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Updated Mar 27
Updated Mar 27

Meet your Posher, Wendy Wethington @tortabella

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Hi everyone my name is Wendy and you can find me on here under @tortabella! Thanks for stopping by my closet! Feel free to ask questions or leave comments. I’m always open to any offers and take pride in packaging all items with care then shipping them out the next business day or the following Monday if an item sells over the weekend!! Enjoy the photos of my family who are my everything!! I look forward to visiting everyones closets and making lots of friends and purchases! Good luck to everyone with your closets, boutiques, sales and purchases!! Happy Poshing💋
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weariwander Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions about buying or selling. Good luck and happy Poshing!💕
Aug 04Reply
emilycallister Welcome to poshmark! I would love if you could check out my closet! Thanks so much!
Aug 08Reply
lotsoflovexoxo thank you for your purchase i will have this in the mail quickly to you..have a wonderful day 😘
Jun 08Reply
tortabella @lotsoflovexoxo Awesome! And ur welcome, thk u for ur constant contact regarding this issue! Have a wonderful day!! 😊
Jun 08Reply
lotsoflovexoxo @tortabella your welcome thank you🦋❤️
Jun 08Reply
abfb Hello I’m just stopping by to say hello and invite you to check out my closet. All of my items are Designer Brands NWT and deeply discounted. Please take a look and I would be more than happy to help. I ship immediately! Have a great Thursday 🌸🎉
Jun 11Reply
chclosets hey I just realized I got your order mixed up with someone else's. I'm not sure how to handle this yet but I will let you know when I hear from poshmark
Jun 12Reply
tortabella @chclosets hi there, yes I was pretty shocked when I received a bra that I didn’t purchase. Let me know what to do with it? Thanks 😊
Jun 12Reply
chclosets @tortabella just open a case and let poshmark know you received the wrong item...I cannot believe I did that...I have been selling on posh for 2 years and have NEVER made that mistake before...I'm so sorry about that. Once the other person sends the shoes back I will let you know and we can try again if you want to..Thank you for understanding 💜
Jun 12Reply
tortabella @chclosets, alrighty, no worries! No one is perfect, I turned 50 last August and can’t believe how my mind has seem to have gone out the door some days, lol! I suppose I ship the bra back to you and Poshmark will reimburse me? But I’ll definitely check with them, thanks again and I look forward to my shoes whenever you get them! 😊
Jun 12Reply
chclosets @tortabella yes just open a case and say you recieved the wrong item and they will send you a return label to send it back to me. Once I get it they will reimburse you for the order. The other person that got your shoes has opened a case as well and as soon as posh approves it she will send them back. I will let you know as soon as I get them. Again i am so sorry for all the trouble.. I'm so mad at myself!!
Jun 12Reply
tortabella @chclosets awe sweetie seriously no worries, I just contacted support and gave them the information so I’ll be in touch soon! Have a great weekend and don’t stress it!! Thanks again! 😘
Jun 12Reply
lotsoflovexoxo Thank you so much for the rating it’s deeply appreciated...what a cutie baby❤️have a wonderful weekend 🦋😘
Jun 13Reply
lotsoflovexoxo omg thank you so much for all the kind words & your taking the time to write an amazing rating..i appreciate you so much..your so welcome i just want you to have a wonderful experience shopping my closet...i thank you from the bottom of my heart & very grateful for someone like you..have a terrific weekend 😘🦋💖
Jun 13Reply
tortabella @lotsoflovexoxo, absolutely anytime, I had to take a moment and recognize you and appreciate you for your kindness, thoughtfulness and caring gesture! Also, thank you for your kind words regarding the photos I posted of my first granddaughter and the other baby photos were of my daughter when she was a baby! I am new to Poshmark, so thanks to you and a couple others this is the greatest thing since cellphones, lol! 😂 Until my next shopping moment, much love! 😘💜🥰
Jun 14Reply
lotsoflovexoxo @tortabella awww your welcome & it’s appreciated...I think the photos are so I know right Poshmark is addicting I find a lot of goodies & I don’t have to leave my house...stay sweet you are one of a kind🥰🦋💗🥰❤️
Jun 14Reply
tortabella @lotsoflovexoxo, thank you and you as well! 💕🌹🥰🌻🌟❣️
Jun 14Reply
lotsoflovexoxo @tortabella your welcome💖🦋
Jun 14Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet 💕💕
Jun 25Reply
boutiquelaila Hi @tortabella! Thank you for your order. I will be packing the item and shipping it out as soon as possible. Thank you for shopping at Boutique Laila 🌷
Jul 21Reply
tortabella @boutiquelaila Hi there and thank you! I’ve visiting my sister in Naples until the end of July, I’ve already switched the address and would luv to wear it while I’m hear! Looking forward to receiving my package 📦 Have a great day!
Jul 21Reply
boutiquelaila @tortabella Will send the package tomorrow once USPS is open. Shipping should be quick since I am also in Florida.
Jul 21Reply
tortabella @boutiquelaila Oh wow awesome thx sweetie!!! Have a great stay!
Jul 21Reply
boutiquelaila @tortabella Just sent your Package! Let me know when you receive it. Enjoy!
Jul 22Reply
tortabella @boutiquelaila Awesome thank you and I certainly will!!
Jul 23Reply
theeleganthippy Thanks so much for taking a minute to review your purchase. I’m so glad you like it!!! ❤️
Jul 24Reply
boutiquelaila @tortabella I’m so happy you love the top! Thank you for the super review. Enjoy your weekend!
