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Updated Mar 06
Updated Mar 06

Meet your Posher, Dina

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Dina. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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dina_fiore @tricia_rn_2004 oh don’t worry one bit! I run into same problem all the time! It’s frustrating right! I’m gonna still get them as I have a friend who they’re perfect for he is a trump impersonator Will they fit men?
Feb 06Reply
dina_fiore @tricia_rn_2004 ok great I’m still gonna get them! Look for the order thank you!
Feb 06Reply
dina_fiore If choice of color can I please have black thanks again! Order is in
Feb 06Reply
beclassybebold I LOVE your Items!!!😍👏👏 Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty! Happy Poshing, Great Sales Day!😃♥️
Feb 08Reply
dina_fiore @beclassybebold I Thank you! I will! And have a great poshing day!👏😊❤️👍
Feb 08Reply
beclassybebold I Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you! I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
Feb 08Reply
twin_clothing Check out my older brothers and his girlfriends closet Thank you and have a good day @jfriend2030
Feb 10Reply
zinnia21 🌺Dina, 🌺Thank you for all of the shares. I have been having a blast in your closet, your pins are fabulous! 🌸
Feb 11Reply
dina_fiore @zinnia21 haha, I’m trying to keep up with you! You’re a rockstar! 👏⭐️🙌
Feb 11Reply
toto2canne2 Hello, you have lovely jewelry in your closet, vintage and otherwise!
Feb 11Reply
dina_fiore @toto2canne2 aww thank you! You do as well! Wishing you tons of great sales and a blessed evening! 👏😊❤️
Feb 11Reply
dbabesh1 You have some GREAT items in your closet! 😉
Feb 12Reply
dina_fiore @dbabesh1 omg you’re the best! Thank you and you have great stuff too! Loved the furs ❤️! Thank you and so grateful for all the tremendous shares! You’re a rockstar! 👍👏😊❤️🙌⭐️
Feb 12Reply
denimdaisy @dina_fiore Dina, I appreciate your shares SO much. You have no idea. I know how tedious/time consuming sharing can truly be. Your help means a lot-before this morning, we'd had no sales for 2 days due to the rise in Priority Ship costs last week I presume, which is very challenging because we're a 1 income family & my Posh sales are my income. We hope you can enjoy a happy Valentine's Day tomorrow, Posh co-worker🥰💕🌠
Feb 13Reply
dina_fiore @denimdaisy awww your so welcome! I agree on all fronts! We all need to work together, as it can only help! I’m happy to share your closet! And thank you for sharing mine! Have a blessed day and happy Valentine’s Day to you too! 👏😊❤️
Feb 13Reply
denimdaisy @dina_fiore Thank you. I'm a firm believer that working together, sharing Posh tips & networking allows sellers to succeed here. It also gives us work-from-home full time Poshing entrepreneurs some 'coworkers' which is good for the mind when sales are tough to make. Add us on Insta @ denimdaizy where we share Posh tips & more
Feb 13Reply
dina_fiore @denimdaisy truth! I’m still new at this and getting my groove going! Haven’t started the Instagram sharing for Poshmark thing yet, but will follow once I do!
Feb 13Reply
robynridge Happy Valentine's Dat! You have a beautiful Closet. I will be back to shop!
Feb 14Reply
dina_fiore @robyncantor hi Robyn! Thank you! And happy Valentine’s Day to you as well! I appreciate all the share too! I tried to reciprocate! You have adorable things too, and I’m assuming those are you sweet littles in the picture 🥰, thank you again and have a most awesome and blessed day! 👋👏❤️😊😘
Feb 14Reply
cleanecloset Thank you for your purchase! I will be shipping out today :)
Feb 15Reply
dina_fiore @cleanecloset greatL thank you it’s going to be a part of my rhinestone collection! Have a great day and thank you for working price with me! I know how tough it is trying to make things work for all! Especially now that shipping went up! 😜 have a great day! 👏😊❤️
Feb 15Reply
mw_online May you be blessed with much success.
Feb 18Reply
dina_fiore @mw_online thank you very much! And all the same to you! ❤️😊🙏🏻😘
Feb 18Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Feb 20Reply
dina_fiore @madblk3 amen to that! Thank you and all the same to you! Have a blessed and most successful day! ❤️😊🙏🏻🥰🙌⭐️😍👝🌸🌺🌼
Feb 20Reply
wishlist2u Thank you for sharing 😊🌹
Feb 22Reply
dina_fiore @wishlist2u oh no problem! I had a wonderful trip down memory lane! Barbies in my day were never dressed like these! They’re great! Have a wonderful evening! 😊👏❣️
Feb 22Reply
wishlist2u Your very welcome they will always be cherished with great childhood memories growing up.😊
Feb 22Reply
eva__g Thank you for visiting my closet and for sharing ❤️❤️👗👗👗🌼🌼💕💕💕
Feb 28Reply
dina_fiore @exc12 thank you too! Have a wonderful day 👋👏😊❤️❣️
Feb 28Reply
bertads Hello thanks for following me and sharing ❤️
Feb 29Reply
cathyfrangos I just shared your closet no need to share back sweetheart cuz my closet is closed till the end of April. Happy sales and maybe you'll get a like or two
Mar 03Reply
dina_fiore @cathyfrangos awww thank you! That was very kind of you to do! When u come back, let me know, I’ll repay the shares for sure! Enjoy your break! 👋😊🥰❤️❣️
Mar 03Reply
artbylee Hello I'm Lee, Your Poshmark Ambassador I welcome you to my side of this This Hugh and Awesome 😎 World 🌎 of Poshmark! I'm sure you are just as excited 😊 as I am to be apart of The Poshmark's Family! I hope 🤞🏽 you will check out my closet and if you have any questions please let me! Thanks 🙏🏽 for following, I wish you the best, Happy 😊 Poshing to you!🎉🎉🎉
Mar 03Reply
e_cubed You have an amazing closet! 😁💞
Mar 04Reply
dina_fiore @e_cubed omg I was thinking the same of yours., you are too kind and thank you so much for the shares! I’m going to pay it back! Looks like we both have a thing for butterflies too! Lol. 🦋 have an awesome evening ❤️🦋❤️🦋❣️🥰
Mar 04Reply
e_cubed @dina_fiore Thank you for your compliment! 💞😁🦋🦋
Mar 04Reply
dina_fiore @huckspeople aww thank you as well! It helps us all! Have a great evening! ❤️🥰❣️
Mar 05Reply
Mar 05Reply
jrgallegos11 Thank you so much for accepting my offer!!!!
Mar 06Reply
dina_fiore @jrgallegos11 👏👋❤️❣️I try to be fair all around! Not looking to make a killing off of anyone! If you’re happy, I’m happy! 🥰
Mar 06Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Mar 07Reply
amicinovi Thanks for the shares!
Mar 07Reply
dina_fiore @nellimcm my pleasure! Happy poshing! 👏😊❤️
Mar 07Reply
raytchell Wow what an incredible closet you have 🤩✨
Mar 08Reply
dina_fiore @raytchell you are too kind! Thank you for all the love and attention tonight! Put a big smile on my face! I felt like I was right there with you browsing lol! You have no idea, what I haven’t even posted yet! 😜! Just getting my feet wet! If interested in anything, let me know or bundle. Initial offers are always like 10%, but in the bundle, I can usually do much better and fair! Thank you again ! Have an awesome evening! 👋👏😊❤️❣️🥰⭐️
Mar 08Reply
roguehippie Thank you
Mar 08Reply
raytchell @dina_fiore wow! That’s awesome!!! Thank you 🙏🏻
Mar 08Reply
dina_fiore @raytchell ❤️❣️
Mar 08Reply
saunter_on Thanks for all the shares! I really like your closet!
Mar 08Reply
dina_fiore @saunter_on my pleasure! Have a wonderful day ❣️and happy poshing! 👋😊❤️❣️
Mar 08Reply
bluffcitygypsy Love your closet!💞
Mar 09Reply
dina_fiore @bluffcitygypsy thank you so much!!! You’re a rockstar for sharing my closet! If interested in anything, let me know, I’ll give you great pricing! Bundle it to get the deeper discounts. I’m truly appreciative of everything and happy to share back. Happy poshing and cheers to many great sales! Have a wonderful day 👋👏😊❤️❣️⭐️🥰🌺
Mar 09Reply
bluffcitygypsy @dina_fiore you’re welcome I appreciate your shares!! I’m on a tight budget yet have bookmarked your closet and several other’s when I become more successful and can spend a bit / I can hardly wait!!😃😍
Mar 09Reply
nbarrett9 Thank you for sharing my closet. I love your jewelry. I have yet to post some of mine. Giraffes are my favorite and your giraffe is unusual.
Mar 10Reply
dina_fiore @nbarrett9 awww thank you! I love looking st everyone’s closet too! Thank you again for the kind words! I’ll share your jewels too, so when you’re ready to do it, just let me know! Happy poshing! Cheers to many sales! Have an awesome evening!👏❤️👍🥰❣️🌺
Mar 10Reply
ads939598 Thank you for the shares Dina! I appreciate it!
Mar 10Reply
dina_fiore @ads939598 my pleasure!just trying to share the love! Have a wonderful day! Happy poshing! 👋😊👏❤️❣️🥰🌺⭐️👍
Mar 10Reply
janfast Hi Dina! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Mar 10Reply
dina_fiore @janfast 😊🥰👋👏❤️❣️⭐️🌺happy poshing.
Mar 10Reply
bobbett328 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🌺🌸Happy Poshing🛍🛍
Mar 10Reply
dina_fiore @bobbett328 ❤️👏❤️😊❣️🥰🌺⭐️have an awesome day! ❣️
Mar 10Reply
bobbett328 @dina_fiore Thank you ☺️ You too❣️❣️
Mar 10Reply
tashiana56 Hi Dina, Great looking photo! Nice smile. 😁 Thank you so much for sharing my closet you brighten my day! 🌻
Mar 11Reply
dina_fiore @tashiana56 awww thank you!! 🥰🥰 I’m happy to share! It helps us all!! Happy poshing and have a great day!! 👏🏻😊❤️😎☀️🥰
Mar 11Reply
dina_fiore @tashiana56 btw I just noticed you liked2 items, I sent t initial offer but if u bundle I’m sure I can get you a better price if interested! If just browsing that’s cool too!! 👏🏻😊❤️
Mar 11Reply
danabella_92 Thanks for the shares/likes on my items. If you see something in my closet that you would like to purchase, I’m sure we could find a price that we both think is perfect if pricing is an issue. I also have a bundle discount of 10% off of 3 or more items. 😊💕feel free to make an offer or bundle and make an offer.
