Nothing, not even my data, which is useless anyway
Not for sale
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They deleted me talking about a sustainable brand, yet I am not selling anything nor am I inviting anyone to take a transaction elsewhere. I've been here 2 or 3 weeks, there's floods, fires, ufo's, theories and the moon is moving away. Yet in those 2 weeks, I was somehow wrong or a threat to someone or something because I shared the idea that its good to recycle and to buy organic.
Amazing!!!! I just want to sit here and let that resonate for a bit. Most absurd thing ever! Big lol! Really?!!!

59 others
like this

Ha!! I Feel ya Sister. 🙏✨✨💞
Aug 09Reply

@magpiemaven Oh Thank you!
Aug 12Reply

@ivymendes625 Thank You!!
Aug 12Reply

The internet is a strange blend of the best and worst of human culture, that’s for sure.
Aug 13Reply

Hi Halle, thank you for the share of my Copacabana Tshirt. I love your page! So true, all you write!!
Did you mean Poshmark deleted you for speaking of this or somewhere on social media?? Im so angry for all the cencorship and evil taking place now.
I wish you many blessings and hope you have a lovely day!
Your FL neighbor (in Miami this weekend)
Aug 15Reply

Thank you for standing up and using your voice for the greater good.
Aug 15Reply

Truth well spoken
Aug 15Reply

@fashionablefool Hi! Welcome to Miami I hope you will enjoy it!
No, I had a 'listing' where I had a few nice pictures of a brand I like that's not very well known at all, yet. I put some text that said "when to buy Newly Produced? When it's Sustainably Made!" Something like that. I have no listings selling anything and really was just generally mentioning buying organic etc. but didn't want to use an image without mentioning the name of the brand somewhere.
Aug 16Reply

(part2) I thought it would be fine, since I'm not selling anything and I'm sure it's not like heaps off people would look up their website and buy things there. I don't know the people who own that small company. I really just didnt want to use a picture without mentioning the name of the brand that created it.
Aug 16Reply

(part3) I'm used to Pinterest where it's normal to share all kinds of interesting and inspiring things and J wasn't gonna keep it on here as soon as I'm getting ready to list some items for sale.
They removed it and said I tried to take transactions offsite.... lol.....
Thank you for asking!
Aug 16Reply

@whimsicalbeast Wise and True words spoken! Just wondering if it was some automated pre- A.I. system that deemed my 'listing' unacceptable or that it was actual human beings lol
Aug 16Reply

@mastlara66 Awe thank you! It's way too late for me so as not to be on some black lists somewhere, Lol... so I might as well!
Aug 16Reply

*Not trying to sound paranoid, I like to take everything with a nice dose of humor ;)
Aug 16Reply

I say this every day it feels like… it seems like not many understand this. We have the means and the technology to help everyone with a solution to hunger, a solution of shelter and a solution to survive. It’s simply the fact that far too many greedy people hold positions of power which govern our lands. No land, and no person can truly be free until we are all liberated from the system and until we all come together to share a common goal.
Aug 19Reply

The common goal of creating one world family/community where everyone cares for everyone. Most have lost their humanity… I too hope that some day we all can create a world of peace together 🌱
Aug 19Reply

And BUCKY wrote this how many DECADES AGO? See my shoes listings. I have gotten not one sale or comment on the charity I GOT SHOES❣️ shocking 🧡
Aug 20Reply

Sadly it is human nature to look out for #1. I don’t think there will ever be enough like-minded people concerned about the earth, sustainability, conservation, and survival of future generations to make a huge difference, but we will keep trying!
Aug 23Reply

@beckgirls Thank You
Aug 28Reply

@momsmoon Yes it was many years ago. Thank You!
Aug 28Reply

@fashion_scrilla Yes I wish that very much as well! Thank You!
Aug 28Reply

@fashion_scrilla So very well said, Thank You!
Aug 28Reply

@zellajune Thank You
Aug 28Reply

@momsmoon Oh I like your shoes and the charity! Gosh........
Aug 28Reply

@beckgirls Yes we will always keep trying. There is no giving up for people like us! Some of us get inspired from a challenge... I don't know. What more can we do but stay positive and hope for the best.
Aug 28Reply

@halle_luya 🙏🏼🌱💕☺️ sending all of you love!
Aug 28Reply

Aug 29Reply

@fashion_scrilla Yes and we have to use the new technologies to help recover the frontal lobes of sociopaths. In the eighties, it was also already known that car exhaust fumes cause sociopathy tendencies in humans and the people who grab power to abuse really need help so they can recover from brain damage.
Sep 01Reply

@halle_luya Yes, everyone needs some level of healing, I agree, some need lots more healing than others as you mentioned. 🌱💕🙏🏼
Sep 01Reply

