Meet your Posher, "Phoenix" :)))
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Hi! I'm Phoenix... Some of my favorite brands are Ralph Lauren / Chaps, Pendleton, UGG and many, many more. I am particularly interested in pure fibers (cotton, linen, silk, merino wool, alpaca, etc. and high percentage blends of these fibers) and all-leather footwear and bags thus many vintage pieces appeal to me. Also of interest are well-made sterling silver, brass, copper, bronze artisan and Indigenous pieces. If you have reasonably priced items that may interest me, please let me know. :)))

35 others
like this

Hi there, if you go to the message I sent on your bundle we can talk more privately there.
Mar 20Reply

Hi there, I am Merle welcoming you to Poshmark, the place where you can browse, like, share, buy and sell. Whatever your reason for being here I hope you have fun. A few tips: Share yours and other closets often. It helps to bring attention and exposure to your closet. Want to remember a closet, like(❤)the Meet the Posher page. Interested in an item but not the price, Make an offer or (❤) the item. Do remember to check out my closet for fantastic savings. Good luck and happy poshing!
Mar 23Reply

Thanks for all the 💜 on my items. If you see anything that you do totally love, toss it into a bundle, (even 1 item) and chat to me. ⚘⚘⚘ Wishing you well, Carm
Mar 24Reply

@vintagequeenbc Hi Carm... thank you for your personal note. I love your site and look forward to visiting it often. :)))
Mar 24Reply

@aphoenixsoul Hey! Just reaching out about those black and white Laura pants of mine you liked! If you wanted to name your price on these and we agreed on something, I could mark them down for you today so you can take advantage of Poshmarks discounted shipping! If you didn’t intend to purchase and were just browsing, I completely understand :) I am moving soon so just trying to get things out of here!
Mar 26Reply

@aphoenixsoul hi C. WELLS, I don t no if bundle 5 items or 2 items, i give you offers for 2 items, thanks
Mar 28Reply

Hey! I’ve recently added lots of new items to my closet! I LOVE giving discounts n bundles and all prices are negotiable! Feel free to check it out and let me know if you have any questions at all! Hope you have a great day❣️
Mar 28Reply

Hello C there are five items in your bundle which qualifies you for the 20% off pricing. Anything over three items is 20% off so please let me know if you are interested in all five or any three of the five
Mar 31Reply

Hi.. It's Liora. saw that you started bundling my Eileen Fisher cardigan. there are more in my closet. please feel free to bundle, a discount guaranteed, or counter offer. thanks
Apr 01Reply

Hello and Happy Easter,
I just noticed you’re new to Poshmark, welcome and thank again for your many likes and bundle. 😊 Yesterday I sent you offers on each item and the bundle and thought because you’re new and you may not know, the offers have a time limit and sellers are unable to offer the same 10% discount again for months...something I didn’t know when I first started. Martha
Apr 03Reply

Hello. You created a bundle several days ago and had some questions. I don't know if you had a notification of the answers, so click on your bundle in your account and you will see all that I wrote. If there is any thing more, just let me know. Thanks.
Apr 05Reply

Good day. Thank you for your message. I checked out the two listings and as things are now the pants would be too snug and the zippered jacket would fit in the hips but be too large in the shoulders and chest. It's such a pain not being the same size in tops and bottoms. I'm going to keepy "likes" on them but I'll remove them from my cart. Thanks again :)))
Apr 05Reply

@aphoenixsoul I completely understand thank you so much for your time.
Apr 05Reply

@aphoenixsoul oh yes and I answered some more questions on the bundle page. :-)
Apr 05Reply

Hi there! I am having a HUGE BOGO sale this week, so let me know if you see anything you like in my closet and I'll send you an offer discount 😊
Apr 10Reply

Thank you for your invite. I checked out your listings but none of your clothes will fit me, unfortunately.
Good luck with your sale though. :)))
Apr 12Reply

@aphoenixsoul awh what a bummer! thank you for letting me know and super appreciated 🙏
Apr 12Reply

Hi, welcome to Poshmark! Hope you like fashion here you can find amazing items at affordable price and you can sell your items too! I am Alex, posh Ambassador and top rated Seller&Mentor, if you have any questions navigating Poshmark or anything feel free to ask.
Also please visit my closet too!👍
Apr 19Reply

hi. please note that I just either this new sale to my sale closet. buy any two and get one for free. I think you should go for it
Apr 21Reply