Mar 13Reply
dina_fiore @danabella_92 good morning and thank you! Have a great day! 👋👏😊❤️❣️⭐️
Mar 13Reply
dina_fiore @kennypon1ent thank you Kenny! 😊
Mar 13Reply
sparklebeyond @dina_fiore Hello Dina 😃 Hope you are doing well! I carry #Handmade Earrings, Bracelets made by myself. I also carry Handpicked accessories from places I travel to. Please check my closet @sparklebeyond when you have a moment. Have a great day🥰
Mar 14Reply
dina_fiore @sparklebeyond 👍👏👋😊❤️
Mar 14Reply
allowtao I love your vintage pieces so much. I went Share-crazy! I’m not in buying mode but showing the love. I used to collect vintage everything in the 80’s. 💗
Mar 18Reply
dina_fiore @allowtao awww. Thank you!! I have to catch up on a lot of sharing today! It’s always very appreciated! Happy poshing! Stay safe and have a wonderful day!! 👋👏🏻❤️☀️
Mar 18Reply
crashrb Hi Dina, Thank you for sharing my closet! I hope you have a successful Posh 2020💰💰🎉🎉
Mar 20Reply
dina_fiore @crashrb and thank you! Have a great evening and keep the faith! Stay safe! ❤️🥰❣️
Mar 20Reply
blreibman1948 Great closet. My husband is from Long Beach Blackheath Road!!!
Mar 20Reply
dina_fiore @blreibman1948 good morning! Thank you for the kind words! And welcome neighbor! Always nice to hear or find someone who lives or lived close! 👋👏❤️! Have a great day and stay safe! 😊🥰❤️❣️🙏🏻
Mar 20Reply
dnsg Hi Dina! thanks for liking my picture used it makes me smile and laugh every time I see it myself. I don't know how to reply or get around on any of this yet so thanks for the welcome 😊
Mar 22Reply
dina_fiore @dnsg aww👏👏❣️such a cutie! If I can help u, please do not hesitate to ask! I am still learning too! Stay safe and best wishes in this crazy world we live in! 🥰❤️❣️
Mar 22Reply
dnsg Thank you 😊
Mar 22Reply
chanie615 Thank you so much for the shares!!!
Mar 24Reply
dina_fiore @chanie615 awww your welcome! Good way to pas time! Help others and take our minds off the madness! Stay well stay healthy and posh on! 👏😊❤️🙏🏻❣️🥰👍
Mar 24Reply
raynetree Sweet Closet!
Mar 25Reply
dina_fiore @raynetree aww you are too kind! I would say the same thing about yours! Awesomeness! Great items! Thanks for sharing and following! Have a wonderful evening! Happy poshing! Stay safe! Cheers to many sales! 👋👏😊🙏🏻❤️❣️🥰
Mar 25Reply
raynetree @dina_fiore TY ~ stay safe & hopeful during this time~ Cheers 2U in your sales!
Mar 25Reply
dina_fiore @raynetree 👍🙏🏻🥰
Mar 25Reply
luxxeco Thanks for leaving me a wonderful message😊 Beautiful closet and happy poshing 💞
Mar 25Reply
dina_fiore @tracy_a_la_mode aww thank you!stay safe and healthy! ❤️🥰🙏🏻❣️
Mar 25Reply
bluridge52 hi beautiful thanks for sharing some of my items ill check out your closet and do the same
Mar 27Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Dina on sharing from my family closet 💜🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing-cute posher smile 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Mar 30Reply
dina_fiore @05teddy11 ❤️😊🥰👍🙏🏻❣️❤️❤️
Mar 30Reply
saiyanrace Do you have any unisex silver hoop earrings, looking for one in particular
Mar 31Reply
dina_fiore @saiyanrace hi there! Oh I’m sorry I don’t have any, but I will look on here and see if I can help,you locate them. If I come across it, I’ll tag you in the listing! 😊👍❤️
Mar 31Reply
saiyanrace @dina_fiore thanks and i found a couple waiting on the poshers
Mar 31Reply
dina_fiore @saiyanrace perfect! Glad to hear it! Have a great evening!😊❤️❣️
Mar 31Reply
saiyanrace @dina_fiore thank you same to you🙂
Mar 31Reply
ringthing313 @dina_fiore I just love wandering around your closet, it's beautiful ❤️
Apr 03Reply
dina_fiore @ringthing313 awww thank you Anita!! I get lost everyone’s closet too!! I do appreciate all the sharing you do as well!! Have a most wonderful day abd stay healthy and safe! Cheers to many sales! Happy poshing!! 😊🥰❤️😘🙏🏻👋😍
Apr 03Reply
cmcclellan1222 Very beautiful woman
Apr 07Reply
dina_fiore @cmcclellan1222 thank you Chris! You really vey kind. Have a great evening and stay! 🙏🏻❣️
Apr 07Reply
cmcclellan1222 @dina_fiore your very welcome and I’m try too and you be safe as well
Apr 07Reply
dina_fiore @cmcclellan1222 👍❤️❣️
Apr 07Reply
baggaliciouz Thank you for following Welcome to stop by anytime 🎀
Apr 09Reply
unclaimed Dina beautiful 👪 pictures ,hope you and yours are well and in good spirits.please enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more ( FREE shipping on $25) expires 4/31/20
Apr 09Reply
dina_fiore @unclaimed awww thank you! Thanks for the shares too!! Have a great day and stay safe! Happy poshing my friend! 👋👏🏻😊👍🏻❤️🙏🏻🥰
Apr 09Reply
rangerric You have a lovely collection... LOTS of late 30's and 40's! We'd love to join our Jewelry share group at @vibes4vintage ... Stay healthy!
Apr 09Reply
dina_fiore @rangerric thank you thank you!!! Can I hire u? Lol!! Some items I screw up on price( like this morning) but I do my best and some poshers are really awesome and tell me my price it too low! Lol You have far more knowledge than I!!! I would love to join, I tried once and I think I got it all screwy!!
Apr 09Reply
rangerric @dina_fiore We offer our jewelry share daily... and it's a great bunch... friendly and helpful... I'll add you to our tag list and you can do a test drive... since we're all stuck at home now's as good a time as any! I'll tag you on today's so you can check us out..
Apr 09Reply
rangerric @dina_fiore and all my prayers... hope you and yours are safe and healthy!!!
Apr 09Reply
dina_fiore @rangerric awesome thanks!
Apr 09Reply
dina_fiore @rangerric ❤️🙏🏻🥰👍🏻
Apr 09Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a Happy Easter and successful Poshing, stay safe!😊
Apr 10Reply
dina_fiore @computershoptx my pleasure! And thank you! Have a wonderful holiday and stay safe!! 👏🏻❤️😊🙏🏻🥰
Apr 10Reply
mrsknle Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. I’m doing this social distancing + Poshing from my couch with a glass of Merlot. I fear that this could be a dangerous combination. 🙃 Stay safe, healthy + keep your loved ones close. ❤️Appreciate it + Happy Poshing!
Apr 10Reply
dina_fiore @mrsknle 👏😊👍❤️😂🥰❣️me too! Posh and vino! Have a wonderful evening! ❣️
Apr 11Reply
earthlychic Thank you for visiting and sharing many of EarthlyChic's items. Open to offers and will gladly create discounted bundles for your favorites. Many Blessings, EarthlyChic 🌹🎀🌹
Apr 12Reply
dina_fiore @earthlychic 👍😊❤️❣️happy poshing! Stay safe!❣️🙏🏻
Apr 12Reply
blk_cat_thrift You have some really attractive jewelery and at great prices! A Posher I will definitely keep tabs on!
Apr 12Reply
dina_fiore @black_cat_co hi good morning! Thank you for checking it out! I appreciate the kind words! Please Come back and visit any time! And if you have any questions I’m here to answer! Have a blessed and beautiful day! Stay safe!👋👏😊❤️🥰❣️🙏🏻
Apr 12Reply
mzpitty1 Bundle two or more items for a special discount and a FREE gift
Apr 12Reply
dina_fiore @tracy031770 you are incredible kind! I haven’t even begun to figure out how to do that yet! Lol it’s greatly appreciated! Have a great evening and stay safe!👋👏😊❤️🥰❣️🙏🏻😘
Apr 12Reply
prettypixs Hi Dina, I am liking a few fun vintage pieces so that when I make a few bucks-I'll be back :D
Apr 13Reply
dina_fiore @prettypixs good morning!! And Thank you! That’s great! I hope you have a most awesome day! Cheers to getting many great sales!! Stay safe!! 👏🏻❤️😊😘💐🙏🏻
Apr 13Reply
1crystalpanda I love your closet❤️!!! How do you keep track of everything? I could look for hours 😃
Apr 13Reply
dina_fiore @1crystalpanda 😂😂 it’s hard but thank goodness for hanging jewelry bags with zippers!!! Abd they’re on a garment rack from there... sometimes it’s a real pain in the A!!it can take me 20 minutes to find it but I’m Getting better at it! Lol! Thank you for sharing my closet it’s so greatly appreciated!! I’ll return the favor!! Have an awesome day and stay safe!! ! 👏🏻😊🥰🙏🏻
Apr 13Reply
erikakessler1 @dina_fiore Thanks for sharing
Apr 14Reply
dina_fiore @erikakessler1 good morning!& thank you too! Have a wonderful day and stay safe 👋👏😊❤️🙏🏻❣️
Apr 14Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
Apr 15Reply
dina_fiore @goldneyez311 hi there! Thank you for the shares! Will check it out! Have a wonderful evening and stay safe! 👋👏😊❤️🙏🏻🥰❣️
Apr 16Reply
erikakessler1 @dina_fiore Thanks for sharing k
Apr 17Reply
livingmomstyle Thanks for the shares!! ❤️❤️💜
Apr 25Reply
dina_fiore @livingmomstyle awww always happy to share! Have a great evening, stay safe And happy poshing! 👋👏😊❤️🥰🙏🏻❣️
Apr 25Reply
twistedleader Thank you!! I hope you have a great day too!!
Apr 25Reply
erica_sales bless you 💖💕💗💓💖💕
Apr 25Reply
dina_fiore @erica_sales awww🥰👍🏻🙏🏻
Apr 25Reply
rangerric Hello... Hope you and yours are safe and healthy... regarding that sterling vermeil bird brooch by coro (war years) I'd go at least 30 higher ... you can always come down a little!
Apr 26Reply
dina_fiore @rangerric hanging tough and doing ok! Hope you are as well! Thank u for heads up on that, I’m going to do adjustment now! Stay safe my friend! And stay healthy! ❤️🙏🏻🥰❣️
Apr 26Reply
rangerric @dina_fiore Did a little more checking... That's one that may have been produced in Mexico by Hector Aguilar... set your price somewhere over $125... may sell between 80-100...
Apr 26Reply
dina_fiore @rangerric omg!! I will, you are too kind to check for me!! Scary I have items I love and I’m clueless !