@fashion_scrilla @fashion_scrilla Yes and even in a world of hypothetically 2 philosophies (one based on learning more about nature, the bodies's healing abilities and how to solve problems while putting stewardship of our Earth and wildlife first, in the short and the long run, the other based on the desire to 'merge with machines' and to let A.I. and one governing body run people and their bodies), even there should we
Sep 01Reply

be able to respect the SCIENCE behind BOTH options and should we know that each group does want the best for them. However, one group trusts and wants to return to our innate ability to heal and wants to honor herbalism and sustainability, while the other wants to continue to mass manufacture products, mine crystals from the location they are found in,
Sep 01Reply

instead of benefiting from them while they are in the caves etc... wants to continue to destroy the Amazon by over-producing steel cars, patenting parts of living plants as if they invented them, since when was a patent about stealing anyway? weren't we trying to avoid that by introducing patents? wasn't it about true inventions and the hard work done by some, to ensure their wellbeing and the continuation of development of their ideas, helpful to humanity and the planet?
Sep 01Reply

I tell everyone... "you may not agree with me nor understand my arguments, but you know that you can try at least 6 weeks without using any fluoride (toothpaste, all sodas, various prepared foods, household products, tap water- boiling water increases the fluoride content) and if you still feel and think the same, then you will know for sure. And if you hate us enough, you would gladly demonstrate that your opinion wasn't based on a neurotoxin that used to be used as an anasthetic.
Sep 01Reply

@fashion_scrilla I recently learned that the frontal lobe can even be developed by singing sanskrit mantras! Isn't there hope today that many serious disorders could be much improved? If I was one of the 'men who have it all' of our world, I would be spoiled enough to want the BEST and I would be curious. They could easily find out all about their own brains. They also have the means to restore or correct anything and even to keep all of that private if so wished. If I were them, I would.
Sep 01Reply

@halle_luya Yessssss I believe so myself. I have been doing some research regarding how the ancient Gusli instrument. It has been a secret from many of this new world and it was banned and forbidden for hundreds of thousands of years due to it’s sound being the vibration of the cosmos. Gusli vibrations have the power to change cosmic vibrations, to heal and change your life completely in an instant when hearing its beautiful sound!
Sep 01Reply

@halle_luya In my household, we do not use fluoridated toothpaste, nor deodorant which contains aluminum, we eat organically and try our best to eat an all fruit diet or alkaline diet as much as we possibly can. We only drink Alkaline water, and we also use chemical free body wash such as Dr. Broners Castile soap for cleansing our hair, bodies and to clean at home. I’ve recently been dabbling in making my very own moisturizers and hair products from natural products.
Sep 01Reply

@halle_luya I completely agree with your concerns and I share common hope for humanity to be restored for us all towards all beings as well as to all animals.🙏🏼🌱💕
Sep 01Reply

@halle_luya I wish that our children had the option to attend public schools and also the option to choose to attend a modern mystery schools. Education for the new generation is of great importance. The new books and teachings of public schools exclude all of our ancient history, lessons and ancient ways.
Sep 01Reply

@halle_luya I try to share my personally learning and information with those I care about or those who care to listen. 🙏🏼🌱 I understand there are many reasons for these tragic shifts, the lack of available or given information, the banishing and concealment of sacred ways which has caused a major shift in disassociation of minds and humanity. We all must heal, what better way than to heal together, supporting and loving one another!💕🌱🙌🏼
Sep 01Reply

@halle_luya it makes me very sad I also noticed when the rise of Genetically modified food erupted and I noticed the gov. Collecting and storing heirloom seeds called “seed banks” for their private food supplies and corrupt plans with ill intention… utterly tragic.
Sep 01Reply

@halle_luya It breaks my heart and disgusts me when I view my city water testing records. I am saddened when I research CRISPER advancements and I think of all the ways that (ignorant and sick people) will use this technology for unnatural means, which could potentially have an effect on our ecosystem and the human race overall. 🙊🙉🙈 there are so many things which must be healed and restructured if this new world intends to survive.
Sep 01Reply

@fashion_scrilla I know!! I agree. Don't give up hope. Gather as much chi/ biophotons in your field as you can.. this will naturally make others see your vision and help you achieve our highest goals in regards to all of this. I can't wait to bypass the programming in other ways..
There are many great things happening too..
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla Yes but the green thumbs and permies have been doing the same in secret for decades! Hang in there.... 🙏🙏🙏
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla The bannishing will only have adverse effects. I bought shungite pedants to protect myself from EMF and notice a much stronger connection to my ancestors. They tell me many things, particularly which lies not to believe. When I check to see if the hunches and ideas they give me are correct, they turn out to be spot on.
Sep 02Reply

