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Updated Jul 12
Updated Jul 12

Meet your Posher, Melissa

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Melissa. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and J. Crew. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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bajadera @brandssy hi Rachelle Anna- that’s great to hear- we can proceed with PM. Thanks
Jul 13Reply
modaboutique170 Hi Melissa I’m inviting you to drop by and check out my closet browse around for yourself and or for someone on your gifting list. Bundle and save on pricing and shipping fees, accepting reasonable offers. Feel free to contact me with any questions 🙂🛍
Jul 27Reply
pickaplum Hi there I noticed you liked quite a few things in my closet. If you make s as bundle I will make you an offer.
Aug 25Reply
yvanderven Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet. I saw that you liked some designer scarves. If you are interested, let me know which ones you may want & I will make you an offer. If you were just stopping by, thanks so much for the likes! Always appreciated. Keep on poshing!
Aug 25Reply
bajadera @pickaplum hi thanks so much for this message! I will definitely create a bundle and send your way. I just went through everything last night and will get back to you shortly. Thanks again! 😃
Aug 25Reply
omgitsvintage13 hello I just cancelled the order because the item was supposed to be cancelled long ago but I do have 2 others that are same size and better brand and quality. if still interested I can send pictures am sorry for the inconvenience.
Aug 26Reply
bajadera @omgitsvintage13 I appreciate that- thanks so much for the cancellation.
Aug 26Reply
sandycat50 thx for browsing my closet...can offer u $105 for the v scarf 👍✅
Aug 27Reply
honeys4u hi-i accepted ur offer for that prada galleria bag. but currently I am away from home on vacation to Canadian rockies and back home on sep 5. is that OK if I ship out that late? otherwise let me know and we can discuss- thanks!
Aug 30Reply
bajadera @honeys4u hi that is no problem. Thanks
Aug 30Reply
tejan6 Hi Melissa, thanks so much for the 5 star review, I’m glad you like your scarf 😊
Sep 02Reply
essie9628 Hi, thx for your bundle offer. The trench coat is not available right now, but I can give a discount on the cashmere cardigan. Let me know if you still interested.
Sep 04Reply
514lenab Hi Melissa, thanks for your order! Have a great day!😉✌❤
Sep 05Reply
honeys4u @bajadera hey I shipped it today. u will notice a square cardboard box Inside the bag to keep the shape. also I out one hermes Christmas tree craft stuff :)
Sep 06Reply
bajadera @honeys4u thanks so much!
Sep 06Reply
yesmiss Good afternoon Melissa. I hope that you are well. 🙏🏾Thank you for the five-star rating. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ So glad you liked your package. Enjoy your day.👋🏾
Sep 10Reply
514lenab Thanks for the 5-Star rating, I'm sure they look great on U! Enjoy what's left Summer! Take care 4 now!!
Sep 12Reply
benzgirl450 Hi Melissa… glad you got the bag and love it!! TY so much for the great rating!! Just posted a pair of Prada boots yesterday I had hardly worn💋
Sep 14Reply
alihiddengems Hello and thank you for your order. It will be shipped out tomorrow morning just wanted to let you know.
Sep 14Reply
pickaplum Hi Melissa thank you for being a continuing customer. I see you like a few more things. If you put together a bundle I will make you an attractive offer.
Oct 01Reply
fashionmusefind Hi there! I made you an offer on the vintage trench you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping. Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly as I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Oct 06Reply
yerblues1968 Hey Melissa! Thanks for purchasing from my closet! Package is ready to go and I’ll be dropping it off tomorrow at Canada Post. I’ll confirm once it’s out. Have a good evening!
Nov 28Reply
yerblues1968 Hi Melissa! Package has been dropped off earlier today at Canada Post. They said it’ll go out tomorrow morning. If all goes well you should get it by the end of the week! 🙏
Nov 28Reply
pickaplum Hello again, I see lots of likes . If you make a bundle i can make you an offer.
