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Updated Jul 20
Updated Jul 20

Meet your Posher, Michelle

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Hi! I'm Michelle. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Tory Burch, Coach, Michael Kors, and CHANEL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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pukeeadele Hello Michelle ❣❣❣ thankyou for purchasing this brand new amazing set, just to tell you I actually paid so much more so you got an amazing deal, I will have it shipped to you this weekend, have a terrific day 😁 Adele 💜💙❤
Apr 15Reply
michelle_rieger @pukeeadele thanks so much. Yes I have never seen it in the outlet stores before. Saskatchewan doesn’t have any purse store outlets. I usually get all my bag down in the US but not now due Covid. Thanks again I look forward to getting it. Have a good week-end.
Apr 15Reply
pukeeadele @michelle_rieger I just checked your package and it will arrive soon, my apologies for the delay 😊 Adele
Apr 23Reply
kareolala Hii Michelle I LM in the bundle for ya Xo
Apr 25Reply
kareolala Hii Michelle I LM in the bundle on the MK Graffiti Print Crossbody. The bag is brand new. Never used with tags. The lowest I can go is $65 TY TY 🤗
Apr 26Reply
kareolala Hii Michelle sooo glad u luv it Xo It's a Fab bag Xo
May 06Reply
mika2565 Nice to meet you, I'm Mila😁. I've only been on Poshmark for several months so I don't have a lot in my closet. Maybe soon I will have something you can't live without. LOL 😂 and thank you for following my closet 😋. Be safe, be cool and be happy. Sincerely Mila:)
May 11Reply
anikacoxo @michelle_rieger hi, in regards to the coach clutch, the tracking number says it’s still in transit, expected delivery is tomorrow.
May 18Reply
anikacoxo @michelle_rieger Also, you would have received the email with the tracking number that you can check yourself. I understand your frustration but I don’t agree with rating me 1 star considering the clutch hasn’t arrived to you yet.
May 18Reply
michelle_rieger @anikacoxo I tried to take that back I’ll fix it.
May 18Reply
anikacoxo @michelle_rieger thank you. I appreciate it. I hope you like the clutch once you receive it. Have a nice day!
May 18Reply
michelle_rieger @anikacoxo iam really sorry I was just hitting stuff trying to take back the delivered status I would never rate anyone 1 star unless something aweful happened. It was a total accident. Have a good day as well.
May 18Reply
melissablank02 Hi there, I would like to invite you to visit my closet when you get a chance! I might have a few items that might interest you. I offer discount on bundles so the more you buy the more you save! Please reach out if you have any questions. Happy Poshing! 🥂
Jul 05Reply
ann_coldstream Hi Michelle!!! I am so glad that you like the Coach Disney make up bag you received today and I think you will love the Mickey boom box tote that should be there any day now I am going to try and post a few more things today and tomorrow I have got so much stuff it is frightening LOL have a wonderful day Michelle!!!! Karen Ann!!!
Sep 21Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream I do too but I have been selling locally on Marketplace here in Regina, I posted on Vinted too. I have over 100 plus bags listed. Lol I’ll keep my eye open for stuff on your page.
Sep 21Reply
ann_coldstream Lol oh my goodness!!! You know things are out of hand when you open your closet and you find six cowhide rugs that you had no idea you bought or where they came from and now you have to explain to your husband what your obsession is!!!!
Sep 21Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream lol me too. He works from home so I try to be the first one to the mailbox. I have so many bags and wallets that I always hope he doesn’t know when there is a new one. Lol have a great week.
Sep 21Reply
ann_coldstream You too!!! I will have to find what vented is and check out your bags which I am obviously obsessed with and my daughter loves the brands that you like so have a great week Michelle!!!!
Sep 21Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream it’s Vinted it’s an App and you don’t have to give any % of your sales to them it’s free like Varage Sale.
Sep 21Reply
ann_coldstream Seriously?! Thank you for the information!!! I’ll check it out lol
Sep 21Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream yes I haven’t sold anything yet. Buy Init advertised on tv all the time.
Sep 21Reply
ann_coldstream Sounds good!!! Have a great day!!’
Sep 21Reply
ann_coldstream So glad you like it!!! I’ll let you know before listing any others!!!
Sep 23Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream ok sounds great. I’ll give you my e-mail.
Sep 23Reply
ann_coldstream Excellent!!!
Sep 23Reply
ann_coldstream Hey Michelle!!! I’m sure you have already seen it but I think the only Disney coach crossover that I have still at the moment is the canvas sleeping beauty bag🤩
Sep 23Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream yes I saw that one. I was looking more for the ones you sold already.
Sep 23Reply
ann_coldstream Darn!!! Yes the Thumper one was sooo cute
Sep 23Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream yea I missed out on that one. It was so cute. You don’t have any other Disney’s?
Sep 23Reply
ann_coldstream I am pretty sure I don’t??? I’ll check again later when home and let me know!!!
Sep 23Reply
ann_coldstream Don’t think I’ve got anymore but!!! My daughter might so will reach out to her!!’ I’ll keep you posted
Sep 24Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream ok that would’ve great. I collect the Kate Spade novelty type bags as well.