Apr 26Reply
rangerric @dina_fiore keep in mind, that price is a "hail Mary"... items like that are on a case by case basis.. some could be over $250, some under $50.. and this is a crazy time... but better to go high and have some patience... I have a Hector Aguilar bracelet that should be worth over $1,000... but it will take a while to find the right buyer
Apr 26Reply
dina_fiore @rangerric you’re awesome! I’m not in any rush, I love it too... so if it sells, it’s going to be to the right person! I’m going to try and research it a bit too..I’ve collected pins forever! I have learned so much in here from people like yourself! I thought I knew what had and then u learn something else! I a, M extremely grateful! 🥰❤️❣️
Apr 26Reply
rangerric The first place I look is this site..... lists 95% of all American Jewelry firms over the last 100+ years, with basic info and markings
Apr 26Reply
dina_fiore @rangerric will definitely check it out!
Apr 26Reply
dina_fiore @rangerric btw, as bit of a TY I’m just sharing your items to the posh party! No need to share back! You’ve done enough for me! 🥰❤️❣️🍸👍
Apr 26Reply
greasefan @dina_fiore thank you for the shares!! I really enjoyed sharing your closet as well💗💗 I love your jewelry, it's unique and beautiful as well. Take care out there and Happy Poshing😊😊😊😊
May 03Reply
dina_fiore @greasefan awww thanks and thank you! It’s always appreciated and I’m happy t o share! Have a wonderful day stay blessed!❤️👏👋😊🥰❣️
May 03Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 08Reply
dina_fiore @lillievonstoop1 awesome! Have a wonderful day! 👏❤️🥰❣️
May 08Reply
kb571960 Thank u
May 09Reply
kb571960 thank for the shares🌹🌹
May 09Reply
dina_fiore @kb571960 🥰👍🙏🏻❣️
May 09Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 09Reply
dina_fiore @jrtexas99 aw thank you! 👍😊
May 09Reply
jrtexas99 My Pleasure Beautiful 😘😘😘
May 09Reply
jrtexas99 😋😋😋
May 10Reply
jrtexas99 Thanks Beautiful 😘😘😘
May 11Reply
dina_fiore @jrtexas99 ❤️👍🏻🥰
May 11Reply
jrtexas99 😘😘😘
May 11Reply
krixluv Thank you darling for the sweet shares ! Xoxo
May 16Reply
dina_fiore @krixluv 👍👏🥰❣️
May 16Reply
llilient thanks for the shares!!
May 16Reply
dina_fiore @llilient 👍🏻😂❤️🥰
May 16Reply
dannyanndana Dina Thank you for the follow and the shares I shared yours also thank you 🙏 I appreciate it
May 16Reply
dina_fiore @dannyanndana 👍🏻👏🏻👋❤️🙏🏻my pleasure stay safe
May 16Reply
denimandiamonds Hi Dina! I just love your closet. I just went through the whole thing. I found 5 pieces I want to buy, but I get my check on the 20th So I have to wait a few days. It’s a joy to se. real vintage pieces, not look alikes. Bonnie @Denimandiamonds 💖
May 17Reply
dina_fiore @denimandiamonds hi! Thank you for all the likes and love!! You are too kind!! I see u put bundle together too! Let me know if u want to make me an offer or if u want me to make one to you! You don’t have to accept until you are ready for it, so if you rather wait I’m ok with it too! Keep me posted! Have a wonderful evening & stay safe!! 👏🏻❤️😘🙏🏻🌹🥰
May 18Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too. Still have a few of the pins from my grandmother like the ones in your closet. They were from the 40’s and 50’s.
May 21Reply
denimandiamonds Anything I like in your closet, I can’t buy before the 28th or 29th, but I’ll be back for them. Bonnie💖
May 24Reply
dina_fiore @denimandiamonds you are too cute! I see you joined jewelry share group! Have u figured it out? It’s a great group to share with! And very knowledgeable too! 👍❤️🥰
May 24Reply
denimandiamonds Yes, it took awhile, and a lot of support. I love the women I’m meeting on Poshmark. How did so many million people actually get together and practice sharing. It seems like such a non human quality. Lol. What an amazing concept. Practice love and sharing, & people will do it back. Never found this anywhere else
May 24Reply
dina_fiore @denimandiamonds very true!! 🥰🥰🥰
May 24Reply
denimandiamonds Good morning, Dina! It’s Bonnie 💖. I just wanted to let you know that I’m shopping your closet, and picked out some things, but I won’t be able to spend money until the 28th. I appreciate any offers, but I know I will be bundling by then. Have a happy, healthy day! Bonnie 😷
May 25Reply
dina_fiore @denimandiamonds good morning Bonnie! No problem, you let me know when you’re ready for offer! Bundle away! Have a blessed and wonderful day!!🥰❤️❣️
May 25Reply
blemaster09 Heyyy Dina!! I just wanted to pop in and personally thank you for sharing my items! ❤️ I’ll share yours too!! I’m having a closet sale, 15% off 2+ items! If you wanna look through my closet & make a bundle I’ll give you an extra little discount! 🥳😍
May 26Reply
dina_fiore @blemaster09 aww thank you! I’ll check it out, but I’m in clear out mode too! I’ll always share as well! And offer goes both Ways! I’m pretty generous when it comes to bundles, and il always happy to work with my fellow poshers! In the meantime have a great evening stay safe and cheers to many sales! 👋👏😊❤️🥰❣️🇺🇸
May 26Reply
gladyshernan403 Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know it there’s my closet anything that’s catches your eye. I offer super cool deals and I am open to offers 👍. Happy poshing... regards.
Jun 01Reply
marietx Thanks for the shares, Dena! What an amazing collection you have!🤗🛍🌸
Jun 01Reply
dina_fiore @marietx awww your welcome! Always happy to share! And thank you! Have a fabulous day! Happy poshing! Stay safe! 👋👏😊❤️❣️🥰☀️
Jun 01Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Dina on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Jun 08Reply
dina_fiore @05teddy11 to you as well!👍❤️🥰
Jun 08Reply
dina_fiore @ppb1960 it depends, but I like to send offer. I think strike while the irons hot,
Jun 11Reply
dina_fiore @ppb1960 haha! 👏👏❤️
Jun 11Reply
prettystylist Thank you for the love, dear Dina 💞
Jun 13Reply
dina_fiore @archiesells 👏👍🥰❤️anytime! Have a wonderful day!
Jun 13Reply
lambsandlions Thanks for all the shares, another Long Island local, love it. Do you own a jewelry store too?
Jun 14Reply
dina_fiore @lambsandlions hi Good morning! And thank you too! No store, was in side business many moons ago. Love fun jewelry, a bit of a collector in vintage pins though..🤪 but I have so much fun on here! Great to meet a Long Island neighbor too!hope you are surviving the craziness and staying safe! 👋👏😊❤️🥰❣️
Jun 14Reply
lambsandlions @dina_fiore Yes, same to you and love it here on poshmark, trying to survive till the restaurant I work out is fully up and running again. Enjoy your summer.
Jun 14Reply
dina_fiore @lambsandlions PM kept me very occupied during this madness! Very therapeutic lol! Keep the faith, it’ll be opening back up very soon! Stay safe and have a blessed day! 🥰❣️
Jun 14Reply
chunlilly Dina! Thank you for sharing! I've been so busy with finals and kids! I'll be seeing you soon in the group 🖤
Jun 14Reply
dina_fiore @chunlilly it’s the least I can do! Glad all is ok! Enjoy your weekend off! 😎😊🥰👍🍷🌹
Jun 14Reply
get_thrifted Thanks for following me!! Feel free to look around and check out my closet!! Let me know if you have any questions! Feel free to share as well if you want! I am a new seller so it would be appreciated! Happy Poshing!
Jun 19Reply
dina_fiore @get_thrifted thank you and Welcome to Poshmark! I’m here if I can answer any questions too! And same goes to you, if interested in anything please let me know! Have a wonderful day and happy poshing! Cheers to many wonderful sales! 👋👏😊❤️❣️
Jun 19Reply
get_thrifted @dina_fiore Thank you! I appreciate it!
Jun 19Reply
dina_fiore @get_thrifted 👍🥰❣️
Jun 19Reply
nananellasrooms Thank you Dina for the shares! I greatly appreciate it. Don’t forget to follow as well. I try to list new items every few days. Wish you the best and for many sales!! 🙏🤗🌸
Jun 19Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 will do!no sweat! Have a great evening!
Jun 20Reply
sunny_n_florida Thank You 😊 all the 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝗵 ♥️ sharing is AMAZING!!
Jun 20Reply
dina_fiore @sunny_n_florida lol! You need to fill up the closet 😁🤪😎 have a wonderful day!👏🥰❤️❣️
Jun 20Reply
sunny_n_florida @dina_fiore thank you 😊 have a great Sunday😘 Btw how do you do it? My sharing time has gone to taking me about 2 hours. My hands kill me! I ❤️❤️❤️ sharing but is there an easier way? Am I missing something ? Lol😂😂😂
Jun 21Reply
dina_fiore @sunny_n_florida omg you are not kidding it’s hours upon hours! Best thing I ever got was a stylus!!! I own loads of them now!!!😂🤪😍
Jun 21Reply
chunlilly Dina! I didn't realize you didn't sign up lol I'm so tired but thank you!
Jun 24Reply
dina_fiore @chunlilly I didn’t you crazy today! It’s all good, I shared back! 🤪😊🥰❤️❣️
Jun 24Reply
craftygranny Ty for the shares 😃! Back at ya! Have a beautiful and blessed day😇! Be safe and hugs!
Jun 26Reply
dina_fiore @craftygranny 👍👏🥰❣️🌹
Jun 26Reply
denimandiamonds Hi Dina! It’s Bonnie @Denimandiamonds Just perusing your closet, but can’t make a purchase until July 8. So don’t worry about offers until then. I did find some great pieces. Can you please tell me... do I share the 10 names above mine( that are signed in), or the ones below mine. I hope I signed in the right place. Lol
Jun 27Reply
dina_fiore @denimandiamonds you share all Those above and those below on list
Jun 27Reply
denimandiamonds Thanks Dina. I finally got to the right list, at the very, very end. Now it makes a lot more sense. Take care . See you next week to shop with you. Bonnie💖
Jun 28Reply
dina_fiore @denimandiamonds my pleasure Bonnie! Sometimes waiting till the end is easier then you just go down the list! Stay well my friend! 🥰
Jun 28Reply
denimandiamonds Thanks Dina. Waiting until the end is definitely the best idea. . I think I’m getting it now. Thanks for your support. You’re a sweetheart 💖 See you in your closet by the 7th or the 8th. Take care
Jun 28Reply
dina_fiore @denimandiamonds 👍😊❤️🥰❣️
Jun 28Reply
denimandiamonds Hi Dina, it’s Bonnie @Denimandiamonds I’m gradually building my bundle, but if you could maybe send me an offer on July7 or July8th, I will have the funds to accept! Yay
Jun 29Reply
dina_fiore @denimandiamonds of course! You let me know when you’re ready! Have a wonderful day! 👏❤️🥰❣️😎🌺
Jun 29Reply
mzag1616 Thank you so much for sharing my listings! I really appreciate that and your help! Wishing you great success and happy Poshing! ☺️😁🛍🥳💕
Jun 29Reply
shopjudyscloset Thank you for much for the Posh Love shares! Here's wishing you great success and Happy Poshing!!