Hope you’re enjoying shopping on this app. I have found some amazing things and sold a bunch too. I’ve added that other beautiful necklace to the bundle - I offer and extra 10% off all three that way. They are not costume jewellery- but are hand crafted Sterling Silver
and I’ve already discounted them up to 50% - such a steal! Happy poshing ☺️🌸🪴
Apr 24Reply

@aphoenixsoul thank you for spending time at my boutique and creating such a beautiful bundle. Would love to wrap these up for you. Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to submit a reasonable offer 😁
Apr 28Reply

@aphoenixsoul Hi beauty. I was going to make you an offer on your bundle but it won’t allow me to as I’ve exceeded the “offers without reply”. If you’re interested in the items feel free to send me an offer. But no pressure. ☺️
May 09Reply

Hi there! I have a couple new ceramic planters (these ones with holes and saucers). I also made you a new offer of the hanging planter you like. I will be posting pics soon. Just thought I'd give you a heads up!
May 14Reply

Sounds great. I'll take a look. Please let me know when the listings are up. Thanks :)))
May 14Reply

@aphoenixsoul aphoenixsoul I just made you an official offer with your Liked items of fern in hanging planter (I gave it to you for $10 off without the plant but if you want the plant Ill include it no extra charge. With your purchase f both planters plus the bracelet you also receive two Free airplant gifts 🙂 Hope to process your order tonight for shipping out tomorrow 🙂 🌿 I’m online for a bit longer Suzi
May 15Reply

Also as it’s in someone else s bundle I would love for you to have it so if you can let’s process tonight. I had mistakenly placed your liked turquoise bracelet and ceramic planter in her bundle and made the offer!tLong week have to have more vino I think LOL I’ll look out for your order /message thanks Suzi
May 15Reply

Good morning, kindly reply to my offer of your liked items. Feel free to decline with addition or deletion of items and I’ll make you a new offer. Would love to hear back from you soon. Thanks Suzi 🌿
May 15Reply

Hi there, just checking in if still interested in the ceramic planter that I posted yesterday, my offer to you is still active :-) thanks
May 16Reply

Hi Welcome to PM! I just sent an offer with the 10 % off and free shipping 😊
May 18Reply

Hi there, I'm on line for an hour if you want to let me know your thoughts on my offer :-) Would love to pack it up for shipping tomorrow! As I mentioned I won't be posting any ceramic planters of this size for a while , anyway would love to hear back whatever you decide. No pressure though :-)
May 19Reply

Box sections are approximately 3 x 5 inches
May 28Reply

Hi there. I noticed you liked a few things in my closet. Let me know when you’re ready for a deal 🤗
May 29Reply

Hi C, I noticed a friend of yours has tagged you in a few items from my closet, which I really appreciate! Please take a look and if you are interested in any, place them all in a bundle and I will offer a discounted price for you. Happy shopping!
Jun 01Reply

Hi I noticed you liked a few items in my closet. If you accept the offer on the ring I can throw in one of the necklaces.
Jun 12Reply

Thank-you for your purchase! I will package and ship to you! 😊
Jun 12Reply

Hi there.. you likedmy vintage Fossil bag that was sold.There are other Fossil bags in my closet! ease feel free to browse and counter offer.
Jun 16Reply

Thanks so much For your interest in my closet, feel free to make any offers! Happy shopping 😊
Jun 27Reply

Hi there.
In the last month you've liked one or more of my items. I've sent you an offer, but it did not mature to any sale. Was my offer too high? Maybe you were just shopping?
Anyway. If you are still interested - make me an offer. My new flat is too small..I will do my best to meet your price!!
Yours L
Jun 27Reply

Hi Phoenix! Hope this note finds you well. I posted a collection of new tropicals today, some with unique hand painted planters that I thought you may like. Anyway, I thought I would start this bundle for you with my Sweet Sunday Free Mini Parlour Palm with Total purchase of a plant purchase $35 and over. These are just suggestions which you're free to add / change / remove. Looking forward to connecting again :-) Warmly Suzi :-)
Jul 12Reply

