💋posh Ambassador💋!
Aberdeen, NC
Mel’s Marvels
About @mels_marvels
Posher since Oct 2017
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Feb 16
Sandhills Community College, '95
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

From @mmullins373
Thank you for the trade and I love the sunglasses. Also the gifts were very thoughtful and a nice surprise.
Apr 24

From @missy2ball
An absolute pleasure to work with. Thank so very much for the extra goodies. You are a Doll. Thank you so very much, Missy
Mar 28

From @jfrost75
I couldn't do anything with it until you hit pending shipment scan LOL. Thank you for both of my purses and the free gifts you da best!!!!
Mar 10