I sometimes do a morning mantra to the sun to ask for guidance as well and it's been very noticeable changes towards faster progress this way. I just have to remember to make it a routine
Sep 02Reply

Also beneficial bacteria.. let them run you they are part of us
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla Oh wow! I will look at it right away! I collect sound healing vids on youtube in a public playlist. Saw a docu on Prime about Cygnus and if you go into a very deep cave to where the light and stardust from Cygnus comes down from the North then you can heal all your DNA. I'm consistantly singing Sanskrit mantras and just started learning to throat sing. Played the Dao audiobook for a friend and she hated it.. she didnt get the meaning and thought it was negative. Lol..
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla Amazing! I use only 2 things for years and people always comment on how they think I look much younger than my age. It''s UNREFINED Coconut Oil and Aloe from a leaf. Yeah they can't make money off of people like me, but I would strike a deal just to have what we want and I would not mind giving everything lol... well.. within certain parameters they would have 2 ask me lol
Sep 02Reply

I looked up Shungite the other day and it said "stronger ancestral bond" or something along those lines and I had no idea it was the pendant I've been wearing non stop for a few months. i was told grounding and shielding from EMF but wasn't told the other thing!
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla Yes I am right there with you in same boat. Have you tried the powdered activated charcoal? We will have to stop the madness
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla There is talk about Medbeds but I dunno much yet. Should heal ppl quickly. It's time
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla Wow!!
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla This is my lurker channel with the Healing Music list I'm working on.. there is a lot of harp stuff if you scroll all the way down and Pythagorean mono chords... still need to add many things
Sep 02Reply

@halle_luya Grand rising beauty! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and wisdom. I love to learn new things and I love to research! I will definitely check out your music playlist link today! 🌱☺️💕 I’m certain that I have will add it to mine!
Sep 02Reply

@halle_luya I also have used unrefined coconut oil (my favorite kind is called Vita Coco) it melts right into your skin and you can feel it quench deeply 😍 I love aloe as well! I can recall, all of my younger years My auntie had GIANT aloe plants outside her house and every time we were cut or had dry skin or really anything for that matter she’d tell us to go break off a leaf and use it to heal ourselves! ☺️💕
Sep 02Reply

@halle_luya I have always had a spot in my heart for aloe thanks to her! It is only recently, I began to incorporate pure mango butter into my skin care regimen, I love it!
Sep 02Reply

@halle_luya I could tell you the story of how I healed one of my puppies a couple years ago when it was stricken with the parvovirus! I was so sad and afraid for the little guy, I was told he’d need to be put down and he wouldn’t survive, but I couldn’t give up on them. So I researched into how to heal. I chose to use alkaline water and activated charcoal to heal them when they were literally on the verge of death! The vet told me there was nothing that could be done.
Sep 02Reply

@halle_luya I chose to use repetitive activated charcoal treatments for 48 hours, to my amazement the pup was completely healed after that 48 hours! It was the most intriguing and beautiful healing I had experienced in such a quick turnaround time. I told so many people and if they didn’t know me when my pup had caught the parvovirus, they wouldn’t have believed me! Even my pups vet was amazed to hear my story of how I restored the health of my pup completely in 48 hours!
Sep 02Reply

@halle_luya I have been researching the Buddha Maitreya, metatron, the science of metatronics. I’ve also been researching Metatronic healing tools as of lately for healing and protection as well. 💕🌱 I do love to learn.
Sep 02Reply

@halle_luya even more so being as the 5G towers are sprouting everywhere. It’s heart breaking to think about how we have no choice in these matters. So I’ve been looking into protection for myself and loved ones.
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla Yes.. 2 more in my neighborhood and I had no idea... stay positive and put your bare feet on the dirt outside to earth and ground if you can
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla I had an insightful experience with the Metatron a few years back. Long story. After that, I stared into the sacred symbols each 9 seconds to sort of re-program them in and did a lot of research.. long story.
Om a Hung Vajra Guru Pema Siddhi Hung
There is a guy on Prime, a show called 'Spiritual Awakening'.. first episode
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla Also Drunvalo Melchizedek... even the more recent LA event.. a few years ago
Sep 02Reply

@fashion_scrilla If you listen with headphones to hertz binaural brain hemisphere synch... then move your consciousness into your heart and do use your voice to learn vowels, anything you prefer..
The knowledge will stream in. I'm sure you are familiar as you would not be talking about this if you weren't hehehe! woohoo
Sep 02Reply

@halle_luya 🙏🏼🌱 yesss I do groundings constantly, thankfully my home is quite a bit of distance from a ⚡️ . Also I love sun gazing on most mornings at the sunrise to charge up! I am the type who feels heartbreak when I cannot see the sun in the sky or cannot see the stars and moon in the night 💕 I am definitely enjoying learning more every day!🌱☺️🙏🏼💕
Sep 02Reply