Jun 29Reply
dina_fiore @shopjudyscloset my pleasure! Wish you all the best! Have a wonderful day!👋👏😊❤️🥰❣️
Jun 29Reply
diamondgirl1947 Hi. Dee. Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing. Lots to look at in this Co-Vid 19 time staying at home more. 🌺😍🙏🌸👠💍👛😃
Jul 01Reply
dina_fiore @diamondgirl1947 welcome! And thank you! Yes and PM is a good respite from all this craziness! Stay safe and happy poshing! 👋👏😊🥰❤️❣️
Jul 01Reply
island_sos Hi there Dina 💐 I am a Posh passionate person, and a Posh Ambassador. I am a 911 Dispatcher. 9️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ I welcome you to my Closet anytime 🌻It is Chock Full of 🆒 pre-owned gently used items, both ♀️♂️, all sizes, styles, and also some new with tags 🏷️Fun Sale Specials, like buy 5 items with the Map 🗺️ emoji in TITLE pay only $25 for all 5️⃣ items! Fast shipping included all purchases 📨📬
Jul 02Reply
mncohen Hi!Shared several of your fabulous pieces! I hope you will check out my closet when you have a chance 😎
Jul 06Reply
dina_fiore @mncohen hi and thank you!! Just checked it out and shared you back too!! It’s always greatly appreciated!!have a most beautiful day! And cheers to many great sales! 👋👏❤️🥰❣️🎉
Jul 06Reply
mncohen @dina_fiore TYSM!Right back atcha 😎
Jul 06Reply
dina_fiore @mncohen 👏👍🥰❤️❣️
Jul 06Reply
mjsupreme Hey Dina
Jul 07Reply
dina_fiore @mjsupreme hey MJ! Welcome! Have a wonderful day!👋👏😊
Jul 07Reply
denimandiamonds Hi Dina! It’s Bonnie. How are you? I have a small bundle in your closet which I will b purchasing tomorrow morning. If you have time, can u send me an offer later today. I want to go through one more time, so wait until later. Take care, and thanks for sharing, as always. Bonnie, @Denimandiamonds ❤️
Jul 07Reply
mjsupreme Thanks Dina , you have a great day as well 😎
Jul 07Reply
jenondablock84 Thank you for the warm welcome!!! 🥰
Jul 12Reply
silviescloset Thank you for sharing, Dina😍
Jul 17Reply
audreysizelove My jewelry is gorgeous! Love what I purchased!
Jul 27Reply
dina_fiore @audreysizelove it’s so wonderful to wake up to messages like this one! Makes me so happy! Thank you again for the purchase and now for the awesome rating and comments! Have a blessed and beautiful day!! 👏👏👏🥰❤️❣️😘
Jul 27Reply
cjhartje Lovely profile pic. 😊
Jul 28Reply
dina_fiore @cjhartje thank you! So kind of you to say!! 👋🥰❤️❣️
Jul 28Reply
cjhartje 😊
Jul 28Reply
dina_fiore @milly_verchar 👍❤️🥰❣️
Jul 29Reply
scfashnpashn @dina_fiore Thank you. I like how wide it is and the design on the cuff.
Jul 29Reply
dina_fiore @scfashnpashn thank you again for the purchase and now a great rating! So thrilled it worked for you! I was going crazy because it only started tracking today ! I thought you’d never get it lol. I shipped it Monday! Wear it in good health and happiness! 👏👏🥰🥰❤️❤️❣️❣️
Jul 29Reply
nichailajacques Hello! Just checking in to say: You are absolutely, positively amazing. Keep being awesome! Blessings! 🥰🌟🙌🏾.
Aug 02Reply
dina_fiore @nichailajacques 👍🥰❤️❣️
Aug 02Reply
sbcausland24 Hello! Thank you, very much for the shares and also for taking the time to look over my closet!! I truly appreciate that and want to wish you the very best in all your future sales/purchases here on Posh!💕💃🏻
Aug 06Reply
dina_fiore @sbcausland24 right back at you! Have a wonderful day and cheers to many great sales!! 👏👏👋😊🥰❤️❣️
Aug 06Reply
nananellasrooms Omg I am in love with your closet. I lost count how many I shared lol. I have to come back soon for a couple of the brooches which are a new found love of mine. I’m gonna put them in a shadow box so I can see them daily.
Aug 19Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 awww that’s so sweet of you!!pins are my passion too! I have them all attached to a mannequin it’s like a body of jewels! Lol one day I’ll have to put those pictures up! Come back any time! I’m happy to work wit you on getting you what you love! Thank you again! Have a blessed and beautiful day! 👏👋😊❤️🥰❣️
Aug 19Reply
nananellasrooms @dina_fiore oh I definitely will🤗🤗. I put your name down on a separate paper so I can make sure I come back when I’m ready. I’m on disability so that’s what I have to wait on. I’ll be buying myself one for my birthday.
Aug 20Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 👍🥰❣️❤️stay well and stay safe! ❤️❤️
Aug 20Reply
bagitbeautiful You have some of the most BEAUTIFUL ITEMS EVER. Loving your closet. Got my eye on some pieces for a blouse that had pins as buttons and need replacing. I will be back after vacation for sure. 💖 Best wishes for much success. 🥰💖🥰😎
Aug 21Reply
dina_fiore @bagitbeautiful omg thank you!you have great stuff too!!im always happy to work with fellow poshers! When you’re ready, let me know! In the meantime have a wonderful day, happy poshing!cheers to many great sales! Oh and thank you ever so much for the wonderful shares too!👋👏🥰❤️❣️😘
Aug 21Reply
fattybow1 Thanks for sharing!💞
Aug 22Reply
dina_fiore @fattybow1 my pleasure! And thank you for sharing mine!Have a wonderful day! 👋👏😊🥰
Aug 22Reply
karen984 Thanks for your shares! I did likewise! Love your vintage pieces! Will keep checking back. I add new things all the time❤️
Aug 22Reply
fattybow1 @dina_fiore 🥰🥰🥰
Aug 22Reply
dina_fiore @karen984 👋👏👏❤️😊❣️
Aug 22Reply
pablog880 Thank you very much for sharing, you are very kind";)
Aug 23Reply
nysurf9 Thanks for adding me🤙🏻🤙🏻
Aug 23Reply
dina_fiore @nysurf9 👍👏👏🥰
Aug 23Reply
bufferbee Hi Dina and THANKS ALOT for all of the shares from our closet. Buffer Bee and I will do the same for you from your closet. MUCH Poshing successfulness to YOU too!
Aug 24Reply
nedbasic55 Thanks for sharing please be safe
Aug 25Reply
dina_fiore @nedbasic55 thank you! You as well! ❤️🥰
Aug 25Reply
msneverending1 Dina it is August 26 and I still have not received my bundle of 3=items that I ordered August 16. It says delivered but I have not received the items yet. Are you in California with the fires & COVID-19 or somewhere where the Mail is just running slow or delayed? @msneverending1
Aug 26Reply
msneverending1 Never mind I did receive the bundle, I just forgot to accept the bundle. I’m sorry it took so long for me to accept the bundle. Love & Peace Carol
Aug 26Reply
dina_fiore @msneverending1 hi Carol! I’m glad you received your package. I saw it was delivered and thought maybe you were caught up In The wildfires or hurricane area so I didn’t want to disturb. Thank you again for the purchase and for the great rating. I hope you are truly happy with everything you purchased! Have a wonderful day! 🥰❤️❣️
Aug 26Reply
tdrakeb Thank you so much for sharing my closet ...especially my candle ...I’ve Been making them for over 20 years now and I’ve finally decided to advertise them so thank you so much 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Aug 29Reply
nananellasrooms Omg Dina, I am so in love with these jewelry pieces. I want every single one of them🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️
Aug 29Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 lol thank you! You’re the best! The one you’re getting today is a real beauty! I love it and I think you will too! 🥰❤️❣️
Aug 29Reply
dina_fiore @tdrakeb you got it! Have a wonderful day! 👏👋🥰
Aug 29Reply
a_nod Thanks for the shares!
Aug 30Reply
dina_fiore @a_nod 👍🥰good morning!
Aug 30Reply
a_nod @dina_fiore good morning! 😃 I like to reciprocate, so I shared some of your listings 🙃😋
Aug 30Reply
tjackovich Thank you for the posh love ❤️ I appreciate it! Tina
Sep 03Reply
dina_fiore @tjackovich 👍🌺❣️
Sep 04Reply
dina_fiore @milvinq hi and welcome! Thank you!! 👋👏🥰❣️
Sep 04Reply
eapokon @dina_fiore thank you for sharing my closet!! 💕✨ have an awesome weekend!!!
Sep 05Reply
dina_fiore @eapokon thanks as well!have a great holiday weekend!! 👏👏🥰❤️❣️🇺🇸
Sep 05Reply
dina_fiore @tmariebart thank you!! 🥰🥰❤️❣️
Sep 06Reply
dina_fiore @dinalisa2001 haha! Yes it is! 😂😍! Have a most awesome day! Oh and thank you for checking out my closet! 👏🥰❤️❣️
Sep 09Reply
nananellasrooms I cannot believe how many brooches I missed. I hadn’t gone down all the way😳😳😳. I’d have everyone of them if I could yikes
Sep 10Reply
cindykaypusch Hey My Friend!! Your Closet Is Rocking With Sales What's Your Secret?? I'm So Happy For You!! You Go Girl, Keep On Selling!! If You Have Any Tips On How I Can Do Better Please Let Me Know. Have a Wonderful Evening!! ❤️🥰
Sep 10Reply
dina_fiore @cindykaypusch going to send you message on bundle! 🥰
Sep 10Reply
cindykaypusch OMWord, Would You Be Kind Enough To Tell Me How To Post Discount On Bundles Of 3 or More? I Can't See Where I Do This. Thanks So Much!! CindyP ❤️
Sep 11Reply
dina_fiore @cindykaypusch I just make a new listing with a graphic... like you would do for any closet divider
Sep 11Reply
dina_fiore @glennlowney thank you as well! Have a wonderful evening! 👍👊😊👏❤️🇺🇸
Sep 11Reply
chunlilly Miss you. Hope you're doing well. Sharebacks not expected 🖤🖤🖤
Sep 12Reply
nananellasrooms Did you want to be added Dina to my new game or are you good where you’re at. No pressure at all ok. Just had to ask 😁😉🤗
Sep 12Reply
dina_fiore @chunlilly hi! Thanks for checking in! Yes I’m doing ok, just have had the most crazy month so far.... I had to take a break from some share groups, it was becoming insane on my part... overextended, I’m sure you know 😊. I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend! I’ll be back , I hope next week!have an awesome evening! 🥰🥰❤️❣️😍
Sep 13Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 hi, I’m not sure I can commit regularly right now, but by all means tag me on the game, and I’ll definitely try! Ive just cut back as I’m trying new things, but as I said, tag me and if I can, I will! 🥰
Sep 13Reply
nananellasrooms @dina_fiore I will always ask the Posher first before just adding someone lol. It’s basically sharing one or two people max. It’s too much otherwise , I know and that just takes forever so I definitely understand . I’ll tag you and when you can , than you can. Doesn’t have to be every day !