Dec 07Reply
dandelions216 hey, happy Friday. I have shipped the pink cardigan which posh has acknowledged, and they are reminding me to please ship. Very confusing lol. Hopefully just a glitch, the cardigan is on its way💕
Dec 10Reply
bev10202 @bajadera Hi Melissa! Just wanted to say thanks for your purchase! I’ll be sending the boots out ASAP! I am just away from home for a few days but I’ll send them the minute I get home!
Dec 27Reply
bajadera @bev10202 thank you and no problem! Happy Holidays!
Dec 27Reply
bev10202 @bajadera hey! Just wanted you to know that I have shipped the boots! I am again sorry for the delay! With Christmas and New Years it took me longer than normal but they are on their way! Happy new year! Bev..
Jan 01Reply
bigcitystyle Hi Melissa, your package has been dropped in the mailbox today. Hopefully you'll like the extra something I tucked in the envelope. Thank you for your business!
Jan 17Reply
cgc1969 Good morning Melissa. Thank you for your purchase. I will be shipping your new leather jacket this morning. Have a great day. Carmen
Jan 18Reply
angelac114128 I’m new to Poshmark, so I am still getting the hang of it and I missed the offer that you sent me for the All Saints jacket. Are you still interested in it?
Jan 31Reply
claudster416 @bajadera Hi Melissa! My name is Claudia, I’m a Poshmark Ambassador and you’re invited to visit my closet. I have great premium designer items from Gucci, Chanel, Dior and Christian Louboutin that I think you’ll love. Bundle your likes to save on shipping and receive a special discount. Happy shopping! 🛍
Feb 16Reply
crowsgrove Good morning Melissa! Thank you so much for liking my handknit headbands. If you were interested in them I have a 15% off discount on 3 or more items.
Feb 22Reply
alessentials Hi! Thank you kindly for your purchase. Kindly let me know which Butterfly Necklace you prefer (please see listing in my closet) as it is your complimentary gift. 😊
Mar 08Reply
cowbrand FYI. My site is on sale so all my Hermes Collection is up for grabs with free shipping - I am closing it down .Have a look .
Mar 17Reply
christstyle Hi Melissa thanks for your like for the ruffle sleeves knit sweater I would like to send you an offer but I have to kindly ask for your decision before midnight May 28 EST because I will be on vacation mode until June 8 Sorry for the inconvenience ☺️ Christine
May 28Reply
firecracker604 hi beautiful welcome to Poshmark!!!🎉🥂🎉🥂🎉🥂 Feel free to check out my closet! Happy poshing!!!❤️❤️❤️
Jun 06Reply
modaboutique170 Hi Melissa thank you so much for checking out my closet. Sent you an offer on the jacket you liked, feel free to contact me with any questions,accepting reasonable offers 🙂
Jun 10Reply
bumblybee19 Hi, I packaged and shipped your bag today! thanks 😊
Jun 10Reply
teresa55poshmar Hi Melissa Would you like to pick a freebie from my closet. Look for 🌟2 for 1🌟. Just comment or like it and I’ll put it in your parcel. Thanks for shopping in my closet!🌝❤️
Jun 22Reply
bajadera @teresa55poshmar that is really kind and sweet - thanks so much. I hope I picked the right thing? The book entitled « the last thing he told me ». Thanks again.
Jun 22Reply
teresa55poshmar @bajadera yes that’s perfect. I just discovered that the straps are tearing away from the purse. Would you be alright with me putting in a nicer Roots crossbody? I’ll put this one in too so you can have it repaired or just use as it. I love Roots so I have several crossbody bags. Brown as well. Sorry about that. You can cancel and Id understand or you can take a chance. I’m a 5🌟Seller and I wouldn’t suggest you take another purse if I didn’t think I could make you happy. 🌝🙃🥰
Jun 22Reply
bajadera @teresa55poshmar that is absolutely ok with me. Thank you for your honesty!
Jun 22Reply
airadian @bajadera Do you want to talk to me?
