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About @plutopian
Posher since Jan 2013
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 6 hours ago
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Omg this is SO gorgeous on!!! I actually wore a Blackmilk play dress today lol and plan on wearing this tomorrow. Thank you so so much. And thank you for not being like a lot of these horrible resellers who take(and buy it cheap then upsell 400%) collections/artists/clothing that we genuinely love and has meaning to us and not charging $300. I love Lora Zombie and have some of her prints and I have constellations tattooed on my arms and this dress looks gorgeous. Thank you for the super quick shipping and for being decent. I know times are tough (trust me I do) but these clothes have meaning to me and i appreciate it. The dress will be in good hands. Thank you so so much again ❤️❤️❤️.
May 02

I love the skirt! It was packaged so nicely too. Very happy with my purchase!
Feb 03

Absolutely beautiful dress!!! Love it!!! It fits beautifully and it's so lovely and delicate!! Great seller!! Thank you very much!!!
Jul 08