About @theanoeticist
Posher since Apr 2017
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Feb 25
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

1st let me say that I fell 🥰 in absolute love w/those PERFECT 10 star suede👢boots! No joke- I put them on & wore them all day...& I was actually doing 🧺laundry! Down stairs, 💹 upstairs & repeat! I broke those babies in so they wld be just right when I wore them out!💃 Definitely 1 of my new faves! (Yes, I do ❤️ all types of boots!) Really everything else was just ‘icing on the cake’ for me- but for everyone else- each item was perfect: new or like-new quality for sure! Definitely very happy w/my purchases! Sorry- 1 more thing- I have been looking @ different styles/patterns of the ‘bird shirts/blouses’ since last spring. I wanted to find the “right one” & finally saw the 2 u had for sale & really liked them both. I decided I should chose just 1 & did that but... imagine my surprise & happiness @ finding BOTH in my box when I opened it! Thanks so much- I felt happy & grateful all day long (even doing laundry). Thanks for giving me such a great day during all this chaos right now. *Gemma* :)
Oct 24