a nice amount of bags! (They're all listed at the very top). @darlajd
Feb 04Reply
kimsklothes Congrats on your party!!! I'm sure it'll be fantastic! If you have time & are still looking I would love for you to stop by closet & have a look around for a possible Hostpick!!! Have a great one!🎉🎉🍀🎉🍀🎉🍀🎉🍀🎊
Feb 04Reply
Feb 04Reply
arsbars Hi there! I noticed you only have 6 bags in your host-picks showroom...? Is this a glitch? If not, PLEASE take a look at a few of my bags! I can tag u if you like?
Feb 04Reply
arsbars ♻️"In a world of fast fashion consumption, POSHERS are recycling renegades!"☁️♻️🌈♻️☁️ CONGRATS ON YOUR SUCCESS❣PLEASE CONSIDER MY CLOSET🙏🏼 I'VE WORKED SO HARD & AFTER A FEW TRIALS, I'M FINALLY A SUGGESTED USER! THANKS FOR YOUR TIME & PASSION FOR FASHION❣👯😘 *PLEASE consider my PFF's closets: @beagleluv @authenticlabels @treefrogjewel @monisia56 @ lilshopaholicc @laurieh1120 @hillaryshouston @jessidawn @chunlily @sparrowsage @penny2727 @vintageyeye @sunshinewanderer @n2starbucks @jenrenz
Feb 04Reply
justineleigh Congrats on hosting! I'm not sure if you asked someone to share your items during the party so I went ahead and did it
Feb 04Reply
lotus0104 Yaaaayyyy!!! Congratulations 😊💝👏😬💞😍
Feb 04Reply
bvmarket Hi Jessica, are you ready for the party? It's a lot of fun to shop and share. I'm posting some great New plus size items that I feel would make a great host pick. I'd appreciate you checking out my closet @bvmarket. Thanks
Feb 04Reply
shawndelaney Hi there! If you have any HPs left I hope you'll consider mysel @shawndelaney, @halkai or @kjkeil :). Thanks and happy poshing!
Feb 05Reply
artsie_1 Hi. I just hosted my first party before Christmas. Lots of fun! If you haven't picked all your HP's, please a look at my closet. Well.....check it out anyway. Lots of luck to you!😊
Feb 05Reply
crismicka Congratulations on your party! I'd love it if you'd take a look through my closet. I have many beautiful plus size items. Possibly consider one for a host pick?🌹🌹🌹
Feb 05Reply
dbklyn Hi, Congrats on your party! 🎉 Please check out my PC closet 👠👜👗, would love to be considered for a HP 😊. Either way, will be there to share ☀️ Thx n Happy Poshing!
Feb 05Reply
cglip99 CONGRATS!! So exciting to be host pick for party!! Can’t wait to celebrate with you :) :) :)
Feb 05Reply
alohaalex Looking forward to the party!!❤️
Feb 05Reply
missbell38 Hi congratulations on hosting a posh party🎉🎉🎉 I know hosting is alot of hard work. If you get a chance, check out my closet for a possible host pic 😘😘
Feb 05Reply
Feb 05Reply
yaskween That photo of you with your posh packages is SO stinkin cute! 😍
Feb 05Reply
maylenechan 🤗🤗🤗hi! please check my closet on your free time. Thank you very much 🤗🤗🤗
Feb 05Reply
closetclearout2 Hi there! Congratulations on hosting the party tomorrow 🎉 Feel free to check out my closet for a potential Host Pick! Congrats again 😃
Feb 09Reply
tcstreasures Hi..congrats on being a host for a Men's style party. If you are still in need of Host Picks, please check out my closet. I have several men's items that might make a good choice for the party. Thanks for your time, and by the way your closet looks GREAT!! :-)
Feb 10Reply
awuraposh Congrats. Ck out my closet please
Feb 10Reply
ashmicpear I love the photos in your closet!
Feb 10Reply
jhbposh Happy hosting! Pls check my closet for luxury brand picks!🎉👛🤗
Feb 10Reply
tcstreasures WOW, lucky lady hosting TWO parties on the SAME day. If you are still in need of host picks for your "Dress to Impress" party, please feel free to check out my closet. Thank you. :-)
Feb 10Reply
luv2inspire I just love browsing your closet!! So clean and bright!!! Looking forward to seeing all the lovely items in tonight's party!!!! 🎉🎊🎉❤
Feb 11Reply
emmagwicks Yay so exciting! Can't wait to party the night away... party begins NOW! I would love it if you considered one of my items to be a host pick. I would be so honored 💛😍👑😘 but party like a queen tonight miss!
Feb 11Reply
_delicate_thorn Hey 💗 I'm a Bay Area transplant too. I'm new on Posh so not sure how parties and get together a work but please keep me in mind if you do any local meets. I'd love to expand my network 💕
Feb 11Reply
artsie_1 Hi, Jessica. Congrats on your party and good luck. I hope you will take a look at my closet.
Feb 11Reply
reneemichelle75 Hi! 🎉 Congratulations!! Looking forward to shopping and sharing at your Party!! May God bless you ❤️!!
Feb 12Reply
katiemayi Hello fellow Bay Area posher! I'm happy to have found your closet and am looking forward to shopping and sharing during your party tomorrow! If you still need some comfy, cozy and chic host picks, please check out the women items in my closet. I think many fit that description. 😃
Feb 12Reply
sweet_pineapple what is your best advice for quick sales and how do you become a posh party host? Thank you! And all of your pictures are beautiful!
Feb 12Reply
upintheattic Love your closet ❤️so nice and welcoming. 😍😍
Feb 12Reply
havesomeflair @jlvarana Hope all is great. Was hoping you can consider my closet for a host pick @havesomeflair & @matana. I haven't had one yet. Thanks so much 😊😊😊
Feb 12Reply
lunaphemera You have a beautiful closet!