Sep 13Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 I added my name! 🥰
Sep 13Reply
caninowbe hello my name is Katherine and I love to shop. I buy for everyone.. I presently have some new baby clothes. and have some woman plus clothing from woman within and Roamans.. have some smaller younger clothes.. and even some miscellaneous items. come on by check out my closet. 😜. you have a wonderful day and enjoy having friends 💗
Sep 13Reply
dina_fiore @caninowbe welcome and thank you! Have a wonderful evening!
Sep 13Reply
countout40 Modesty is one of my highest virtue... Therefore, thanks for coming by okay.
Sep 14Reply
dina_fiore @countout40 👍👏🥰
Sep 14Reply
satin_and_lace Thanks so much for returning all the Posh Love Shares! 💕😍💕
Sep 14Reply
dina_fiore @satin_and_lace 👏👏🥰👍❤️❣️
Sep 14Reply
boogiebeejewel Thank you Dina! - dina <3
Sep 15Reply
dina_fiore @boogiebeejewel aww I’m thrilled! I think it’s a real beauty that you will love! Even So much better in person!! Color is gorgeous! It’ll go in mail first thing in the morning! 👏🏻👏🏻❤️ 🥰
Sep 15Reply
boogiebeejewel @dina_fiore Thank you - Nice to see another Dina - hard to find spelled this way lol. I used to frequent your area - I'm from Howard beach NY & have lots of family & friends in LB - Many weddings at The sands lol
Sep 15Reply
dina_fiore @boogiebeejewel yes it is! And agree on spelling! Small world! Love my beach! So cool to meet people who’ve been here! We’ve probably partied together at the sands lol! 😂😂👏🥰❤️❣️🎉🍾
Sep 15Reply
boogiebeejewel @dina_fiore Yes small world!
Sep 15Reply
ohmebella Hi Dina @dina_fiore Thank you so much for sharing my closet 💞 I hadn't realized I was chosen as Woody so when I saw your shares I shared back, oops 🙃 I am new to Posh & still learning the ropes! I hope you have a wonderful weekend 💛💛💛
Sep 19Reply
dina_fiore @ohmebella I do the same thing all the time! Plus I always share back regardless! It’s easier than figuring out who is part of group and who is not!! Thank you have an amazing evening! 👏🏻🥰❤️
Sep 19Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Dina😊! Thanks for the shares. Am following you now. Excited to check out your closet. FYI if ever interested in anything in mine, I'm always open to offers & take 20% off bundles of 2+ items. Hope you have a restful evening, stay healthy & safe in all this craziness & Keep Poshing!!!
Sep 23Reply
dina_fiore @greenbaypackers thank you! Stay safe!! 👍🥰❤️❣️
Sep 23Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for visiting my closet ❤!
Sep 24Reply
dina_fiore @lillievonstoop1 👏👏👋🥰
Sep 24Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you too! 👍🏻🌞🌷
Sep 24Reply
refinedfrocks I wanted to stop by for a few moments to warmly thank you for browsing and sharing my closet as it is so tremendously appreciated. Though I am still a relatively new seller to Poshmark, I understand the time you are spending to lend your support to others is not insignificant, so I just had to stop by and let you know how appreciated your kindness to others really is. Please stay in touch, and know that whenever I see your Posh name, it will certainly bring a smile to my heart.
Sep 26Reply
dina_fiore @refinedfrocks awww no problem! And thank you for such kinds words! Have a wonderful day! Happy poshing!👏👏👋🥰❤️❣️
Sep 26Reply
refinedfrocks @dina_fiore you do likewise!!
Sep 27Reply
nananellasrooms Hi Dina! Just wanted you to know that offer in my share/follow game has gotten a glitch where it won’t let me do price drop to all, it would only let me do it thru my followers, which they also were having issues with not see my price drops. It was the only way I could do it. It was not a real offer at all. I’d never do that. It would clear itself out in its own after a day by expiring. So sorry for that
Oct 01Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 hi! Oh don’t worry! I know other people that happens to, which is why I hit decline button! It’s all good!! 👍😊🥰
Oct 01Reply
nananellasrooms @dina_fiore I’ve picked out my next two pins when you’re ready
Oct 01Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 ok I’ll send now! 🥰
Oct 01Reply
nananellasrooms Thank you so much for sharing Dina. I’m very appreciative for that. I’ve doing likewise!!🙏🤗😉😁🌸❤️
Oct 02Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 oh no worries! I’m happy to do for you! Been so busy I can’t take it! Getting ready to start posting my Christmas collection!! It’s insane! Lol it’s daunting and this is just a taste of what I have lol!
Oct 03Reply
nananellasrooms @dina_fiore omg I’m gonna have to get two shadow boxes for them lol
Oct 03Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 omg is an understatement! I put some up but there’s soooooo much more to do!!🤪🤪🤪😍😂
Oct 03Reply
mazyodc Hi, I am Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Oct 04Reply
dina_fiore @mazyodc good morning Marianne! Congratulations on making Ambassador! Thank you for visiting mine! Have a wonderful day and wishing you all the best for many successful sales! 👏👋🥰
Oct 04Reply
yizzie74 Thanks for following 👍🏽
Oct 05Reply
dina_fiore @yizzie74 👋👍😊
Oct 05Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Oct 06Reply
mamaw5172 Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my fantastic finds 🛍🤟🏻🚀🌴🌹
Oct 07Reply
dina_fiore @mamaw5172 👍❤️🥰
Oct 07Reply
bagbeautician Thanks as always, lady!!♡♡ Poshitively WONDERFUL!! Wishing you many sales!!!
Oct 09Reply
dina_fiore @tinkertowntreas 👍👏👏👏🥰❤️right back at you! Have a blessed and beautiful day!🥰❤️🍾
Oct 09Reply
bagbeautician @dina_fiore <3 <3 Thank you!!
Oct 09Reply
shoemore20 Hi Dina! Thank you so much for sharing my closet. You always are generous with your shares ☺️😊🌷 and I can’t keep up with you! Hope you have a safe weekend! 💜💕🦩💜💕🦩💜💕🦩
Oct 10Reply
dina_fiore @shoemore20 awww that’s so kind of you to say! I can’t keep either most days! Lol 😂 thank you for sharing my closet too! Have a wonderful day! 👏👏👋🥰❤️
Oct 10Reply
debzz101 @dina_fiore Hi Dina, thanks for the shares! Love, love, your vintage jewelry!☮️
Oct 12Reply
dina_fiore @debzz101 aww your welcome and thank you for the return shares too!!
Oct 12Reply
dawnshouse Thank for sharing. I’m Laura ! And having a clean out sale. Bunds 2 and get 1 of them free 6$ or under plus shipping discount and discount offer from me. Happy Poshing and happy Halloween
Oct 12Reply
the_juul_closet So much 💜💜💜 for your closet! Obsessed with vintage jewelry! I’d snatch up every Christmas piece if I could! 💜😊
Oct 12Reply
dina_fiore @butterbinks awwww thank you! 🥰🥰🥰! That’s so sweet of you to say! Thank you for checking it out! I’m very appreciative of it! If interested in anything, just know I currently have sale running! I’m happy to work with you on anything you love! Have a blessed and beautiful evening! 👏👏🥰❤️
Oct 12Reply
the_juul_closet Thank you for sharing from my closet! 💜😊
Oct 12Reply
dina_fiore @butterbinks 👍👍🥰❤️
Oct 13Reply
hannah_kiwi Thank you for the shares!!! 🤗
Oct 13Reply
dina_fiore @hannah_kiwi awww no problem! 👏👏🥰
Oct 13Reply
egea19 Hello, will you be able to make the shipping cost $4.99
Oct 16Reply
dina_fiore @egea19 I thought I did? Ok decline offer and I’ll redo
Oct 16Reply
egea19 @dina_fiore OK I just declined please we confirm, I am so sorry that I missed out on the penguins pin I really wanted that one as well,
Oct 16Reply
egea19 Just making sure that you knew that I had 3 items , I only see two
Oct 16Reply
dina_fiore @egea19 I’m sorry for confusion, but, the last bundle you declined only had 2 items ... it was same as this one... not sure what 3rd item is, you would again, have to decline offer and add it. Maybe it was something that was sold?
Oct 16Reply
thecrowntrading Thanks for the follow
Oct 16Reply
chesty2 Beautiful unique jewelry. Thank you for the shares 🌻
Oct 18Reply
dina_fiore @chesty2 aww thank you! And thank you for sharing! It’s always greatly appreciated! Have a blessed and beautiful day! Cheers to many great sales for all of us! 👏👏👋🥰❤️🎃🎄
Oct 18Reply
dina_fiore @turnerbrad156 hi abroad! Good morning and welcome to Poshmark! Wishing you all the best and quick sales! 👋👏😄
Oct 22Reply
thelillyjoyce Thanks for following:) I am offering $2 off everything when bundled!! Just counter offer me your price. All orders go out same day:) stay safe xoxo
Oct 23Reply
proudofjoes You have a great closet! It’s both beautiful and affordable. I love many of the pieces and have warm memories of the Christmas ones especially.
Oct 25Reply
dina_fiore @proudofjoes awww thank you!! It’s truly appreciated!! If interested in anything please let me know! Olus having sale right now bundles of 3 or more get 50%off! Have a wonderful day!! 👏👋🥰❤️
Oct 25Reply
proudofjoes @dina_fiore My problem is not whether I’m interested- it’s deciding on which 3! I’m shopping for family gifts. Jewelry is always easy to ship too. 😉🎄
Oct 25Reply
dina_fiore @proudofjoes awww that’s great! I definitely think we have to shop early this year! When you’re ready let me know! I’m happy to work with you! 🥰❤️
Oct 25Reply
proudofjoes @dina_fiore I agree about early shopping. With so many people home bound and the trend already was internet shopping I believe those are factors. I’m a planner anyway.