Jun 29Reply
airadian Bajadera Hi Melissa Can we talk?
Jun 29Reply
bajadera @airadian hello- sorry I missed your message. If you are interested to sell- I am interested in buying. We can arrange a conversation if you wish. I am serious to buy 😊
Jun 29Reply
airadian @bajadera Ok 514-717-5289
Jun 29Reply
bajadera @airadian calling now 👍
Jun 29Reply
hmontimurro Hi Melissa I’m hmontimurro You offered 75$ for the dress I just noticed the zipper is broken I can give you a new zipper but you would need to replace it Let me know Thanks
Jul 25Reply
bajadera @hmontimurro hello! Thank you for your honesty and quick message back. Would you consider $68 with broken zipper? I can try to get it fixed here with new zipper enclosed. If you agree, feel free to counter offer as such.
Jul 25Reply
hmontimurro @bajadera hello thank you for your understanding . I can do 70$ if this works for you . thanks
Jul 25Reply
bajadera @hmontimurro ok! $70 is good for me too. Many thanks!
Jul 25Reply
hmontimurro hello . can't counter offer lower than 76$ . would need to decline or wait to expire than submit another offer .
Jul 25Reply
farina137 hi! just wanted to let you know I'm removing my post for that blazer as my sis took it off my hands this weekend. hope you find another you love!
Jul 27Reply
bellachic2 @bajadera Hi Melissa! Sent you an offer along with discounted shipping of $6.99 for the Navy Satin dress. :) let me know if you have any questions:)
Jul 29Reply
katherinecchu @bajadera Dear thanks for your interest in my hoop earrings. Would you like to check if you like another jewelry from my page to take advantage of 💛2 for $45 ? Otherwise I’m also open to sell the earrings you like alone, feel free to send me an offer💗💞
Aug 02Reply
airadian @bajadera Hi it is Alice again I found the bag of the Gucci purse, let me know if you are interested Thank you
Aug 05Reply
ooloostuff My deepest apologies, I didn’t see your offer on the lovely hat! I have sent another offer, feel free to decline and offer 60. Thanks so much for visiting💕💕
Aug 07Reply
rr767 hi are you interested to the hermes can make a fair offer..
Aug 13Reply
triscuitthrifts Thanks kindly for liking the Eddie Bauer Geddes parka! I sent you a fabulous offer and reduced shipping! Might this work for you?
Nov 09Reply
tradergirllee Hello there thank you for having a look in my closet. I see you liked many things thank you! I am open to offers and bundling let me know. Thank you have a great day! 🌹
Nov 19Reply
cowbrand Hi fro Cowbrand . I interested in my Hermes scarves …… have my card ( on mypost )…..better deals
Nov 27Reply
ppaton Thank you so much for your purchase Melissa, I will get it mailed out in the morning. 😊
Dec 08Reply
christstyle Hi I have dropped the price for this item that you like with $4.99 discount shipping for the next 6 hours Please check it out if you are still interested Thank you and Happy New Year
Jan 01Reply
coreyjamesdavid Hey let me know if you end up wanting to sell the green roots field jacket Cheers !
Jan 06Reply
shopgirl8765 Hi Melissa. Thank you for your like.  I invite you you shop my closet and make an offer.  If you bundle 2 or more items I will offer you 10% off.  Happy Shopping! 
Jan 07Reply
2namedd Hi Melissa. Thank you for the great rating..appreciate it! Enjoy😀 Have a great week.
Jan 17Reply
irishleprechaun ❤️❤️❤️40 Year Collector ❤️❤️❤️ Hi Melissa I’ m new to Poshmark MEGA SALE!! Whole Closet 50% OFF the Prices Listed Make bundle and I’ll adjust to 50% Off Total RARE Collectibles & Autographs Hockey, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Horror, UFC, Wrestling, Celebrities And Much Much More !!