Feb 12Reply
dragonflydivas Hi Jessica I'm looking forward to the party you are hosting tomorrow evening! If you are able to stop by my closet & find something you feel would make a good host pick I would be honored!! Happy Sunday ❣
Feb 12Reply
swoonstyle Hi there ! New to Poshmark and see you are hosting tomorrow's men's party . Would love if you could check out my closet . I only sell high end new men's clothing. I hope this is the proper way to contact you.
Feb 13Reply
shelbywears Hi there! Have fun hosting your party today! I'm a new posher and I would be honored if you considered some of my stuff as a HP. I have a hat, scarf, and some shoes that are great for winter! Thanks and looking forward to the party!
Feb 13Reply
swoonstyle Hi excited to join the men's posh party today !!! I only sell Men's high fashion ! Can't wait
Feb 13Reply
Feb 14Reply
jw2738 Congrats on hosting! Please consider my closet for a host pick! It would be my first! :)
Feb 14Reply
ellezee17 Congrats on hosting the party tomorrow! 😄Cannot wait to attend🍸! I would really appreciate it if you can take a moment and look through my closet for a potential host pick? 👗I have quite a few pieces that would fit perfectly in with the party's theme! 😉Thank you☺️ Have fun hosting!
Feb 17Reply
ell77 Hi Jessica, so nice to meet you! If you have a moment I would greatly appreciate if you stop by and look through my closet for a possible HP, I believe I have a few really cute listings perfect for your jewelry party! Thanks in advance and good luck 🌞🌸❤😍🌺💕
Feb 17Reply
hidethebags 💜OMG how have you been!???? !!! lol hope all is well? 💜👑🐝
Feb 18Reply
lostandfoundla Congrats on hosting the style trend party tonight!!! Please take a lil look in my closet for any possible host picks!! Have a fab time hosting & happy Poshing!!
Feb 18Reply
kingamnich Dear Jessica, congratulations on hosting tonight 🎊🎉🍾 it is so important for the Poshmark community and I really hope that you enjoy it. Would be great if you could take a look at my closet.
Feb 18Reply
discount_aero Congrats on the Co-Hosting! If you're not too busy, do you mind taking a peek at my closet for any possible host picks? That would mean a lot to me! Happy Poshing!
Feb 18Reply
trishtam Congratulations on your party. I know you must be really excited about hosting and I will be celebrating with you by sharing your host picks. Please check out my posh compliant closet as I have many items that fits the theme. I appreciate your time and thank you in advance.💕💕
Feb 24Reply
jewelryilove2 Hi, I just wanted to know if you could just check out my closet before the jewelry party tomorrow? All I have is jewelry. , from a Tiffany&CO ring with a 4.5 CT stone to a hand carved 14K GOLD hand carved...WONDER WOMAN....ring I thank you very much, Lois
Feb 24Reply
belladesigns777 @jlvarana Congratulations 😊✨what an awesome accomplishment!
Feb 24Reply
notoriousang Congrats on hosting the Men's party today!! If I'm not too late my closet is posh compliant been a Poshee since 2013. I have great men's pieces please check me out and consider me for a host pick 🤗🎉😍 thanks. You have a great looking closet
Feb 24Reply
clemsonrunner Congratulations on your Best in Bags party. Please consider adding my Fossil Black Messenger to you Posh Picks. This is my 3rd week and I am loving Poshmark! :)
Feb 24Reply
tiso Looks like we need host picks for current party. Please check out my closet for some great items. Thank you 💕
Feb 24Reply
hidethebags 💖🌴💕🌴💕Hey Jess! Have fun tonight 🌴Hosting🌴 the MENS PARTY 7 PM EST. TGIF AND HOPE YOU SEE SOME KILLER SALES!! (.."...I'm sure glad I don't sell the same stuff as that Jessica chic."...👑👑😜LOL). Have a great night. MY best item for a man may be the SHERPA Backpack TTYS GIRL. love your cats. I have 3 lols 💜👑🐝
Feb 25Reply
tmason206 Welcome to poshmark, you lok as if you got it all together. One day, I wanna be a seller. I'm just a buyer. It seems like a lot of fun....I enjoy it.a lot
Feb 25Reply
tayloradams14 Congrats on hosting!! How exciting cant wait to party with you! If you still need Host Picks check out my closet if you get the chance! I will definitely be there shopping and sharing!! <333
Feb 25Reply
funkypineapple @jvarana..HELLO! So sorry this is such a late request but we were hoping you might have a moment to look at our closet. We have many Plus Size outfits, sweaters, shirts..etc….love it if you could swing by and visit. Thanks so much, Mandy & Susie
Feb 25Reply
lexilouboutique Seriously obsessed with your closet! Love the way you've styled everything! You go!
Feb 26Reply
deathbedjewels Congrats on hosting!! Love your closet 💖 Your photos are major inspo 😉
Feb 26Reply
discount_aero Congrats on the Co-Hosting! If you're not too busy, do you mind taking a peek at my closet for any possible host picks? That would mean a lot to me! Happy Poshing!
Feb 26Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. I have some beautiful 18k gold jeweler (solid not plated). Thanks ❤
Mar 03Reply
frostingjewelry @jlvarana Jessica, we are loving your closet!💗 Very nice photos & style! Nice e-meeting you! Gretchen & Brooke ➰ Frosting Fashion & Jewelry, & One Small Blonde Fashion Blog.
Mar 03Reply
echokilofoxtrot 🎉 congratulations on hosting todays upcoming party 🎉 I'm inviting you to come check out my closet for a host pick! I have Miss me, Coach, Michael Kors along with other amazing brands like 🎀 Kate Spade, Prada, and Gucci! 🎀 I've been on posh for a year now and I'm excited to be considered for my FIRST Host Pick! 🎊😘😊😚🎊
Mar 03Reply
mrssarahbeth Hey there! New to Posh and would love to be considered for a possible HP for tonight's party 💕 Congrats on hosting and have fun!