@halle_luya Hi there, I Really enjoyed reading this thread. I'm Wiccan so Everything for me about nature & our animals. I recently came upon the same pendant as you, mine has my zodiac sign Aries ♈ on it & I got my daughter one as well. There's so many things I want to comment on but it's not a good time but I could see myself talking with you for hours! I love when I cross paths with like minded people! ♡ I wrote down your closet name so I can come back. Love & Light 🌙
Sep 04Reply

@halle_luya oh 1 thing quick, a friend of mine told me about a way to make Sole 💧, I have a lot of medical problems & I needed to find a way to get more energy. I've only been taking the water for maybe a week now but I felt the change right away.
Sep 04Reply

@fashion_scrilla I’m a newbie in the realm of ancient (true) faith and wisdom. Two years now and every day I am horrified at what I learn of the demonic rulers of our world. They allow us to posses nothing, not even the health and sanctity of our own bodies. The depths of corruption is millennia of planning, sowing division under the guise of “unity”. Distractions are the specialty.
Sep 07Reply

@moongoddess7 I have heard the FDA is “reviewing” natural OTC products like aloe, charcoal, etc. Seeking to remove them from public purchase for their natural healing properties. I would have not believed this two years ago but now I have every reason to believe stripping us of our own healing serves a greater purpose to the grossly rich and powerful in this corrupted world. If we are well, what need do we have for the biggest profit makers in healthcare, pharma, insurance?
Sep 07Reply

@moongoddess7 Self healing of the mind is my struggle after years of pharma drug dependency. Now getting off these meds will be so difficult.
Sep 07Reply

@moongoddess7 Hello there beauty, if you’re looking for some extra energy, I have heard that moon water is a great charge. You can place glass bottles of water outside over night during the new moon, and during eclipses. I like to place mine in the grass underneath the moonlight.
Sep 07Reply

@moongoddess7 The water will be blessed by the moon and it will stack up energy and drinking this water will restore some of your energy. Be sure that you do not allow direct sunlight to touch the glass water bottles after being charged by the moon. Be sure to store them in a cool dark place afterwards. You can also use this water for many other things aside from drinking it such as for ritual bathing and moonlight bathing. 🌱💕🙏🏼
Sep 07Reply

@butterbinks 🙏🏼🌱☺️ Hello and welcome beauty! I am fairly new I have been studying for a couple years now, I am doing my best to learn more and more myself. May your journey be blessed!
Sep 07Reply

@butterbinks it is wise to try to wean off of pharma drugs. You will be able to have clear mind and thought process and you will be able to meditate easier. Try looking into healing music and fill your diet with healing foods and healing water as much as possible, the combination with consistency will help you to heal and manage your body’s illnesses and help you to detox from the pharmaceutical medicine.
Sep 07Reply

@butterbinks Be sure to not get discouraged, everything takes time, it will be difficult at first, You deserve the very best and nothing less we all must do right for ourselves dear. 🙏🏼🌱 continue studying🌱 May your journey be blessed with wisdom and better health than you could imagine. Live at peace and long friend!
Sep 07Reply

@butterbinks You are so right, those companies definitely want us sick!
Sep 07Reply

@fashion_scrilla I haven't made Moon water in a long time, & yesterday was a New Moon, it should work with the Full Moon right? I usually do most rituals during the full moon. I'll have to look in my books! ♡ Thank you love for reminding me of that 😘🌙
Sep 07Reply

@moongoddess7 Great rising beauty! ☺️🥂💕 Yes, you are correct, it should work with the full moon as well! You’re welcome for the friendly reminder. 🌝
Sep 07Reply

@halle_luya don’t stop!
I love your closet 😍 Stay safe and healthy, many blessings to you 🙏🏻💚🌷🛍
Oct 06Reply

Hello, beautiful human being!! Many blessings coming your way! May your journey be blessed!
Oct 25Reply

Love this quote, nothing could be truer!!!!!!!
Nov 01Reply

Love the convo thread here! Agree, agree, agree. Don’t forget to add animal agriculture to your list of non sustainability. It is one of the worst industries for so many reasons, but the least of the horrific pain and suffering it causes. I am vegan, doing my part to help save this planet 💕
Feb 17Reply

yes, this gentleman was WAY ahead of his time 👍💯.
Thank you, for sharing an item in my latest closet 😊. I'll return the favor when you get going 👍💐💐💐🕊️.
Feb 20Reply

Your sentiments are not lost. Keep it up. Mother Earth is worth it! ✨🌏♻️🌍✨
Jun 13Reply
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