Sep 24Reply
ann_coldstream It’s so cute! The green is vibrant and I love stuff no one else has!!
Sep 24Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream I have quite a few unique bags too. Sounds like we have the same taste. Lol
Sep 24Reply
ann_coldstream I like bags in general lol
Sep 24Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream me too. Does your daughter have a Poshmark page too?
Sep 24Reply
ann_coldstream Between the bags scarves and cowhide rugs holy hell lol
Sep 24Reply
ann_coldstream No but!!! She’s got BAGS
Sep 24Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream I have a lot of purse scarves too but never a cow 🐄 rug. Lol
Sep 24Reply
ann_coldstream It’s hilarious!!! Went to the nationals finals rodeo in Vegas and shipped home 4! Lol hubby couldn’t see that way
Sep 24Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream oh ok well if she has any Disney coach or novelty Kate Spades those are the 2 types I really like. I have a very rare black leopard Kate spade bag it came out about 6-7 years ago and it’s going for 1100.00 on E-bay so I baby that one and have it in a display case.
Sep 24Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream I love and MISS Vegas so much. With this damn Covid shit it makes travelling so hard. We usually went to Vegas at least 2x a year.
Sep 24Reply
ann_coldstream Wow stunning I bet!! I’ve got a nice blue Versace wristlet I’m considering posting as I don’t use but shall sit on that yet till I’m sure!!! I’ll mail out bag tomorrow!!!’ Enjoy
Sep 24Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream wow a Versace. That’s very posh. I will enjoy. Talk to you soon.
Sep 24Reply
ann_coldstream Me too!!! Soooo fun but COVID has become my existence as I work at hospital too
Sep 24Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream oh no I bet your so sick of all of it by now too. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon. Take care.
Sep 24Reply
ann_coldstream Hey Michelle!!! So glad you got the little bank today and love it and yes I have talk to my daughter and she has a Thumper bag it is brand new still in the wrapping with the tags however she is not sure that she wants to get rid of it as it is a little bit sentimental as I gave it to her!!! I told her if she is not using it somebody else would love it just as much and we can do something fun instead to spend the day!!! I’ll keep you posted!!
Sep 28Reply
michelle_rieger @ann_coldstream ok that sounds great. That’s so cute that she likes it because you bought it. I was like that with my mom too. I still have a lot of things she gave me that I can’t part with now that she has passed. Keep me posted. Thanks again.
Sep 28Reply
ppaton Thankyou for your purchase, I will send it out later, thanks again
Oct 04Reply
michelle_rieger @ppaton your welcome!!
Oct 04Reply
jooeun05 Hii, thank you for the offer. I think what you have offered is too low and I cannot do that price since PM takes 20% away. I think the last I can do is 65 which is in between my price and ur price. Thank u.
Oct 06Reply
michelle_rieger Hi Ann just touching base to see if your daughter was going to sell a Disney bag?
Oct 11Reply
girlyglam007 Hi! Sorry but that’s the best I can do on that item!
Aug 25Reply
michelle_rieger @girlyglam007 that’s ok it’s just that the shipping is so high.
Aug 25Reply
girlyglam007 @michelle_rieger Ugh yes. I understand!
Aug 25Reply
girlyglam007 I just lowered the price and it now gets discounted shipping too! Sometimes it works out that way!
Aug 25Reply
girlyglam007 Yay! I will send it out tomorrow! Thanks so much!
Aug 25Reply
ruxygabriela ✨Welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark!✨ Thank you for following my closet ✨ If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me ✨Happy Poshing✨
Jan 21Reply
xomaritime Hey! Thanks for your offer, but $50 for the Kate Spade is as low as I can go with fees etc. it is a gorgeous brand new bag.
Feb 19Reply
itsme01777 Hi Michelle 🙋‍♀️ Just dropping by to say Hi and invite you to kindly check out my closet when you get a chance 😊 I do have some items that may be of interest to you and I’ll be listing more so be sure to follow me 😉 Take care! Stay safe and have an amazing week ahead 💗🌸💗🌸💗🌸💗
Feb 21Reply
irishleprechaun Hello Michelle My Names Jason Will Share and Follow You!! I have a COLLECTOR STORE HIGH END COLLECTIBLES For The Lowest Prices Online 💜MEGA SALE 💜 ❤️EVERYTHING IS ON SALE❤️ 💕50% OFF Reduced Prices💕 💕Plus 4 Items For $20💕 Autographs & Vintage Toys Sport Horror Memorabilia + More!! Please Check Out My Store Thanks Jason ❤️✌️👍
Mar 05Reply
call_me_momo Hi Michelle, ☺️ Come give my closet a peek. Personally, I think it’s always great to connect to other Poshers & show support. My closet contents is made up of all my own personal things. Some brands you’ll recognize and some you may not. When you shop my closet, you’ll receive a 15% discount if you buy 2 items or more. The more you purchase & bundle, the deeper the discount I can offer 😉 ❤️Hope to be in touch with you soon. Momo 🫶🏻
Feb 17Reply
kobal_la Hello Posher,🌹 💐I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have valuable brands are Michael Kors, Zara, Adidas, Nike, Gap, etc. Please, feel free to make an offer if you like something from my listing. We hope to meet your expectations. 🦋THANK YOU🦋 ☘️ 🫎KOBAL'LA🫎                                 
Mar 28Reply

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Last Active: 23 hours ago

Regina, SK
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Last Active: 23 hours ago

Regina, SK
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