Oct 25Reply
dina_fiore @proudofjoes exactly! I try to be organized too! I’m here if you need anything! Have a great day! 🥰
Oct 25Reply
nananellasrooms Hello my friend ! How did your day go 🌸😁
Oct 28Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 no complaints!! Thank you again! Still catching up 🤪
Oct 28Reply
egea19 @dina_fiore hello Diora, I put 3 items on a bundle. Let me know your offer thank you
Oct 30Reply
16jasmine16 Hmmmmm is that like code for something. I'm new here. And quite up front and blunt but ill try to play along😊
Oct 30Reply
dina_fiore @16jasmine16 good morning! I’m not sure what you’re talking about with your comment?
Oct 30Reply
denimandiamonds Thank you my beautiful friend. Bonnie💖💖💖
Oct 30Reply
dina_fiore @denimandiamonds omg Thank you!! I’ll get it out today! I hope you doing well and staying safe!! ❤️🥰👏👏❤️🎃
Oct 30Reply
denimandiamonds I’m doing very well. Taking meds forever, but it’s better than the alternative Hope. You and yours are also well...Hope you always feel as radiant as you look in your picture! Love, Bonnie💖💖💖
Oct 30Reply
dina_fiore @denimandiamonds glad to hear it! I can’t complain, things could always be worse! Thank you for your kind words! Have a blessed and beautiful day, stay safe and wishing you good health! Happy Halloween 🎃🥰❤️
Oct 30Reply
nananellasrooms I could spend all day looking at your closet
Nov 06Reply
nananellasrooms Makes me googly eyed 🤪😍😍
Nov 06Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 haha! That’s the best compliment ever! 😂👏👏❤️❤️🥰🍾
Nov 06Reply
egea19 @dina_fiore hello Dina, Just Wanted to let you know that I am away and I will not be able to rate your beautiful paint until I come back next week please be patient thank you
Nov 07Reply
dina_fiore @egea19 oh that’s so sweet of you, please don’t worry! Have a wonderful weekend! 👏🥰❤️🍷
Nov 07Reply
egea19 @dina_fiore thank you for your understanding!
Nov 07Reply
kamo74 Thanks for the shares!
Nov 08Reply
dina_fiore @kamo74 👍👏🥰❤️ all the best! Have a great evening!
Nov 08Reply
teri247365 Welcome back! I've missed you and your kind shares 💕🥰❤🙂
Nov 08Reply
dina_fiore @teri247365 awww you’re too kind! 🥰🥰❤️ some days just so overwhelmed, I can’t keep up! 😆 I now need glasses because it’s making me whacky! 😁🥰❤️
Nov 08Reply
teri247365 @dina_fiore I totally get that! Hang in there 🙂 we can be wacky together 🤪🙃
Nov 08Reply
danny12h 💕💕💕Thank you for the shares, your closet is amazing 💕💕💕💕💕
Nov 08Reply
dina_fiore @dan12shot omg Thank you!!🥰❤️🥰❤️ I would say the same about yours! Such stunning clothing! Have a wonderful day and stay safe! Happy poshing and cheers to many wonderful sales! 👋👏🥰❤️🍾
Nov 08Reply
egea19 @dina_fiore hello Dina, unfortunately was tested positive with Covid and will not be able to get to mass till the 18th so I will go ahed and rate your pin a give you a five star I am sure it’s beautiful and in great condition. Thank you
Nov 09Reply
dina_fiore @egea19 first, please do not worry about that!! More importantly is to take care of you! You are in my thoughts and prayers!! I’m sure you will come through it just fine. Take a little extra vitamin D and C! They both help! 🙏🙏❤️🥰
Nov 09Reply
egea19 @dina_fiore thank you darling! Funny you say that because my daughter told me to double up on vitamin C and vitamin D as well and to relax and wait for my turn to expire on the 15th what can we do it is what it is we live in a very strange and unpredictable world but we must all make the best of it and this shall pass. I am more concerned about my mom who is 89 years old because she tested positive as well and she is with me so I have to keep an eye on her. Anyway thank you stay well💜💜💜
Nov 09Reply
dina_fiore @egea19 lol it works. Crazy is putting it mildly! My bother had flu like and other then loss of taste and smell he did ok. I care for my mom who is 80 so I run into that too.she just had drs apt they tested her as precaution was found to have the antibodies, never sick or anything, how ill never know, me tested 3x and nothing thankfully so who knows anymore! Stay positive,it’ll all be ok! Sending good vibes and good thoughts your way! ❤️❤️🙏❤️🥰
Nov 09Reply
egea19 @dina_fiore thank you Dina.💜
Nov 10Reply
cccrew44 Good to have you following
Nov 10Reply
carolynw2019 Good morning!! Thank you for all your sharing of my closet. I appreciate it. Have a good “hump” day.
Nov 11Reply
dina_fiore @carolynw2019 👋👋 good morning to you too! I appreciate all the shares as well, so right back at you!🥰 have a wonderful day and stay safe! Happy poshing and cheers to many great sales! 👏👏🥰❤️🌺
Nov 11Reply
cinderella927 Hey Dina! I see you liked The RUNWAY👠‼️Welcome‼️We are a great group of Poshers who share each other's closets while having fun‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured this week and have Wed. 11/18 and Thurs. 11/19 open. Let me know if you would like to "walk" The RUNWAY👠‼️
Nov 17Reply
dina_fiore @cinderella927 hi! WOW! that’s pretty awesome to be considered! ❤️❤️🥰 I would love to walk the runway with you but I want to be honest, this week I am volunteering all day every day this whole week to prepare thanksgiving diner and all the donations for 500+ families locally. My sharing therefore comes second to that.
Nov 17Reply
dina_fiore @cinderella927 I’m incredibly grateful for this opportunity and would be open to it at any other point in time when I can commit to sharing. I would not want to say yes and then get caught up and not get it done. Once this week is finished I’ll be happy and much less stressed ! 🤪🥰❤️🙏🎁
Nov 17Reply
dina_fiore @cinderella927 thank you for understanding! I promise I’ll get in the game and start once this passes! Have a great evening and again I’m sorry but sincerely appreciative of the opportunity and you no idea how I hate to pass on it especially at this time! Ugh! 🥰❤️🙏
Nov 17Reply
besch385 Hi, I was just about to say the same thing. I do appreciate your sharing my closet too, and I understand. You stay safe too. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️😀.
Nov 19Reply
classtiques Thanks for the shares, you sweet Posher! Classtiques 🌸
Nov 19Reply
teresainez You are AWESOME! I appreciate all of the shares. Thanks so much! Have a blessed day.
Nov 22Reply
dina_fiore @teresainez 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️👏 thank u for sharing as well! Have a blessed and beautiful day and a wonderful thanksgiving! 🥰❤️👏🦃🎁
Nov 22Reply
teresainez @dina_fiore Happy Thanksgiving to you. Stay safe.
Nov 22Reply
egea19 Hello Dina, how are you? Just wanted to let you know that I was finally able to get to Mass we are cured from COVID-19 . Finally opened up your package and I absolutely love the pin. My mom will be very happy. Thank you again, from time to time if you have others items that you think I may like please let me know.
Nov 25Reply
dina_fiore @egea19 hi!!! So happy you are all feeling better! 👏👏🙏❤️! It’s scary stuff! I’m thrilled you are happy with pin! You are so sweet! I will definitely keep you posted, I’m always putting new items in! This week I added new bracelets, earrings and working on other items too! I have so much lol! If you haven’t checked closet lately, you can always sort on icon on top left of my page and click on just in!
Nov 25Reply
dina_fiore @egea19 that will show all the newer items! Once again, thank you your purchases and for all the great ratings! I wish you and your family a wonderful thanksgiving day! I have a lot to be thankful for and especially for people like you! 🥰🥰🥰😘❤️👏👏🙏🦃 stay safe and stay healthy!🙏🥰🦃
Nov 25Reply
dina_fiore Oops top right has sort icon! I’m losing it lol 😂
Nov 25Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 ITEMS MUST BE $40 OR LESS;))) Bundle Multiples & Save $$$$$ Accepting All Offers Thank you for your interest;)Come back and your next purchase can be 50% off or more if u bundle multiples ;))) SALE ENDS JANUARY 2 2021
Nov 28Reply
needfulthyngs Hi Dina! You are always so generous with your shares and I really appreciate it. Thank you so much. Happy Holidays and Wish you a lot of sales! 👍😀
Nov 28Reply
dina_fiore @needfulthyngs thank you! 🥰👏 I try to keep up!🤪🥰❤️ have a wonderful day and a blessed holiday season! 👏👏🥰❤️🎁🎄
Nov 28Reply
cliffordbbailey 🎖Congratulations on your Amazonian  Warrior Egeria Pick💲💲💲💰💰👔👕👖🧥 🌞🌞CLIFF the Posh Ambassador 🌞🌞 I really 💘 the way your closet is designed. Very Professional, You inspired me to do the same in my closet.  Happy Poshing 😊
Dec 04Reply
dina_fiore @cliffordbbailey awww thank you! And thanks for sharing too! My closet is not the best layout, but I learn something every day! It’s evolving lol 😂 I hope you have a fabulous day and stay safe! 👋👋👏👏🎁🎄🎁🎄🥰❤️
Dec 04Reply
cliffordbbailey @dina_fiore You're Welcome 😊 Here at the Postmark Family we want Everyone to Succeed HAPPY POSHING 😊
Dec 04Reply
dina_fiore @cliffordbbailey 👏👏👍🥰❤️🎁🎄🎁🎄🎉🍾
Dec 04Reply
mimisfashion27 Thank you for the shares. Have a wonderful day!!!
Dec 06Reply
dina_fiore @mimisfashion27 👋👋 my pleasure and you too! 👏👏🎁🎄🎁🎁🥰❤️
Dec 06Reply
besch385 Thank you so much for the shares ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dec 08Reply
dina_fiore @besch385 you got it ❤️🥰
Dec 08Reply
chic_boutik Thank you so much Dina for the generous shares! I truly appreciate them. Wishing you continued success Poshing and happy holidays. Most importantly stay safe 🙏 🤗😘
Dec 09Reply
dina_fiore @chic_boutik 🥰🥰 right back at you! Stay safe and happy holidays to you and yours! 🎁🎄🎁🎄🎁🥰❤️
Dec 09Reply
alijohnson95 Thank you for your shares:) I really appreciate it:)
Dec 12Reply
dina_fiore @alijohnson95 👏👏👍🎄🎁🎄🥰
Dec 12Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I'm looking to clear my closet out so will be accepting most (basically all) offers! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything in my closet! Thank you so much and have a great day :)
Dec 14Reply
kar_car_18 Hi Dina, thanks for following! Please do check out our closet when you can! We have gently used worn just by one in our smoke-free house and a bunch of NWT since we can’t pass up deals! Happy Poshing and have a great week! 🌟🥳💄🤩🥰🛍👑🙋‍♀️💕
Dec 14Reply
poshpeeks Hi there!! 🙋🏼‍♀️ Thank you for all the shares!! 🦩🦩🦩💕💕💕🎉
Dec 14Reply
dina_fiore @susanpaige5 👍👏👏🎁🎄🎁🎄🥰❤️
Dec 14Reply
imashoeluver HI Dina! thank you so much for the generous shares/cares! Happy Poshing!