Mar 04Reply
rjrkbythebay Good luck on your party tonight! My name is Rachel and we have two things in common: coffee addiction and animal lovers LOL! I just recently started with Poshmark and I am loving it! I would love for you to check out my closet :-)
Mar 04Reply
echokilofoxtrot 🎉 Congratulations on hosting tonights upcoming party🎉 I'm inviting you to come check out my closet and while you're there I would absolutely love to be considered for a 🎉Host Pick🎉 -Elle 🤗
Mar 04Reply
cocosverobeach Hi there! My name is Ronda and i have been following you for quite some time now. I havent had the opportunity to spend any tkme most recently on Posh and I was hoping you would honor me with a Host Pick this evening. You have no idea just how grateful I would be. @designerguru2
Mar 05Reply
mrssarahbeth Hey there! Would love if you were able to take a moment and peek around my closet for a possible HP for tonights party <3 Congrats on hosting and have fun!
Mar 05Reply
belladesigns777 @jlvarana Congratulations, that's a great accomplishment 😊
Mar 05Reply
degotto Fabulous Closet!!
Mar 05Reply
simone_mcbrid Next time you are hosting Plus.Please consider my closet.It is very original fashion forward,and stylish.Some closets are considered in one part more than 2x's.Its not fair ,I do try to get the visuals most times without stick photos, To give a more introspective of fashion styling.Maybe I am wrong but,I have some sense of style on my own,without always relying on Ready made shots.Please consider my and others.Thank you🌿🌸
Mar 05Reply
plaidstiletto ☘️☘️☘️☘️Congratulations on your Party tomorrow and have a great St Patty's Day ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️
Mar 17Reply
ewrpmom @jlvarana Hi Jessica & congratulations on your Host Pick!!! 🦋☘️🎉 Please consider my closet for the Fashion Favs party?! I put a lot of effort in choosing the items I sell!!! 🌹🌺🎀 TY so much!!! 😜
Mar 17Reply
ewrpmom @jlvarana Hi Jessica! I meant hosting the party!!! 🎈🌸💕 I can't survive without coffee,☕️ 💜
Mar 17Reply
Mar 17Reply
justmom6 Congrats on hosting the men's party. Would love to have a pile of boxes to take to the post one day like your picture😊 Just like there are plus size women there are big and tall men...I have a few big n tall men's ties in my closet if you have a moment to look...thanks
Mar 17Reply
thriftyone67 Your closet is beautiful. I love your photos and presentation. 😀
Mar 17Reply
ewrpmom @jlvarana Hi Jessica & congratulations on co-hosting the everything plus size party tomorrow!!! 🌹🌺🎉 Half of my closet is plus size & I ask you consider my items in your choice?? I take pride in selecting trendy, stylish clothes!!! 🦋💙☘️ I will be joining you probably with a cup of coffee! ☕️
Mar 17Reply
marinisells Woohoo! Congrats on hosting! Please feel free to check out my closet for fan vacation wear! Hoping to be featured as a host pick! 💕⭐️🌈
Mar 17Reply
mcw214 Congratulations hosting tonight's party 🎉 Please check out my closet for possible host picks 💕 Thank you
Mar 18Reply
lisac53 Jessica, Hi, I see that you are hosting a party today, not sure how all this works yet, but I would love to be a host pick, feel free to check my closet, I am new, but my closet is posh compliant, thank you😊
Mar 18Reply
stephanielinn11 Great closet!!!!! 💖💖💖 I love your style!
Mar 19Reply
flourishstyling Let me know if you see any HPs in my closet! ❤🌸🌺 Congratulations! Such a fun theme! Hope you have lots of sales & new followers!
Mar 19Reply
starbabyonline Congratulations on co-hosting a jewelry party! One of my biggest obsessions, so I will be there for sure! If you haven't picked out all of your HP's yet, I have a lot of jewelry listed to choose from. I'd be honored to be included.
Mar 23Reply
lala1024 Hey hun. I love your closet!!! Congrats on the host pic. Posh on! 🎉
Mar 24Reply
33_sales Hi!! I have some GREAT NWT men's items in my closet if you could take a look and consider 1 for a host pick! I've never had a HP before! Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Nautica, & More! Thank you and good luck!! 🤞🤗💕
Mar 24Reply
smolysr Congrats on hosting today :) please feel free to check out my closet for any potential host picks! I've been working super hard on my closet and would love to get it more out there! Thanks so much!!! Xoxo
Mar 24Reply
dorajones4 Hello....looking forward to your posh party tomm...thank you for your invitation
Mar 24Reply
lucky0718 @mickeysmove thank u so much for the tag 💗🎉😘
Mar 25Reply
ewrpmom @jlvarana Hi Jessica & congratulations on co-hosting the party on 03/25!!🌹 I invite you to visit my closet as I feature many plus sizes for the gorgeous, curvy woman!!!🦋💙🌈 TY😀
Mar 25Reply
trendytabs Hiiiii! Congrats on hosting tonight! I can't wait to shop and party with you and the other hosts!! If you get a chance and have any HPs left, I would love it if you would just take a quick peek at my closet. :) I constantly add new items every day and I'm Posh compliant. I'll see you at the party! :) Happy poshing.
Mar 25Reply
swarhol Have fun hosting the Girl's Night Out Party tomorrow! I have some cool boots lined up to share! Have a fun Saturday!