Feb 06Reply
jessi_nc Hey, I am Jessi - one of the top Cdn Poshmark sellers. Further, I have The Jessi_NC Show (& auction) every Mon (Sml to Plus sz clothes) & my huge Fri show (bags + wallets). Also, my broadcasts are hilarious and you dont want to miss out (or miss out on the giveaways lol). All shows start at 4pm/PST and today (our 100 item super sale!!)... the giveaways are 2 Tim's crds & Thierry Rabotin shoes NWT worth $415. Finally, please follow me here @jessi_nc
Mar 11Reply
jessi_nc Hey, its Jessi and I have my Bag & Wallet SUPERSALE today (starting at 4 PM/PDT). Further, MY GIVEAWAYS ARE $1075 Manolo Blahnik shoes (EUC) worth $1075 new & 2 Tim's cards. Finally, I really hope to see you there! THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE OF MY HUGE $$ VALUE GIVEAWAYS... your Posh friend, jessi_nc
Apr 01Reply
jessi_nc Hey, its Jessi and I have my Bag & Wallet Show today (ON NOW). Further, MY GIVEAWAYS ARE CHRISTIAN DIOR, ALEXANDER MCQUEEN, and Tim's gift cards. Also, for sale... I have VALENTINO, LONGCHAMPS, KATE SPADE, MOSCHINO (& MORE)... all at amazing discount prices. I look forward to seeing you there and best wishes for your Easter Weekend. your Posh friend, jessi_nc
Apr 08Reply
chatouvalou Thank you for liking my small business 🫶😉if you have any questions,do not hesitate 😉enjoy the rest of the evening
May 15Reply
janetbratberg Hi. My name is Janet and I am a Poshmark ambassador. Please take a peek at my small closet. I carry a variety of preloved items such as Cleo,  Talbots, J. Crew, Nine West, American Eagle...Old Navy, vintage Puma sneakers and various styles of ladies shoes and sandals. Stunning sleeveless ruffled neck Italian top⚘ Vintage leather jewelery display boxes. Vintage velvet boxes . 😊 Just added vintage/retro necklaces Monk & Lou dress too. If you have any questions about my closet, please, just ask.
Jul 26Reply
browsegoldenbee Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that I’ve added an image to each Emile Henry listing that you ❤️ in my closet - the newly added (last) image shows the matching colours of the bowl & casserole. I did buy them together for serving soups & stews (so thought you might also want to see them together) 😊
Aug 01Reply
modaboutique170 Hi Melissa thank you so much for stopping by and checking out my closet. Sent you an offer on the lovely evening gown you liked. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have . Accepting reasonable counter offer🙂🛍️
Aug 03Reply
modaboutique170 Good news Melissa, it’s CCO today ,poshmark is paying for discounted shipping. Contact me if interested in purchasing the lovely evening gown you liked. I could lower my listing price to $190 and submit to you to purchase and receive the discounted shipping fee paid by poshmark today. Look forward to hearing back from you
Aug 04Reply
modaboutique170 Good news Melissa it’s special CCO today. Contact if interested in the lovely evening gown you liked I’ll lower my listing price to $190 and you’ll be receiving $4.99 discounted shipping today. If interested in any other items I’ll lower my listing price to price we agree on and also receive discounted shipping today Look forward to hearing back from you.
Aug 07Reply
raphaelsib1234 Hi! If you still want the duffle, send me an offer I wasnt in Canada at the time you send me an offer.
Aug 09Reply
janetbratberg Talbots tops just added🌻
Sep 16Reply
call_me_momo Hi Melissa Thank you for your interest in my closet 🩷 ❗️UPDATE❗️ When you visit my closet, kindly note: Changes to your bundles: if you purchase 2 items or more from my closet, you will receive an automatic discount of 15%. I also encourage offers from potential buyers. Please don’t be shy. I’m sure we can always reach an agreement on an offer 🤗 Have fun Poshing and if you have questions, pls feel free to ask. 🛍️🎁♥️ Thanks. ☺️ Momo xx
Oct 03Reply
janetbratberg Hi🌻Please take a minute to check out my selection of handmade bags, totes, makeup/accessory bags and fun shoelaces. Perfect for a small gift or as a stocking stuffer. Quality fabric and notions with lots of fun designs. BAGS BY JANET.