Dec 14Reply
dina_fiore @imashoeluver 👍 my pleasure! We all work together! 👏👏🥰❤️🎁🎄🎁🎉 have a wonderful and safe holiday season! 🎄🎁🎄🎁🎄👏🥰❤️
Dec 14Reply
imashoeluver @dina_fiore awww 🥰😇🥰🎅🏼🧑🏻‍🎄🤶🏻🎄thank you! You too !🎄🌲🎄🎅🏼🧑🏻‍🎄
Dec 14Reply
dina_fiore @imashoeluver ❤️❤️👏👏❤️❤️🥰🍷
Dec 14Reply
audreysizelove Yes, it came!! Beautiful bracelet! Hope you have a great Christmas too. Stay safe up there in NY state, how much snow do you have?
Dec 23Reply
dina_fiore @audreysizelove so happy you’re happy! 👏👏❤️🥰🎁🎄 I’m on Long Island so not too bad, most melted by now! Today we’ve got big winds coming with rain! Ugh...have a wonderful Christmas! And say safe! 👏👏🎁🎄🎁🎄🎁🥰❤️🍾🥂🎉
Dec 24Reply
pacificwinds Thank you for your sweet comment and rating. Merry Christmas!
Dec 24Reply
dina_fiore @tanyrae thank you! Have a very merry Christmas!🎁🎄🥰
Dec 24Reply
cliffordbbailey 🎖Congratulations on your Phil   Pick💲💲💲   💰💰👔👕👖🧥👗🩱👚👝👜 🌞🌞CLIFF the Posh Ambassador 🌞🌞 I really 💘 the way your closet is designed. Very Professional, You inspired me to do the same in my closet.  Happy Poshing 😊
Dec 29Reply
dina_fiore @cliffordbbailey ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰 awww so sweet of you to say that! It’s an ever evolving learning experience! That you so much for the shares and the great comments! Have a fantastic evening and a blessed and healthy New Year! 👏👏🎉🎉🍾🥂🍾🥂🥰❤️🥰❤️
Dec 29Reply
audreysizelove Dina- a jewelry question- I have a Trifari brooch that belonged to my mother that is missing 6 tiny rhinestones about the size of the point on a pencil. Do you know if they can be replaced?
Jan 01Reply
dina_fiore @audreysizelove hi! I’m sure that can if you can find comparable stones. I dint know what it looks like but if u want to add pictures I can try and give you some direction.
Jan 02Reply
audreysizelove When I get organized I will post some photos and let you know. Thanks
Jan 03Reply
denise950 Hi Dina..appreciate your purchase. This will be shipped tomorrow. Have a good day!!!
Jan 03Reply
dina_fiore @denise950 thank you! And no rush! 🥰
Jan 03Reply
denise950 @dina_fiore 🙂...the way the postal service has been lately it could take longer than expected!
Jan 03Reply
dina_fiore @denise950 I know don’t worry my outgoing packages are all late! I’m in no rush 🥰
Jan 03Reply
beclassybebold I LOVE your Items!!!😍👏👏 Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty! Happy Poshing, Great Sales Day!😃♥️
Jan 04Reply
beclassybebold Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you! I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
Jan 04Reply
jem2006 I love your closet so beautiful. ❤️
Jan 08Reply
dina_fiore @jem2006 🥰🥰❤️ you are so kind to say that!! Thank you so much! And thank you for always sharing! I hope you have a wonderful evening and a happy and blessed New Year! Stay safe my friend! 👏👏🥰❤️❣️🍾
Jan 08Reply
denise950 Hi Dina and thank you for the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! That makes me happy🤗. They are beautiful shoes. Glad you like and enjoy wearing them. Appreciate the lovely note. Take care and happy 2021!!!!🌸❣️
Jan 11Reply
dina_fiore @denise950 thank you! 👏👏🥰❤️👞 happy new year!!
Jan 11Reply
denise950 @dina_fiore 😍🌸👍
Jan 11Reply
megansmenagerie You have such a gorgeous collection! I don’t even wear brooches, but now I feel like I should!! Thank you for the shares 🌸🦋💕
Jan 16Reply
dina_fiore @meganmoore349 good morning! And thank you!!👏👏🥰❤️ yes you should wear them! They can be so much fun and and can make the outfit! I find I get a lot of compliments when I do! I always have one on my denim jacket or on lapel of my blazer. I also use them as art in my home. I have 2 mannequins that are adorned with them too. I pull one off when I need a pop of fun! Thank you for sharing!
Jan 16Reply
audreysizelove Hello and Happy NY. I posted two photos of ear ring that I’d like to sell . Could you look at them and answer a couple of questions? They should be at the top of my closet page. One pair is an opalescent pair, kind of bluish tint that comes and goes. Would you know whether this is Mother of Pearl? Second pair looks like marcasite but ??? Isn’t marcasite silver? Thanks for any information you can provide. Looked at your closet, very tempting items but...not right now.
Jan 16Reply
audreysizelove Thanks so much for looking at the ear rings and advising. ❤️
Jan 16Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 20Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍
Jan 20Reply
dina_fiore @thillbill 👍🥰❤️❣️
Jan 20Reply
dina_fiore @ldadamo123 👍👏🥰❤️❣️
Jan 20Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 ITEMS MUST BE Listed $40 OR LESS;))) Bundle Multiples & Save $$$$$ Accepting All Offers Thank you for your interest;)Come back and your next purchase can be 50% off or more if u bundle multiples ;))) SALE ENDS JANUARY 31 2021
Jan 25Reply
t6363b How have u been? Hope your holidays were wonderful;))
Jan 25Reply
dina_fiore @t6363b good morning! 👋👋🥰 Hi! Long time no see! I’ve been great! And yes survived the holidays, the new year so far and all the madness in this world! 🤪🥰 I hope you have as well! I hope you have a great day and a wonderful week! 👏👏🎉🎉🥰❤️❣️
Jan 25Reply
cgbmgb Thank you for sharing Dina!🌷
Jan 27Reply
nananellasrooms I’m gonna purchase something from the event, I’m just trying to fine the new one i hearted ❤️
Jan 31Reply
nananellasrooms I have a luv/hate relationship going in here. I luv coming shopping here but I want everything lol
Jan 31Reply
ncbudgetboujee Thank you so much for the shares. I really appreciate you. Have a great day!!! 💓
Feb 06Reply
dina_fiore @ncbudgetboujee thank you!! Have an awesome day! 👏👏🥰❤️❣️🌹☀️
Feb 06Reply
lillybelles56 Beautiful vintage jewelry ❤️
Feb 06Reply
dina_fiore @lillybelles56 omg I was going to say the same thing about your closet!! Thank you! Coming from you it means a great deal! 👏👏🥰❤️❣️🌹
Feb 06Reply
lillybelles56 @dina_fiore Haha! Thank You so much that is very nice of you to say. 🥰
Feb 06Reply
dina_fiore @lillybelles56 it’s true! 👏👏🥰❤️❣️
Feb 06Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Feb 06Reply
dina_fiore @carmenwoollums 👏👏🥰❣️🙏
Feb 06Reply
nice_matters11 🌵🙋🏻‍♀️🧩 🌵Congrats on being Featured 🌵Beautiful Closet ALL shared 🌵Keep Safe & Healthy ❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙 🌵❤️🧩Monica in AZ🧩💙🌵 🌵🧡🧩🌵💚🧩🌵💛🧩🌵 Spreading Autism Awareness
Feb 13Reply
fritz_joe @toto2canne2 yes, beautiful picture
Feb 13Reply
dina_fiore @fritz_joe awww thank you! 🥰❤️❣️ have a blessed and beautiful day! 👏👏🥰❤️❣️☀️🌞
Feb 13Reply
dina_fiore @nice_matters11 omg, not sure what I was featured in 🥰🥰🥰👏👏🎉 but yea and thank you!! 👏👏🎉🥰❤️❣️☀️ and yes Autism supporter here! Prayers for a blessed and beautiful day! 🥰🥰❤️❣️🙏☀️🌞🙏
Feb 13Reply
fritz_joe @dina_fiore We all kno girLs just wAnna have a gOod time. keep up the good work
Feb 13Reply
dina_fiore @fritz_joe 😂😂 hahathanks! You too! 🥰
Feb 13Reply
cliffordbbailey 🎖Congratulations on your Antiope Pick 🌞🌞CLIFF the Posh Ambassador 🌞🌞 I really 💘 the way your closet is designed. Very Professional, You inspired me to do the same in my closet.  Happy Poshing 😊
Feb 13Reply
heyrobb Thank you so much for sharing my listing (: I grew up on Long Island and when I was young my grandparents had a small beach house in Atlantic Beach. I also used to spend a lot of fun nights at a dance club called MALIBU (in LB) in the early-mid 1980’s.
Feb 13Reply
dina_fiore @heyrobb hi! 👏👏🥰❤️ thank you! I think my closet is a mess lol! Thank you so much for sharing and for such kind words! Have an awesome evening and stay safe! 🥰❤️❣️
Feb 14Reply
dina_fiore @heyrobb oops wrong person! I grew there and still there! I have to be near water! Lol 👏❤️🥰
Feb 14Reply
dina_fiore @heyrobb and spent a lot of wild nights at Malibu too! 😜😍🍾🍷
Feb 14Reply
dina_fiore @cliffordbbailey awwww thank you! I just realized I responded to wrong person originally! 😂 LOL! Thank you for such kind words! I see so many closets that are awesome, compared to my little one! I try to up my game when possible! It’s always a work in progress! Thank you for sharing too! Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe! 👏👏🥰❤️❣️😍
Feb 14Reply
nananellasrooms @dina_fiore thought you’d get a kick, but last 3 five ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I got there were no comments at all 😳😳😳
Feb 18Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 oh I don’t feel so bad then Lôl
Feb 18Reply
nananellasrooms @dina_fiore I just wonder if some people don’t really see that tiny comment spot ir they’re just in a rudh
Feb 18Reply
dina_fiore @nanazl327 good point! I hope that’s it
Feb 18Reply
japerry73 Thank you for the follow Gorgeous
Feb 19Reply
dina_fiore @japerry73 👍🥰❤️❣️
Feb 19Reply
2accessorize2 Absolutely amazing seller ! Packaging , thank you notes , fast shipping , quality merchandise ! Stumbled upon her things while sharing - me so happy
Mar 01Reply
dina_fiore @2accessorize ❤️❤️🥰 awe thank you!! 🥰🥰❤️❣️
Mar 01Reply
lj61 @dina_fiore Ty 🙏 for all the shares 🤗
Mar 03Reply
dina_fiore @lj61 🥰☀️👍
Mar 03Reply
nananellasrooms Hello my friend. Can you set up that bundle for me please
Mar 04Reply
lorainemariel hi Dina, I can't find the list but can we sell curling irons and straighteners?