Hi! Thanks for the ❤ on the new wallet! I have hundreds of clothing and househd items I still need to list, so if you can think of anything at all that you could use, I will see if I have it, make a listing for it and I will be more than happy to give you a bundle discount
Thanks and take care!
Jul 30Reply

Hi I sent you an offer on the earrings you like. No pressure and have a great day. 😊💕
Aug 01Reply

Hi see you like a few items. If you bundle I can offer you a private offer you won’t resist.
No pressure. Have a great evening.😊💕
Aug 01Reply

Hi there I just relisted the Ralph Lauren boots, I didn't find any other boots/shoes to list! Sorry, I hope you had a good long weekend, Cheers
Aug 03Reply

hiya, if you are uncomfortable answering my note here, i understand…. there is a seller galaupstairs… that you have had discussions with about a pendleton seller… your questions were extremely reasonable! but whoever answers buyers msgs is extremely harsh, demeaning i found…. they blocked me right away upon asking questions like yourself…
this was months ago they blocked me.. to day i started making a list and had no idea who the seller was….
Aug 17Reply

do you find this odd behaviour for a pm seller… there have been others who have blocked me for what reason i don’t know…. i’m a sensitive person and i’m 68, i wish always that i wasn’t, but all in all, the customer is the one that keeps sellers going…
i asked PM admin once and got no response…
i thank you for reading this… as i wrote yu needn’t answer if you are uncomfortable doing so, be well stay safe, margauxvarleyhannigan
Aug 17Reply

I think I answered all of your questions regarding the bundle. Let me know what you think.
Aug 21Reply

Aug 29Reply

@annemariemoore1 Are you the person who wasted so much of my time providing more information for you and then bought nothing at all?
Aug 29Reply

Aug 29Reply

Hi Phoenix, I’m inviting you to drop by and check out my closet browse around for yourself and or for someone on your gifting list. Feel free to contact me with any questions, accepting reasonable offers. Bundle and save on pricing and shipping fees 🙂🛍
Sep 03Reply

Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings , I can recreate any of my paintings and I do commission(custom)paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range 💕
With the holiday season coming up, I’m open to custom Halloween, fall or Christmas gifts paintings🧑🎨
Sep 19Reply

Hello! I was watching the news tonight and it reminded me of you…I hope you’re doing okay and the northern community you love is safe. On Global news they said the north is having a terrible time with CoVid cases…hope you’re okay.
Oct 13Reply

Added discounted shipping on earrings that are in bundle section. Unfortunately they are firm price and cannot be lowered. Thanks and have a lovely day 🌸😊🛍🛍💍🥰
Oct 27Reply

Hi there! I made you an offer on the vintage blue purse you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping.
Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly. I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my preloved fashion shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Jan 03Reply

Hi Phoenix, I noticed u liked a selection of my items. Are u interested in me sending you an offer, or are u just window-shopping. If so let me know. Thx for checking out my closet, Kassandra
Jan 05Reply

✨Mass Message: Hi to everyone who has shopped my closet or recently just taken a look. I have listed quite a few NEW fashion items, and perhaps some of those amazing items may interest you! I am ALWAYS willing to accept offers or negotiate.😊 Please feel free to pop by again and have a peek. I’m wishing you a wonderful day, and feel free to ask any questions on any particular items. BUNDLING items saves so much MONEY on shipping costs. Kindest regards, Deb.✨
Feb 26Reply

Hey there! I am inviting you to come check out my closet. I sell lots of Indian and Pakistani clothing. For a limited time, get 50% off all Ethnic clothing :)
Mar 30Reply

Hi, if you are interested in putting together a bundle from my closet, make me an offer, thanks
Apr 13Reply

Hi thank you so much for checking out my closet. Sent you an offer on the beautiful candle you liked. Feel free to contact me with any questions,accepting reasonable counter offer.
Apr 25Reply

Good morning hope all is well. If still interested in the candle you liked poshmark is pay for discounted shipping fee today. I could lower my listing price to $17 and submit to you to accept to be eligible for the discounted shipping paid by poshmark today 🙂
Apr 29Reply

