About @cravenstyle
Posher since Jan 2015
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Mar 23
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
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I know ordered on Hoiiday ( Thanksgiving-weekend) have not received it yet. Shopped to : Penny K. Henness 506 N. High St. Kirksville,Mo. 63501 purchase by Visa - John W.White card as Birthday Day Gift. His address -billing address 4915 Shelby 381 ( it’s a county road) Emden,Missouri 63439. Lived at Emden address until Mother needed me as caregiver 24/7. 17 artery replacement surgeries, with I was at all surgeries. Stayed with her during in home rehab. Left leg amputated above knee. Lost middle son 42yrs.old to cancer. Husband/ my Dad 4 yrs. later threw clot after hip replacement. Her last sibling of 9 / my Aunt like second Mother- long death to Parkinson’s, check on her 2-3 days a week after coffee with Mom when off work at 3:30p.m. Drove 180 miles to work. Older brother passed away from agent orange from Vietnam. Liver cancer. Her oldest son. Moved back to childhood home. One and a half years. Mom had heart failure. Alive in hospital 4 days, Only left to shower. Talked until hour before she passed. Asked me to lay by her. Cuddled and napped. Lost all core family. John come every week 2 days loved her too. So I ‘m trying to go through things in parent home. After both knees permanently replacement one at a time. Struggled with losing Mom after living and cooking her favorite meals. Good faith, love deeply, onerery family all my time with them. Really liked the dark red purse that’s why John bought it for me. Any news of shipped? pk.hen1951@gmail.com
Nov 28