Mar 05Reply
dina_fiore @lorainemariel to be honest I don’t know I feel like I’ve seen hair straighteners... I usually contact Poshmark support and ask them
Mar 05Reply
shellyl72 You have some incredible jewelry in your closet! Thanks for the follow!
Mar 09Reply
dina_fiore @shellyl72 awww thank you! 🥰❤️❣️ and thank you for sharing!👏👏🥰❣️🍷
Mar 09Reply
smithboys4 I wanted to thank you for stopping by my closet and sharing. I have returned the favor. Your closet is very unique I live it. Have a great weekend and happy poshing
Mar 13Reply
dina_fiore @smithboys4 ❤️❤️👏 oh no problem! Your welcome! And thank you for checking out my closet too! Have a wonderful day! 🎉👏🎉🌞☀️🥰🌞❣️🌷🌹🍾
Mar 13Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍
Mar 15Reply
dina_fiore @ldadamo123 👍🏻🥰❤️
Mar 15Reply
jem2006 Thanks for all the shares and thanks for the discounts on the sweet chicken pin!! I love it!!
Mar 20Reply
dina_fiore @jem2006👏👏 I just left you same message on your page! That’s hysterical!! 🥰❤️❣️🌷🌼🐣🐥😁💐 thank you! ❤️❣️🌷🐣🐥
Mar 20Reply
jem2006 @dina_fiore lol great posters think alike!! I love that pin and I can’t wait to wear it so so cute!! I kept sharing it and then I was like I need to buy that!! I love your closet so many cute things
Mar 20Reply
dina_fiore @jem2006 agreed lol... ❤️❤️❤️awww thank you again! 🥰❤️❣️🍷
Mar 20Reply
willowisposh Thanks so much for the shares! 🥰 I’m new at this and your support is sooooo helpful 🙏🏻 Cheers to lots of shares and sales 🍾🥂 Happy Poshing! 🎉 Best-WRB🌸
Mar 28Reply
dina_fiore @willowisposh aww my pleasure! Wishing you all the best!! I was once in your shoe and I’m still learning! Sharing and following is most important!!👏👏🥰❤️❣️☀️🌼🐥🐰🌷🎉👋🍾😍
Mar 29Reply
jem2006 Sharing tonight because in the morning i'll be egg hunting with my children;)
Apr 04Reply
abel6583 CONGRATS ON YOUR WIN 🥳 🤗 I’m 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐡 𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫 Ashleigh. Just stopping by to wish you HAPPY POSHING❣️
Apr 07Reply
bettyboopertoo Thanks for following me, Dina!! I spent many Friday nights at the Nathan's after high school basketball games years ago. I grew up in Elmont! I'll check out your closet and share, hope you'll do the same. I'm recently retired and hoping to downsize. Discounts always on bundles sof at least 2 items. :) Betty
Apr 07Reply
fadhionlover @dina_fiore Congratulations on your win 🏆👏🎉 visit my closet when you have a chance. 25% OFF any 3 or MORE listings. all $10 & under listings are 4 for Only $20. I wrap with care and ship fast.
Apr 08Reply
dina_fiore @bettyboopertoo that’s hilarious! Loved it too! 👏👏🥰❤️❣️ congratulations on your retirement! This is a great diversion to occupy the time! I always share, so no worries on that front, just look at my numbers lol 😂.. have a blessed and beautiful evening my neighbor! 👏🥰❤️❣️🍷
Apr 08Reply
dina_fiore @bettyboopertoo also, btw, check out @myguyscloset. They Have a daily share group (look for the post-in her closet)specializes in sharing kids closes and items! It’s a great way to gain new followers and get your closet shared as well! Notwithstanding meeting other awesome poshers! 🥰🥰
Apr 08Reply
andig2 Dina please contact me via Posh. wrong order although nice wrapping :)
Apr 08Reply
dina_fiore @andig2 oh I’m sooooo sorry! I’ve never screwed up label before. I responded to PM I’ll get in contact with other buyer to get it back and swapped out...
Apr 08Reply
dina_fiore @andig2 ps... You’re wrapping should be good too! I’ll make it up to you once I get yours back ...unless you don’t want it anymore? I still can’t believe I did that ugh!😔
Apr 08Reply
cheryl1da As a doc I don't usually get time to share as much as I would like. But I am on a break and YOU have this INCREDIBLE closet! Thanks for letting me "walk" through it. Take care & stay safe, Cheryl😘💖
Apr 11Reply
dina_fiore @cheryl1da good morning!!🌞☀️👏👏❤️🥰🌻🌼 first let me say thank you! I’m sure your working like crazy to keep us all safe! I for one appreciate all that you are doing and continue to do! God bless you!🙏🥰🙏❤️❣️ thank you for taking the time to go thru it and for your kind words! That means the world to me! Have a wonderful day and stay safe!! 👏👏❤️🥰❣️☀️🌞🌻🌼🙏
Apr 11Reply
cheryl1da Doing what I do is an HONOR (see my Meet-the-Posher comments). What YOU do is help my recovering patients & family learn how great Poshmark can be. You, dear heart are AWESOME! Cheryl🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Apr 11Reply
dina_fiore @cheryl1da amen! 🥰🥰😍😘
Apr 11Reply
cheryl1da Thanks for the special offer on the pin! I got carried away & I need to tend to taxes! But I always look forward to sharing your closet! Cheryl😘💖✨
Apr 13Reply
dina_fiore @cheryl1da omg never apologize!! I just saw you bought the other one! You are too much! 🥰🥰
Apr 13Reply
dina_fiore Have you sent return package out yet?? Your item has been received back
Apr 13Reply
auntiegrams Great store. you have some interesting pieces.
Apr 20Reply
dina_fiore @auntiegrams aww thank you very much!! Your kind words are greatly appreciated! 🥰❣️❤️🌼🌻🎉
Apr 20Reply
gypsymama84 Hi Dina ❤️ Thank yon so much for the purchase & the awesome rating ✨ Ha s a beautiful day Dina🌻
Apr 20Reply
dina_fiore @gyspymama84 ❤️❤️❤️👏🥰❣️🍷
Apr 21Reply
neatnashville Thank you for the shares! 🌸🌺
Apr 24Reply
dina_fiore @neatnashville 👏👏🥰❤️❣️ my pleasure! Have a wonderful evening and a great weekend!🥰
Apr 24Reply
vicesandvintage Thank you for the shares! Love your closet! ❤️
May 02Reply
dina_fiore @vicesandvintage thank you! And I can say the same about yours!!👏👏🥰❤️❣️ I appreciate the shares! Have an awesome evening and a great rest of the weekend! 👏❤️🥰❣️🎉🍾 Dina
May 02Reply
franjav7777777 Hello darling 🥰
May 04Reply
franjav7777777 @dina_fiore nice to meet you ☺️🥰
May 08Reply
redmermaid_cove Awesome closet ❤🧜‍♀️
May 08Reply
dina_fiore @redmermaid_cove awww thank you! 🥰Thank you for taking the time to check it out and for sharing too!👏👏❤️🥰❣️🌹it’s greatly appreciated!! I hope you have a wonderful evening and an amazing Mother’s Day! With family 🎉🍾🥰❤️❣️🌹☀️🌼🌻🌞
May 08Reply
dina_fiore @redmermaid_cove btw... I’m a seasonal neighbor too!!im in delray a bit of a snowbird lucky us! Weather is beautiful Too! 🏖🧉⛱🥰
May 08Reply
emanizeigler Hello, My Poshmark Friend. Thank you for the shares. I really appreciate it. I have a question. There is a silver bracelet in your closet that says "On Hold". Is it still on hold or can I purchase it?
May 21Reply
dina_fiore @emanizeigler hi! 🥰🥰👏❤️ I’m happy to,share... are u talking about the floral dangling bracelet?
May 21Reply
emanizeigler @dina_fiore Wow, you have a lot of comments. I thought it was going to take until Sunday to page down to the end😁. O, yes ma'am. The description states "Dangling Bracelet". That one.
May 21Reply
dina_fiore @emanizeigler haha! Yes , but let me check with the person...if she’s not going to take it, I’ll tag u and let you know on the bracelet paid so u don’t have to scroll! LOL 😂❤️
May 21Reply
emanizeigler Haha! Okay, that sounds great! Thank you. Stay safe and God Bless!
May 21Reply
dina_fiore @emanizeigler 🙏👏👏❤️❤️❣️🥰
May 21Reply
randeescloset Hi Dina, Nice to meet you as well❤️ Love your beautiful closet🌷 Best regards, Randee 🌷🌼🌸🌻
May 21Reply
dina_fiore @randeescloset thank you! 🌼🌻☀️❤️
May 21Reply
franjav7777777 @dina_fiore nice to meet you too 🥰
May 24Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
May 25Reply
dina_fiore @s27a 👋👏🥰❤️❣️
May 26Reply
dina_fiore @ranehunter thank you! There’s no rush! I love the idea as I live at the beach! I’ll wait till I get this one, I may come back for another! ❤️🥰❣️ thank you for sharing too! ☀️🌞🌻🌼⛱🥰❤️❣️ Dina
May 26Reply
onequalife Good Morning, thanks for sharing
May 26Reply
laursamantha94 thanks for the shares and support!! I look forward to seeing all the goodies you add! stay healthy & blessed💗🌞
May 26Reply
dina_fiore @laursamantha94 🥰❤️❣️☀️🌞🌻🌼 thank you! Have an awesome day
May 26Reply
laursamantha94 @dina_fiore you too 🌞🥰
May 26Reply
jewelry_heaven Hi, glad you came by. Anyway want to inform you that we are a full service jewelry store with high quality jewelry items we sell below wholesale. We can also size most of our rings for free. Also, please keep in mind we also offer layaway so don't wait. Jump in , make offers, and let's make great deals :wink: Sincerly you'r new friend Anel
May 26Reply
dina_fiore @ranehunter thanks..I’ll take a look at it..
May 30Reply
d_setterfield Awesome vintage items. Thanks for stopping by. Donna
Jun 02Reply
dina_fiore @d_setterfield aww thank you! And thank you for checking out my closet and sharing!👏👏🥰❤️❣️ have a wonderful day! ☀️🌼🌻🌞🙋🏻‍♀️
Jun 02Reply
dina_fiore @ranehunter thank you! 🥰
Jun 02Reply

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