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Updated Oct 09
Updated Oct 09

Meet your Posher, Jaci

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jaci. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, lululemon athletica, and Free People. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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brittanypirie88 Hi sissy! Love you xo
Oct 09Reply
wearreclaimedco Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy your selling/buying adventure as much as I do. If I can share any tips to help you out, let me know. 👒👠👗🧣👜👓
Oct 24Reply
jasminelarocque Hey! If you bundle your likes I will send you an offer!
Nov 25Reply
kmclenna Hi Jack, thanks for your purchase! I can have your vest and Lulus shipped out by Monday afternoon :).
Dec 21Reply
jacipirie1 @kmclenna thanks so much! ☺️
Dec 21Reply
mtlstyle Heyyy :-) please come and check out my closet, i have added plenty of new items, hopefully you can find something you like, share the love or if you can make an offer in this time of crisis anything would help xx cheerss Dont miss out on my April Special xx :-)!
Apr 14Reply
michaelasamor Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have as much fun as I have in here. It is awesome to see all the different items and styles. If you would like,check out my closet to see if anything interests you. I am open to bundles and deals! Happy poshing!
Apr 24Reply
amberzhaque94 @jacipirie1 hey lovely, I noticed that you liked a listing for the sephora favourites kit. If you are still interested in purchasing one I have it listed brand new xx
Apr 29Reply
kindcollective Hey! Thank you for your interest in supporting The Kind Collective😊 If you would like to browse our items at drastically reduced prices, check out our instagram or facebook @thekindcollective2020!💛
May 17Reply
shishi_c Hi! Thank you so much for sharing my closet and the likes!! I offer discount on bundles if you interested. 💞 All the best!
May 18Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate🙏🙏🥺🥺
May 19Reply
candicepenner84 I love your page sis and look forward to recieving my orders :)
May 27Reply
pretty_and_cute Hi! Please come take a peel at my closet 🥰🥰🥰 Hope you find something you like! Let me know you have any questions! 🤗🤗🤗 Happy poshmarking!
Jun 06Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize 😊 I hope you can find items of interest in my closet, your $50 credit will get you a lot, all offers accepted and every item comes with bonus. Have a great evening!
Jun 06Reply
2ndhand_seller Congrats on your Love or List Challenge win! 🏆
Jun 07Reply
_kyleekerr Text me please!
Jul 11Reply
dianahd06 Hi there! I wanted to invite you to check out my closet full of beautiful clothing and accesories! I have various luxury and designer brands, as well as everyday amazing clothing! There is something for everyone! I am open to any offers, and have great deals on bundles:) Please let me know if I can help you with anything😊 Happy Poshing!!
Sep 25Reply
houseofhibiscus Hello! Thank you so much for purchasing from my closet! 😊. Sorry it took a while for me to accept the offer as I just got off of work. I will ship your package out tomorrow! Cheers! 💕
Jan 27Reply
highfashionyyt Hi Jaci! I came across your closet and I think I may have some items that’ll interest you! Come see for yourself☺️ I offer discount on bundles, just add any items you like to your bundle and I’ll send you my absolute best price!! You can also use the bundle option or comment section to ask me any question you have about my items or Poshmark in general! Stay safe and happy poshing🦋🥰💕
Feb 12Reply
mika2565 Hey There!. Feel free to check out my closet. If you are interested in something let me know or make your offer. Happy POSHING :)
Feb 14Reply
mika2565 Hi! Thanks for following my closet. . Let us all enjoy this journey sharing and selling in Poshmark, it’s like a separate world, away from the pandemic even just for a moment. Be happy, be healthy Happy poshings! All the best to you.You have a lovely closet :):)
Feb 14Reply
darlingem Hi love! I hope you are having a great weekend. I am trying to clear out my closet, so feel free to make me offers on any items you’d love. ❤️ Thanks so much for shopping small.
Feb 21Reply
overacupoftea Hi Jaci! Thanks for liking the Dior Trotter. Happy to answer any questions. Happy poshing! 😘
Mar 31Reply
17pizzazz Hi Jaci! Thanks for stopping by& liking my items. You’re eligible for extra 10% if you decide to get 3 or more items. Let me know. Take care!🥰
Apr 11Reply
jade_lemonade Hey, just wondering why you cancelled my order with no explanation as to why? I was really looking forward to getting the item 😕
Apr 19Reply
mslocker Hey There! I'd like to invite you to check out my closet (or as I like to refer to it as 'My Locker' 🤭). I am adding new items all the time! Currently you'll find lots of NWT & like-new clothes from Keds, Vans, Convese, Forever 21, American Eagle, Babaton, J.Crew, Topshop, Zara to name a few (also jewelry & Victoria Secret perfume). I'm always open to offers, and don't forget to follow to see the new drops. Happy Poshing!!
May 23Reply
itsme01777 Hi Jaci 🙋‍♀️ Just dropping by to say Hi and invite you to kindly check out my closet when you get a chance 😊 I do have some items that may be of interest to you and I’ll be listing more so be sure to follow me 👍 Take care! Stay safe and Happy Poshing ❤️
Aug 17Reply
katherinecchu Dear, thanks for your interest in my handmade ring. Would you like to check my page again to see if you like another jewelry and you can take advantage of Pick 2 for $45 SALE ? I’m also open to sell the ring you like alone, no pressure. 😉
Aug 28Reply
glamvegan Hi Jaci thanks for the shares I’m happy to share you fab closet too. Have a great day xoxo
Sep 05Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize!
Sep 10Reply
levelupfits Thanks for the shares. You got the posing down too.. looking good.
Feb 24Reply
zichrona613 I didn't know until I read the comment on one of your items that PM takes 20 % !!! I had no idea it was si much a good idea of yours to let buyers know that.
Feb 27Reply
jacipirie1 @zichrona613 Hi, yes they do it’s actually a little over 20% which I don’t understand why so much, us sellers are paying for everything: packaging, packing materials, gifts, we pay when we give discounted shipping. So something to keep in mind when sending sellers low offers we are already loosing quite a bit of money.
Feb 27Reply
jacipirie1 I am considering starting my own business and instead of having 20% being taken away for nothing I will be donating to charities. I love poshmark for buying but it’s not great for selling so I will likely be closing my account.
Feb 27Reply
flanneryalida Hi there, just purchased the Kate Spade small cream bag from you. Hoping I might be able to bundle a few more items if you haven’t shipped it yet??
Apr 10Reply
jacipirie1 @flanneryalida hey! Of course you can text me if you want and let me know what you want to add it’s 431 541 6784 ☺️
Apr 10Reply
jacipirie1 @flanneryalida I will be shipping tommorow morning just let me know before then ☺️
Apr 11Reply
jacipirie1 @flanneryalida hi there I will be shipping tommorow let me know if there is anything else you would like me to add. ☺️
Apr 12Reply
bellachic2 Hi Beautiful! Check out my 5 ⭐️ Rated closet! Browse & bundle for a great deal 💕Feel free to ask any questions 💕
May 22Reply
call_me_momo Thanks so much for visiting my closet ☺️ Just an FYI, if you purchase 3 items or more, you will receive an automatic discount of 10% and I typically reduce the shipping cost as well. However, where possible, I’ll try to offer a deeper discount on the 3+ items depending upon the total value. Have fun Poshing and if you have questions, pls feel free to ask. 🛍️🎁♥️ Thanks. 🤗 Momo xx
Sep 20Reply

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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Cold Lake, AB
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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Cold Lake, AB
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