Tahlequah, OK
About @pattiayala
Posher since Sep 2016
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 19
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

From @hunterkittie
Hiya Patti - How are you; I am thrilled that these fit Art. It was bought in desperation because I was giving up on finding him shoes. TYSM (thank you so much)!! The beige ones are the biggest so far, too big actually, but it was worth a try. QUESTION: Is the pair of Ken Cole's as long as the Uggs or is it more like the fisherman sandal you just sent? Because I am thinking that maybe if you can give me a slammin' deal on the other pair of Uggs and the Ken Cole I would take 'em both - like I'm thinking $15 for each...if poss...
Mar 30