Jul 25Reply
twentytwo26 Hi! Please feel free to check out my Closet! Boutique items only💜
Jul 28Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Aug 28Reply
tortabella @s27a, Hi sweetie and thx for the invite! I’ll definitely stop by and take a look sometime and the same goes for u!! Take care, @tortabella (Wendy) 🥰
Aug 28Reply
deli126 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark, please check out my closet. I have so many great items. If there is anything in my closet you like, please let me know. I’m open to reasonable offers and you save big on bundles. Have a great day! Delia 😊
Sep 02Reply
5stargems @tortabella I’m sorry I must’ve sold the white and black:(. Do you want the apricot lace one for the same price (I’ll throw in an extra). Or do you want me to cancel. I’ll ship today if you want the peach
Oct 29Reply
tortabella @erin_kiely, oh bummer I saw a couple of different posts of that same bralette but if u don’t have it anymore u don’t have it! What do u mean by throwing in an extra? I did look at the photo of the peach one and it’s pretty as well! I actually am buying it for a girlfriend who lives in Texas and she was looking for one that has padding? Let me know what colors u have available?
Oct 29Reply
5stargems @tortabella the peach one is padded and gorgeous lightweight lace size small and I have a blue lace one I’ll send both :)
Oct 29Reply
5stargems @tortabella I have white or burgundy too or black and gold
Oct 29Reply
scoobie60 Hello Wendy Thank you for the great rating. I hope you enjoy the blouse. I will soon start an inventory reduction sale. This will consist of BOGO and bundles. Drop by soon,
Nov 11Reply
yonkers1995 @tortabella Good afternoon. Beautiful family portraits 👪 . Thank you for stopping ✋️ by my beautiful 😍 closet. The peice in question is one of those with no size listed on garment, so I substituted the measurements. Every designer has their own unique styles. Do enjoy your holidays.
Nov 23Reply
tortabella @yonkers1995, awe hi luv!! Thk u so much!! No worries just wondering and u are correct everyone is different!! Thx for getting back to me and hope u enjoy ur Thanksgiving 🦃🍽🍁
Nov 23Reply
tortabella @scoobie60, hi sweetie, ur welcome and yes I’ll be back for sure! Feel free to stop by mine anytime!!
Nov 23Reply
isolvedfashion You’re such a gem! Thank you so much for all the shares my love; it’s deeply appreciated🌺❤️
Jun 18Reply
cutehosiery @tortabella Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 07Reply
tortabella @cutehosiery, Hi luv, wow what very sweet and kind words! Thank you so much!! It’s a hobby for me right now until I can officially retire, lol but I greatly appreciate you taking the time to look and then make such a beautiful compliment! Please feel free to stop by again anytime and if something interest you let me know? I’ll do my best to make you happy!! I will definitely be checking out your closet as well! Thanks again luv, take care and be safe! Hopefully I’ll hear from you again!! 🥰🫶💕
Sep 08Reply
hellobrigid Hi👋 My Entire Closet @brizabrigid is 50% Off 🌈 I'm moving to Puerto Rico at the end of October. ☺️ If you like an item, I'll send the offer 💕 Brigid
Sep 09Reply
natsantangelo Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Sep 22Reply
tortabella Hi luv, thank you so much for the warm welcome and kind words! I can only apologize that I have never responded back to you before now! Unfortunately, I forget to check my personal page for welcomes or comments from my fellow PoshMark friends and family! So, I am now taking the time to say hi, thank you and acknowledge you and to wish you well! I hope you take care and please feel free to stop by again anytime! 🥰
Sep 30Reply
tortabella Hi luv, I wanted to take the time and let you know how much I appreciate you taken the time for me to stop by with your warm wishes and your welcome to PoshMark! So sorry it has taken me this long to respond but I would also like to return the same offer to you and please feel free to stop by anytime! 🥰
Sep 30Reply
tortabella Hi luv, So sorry it has taken me this long to respond but I would also like to return the same offer to you and please feel free to stop by anytime! I wanted to take the time and let you know how much I appreciate you taken the time for me to stop by with your warm wishes and your welcome to PoshMark! Let me know if I can help with anything? 🥰
Sep 30Reply
tortabella @tutuwig, Omgness!! Thank you so much for stopping by and the kind words!! I would love to stop by yours as well!! So sweet and good luck to you as well!! Take care sweetie!! 🥰❤️
Nov 22Reply
tortabella @isolvedfashion, bonjour mon amour mon posher le plus préféré!! Wow I must apologize to you & to anyone else I’ve not seen your message or responded to! I don’t go on my own page other than to change out some photos of my family & I usually forget to look at new messages! I would like to take the time to acknowledge you @isolvedfashion on my page! You are truly one of the best on here! jusqu'à la prochaine visite de votre placard passez une très belle journée! 🥰🫶🏼🤗💋
Feb 05Reply
harmony921 Hi Wendy..Thank you so much for all of the shares. Have an awesome weekend😊
Feb 11Reply
tortabella @harmony921, Hi sweetie you are most welcome!! Thank you as well!! Hope you have a great rest of your weekend too! 🥰🫶🏼🤗💋😊
Feb 12Reply
tortabella @adoringstyles, hi sweetie! I apologize but I just noticed your post. Thank you for your shares and of course I’d be happy to share some of yours! Happy Poshing! 🥰🫶🏼💋
Feb 17Reply
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Last Active: Mar 11

Vero Beach, FL
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Last Active: Mar 11

Vero Beach, FL
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