Mar 25Reply
kuriouskitty13 @lucky0718 Thank you for the tag! ✌❤😻
Mar 25Reply
kuriouskitty13 ✌❤😻@jlvarana Hope you had a great party last night! ✌❤😻
Mar 25Reply
maidmarian We've met but formal welcome! Marian 🌹
Mar 25Reply
born_againbtq Beautiful closet and look at the amount of followers you have!! Amazing!! Good luck on your party, I just received an email telling me I'm going to get a chance myself so I was just looking through the closets of other hosts. I hope you have fun!!💕💕💕
Mar 25Reply
kalsterr Love your closet! 😍
Mar 25Reply
lauras_boutique Welcome to Posh😘❤
Mar 25Reply
bianchi05 @jlvarana congrats on hosting a Posh Party🎉so excited for you @lucky0718 thanks for tagging me💗✌️💋👏🏼 fabulous🍾💥🌈 A-W-E-S-O-M-E🎉🎉🎉🎉 party time🍾 here are some fabulous closets you should stop by @jamiem2419 @ssy3254 @jstylexo @isabelcorrea @bluechandelier @dezchic @mmnovak @sfischaz @marinadugina @projectlynay @delilahbenson @robinhr @lucky0718 @shopyael
Mar 25Reply
charleysstuff I would love to have a "host pic
Mar 25Reply
trendytabs Hi!! Congrats on co hosting the party tonight!! I bet you'll have a blast!! If you have any HPs left, I'd love it if you could look at my closet!! I have some great stuff up right now and I'm always uploading new stuff ❤❤
Mar 26Reply
mrssarahbeth Looking for any more HPs? Still new around here and would LOVE to be considered 💕 ps- I love your closet, it's beautiful!!
Mar 26Reply
hmsimon1 Hi Jessica. I have a problem...I have been receiving calls from friends that suddenly when you type in my closet @hmsimon1 you do not go to my closet only a picture of a couple kissing. How do I get my sight back.. if they type in using HTTPS// you can get to my closet.. I really need sales are off...
Mar 27Reply
jlvarana @hmsimon1 hey! I just went and looked at your Poshmark closet and am able to see all your listings! If you are seeing anything funky on your end, reach out to Poshmark support and they can help investigate!
Mar 27Reply
hmsimon1 @jlvarana I sent my @hmsimon1 to 750 some odd Facebook friends and they are reporting what I told you....I went to search for my site and got the same result if you type it in on the first page. My followers have no problem internally. I checked twice on another computer before I sent you the first comment. I have gone to the person who's picture comes up and asked for it the be removed with no result. Thanks
Mar 27Reply
hmsimon1 @jlvarana is there a phone # to call. Contacting support is useless....been doing that for days
Mar 27Reply
ewrpmom @jlvarana Hi Jessica & congratulations on co-hosting another party on April 1 for everything plus size!!!😜🎈🎉 I would like you to visit my closet as I focus on the gorgeous, curvy woman!!!💙🦋🌺 I search for trendy, stylish clothes to make a woman feel good about themselves!!!💜🎀💥 TY for your consideration!!!❤️🍒🎉
Mar 31Reply
jewelryilove2 Hi Jessica, you are having a party tomorrow for purses? ? I don't see any signs, anyway I want to say hi, and I just happen to have 2 funky bags you might want to check out. Thanks for your time, Lois ♡ ♡
Mar 31Reply
dorajones4 Looking forward to your posh party tomm....hoping to get a host pick
Apr 01Reply
artsie_1 Hi. Congrats on your party and lots of luck. I would like for you to take a look at my closet. I have some bags that I would love for you to consider for HP. Have fun!
Apr 01Reply
jhp511 Great Bag 💼 Party 🎉 this afternoon!!!!
Apr 01Reply
trendytabs Congrats on hosting tonight!! I would love it if you would check out my closet for possible host picks! ❤💐 please enjoy hating and I'll see you there! 🤗💃🏼
Apr 02Reply
ewrpmom @jlvarana Hi Jessica & congratulations on co-hosting the party on 04/08!🌹 I would like to invite you to visit my closet!🦋💙💥 I focus on the gorgeous, curvy woman who wants to feel good about themselves & look fabulous!!!😘 I seek out trendy, stylish clothes to accent the woman with flattering compliments!!!🎈🍒🌈 TY
Apr 07Reply
yocely11 Congrats on hosting! 🎉🎉 I'll be there to celebrate, share and like your closet and HPs with you. Please consider my 100% compliant closet @yocely11 for potential HPs. ┏━━━━━━┓ | ❌⭕❌⭕ | ┗━━━┳━━┛ /) /) ┃ @yocely11 (*)ノ
Apr 08Reply
capital_vault Congratulations on the party! I love bags. I would love to be considered for a host pick. Have many beautiful luxury bags including vintage Gucci and Mulberry in my closet. Thanks so much.
Apr 08Reply
cassie_sanders @jlvarana CONGRATULATIONS on hosting this Plus Size Party!! I looked through your closet and you are clearly a well deserving host! Your closet is beautiful! I shared a lot of your items to help spread the posh love! I've only been on Poshmark for a little over a month but I would love it if you could check out my posh compliant closet for any possible host picks! I have a lot of cute plus size items! Thank you and have a fun night!
Apr 08Reply
_back2basics_ I know the parties almost over but added a great skirt 😊
Apr 09Reply
plemgruber Hi! Yesterday I had hosted my 1st party! I tried to chose one item of each PM friend that wrote me! It was comforting to see how happy they got!!!!I was wondering if you could take a look in my closet? Maybe today I can be a Host Pick? ☺️ thank you and happy posting!!! ❤️🌷🌷🌷
Apr 09Reply
evelynbwong Jessica, 💁🏻✨🎀✨👍🏼 You were just who I was looking for. You are your hub make a really CUTE COUPLE! 💖 Glad that you like the pics. I may be posting a few more of the PHOTO BOOTH ones! 💜 It was AWESOME meeting you 2 nights ago! It was really relaxing, everyone met & chatted, the appetizers were yummy & filling, the give aways and raffle bag I won was WONDERFUL! - Evelyn [Eve] ✨🎀💜🎀✨🍃🍃🌻🍃🍃
Apr 09Reply
ally_marc Congratulations on hosting a party 🎉🎊🌺🍾💃🏿🎈wish you many sales 😍
Apr 14Reply
firefighterfem Congrats on hosting the best in bags party tomorrow!
Apr 14Reply
silvergemdeco Hello my name is Kelly . I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance .
Apr 15Reply
texter88 Hey sweetie I accidentally shared my sale listing to the party. Please please forgive. It wasn't intentional. 😔🙏🐣
Apr 15Reply
mrssarahbeth Congrats on hosting!! Would love if you took a peek in my closet for a potential HP 💕 Have fun tonight! PS- I love your closet, beautifully styled!