Hi Phoenix. I see you liked a few items in my closet. If you purchase 4 items I offer an automatic 15% discount. Feel free to make me an offer. Happy poshing!
Apr 29Reply

Hi There 😉🤪😜🥰😊👻☠️💀👽👹👿😈
My Name Is Shannelle 💋💋
Welcome To Poshmark! Happy Poshmarking your stuffs 😜🤪🥰😍😚😘😎🤩🥳
Come Check Out My Unique Vintage Store 🏬
Full Of Interesting, Rare, & Special Stuffs.
Super CHEAP & Mind Blowing Price.. Hardly Won’t Decline Any Offer 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 & you will receive some Spooky 👻 🪳🪰🦇🐸 Gifts!!!!
My Listings A lot can be good to resell it as my price is just crazy CHEAP - Bundle To Get Even More Crazier price!!!
Apr 30Reply

Hi 👋 I’m happy to see you’ve received your order. I hope all items arrived safely as I wrapped them carefully and marked the package as “Fragile”. Please take a moment to accept the order in your Poshmark account.
May 13Reply

Hi .. just wanted to let you know I have a 50% off bundles of 3 or more items adding up to $100 or more.. it doesn’t go with the other sales 5/25 3/30 so which ever is a better price for you is the offer I’ll send.. no pressure just letting you know..thank you for the likes:)
May 30Reply

Hi There! Hope you are doing well. Thanks for checking out my closet. I wasn’t sure if you just wanted an offer on the Helly Hansen boots or the other items you liked. Let me know and I can adjust:). Have a wonderful day.
Jul 27Reply

I have several items that may be of interest to you. Many common likes. I’m into reiki, reflexology and therapeutic touch. On holidays at the moment but back on the 15th.
Aug 08Reply

thank you for browsing in my closet ☺️ the two listings you like are weekend sale till tonight....thanks😊lj
Nov 28Reply

Hi I lowered the price it’s in good condition 😀
Jan 05Reply

@aphoenixsoul Hello! Just letting you know that your purchase is at the post office awaiting pick up. Please don’t forget, it has been there many days!
Jan 26Reply

Hey, I am Jessi - 1 of the top Cdn sellers. I have The Jessi_NC Show (& auction) every M 4:15pm (+ sz), W 7pm, & F 4pm (bgs + & our Empower meet) - all PST. Fri, I also give success tips & talk about how we can do good things as an Org. This Fri - our giveaways are 2 Tim's crds and Louboutin shoes EUC $1375 . In addition, if we can get out 500+ people to Fri show... then I will donate 10% (nt sales) to "Breakfast Club of Cdn"... so help me tell everyone! Finally, please follow me here @jessi_nc
Mar 01Reply

Hi. My name is Janet and I am a Posh Ambassador. I invite you to come look at my small closet. I have Cleo, Talbots, Old Navy, J.Crew, Nine West and collector plates. The plates could easily be bundled for a great price. If you have any questions about Poshmark or my closet, just ask.
Apr 30Reply

Dear thanks for your interest in my baroque pearl hoop earrings. Come check if you like another jewelry from my page to take advantage of 💛2 for $45 + 🚛discounted shipping! FYI you can also place the order on my Etsy site(link in bio) for 💰25% off + $2 shipping. Cheers!💗💞
Apr 30Reply

Hey would you like me too cancel your auction order and then re add to your bundle so it’s just one shipping. And I’ll give you half off shipping 🙂
Have a great night
May 11Reply

Thanks so liking so many pieces in my closet! Please let me know if I can offer you a discount on any of them. Enjoy the long weekend.
May 21Reply

Hi again, a quick note to let you know that I will be donating the wool material pieces in my closet if not sold by the end of the month. Please let me know if you’re interested. Thanks again for visiting my closet. H
Jun 22Reply

new items just added
Jul 21Reply

Hi Phoenix
Welcome fellow Posher ☺️
When you visit my closet, kindly note:
Changes to bundles: if you purchase 2 items or more from my closet, you will receive an automatic discount of 15%. I also encourage offers from potential buyers. Don’t be shy. I’m sure we can always reach an agreement on an offer 🤗
Have fun Poshing and if you have questions, pls feel free to ask. 🛍️🎁♥️
Thanks. ☺️ 🇨🇦
Oct 23Reply
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