Oct 18Reply
gaylenepaula Hi!I'm ready to accept your offer on the bolsters, but I don't see any "accept offer" buttons. I have 3 more offers identical to yours, but can't accept any afaict. So frustrating!
Dec 11Reply
missleger Hi Melissa, you bought a Vintage Men Robe from me last year. Never happened before but I miss it... if you're still in love, i'm so happy for you, but if one day you have a reposh intention about it, let me know first ok? Thanks :-)
Jan 31Reply
kobal_la Hello Posher, 🌹 I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have valuable brands are Michael Kors, Zara, Adidas, Nike, Gap, etc. Please, feel free to make an offer if you like something from my listing. We hope to meet your expectations. 🦋THANK YOU🦋 💚 🫎KOBAL'LA🫎                                 
Feb 29Reply
meganallen34 Hello! Happy Monday 🌷 It is spring cleaning and I have uploaded some great additions to my closet, including a collection of Tory Burch purses! I would love it if you could check it out 🫶🏼
May 06Reply
bewtefulthreads Welcome to Posh! Come check out my closet. Feel free to send an offer. Also like or bundle and I will send you an offer! I give great bundle discounts. Whether you are here to buy, sell or window shop I hope you enjoy the community of fashion.
Jun 06Reply
queen5151 Hi, thanks for visiting my Poshmark closet. I noticed that you've liked a few of my items. If you create a bundle I will send you an offer. 😊👗👠❤⭐
Jun 10Reply
h371 Thank you very much for the vintage like 🌸 at Community Closet! I will send you an offer in case that is of interest. Take care!
Jun 24Reply
bewtefulthreads Hi. The dress was decreased to trigger CCO today. Price will be going back up just in case you were wondering why it is more.
Jun 29Reply
rfrans Thank you for stopping by my closet and the like on the Burberry shoes. Please send me an offer if interested in purchasing an item. I usually say yes to most reasonable offers or may send a counter offer. I strive to be fair and reasonable, and usually can work towards a purchase that is fair for both of us.
Aug 21Reply
nayeritoutejian Hi Mellissa, thanks for the interest in my closet. I see you love the Ralph Lauren leather jacket. If you’re interested let me now so I can send you an sweet offer with free shipping. Happy thanksgiving ☺️
Oct 14Reply
curated_by_ray Hi Melissa, thanks for your interest on the cool vintage Aquascutum trench coat. We want you to add this beauty to your collection whenever you are ready. All offers are welcome! Thanks again for browsing our closet. Have a great week!
Oct 30Reply
subiyanusrat99 Hi, and welcome to the Poshmark community! I’m a Posh Ambassador and top-rated seller. 🎉 I invite you to explore my closet for handpicked, exclusive items, special offers, and amazing discounts. I look forward to connecting with you soon!
Nov 05Reply
tamara0404 Hi Melissa. Thanks for your order :) Do you mind if I send it to you on Wednesday ? I'm a little busy until then. Tamara
Nov 11Reply
bajadera @tamara0404 no problem 👍🏼
Nov 12Reply
ladydayvintage Hi there, I’m just checking in to see if your package was received and if you’re happy with it. I apologize for the delay! I didn’t think the strike would go on for that long.
Dec 23Reply
poshchiccloset Welcome! Nice to Meet You Fellow Posher, Melissa. Thanks for the ❤️ in my closet. Nice choice! I have sent you an offer for your consideration. Feel free to ask me or any Posher questions. You will find a friendly community and a learning curve! Happy Poshing!
Jan 26Reply
shopaholic656 hi, I listed a few hundred mens designer items today. feel free to take a look. thanks!
Feb 24Reply

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Last Active: 11 hours ago

Strathroy, ON
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Last Active: 11 hours ago

Strathroy, ON
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