Apr 16Reply
wendyprouse @jlvarana I just ❤️ Posh parties 🎉 and want to congratulate you on hosting one ✨if you haven't selected all of your host picks, I ask that you please consider my Poshmark complaint closet. 🌹I will be there shopping 🎁sharing 🌈and supporting you during your Posh party 👠💞🎉 with my sweet friend
Apr 16Reply
ewrpmom @jlvarana Hi Jessica & congratulations on hosting your Posh party!!!💕🦋💙 I invite you to visit my closet as I focus on the curvy, gorgeous woman!!!🌺🎈💥 TY for your consideration!🌹
Apr 21Reply
jewelryilove2 Hi Jessica, I see you are having a purse party tomorrow. I will help you share your post, CONGRATULATIONS on your party!! If you have any interest in my closet, I have a couple of purses you might like, thanks, Lois 🐾🐾🐕😎🐞💞💕🕇🕇🕇
Apr 22Reply
avf920 What a beautiful closet that you have ! Congratulations on the posh party much posh love being sent your way ❤ I will be there cheering you on
Apr 22Reply
dmb14325 Congrats on hosting the Best in Bags party today! 🍾🥂 I hope you have a blast. Please check out my closet, I've recently listed some very unique fun bags! Thanks! 🌸🌺😉
Apr 22Reply
ewrpmom @jlvarana Hi Jessica & congratulations on hosting another party!🌹Please consider my closet!!!🦋💥💙 TY
Apr 28Reply
Apr 29Reply
cdedeluk1013 @jlvarana @cdedeluk1013 hi I love you closet! I would love for you to check out mine in hopes of a host pick. Thank you so much and happy poshing. 💕😊
Apr 29Reply
ihh Hi Jessica, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! for choosing my NWT Kate Spade New York Essex Scout Orange Bag as a HOT PICK!!! Wowwww How Exciting !! HIGHLY Appreciated
Apr 30Reply
lorac2015 Hi please chk out my closet for exciting, beautiful vtg bags...Coach and Dooney!!! Leo Wife, Leo mother, 7 grandkids,...working hard as a suggested user!!!
May 06Reply
artsie_1 Hi, Lisa. I'm Carol. I hope you have a blast hosting your first party. If you have time, please check out my closet. I have some nice bags. I wish you a successful day!
May 06Reply
love_danica Hi jessica! Just wanted to say hi! Im hosting the best in bags party with you tomorrow 😊💐
May 12Reply
jlvarana @poshinnista hey girl! so excited! I loveee best in bags parties!
May 12Reply
kathol7827 I have quite a few nwot as well as euc purses. I'm also a relatively new Posher. I'd be honored to be chosen as a Host Pick sometime.
May 12Reply
love_danica @jlvarana cant wait to see your picks! 💐
May 12Reply
lindseyt2882 @jlvarana - Congrats on being a 🎉Posh Party Host🎉!!! I have quite a few NWT & NWOT listings in my closet that would make perfect "Host Picks" 😉😉. I'll tag you in a few of them! 😎
May 13Reply
hylonsmgirl Hi Jessica. I've RSVP'd to a party your hosting tomorrow. I'm hoping you can give me a little advice on party etiquette. How many items from my own closet is it ok to share to the party? Any other helpful advice you can share is appreciated. Thanks! -Melanie (party newbie)
May 13Reply
ewrpmom @jlvarana Hi Jessica & congratulations on hosting the party 05/13!🌹 I invite you to visit my closet as I focus on the gorgeous plus size woman!😜🦋💥 TY for your consideration!💕💕
May 13Reply
jlvarana @hylonsmgirl hi! Can't wait to party today! As for shares, I'd suggest sharing all that you can! The party is two hours so feel free to share as much as you'd like throughout that time!
May 13Reply
klyon98 @jlvarana Hi there! Congrats in hosting today's party. Can't wait. I always have so much fun! 💐💕🎀😀🌺🌟🌹🌸👗👠
May 13Reply
shopwithtara Love the pics of your 🐱 🐱!
May 13Reply
angiemom03 Congrats on hosting!! Please check out my closet if you have time😊
May 14Reply
chellma2 Congrats on hosting this fabulous party💞🎉🎉🎉💃💃💃💃💃
May 14Reply
libraemporium Please check out my Awesome bags selection for the party ! It's highly curated. Thx 💜
May 19Reply
mydlen Hello,sweetie! Saw you were hosting a best in bags party for tomorrow and I was wondering if you could check my closet out for an HP if you haven't picked all of yours yet. Thank you so much! Will tag you in the listing.
May 19Reply
farleygal Hi there! In case you are still looking for HP's for your bag party tomorrow I have a couple of vintage Kate Spade, a gorgeous green leather Marc Natasha bag and some one-of-kinds you might consider! I'm just getting started so I would appreciate any help I can get. Thanks!❤️😊
May 19Reply
tannerlc60 Hi Jessica🤗
May 20Reply
thatfancylife You have a fabulous closet with beautiful pics! 💗🛍💗
May 21Reply
annas_style HI Jessica, Congratulations on hosting. Please do take a look at my closet and see if something peeks your interest that might be HP worthy. Thanks in advace and have fun.
May 21Reply
holy_chic08 Thank you for the HP! 🌸💐🌺
May 21Reply
shmataz @jlvarana Congratulations on your upcoming party! I know it will be filled with ❤️-stopping items! I have some pieces in my closet that I think would be 👌🏻PERFECT👌🏻 for your 🎊Simply Chic Party🎊 Let me know if you have any questions! ❌⭕️ @shmataz
Jun 02Reply
shop_protegee Cute closet 💕
Jun 03Reply
redbug17 Congratulations on being host in today's Best in Jewelry and Accessories Party!!
Jun 03Reply
elaineeverett Congrats on co-hosting a party!! Check out my closet for possible host picks! 😊❤
Jun 10Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected! Hope you check out my closet and find things you love (I do really good pricing for bundles). 👀my handmade jewelry✌🏻💎 Happy poshing 😀
Jun 10Reply
rachelb76 Congratulations on your party today! 🎊🎉🎈🎊🎊I'll be there to share/shop! I would be honored if you will check my closet for a possible HP!! Have a great time🎉🎈🎊❤🎉🎊❤🎈🎉❤🎊🎈🎉❤🎊🎉🎈
Jun 10Reply
lookin_fabulous Congrats on your hosting the Everything Plus Size party! I would be thrilled if you could please visit my closet and consider for a Host Pick!
Jun 17Reply
toptncat 🎉🎉Congratulations on your party, Jessica‼️🎉🎉 I'm a fairly new posher… Learning from all you veteran poshers📝 I want to be compliant, and a true PFF💕 I'll be inviting friends, watching , and cheering from the sidelines until I'm part of the game🎉💫❗️How Exciting‼️🎉💕🏆✨💥
Jun 18Reply
lauras_boutique 💐Hello I'm Laura it's lovely to meet you! I'm a Posh Mentor, so stop by my closet any time if you have questions! Please follow me and like my Follow Game at the top of my closet as it will also help you to increase your followers! I'm a kitty mom too! My hubby and I have 4 sweet furry babies! I love the pics of your babies!😘🐱Happy Poshing!😘❤️💋xoxo
Jun 23Reply
kit_kidm ✨🦄✨🥂✨🌟CoNgRAts on HoStINg bEst In ShOes!🌟✨🥂✨🦄✨💋Please consider my closet for 💜HP💜!! 🌈See You at the Party!🌈
Jun 23Reply
lookin_fabulous Congrats on hosting tomorrow's Everything Plus party! I can't wait to join you!! Would love it if you could please visit my closet and consider one of my items? Thanks!! See you tomorrow! 👠👗👖
Jun 23Reply
vickag24 @jlvarana Hi Jessica, Congrats on your party! I am always amazed how much work and Host must put into it! Just Wow!!! I am not sure if you are done with your HP choices, I would appreciate if you take a look at my closet. Thank you!
Jun 23Reply
lookin_fabulous Wow... look at you go!!! Hosting many parties!! Hoping you will consider my closet for each of your parties!! Thanks. Have fun tomorrow!! 👠👗👖
Jun 24Reply
pile_of_hangers Congrats on co-hosting, Jessica!! Please consider my closet for a potential Best in Shoes Posh Party Host pick. Have fun today!
Jun 24Reply
_poshperfect What a beautiful closet! Best of luck to you on your Posh Adventure!
Jun 24Reply
laurieleu Hi I'm at the shoe party( my first party) how do I add my shoe Size? Please help!
Jun 24Reply
toptncat 🎉🎉Congratulations on your party tonight, Jennifer‼️🎉🎉 I'm a fairly new posher… Learning from all you veteran poshers📝 I am Posh compliant, and a true PFF💕 If you have any spots left I would appreciate you taking a look at my closet. Thank you so much 🎉💫‼️🎉💕🏆✨💥
Jun 25Reply
mlb1006 Congratulations on hosting tonight! 🎉🎉🎉 Would love to be considered for a possible HP! 😊
Jun 25Reply
bellax5 @jlvarana 💙🎉💜🎉💚🎉CONGRATULATIONS ON HOSTING!!! 🎉💚🎉💜🎉💙. ❤️💕❣️LOVELY CLOSET❣️💕❤️. Please consider visiting my closet along with my PFF's @johnelem & @g_fashiondiary for their great closet collection of fashion and style, for possible HP's. Sharing & wishing you a speedy sale!!! HAPPY POSHING!!! 🌈ALOHA 🌸🌺🤙🏼
Jun 30Reply
roze_cottage I am new to Poshmark and am trying to get listings on for the Plus Party. I am not sure how this works. What time zone is the party?
Jul 01Reply
gb_threads Congrats on hosting a party!!!!! I love your closet🌸🌸🌸 I'm new to poshmark and would love to be considered for a host pick 💖💖💖
Jul 01Reply
mlb1006 Congratulations on today Party! Would love to be considered for a possible host pick today 🎀🎀🎀🎀♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Jul 01Reply
sandeestyle #closetcrush
Jul 02Reply
mrponcat Hi, L This eon from Mr. PonCat, you might have seen me at MountainView, Fremont, Sunnyvale, Wine and Art since I'm based in Sunnyvale. First congrats on hosting a party. I'm hoping you can support a local artist in the bay area and consider my closet for future Posh Parties :) Thank you!
Jul 07Reply
mrponcat oops saw some typos, I mean "this is Leon
Jul 07Reply
moongoddess7 You have a beautiful closet!! xoxox
Jul 07Reply
dks121 Congrats on hosting tonight party!!! 🎊🎉🎉
Jul 08Reply
bellax5 Congratulations Jessica on hosting what an amazing closet collection you have there. It would be an honor for me if you'd consider reviewing my closet for possible HP's. I would greatly appreciate it, ❤️🌈Aloha!
Jul 15Reply
sandeestyle @jlvarana I always love to see your face pop up as party hostess!!! Thank you for your hard work!!! Enjoying your beautiful closet, too! Many sales and much posh love to you!!! Be blessed and well dressed always, Darling!!!
Jul 15Reply
toptncat 😍‼️🎉🎉Congratulations on your party tonight, Jessica...I'm sure you look forward to each one🙋🏼❗️💥‼️😍🎉🎉, 🎉🎉‼️🎉🎉 I'm a fairly new posher…(2months) 📝 I am Posh compliant, and a true PFF💕 If you have any Host Pick spots left I would appreciate you taking a look at my closet. Thank you so much 🎉💫‼️🎉💕🏆✨💥please also consider @sunnybirdmarket @hmaek37 @upsnowgirl, they have GORGEOUS closets, thank you💕
Jul 15Reply
zoe2729 Hi Jessica sorry to bother you but I have a quick question I'm new on Poshmark have a few months and I've been noticing the rsvp button we're they announce the time and day of a party 🎉 what dose that mean and what happens wen I press that button and sorry for bothering you🤗
Jul 16Reply
ohrosalinda Hi Jessica! If you still have picks left I would love it if you checked my closet out for any potential picks! Super excited for the party to start! 🛍💕 Congrats on hosting! 🎉🍾
Jul 16Reply
prettysuite @jlvarana Hi Jessica! Looking forward to the bag party tomorrow. I have a wonderful NWT and dustbag Trina Turk crossbody bag at the top of my closet. Hope you will consider it for a party HP. Thanks for considering🙄
Jul 21Reply
dks121 Congrats on hosting the posh party 🎉 please check out my closet for a possible hp ☺️ thank you💕💕
Jul 22Reply
bellax5 🌸🌈❤️🤙🏼🌸🌈❤️🤙🏼🌸🌈❤️🤙🏼🌸🌈❤️🤙🏼🌈🌸🌈❤️🤙🏼 🎉🎉CONGRATULATIONS ON HOSTING!!!🎉🎉HOW EXCITING! ❤️BEAUTIFUL CLOSET❤️ Please consider reviewing my my closet at your own convenience for a potential host pick, I appreciate your time hun. Sharing & wishing you a speedy sale!!! HAPPY POSHING!!! 🌈ALOHA 🌸🌺🤙🏼-Rowena🌸🌈❤️🤙🏼🌸🌈❤️🤙🏼🌸🌈❤️🤙🏼🌸🌈
Jul 29Reply
dks121 Congrats on hosting the posh party 🎉 please check out my closet for a possible hp ☺️ thank you💕💕
Jul 29Reply
shmataz Congrats on your upcoming party! I can't wait to see all the amazing items. I think my closet has some items that would be perfect 👌🏻 for it! ❌⭕️❌⭕️ @shmataz
Jul 29Reply
sanewland1 Hi Jessica! Congrats on hosting the party tomorrow. I'm Shelli, I'm new to Poshmark (started last month). 😁 I would LOVE for you to take a look at my closet for a possible HOST PICK. 😬😁👍😍😎⭐️❤️ Thank you so much for the consideration and happy poshing. 💋
Jul 29Reply
mlb1006 Congratulations on hosting today!🎉🎉🎉Would love to be considered for a possible host pick!💕
Jul 29Reply
boholuxury Hi there Jessica! So nice to discover you! I'd like to warmly invite you to have a peek at my listings! I offer incredibly beautiful Handmade Jewelry with hand selected Gem Grade gemstones. Perhaps you'll see something that you would like to choose as a 🎉Host Pick🎉 for your next Best In Jewelry Party? Thank you for stopping by wishing a beautiful day! 💙BoHo Jewels💙
Jul 30Reply
lilybugz 🎉Congratulations on hosting your party. So exciting! Would be awesome if you could check out my closet. I have a few items that are possible for HP. Happy Poshing💋
Aug 05Reply
livingpink @jlvarana AWSOME!!! Hosting "Vacation Style" party this evening 🤗. I would be honored if you browsed "My Closet" for a possible "Host Pick"!... 💫
Aug 06Reply
boholuxury Hello there Jessica! 👑BoHo Jewels👑here. I'm a newer Posher & have already been Successfully Selling beautiful,luxe & amazing one of a kind handmade gemstone jewelry here on Posh! I am Always attending your "Best In Jewelry & Accessories" parties, & would L💓VE it if you would enjoy my closet when considering special host picks. I put my all into it! Hope to hear from you! Thank 🦋You🦋 & wishing success to you! 👑BoHo Jewels👑
Aug 15Reply
jlvarana @boholuxury hi there! Loveeee your closet! I won't be hosting for another week and a half, but in the meantime I'll share your closet 😘 keep up the amazing work!
Aug 16Reply
boholuxury @jlvarana Hi~Hi ! Awww, thank you So Much 😘Jessica!😘 That Truly means much to me🙏I just shared your beauties, too! Loveee your closet as well! (Of course I do😉). So nice to meet you here. xo Always, 👑BoHo Jewels👑
Aug 16Reply
joythee Congrats on hosting this weekend's party 🎉 🎉. Please check out my closet for some weekender bags perfect for weekend travel party theme
Aug 19Reply
kashtonford Congrats on hosting best in swim!! You closet is beautiful and your pictures are amazing! Happy Poshing ❤️
Aug 20Reply
savvy_mommy Hi! Congratulations on hosting Best in Swim Today!! My friend @tgriswold1 has some amazing new swim pieces in her closet and has never had a host pick! I would love it if you would consider her for a pick!
Aug 20Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Jessica, my name is Ronda and I am a long time follower of yours and i was just able to start focusing some time Poshing recently as I have been very sick, in and out of the hospital battling infection for almost 6 months now. Poshing helps me relax like therapy and I miss it. I was hoping that you would be so kind as to honor me this evening with a Host Pick. I understand if you can not, I appreciate your time either way, but I surely would be more than grateful. Have fun!! @designerguru2
Aug 21Reply
tgriswold1 @savvy_mommy thank you friend 😘😘😘
Aug 21Reply
mlb1006 Congratulations on hosting tonight! 🎉🎉🎉Would love to be considered for a possible HP!💕
Aug 21Reply
octoberlush 🎒🚗🌲🌲🌲 Congrats Jessica on hosting tonight’s Weekend Road Trip Party!🌲🌲🌲
Aug 21Reply
dks121 Congrats on hosting a posh party 💕🎉 please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!!💕 thank you!! 😊💜
Aug 21Reply
dks121 Congrats on hosting a posh party 💕🎉 please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!!💕 thank you!! 😊💜
Aug 25Reply
ladycrackerjack Nice closet, ☀️Miss Jessica!!
Aug 26Reply
adarlingcastano Hi, fellow kitty mom and coffee lover!!! It's so nice to meet you!! Congratulations on being a party host!! I absolutely love your style--you have a gorgeous closet! If you happen to have time, my sister and friend are fairly new here, and I'd love to have you stop by their closets-- @moonjlp and @kissthislash . If you have an extra moment, I'd love to have you drop by my closet at well! It's super nice to "meet" you. Have the most wonderful time today!!
Aug 26Reply
kim_b22 Hi! 💞 Congratulations on hosting!!! 🎊🍾 If you're still looking for Host Picks, I've moved theme appropriate items to the top of my closet. 👗🎉👢💐👚
Aug 27Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party today. In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Sep 02Reply
ghsmermaid Congratulations on your party hosting! I would love it if you find anything in my closet worthy of a host pick. Thanking you in advance for your consideration.💖
Sep 02Reply
westcoastreject @jlvarana t Thank you for picking my picture to be your headliner for the jean party. See you in Chicago 💕💓👄 @Dirtytalkvint
Sep 02Reply
dks121 Congrats on hosting a posh party 💕🎉 please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!!💕 thank you!! 😊💜
Sep 03Reply
mlb1006 Congratulations on hosting tonight!🎉🎉🎉Would love to be considered for a possible HP!💕
Sep 03Reply
thegoods211 Thanks for hosting the party.. 🎉🎉 hope you like something from my closet.😜😍😊
Sep 03Reply
llaspaluto Hi Jessica, Just dropping a note to say how much I like your closet. It has a great vibe and is so pleasing to look at. :) I'm new to Poshmark (only one sale so far), but closets like yours are inspiring to me. Best of luck hosting the dress and skirt party. I'll definitely share some of my favorite pieces. ~Laura
Sep 08Reply
cheryldiane Congrats on hosting!!!!! I have a closet full of plus size clothes if you're looking for host picks.
Sep 09Reply
seconds2love Hello! Just came through to show some Posh love!!! Wishing you many sales!
Sep 10Reply
mlb1006 Congratulations on hosting tonight!🎉🎉🎉Would love to be considered for a possible HP!💕
Sep 10Reply
theposhunicorn Hi! I am really new here and am looking for advice. I would also be SO grateful if you could check out my closet for a possible future host pick! THANK YOU!
Sep 10Reply
vtgfittingroom Great closet!! 💕
Sep 10Reply
plumswardrobe Hi Jessica, Thanks for co-hosting tomorrow's Best in Bags Party. I am a beginner posher:o) Can you pls tell me how long this and the parties usually go for? 1hour or two? Thanks and kind regards from VA, Szilva
Sep 15Reply
thatposhlife @jlvarana I LOVE your closet :))) so glad you're hosting simply chic 😍😍🎉Congrats!
Sep 16Reply
tdublack Hi! If you're looking for any last minute picks for today I just added a few new cute bags ☺️ Thanks in advance!!
Sep 16Reply
jibarita79 Excited for my first Posh Party experience! Not 100% sure what I'm supposed to do but I'm sure you all will help me 😆❤️
Sep 16Reply
emarvosa 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations on hosting today! I'll be there shopping and sharing along with you. If it's not too late, I'd be honored if you would check out a bag from m my 💯% posh compliant closet! Thanks! 🛍👛👜 Emilie @emarvosa
Sep 16Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party today. In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Sep 16Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party today. In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Sep 16Reply
fccandles @jlvarana I don't know of you've hosted before...just wanted to let you know your host picks are really nice😁 you're doing a great job👍🏻 It's rare nowadays that hosts put thought into their picks.... happy to share yours! Hope you're having fun!!!!
Sep 17Reply
nikitadoggies Congratulations on your party! I would love to be considered for a host pick!
Sep 22Reply
simone_mcbrid Hi I message before,can you take a look at my closet for Plus Size Party.I know you get these requests all the time.Just consider.Thank you in advance🌺
Sep 22Reply
a_pretty__penny Hi!! Love your closet 😍 I would greatly appreciate if you would consider an item in my closet for a host pic tomorrow. Thanks!
Sep 23Reply
stacimccubbins 🎉Congrats on HOSTING!🎉🎉 how exciting!! I’ll definitely be there! 😁please consider these great closets for HP’s! 😊 🎉@stacimccubbins 🎉@nolatiff 🎉@marlajennie 🎉@merarisepulveda 🎉@christianjacobe 🎉@xoxolea 🎉@littlerascals 🎉@mdenoo 🎉@stuffyb 🎉@godwin23 🎉@barillas1979 🎉@davismade 🎉@mananj 🎉@atomjack 😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️
Sep 23Reply
nolalabootique 💜💚💛Congrats 🍾 on being selected to be a Party host! 🎭🎷🎺 Please consider these awesome closets for Host Picks! 2nd line over to my closet too if your party shoes should lead you there! 💜💚💛 @marlajennie 💜💚💛 @merarisepulveda 💜💚💛 @christianjacobe 💜💚💛 @xoxolea 💜💚💛 @littlerascals 💜💚💛 @brendachibi 💜💚💛 @babyblusam 💜💚💛 @alejandraz86 💜💚💛 @els610 💜💚💛 @lperkins89 💜💚💛 @jenn_bklyn 💜💚💛 @stacimccubbins
Sep 23Reply
jovigraham You're just a party anima tonight .. keep up the great work !!!! 🤗🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🤗🤗🤗🤗🎉🌸🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸😊
Sep 24Reply
everygirlshop Congrats on your party!! 🎉🎉👍👍 This is a great theme !! Please follow me and check out my closet too!! I am sharing some listings to your dressing room in hopes of a possible Host Pick!! See you at the party!! 💃👙🎀👍🙋🏼🙋🏼🙋🏼🙋🏼🎀😍💕🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🆕🆕🎉
Sep 30Reply
mlb1006 Congratulations on hosting tonight!🎉🎉🎉Would love to be considered for a possible HP!💕
Oct 01Reply
thredcollective This is a great Closet! I enjoyed looking around!!!
Oct 22Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
May 11Reply

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Last Active: Oct 14 2023

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Last Active: Oct 14 2023

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